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Programmable web browser for functional black-box testing of web applications

Project description


The zc.testbrowser package provides web user agents (browsers) with
programmatic interfaces designed to be used for testing web applications,
especially in conjunction with doctests.

There are currently two type of testbrowser provided. One for accessing web
sites via HTTP (zc.testbrowser.browser) and one that controls a Firefox web
browser (zc.testbrowser.real). All flavors of testbrowser have the same API.

This project originates in the Zope 3 community, but is not Zope-specific (the
zc namespace package stands for "Zope Corporation").


zc.testbrowser.real requires 0.1.8 of MozLab. 0.1.9 does not work
because of changes in the API.


1.0a3 (2008-03-06)

- Break out some interfaces so the various Browser implementations can tell fewer

- Make waiting for asynchronous events (like page loads) explicit.

1.0a2 (2008-02-15)

- Bugfix: removed pdb invocation on javascript error

- Bugfix: text content types where wrapped in html tags in testbrowser.real

- Bugfix: getLink did not wait until page is loaded in testbrowser.real

1.0a1 (2007-09-28)

- First release under new name (non Zope-specific code extracted from
.. contents::

Detailed Documentation

Before being of much interest, we need to open a web page. ``Browser``
instances have a ``base`` attribute that sets the URL from which ``open``-ed
URLs are relative. This lets you target tests at servers running in various,
or even variable locations (like using randomly chosen ports).

>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.base = 'http://localhost:%s/' % TEST_PORT
>>> browser.url

Once you have opened a web page initially, best practice for writing
testbrowser doctests suggests using 'click' to navigate further (as discussed
below), except in unusual circumstances.

The test browser complies with the IBrowser interface; see
``zc.testbrowser.interfaces`` for full details on the interface.

>>> import zc.testbrowser.interfaces
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IBrowser.providedBy(browser)
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IBrowser, browser)

Page Contents

The contents of the current page are available:

>>> browser.contents
'...<h1>Simple Page</h1>...'

Note: Unfortunately, ellipsis (...) cannot be used at the beginning of the
output (this is a limitation of doctest).

Making assertions about page contents is easy.

>>> '<h1>Simple Page</h1>' in browser.contents

Checking for HTML

Not all URLs return HTML. Of course our simple page does:

>>> browser.isHtml

But if we load an image (or other binary file), we do not get HTML:

>>> browser.isHtml

Text types are also handled.

>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents
Some text
>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

HTML Page Title

Another useful helper property is the title:

>>> browser.title
'Simple Page'

If a page does not provide a title, it is simply ``None``:

>>> browser.title

However, if the output is not HTML, then an error will occur trying to access
the title:

>>> browser.title
Traceback (most recent call last):
BrowserStateError: not viewing HTML

Navigation and Link Objects

If you want to simulate clicking on a link, get the link and call its `click`
method. In the `navigate.html` file there are several links set up to
demonstrate the capabilities of the link objects and their `click` method.

The simplest way to get a link is via the anchor text. In other words
the text you would see in a browser:

>>> browser.contents
'...<a href="target.html">Link Text</a>...'
>>> link = browser.getLink('Link Text')
>>> link
<Link text='Link Text' url='http://localhost:.../target.html'>

Link objects comply with the ILink interface.

>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.ILink, link)

Links expose several attributes for easy access.

>>> link.text
'Link Text'

Links can be "clicked" and the browser will navigate to the referenced URL.

>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.url
>>> browser.contents
'...This page is the target of a link...'

When finding a link by its text, whitespace is normalized.

>>> browser.contents
'...> Link Text \n with Whitespace\tNormalization (and parens) </...'
>>> link = browser.getLink('Link Text with Whitespace Normalization '
... '(and parens)')
>>> link
<Link text='Link Text with Whitespace Normalization (and parens)'...>
>>> link.text
'Link Text with Whitespace Normalization (and parens)'
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.url

When a link text matches more than one link, by default the first one is
chosen. You can, however, specify the index of the link and thus retrieve a
later matching link:

>>> browser.getLink('Link Text')
<Link text='Link Text' ...>

>>> browser.getLink('Link Text', index=1)
<Link text='Link Text with Whitespace Normalization (and parens)' ...>

Note that clicking a link object after its browser page has expired will
generate an error.

Traceback (most recent call last):

You can also find links by URL,

>>> browser.getLink(url='target.html').click()
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.url

or its id:

>>> browser.contents
'...<a href="target.html" id="anchorid">By Anchor Id</a>...'

>>> browser.getLink(id='anchorid').click()
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.url

You thought we were done here? Not so quickly. The `getLink` method also
supports image maps, though not by specifying the coordinates, but using the
area's id:

>>> link = browser.getLink(id='zope3')
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.url

Getting a nonexistent link raises an exception.

>>> browser.getLink('This does not exist')
Traceback (most recent call last):

Other Navigation

Like in any normal browser, you can reload a page:

>>> browser.url
>>> browser.reload()
>>> browser.url

You can also go back:

>>> browser.url
>>> browser.goBack()
>>> browser.url


One of the most important features of the browser is the ability to inspect
and fill in values for the controls of input forms. To do so, let's first open
a page that has a bunch of controls:


Obtaining a Control

You look up browser controls with the 'getControl' method. The default first
argument is 'label', and looks up the form on the basis of any associated

>>> control = browser.getControl('Text Control')
>>> control
<Control name='text-value' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl(label='Text Control') # equivalent
<Control name='text-value' type='text'>

If you request a control that doesn't exist, the code raises a LookupError:

>>> browser.getControl('Does Not Exist')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: label 'Does Not Exist'

If you request a control with an ambiguous lookup, the code raises an

>>> browser.getControl('Ambiguous Control')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: label 'Ambiguous Control'

This is also true if an option in a control is ambiguous in relation to
the control itself.

>>> browser.getControl('Sub-control Ambiguity')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: label 'Sub-control Ambiguity'

Ambiguous controls may be specified using an index value. We use the control's
value attribute to show the two controls; this attribute is properly introduced

>>> browser.getControl('Ambiguous Control', index=0)
<Control name='ambiguous-control-name' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl('Ambiguous Control', index=0).value
>>> browser.getControl('Ambiguous Control', index=1).value
>>> browser.getControl('Sub-control Ambiguity', index=0)
<ListControl name='ambiguous-subcontrol' type='select'>
>>> browser.getControl('Sub-control Ambiguity', index=1).optionValue

Label searches are against stripped, whitespace-normalized, no-tag versions of
the text. Text applied to searches is also stripped and whitespace normalized.
The search finds results if the text search finds the whole words of your
text in a label. Thus, for instance, a search for 'Add' will match the label
'Add a Client' but not 'Address'. Case is honored.

>>> browser.getControl('Label Needs Whitespace Normalization')
<Control name='label-needs-normalization' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl('label needs whitespace normalization')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: label 'label needs whitespace normalization'
>>> browser.getControl(' Label Needs Whitespace ')
<Control name='label-needs-normalization' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl('Whitespace')
<Control name='label-needs-normalization' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl('hitespace')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: label 'hitespace'
>>> browser.getControl('[non word characters should not confuse]')
<Control name='non-word-characters' type='text'>

Multiple labels can refer to the same control (simply because that is possible
in the HTML 4.0 spec).

>>> browser.getControl('Multiple labels really')
<Control name='two-labels' type='text'>

>>> browser.getControl('really are possible')
<Control name='two-labels' type='text'>

>>> browser.getControl('really') # OK: ambiguous labels, but not ambiguous control
<Control name='two-labels' type='text'>

A label can be connected with a control using the 'for' attribute and also by
containing a control.

>>> browser.getControl(
... 'Labels can be connected by containing their respective fields')
<Control name='contained-in-label' type='text'>

Get also accepts one other search argument, 'name'. Only one of 'label' and
'name' may be used at a time. The 'name' keyword searches form field names.

>>> browser.getControl(name='text-value')
<Control name='text-value' type='text'>
>>> browser.getControl(name='ambiguous-control-name')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: name 'ambiguous-control-name'
>>> browser.getControl(name='does-not-exist')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LookupError: name 'does-not-exist'
>>> browser.getControl(name='ambiguous-control-name', index=1).value

Combining 'label' and 'name' raises a ValueError, as does supplying neither of

>>> browser.getControl(label='Ambiguous Control', name='ambiguous-control-name')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Supply one and only one of "label" and "name" as arguments
>>> browser.getControl()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Supply one and only one of "label" and "name" as arguments

Radio and checkbox fields are unusual in that their labels and names may point
to different objects: names point to logical collections of radio buttons or
checkboxes, but labels may only be used for individual choices within the
logical collection. This means that obtaining a radio button by label gets a
different object than obtaining the radio collection by name. Select options
may also be searched by label.

>>> browser.getControl(name='radio-value')
<ListControl name='radio-value' type='radio'>
>>> browser.getControl('Zwei')
<ItemControl name='radio-value' type='radio' optionValue='2' selected=True>
>>> browser.getControl('One')
<ItemControl name='multi-checkbox-value' type='checkbox' optionValue='1' selected=True>
>>> browser.getControl('Tres')
<ItemControl name='single-select-value' type='select' optionValue='3' selected=False>

Characteristics of controls and subcontrols are discussed below.

Control Objects

Controls provide IControl.

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Text Control')
>>> ctrl
<Control name='text-value' type='text'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl, ctrl)

They have several useful attributes:

- the name as which the control is known to the form:


- the value of the control, which may also be set:

>>> ctrl.value
'Some Text'
>>> ctrl.value = 'More Text'
>>> ctrl.value
'More Text'

- the type of the control:

>>> ctrl.type

- a flag describing whether the control is disabled:

>>> ctrl.disabled

- and a flag to tell us whether the control can have multiple values:

>>> ctrl.multiple

Additionally, controllers for select, radio, and checkbox provide IListControl.
These fields have four other attributes and an additional method:

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Multiple Select Control')

>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='multi-select-value' type='select'>
>>> ctrl.disabled

>>> ctrl.multiple

>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)

- 'options' lists all available value options.

>>> [unicode(o) for o in ctrl.options]
[u'1', u'2', u'3']

- 'displayOptions' lists all available options by label. The 'label'
attribute on an option has precedence over its contents, which is why
our last option is 'Third' in the display.

>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['Un', 'Deux', 'Third']

- 'displayValue' lets you get and set the displayed values of the control
of the select box, rather than the actual values.

>>> ctrl.value
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Un', 'Deux']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
['Un', 'Deux']
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
[u'1', u'2']

- 'controls' gives you a list of the subcontrol objects in the control
(subcontrols are discussed below).

>>> ctrl.controls
[<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='1' selected=True>,
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='2' selected=True>,
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='3' selected=False>]

- The 'getControl' method lets you get subcontrols by their label or their value.

>>> ctrl.getControl('Un')
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='1' selected=True>
>>> ctrl.getControl('Deux')
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='2' selected=True>
>>> ctrl.getControl('Trois') # label attribute
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='3' selected=False>
>>> ctrl.getControl('Third') # contents
<ItemControl name='multi-select-value' type='select' optionValue='3' selected=False>
>>> browser.getControl('Third') # ambiguous in the browser, so useful
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: label 'Third'

Finally, submit controls provide ISubmitControl, and image controls provide
IImageSubmitControl, which extents ISubmitControl. These both simply add a
'click' method. For image submit controls, you may also provide a coordinates
argument, which is a tuple of (x, y). These submit the forms, and are
demonstrated below as we examine each control individually.

ItemControl Objects

As introduced briefly above, using labels to obtain elements of a logical
radio button or checkbox collection returns item controls, which are parents.
Manipulating the value of these controls affects the parent control.

>>> [unicode(v) for v in browser.getControl(name='radio-value').value]
>>> browser.getControl('Zwei').optionValue # read-only.
>>> browser.getControl('Zwei').selected

>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IItemControl,
... browser.getControl('Zwei'))
>>> browser.getControl('Ein').selected
>>> browser.getControl('Ein').selected = True
>>> browser.getControl('Ein').selected

Of course at this point the previously selected "Zwei" will be unselected
since only one radio button can be selected.

>>> browser.getControl('Zwei').selected

>>> browser.getControl('Zwei').selected
>>> [unicode(v) for v in browser.getControl(name='radio-value').value]

This test is not valid because it is impossible (with the browser) to
unselect a radio box ... one radio box (must always remain selected). This
used to be a test for mechanize and used to pass because mechanize didn't
realize. And by running the level 3 tests we are running these tests
under both mechanize and the "real" browser testing.

browser.getControl('Ein').selected = False


>>> browser.getControl('Zwei').selected = True

Checkbox collections behave similarly, as shown below.

Controls with subcontrols--

Various Controls

The various types of controls are demonstrated here.

- Text Control

The text control we already introduced above.

- Password Control

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Password Control')
>>> ctrl
<Control name='password-value' type='password'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
>>> ctrl.value = 'pass now'
>>> ctrl.value
'pass now'
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

- Hidden Control

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='hidden-value')
>>> ctrl
<Control name='hidden-value' type='hidden'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
>>> ctrl.value = 'More Hidden'
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

- Text Area Control

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Text Area Control')
>>> ctrl
<Control name='textarea-value' type='textarea'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
' Text inside\n area!\n '
>>> ctrl.value = 'A lot of\n text.'
>>> ctrl.value
'A lot of\n text.'
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

- File Control

File controls are used when a form has a file-upload field.
To specify data, call the add_file method, passing:

- A file-like object

- a content type, and

- a file name

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('File Control')
>>> ctrl
<Control name='file-value' type='file'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value is None
>>> import cStringIO

>>> ctrl.add_file(cStringIO.StringIO('File contents'),
... 'text/plain', 'test.txt')

The file control (like the other controls) also knows if it is disabled
or if it can have multiple values.

>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

- Selection Control (Single-Valued)

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Single Select Control')
>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='single-select-value' type='select'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
>>> ctrl.value = ['2']
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple
>>> [unicode(o) for o in ctrl.options]
[u'1', u'2', u'3']
>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['Uno', 'Dos', 'Third']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Tres']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Dos']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Third']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]

- Selection Control (Multi-Valued)

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Multiple Select Control')
>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='multi-select-value' type='select'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
[u'1', u'2']
>>> ctrl.value = ['1', '3']
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.displayValue]
[u'Un', u'Third']

- Checkbox Control (Single-Valued; Unvalued)

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='single-unvalued-checkbox-value')
>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='single-unvalued-checkbox-value' type='checkbox'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
>>> ctrl.value = False
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple
>>> ctrl.options
>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['Single Unvalued Checkbox']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> verifyObject(
... zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IItemControl,
... browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox'))
>>> browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox').optionValue
>>> browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox').selected
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Single Unvalued Checkbox']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
['Single Unvalued Checkbox']
>>> browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox').selected
>>> browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox').selected = False
>>> browser.getControl('Single Unvalued Checkbox').selected
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> browser.getControl(
... name='single-disabled-unvalued-checkbox-value').disabled

- Checkbox Control (Single-Valued, Valued)

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='single-valued-checkbox-value')
>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='single-valued-checkbox-value' type='checkbox'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
>>> ctrl.value = []
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple
>>> [unicode(o) for o in ctrl.options]
>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['Single Valued Checkbox']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
>>> verifyObject(
... zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IItemControl,
... browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox'))
>>> browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox').selected
>>> browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox').optionValue
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Single Valued Checkbox']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
['Single Valued Checkbox']
>>> browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox').selected
>>> browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox').selected = False
>>> browser.getControl('Single Valued Checkbox').selected
>>> ctrl.displayValue

- Checkbox Control (Multi-Valued)

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='multi-checkbox-value')
>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='multi-checkbox-value' type='checkbox'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
[u'1', u'3']
>>> ctrl.value = ['1', '2']
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple
>>> [unicode(o) for o in ctrl.options]
[u'1', u'2', u'3']
>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['One', 'Two', 'Three']
>>> ctrl.displayValue
['One', 'Two']
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Two']
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
>>> browser.getControl('Two').optionValue
>>> browser.getControl('Two').selected
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IItemControl,
... browser.getControl('Two'))
>>> browser.getControl('Three').selected = True
>>> browser.getControl('Three').selected
>>> browser.getControl('Two').selected
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
[u'2', u'3']
>>> browser.getControl('Two').selected = False
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
>>> browser.getControl('Three').selected = False
>>> ctrl.value

- Radio Control

This is how you get a radio button based control:

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='radio-value')

This shows the existing value of the control, as it was in the
HTML received from the server:

>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]

We can then unselect it:

>>> ctrl.value = []
>>> ctrl.value

We can also reselect it:

>>> ctrl.value = ['2']
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]

displayValue shows the text the user would see next to the

>>> ctrl.displayValue

This is just unit testing:

>>> ctrl
<ListControl name='radio-value' type='radio'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IListControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple
>>> [unicode(o) for o in ctrl.options]
[u'1', u'2', u'3']
>>> ctrl.displayOptions
['Ein', 'Zwei', 'Drei']
>>> ctrl.displayValue = ['Ein']
>>> [unicode(v) for v in ctrl.value]
>>> ctrl.displayValue

The radio control subcontrols were illustrated above.

- Image Control

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='image-value')
>>> ctrl
<ImageControl name='image-value' type='image'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IImageSubmitControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

- Submit Control

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='submit-value')
>>> ctrl
<SubmitControl name='submit-value' type='submit'>

>>> browser.getControl('Submit This') # value of submit button is a label
<SubmitControl name='submit-value' type='submit'>
>>> browser.getControl('Standard Submit Control') # label tag is legal
<SubmitControl name='submit-value' type='submit'>

>>> browser.getControl('Submit') # multiple labels, but same control
<SubmitControl name='submit-value' type='submit'>
>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.ISubmitControl, ctrl)
>>> ctrl.value
'Submit This'
>>> ctrl.disabled
>>> ctrl.multiple

Using Submitting Controls

Both the submit and image type should be clickable and submit the form:

>>> browser.getControl('Text Control').value = 'Other Text'
>>> browser.getControl('Submit').click()
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['Other Text']..."

Note that if you click a submit object after the associated page has expired,
you will get an error.

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl('Submit')
Traceback (most recent call last):

All the above also holds true for the image control:

>>> browser.getControl('Text Control').value = 'Other Text'
>>> browser.getControl(name='image-value').click()
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['Other Text']..."

>>> ctrl = browser.getControl(name='image-value')
Traceback (most recent call last):

But when sending an image, you can also specify the coordinate you clicked:

# >>>'controls.html')
# >>> browser.getControl(name='image-value').click((50,25))
# >>> browser.contents
# "...'image-value.x': ['50']...'image-value.y': ['25']..."


Because pages can have multiple forms with like-named controls, it is sometimes
necessary to access forms by name or id. The browser's `forms` attribute can
be used to do so. The key value is the form's name or id. If more than one
form has the same name or id, the first one will be returned.

>>> form = browser.getForm(name='one')

Form instances conform to the IForm interface.

>>> verifyObject(zc.testbrowser.interfaces.IForm, form)

The form exposes several attributes related to forms:

- The name of the form:

>>> unicode(

- The id of the form:

>>> unicode(

- The action (target URL) when the form is submitted:

>>> unicode(form.action)

- The method (HTTP verb) used to transmit the form data:

>>> unicode(form.method)

- The encoding type of the form data:

>>> unicode(form.enctype)

Besides those attributes, you have also a couple of methods. Like for the
browser, you can get control objects, but limited to the current form...

>>> form.getControl(name='text-value')
<Control name='text-value' type='text'>

...and submit the form.

>>> form.submit('Submit')
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['First Text']..."

Submitting also works without specifying a control, as shown below, which is
it's primary reason for existing in competition with the control submission
discussed above.

Now let me show you briefly that looking up forms is sometimes important. In
the `forms.html` template, we have four forms all having a text control named
`text-value`. Now, if I use the browser's `get` method,

>>> browser.getControl(name='text-value')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: name 'text-value'
>>> browser.getControl('Text Control')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AmbiguityError: label 'Text Control'

I'll always get an ambiguous form field. I can use the index argument, or
with the `getForm` method I can disambiguate by searching only within a given

>>> form = browser.getForm('2')
>>> form.getControl(name='text-value').value
'Second Text'
>>> form.submit('Submit')
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['Second Text']..."
>>> form = browser.getForm('2')
>>> form.getControl('Submit').click()
>>> browser.wait()
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['Second Text']..."
>>> browser.getForm('3').getControl('Text Control').value
'Third Text'

The last form on the page does not have a name, an id, or a submit button.
Working with it is still easy, thanks to a index attribute that guarantees
order. (Forms without submit buttons are sometimes useful for JavaScript.)

>>> form = browser.getForm(index=3)
>>> form.submit()
>>> browser.contents
"...'text-value': ['Fourth Text']..."

If a form is requested that does not exists, an exception will be raised.

>>> form = browser.getForm('does-not-exist')
Traceback (most recent call last):

If the HTML page contains only one form, no arguments to `getForm` are

>>> browser.getForm()
<zc.testbrowser...Form object at ...>

If the HTML page contains more than one form, `index` is needed to
disambiguate if no other arguments are provided:

>>> browser.getForm()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: if no other arguments are given, index is required.


Instances of the various objects ensure that users don't set incorrect
instance attributes accidentally.

>>> browser.nonexistant = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Browser' object has no attribute 'nonexistant'

>>> form.nonexistant = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Form' object has no attribute 'nonexistant'

>>> control.nonexistant = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Control' object has no attribute 'nonexistant'

>>> link.nonexistant = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'Link' object has no attribute 'nonexistant'

Fixed Bugs

This section includes tests for bugs that were found and then fixed that don't
fit into the more documentation-centric sections above.

Spaces in URL

When URLs have spaces in them, they're handled correctly (before the bug was
fixed, you'd get "ValueError: too many values to unpack"):

>>> browser.getLink('Spaces in the URL').click()
>>> browser.wait()

.goBack() Truncation

The .goBack() method used to truncate the .contents.

>>> actual_length = len(browser.contents)

>>> browser.goBack()
>>> len(browser.contents) == actual_length


Benji York created testbrowser (originally zope.testbrowser) in 2005 with Gary
Poster and Stephan Richter making large contributions.

The zc.testbrowser.real version was conceptualized by Benji York in 2007 and
after an initial implementation sketch, brought to fruition by Stephan Richter,
Rocky Burt, Justas Sadzevicius, and others at the Foliage Zope 3 sprint in Boston, MA
during the week of September 24, 2007.

There have been many other contributions from users of testbrowser that are
greatly appreciated.

Project details

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Source Distribution

zc.testbrowser-1.0.0a3-dev.tar.gz (52.8 kB view hashes)

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