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Zope testing helpers

Project description

This package provides a number of testing frameworks.


Provides a mixin class for cleaning up after tests that make global changes.


An HTML parser that extracts form information.

Python 2 only

This is intended to support functional tests that need to extract information from HTML forms returned by the publisher.

See formparser.txt.


Support for testing logging code

If you want to test that your code generates proper log output, you can create and install a handler that collects output.


Logging handler for tests that check logging output.


Lets a doctest pretend to be a Python module.

See module.txt.


Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker. Useful for doctests.


Provides a simple HTTP server compatible with the functional testing API. Lets you interactively play with the system under test. Helpful in debugging functional doctest failures.

Python 2 only


A simple framework for automating doctest set-up and tear-down. See setupstack.txt.


A small utility for dealing with timing non-determinism See wait.txt.

Getting started

zope.testing uses buildout. To start, run python It will create a number of directories and the bin/buildout script. Next, run bin/buildout. It will create a test script for you. Now, run bin/test to run the zope.testing test suite.

Detailed Documentation

Parsing HTML Forms

Sometimes in functional tests, information from a generated form must be extracted in order to re-submit it as part of a subsequent request. The zope.testing.formparser module can be used for this purpose.


formparser doesn’t support Python 3.

The scanner is implemented using the FormParser class. The constructor arguments are the page data containing the form and (optionally) the URL from which the page was retrieved:

>>> import zope.testing.formparser
>>> page_text = '''\
... <html><body>
...   <form name="form1" action="/cgi-bin/" method="POST">
...     <input type="hidden" name="f1" value="today" />
...     <input type="submit" name="do-it-now" value="Go for it!" />
...     <input type="IMAGE" name="not-really" value="Don't."
...            src="dont.png" />
...     <select name="pick-two" size="3" multiple>
...       <option value="one" selected>First</option>
...       <option value="two" label="Second">Another</option>
...       <optgroup>
...         <option value="three">Third</option>
...         <option selected="selected">Fourth</option>
...       </optgroup>
...     </select>
...   </form>
...   Just for fun, a second form, after specifying a base:
...   <base href="" />
...   <form action = 'sproing/sprung.html' enctype="multipart/form">
...     <textarea name="sometext" rows="5">Some text.</textarea>
...     <input type="Image" name="action" value="Do something."
...            src="else.png" />
...     <input type="text" value="" name="multi" size="2" />
...     <input type="text" value="" name="multi" size="3" />
...   </form>
... </body></html>
... '''
>>> parser = zope.testing.formparser.FormParser(page_text)
>>> forms = parser.parse()
>>> len(forms)
>>> forms.form1 is forms[0]
>>> forms.form1 is forms[1]

More often, the parse() convenience function is all that’s needed:

>>> forms = zope.testing.formparser.parse(
...     page_text, "")
>>> len(forms)
>>> forms.form1 is forms[0]
>>> forms.form1 is forms[1]

Once we have the form we’re interested in, we can check form attributes and individual field values:

>>> form = forms.form1
>>> form.enctype
>>> form.method
>>> keys = form.keys()
>>> keys.sort()
>>> keys
['do-it-now', 'f1', 'not-really', 'pick-two']
>>> not_really = form["not-really"]
>>> not_really.type
>>> not_really.value
>>> not_really.readonly
>>> not_really.disabled

Note that relative URLs are converted to absolute URLs based on the <base> element (if present) or using the base passed in to the constructor.

>>> form.action
>>> not_really.src
>>> forms[1].action
>>> forms[1]["action"].src

Fields which are repeated are reported as lists of objects that represent each instance of the field:

>>> field = forms[1]["multi"]
>>> isinstance(field, list)
>>> [o.value for o in field]
['', '']
>>> [o.size for o in field]
[2, 3]

The <textarea> element provides some additional attributes:

>>> ta = forms[1]["sometext"]
>>> print ta.rows
>>> print ta.cols
>>> ta.value
'Some text.'

The <select> element provides access to the options as well:

>>> select = form["pick-two"]
>>> select.multiple
>>> select.size
>>> select.type
>>> select.value
['one', 'Fourth']
>>> options = select.options
>>> len(options)
>>> [opt.label for opt in options]
['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth']
>>> [opt.value for opt in options]
['one', 'two', 'three', 'Fourth']

Support for testing logging code

If you want to test that your code generates proper log output, you can create and install a handler that collects output:

>>> from zope.testing.loggingsupport import InstalledHandler
>>> handler = InstalledHandler('')

The handler is installed into loggers for all of the names passed. In addition, the logger level is set to 1, which means, log everything. If you want to log less than everything, you can provide a level keyword argument. The level setting effects only the named loggers.

>>> import logging
>>> handler_with_levels = InstalledHandler('baz', level=logging.WARNING)

Then, any log output is collected in the handler:

>>> logging.getLogger('').exception('eek')
>>> logging.getLogger('').info('blah blah')
>>> for record in handler.records:
...     print_(, record.levelname)
...     print_(' ', record.getMessage()) ERROR
  eek INFO
  blah blah

A similar effect can be gotten by just printing the handler:

>>> print_(handler) ERROR
  eek INFO
  blah blah

After checking the log output, you need to uninstall the handler:

>>> handler.uninstall()
>>> handler_with_levels.uninstall()

At which point, the handler won’t get any more log output. Let’s clear the handler:

>>> handler.clear()
>>> handler.records

And then log something:

>>> logging.getLogger('').info('blah')

and, sure enough, we still have no output:

>>> handler.records

Regular expression pattern normalizing output checker

The pattern-normalizing output checker extends the default output checker with an option to normalize expected and actual output.

You specify a sequence of patterns and replacements. The replacements are applied to the expected and actual outputs before calling the default outputs checker. Let’s look at an example. In this example, we have some times and addresses:

>>> want = '''\
... <object object at 0xb7f14438>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14440>
... completed in 123.234 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14448>
... completed in .234 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14450>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... '''
>>> got = '''\
... <object object at 0xb7f14458>
... completed in 1.235 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14460>
... completed in 123.233 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14468>
... completed in .231 seconds.
... <object object at 0xb7f14470>
... completed in 1.23 seconds.
... '''

We may wish to consider these two strings to match, even though they differ in actual addresses and times. The default output checker will consider them different:

>>> import doctest
>>> doctest.OutputChecker().check_output(want, got, 0)

We’ll use the zope.testing.renormalizing.OutputChecker to normalize both the wanted and gotten strings to ignore differences in times and addresses:

>>> import re
>>> from zope.testing.renormalizing import OutputChecker
>>> checker = OutputChecker([
...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'), '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
...    ])
>>> checker.check_output(want, got, 0)

Usual OutputChecker options work as expected:

>>> want_ellided = '''\
... <object object at 0xb7f14438>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... ...
... <object object at 0xb7f14450>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... '''
>>> checker.check_output(want_ellided, got, 0)
>>> checker.check_output(want_ellided, got, doctest.ELLIPSIS)

When we get differencs, we output them with normalized text:

>>> source = '''\
... >>> do_something()
... <object object at 0xb7f14438>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... ...
... <object object at 0xb7f14450>
... completed in 1.234 seconds.
... '''
>>> example = doctest.Example(source, want_ellided)
>>> print_(checker.output_difference(example, got, 0))
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
>>> print_(checker.output_difference(example, got,
...                                 doctest.REPORT_NDIFF))
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
    - <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    - completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    - ...
      <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
      completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    + <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    + completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    + <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    + completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.
    + <object object at <SOME ADDRESS>>
    + completed in <SOME NUMBER OF> seconds.

If the wanted text is empty, however, we don’t transform the actual output. This is usful when writing tests. We leave the expected output empty, run the test, and use the actual output as expected, after reviewing it.

>>> source = '''\
... >>> do_something()
... '''
>>> example = doctest.Example(source, '\n')
>>> print_(checker.output_difference(example, got, 0))
    <object object at 0xb7f14458>
    completed in 1.235 seconds.
    <object object at 0xb7f14460>
    completed in 123.233 seconds.
    <object object at 0xb7f14468>
    completed in .231 seconds.
    <object object at 0xb7f14470>
    completed in 1.23 seconds.

If regular expressions aren’t expressive enough, you can use arbitrary Python callables to transform the text. For example, suppose you want to ignore case during comparison:

>>> checker = OutputChecker([
...    lambda s: s.lower(),
...    lambda s: s.replace('<blankline>', '<BLANKLINE>'),
...    ])
>>> want = '''\
... Usage: thundermonkey [options] [url]
... Options:
...     -h    display this help message
... '''
>>> got = '''\
... usage: thundermonkey [options] [URL]
... options:
...     -h    Display this help message
... '''
>>> checker.check_output(want, got, 0)

Suppose we forgot that <BLANKLINE> must be in upper case:

>>> checker = OutputChecker([
...    lambda s: s.lower(),
...    ])
>>> checker.check_output(want, got, 0)

The difference would show us that:

>>> source = '''\
... >>> print_help_message()
... ''' + want
>>> example = doctest.Example(source, want)
>>> print_(checker.output_difference(example, got,
...                                 doctest.REPORT_NDIFF))
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
      usage: thundermonkey [options] [url]
    - <blankline>
          -h    display this help message

It is possible to combine OutputChecker checkers for easy reuse:

>>> address_and_time_checker = OutputChecker([
...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'), '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
...    ])
>>> lowercase_checker = OutputChecker([
...    lambda s: s.lower(),
...    ])
>>> combined_checker = address_and_time_checker + lowercase_checker
>>> len(combined_checker.transformers)

Combining a checker with something else does not work:

>>> lowercase_checker + 5 #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ...

Stack-based test setUp and tearDown

Writing doctest setUp and tearDown functions can be a bit tedious, especially when setUp/tearDown functions are combined.

the zope.testing.setupstack module provides a small framework for automating test tear down. It provides a generic setUp function that sets up a stack. Normal test setUp functions call this function to set up the stack and then use the register function to register tear-down functions.

To see how this works we’ll create a faux test:

>>> class Test:
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.globs = {}
>>> test = Test()

We’ll register some tearDown functions that just print something:

>>> import sys
>>> import zope.testing.setupstack
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.register(
...     test, lambda : sys.stdout.write('td 1\n'))
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.register(
...     test, lambda : sys.stdout.write('td 2\n'))

Now, when we call the tearDown function:

>>> zope.testing.setupstack.tearDown(test)
td 2
td 1

The registered tearDown functions are run. Note that they are run in the reverse order that they were registered.

Extra positional arguments can be passed to register:

>>> zope.testing.setupstack.register(
...    test, lambda x, y, z: sys.stdout.write('%s %s %s\n' % (x, y, z)),
...    1, 2, z=9)
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.tearDown(test)
1 2 9

Temporary Test Directory

Often, tests create files as they demonstrate functionality. They need to arrange for the removeal of these files when the test is cleaned up.

The setUpDirectory function automates this. We’ll get the current directory first:

>>> import os
>>> here = os.getcwd()

We’ll also create a new test:

>>> test = Test()

Now we’ll call the setUpDirectory function:

>>> zope.testing.setupstack.setUpDirectory(test)

We don’t have to call zope.testing.setupstack.setUp, because setUpDirectory calls it for us.

Now the current working directory has changed:

>>> here == os.getcwd()
>>> setupstack_cwd = os.getcwd()

We can create files to out heart’s content:

>>> foo = open('Data.fs', 'w').write('xxx')
>>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(setupstack_cwd, 'Data.fs'))

We’ll make the file read-only. This can cause problems on Windows, but setupstack takes care of that by making files writable before trying to remove them.

>>> import stat
>>> os.chmod('Data.fs', stat.S_IREAD)

On Unix systems, broken symlinks can cause problems because the chmod attempt by the teardown hook will fail; let’s set up a broken symlink as well, and verify the teardown doesn’t break because of that:

>>> if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
...     os.symlink('NotThere', 'BrokenLink')

When tearDown is called:

>>> zope.testing.setupstack.tearDown(test)

We’ll be back where we started:

>>> here == os.getcwd()

and the files we created will be gone (along with the temporary directory that was created:

>>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(setupstack_cwd, 'Data.fs'))

Context-manager support

You can leverage context managers using the contextmanager method. The result of calling the content manager’s __enter__ method will be returned. The context-manager’s __exit__ method will be called as part of test tear down:

>>> class Manager(object):
...     def __enter__(self):
...         print_('enter')
...         return 42
...     def __exit__(self, *args):
...         print_('exit', args)
>>> manager = Manager()
>>> test = Test()
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.context_manager(test, manager)
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.tearDown(test)
exit (None, None, None)


Doctests have globs attributes used to hold test globals. setupstack was originally designed to work with doctests, but can now work with either doctests, or other test objects, as long as the test objects have either a globs attribute or a __dict__ attribute. The zope.testing.setupstack.globs function is used to get the globals for a test object:

>>> zope.testing.setupstack.globs(test) is test.globs

Here, because the test object had a globs attribute, it was returned. Because we used the test object above, it has a setupstack:

>>> '__zope.testing.setupstack' in test.globs

If we remove the globs attribute, the object’s instance dictionary will be used:

>>> del test.globs
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.globs(test) is test.__dict__
>>> zope.testing.setupstack.context_manager(test, manager)
>>> '__zope.testing.setupstack' in test.__dict__

The globs function is used internally, but can also be used by setup code to support either doctests or other test objects.

Wait until a condition holds (or until a time out)

Often, in tests, you need to wait until some condition holds. This may be because you’re testing interaction with an external system or testing threaded (threads, processes, greenlet’s, etc.) interactions.

You can add sleeps to your tests, but it’s often hard to know how long to sleep.

zope.testing.wait provides a convenient way to wait until some condition holds. It will test a condition and, when true, return. It will sleep a short time between tests.

Here’s a silly example, that illustrates it’s use:

>>> from zope.testing.wait import wait
>>> wait(lambda : True)

Since the condition we passed is always True, it returned immediately. If the condition doesn’t hold, then we’ll get a timeout:

>>> wait((lambda : False), timeout=.01)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TimeOutWaitingFor: <lambda>

wait has some keyword options:


How long, in seconds, to wait for the condition to hold

Defaults to 9 seconds.


How long to wait between calls.

Defaults to .01 seconds.


A message (or other data) to pass to the timeout exception.

This defaults to None. If this is false, then the callable’s doc string or __name__ is used.

wait can be used as a decorator:

>>> @wait
... def ok():
...     return True
>>> @wait(timeout=.01)
... def no_way():
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
TimeOutWaitingFor: no_way
>>> @wait(timeout=.01)
... def no_way():
...     "never true"
Traceback (most recent call last):
TimeOutWaitingFor: never true


wait is an instance of Wait. With Wait, you can create you’re own custom wait utilities. For example, if you’re testing something that uses getevent, you’d want to use gevent’s sleep function:

>>> import zope.testing.wait
>>> wait = zope.testing.wait.Wait(getsleep=lambda : gevent.sleep)

Wait takes a number of customization parameters:


Timeout exception class


Function used to get a function for getting the current time.

Default: lambda : time.time


Function used to get a sleep function.

Default: lambda : time.sleep


Default timeout

Default: 9


Default time to wait between attempts

Default: .01

zope.testing Changelog

4.1.2 (2013-02-19)

  • Adjusted Trove classifiers to reflect the currently supported Python versions. Officially drop Python 2.4 and 2.5. Added Python 3.3.

  • LP: #1055720: Fix failing test on Python 3.3 due to changed exception messaging.

4.1.1 (2012-02-01)

  • Fixed: Windows test failure.

4.1.0 (2012-01-29)

  • Added context-manager support to zope.testing.setupstack

  • Made zope.testing.setupstack usable with all tests, not just doctests and added zope.testing.setupstack.globs, which makes it easier to write test setup code that workes with doctests and other kinds of tests.

  • Added the wait module, which makes it easier to deal with non-deterministic timing issues.

  • Renamed zope.testing.renormalizing.RENormalizing to zope.testing.renormalizing.OutputChecker. The old name is an alias.

  • Updated tests to run with Python 3.

  • More clearly labeled which features were supported by Python 3.

  • Reorganized documentation.

4.0.0 (2011-11-09)

  • Removes the deprecated zope.testing.doctest.

  • Adds Python 3 support.

  • Fixed test which fails if there is a file named Data.fs in the current working directory.

3.10.2 (2010-11-30)

  • Fix test of broken symlink handling to not break on Windows.

3.10.1 (2010-11-29)

  • Fix removal of broken symlinks on Unix.

3.10.0 (2010-07-21)

  • Removed zope.testing.testrunner, which now is moved to zope.testrunner.

  • Update fix for LP #221151 to a spelling compatible with Python 2.4.

3.9.5 (2010-05-19)

  • LP #579019: When layers were run in parallel, their tearDown was not called. Additionally, the first layer which was run in the main thread did not have it’s tearDown called either.

  • Deprecated zope.testing.testrunner and zope.testing.exceptions. They have been moved to a separate zope.testrunner module, and will be removed from zope.testing in 4.0.0, together with zope.testing.doctest.

3.9.4 (2010-04-13)

  • LP #560259: Fix subunit output formatter to handle layer setup errors.

  • LP #399394: Added a --stop-on-error / --stop / -x option to the testrunner.

  • LP #498162: Added a --pdb alias for the existing --post-mortem / -D option to the testrunner.

  • LP #547023: Added a --version option to the testrunner.

  • Added tests for LP #144569 and #69988.

3.9.3 (2010-03-26)

  • zope.testing.renormalizer no longer imports zope.testing.doctest, which caused deprecation warnings.

  • Fix testrunner-layers-ntd.txt to suppress output to sys.stderr.

  • Suppress zope.testing.doctest deprecation warning when running zope.testing’s own test suite.

3.9.2 (2010-03-15)

  • Fixed broken from zope.testing.doctest import *

3.9.1 (2010-03-15)

  • No changes; reuploaded to fix broken 3.9.0 release on PyPI.

3.9.0 (2010-03-12)

  • Modified the testrunner to use the standard Python doctest module instead of the deprecated zope.testing.doctest.

  • Fix testrunner-leaks.txt to use the run_internal helper, so that sys.exit() isn’t triggered during the test run.

  • Added support for conditionally using a subunit-based output formatter upon request if subunit and testtools are available. Patch contributed by Jonathan Lange.

3.8.7 (2010-01-26)

  • Downgraded the zope.testing.doctest deprecation warning into a PendingDeprecationWarning.

3.8.6 (2009-12-23)

  • Added and reuploaded to fix broken 3.8.5 release on PyPI.

3.8.5 (2009-12-23)

  • Added DocFileSuite, DocTestSuite, debug_src and debug back BBB imports back into zope.testing.doctestunit; apparently many packages still import them from there!

  • Made zope.testing.doctest and zope.testing.doctestunit emit deprecation warnings: use the stdlib doctest instead.

3.8.4 (2009-12-18)

  • Fixed missing imports and undefined variables reported by pyflakes, adding tests to exercise the blind spots.

  • Cleaned up unused imports reported by pyflakes.

  • Added two new options to generate randomly ordered list of tests and to select a specific order of tests.

  • RENormalizing checkers can be combined via + now: checker1 + checker2 creates a checker with the transformations of both checkers.

  • Test fixes for Python 2.7.

3.8.3 (2009-09-21)

  • Avoid a split() call or we get test failures when running from a directory with spaces in it.

  • Fix testrunner behavior on Windows for -j2 (or greater) combined with -v (or greater).

3.8.2 (2009-09-15)

  • Removing hotshot profiler when using Python 2.6. That makes zope.testing compatible with Python 2.6

3.8.1 (2009-08-12)

  • Avoid hardcoding sys.argv[0] as script; allow, for instance, Zope 2’s bin/instance test (LP#407916).

  • Produce a clear error message when a subprocess doesn’t follow the zope.testing.testrunner protocol (LP#407916).

  • Do not unnecessarily squelch verbose output in a subprocess when there are not multiple subprocesses.

  • Do not unnecessarily batch subprocess output, which can stymie automated and human processes for identifying hung tests.

  • Include incremental output when there are multiple subprocesses and a verbosity of -vv or greater is requested. This again is not batched, supporting automated processes and humans looking for hung tests.

3.8.0 (2009-07-24)

  • Testrunner automatically picks up descendants of unittest.TestCase in test modules, so you don’t have to provide a test_suite() anymore.

3.7.7 (2009-07-15)

  • Clean up support for displaying tracebacks with supplements by turning it into an always-enabled feature and making the dependency on zope.exceptions explicit.

  • Fix #251759: Test runner descended into directories that aren’t Python packages.

  • Code cleanups.

3.7.6 (2009-07-02)

  • Add zope-testrunner console_scripts entry point. This exposes a zope-testrunner binary with default installs allowing the testrunner to be run from the command line.

3.7.5 (2009-06-08)

  • Fix bug when running subprocesses on Windows.

  • The option REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE (command line option “-1”) is now respected even when a doctest declares its own REPORTING_FLAGS, such as REPORT_NDIFF.

  • Fixed bug that broke readline with pdb when using doctest (see

  • Made tests pass on Windows and Linux at the same time.

3.7.4 (2009-05-01)

  • Filenames of doctest examples now contain the line number and not only the example number. So a stack trace in pdb tells the exact line number of the current example. This fixes

  • Colorization of doctest output correctly handles blank lines.

3.7.3 (2009-04-22)

  • Better deal with rogue threads by always exiting with status so even spinning daemon threads won’t block the runner from exiting. This deprecated the --with-exit-status option.

3.7.2 (2009-04-13)

  • fix test failure on Python 2.4 because of slight difference in the way coverage is reported (__init__ files with only a single comment line are now not reported)

  • fixed bug that caused the test runner to hang when running subprocesses (as a result Python 2.3 is no longer supported).

  • there is apparently a bug in Python 2.6 (related to that causes the profile tests to fail.

  • added explanitory notes to buildout.cfg about how to run the tests with multiple versions of Python

3.7.1 (2008-10-17)

  • The setupstack temporary-directory support now properly handles read-only files by making them writable before removing them.

3.7.0 (2008-09-22)

  • Added an alterate setuptools / distutils commands for running all tests using our testrunner. See ‘zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:ftest’.

  • Added a setuptools-compatible test loader which skips tests with layers: the testrunner used by ‘ test’ doesn’t know about them, and those tests then fail. See ‘zope.testing.testrunner.eggsupport:SkipLayers’.

  • Added support for Jython, when a garbage collector call is sent.

  • Added support to bootstrap on Jython.

  • Fixed NameError in StartUpFailure.

  • Open doctest files in universal mode, so that packages released on Windows can be tested on Linux, for example.

3.6.0 (2008/07/10)

  • Added -j option to parallel tests run in subprocesses.

  • RENormalizer accepts plain Python callables.

  • Added –slow-test option.

  • Added –no-progress and –auto-progress options.

  • Complete refactoring of the test runner into multiple code files and a more modular (pipeline-like) architecture.

  • Unified unit tests with the layer support by introducing a real unit test layer.

  • Added a doctest for zope.testing.module. There were several bugs that were fixed:

    • README.txt was a really bad default argument for the module name, as it is not a proper dotted name. The code would immediately fail as it would look for the txt module in the README package. The default is now __main__.

    • The tearDown function did not clean up the __name__ entry in the global dictionary.

  • Fix a bug that caused a SubprocessError to be generated if a subprocess sent any output to stderr.

  • Fix a bug that caused the unit tests to be skipped if run in a subprocess.

3.5.1 (2007/08/14)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Post-mortem debugging wasn’t invoked for layer-setup failures.

3.5.0 (2007/07/19)

New Features

  • The test runner now works on Python 2.5.

  • Added support for cProfile.

  • Added output colorizing (-c option).

  • Added –hide-secondary-failures and –show-secondary-failures options (

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix some problems with Unicode in doctests.

  • Fix “Error reading from subprocess” errors on Unix-like systems.

3.4 (2007/03/29)

New Features

  • Added exit-with-status support (supports use with buildbot and zc.recipe.testing)

  • Added a small framework for automating set up and tear down of doctest tests. See setupstack.txt.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix testrunner-wo-source.txt and testrunner-errors.txt to run with a read-only source tree.

3.0 (2006/09/20)

  • Updated the doctest copy with text-file encoding support.

  • Added logging-level support to loggingsuppport module.

  • At verbosity-level 1, dots are not output continuously, without any line breaks.

  • Improved output when the inability to tear down a layer causes tests to be run in a subprocess.

  • Made zope.exception required only if the zope_tracebacks extra is requested.

2.x.y (???)

  • Fix the test coverage. If a module, for example interfaces, was in an ignored directory/package, then if a module of the same name existed in a covered directory/package, then it was also ignored there, because the ignore cache stored the result by module name and not the filename of the module.

2.0 (2006/01/05)

  • Corresponds to the version of the zope.testing package shipped as part of the Zope 3.2.0 release.

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