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Derived climate variables built with xarray.

Project description


0.28.0 (2021-07-07)

New features and enhancements

  • Automatic load of translations on import and possibility to pass translations for virtual modules.

  • New xclim.testing.list_datasets function listing all available test datasets in repo xclim-testdata.

  • spatial_analogs accepts multi-indexes as the dist_dim parameter and will work with candidates and target arrays of different lengths.

  • humidex can be computed using relative humidity instead of dewpoint temperature.

  • New sdba.construct_moving_yearly_window and sdba.unpack_moving_yearly_window for moving window adjustments.

  • New sdba.adjustment.NpdfTransform which is an adaptation of Alex Cannon’s version of Pitié’s N-dimensional probability density function transform. Uses new sdba.utils.rand_rot_matrix. Experimental, subject to changes.

  • New sdba.processing.standardize, .unstandardize and .reordering. All of them, tools needed to replicate Cannon’s MBCn algorithm.

  • New sdba.processing.escore, backed by sdba.nbutils._escore to evaluate the performance of the N pdf transform.

  • New function xclim.indices.clausius_clapeyron_scaled_precipitation can be used to scale precipitation according to changes in mean temperature.

  • Percentile based indices gained a bootstrap argument that applies a bootstrapping algorithm to reduce biases on exceedance frequencies computed over in base and out of base periods. Experimental, subject to changes.

  • Added a .zenodo.json file for collecting and maintaining author order and tracking ORCIDs.

Bug fixes

  • Various bug fixes in sdba :

    • in QDM.adjust, fix bug occuring with coords of ‘object’ dtype and interp='nearest'.

    • in nbutils.quantiles, fix dtype bug when using float32 data.

    • raise a proper error when ref and hist have a different calendar for map_blocks-backed adjustments.

Breaking changes

  • spatial_analogs does not support sequence of dist_dim anymore. Users are responsible for stacking dimensions prior to calling spatial_analogs.

New indicators

  • biologically_effective_degree_days (with method="gladstones") indice computes degree-days between two specific dates, with a capped daily max value as well as latitude and temperature range swing as modifying coefficients (based on Gladstones, J. (1992)). This has also been wrapped as an indicator.

  • An alternative implementation of biologically_effective_degree_days (with method="icclim", based on ICCLIM formula) ignores latitude and temperature range swing modifiers and uses an alternate end_date. Wrapped and available as an ICCLIM indicator.

  • cool_night_index indice returns the mean minimum temperature in September (lat >= 0 deg N) or March (lat < 0 deg N), based on Tonietto & Carbonneau, 2004 (10.1016/j.agrformet.2003.06.001). Also available as an indicator (see indices Notes section on indicator usage recommendations).

  • latitude_temperature_index indice computes LTI values based on mean temperature of warmest month and a parameterizable latitude coefficient (default: lat_factor=75) based on Jackson & Cherry, 1988, and Kenny & Shao, 1992 (10.1080/00221589.1992.11516243). This has also been wrapped as an indicator.

  • huglin_index indice computes Huglin Heliothermal Index (HI) values based on growing degrees and a latitude-influenced coefficient for day-length (based on Huglin. (1978)). The indice supports several methods of estimating the latitude coefficient:

    • method="smoothed": Marks latitudes between -40 N and 40 N with k=1, and linearly increases to k=1.06 at |lat|==50.

    • method="icclim": Uses a stepwise function based on the the original method as presented by Huglin (1978). Identical to the ICCLIM implementation.

    • method="jones": Uses a more robust calculation for calculating day-lengths, based on Hall & Jones (2010). This method is now also available for biologically_effective_degree_days.

  • The generic indice day_length, used for calculating approximate daily day-length in hours per day or, given start_date and end_date, the total aggregated day-hours over period. Uses axial tilt, start and end dates, calendar, and approximate date of northern hemisphere summer solstice, based on Hall & Jones (2010).

Internal Changes

  • aggregate_between_dates (introduced in v0.27.0) now accepts DayOfYear-like strings for supplying start and end dates (e.g. start="02-01", end="10-31").

  • The indicator call sequence now considers “variable” the inputs annoted so. Dropped the nvar attribute.

  • Default cfcheck is now to check metadata according to the variable name, using CMIP6 names in xclim/data/variable.yml.

  • Indicator.missing defaults to “skip” if freq is absent from the list of parameters.

  • Minor modifications to the GitHub Pull Requests template.

  • Simplification of some yaml elements for virtual modules.

  • Allow injecting freq without the missing checks failing.

0.27.0 (2021-05-28)

New features and enhancements

  • Rewrite of nearly all adjustment methods in sdba, with use of xr.map_blocks to improve scalability with dask. Rewrite of some parts of the algorithms with numba-accelerated code.

  • “GFWED” specifics for fire weather computation implemented back into the FWI module. Outputs are within 3% of GFWED data.

  • Addition of the run_length_ufunc option to control which run length algorithm gets run. Defaults stay the same (automatic switch dependent of the input array : the 1D version is used with non-dask arrays with less than 9000 points per slice).

  • Indicator modules built from YAML can now use custom indices. A mapping or module of them can be given to build_indicator_module_from_yaml with the indices keyword.

  • Virtual submodules now include an iter_indicators function to iterate over the pairs of names and indicator objects in that module.

  • The indicator string formatter now accepts a “r” modifier which passes the raw strings instead of the adjective version.

  • Addition of the sdba_extra_output option to adds extra diagnostic variables to the outputs of Adjustment objects. Implementation of sim_q in QuantileDeltaMapping and nclusters in ExtremeValues.

Breaking changes

  • The tropical_nights indice is being deprecated in favour of tn_days_above with thresh="20 degC". The indicator remains valid, now wrapping this new indice.

  • Results of sdba.Grouper.apply for Grouper``s without a group (ex: ``Grouper('time')) will contain a group singleton dimension.

  • The daily_freezethaw_cycles indice is being deprecated in favour of multiday_temperature_swing with temp thresholds at 0 degC and window=1, op="sum". The indicator remains valid, now wrapping this new indice.

  • CMIP6 variable names have been adopted whenever possible in xclim. Changes are:

    • swe is now snw (snw is the snow amount [kg / m²] and swe the liquid water equivalent thickness [m])

    • rh is now hurs

    • dtas is now tdps

    • ws (in FWI) is now sfcWind

    • sic is now siconc

    • area (of sea ice indicators) is now areacello

    • Indicators RH and RH_FROMDEWPOINT have be renamed to HURS and HURS_FROMDEWPOINT. These are changes in the _identifiers_, the python names (relative_humidity[...]) are unchanged.

New indicators

  • atmos.corn_heat_units computes the daily temperature-based index for corn growth.

  • New indices and indicators for tx_days_below, tg_days_above, tg_days_below, and tn_days_above.

  • atmos.humidex returns the Canadian humidex, an indicator of perceived temperature account for relative humidity.

  • multiday_temperature_swing indice for returning general statistics based on spells of doubly-thresholded temperatures (Tmin < T1, Tmax > T2).

  • New indicators atmos.freezethaw_frequency, atmos.freezethaw_spell_mean_length, atmos.freezethaw_spell_max_length for statistics of Tmin < 0 degC and Tmax > 0 deg C days now available (wrapped from multiday_temperature_swing).

  • atmos.wind_chill_index computes the daily wind chill index. The default is similar to what Environment and Climate Change Canada does, options are tunable to get the version of the National Weather Service.

Internal Changes

  • run_length.rle_statistics now accepts a window argument.

  • Common arguments to the op parameter now have better adjective and noun formattings.

  • Added and adjusted typing in call signatures and docstrings, with grammar fixes, for many xclim.indices operations.

  • Added internal function aggregate_between_dates for array aggregation operations using xarray datetime arrays with start and end DayOfYear values.

0.26.1 (2021-05-04)

  • Bug fix release adding ExtremeValues to publicly exposed bias-adjustment methods.

0.26.0 (2021-04-30)


  • xclim no longer supports Python3.6. Code conventions and new features from Python3.7 (PEP 537) are now accepted.

New features and enhancements

  • core.calendar.doy_to_days_since and days_since_to_doy to allow meaningful statistics on doy data.

  • New bias second-order adjustment method “ExtremeValues”, intended for re-adjusting extreme precipitation values.

  • Virtual indicators modules can now be built from YAML files.

  • Indicators can now be built from dictionaries.

  • New generic indices, implementation of clix-meta’s index functions.

  • On-the-fly generation of climate and forecasting convention (CF) checks with xc.core.cfchecks.generate_cfcheck, for a few known variables only.

  • New xc.indices.run_length.rle_statistics for min, max, mean, std (etc) statistics on run lengths.

  • New virtual submodule cf, with CF standard indices defined in clix-meta.

  • Indices returning day-of-year data add two new attributes to the output: is_dayofyear (=1) and calendar.

Breaking changes

  • xclim now requires xarray>=0.17.

  • Virtual submodules icclim and anuclim are not available at the top level anymore (only through xclim.indicators).

  • Virtual submodules icclim and anuclim now provide Indicators and not indices.

  • Spatial analog methods “KLDIV” and “Nearest Neighbor” now require scipy>=1.6.0.

Bug fixes

  • from_string object creation in sdba has been removed. Now replaced with use of a new dependency, jsonpickle.

Internal Changes

  • pre-commit linting checks now run formatting hook black==21.4b2.

  • Code cleaning (more accurate call signatures, more use of https links, docstring updates, and typo fixes).

0.25.0 (2021-03-31)


  • Deprecation: Release 0.25.0 of xclim will be the last version to explicitly support Python3.6 and xarray<0.17.0.

New indicators

  • land.winter_storm computes days with snow accumulation over threshold.

  • land.blowing_snow computes days with both snow accumulation over last days and high wind speeds.

  • land.snow_melt_we_max computes the maximum snow melt over n days, and land.melt_and_precip_max the maximum combined snow melt and precipitation.

  • snd_max_doy returns the day of the year where snow depth reaches its maximum value.

  • atmos.high_precip_low_temp returns days with freezing rain conditions (low temperature and precipitations).

  • land.snow_cover_duration computes the number of days snow depth exceeds some minimal threshold.

  • land.continuous_snow_cover_start and land.continuous_snow_cover_end identify the day of the year when snow depth crosses a threshold for a given period of time.

  • days_with_snow, counts days with snow between low and high thresholds, e.g. days with high amount of snow (indice and indicator available).

  • fire_season, creates a fire season mask from temperature and, optionally, snow depth time-series.

New features and enhancements

  • generic.count_domain counts values within low and high thresholds.

  • run_length.season returns a dataset storing the start, end and length of a season.

  • Fire Weather indices now support dask-backed data.

  • Objects from the xclim.sdba submodule can be created from their string repr or from the dataset they created.

  • Fire Weather Index submodule replicates the R code of cffdrs, including fire season determination and overwintering of the drought_code.

  • New run_bounds and keep_longest_run utilities in xclim.indices.run_length.

  • New bias-adjustment method: PrincipalComponent (based on Hnilica et al. 2017

Internal changes

  • Small changes in the output of indices.run_length.rle.

0.24.0 (2021-03-01)

New indicators

  • days_over_precip_thresh, fraction_over_precip_thresh, liquid_precip_ratio, warm_spell_duration_index, all from eponymous indices.

  • maximum_consecutive_warm_days from indice maximum_consecutive_tx_days.

Breaking changes

  • Numerous changes to xclim.core.calendar.percentile_doy:

    • per now accepts a sequence as well as a scalar and as such the output has a percentiles axis.

    • per argument is now expected to between 0-100 (not 0-1).

    • input data must have a daily (or coarser) time frequency.

  • Change in unit handling paradigm for indices, which as a result will lead to some indices returning values with different units. Note that related Indicator objects remain unchanged and will return units consistent with CF Convention. If you are concerned with code stability, please use Indicator objects. The change was necessary to resolve inconsistencies with xarray’s keep_attrs=True context.

    • Indice functions now return output units that preserve consistency with input units. That is, feeding inputs in Celsius will yield outputs in Celsius instead of casting to Kelvin. In all cases the dimensionality is preserved.

    • Indice functions now accept non-daily data, but daily frequency is assumed by default if the frequency cannot be inferred.

  • Removed the explicitly-installed netCDF4 python library from the base installation, as this is never explicitly used (now only installed in the docs recipe for sdba documented example).

  • Removed xclim.core.checks, which was deprecated since v0.18.

New features and enhancements

  • Indicator now have docstrings generated from their metadata.

  • Units and fixed choices set are parsed from indice docstrings into Indicator.parameters.

  • Units of indices using the declare_units decorator are stored in indice.in_units and indice.out_units.

  • Changes to Indicator.format and Indicator.json to ensure the resulting json really is serializable.

Internal changes

  • Leave missing_options undefined in indicator to allow control via set_options.

  • Modified xclim.core.calendar.percentile_doy to improve performance.

  • New xclim.core.calendar.compare_offsets for comparing offset strings.

  • New xclim.indices.generic.get_op to retrieve a function from a string representation of that operator.

  • The CI pipeline has been migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. All stages are still built using tox.

  • Indice functions must always set the units (the declare_units decorator does no check anymore).

  • New xclim.core.units.rate2amout to convert rates like precipitation to amounts.

  • xclim.core.units.pint2cfunits now removes ‘ * ‘ symbols and changes Δ° to delta_deg.

  • New xclim.core.units.to_agg_units and xclim.core.units.infer_sampling_units for unit handling involving aggregation operations along the time dimension.

  • Added an indicators API page to the docs and links to there from the Climate Indicators page.

Bug fixes

  • The unit handling change resolved a bug that prevented the use of xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True) with indices.

0.23.0 (2021-01-22)

Breaking changes

  • Renamed indicator atmos.degree_days_depassment_date to atmos.degree_days_exceedance_date.

  • In degree_days_exceedance_date : renamed argument start_date to after_date.

  • Added cfchecks for Pr+Tas-based indicators.

  • Refactored test suite to now be available as part of the standard library installation (xclim.testing.tests).

  • Running pytest with xdoctest now requires the rootdir to point at tests location (pytest –rootdir xclim/testing/tests/ –xdoctest xclim).

  • Development checks now require working jupyter notebooks (assessed via the pytest –nbval command).

New indicators

  • rain_approximation and snowfall_approximation for computing prlp and prsn from pr and tas (or tasmin or tasmax) according to some threshold and method.

  • solid_precip_accumulation and liquid_precip_accumulation now accept a thresh parameter to control the binary snow/rain temperature threshold.

  • first_snowfall and last_snowfall to compute the date of first/last snowfall exceeding a threshold in a period.

New features and enhancements

  • New kind entry in the parameters property of indicators, differentiating between [optional] variables and parameters.

  • The git pre-commit hooks (pre-commit run –all) now clean the jupyter notebooks with nbstripout call.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in indices.run_length.lazy_indexing that occurred with 1D coords and 0D indexes when using the dask backend.

  • Fixed a bug with default frequency handling affecting fit indicator.

  • Set missing method to ‘skip’ for freq_analysis indicator.

  • Fixed a bug in ensembles._ens_align_datasets that occurred when inputs are .nc filepaths but files lack a time dimension.

Internal changes

  • core.cfchecks.check_valid now accepts a sequence of strings as its expected argument.

  • Clean up in the tests to speed up testing. Addition of a marker to include “slow” tests when desired (-m slow).

  • Fixes in the tests to support sklearn>=0.24, clisops>=0.5 and build xarray@master against python 3.7.

  • Moved the testing suite to within xclim and simplified tox to manage its own tempdir.

  • Indicator class now has a default_freq method.

0.22.0 (2020-12-07)

Breaking changes

  • Statistical functions (frequency_analysis, fa, fit, parametric_quantile) are now solely accessible via indices.stats.

New indicators

  • atmos.degree_days_depassment_date, the day of year when the degree days sum exceeds a threshold.

New features and enhancements

  • Added unique titles to atmos calculations employing wrapped_partials.

  • xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar now accepts a missing argument.

  • Added xclim.core.calendar.date_range and xclim.core.calendar.date_range_like wrapping pandas’ date_range and xarray’s cftime_range.

  • xclim.core.calendar.get_calendar now accepts many different types of data, including datetime object directly.

  • New module xclim.analog and method xclim.analog.spatial_analogs to compute spatial analogs.

  • Indicators can now accept dataset in their new ds call argument. Variable arguments (that use the DataArray annotation) can now be given with strings that correspond to variable names in the dataset, and default to their own name.

  • Clarification to frequency_analysis notebook.

  • Now officially supporting PEP596 (Python3.9).

  • New methods xclim.ensembles.change_significance and xclim.ensembles.knutti_sedlacek to qualify climate change agreement among members of an ensemble.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevented the use of xclim.core.missing.MissingBase and subclasses with an indexer and a cftime datetime coordinate.

  • Fixed issues with metadata handling in statistical indices.

  • Various small fixes to the documentation (re-establishment of some internally and externally linked documents).

Internal changes

  • Passing align_on to xclim.core.calendar.convert_calendar without using ‘360_day’ calendars will not raise a warning anymore.

  • Added formatting utilities for metadata attributes (update_cell_methods, prefix_attrs and unprefix_attrs).

  • xclim/ moved to xclim/ensembles/*.py, splitting stats/creation, reduction and robustness methods.

  • With the help of the mypy library, added several typing fixes to better identify inputs/outputs, and reduce object type mutations.

  • Fixed some doctests in ensembles and set_options.

  • clisops v0.4.0+ is now an optional requirements for non-Windows builds.

  • New xclim.core.units.str2pint method to convert quantity strings to quantity objects. Main improvement is to make “3 degC days” a valid string that converts to “3 K days”.

0.21.0 (2020-10-23)

Breaking changes

  • Statistical functions (frequency_analysis, fa, fit, parametric_quantile) moved from indices.generic to indices.stats to make them more visible.

New indicators

New features and enhancements

  • New xclim.testing.open_dataset method to read data from the remote testdata repo.

  • Added a notebook, ensembles-advanced.ipynb, to the documentation detailing ensemble reduction techniques and showing how to make use of built-in figure-generating commands.

  • Added a notebook, frequency_analysis.ipynb, with examples showcasing frequency analysis capabilities.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the attributes of frost_season_length.

  • indices.run_length methods using dates now respect the array’s calendar.

  • Worked around an xarray bug in sdba.QuantileDeltaMapping when multidimensional arrays are used with linear or cubic interpolation.

Internal changes

0.20.0 (2020-09-18)

Breaking changes

  • xclim.subset has been deprecated and now relies on clisops to perform specialized spatio-temporal subsetting. Install with pip install xclim[gis] in order to retain the same functionality.

  • The python library pandoc is no longer listed as a docs build requirement. Documentation still requires a current version of pandoc binaries installed at system-level.

  • ANUCLIM indices have seen their input_freq parameter renamed to src_timestep for clarity.

  • A clean-up and harmonization of the indicators metadata has changed some of the indicator identifiers, long_names, abstracts and titles. xclim.atmos.drought_code and fire_weather_indexes now have indentifiers “dc” and “fwi” (lowercase version of the previous identifiers).

  • xc.indices.run_length.run_length_with_dates becomes xc.indices.run_length.season_length. Its argument date is now optional and the default changes from “07-01” to None.

  • xc.indices.consecutive_frost_days becomes xc.indices.maximum_consecutive_frost_days.

  • Changed the history indicator output attribute to xclim_history in order to respect CF conventions.

New indicators

  • atmos.max_pr_intensity acting on hourly data.

  • atmos.wind_vector_from_speed, also the wind_speed_from_vector now also returns the “wind from direction”.

  • Richards-Baker flow flashiness indicator (

  • atmos.max_daily_temperature_range.

  • atmos.cold_spell_frequency.

  • atmos.tg_min and atmos.tg_max.

  • atmos.frost_season_length, atmos.first_day_above. Also, atmos.consecutive_frost_days now takes a thresh argument (default : 0 degC).

New features and enhancements

  • sdba.loess submodule implementing LOESS smoothing tools used in sdba.detrending.LoessDetrend.

  • xclim now depends on clisops for subsetting, offloading several heavy GIS dependencies. This improves maintainability and reduces the size of a “vanilla” xclim installation considerably.

  • New generic.parametric_quantile function taking parameters estimated by as an input.

  • Add support for using probability weighted moments method in function. Requires the lmoments3 package, which is not included in dependencies because it is unmaintained. Install manually if needed.

  • Implemented _fit_start utility function providing initial conditions for statistical distribution parameters estimation, reducing the likelihood of poor fits.

  • Added support for indicators based on hourly (1H) inputs, and a first hourly indicator called max_pr_intensity returning hourly precipitation intensity.

  • Indicator instances can be retrieved through their class with the get_instance() class method. This allows the use of xclim.core.indicator.registry as an instance registry.

  • Indicators now have a realm attribute. It must be given when creating indicators outside xclim.

  • Better docstring parsing for indicators: parameters description, annotation and default value are accessible in the json output and Indicator.parameters.

  • New command line interface xclim for simple indicator computing tasks.

  • New sdba.processing.jitter_over_thresh for variables with a upper bound.

  • Added op parameter to xclim.indices.daily_temperature_range to allow resample reduce operations other than mean

  • core.formatting.AttrFormatter (and thus, locale dictionaries) can now use glob-like pattern for matching values to translate.

Bug fixes

The ICCLIM module was identified as icclim in the documentation but the module available under ICCLIM. Now icclim == ICCLIM and ICCLIM will be deprecated in a future release.

Internal changes

  • xclim.subset now attempts to load and expose the functions of clisops.core.subset. This is an API workaround preserving backwards compatibility.

  • Code styling now conforms to the latest release of black (v0.20.8).

  • New IndicatorRegistrar class that takes care of adding indicator classes and instances to the appropriate registries. Indicator now inherits from it.

0.19.0 (2020-08-18)

Breaking changes

  • Refactoring of the Indicator class. The cfprobe method has been renamed to cfcheck and the validate method has been renamed to datacheck. More importantly, instantiating Indicator creates a new subclass on the fly and stores it in a registry, allowing users to subclass existing indicators easily. The algorithm for missing values is identified by its registered name, e.g. “any”, “pct”, etc, along with its missing_options.

  • xclim now requires xarray >= 0.16, ensuring that xclim.sdba is fully functional.

  • The dev requirements now include xdoctest – a rewrite of the standard library module, doctest.

  • xclim.core.locales.get_local_attrs now uses the indicator’s class name instead of the indicator itself and no longer accepts the fill_missing keyword. Behaviour is now the same as passing False.

  • Indicator.cf_attrs is now a list of dictionaries. Indicator.json puts all the metadata attributes in the key “outputs” (a list of dicts). All variable metadata (names in Indicator._cf_names) might be strings or lists of strings when accessed as object attributes.

  • Passing doctests are now strictly enforced as a build requirement in the Travis CI testing ensemble.

New features and enhancements

  • New ensembles.kkz_reduce_ensemble method to select subsets of an ensemble based on the KKZ algorithm.

  • Create new Indicator Daily, Daily2D subclasses for indicators using daily input data.

  • The Indicator class now supports outputing multiple indices for the same inputs.

  • xclim.core.units.declare_units now works with indices outputting multiple DataArrays.

  • Doctests now make use of the xdoctest_namespace in order to more easily access modules and testdata.

Bug fixes

  • Fix dimension ordering. This caused errors when “time” was not the first dimension in a DataArray.

Internal changes

  • datachecks.check_daily now uses xr.infer_freq.

  • Indicator subclasses Tas, Tasmin, Tasmax, Pr and Streamflow now inherit from Daily.

  • Indicator subclasses TasminTasmax and PrTas now inherit from Daily2D.

  • Docstring style now enforced using the pydocstyle with numpy doctsring conventions.

  • Doctests are now performed for all docstring Examples using xdoctest. Failing examples must be explicitly skipped otherwise build will now fail.

  • Indicator methods update_attrs and format are now classmethods, attrs to update must be passed.

  • Indicators definitions without an accompanying translation (presently French) will cause build failures.

  • Major refactoring of the internal machinery of Indicator to support multiple outputs.

0.18.0 (2020-06-26)

  • Optimization options for xclim.sdba : different grouping for the normalization steps of DQM and save training or fitting datasets to temporary files.

  • xclim.sdba.detrending objects can now act on groups.

  • Replaced dask[complete] with dask[array] in basic installation and added distributed to docs build dependencies.

  • xclim.core.locales now supported in Windows build environments.

  • ensembles.ensemble_percentiles modified to compute along a percentiles dimension by default, instead of creating different variables.

  • Added indicator first_day_below and run length helper first_run_after_date.

  • Added ANUCLIM model climate indices mappings.

  • Renamed areacella to areacello in sea ice tests.

  • Sea ice extent and area outputs now have units of m2 to comply with CF-Convention.

  • Split into, and This change will only affect users creating custom indices using utilities previously located in

  • Changed signature of daily_freeze_thaw_cycles, daily_temperature_range, daily_temperature_range_variability and extreme_temperature_range to take (tasmin, tasmax) instead of (tasmax, tasmin) and match signature of other similar multivariate indices.

  • Added FromContext subclass of MissingBase to have a uniform API for missing value operations.

  • Remove logging commands that captured all xclim warnings. Remove deprecated xr.set_options calls.

0.17.0 (2020-05-15)

  • Added support for operations on dimensionless variables (units = ‘1’).

  • Moved xclim.locales to xclim.core.locales in a batch of internal changes aimed to removed most potential cyclic imports cases.

  • Missing checks and input validation refactored with addition of custom missing class registration (xclim.core.checks.register_missing_method) and simple validation method decorator (xclim.core.checks.check).

  • New xclim.set_options context to control the missing checks, input validation and locales.

  • New xclim.sdba module for statistical downscaling and bias-adjustment of climate data.

  • Added convert_calendar and interp_calendar to help in the conversion between calendars.

  • Added at_least_n_valid function, identifying null calculations based on minimum threshold.

  • Added support for freq=None in missing calculations.

  • Fixed outdated code examples in the docs and docstrings.

  • Doctests are now run as part of the test suite.

0.16.0 (2020-04-23)

  • Added vectorize flag to subset_shape and create_mask_vectorize function based on shapely.vectorize as default backend for mask creation.

  • Removed start_yr and end_yr flags from subsetting functions.

  • Add multi gridpoints support in subset.subset_gridpoint.

  • Better wrapped_partial for more meaningful inspection.

  • Add indices for relative humidity, specific humidity and saturation vapor pressure with a few choices of method.

  • Allow lazy units conversion.

  • CRS definitions of projected DataSets are now written to file according to Climate and Forecast-convention standards.

  • Add utilities to merge attributes and update history in xclim.core.formatting.

  • Ensembles : Allow alignment of datasets with same frequency but different offsets.

  • Bug fixes in run_length for run-with-dates methods when the date is not found in the run.

  • Remove deepcopy from subset.subset_shape to improve memory usage.

  • Add missing_wmo function, identifying null calculations based on criteria from WMO.

  • Add missing_pct function, identifying null calculations based on percentage of missing values.

0.15.x (2020-03-12)

  • Improvement in FWI: Vectorization of DC, DMC and FFMC with numba and small code refactoring for better maintainability.

  • Added example notebook for creating a catalog of selected indices

  • Added growing_season_end, last_spring_frost, dry_days, hot_spell_frequency, hot_spell_max_length, and maximum_consecutive_frost_free_days indices.

  • Dropped use of class in lieu of the newer pyproj CRS handler for subset_shape operations.

  • Complete internal reorganization of xclim.

  • Internationalization of xclim : add locales submodule for localized metadata.

  • Add feature to retrieve coordinate values instead of index in run_length.first_run. Add run_length.last_run.

  • Fix bug in subset_gridpoint to work on lat/lon coords of any dimension when they are not a dimension of the data.

0.14.x (2020-02-21)

  • Refactoring of the documentation.

  • Added support for pint 0.10

  • Add atmos.heat_wave_total_length (fixing a namespace issue)

  • Fixes in utils.percentile_doy and indices.winter_rain_ratio for multidimensionnal datasets.

  • Rewrote the subset.subset_shape function to allow for dask.delayed (lazy) computation.

  • Added utility functions to compute time_bnds when resampling data encoded with CFTimeIndex (non-standard calendars).

  • Fix in subset.subset_gridpoint for dask array coordinates.

  • Modified subset_shape to support subsetting with GeoPandas datatypes directly.

  • Fix in subset.wrap_lons_and_split_at_greenwich to preserve multi-region dataframes.

  • Improve the memory use of indices.growing_season_length.

  • Better handling of data with atypically named lat and lon dimensions.

  • Added six Fire Weather indices.

0.13.x (2020-01-10)

  • Documentation improvements: list of indicators, RTD theme, notebook example.

  • Added sea_ice_extent and sea_ice_area indicators.

  • Reverted #311, removing the _rolling util function. Added optimal keywords to rolling() calls.

  • Fixed ensembles.create_ensemble errors for builds against xarray master branch.

  • Reformatted code to make better use of Python3.6 conventions (f-strings and object signatures).

  • Fixed randomly failing tests of checks.missing_any.

  • Improvement of ensemble.ensemble_percentile and ensemble.create_ensemble.

0.12.x-beta (2019-11-18)

  • Added a distance function computing the geodesic distance to a point.

  • Added a tolerance argument to subset_gridpoint raising an error if distance to closest point is larger than tolerance.

  • Created land module for standardized access to streamflow indices.

  • Enhancement to utils.Indicator to have more dynamic attributes using callables.

  • Added indices heat_wave_total_length and tas / tg to average tasmin and tasmax into tas.

  • Fixed a bug with typed call signatures that caused downstream failures on library import.

  • Added a _rolling util function to fix memory issues on large dask datasets.

  • Added the subset_shape function to subset utilities for clipping region-masked datasets via polygons.

  • Fixed a bug where certain dependencies caused ReadTheDocs builds to fail.

  • Added many statically typed function signatures for better function documentation.

  • Improved DeprecationWarnings and UserWarnings ensemble for xclim subsetting functions.

  • Dropped support for Python3.5.

0.11.x-beta (2019-10-17)

  • Added type hinting to call signatures of many functions for more explicit type-checking.

  • Added Kmeans clustering ensemble reduction algorithms.

  • Added utilities for converting between wind velocity (sfcWind) and wind components (uas, vas) arrays.

  • Added type hinting to call signatures of many functions for more explicit type-checking.

  • Now supporting explicit builds for Windows OS via Travis CI.

  • Fix failing test with Python 3.7.

  • Fixed bug in subset.subset_bbox that could add unwanted coordinates/dims to some variables when applied to an entire dataset.

  • Reformatted packaging configuration to pure Py3 wheel that ignore tests and test data.

  • Now officially supporting Python3.8!

  • Enhancement to precip_accumulation() to allow estimated amounts solid (or liquid) phase precipitation.

  • Bugfix for frequency analysis choking on time series with NaNs only.

0.10.x-beta (2019-06-18)

  • Added indices to ICCLIM module.

  • Added indices days_over_precip_thresh and fraction_over_precip_thresh.

  • Migrated to a major.minor.patch-release semantic versioning system.

  • Removed attributes in netCDF output from Indicators that are not in the CF-convention.

  • Added fit indicator to fit the parameters of a distribution to a series.

  • Added utilities with ensemble, run length, and subset algorithms to the documentation.

  • Source code development standards now implement Python Black formatting.

  • Pre-commit is now used to launch code formatting inspections for local development.

  • Documentation now includes more detailed usage and an example workflow notebook.

  • Development build configurations are now available via both Anaconda and pip install methods.

  • Modified create_ensembles() to allow creation of ensemble dataset without a time dimension as well as from xr.Datasets.

  • Modified create ensembles() to pad input data with nans when time dimensions are unequal.

  • Updated subset_gridpoint() and subset_bbox() to use .sel method if ‘lon’ and ‘lat’ dims are present.

  • Added Azure Pipelines to automatically build xclim in Microsoft Windows environments.REMOVED

  • Now employing PEP8 + Black compatible autoformatting.

  • Added Windows and macOS images to Travis CI build ensemble.

  • Added variable thresholds for tasmax and tasmin in daily_freezethaw_events.

  • Updated to use date formatted strings (“%Y”, “%Y%m” etc.) in temporal subsetting.

  • Clean-up of day-of-year resampling. Precipitation percentile threshold will work without a doy index.

  • Addressed deprecations for xarray 0.13.0.

  • Added a decorator function that verifies validity and reformats subset calls using start_date or end_date signatures.

  • Fixed a bug where ‘lon’ or ‘lon_bounds’ would return false values if either signatures were set to 0.

0.10-beta (2019-06-06)

  • Dropped support for Python 2.

  • Added support for period of the year subsetting in checks.missing_any.

  • Now allow for passing positive longitude values when subsetting data with negative longitudes.

  • Improved runlength calculations for small grid size arrays via ufunc_1dim flag.

0.9-beta (2019-05-13)

This is a significant jump in the release. Many modifications have been made and will be added to the documentation in the coming days. Among the many changes:

  • New indices have been added with documentation and call examples.

  • Run_length based operations have been optimized.

  • Support for CF non-standard calendars.

  • Automated/improved unit conversion and management via pint library.

  • Added ensemble utilities for creation and analysis of muti-model climate ensembles.

  • Added subsetting utilities for spatio-temporal subsets of xarray data objects.

  • Added streamflow indicators.

  • Refactoring of the code : separation of into a directory with sub-files (simple, threshold and multivariate); ensembles and subset utilities separated into distinct modules (pulled from

  • Indicators are now split into packages named by realms. import xclim.atmos to load indicators related to atmospheric variables.

0.8-beta (2019-02-11)

This was a staging release and is functionally identical to 0.7-beta.

0.7-beta (2019-02-05)

Major Changes:

  • Support for resampling of data structured using non-standard CF-Time calendars.

  • Added several ICCLIM and other indicators.

  • Dropped support for Python 3.4.

  • Now under Apache v2.0 license.

  • Stable PyPI-based dependencies.

  • Dask optimizations for better memory management.

  • Introduced class-based indicator calculations with data integrity verification and CF-Compliant-like metadata writing functionality.

Class-based indicators are new methods that allow index calculation with error-checking and provide on-the-fly metadata checks for CF-Compliant (and CF-compliant-like) data that are passed to them. When written to NetCDF, outputs of these indicators will append appropriate metadata based on the indicator, threshold values, moving window length, and time period / resampling frequency examined.

0.6-alpha (2018-10-03)

  • File attributes checks.

  • Added daily downsampler function.

  • Better documentation on ICCLIM indices.

0.5-alpha (2018-09-26)

  • Added total precipitation indicator.

0.4-alpha (2018-09-14)

  • Fully PEP8 compliant and available under MIT License.

0.3-alpha (2018-09-4)

  • Added icclim module.

  • Reworked documentation, docs theme.

0.2-alpha (2018-08-27)

  • Added first indices.

0.1.0-dev (2018-08-23)

  • First release on PyPI.

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xclim-0.28.0-py3-none-any.whl (383.1 kB view hashes)

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