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Easier test setup for Zope 3 projects and other Python packages.

Project description

z3c.testsetup: easy test setup for zope 3 and python projects

Setting up tests for Zope 3 projects sometimes tends to be cumbersome. You often have to prepare complex things like test layers, setup functions, teardown functions and much more. Often these steps have to be done again and again. z3c.testsetup jumps in here, to support much flatter test setups. The package supports normal Python unit tests and doctests.

Doctests and test modules are found throughout a whole package and registered with sensible, modifiable defaults. This saves a lot of manual work!

See README.txt and the other .txt files in the src/z3c/testsetup directory for API documentation. (Or further down this page when reading this on pypi).

Detailed documentation

The package works in two steps:

  1. It looks for testfiles in a given package.

  2. It registers the tests according to your specifications.

Initial notes

  • Between version 0.2 and 0.3 of z3c.testsetup a new set of testfile markers was introduced. If you are still using Test-Layer: unit or similar, please read the README.txt in the source directory carefully to learn how to switch to the new names. (Or see further down this page when reading it on pypi).

  • Zope integration note: if you want zope integration or functional tests, you have to make sure, that the and zope.component packages are available during test runs. z3c.testsetup does not depend on it to make it usable for plain python packages. If you want zope integration/functional tests, this is almost always already the case, so you don’t need to care about this.

  • If you download the source code, you can look at the examples used for testing and at text files that test technical aspects of z3c.testsetup. This can be handy when you want detailed knowledge about specific features.

Basic Example

Before we can find, register and execute tests, we first have to write them down. z3c.testsetup includes examples used for testing (you can find them all in the tests/ subdirectory if you’ve downloaded the source code):

>>> import os
>>> cavepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> cavepath = os.path.join(cavepath, 'tests', 'othercave')

Registering doctests

In this example directory, there is a simple doctest doctest01.txt (please ignore the pipes on the left):

>>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest01.txt'))
|  A doctest
|  =========
|  :doctest:
|  This is a simple doctest.
|    >>> 1+1
|    2

Important to note: the doctest is marked by a special marker that tells the testsetup machinery that the file contains doctest examples that should be registered during test runs:


Without this marker, a testfile won’t be registered during tests! This is the only difference compared to ‘normal’ doctests when you use z3c.testsetup. If you want to disable a test, just turn :doctest: into :nodoctest: (or something else) and the file will be ignored.

Running the tests

Now that we have a doctest available, we can write a testsetup routine that collects all tests, registers them and passes them to the testrunner:

>>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, '')).read()
import z3c.testsetup
test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(

This is all we need in simple cases. We use register_all_tests(<dotted_pkg_name>) to tell the setup machinery, where to look for test files. Note that also files in subpackages will be found, registered and executed when they are marked approriately.

Let’s start the testrunner and see what it gives:

>>> import sys
>>> sys.argv = [sys.argv[0],]
>>> defaults = [
...     '--path', cavepath,
...     '--tests-pattern', '^simplesetup01$',
...     ]
>>> from z3c.testsetup import testrunner
Running z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting.zcml] tests:
  Set up z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting.zcml] in 2.146 seconds.
  Ran 3 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.009 seconds.
Running z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting2.zcml] tests:
  Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting.zcml] ... not supported
  Running in a subprocess.
  Set up z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting2.zcml] in 0.040 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.011 seconds.
  Tear down z3c...layer.DefaultZCMLLayer [...ftesting2.zcml] ... not supported
Running z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.FunctionalLayer1 tests:
  Running in a subprocess.
  Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.FunctionalLayer1 in 1.797 seconds.
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.013 seconds.
  Tear down z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.FunctionalLayer1 in 0.001 seconds.
Running z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 tests:
  Running in a subprocess.
  Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in 0.000 seconds.
  Set up z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in 0.000 seconds.
    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1
    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2
    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2
    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1
  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.009 seconds.
  Tear down z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2 in 0.000 seconds.
  Tear down z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer1 in 0.000 seconds.
Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests:
  Running in a subprocess.
  Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
    Custom setUp for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ...doctest05.txt:0 (2 examples)>
    Custom tearDown for  <DocTest doctest05.txt from ...doctest05.txt:0 (2 examples)>
  Ran 7 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.011 seconds.
  Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds.
Total: 13 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors in 11.798 seconds.

As we can see, there were regular unittests as well as functional tests run. Some of the unittests used their own layer (UnitLayer1). Layers are shown in the output. In this example, the functional tests use different ZCML-files for configuration which results in separate test layers.

Finding doctests in Python modules

The doctest file described above was a pure .txt file. By default z3c.testsetup looks for doctests in files with filename extension .txt, .rst and .py. This means, that also doctests in Python modules are found just fine as in the following example:

>>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, ''))
|  """
|  Doctests in a Python module
|  ===========================
|  We can place doctests also in Python modules.
|  :doctest:
|  Here the Cave class is defined::
|    >>> from z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.doctest08 import Cave
|    >>> Cave
|    <class 'z3c.testsetup...doctest08.Cave'>
|  """
|  class Cave(object):
|      """A Cave.
|      A cave has a number::
|        >>> hasattr(Cave, 'number')
|        True
|      """
|      number = None
|      def __init__(self, number):
|          """Create a Cave.
|          We have to give a number if we create a cave::
|            >>> c = Cave(12)
|            >>> c.number
|            12
|          """
|          self.number = number

Here we placed the marker string :doctest: into the docstring of the module. Without it, the module would not have been considered a testfile.

Note that you have to import the entities (classes, functions, etc.) from the very same file if you want to use them.

Registering regular python unittests

z3c.testsetup provides also (limited) support for regular unittest deployments as usually written in Python. An example file looks like this:

>>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, ''))
|  """
|  Tests with real TestCase objects.
|  :unittest:
|  """
|  import unittest
|  class TestTest(unittest.TestCase):
|      def setUp(self):
|          pass
|      def testFoo(self):
|          self.assertEqual(2, 1+1)

The module contains a marker :unittest: in its module docstring instead of the :doctest: marker used in the other examples above. This means that the file is registered as a regular unittest. (It is also the replacement for the formely used :Test-Layer: python marker.)

If you use unittests instead of doctests, then you are mainly on your own with setting up and tearing down tests. All this should be done by the test cases themselves.

The only advantage of using z3c.testsetup here is, that those tests are found and run automatically when they provide the marker.

Registering the tests: register_all_tests()

The register_all_tests function mentioned above accepts a bunch of keyword parameters:

register_all_tests(pkg_or_dotted_name [, extensions] [, encoding]
                   [, checker] [, globs] [, optionflags]
                   [, setup] [, teardown]
                   [, zcml_config] [, layer_name] [, layer])

where all but the first parameter are keyword paramters and all but the package parameter are optional.

While the extensions parameter determines the set of testfiles to be found, the other paramters tell how to setup single tests.

The last five parameters are only fallbacks, that should better be configured in doctest files themselves via marker strings.

  • extensions:

    a list of filename extensions to be considered during doctest search. Default value for doctests is ['.txt', '.rst', '.py']. Python tests are not touched by this (they have to be regular Python modules with ‘.py’ extension).

    If we want to register .foo files, we can do so:

    >>> import z3c.testsetup
    >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
    ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
    ...     extensions=['.foo'])
    >>> suite = test_suite()
    >>> get_basenames_from_suite(suite)
    ['', '', '']

    Note, that only files that contain an appropriate marker are found, regardless of the filename extension.

  • encoding:

    the encoding of testfiles. ‘utf-8’ by default. Setting this to None means using the default value. We’ve hidden one doctest file, that contains umlauts. If we set the encoding to ascii, we get an error:

    >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
    ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
    ...     encoding='ascii')
    >>> suite = test_suite()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode ...: ordinal
    not in range(128)

    While using ‘latin-1’ will work:

    >>> test_suite = z3c.testsetup.register_all_tests(
    ...     'z3c.testsetup.tests.cave',
    ...     encoding='latin-1')
    >>> suite = test_suite()

    No traceback here.

    You can always overwrite an encoding setting for a certain file by following PEP 0263 ( ).

  • checker:

    An output normalizer for doctests. None by default. A typical output checker can be created like this:

    >>> import re
    >>> from zope.testing import renormalizing
    >>> mychecker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
    ...    (re.compile('[0-9]*[.][0-9]* seconds'),
    ...     '<SOME NUMBER OF> seconds'),
    ...    (re.compile('at 0x[0-9a-f]+'), 'at <SOME ADDRESS>'),
    ... ])

    This would match for example output like 0.123 seconds if you write in your doctest:

    <SOME NUBMER OF> seconds

    Define this checker in your testrunner .py file and add a checker=mychecker option to the register_all_tests() call. Since version 0.5 checkers are applied to both regular and functional doctests (pre-0.5: only functional ones).

  • globs:

    A dictionary of things that should be available immediately (without imports) during tests. Default is an empty dict, which might be populated by appropriate layers (see below). ZCML layers for example get you the getRootFolder method automatically.

    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile markers specifying a certain layer (see below).

    The globs parameter applies only to doctests, not to plain python unittests.

  • optionflags:

    Optionflags influence the behaviour of the testrunner. They are logically or’d so that you can add them arithmetically. See

    for details.

  • setup:

    A callable that takes a test argument and is executed before every single doctest.

    The default function does nothing.

    This parameter is a fallback which can be overriden by testfile markers specifying a certain layer (see below).

    Specifying setup functions in a layer is also the recommended way.

  • teardown:

    The equivalent to setup.

    The default function runs


    unless overriden by a layer.

    Specifying teardown functions in a layer is also the recommended way.

  • allow_teardown:

    A boolean whether teardown of zcml layers is allowed (added in 0.5). In rare corner cases (like programmatically slapping an interface on a class), a full safe teardown of the zope component architecture is impossible. Zope.testing has a default setting for allow_teardown of False, which means it uses the safe default of running every zcml layer in a separate process, which ensures full teardown.

    The drawback is that profiling and coverage tools cannot combine the profile/coverage data from separate processes. z3c.testsetup has a default of False (since 0.5.1, True in 0.5). If you want correct coverage/profiling output and your tests allow it, you’ll have to set allow_teardown=False in your register_all_tests() call.

  • zcml_config:

    A filepath of a ZCML file which is registered with functional doctests. In the ZCML file you can for example register principals (users) usable by functional doctests.

    By default any ftesting.zcml file from the root of the given package is taken. If this does not exist, an empty ZCML file of the z3c.testsetup package is used (ftesting.zcml).

    This parameter has no effect, if also a layer parameter is given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see below).

    This is a fallback parameter. Use of docfile specific layer markers is recommended.

  • layer_name:

    You can name your layer, to distinguish different setups of functional doctests. The layer name can be an arbitrary string.

    This parameter has no effect, if also a layer parameter is given or a docfile specifies its own layer/ZCML config (see below).

    This is a fallback parameter. Use of per-doctest-file specific layer markers is recommended.

  • layer:

    You can register a ZCML layer yourself and pass it as the layer parameter. If you only have a filepath to the according ZCML file, use the zcml_config paramter instead.

    This parameter overrides any zcml_config and layer_name parameter.

    This is a fallback parameter and has no effect for docfiles specifying their own layer or ZCML config.

Available markers for configuring the tests

We already saw the :doctest: marker above. Other markers detected by z3c.testsetup are:

  • :unittest:

    A replacement for :doctest:, marking a Python module as containing unittests to run. (Replaces old Test-Layer: python marker.)

  • :setup: <>

    Execute the given setup function before running doctests in this file.

  • :teardown: <>

    Execute the given teardown function after running doctests in this file.

  • :layer: <>

    Use the given layer definition for tests in this file. If the layer given is derived from zope.testing.functional.ZCMLLayer, the test is registered using

  • :zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>

    Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file on a ZCML layer. Tests are registered using zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite.

  • :functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML_filename>

    Use the given ZCML file and run tests in this file registered with

Markers are case-insensitive.

See further below for explanations of the respective markers.

Setting up a self-defined layer: :layer:

Starting with z3c.testsetup 0.3 there is reasonable support for setting up layers per testfile. This way you can easily create setup-functions that are only run before/after certain sets tests.

Overall, use of layers is the recommended way from now on.

We can tell z3c.testsetup to use a certain layer using the :layer: marker as in the following example (see tests/othercave/doctest02.txt):

A doctests with layer
:layer: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.UnitLayer2
  >>> 1+1

The :doctest: marker was used here as well, because without it the file would not have been detected as a registerable doctest file (we want developers to be explicit about that).

The :layer: <DOTTED_NAME_OF_LAYER_DEF> marker then tells, where the testsetup machinery can find the layer definition. It is given in dotted name notation and points to a layer you defined yourself.

How does the layer definition look like? It is defined as regualr Python code:

>>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, '')).read()
import os
class UnitLayer1(object):
    """This represents a layer.
    A layer is a way to have common setup and teardown that happens
    once for a whole group of tests.
    It must be an object with a `setUp` and a `tearDown` method, which
    are run once before or after all the tests applied to a layer
    Optionally you can additionally define `testSetUp` and
    `testTearDown` methods, which are run before and after each single
    This class is not instantiated. Therefore we use classmethods.
    def setUp(self):
        """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most once per
        TestSuite that depends on the layer.
        (The latter can happen if multiple suites depend on the layer
        and the testrunner decides to tear down the layer after first
        suite finishes.)
    def tearDown(self):
        """This gets run once for the whole test run, or at most
        once per TestSuite that depends on the layer,
        after all tests in the suite have finished.
    def testSetUp(self):
        """This method is run before each single test in the current
        layer. It is optional.
        print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer1"
    def testTearDown(self):
        """This method is run before each single test in the current
        layer. It is optional.
        print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer1"
class UnitLayer2(UnitLayer1):
    """This Layer inherits ``UnitLayer1``.
    This way we define nested setups. During test runs the testrunner
    will first call the setup methods of ``UnitTest1`` and then those
    of this class. Handling of teardown-methods will happen the other
    way round.
    def setUp(self):
    def testSetUp(self):
        print "    Running testSetUp of UnitLayer2"
    def testTearDown(self):
        print "    Running testTearDown of UnitLayer2"

In a layer you can do all the special stuff that is needed to run a certain group of tests properly. Our setup here is special in that we defined a nested one: UnitLayer2 inherits UnitLayer1 so that during test runs the appropriate setup and teardown methods are called (see testrunner output above).

More about test layers can be found at the documentation of testrunner layers API.

Specifying a ZCML file: :zcml-layer:

When it comes to integration tests which use zope’s component architecture, we need to specify a ZCML file which configures the test environment for us. We can do that using the

:zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>

marker. It expects a ZCML filename as argument and sets up a ZCML-layered testsuite for us. An example setup might look like so (see tests/othercave/doctest03.txt):

A doctest with a ZCML-layer

:zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml

  >>> 1+1

Here we say that the the local file ftesting.zcml should be used as ZCML configuration. As we can see in the above output of testruner, this file is indeed read during test runs and used by a ZCML layer called DefaultZCMLLayer. This layer is in fact only a

The ZCML file is looked up in the same directory as the doctest file. (You can use relative paths like ../ftesting.zcml just fine, btw).

When using the :zcml-layer: marker, the concerned tests are set up via special methods and functions from This way you get ‘functional’ or ‘integration’ tests out of the box: in the beginning an empty ZODB db is setup, getRootFolder, sync and other functions are pulled into the test namespace and several things more.

If you want a plain setup instead then use your own layer definition using :layer: and remove the :zcml-layer: marker.

Setting up a functional ZCML layer: :functional-zcml-layer:

Sometimes we want tests to be registered using the FunctionalDocFileSuite function from (other tests are set up using zope.testing.doctest.DocFileSuite). This function pulls in even more functions into globs, like http (a HTTPCaller instance), wraps your setUp and tearDown methods into ZODB-setups and several things more. See the definition in

This setup needs also a ZCML configuration file, which can be specified via:

:functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML-file-name>

If a functional ZCML layer is specified in a testfile this way, it will override any simple :zcml-layer: or :layer: definition.

An example setup might look like this (see tests/othercave/doctest04.txt):

>>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest04.txt'))
|  A functional doctest with ZCML-layer
|  ====================================
|  :doctest:
|  :functional-zcml-layer: ftesting.zcml
|  We didn't define a real environment in ftesting.zcml, but in
|  functional tests certain often needed functions should be available
|  automatically::
|    >>> getRootFolder()
|    <zope...folder.Folder object at 0x...>

The placeholder between zope and folder was used because the location of the Folder class changed recently. This way we cover setups with old packages as well as recent ones.

Specifying test setup/teardown methods: :setup: and :teardown:

We can specify a setUp(test) and tearDown(test) method for the examples in a doctest file, which will be executed once for the whole doctest file. This can be done using:

:setup: <>
:teardown: <>

The callables denoted by the dotted names must accept a test parameter which will be the whole test suite of examples in the current doctest file. setup/teardown can be used to set up (and remove) a temporary directory, to monkeypatch a mailer, etcetera.

An example can be found in doctest05.txt:

>>> print_file(os.path.join(cavepath, 'doctest05.txt'))
|  A doctest with custom setup/teardown functions
|  ==============================================
|  :doctest:
|  :setup: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.setUp
|  :teardown: z3c.testsetup.tests.othercave.testing.tearDown
|    >>> 1+1
|    2
|  We make use of a function registered during custom setup::
|    >>> myfunc(2)
|    4

The setup/teardown functions denoted in the example look like this:

>>> print open(os.path.join(cavepath, ''), 'rb').read()
import os
def setUp(test):
    print "    Custom setUp for ", test
    # We register a function that will be available during tests.
     test.globs['myfunc'] = lambda x: 2*x
def tearDown(test):
    print "    Custom tearDown for ", test
    del test.globs['myfunc'] # unregister function

As we can see, there is a function myfunc pulled into the namespace of the doctest. We could, however, do arbitrary other things here, set up a relational test database or whatever.

How to upgrade from z3c.testsetup < 0.3

With the 0.3 release of z3c.testsetup the set of valid marker strings changed, introducing support for file-dependent setups, layers, etc.

Deprecated :Test-Layer: marker

If you still mark your testfiles with the :Test-Layer: marker, update your testfiles as follows:

  • :Test-Layer: unit

    Change to: :doctest:

  • :Test-Layer: python

    Change to: :unittest:

  • :Test-Layer: functional

    Change to: :functional-zcml-layer: <ZCML-FILE>

    The ZCML file must explicitly be given.

If you used custom setups passed to register_all_tests, consider declaring those setup/teardown functions in the appropriate doctest files using :setup: and :teardown:.

You might also get better structured test suites when using the new layer markers :layer:, :zcml-layer: and functional-zcml-layer:.

Deprectated parameters for register_all_tests()

The following register_all_tests-parameters are deprecated, starting with z3c.testsetup 0.3:

  • filter_func

    and related (ufilter_func, pfilter_func, etc.)

  • All testtype specific parameters

    Support for testfile specific parameters (uextensions, fextensions, etc.) is running out and its use deprecated.

Changelog for z3c.testsetup

0.7 (2010-05-17)

  • Fix NameError bug in the warning message in case is not availble when trying to run a functional doc test. This error presented itself as a highly cryptic ImportError when actually running tests.

0.6.1 (2009-11-19)

  • Test files that we attempt to read but that do not exist raise an error instead of passing silently.

  • Internal refactoring: regex caching.

0.6 (2009-11-19)

  • Python unittest modules with an import error now result in a visible warning. Previously, such problems would be hidden. Also the python testrunner could not report them as broken as we did not pass those test files to the testrunner.

  • Fixed regex for detecting the old “:test-layer: python” marker: it did not work when prefixed with restructuredtext’s “..” comment marker.

0.5.1 (2009-10-22)

  • Reverted allow_teardown default back to False to prevent confusion.

0.5 (2009-09-23)

Bug fixes

  • Checkers are now applied to non-functional doctests too. Thanks to Jonathan Ballet for patches.

  • Normal UnitTest layers are now registered correctly.

  • :layer: now detects functional ZCML layers. If the defined layer is derived from zope.testing.functional.ZCMLLayer, then the test is set up with the same kind of testcase as :functional-zcml-layer:.

  • Reordered and cleaned up the documentation.

Feature changes

  • By default, functional layer tests now use the allow_teardown=True option of the ZCMLLayer. This prevents the zcml layer from running in a subprocess which throws off profiling and thus code coverage tools. Running it in a subprocess is only normally needed when you do things like adding an interface to a class after the fact in your code. You can overrid it in the register_all_tests() call by setting allow_teardown=False.

0.4 (2009-06-11)

Bug fixes

  • Made z3c.testsetup selftests work with zope.testing >= 3.7.3. Thanks to Jonathan Ballet for pointing to that problem.

  • Ignore *nix hidden test files (i.e. such starting with a dot in filename) by default. Thanks to Jonathan Ballet for patch.

  • ZCML files registered via the default layer are now separated from each other, even if they own the same filename. Therefore you can now register a default layer with an ftesting.zcml in one subpackage while having another ftesting.zcml in another package. This was not handled correctly before. Many thanks go to Jonathan Ballet who contributed a patch.

Feature Changes

  • Added z3c.testsetup.testrunner that provides wrappers for zope.testing.testrunner``s ``run() and run_internal() functions. Using it, one can make sure that running testrunners inside tests will work regardless of which version of zope.testing is used during testruns.

0.3 (2009-02-23)

Bug fixes

  • Updated doctest examples to reflect new zope.testing behaviour.

  • z3c.testsetup really shouldn’t require any more. If you use it in an environment without this package, then you cannot register functional tests, which is determined when loading register_all_tests from z3c.testsetup.

  • Broken modules are ignored while scanning for tests.

  • Modules are not loaded anymore if their source code does not provide a suitable marker string. For this to work, the default checker method isTestModule now expects a martian.scan.ModuleInfo as argument and not a real module. Module infos can be easily created by using module_info_from_dotted_name and module_info_from_package from the martian.scan package.

Feature Changes

  • New set of testfile markers:

    • :doctest:

      marks a testfile as a doctest.

    • :unittest:

      marks a testfile as a regular unittest.

    • :layer:

      applies the given layer definition to the tests in the doctest file.

    • :zcml-layer: filename.zcml

      sets up a ZCML layer with the given filename and applies this layer to the doctests in the doctest file.

    • :functional-zcml-layer: filename.zcml

      sets up a ZCML layer with the given filename and applies this layer to the doctests in the doctest file. Furthermore the tests are set up as functional doc tests.

    • :setup:

      applies the setUp function denoted by the dotted name to the tests in the doctest file.

    • :teardown:

      applies the tearDown function denoted by the dotted name to the tests in the doctests file.

    See the examples in tests/othercave and README.txt to learn more about using these new directives.

    The old :test-layer: marker is still supported but it is deprecated now and will vanish at least with the 0.5 version of z3c.testsetup.

0.2.2 (2008-02-29)

Bug fixes

  • z3c.testsetup now does not require zope.component nor for usage in other packages. You must take care, that those packages are available during tests, for example by adding those packages to your

0.2.1 (2008-02-18)

Bug fixes

  • Fix faulty upload egg.

0.2 (2008-02-17)

Feature Changes

  • An ftesting.zcml in the root of a handled package is now taken as default layer for functional doctests if it exists.

Bug fixes

0.1 (2008-02-15)

Feature changes

  • Initial Release


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

z3c.testsetup-0.7.tar.gz (83.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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