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Queues that are optimized for persistency via the ZODB.

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Persistent Queues

Persistent queues are simply queues that are optimized for persistency via the ZODB. They assume that the ZODB is using MVCC to avoid read conflicts. They attempt to resolve write conflicts so that transactions that add and remove objects simultaneously are merged, unless the transactions are trying to remove the same value from the queue.

An important characteristic of these queues is that they do not expect to hold more than one reference to any given equivalent item at a time. For instance, some of the conflict resolution features will not perform desirably if it is reasonable for your application to hold two copies of the string “hello” within the same queue at once [1].

The module provides two flavors: a simple persistent queue that keeps all contained objects in one persistent object (Queue), and a persistent queue that divides up its contents into multiple composite elements (CompositeQueue). They should be equivalent in terms of API and so are mostly examined in the abstract in this document: we’ll generate instances with a representative Queue factory, that could be either class. They only differ in an aspect of their write conflict resolution behavior, which is discussed below.

Queues can be instantiated with no arguments.

>>> q = Queue()
>>> from zc.queue.interfaces import IQueue
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> verifyObject(IQueue, q)

The basic API is simple: use put to add items to the back of the queue, and pull to pull things off the queue, defaulting to the front of the queue. Note that Item could be either persistent or non persistent object.

>>> q.put(Item(1))
>>> q.put(Item(2))
>>> q.pull()
>>> q.put(Item(3))
>>> q.pull()
>>> q.pull()

The pull method takes an optional zero-based index argument, and can accept negative values.

>>> q.put(Item(4))
>>> q.put(Item(5))
>>> q.put(Item(6))
>>> q.pull(-1)
>>> q.pull(1)
>>> q.pull(0)

Requesting an item from an empty queue raises an IndexError.

>>> q.pull() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: ...

Requesting an invalid index value does the same.

>>> q.put(Item(7))
>>> q.put(Item(8))
>>> q.pull(2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: ...

Beyond these core queue operations, queues support len…

>>> len(q)
>>> q.pull()
>>> len(q)
>>> q.pull()
>>> len(q)

…iter (which does not empty the queue)…

>>> next(iter(q))
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> q.put(Item(9))
>>> q.put(Item(10))
>>> q.put(Item(11))
>>> next(iter(q))
>>> [i for i in q]
[9, 10, 11]
>>> q.pull()
>>> [i for i in q]
[10, 11]


>>> bool(q)
>>> q.pull()
>>> q.pull()
>>> bool(q)

…and list-like bracket access (which again does not empty the queue).

>>> q.put(Item(12))
>>> q[0]
>>> q.pull()
>>> q[0] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: ...
>>> for i in range (13, 23):
...     q.put(Item(i))
>>> q[0]
>>> q[1]
>>> q[2]
>>> q[-1]
>>> q[-10]

That’s it–there’s no additional way to add anything beyond put, and no additional way to remove anything beyond pull.

The only other wrinkle is the conflict resolution code. Conflict resolution in ZODB has some general caveats of which you should be aware [2].

These general caveats aside, we’ll now examine some examples of zc.queue conflict resolution at work. To show this, we will have to have two copies of the same queue, from two different connections.

NOTE: this testing approach has known weaknesses. See discussion in

>>> import transaction
>>> from zc.queue.tests import ConflictResolvingMappingStorage
>>> from ZODB import DB
>>> db = DB(ConflictResolvingMappingStorage('test'))
>>> transactionmanager_1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> transactionmanager_2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> connection_1 =
>>> root_1 = connection_1.root()
>>> q_1 = root_1["queue"] = Queue()
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> connection_2 =
>>> root_2 = connection_2.root()
>>> q_2 = root_2['queue']

Now we have two copies of the same queue, with separate transaction managers and connections about the same way two threads would have them. The ‘_1’ suffix identifies the objects for user 1, in thread 1; and the ‘_2’ suffix identifies the objects for user 2, in a concurrent thread 2.

First, let’s have the two users add some items to the queue concurrently. For concurrent commits of only putting a single new item (one each in two transactions), in both types of queue the user who commits first gets the lower position in the queue–that is, the position that will leave the queue sooner using default pull calls.

In this example, even though q_1 is modified first, q_2’s transaction is committed first, so q_2’s addition is first after the merge.

>>> q_1.put(Item(1001))
>>> q_2.put(Item(1000))
>>> transactionmanager_2.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()
>>> list(q_1)
[1000, 1001]
>>> list(q_2)
[1000, 1001]

For commits of more than one additions per connection of two, or of more than two concurrent adding transactions, the behavior is the same for the Queue: the first commit’s additions will go before the second commit’s.

>>> from zc import queue
>>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.Queue):
...     for i in range(5):
...         q_1.put(Item(i))
...     for i in range(1002, 1005):
...         q_2.put(Item(i))
...     transactionmanager_2.commit()
...     transactionmanager_1.commit()
...     connection_1.sync()
...     connection_2.sync()

As we’ll see below, that will again reliably put all the values from the first commit earlier in the queue, to result in [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4].

For the CompositeQueue, the behavior is different. The order will be maintained with a set of additions in a transaction, but the values may be merged between the two transactions’ additions. We will compensate for that here to get a reliable queue state.

>>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.CompositeQueue):
...     for i1, i2 in ((1002, 1003), (1004, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)):
...         q_1.put(Item(i1))
...         q_2.put(Item(i2))
...         transactionmanager_1.commit()
...         transactionmanager_2.commit()
...         connection_1.sync()
...         connection_2.sync()

Whichever kind of queue we have, we now have the following values.

>>> list(q_1)
[1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(q_2)
[1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

If two users try to add the same item, then a conflict error is raised.

>>> five = Item(5)
>>> q_1.put(five)
>>> q_2.put(five)
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError, InvalidObjectReference
>>> try:
...     transactionmanager_2.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
... except (ConflictError, InvalidObjectReference):
...     print("Conflict Error")
Conflict Error
>>> transactionmanager_2.abort()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()
>>> list(q_1)
[1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> list(q_2)
[1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Users can also concurrently remove items from a queue…

>>> q_1.pull()
>>> q_1[0]
>>> q_2.pull(5)
>>> q_2[5]
>>> q_2[0] # 1000 value still there in this connection
>>> q_1[4] # 0 value still there in this connection.
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_2.commit()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()
>>> list(q_1)
[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> list(q_2)
[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

…as long as they don’t remove the same item.

>>> q_1.pull()
>>> q_2.pull()
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_2.commit() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Traceback (most recent call last):
ConflictError: ...
>>> transactionmanager_2.abort()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()
>>> list(q_1)
[1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> list(q_2)
[1002, 1003, 1004, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

There’s actually a special case: the composite queue’s buckets will refuse to merge if they started with a non-empty state, and one of the two new states is empty. This is to prevent the loss of an addition to the queue. See for an example.

Also importantly, users can concurrently remove and add items to a queue.

>>> q_1.pull()
>>> q_1.pull()
>>> q_1.pull()
>>> q_2.put(Item(6))
>>> q_2.put(Item(7))
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_2.commit()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()
>>> list(q_1)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
>>> list(q_2)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

As a final example, we’ll show the conflict resolution code under extreme duress, with multiple simultaneous puts and pulls.

>>> res_1 = []
>>> for i in range(6, -1, -2):
...     res_1.append(q_1.pull(i))
>>> res_1
[7, 5, 3, 1]
>>> res_2 = []
>>> for i in range(5, 0, -2):
...     res_2.append(q_2.pull(i))
>>> res_2
[6, 4, 2]
>>> for i in range(8, 12):
...     q_1.put(Item(i))
>>> for i in range(12, 16):
...     q_2.put(Item(i))
>>> list(q_1)
[2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11]
>>> list(q_2)
[1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15]
>>> transactionmanager_1.commit()
>>> transactionmanager_2.commit()
>>> connection_1.sync()
>>> connection_2.sync()

After these commits, if the queue is a Queue, the new values are in the order of their commit. However, as discussed above, if the queue is a CompositeQueue the behavior is different. While the order will be maintained comparitively–so if object A is ahead of object B in the queue on commit then A will still be ahead of B after a merge of the conflicting transactions–values may be interspersed between the two transactions.

For instance, if our example queue were a Queue, the values would be [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. However, if it were a CompositeQueue, the values might be the same, or might be any combination in which [8, 9, 10, 11] and [12, 13, 14, 15], from the two transactions, are still in order. One ordering might be [8, 9, 12, 13, 10, 11, 14, 15], for instance.

>>> if isinstance(q_1, queue.Queue):
...     res_1 = list(q_1)
...     res_2 = list(q_2)
... elif isinstance(q_1, queue.CompositeQueue):
...     firstsrc_1 = list(q_1)
...     firstsrc_2 = list(q_2)
...     secondsrc_1 = firstsrc_1[:]
...     secondsrc_2 = firstsrc_2[:]
...     for val in [12, 13, 14, 15]:
...         firstsrc_1.remove(Item(val))
...         firstsrc_2.remove(Item(val))
...     for val in [8, 9, 10, 11]:
...         secondsrc_1.remove(Item(val))
...         secondsrc_2.remove(Item(val))
...     res_1 = firstsrc_1 + secondsrc_1
...     res_2 = firstsrc_2 + secondsrc_2
>>> res_1
[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
>>> res_2
[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
>>> db.close() # cleanup


As ZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReference doesn’t get handled properly in set due to lack of __hash__ method, we define a class utilizing __cmp__ method of contained items [3].

Let’s make some stub persistent reference objects. Also make some objects that have same oid to simulate different transaction states.

>>> from zc.queue.tests import StubPersistentReference
>>> pr1 = StubPersistentReference(1)
>>> pr2 = StubPersistentReference(2)
>>> pr3 = StubPersistentReference(3)
>>> pr_c1 = StubPersistentReference(1)
>>> pr_c2 = StubPersistentReference(2)
>>> pr_c3 = StubPersistentReference(3)
>>> pr1 == pr_c1
>>> pr2 == pr_c2
>>> pr3 == pr_c3
>>> id(pr1) == id(pr_c1)
>>> id(pr2) == id(pr_c2)
>>> id(pr3) == id(pr_c3)
>>> set1 = set((pr1, pr2))
>>> set1
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])
>>> len(set1)
>>> set2 = set((pr_c1, pr_c3))
>>> set2
set([SPR (1), SPR (3)])
>>> len(set2)
>>> set_c1 = set((pr_c1, pr_c2))
>>> set_c1
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])
>>> len(set_c1)

set doesn’t handle persistent reference objects properly. All following set operations produce wrong results.

Deduplication (notice that for items longer than length two we’re only checking the length and contents, not the ordering of the representation, because that varies among different versions of Python):

>>> set((pr1, pr_c1))
set([SPR (1), SPR (1)])
>>> set((pr2, pr_c2))
set([SPR (2), SPR (2)])
>>> set4 = set((pr1, pr_c1, pr2))
>>> len(set4)
>>> pr1 in set4 and pr_c1 in set4 and pr2 in set4
>>> set4 = set((pr1, pr2, pr3, pr_c1, pr_c2, pr_c3))
>>> len(set4)

Minus operation:

>>> set3 = set1 - set2
>>> len(set3)
>>> set3
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])


>>> pr3 in set2


>>> set1 & set2


>>> set1 == set_c1

So we made PersistentReferenceProxy wrapping PersistentReference to work with sets.

>>> from zc.queue._queue import PersistentReferenceProxy
>>> prp1 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr1)
>>> prp2 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr2)
>>> prp3 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr3)
>>> prp_c1 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c1)
>>> prp_c2 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c2)
>>> prp_c3 = PersistentReferenceProxy(pr_c3)
>>> prp1 == prp_c1
>>> prp2 == prp_c2
>>> prp3 == prp_c3
>>> id(prp1) == id(prp_c1)
>>> id(prp2) == id(prp_c2)
>>> id(prp3) == id(prp_c3)
>>> set1 = set((prp1, prp2))
>>> set1
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])
>>> len(set1)
>>> set2 = set((prp_c1, prp_c3))
>>> set2
set([SPR (1), SPR (3)])
>>> len(set2)
>>> set_c1 = set((prp_c1, prp_c2))
>>> set_c1
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])
>>> len(set_c1)

set handles persistent reference properly now. All following set operations produce correct results.


>>> set4 = set((prp1, prp2, prp3, prp_c1, prp_c2, prp_c3))
>>> len(set4)
>>> set((prp1, prp_c1))
set([SPR (1)])
>>> set((prp2, prp_c2))
set([SPR (2)])
>>> set((prp1, prp_c1, prp2))
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])

Minus operation:

>>> set3 = set1 - set2
>>> len(set3)
>>> set3
set([SPR (2)])
>>> set1 - set1
>>> set2 - set3
set([SPR (1), SPR (3)])
>>> set3 - set2
set([SPR (2)])


>>> prp3 in set2
>>> prp1 in set2
>>> prp_c1 in set2
>>> prp2 not in set2


>>> set1 & set2
set([SPR (1)])
>>> set1 & set_c1
set([SPR (1), SPR (2)])
>>> set2 & set3


>>> set1 == set_c1
>>> set1 == set2
>>> set1 == set4


2.0.1 (unreleased)

  • Nothing changed yet.

2.0.0 (2017-05-11)

  • Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3.

  • Added support for Python 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and PyPy.

  • Fix using complex slices (e.g., negative strides) in CompositeQueue. The cost is higher memory usage.

2.0.0a1 (2013-03-01)

  • Added support for Python 3.3.

  • Replaced deprecated zope.interface.implements usage with equivalent zope.interface.implementer decorator.

  • Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.

  • Fixed an issue where slicing a composite queue would fail due to a programming error. [malthe]

1.3 (2012-01-11)

  • Fixed a conflict resolution bug that didn’t handle ZODB.ConflictResolution.PersistentReference correctly. Note that due to syntax we require Python 2.5 or higher now.

1.2.1 (2011-12-17)

  • Fixed ImportError in [maurits]

1.2 (2011-12-17)

  • Fixed undefined ZODB.POSException.StorageTransactionError in tests.

  • Let tests pass with ZODB 3.8 and ZODB 3.9.

  • Added test extra to declare test dependency on zope.testing.

  • Using Python’s doctest module instead of deprecated zope.testing.doctest.

  • Clean up the generation of reST docs.


  • Fixed a conflict resolution bug in CompositeQueue

  • Renamed PersistentQueue to Queue, CompositePersistentQueue to CompositeQueue. The old names are nominally deprecated, although no warnings are generated and there are no current plans to eliminate them. The PersistentQueue class has more conservative conflict resolution than it used to. (The Queue class has the same conflict resolution as the PersistentQueue used to have.)


  • Minor buildout changes

  • Initial release to PyPI


  • Initial release to

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zc.queue-2.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (29.1 kB view hashes)

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