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Persistent and session based search form for Zope3

Project description

This package provides an implementation for build z3c.indexer based search forms for Zope3. The persistent search criteria can get stored in a session or in an application as predefined filter query objects.

Detailed Documentation


This package provides a persistent search query implementation. This search query is implemented as a filter object which can use search criteria for build the search query. This package also offers some z3c.form based management views which allo us to manage the search filter and it’s search criteria. Let’s define a site with indexes which allows us to build search filter for.

Note, this package depends on the new z3c.indexer package which offers a modular indexing concept. But you can use this package with the package too. You only have to build our own search citerium.

Start a simple test setup

Setup some helpers:

>>> import zope.component
>>> from import folder
>>> from import LocalSiteManager
>>> from z3c.indexer.interfaces import IIndex

Setup a site

>>> class SiteStub(folder.Folder):
...     """Sample site."""
>>> site = SiteStub()
>>> root['site'] = site
>>> sm = LocalSiteManager(site)
>>> site.setSiteManager(sm)

And set the site as the current site. This is normaly done by traversing to a site:

>>> from import hooks
>>> hooks.setSite(site)

Setup a IIntIds utility:

>>> from zope.intid import IntIds
>>> from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
>>> intids = IntIds()
>>> sm['default']['intids'] = intids
>>> sm.registerUtility(intids, IIntIds)


Setup a text index:

>>> from z3c.indexer.index import TextIndex
>>> textIndex = TextIndex()
>>> sm['default']['textIndex'] = textIndex
>>> sm.registerUtility(textIndex, IIndex, name='textIndex')


Setup a field index:

>>> from z3c.indexer.index import FieldIndex
>>> fieldIndex = FieldIndex()
>>> sm['default']['fieldIndex'] = fieldIndex
>>> sm.registerUtility(fieldIndex, IIndex, name='fieldIndex')


Setup a value index:

>>> from z3c.indexer.index import ValueIndex
>>> valueIndex = ValueIndex()
>>> sm['default']['valueIndex'] = valueIndex
>>> sm.registerUtility(valueIndex, IIndex, name='valueIndex')


Setup a set index:

>>> from z3c.indexer.index import SetIndex
>>> setIndex = SetIndex()
>>> sm['default']['setIndex'] = setIndex
>>> sm.registerUtility(setIndex, IIndex, name='setIndex')


Define a content object:

>>> import persistent
>>> import zope.interface
>>> from import contained
>>> from zope.schema.fieldproperty import FieldProperty
>>> class IDemoContent(zope.interface.Interface):
...     """Demo content."""
...     title = zope.schema.TextLine(
...         title=u'Title',
...         default=u'')
...     body = zope.schema.TextLine(
...         title=u'Body',
...         default=u'')
...     field = zope.schema.TextLine(
...         title=u'a field',
...         default=u'')
...     value = zope.schema.TextLine(
...         title=u'A value',
...         default=u'')
...     iterable = zope.schema.Tuple(
...         title=u'A sequence of values',
...         default=())
>>> class DemoContent(persistent.Persistent, contained.Contained):
...     """Demo content."""
...     zope.interface.implements(IDemoContent)
...     title = FieldProperty(IDemoContent['title'])
...     body = FieldProperty(IDemoContent['body'])
...     field = FieldProperty(IDemoContent['field'])
...     value = FieldProperty(IDemoContent['value'])
...     iterable = FieldProperty(IDemoContent['iterable'])
...     def __init__(self, title=u''):
...         self.title = title
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.title)

Create and add the content object to the site:

>>> demo = DemoContent(u'Title')
>>> demo.body = u'Body text'
>>> demo.field = u'Field'
>>> demo.value = u'Value'
>>> demo.iterable = (1, 2, 'Iterable')
>>> site['demo'] = demo

The zope event subscriber for __setitem__ whould call the IIntIds register method for our content object. But we didn’t setup the relevant subscribers, so we do this here:

>>> uid = intids.register(demo)


Setup a indexer adapter for our content object.

>>> from z3c.indexer.indexer import MultiIndexer
>>> class DemoIndexer(MultiIndexer):
...     zope.component.adapts(IDemoContent)
...     def doIndex(self):
...         # index context in valueIndex
...         valueIndex = self.getIndex('textIndex')
...         txt = '%s %s' % (self.context.title, self.context.body)
...         valueIndex.doIndex(self.oid, txt)
...         # index context in fieldIndex
...         fieldIndex = self.getIndex('fieldIndex')
...         fieldIndex.doIndex(self.oid, self.context.field)
...         # index context in setIndex
...         setIndex = self.getIndex('setIndex')
...         setIndex.doIndex(self.oid, self.context.iterable)
...         # index context in valueIndex
...         valueIndex = self.getIndex('valueIndex')
...         valueIndex.doIndex(self.oid, self.context.value)

Register the indexer adapter as a named adapter:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(DemoIndexer, name='DemoIndexer')


Before we start indexing, we check the index:

>>> textIndex.documentCount()
>>> fieldIndex.documentCount()
>>> setIndex.documentCount()
>>> valueIndex.documentCount()

Now we can index our demo object:

>>> from z3c.indexer.indexer import index
>>> index(demo)

And check our indexes:

>>> textIndex.documentCount()
>>> fieldIndex.documentCount()
>>> setIndex.documentCount()
>>> valueIndex.documentCount()

Search Filter

Now we are ready and can start with our search filter implementation. The following search filter returns no results by default because it defines NoTerm as getDefaultQuery. This is usefull if you have a larg set of data and you like to start with a empty query if no cirterium is selected.

>>> from z3c.searcher import interfaces
>>> from z3c.searcher.filter import EmptyTerm
>>> from z3c.searcher.filter import SearchFilter
>>> class IContentSearchFilter(interfaces.ISearchFilter):
...     """Search filter for content objects."""
>>> class ContentSearchFilter(SearchFilter):
...     """Content search filter."""
...     zope.interface.implements(IContentSearchFilter)
...     def getDefaultQuery(self):
...         return EmptyTerm()

Search Criterium

And we define a criterium for our demo content. This text search criterium uses the text index registered as textIndex above:

>>> from z3c.searcher import criterium
>>> class TextCriterium(criterium.TextCriterium):
...     """Full text search criterium for ``textIndex`` index."""
...     indexOrName = 'textIndex'

Such a criterium can search in our index. Let’s start with a empty search query:

>>> from import SearchQuery
>>> searchQuery = SearchQuery()

You can see that the searchQuery returns a empty result.

>>> len(searchQuery.searchResults())

Now we can create a criterium instance and give them a value:

>>> sampleCriterium = TextCriterium()
>>> sampleCriterium.value = u'Bod*'

Now the criterium is able to search in it’s related index within the given value within a given (emtpy) search query. This empty query is only used as a chainable query object. Each result get added or removed from this chain dependent on it’s connector And, OR or Not:

>>> searchQuery =

Now you can see that our criterium found a result from the text index:

>>> len(searchQuery.searchResults())
>>> content = list(searchQuery.searchResults())[0]
>>> content.body
u'Body text'

Search Criterium Factory

The test above shows you how criterium can search in indexes. But that’s not all. Our concept offers a search filter which can manage more then one search criterium in a filter. A criterium is an adapter for a filter. This means we need to create an adapter factory and register this factory as an adapter for our filter. Let’s now create this criterium adapter factory:

>>> textCriteriumFactory = criterium.factory(TextCriterium, 'fullText')

This search criterium factory class implements ISearchCriteriumFactory:

>>> interfaces.ISearchCriteriumFactory.implementedBy(textCriteriumFactory)

and we register this adapter for our content search filter:

>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(textCriteriumFactory,
...     (IContentSearchFilter,), name='fullText')

Now you can see that our content search filter knows about the search criterium factories:

>>> contentSearchFilter = ContentSearchFilter()
>>> contentSearchFilter.criteriumFactories
[(u'fullText', <z3c.searcher.criterium.TextCriteriumFactory object at ...>)]

Since the search criterium factory is an adapter for our search filter, the factory can adapt our contentSearchFilter:

>>> textCriteriumFactory = textCriteriumFactory(contentSearchFilter)
>>> textCriteriumFactory
<z3c.searcher.criterium.TextCriteriumFactory object at ...>

Now we can call the factory and we will get back our search criterium instance:

>>> textCriterium = textCriteriumFactory()
>>> textCriterium
<TextCriterium object at ...>

Our search criterium provides ISearchCriterium:

>>> interfaces.ISearchCriterium.providedBy(textCriterium)

Search Example

Now we are ready to search within our filter construct. First let’s create a plain content search filter:

>>> sampleFilter = ContentSearchFilter()

Then let’s add a criterium by it’s factory name:

>>> sampleCriterium = sampleFilter.createCriterium('fullText')

Now we can set a value for the criterium:

>>> sampleCriterium.value = u'Title'

And add the criterium to our filter:

>>> sampleFilter.addCriterium(sampleCriterium)

That’s all, now our filter is a ble to genearet a query:

>>> sampleQuery = sampleFilter.generateQuery()

And the sample search query can return the result:

>>> len(sampleQuery.searchResults())
>>> content = list(sampleQuery.searchResults())[0]
>>> content.title

Search Session

Before we show how to use the criterium and filter within z3c.form components, we will show you how the search session is working. Let’s register and create a search session:

>>> from z3c.searcher import session
>>> zope.component.provideAdapter(session.SearchSession)

Now we can create a test request and get the session as adapter for a request:

>>> import z3c.form.testing
>>> request = z3c.form.testing.TestRequest()
>>> searchSession = interfaces.ISearchSession(request)
>>> searchSession
<z3c.searcher.session.SearchSession object at ...>

The search session offers an API for store and manage filters:

>>> searchSession.addFilter('foo', sampleFilter)

And we can get such filters from the search session by name.

>>> searchSession.getFilter('foo')
<ContentSearchFilter object at ...>

Or we can get all search filters sotred in this session:

>>> searchSession.getFilters()
[<ContentSearchFilter object at ...>]

And we can remove a filter by it’s name:

>>> searchSession.removeFilter('foo')
>>> searchSession.getFilters()

There is also another argument called key in the search session methods. This argument can be used as namespace. If you need to support a specific filter only for one object instance, you can use a key which is unique to that object as discriminator.

>>> myFilter = ContentSearchFilter()
>>> searchSession.addFilter('foo', myFilter, key='myKey')

Such filters are only available if the right key is used:

>>> searchSession.getFilter('foo') is None
>>> searchSession.getFilter('foo', key='myKey')
<ContentSearchFilter object at ...>
>>> searchSession.getFilters()

Now let’s cleanup our search session and remove the filter stored by the key:

>>> searchSession.getFilters('myKey')
[<ContentSearchFilter object at ...>]
>>> searchSession.removeFilter('foo', 'myKey')
>>> searchSession.getFilters('myKey')

Criterium Form

Now we will show you how the form part is working. Each criterium can render itself within a form. We offer a CriteriumForm class for doing this. Let’s create and render such a criterium form:

>>> import z3c.form.testing
>>> from z3c.searcher import form
>>> criteriumRow = form.CriteriumForm(textCriterium, request)
>>> criteriumRow
<z3c.searcher.form.CriteriumForm object at ...>

We also need to set a prefix, this is normaly done by the search form by calling setupCriteriumRows. And normaly the criterium is located in the search filter. We just need a criterium __name__ for now:

>>> textCriterium.__name__ = u'1'
>>> criteriumRow.prefix = 'form.criterium.%s' % str(textCriterium.__name__)
>>> criteriumRow.prefix

Before we can render the form, we need to register the templates:

>>> from zope.configuration import xmlconfig
>>> import zope.component
>>> import zope.viewlet
>>> import
>>> import
>>> import
>>> import z3c.template
>>> import z3c.macro
>>> import z3c.formui
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml', zope.component)()
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml', zope.viewlet)()
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml',
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml',
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml',
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml', z3c.macro)()
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('meta.zcml', z3c.template)()
>>> xmlconfig.XMLConfig('div-form.zcml', z3c.formui)()
>>> context = xmlconfig.file('meta.zcml', z3c.template)
>>> context = xmlconfig.string("""
... <configure
...     xmlns:z3c="">
...  <configure package="z3c.searcher">
...  <z3c:template
...      template=""
...      for=".form.FilterForm"
...      />
...  <z3c:template
...      template=""
...      for=".form.CriteriumForm"
...      />
...  <z3c:template
...      template=""
...      for=".form.SearchForm"
...      />
...  <z3c:template
...      template=""
...      for=".table.SearchTable"
...      />
... </configure>
... </configure>
... """, context=context)

And we also need some widgets from z3c.form:

>>> import z3c.form.testing
>>> z3c.form.testing.setupFormDefaults()

Now we can render the criterium form:

>>> criteriumRow.update()
>>> print criteriumRow.render()
  <td style="padding-right:5px;">
  <td style="padding-right:5px;">
  <td style="padding-right:5px;">
    <input id="form-criterium-1-widgets-value"
           class="text-widget required textline-field"
           value="" type="text" />
<span class="option">
  <label for="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-0">
    <input id="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-0"
           class="radio-widget required choice-field"
           value="OR" checked="checked" type="radio" />
    <span class="label">or</span>
<span class="option">
  <label for="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-1">
    <input id="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-1"
           class="radio-widget required choice-field"
           value="AND" type="radio" />
    <span class="label">and</span>
<span class="option">
  <label for="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-2">
    <input id="form-criterium-1-widgets-connectorName-2"
           class="radio-widget required choice-field"
           value="NOT" type="radio" />
    <span class="label">not</span>
<input name="form.criterium.1.widgets.connectorName-empty-marker"
       type="hidden" value="1" />
  <td style="padding-right:5px;">
<input id="form-criterium-1-buttons-remove"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Remove"
       type="submit" />

Filter Form

There is also a filter form which can represent the SearchFilter. This form includes the CriteriumForm part. Note we uses a dumy context becaue it’s not relevant where you render this form because the form will get the filters from the session.

>>> filterForm = form.FilterForm(object(), request)
>>> filterForm
<z3c.searcher.form.FilterForm object at ...>

But before we can use the form, we need to set our search filter class as factory. Because only this search filter knows our criteria:

>>> filterForm.filterFactory = ContentSearchFilter

Now we can render our filter form:

>>> filterForm.update()
>>> print filterForm.render()
  <label for="filterformnewCriterium">
    New Criterium
  <select name="filterformnewCriterium" size="1">
    <option value="fullText">fullText</option>
<input id="filterform-buttons-add"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Add"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-search"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Search"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />

Search Form

There is also a search form which allows you to simply define a search page. This search form uses the criterium and filter form and allows you to simply create a search page. Let’s define a custom search page:

>>> class ContentSearchForm(form.SearchForm):
...     filterFactory = ContentSearchFilter

Before we can use the form, our request needs to provide the form UI layer:

>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> from z3c.formui.interfaces import IDivFormLayer
>>> alsoProvides(request, IDivFormLayer)

That’s all you need for write a simple search form. This form uses it’s own content search filter and of corse the criteria configured for this filter.

>>> searchForm = ContentSearchForm(object(), request)
>>> searchForm.update()
>>> print searchForm.render()
<form action="" method="post"
      enctype="multipart/form-data" class="edit-form"
      name="form" id="form">
  <div class="viewspace">
  <label for="filterformnewCriterium">
    New Criterium
  <select name="filterformnewCriterium" size="1">
    <option value="fullText">fullText</option>
<input id="filterform-buttons-add"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Add"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-search"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Search"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />
    <div class="buttons">

Search Table

There is also a search table. This search table uses the criterium and filter form and allows you to simply create a search page which will list the results as table. Let’s define a custom search table:

>>> from z3c.searcher import table
>>> class ContentSearchTable(table.SearchTable):
...     filterFactory = ContentSearchFilter

Before we can use the form, our request needs to provide the form UI layer:

>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> from z3c.formui.interfaces import IDivFormLayer
>>> alsoProvides(request, IDivFormLayer)

That’s all you need for write a simple search form. This form uses it’s own content search filter and of corse the criteria configured for this filter.

>>> searchTable = ContentSearchTable(object(), request)
>>> searchTable.update()
>>> print searchTable.render()
<form action="" method="post"
      enctype="multipart/form-data" class="edit-form"
      name="formTable" id="formTable">
  <div class="viewspace">
    <div class="filterForm">
  <label for="filterformnewCriterium">
    New Criterium
  <select name="filterformnewCriterium" size="1">
    <option value="fullText">fullText</option>
<input id="filterform-buttons-add"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Add"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-search"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Search"
       type="submit" />
<input id="filterform-buttons-clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />
    <div class="buttons">


0.6.0 (2009-09-20)

  • Bugfix: Criterium didn’t get correct located in SearchFilter. The criterium __name__ was allways an empty unicode value.

  • Bugfix: The criterim filter didn’t work with more then one criterium used. The search form now locates the filter form and will set a individual prefix for the criterium form. If you use a custom criterium form, you probably have to review your custom implementation. Especialy review the prefix setup in the setupCriteriumRows method.

  • adjust tests, reflect latest changes and fix element attribute order which get changed in z3c.form

0.5.2 (2009-03-10)

  • Cleanup dependencies. Change package’s mailing list address to zope-dev at instead of retired one.

0.5.1 (2009-02-22)

  • Fix: added missing zope.interface import in z3c.searcher.table and added tests for SearchTable

0.5.0 (2009-02-22)

  • Added initial generations configuration files

  • Initial Release

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