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Derived climate variables built with xarray.

Project description


0.21.0 (2020-10-23)

Breaking changes

  • Statistical functions (frequency_analysis, fa, fit, parametric_quantile) moved from indices.generic to indices.stats to make them more visible.

New indicators

New features and enhancements

  • New xclim.testing.open_dataset method to read data from the remote testdata repo.

  • Added a notebook, ensembles-advanced.ipynb, to the documentation detailing ensemble reduction techniques and showing how to make use of built-in figure-generating commands.

  • Added a notebook, frequency_analysis.ipynb, with examples showcasing frequency analysis capabilities.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the attributes of frost_season_length.

  • indices.run_length methods using dates now respect the array’s calendar.

  • Worked around an xarray bug in sdba.QuantileDeltaMapping when multidimensional arrays are used with linear or cubic interpolation.

Internal changes

0.20.0 (2020-09-18)

Breaking changes

  • xclim.subset has been deprecated and now relies on clisops to perform specialized spatio-temporal subsetting. Install with pip install xclim[gis] in order to retain the same functionality.

  • The python library pandoc is no longer listed as a docs build requirement. Documentation still requires a current version of pandoc binaries installed at system-level.

  • ANUCLIM indices have seen their input_freq parameter renamed to src_timestep for clarity.

  • A clean-up and harmonization of the indicators metadata has changed some of the indicator identifiers, long_names, abstracts and titles. xclim.atmos.drought_code and fire_weather_indexes now have indentifiers “dc” and “fwi” (lowercase version of the previous identifiers).

  • xc.indices.run_length.run_length_with_dates becomes xc.indices.run_length.season_length. Its argument date is now optional and the default changes from “07-01” to None.

  • xc.indices.consecutive_frost_days becomes xc.indices.maximum_consecutive_frost_days.

  • Changed the history indicator output attribute to xclim_history in order to respect CF conventions.

New indicators

  • atmos.max_pr_intensity acting on hourly data.

  • atmos.wind_vector_from_speed, also the wind_speed_from_vector now also returns the “wind from direction”.

  • Richards-Baker flow flashiness indicator (

  • atmos.max_daily_temperature_range.

  • atmos.cold_spell_frequency.

  • atmos.tg_min and atmos.tg_max.

  • atmos.frost_season_length, atmos.first_day_above. Also, atmos.consecutive_frost_days now takes a thresh argument (default : 0 degC).

New features and enhancements

  • sdba.loess submodule implementing LOESS smoothing tools used in sdba.detrending.LoessDetrend.

  • xclim now depends on clisops for subsetting, offloading several heavy GIS dependencies. This improves maintainability and reduces the size of a “vanilla” xclim installation considerably.

  • New generic.parametric_quantile function taking parameters estimated by as an input.

  • Add support for using probability weighted moments method in function. Requires the lmoments3 package, which is not included in dependencies because it is unmaintained. Install manually if needed.

  • Implemented _fit_start utility function providing initial conditions for statistical distribution parameters estimation, reducing the likelihood of poor fits.

  • Added support for indicators based on hourly (1H) inputs, and a first hourly indicator called max_pr_intensity returning hourly precipitation intensity.

  • Indicator instances can be retrieved through their class with the get_instance() class method. This allows the use of xclim.core.indicator.registry as an instance registry.

  • Indicators now have a realm attribute. It must be given when creating indicators outside xclim.

  • Better docstring parsing for indicators: parameters description, annotation and default value are accessible in the json output and Indicator.parameters.

  • New command line interface xclim for simple indicator computing tasks.

  • New sdba.processing.jitter_over_thresh for variables with a upper bound.

  • Added op parameter to xclim.indices.daily_temperature_range to allow resample reduce operations other than mean

  • core.formatting.AttrFormatter (and thus, locale dictionaries) can now use glob-like pattern for matching values to translate.

Bug fixes

The ICCLIM module was identified as icclim in the documentation but the module available under ICCLIM. Now icclim == ICCLIM and ICCLIM will be deprecated in a future release.

Internal changes

  • xclim.subset now attempts to load and expose the functions of clisops.core.subset. This is an API workaround preserving backwards compatibility.

  • Code styling now conforms to the latest release of black (v0.20.8).

  • New IndicatorRegistrar class that takes care of adding indicator classes and instances to the appropriate registries. Indicator now inherits from it.

0.19.0 (2020-08-18)

Breaking changes

  • Refactoring of the Indicator class. The cfprobe method has been renamed to cfcheck and the validate method has been renamed to datacheck. More importantly, instantiating Indicator creates a new subclass on the fly and stores it in a registry, allowing users to subclass existing indicators easily. The algorithm for missing values is identified by its registered name, e.g. “any”, “pct”, etc, along with its missing_options.

  • xclim now requires xarray >= 0.16, ensuring that xclim.sdba is fully functional.

  • The dev requirements now include xdoctest – a rewrite of the standard library module, doctest.

  • xclim.core.locales.get_local_attrs now uses the indicator’s class name instead of the indicator itself and no longer accepts the fill_missing keyword. Behaviour is now the same as passing False.

  • Indicator.cf_attrs is now a list of dictionaries. Indicator.json puts all the metadata attributes in the key “outputs” (a list of dicts). All variable metadata (names in Indicator._cf_names) might be strings or lists of strings when accessed as object attributes.

  • Passing doctests are now strictly enforced as a build requirement in the Travis CI testing ensemble.

New features and enhancements

  • New ensembles.kkz_reduce_ensemble method to select subsets of an ensemble based on the KKZ algorithm.

  • Create new Indicator Daily, Daily2D subclasses for indicators using daily input data.

  • The Indicator class now supports outputing multiple indices for the same inputs.

  • xclim.core.units.declare_units now works with indices outputting multiple DataArrays.

  • Doctests now make use of the xdoctest_namespace in order to more easily access modules and testdata.

Bug fixes

  • Fix dimension ordering. This caused errors when “time” was not the first dimension in a DataArray.

Internal changes

  • datachecks.check_daily now uses xr.infer_freq.

  • Indicator subclasses Tas, Tasmin, Tasmax, Pr and Streamflow now inherit from Daily.

  • Indicator subclasses TasminTasmax and PrTas now inherit from Daily2D.

  • Docstring style now enforced using the pydocstyle with numpy doctsring conventions.

  • Doctests are now performed for all docstring Examples using xdoctest. Failing examples must be explicitly skipped otherwise build will now fail.

  • Indicator methods update_attrs and format are now classmethods, attrs to update must be passed.

  • Indicators definitions without an accompanying translation (presently French) will cause build failures.

  • Major refactoring of the internal machinery of Indicator to support multiple outputs.

0.18.0 (2020-06-26)

  • Optimization options for xclim.sdba : different grouping for the normalization steps of DQM and save training or fitting datasets to temporary files.

  • xclim.sdba.detrending objects can now act on groups.

  • Replaced dask[complete] with dask[array] in basic installation and added distributed to docs build dependencies.

  • xclim.core.locales now supported in Windows build environments.

  • ensembles.ensemble_percentiles modified to compute along a percentiles dimension by default, instead of creating different variables.

  • Added indicator first_day_below and run length helper first_run_after_date.

  • Added ANUCLIM model climate indices mappings.

  • Renamed areacella to areacello in sea ice tests.

  • Sea ice extent and area outputs now have units of m2 to comply with CF-Convention.

  • Split into, and This change will only affect users creating custom indices using utilities previously located in

  • Changed signature of daily_freeze_thaw_cycles, daily_temperature_range, daily_temperature_range_variability and extreme_temperature_range to take (tasmin, tasmax) instead of (tasmax, tasmin) and match signature of other similar multivariate indices.

  • Added FromContext subclass of MissingBase to have a uniform API for missing value operations.

  • Remove logging commands that captured all xclim warnings. Remove deprecated xr.set_options calls.

0.17.0 (2020-05-15)

  • Added support for operations on dimensionless variables (units = ‘1’).

  • Moved xclim.locales to xclim.core.locales in a batch of internal changes aimed to removed most potential cyclic imports cases.

  • Missing checks and input validation refactored with addition of custom missing class registration (xclim.core.checks.register_missing_method) and simple validation method decorator (xclim.core.checks.check).

  • New xclim.set_options context to control the missing checks, input validation and locales.

  • New xclim.sdba module for statistical downscaling and bias-adjustment of climate data.

  • Added convert_calendar and interp_calendar to help in the conversion between calendars.

  • Added at_least_n_valid function, identifying null calculations based on minimum threshold.

  • Added support for freq=None in missing calculations.

  • Fixed outdated code examples in the docs and docstrings.

  • Doctests are now run as part of the test suite.

0.16.0 (2020-04-23)

  • Added vectorize flag to subset_shape and create_mask_vectorize function based on shapely.vectorize as default backend for mask creation.

  • Removed start_yr and end_yr flags from subsetting functions.

  • Add multi gridpoints support in subset.subset_gridpoint.

  • Better wrapped_partial for more meaningful inspection.

  • Add indices for relative humidity, specific humidity and saturation vapor pressure with a few choices of method.

  • Allow lazy units conversion.

  • CRS definitions of projected DataSets are now written to file according to Climate and Forecast-convention standards.

  • Add utilities to merge attributes and update history in xclim.core.formatting.

  • Ensembles : Allow alignment of datasets with same frequency but different offsets.

  • Bug fixes in run_length for run-with-dates methods when the date is not found in the run.

  • Remove deepcopy from subset.subset_shape to improve memory usage.

  • Add missing_wmo function, identifying null calculations based on criteria from WMO.

  • Add missing_pct function, identifying null calculations based on percentage of missing values.

0.15.x (2020-03-12)

  • Improvement in FWI: Vectorization of DC, DMC and FFMC with numba and small code refactoring for better maintainability.

  • Added example notebook for creating a catalog of selected indices

  • Added growing_season_end, last_spring_frost, dry_days, hot_spell_frequency, hot_spell_max_length, and maximum_consecutive_frost_free_days indices.

  • Dropped use of class in lieu of the newer pyproj CRS handler for subset_shape operations.

  • Complete internal reorganization of xclim.

  • Internationalization of xclim : add locales submodule for localized metadata.

  • Add feature to retrieve coordinate values instead of index in run_length.first_run. Add run_length.last_run.

  • Fix bug in subset_gridpoint to work on lat/lon coords of any dimension when they are not a dimension of the data.

0.14.x (2020-02-21)

  • Refactoring of the documentation.

  • Added support for pint 0.10

  • Add atmos.heat_wave_total_length (fixing a namespace issue)

  • Fixes in utils.percentile_doy and indices.winter_rain_ratio for multidimensionnal datasets.

  • Rewrote the subset.subset_shape function to allow for dask.delayed (lazy) computation.

  • Added utility functions to compute time_bnds when resampling data encoded with CFTimeIndex (non-standard calendars).

  • Fix in subset.subset_gridpoint for dask array coordinates.

  • Modified subset_shape to support subsetting with GeoPandas datatypes directly.

  • Fix in subset.wrap_lons_and_split_at_greenwich to preserve multi-region dataframes.

  • Improve the memory use of indices.growing_season_length.

  • Better handling of data with atypically named lat and lon dimensions.

  • Added six Fire Weather indices.

0.13.x (2020-01-10)

  • Documentation improvements: list of indicators, RTD theme, notebook example.

  • Added sea_ice_extent and sea_ice_area indicators.

  • Reverted #311, removing the _rolling util function. Added optimal keywords to rolling() calls.

  • Fixed ensembles.create_ensemble errors for builds against xarray master branch.

  • Reformatted code to make better use of Python3.6 conventions (f-strings and object signatures).

  • Fixed randomly failing tests of checks.missing_any.

  • Improvement of ensemble.ensemble_percentile and ensemble.create_ensemble.

0.12.x-beta (2019-11-18)

  • Added a distance function computing the geodesic distance to a point.

  • Added a tolerance argument to subset_gridpoint raising an error if distance to closest point is larger than tolerance.

  • Created land module for standardized access to streamflow indices.

  • Enhancement to utils.Indicator to have more dynamic attributes using callables.

  • Added indices heat_wave_total_length and tas / tg to average tasmin and tasmax into tas.

  • Fixed a bug with typed call signatures that caused downstream failures on library import.

  • Added a _rolling util function to fix memory issues on large dask datasets.

  • Added the subset_shape function to subset utilities for clipping region-masked datasets via polygons.

  • Fixed a bug where certain dependencies caused ReadTheDocs builds to fail.

  • Added many statically typed function signatures for better function documentation.

  • Improved DeprecationWarnings and UserWarnings ensemble for xclim subsetting functions.

  • Dropped support for Python3.5.

0.11.x-beta (2019-10-17)

  • Added type hinting to call signatures of many functions for more explicit type-checking.

  • Added Kmeans clustering ensemble reduction algorithms.

  • Added utilities for converting between wind velocity (sfcWind) and wind components (uas, vas) arrays.

  • Added type hinting to call signatures of many functions for more explicit type-checking.

  • Now supporting explicit builds for Windows OS via Travis CI.

  • Fix failing test with Python 3.7.

  • Fixed bug in subset.subset_bbox that could add unwanted coordinates/dims to some variables when applied to an entire dataset.

  • Reformatted packaging configuration to pure Py3 wheel that ignore tests and test data.

  • Now officially supporting Python3.8!

  • Enhancement to precip_accumulation() to allow estimated amounts solid (or liquid) phase precipitation.

  • Bugfix for frequency analysis choking on time series with NaNs only.

0.10.x-beta (2019-06-18)

  • Added indices to ICCLIM module.

  • Added indices days_over_precip_thresh and fraction_over_precip_thresh.

  • Migrated to a major.minor.patch-release semantic versioning system.

  • Removed attributes in netCDF output from Indicators that are not in the CF-convention.

  • Added fit indicator to fit the parameters of a distribution to a series.

  • Added utilities with ensemble, run length, and subset algorithms to the documentation.

  • Source code development standards now implement Python Black formatting.

  • Pre-commit is now used to launch code formatting inspections for local development.

  • Documentation now includes more detailed usage and an example workflow notebook.

  • Development build configurations are now available via both Anaconda and pip install methods.

  • Modified create_ensembles() to allow creation of ensemble dataset without a time dimension as well as from xr.Datasets.

  • Modified create ensembles() to pad input data with nans when time dimensions are unequal.

  • Updated subset_gridpoint() and subset_bbox() to use .sel method if ‘lon’ and ‘lat’ dims are present.

  • Added Azure Pipelines to automatically build xclim in Microsoft Windows environments.REMOVED

  • Now employing PEP8 + Black compatible autoformatting.

  • Added Windows and macOS images to Travis CI build ensemble.

  • Added variable thresholds for tasmax and tasmin in daily_freezethaw_events.

  • Updated to use date formatted strings (“%Y”, “%Y%m” etc.) in temporal subsetting.

  • Clean-up of day-of-year resampling. Precipitation percentile threshold will work without a doy index.

  • Addressed deprecations for xarray 0.13.0.

  • Added a decorator function that verifies validity and reformats subset calls using start_date or end_date signatures.

  • Fixed a bug where ‘lon’ or ‘lon_bounds’ would return false values if either signatures were set to 0.

0.10-beta (2019-06-06)

  • Dropped support for Python 2.

  • Added support for period of the year subsetting in checks.missing_any.

  • Now allow for passing positive longitude values when subsetting data with negative longitudes.

  • Improved runlength calculations for small grid size arrays via ufunc_1dim flag.

0.9-beta (2019-05-13)

This is a significant jump in the release. Many modifications have been made and will be added to the documentation in the coming days. Among the many changes:

  • New indices have been added with documentation and call examples.

  • Run_length based operations have been optimized.

  • Support for CF non-standard calendars.

  • Automated/improved unit conversion and management via pint library.

  • Added ensemble utilities for creation and analysis of muti-model climate ensembles.

  • Added subsetting utilities for spatio-temporal subsets of xarray data objects.

  • Added streamflow indicators.

  • Refactoring of the code : separation of into a directory with sub-files (simple, threshold and multivariate); ensembles and subset utilities separated into distinct modules (pulled from

  • Indicators are now split into packages named by realms. import xclim.atmos to load indicators related to atmospheric variables.

0.8-beta (2019-02-11)

This was a staging release and is functionally identical to 0.7-beta.

0.7-beta (2019-02-05)

Major Changes:

  • Support for resampling of data structured using non-standard CF-Time calendars.

  • Added several ICCLIM and other indicators.

  • Dropped support for Python 3.4.

  • Now under Apache v2.0 license.

  • Stable PyPI-based dependencies.

  • Dask optimizations for better memory management.

  • Introduced class-based indicator calculations with data integrity verification and CF-Compliant-like metadata writing functionality.

Class-based indicators are new methods that allow index calculation with error-checking and provide on-the-fly metadata checks for CF-Compliant (and CF-compliant-like) data that are passed to them. When written to NetCDF, outputs of these indicators will append appropriate metadata based on the indicator, threshold values, moving window length, and time period / resampling frequency examined.

0.6-alpha (2018-10-03)

  • File attributes checks.

  • Added daily downsampler function.

  • Better documentation on ICCLIM indices.

0.5-alpha (2018-09-26)

  • Added total precipitation indicator.

0.4-alpha (2018-09-14)

  • Fully PEP8 compliant and available under MIT License.

0.3-alpha (2018-09-4)

  • Added icclim module.

  • Reworked documentation, docs theme.

0.2-alpha (2018-08-27)

  • Added first indices.

0.1.0-dev (2018-08-23)

  • First release on PyPI.

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xclim-0.21.0.tar.gz (2.7 MB view hashes)

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xclim-0.21.0-py3-none-any.whl (159.1 kB view hashes)

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