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Pythonic cffi port of libtcod.

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This is a Python cffi port of libtcod.

This library is hosted on GitHub.

Any issues you have with this module can be reported at the GitHub issue tracker.


This module was designed to be backward compatible with the original libtcodpy module distributed with libtcod. If you had code that runs on libtcodpy then you can use this library as a drop-in replacement. This installs a libtcodpy module so you’ll only need to delete the libtcodpy/ folder that’s usually bundled in an older libtcodpy project.

Guides and Tutorials for libtcodpy should work with the tcod module.

The latest documentation can be found here:


Detailed installation instructions are here:

For the most part it’s just:

pip3 install tcod


  • Python 3.5+

  • Windows, Linux, or MacOS X 10.9+.

  • On Windows, requires the Visual C++ runtime 2015 or later.

  • On Linux, requires libsdl2 (2.0.5+) and libomp5 to run.


python-tcod is distributed under the Simplified 2-clause FreeBSD license.


Changes relevant to the users of python-tcod are documented here.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning since v2.0.0

11.14.0 - 2020-06-23

  • New tcod.los module for NumPy-based line-of-sight algorithms. Includes tcod.los.bresenham.

  • tcod.line_where and tcod.line_iter have been deprecated.

11.13.6 - 2020-06-19

  • console_init_root and console_set_custom_font have been replaced by the modern API.

  • All functions which handle SDL windows without a context are deprecated.

  • All functions which modify a globally active tileset are deprecated.

  • is deprecated, NumPy arrays should be passed to functions directly instead of through this class.

11.13.5 - 2020-06-15

  • Install requirements will no longer try to downgrade cffi.

11.13.4 - 2020-06-15

11.13.3 - 2020-06-13

  • cffi requirement has been updated to version 1.13.0. The older versions raise TypeError’s.

11.13.2 - 2020-06-12

  • SDL related errors during package installation are now more readable.

11.13.1 - 2020-05-30

  • tcod.event.EventDispatch: ev_* methods now allow Optional[T] return types.

11.13.0 - 2020-05-22

  • tcod.path: New Pathfinder and CustomGraph classes.

  • Added edge_map parameter to tcod.path.dijkstra2d and tcod.path.hillclimb2d.

  • tcod.console_init_root` and context initializing functions were not raising exceptions on failure.

11.12.1 - 2020-05-02

  • Prevent adding non-existent 2nd halves to potential double-wide charterers.

11.12.0 - 2020-04-30

  • Added tcod.context module. You now have more options for making libtcod controlled contexts.

  • tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet: Load a simple tilesheet as a Tileset.

  • Tileset.remap: Reassign codepoints to tiles on a Tileset.

  • tcod.tileset.CHARMAP_CP437: Character mapping for load_tilesheet.

  • tcod.tileset.CHARMAP_TCOD: Older libtcod layout.

  • EventDispatch.dispatch can now return the values returned by the ev_* methods. The class is now generic to support type checking these values.

  • Event mouse coordinates are now strictly int types.

  • Submodules are now implicitly imported.

11.11.4 - 2020-04-26

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.10.

  • Fixed characters being dropped when color codes were used.

11.11.3 - 2020-04-24

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.9.

  • FOV_DIAMOND and FOV_RESTRICTIVE algorithms are now reentrant. libtcod#48

  • The TCOD_VSYNC environment variable was being ignored.

11.11.2 - 2020-04-22

11.11.1 - 2020-04-03

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.8.

  • Changing the active tileset now redraws tiles correctly on the next frame.

11.11.0 - 2020-04-02

  • Added Console.close as a more obvious way to close the active window of a root console.

  • GCC is no longer needed to compile the library on Windows.

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.7.

  • tcod.console_flush will now accept an RGB tuple as a clear_color.

  • Changing the active tileset will now properly show it on the next render.

11.10.0 - 2020-03-26

  • Added tcod.tileset.load_bdf, you can now load BDF fonts.

  • tcod.tileset.set_default and tcod.tileset.get_default are now stable.

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.6.

  • The snap_to_integer parameter in tcod.console_flush has been deprecated since it can cause minor scaling issues which don’t exist when using integer_scaling instead.

11.9.2 - 2020-03-17

  • Fixed segfault after the Tileset returned by tcod.tileset.get_default goes out of scope.

11.9.1 - 2020-02-28

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.5.

  • Mouse tile coordinates are now always zero before the first call to tcod.console_flush.

11.9.0 - 2020-02-22

  • New method Tileset.render renders an RGBA NumPy array from a tileset and a console.

11.8.2 - 2020-02-22

  • Prevent KeyError when representing unusual keyboard symbol constants.

11.8.1 - 2020-02-22

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.4.

  • Mouse tile coordinates are now correct on any resized window.

11.8.0 - 2020-02-21

  • Added tcod.console.recommended_size for when you want to change your main console size at runtime.

  • Added Console.tiles_rgb as a replacement for Console.tiles2.

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.3.

  • Added parameters to tcod.console_flush, you can now manually provide a console and adjust how it is presented.

  • Console.tiles2 is deprecated in favour of Console.tiles_rgb.

  • Console.buffer is now deprecated in favour of Console.tiles, instead of the other way around.

  • Fixed keyboard state and mouse state functions losing state when events were flushed.

11.7.2 - 2020-02-16

  • Fixed regression in tcod.console_clear.

11.7.1 - 2020-02-16

  • Fixed regression in Console.draw_frame.

  • The wavelet noise generator now excludes -1.0f and 1.0f as return values.

  • Fixed console fading color regression.

11.7.0 - 2020-02-14

  • Using libtcod 1.16.0-alpha.2.

  • When a renderer fails to load it will now fallback to a different one. The order is: OPENGL2 -> OPENGL -> SDL2.

  • The default renderer is now SDL2.

  • The SDL and OPENGL renderers are no longer deprecated, but they now point to slightly different backward compatible implementations.

  • The use of libtcod.cfg and terminal.png is deprecated.

  • tcod.sys_update_char now works with the newer renderers.

  • Fixed buffer overflow in name generator.

  • tcod.image_from_console now works with the newer renderers.

  • New renderers now auto-load fonts from libtcod.cfg or terminal.png.

11.6.0 - 2019-12-05

  • Console blit operations now perform per-cell alpha transparency.

11.5.1 - 2019-11-23

  • Python 3.8 wheels failed to deploy.

11.5.0 - 2019-11-22

  • Quarter block elements are now rendered using Unicode instead of a custom encoding.

  • OPENGL and GLSL renderers were not properly clearing space characters.

11.4.1 - 2019-10-15

  • Uploaded Python 3.8 wheels to PyPI.

11.4.0 - 2019-09-20

  • Added __array_interface__ to the Image class.

  • Added Console.draw_semigraphics as a replacement for blit_2x functions. draw_semigraphics can handle array-like objects.

  • Image.from_array class method creates an Image from an array-like object.

  • tcod.image.load loads a PNG file as an RGBA array.

  • Console.tiles is now named Console.buffer.

11.3.0 - 2019-09-06

  • New attribute Console.tiles2 is similar to Console.tiles but without an alpha channel.

11.2.2 - 2019-08-25

  • Fixed a regression preventing PyInstaller distributions from loading SDL2.

11.2.1 - 2019-08-25

11.2.0 - 2019-08-24

  • tcod.path.dijkstra2d: Computes Dijkstra from an arbitrary initial state.

  • tcod.path.hillclimb2d: Returns a path from a distance array.

  • tcod.path.maxarray: Creates arrays filled with maximum finite values.

  • Changing the tiles of an active tileset on OPENGL2 will no longer leave temporary artifact tiles.

  • It’s now harder to accidentally import tcod’s internal modules.

11.1.2 - 2019-08-02

  • Now bundles SDL 2.0.10 for Windows/MacOS.

  • Can now parse SDL 2.0.10 headers during installation without crashing.

11.1.1 - 2019-08-01

  • Using an out-of-bounds index for field-of-view operations now raises a warning, which will later become an error.

  • Changing the tiles of an active tileset will now work correctly.

11.1.0 - 2019-07-05

  • You can now set the TCOD_RENDERER and TCOD_VSYNC environment variables to force specific options to be used. Example: TCOD_RENDERER=sdl2 TCOD_VSYNC=1

  • tcod.sys_set_renderer now raises an exception if it fails.

  • tcod.console_map_ascii_code_to_font functions will now work when called before tcod.console_init_root.

11.0.2 - 2019-06-21

  • You no longer need OpenGL to build python-tcod.

11.0.1 - 2019-06-21

  • Better runtime checks for Windows dependencies should now give distinct errors depending on if the issue is SDL2 or missing redistributables.

  • Changed NumPy type hints from np.array to np.ndarray which should resolve issues.

11.0.0 - 2019-06-14

  • now takes a 2-item tuple instead of separate x and y parameters. This causes less confusion over how axes are aligned.

10.1.1 - 2019-06-02

  • Better string representations for tcod.event.Event subclasses.

  • Fixed regressions in text alignment for non-rectangle print functions.

10.1.0 - 2019-05-24

  • tcod.console_init_root now has an optional vsync parameter.

10.0.5 - 2019-05-17

  • Fixed shader compilation issues in the OPENGL2 renderer.

  • Fallback fonts should fail less on Linux.

10.0.4 - 2019-05-17

  • Now depends on cffi 0.12 or later.

  • tcod.console_init_root and tcod.console_set_custom_font will raise exceptions instead of terminating.

  • Fixed issues preventing tcod.event from working on 32-bit Windows.

10.0.3 - 2019-05-10

  • Corrected bounding box issues with the Console.print_box method.

10.0.2 - 2019-04-26

  • Resolved Color warnings when importing tcod.

  • When compiling, fixed a name conflict with endianness macros on FreeBSD.

10.0.1 - 2019-04-19

  • Fixed horizontal alignment for TrueType fonts.

  • Fixed taking screenshots with the older SDL renderer.

10.0.0 - 2019-03-29

  • New Console.tiles array attribute.

  • Console.DTYPE changed to add alpha to its color types.

  • Console printing was ignoring color codes at the beginning of a string.

9.3.0 - 2019-03-15

  • The SDL2/OPENGL2 renderers can potentially use a fall-back font when none are provided.

  • New function tcod.event.get_mouse_state.

  • New function lets you get a visibility array directly from a transparency array.

  • The following functions and classes have been deprecated. - tcod.Key - tcod.Mouse - tcod.mouse_get_status - tcod.console_is_window_closed - tcod.console_check_for_keypress - tcod.console_wait_for_keypress - tcod.console_delete - tcod.sys_check_for_event - tcod.sys_wait_for_event

  • The SDL, OPENGL, and GLSL renderers have been deprecated.

  • Many libtcodpy functions have been marked with PendingDeprecationWarning’s.

  • To be more compatible with libtcodpy tcod.console_init_root will default to the SDL render, but will raise warnings when an old renderer is used.

9.2.5 - 2019-03-04

  • Fixed tcod.namegen_generate_custom.

9.2.4 - 2019-03-02

  • The tcod package is has been marked as typed and will now work with MyPy.

9.2.3 - 2019-03-01

  • The behavior for negative indexes on the new print functions may change in the future.

  • Methods and functionality preventing tcod.Color from behaving like a tuple have been deprecated.

9.2.2 - 2019-02-26

  • Console.print_box wasn’t setting the background color by default.

9.2.1 - 2019-02-25

  • tcod.sys_get_char_size fixed on the new renderers.

9.2.0 - 2019-02-24

  • New tcod.console.get_height_rect function, which can be used to get the height of a print call without an existing console.

  • New tcod.tileset module, with a set_truetype_font function.

  • The new print methods now handle alignment according to how they were documented.

  • SDL2 and OPENGL2 now support screenshots.

  • Windows and MacOS builds now restrict exported SDL2 symbols to only SDL 2.0.5; This will avoid hard to debug import errors when the wrong version of SDL is dynamically linked.

  • The root console now starts with a white foreground.

9.1.0 - 2019-02-23

  • Added the tcod.random.MULTIPLY_WITH_CARRY constant.

  • The overhead for warnings has been reduced when running Python with the optimize -O flag.

  • tcod.random.Random now provides a default algorithm.

9.0.0 - 2019-02-17

  • New console methods now default to an fg and bg of None instead of white-on-black.

8.5.0 - 2019-02-15

  • tcod.console.Console now supports str and repr.

  • Added new Console methods which are independent from the console defaults.

  • You can now give an array when initializing a tcod.console.Console instance.

  • Console.clear can now take ch, fg, and bg parameters.

  • Updated libtcod to 1.10.6

  • Printing generates more compact layouts.

  • Most libtcodpy console functions have been replaced by the tcod.console module.

  • Deprecated the set_key_color functions. You can pass key colors to Console.blit instead.

  • Console.clear should be given the colors to clear with as parameters, rather than by using default_fg or default_bg.

  • Most functions which depend on console default values have been deprecated. The new deprecation warnings will give details on how to make default values explicit.

  • tcod.console.Console.blit was ignoring the key color set by Console.set_key_color.

  • The SDL2 and OPENGL2 renders can now large numbers of tiles.

8.4.3 - 2019-02-06

  • Updated libtcod to 1.10.5

  • The SDL2/OPENGL2 renderers will now auto-detect a custom fonts key-color.

8.4.2 - 2019-02-05

  • The tdl module has been deprecated.

  • The libtcodpy parser functions have been deprecated.

  • tcod.image_is_pixel_transparent and tcod.image_get_alpha now return values.

  • Console.print_frame was clearing tiles outside if its bounds.

  • The FONT_LAYOUT_CP437 layout was incorrect.

8.4.1 - 2019-02-01

  • Window event types were not upper-case.

  • Fixed regression where libtcodpy mouse wheel events unset mouse coordinates.

8.4.0 - 2019-01-31

  • Added tcod.event module, based off of the shim.

  • Updated libtcod to 1.10.3

  • Fixed libtcodpy struct_add_value_list function.

  • Use correct math for tile-based delta in mouse events.

  • New renderers now support tile-based mouse coordinates.

  • SDL2 renderer will now properly refresh after the window is resized.

8.3.2 - 2018-12-28

  • Fixed rare access violations for some functions which took strings as parameters, such as tcod.console_init_root.

8.3.1 - 2018-12-28

  • libtcodpy key and mouse functions will no longer accept the wrong types.

  • The new_struct method was not being called for libtcodpy’s custom parsers.

8.3.0 - 2018-12-08

  • Added BSP traversal methods in tcod.bsp for parity with libtcodpy.

  • Already deprecated bsp functions are now even more deprecated.

8.2.0 - 2018-11-27

  • New layout tcod.FONT_LAYOUT_CP437.

  • Updated libtcod to 1.10.2

  • tcod.console_print_frame and Console.print_frame now support Unicode strings.

  • Deprecated using bytes strings for all printing functions.

  • Console objects are now initialized with spaces. This fixes some blit operations.

  • Unicode code-points above U+FFFF will now work on all platforms.

8.1.1 - 2018-11-16

  • Printing a frame with an empty string no longer displays a title bar.

8.1.0 - 2018-11-15

  • Heightmap functions now support ‘F_CONTIGUOUS’ arrays.

  • tcod.heightmap_new now has an order parameter.

  • Updated SDL to 2.0.9

  • Deprecated heightmap functions which sample noise grids, this can be done using the Noise.sample_ogrid method.

8.0.0 - 2018-11-02

  • The default renderer can now be anything if not set manually.

  • Better error message for when a font file isn’t found.

7.0.1 - 2018-10-27

  • Building from source was failing because console_2tris.glsl* was missing from source distributions.

7.0.0 - 2018-10-25

  • New RENDERER_SDL2 and RENDERER_OPENGL2 renderers.

  • Updated libtcod to 1.9.0

  • Now requires SDL 2.0.5, which is not trivially installable on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  • Dropped support for Python versions before 3.5

  • Dropped support for MacOS versions before 10.9 Mavericks.

6.0.7 - 2018-10-24

  • The root console no longer loses track of buffers and console defaults on a renderer change.

6.0.6 - 2018-10-01

  • Replaced missing wheels for older and 32-bit versions of MacOS.

6.0.5 - 2018-09-28

  • Resolved CDefError error during source installs.

6.0.4 - 2018-09-11

  • tcod.Key right-hand modifiers are now set independently at initialization, instead of mirroring the left-hand modifier value.

6.0.3 - 2018-09-05

  • tcod.Key and tcod.Mouse no longer ignore initiation parameters.

6.0.2 - 2018-08-28

  • Fixed color constants missing at build-time.

6.0.1 - 2018-08-24

  • Source distributions were missing C++ source files.

6.0.0 - 2018-08-23

  • Project renamed to tcod on PyPI.

  • Passing bytes strings to libtcodpy print functions is deprecated.

  • Fixed libtcodpy print functions not accepting bytes strings.

  • libtcod constants are now generated at build-time fixing static analysis tools.

5.0.1 - 2018-07-08

  • tdl.event no longer crashes with StopIteration on Python 3.7

5.0.0 - 2018-07-05

  • tcod.path: all classes now use shape instead of width and height.

  • tcod.path now respects NumPy array shape, instead of assuming that arrays need to be transposed from C memory order. From now on x and y mean 1st and 2nd axis. This doesn’t affect non-NumPy code.

  • tcod.path now has full support of non-contiguous memory.

4.6.1 - 2018-06-30

  • New function tcod.line_where for indexing NumPy arrays using a Bresenham line.

  • Python 2.7 support will be dropped in the near future.

4.5.2 - 2018-06-29

  • New wheels for Python3.7 on Windows.

  • Arrays from tcod.heightmap_new are now properly zeroed out.

4.5.1 - 2018-06-23

  • Deprecated all libtcodpy map functions.

  • tcod.map_copy could break the class.

  • tcod.map_clear transparent and walkable parameters were reversed.

  • When multiple SDL2 headers were installed, the wrong ones would be used when the library is built.

  • Fails to build via pip unless Numpy is installed first.

4.5.0 - 2018-06-12

  • Updated libtcod to v1.7.0

  • Updated SDL to v2.0.8

  • Error messages when failing to create an SDL window should be a less vague.

  • You no longer need to initialize libtcod before you can print to an off-screen console.

  • Avoid crashes if the root console has a character code higher than expected.

  • No more debug output when loading fonts.

4.4.0 - 2018-05-02

  • Added the libtcodpy module as an alias for tcod. Actual use of it is deprecated, it exists primarily for backward compatibility.

  • Adding missing libtcodpy functions console_has_mouse_focus and console_is_active.

  • Updated libtcod to v1.6.6

4.3.2 - 2018-03-18

  • Deprecated the use of falsy console parameters with libtcodpy functions.

  • Fixed libtcodpy image functions not supporting falsy console parameters.

  • Fixed tdl Window.get_char method. (Kaczor2704)

4.3.1 - 2018-03-07

  • Fixed cffi.api.FFIError “unsupported expression: expected a simple numeric constant” error when building on platforms with an older cffi module and newer SDL headers.

  • tcod/tdl Map and Console objects were not saving stride data when pickled.

4.3.0 - 2018-02-01

  • You can now set the numpy memory order on tcod.console.Console,, and objects well as from the tcod.console_init_root function.

  • The console_init_root title parameter is now optional.

  • OpenGL renderer alpha blending is now consistent with all other render modes.

4.2.3 - 2018-01-06

  • Fixed regression that could prevent building outside of the git repository.

4.2.2 - 2018-01-06

  • The Windows dynamic linker will now prefer the bundled version of SDL. This fixes: “ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.”

  • key.c is no longer set when key.vk == KEY_TEXT, this fixes a regression which was causing events to be heard twice in the libtcod/Python tutorial.

4.2.0 - 2018-01-02

  • Updated libtcod backend to v1.6.4

  • Updated SDL to v2.0.7 for Windows/MacOS.

  • Fixed “final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output” error when compiling for Linux.

  • tcod.console_init_root defaults to the SDL renderer, other renderers cause issues with mouse movement events.

4.1.1 - 2017-11-02

  • Fixed ConsoleBuffer.blit regression.

  • Console defaults corrected, the root console’s blend mode and alignment is the default value for newly made Console’s.

  • You can give a byte string as a filename to load parsers.

4.1.0 - 2017-07-19

  • tdl Map class can now be pickled.

  • Added protection to the transparent, walkable, and fov attributes in tcod and tdl Map classes, to prevent them from being accidentally overridden.

  • tcod and tdl Map classes now use numpy arrays as their attributes.

4.0.1 - 2017-07-12

  • tdl: Fixed NameError in set_fps.

4.0.0 - 2017-07-08

  • tcod.bsp: BSP.split_recursive parameter random is now seed.

  • tcod.console: Console.blit parameters have been rearranged. Most of the parameters are now optional.

  • tcod.noise: Noise.__init__ parameter rand is now named seed.

  • tdl: Changed set_fps paramter name to fps.

  • tcod.bsp: Corrected spelling of max_vertical_ratio.

3.2.0 - 2017-07-04

  • Merged libtcod-cffi dependency with TDL.

  • Fixed boolean related crashes with Key ‘text’ events.

  • tdl.noise: Fixed crash when given a negative seed. As well as cases where an instance could lose its seed being pickled.

3.1.0 - 2017-05-28

  • You can now pass tdl Console instances as parameters to libtcod-cffi functions expecting a tcod Console.

  • Dependencies updated: libtcod-cffi>=2.5.0,<3

  • The Console.tcod_console attribute is being renamed to Console.console_c.

  • The tdl.noise and modules will be deprecated in the future.

  • Resolved crash-on-exit issues for Windows platforms.

3.0.2 - 2017-04-13

  • Dependencies updated: libtcod-cffi>=2.4.3,<3

  • You can now create Console instances before a call to tdl.init.

  • Dropped support for Python 3.3

  • Resolved issues with MacOS builds.

  • ‘OpenGL’ and ‘GLSL’ renderers work again.

3.0.1 - 2017-03-22

  • KeyEvent’s with text now have all their modifier keys set to False.

  • Undefined behaviour in text events caused crashes on 32-bit builds.

3.0.0 - 2017-03-21

  • KeyEvent supports libtcod text and meta keys.

  • KeyEvent parameters have been moved.

  • This version requires libtcod-cffi>=2.3.0.

  • KeyEvent camel capped attribute names are deprecated.

  • Crashes with key-codes undefined by libtcod.

  • typedef issues with libtcod-cffi.

2.0.1 - 2017-02-22

  • tdl.init renderer was defaulted to OpenGL which is not supported in the current version of libtcod.

2.0.0 - 2017-02-15

  • Dependencies updated, tdl now requires libtcod-cffi 2.x.x

  • Some event behaviours have changed with SDL2, event keys might be different than what you expect.

  • Key repeat functions were removed from SDL2. set_key_repeat is now stubbed, and does nothing.

1.6.0 - 2016-11-18

  • Console.blit methods can now take fg_alpha and bg_alpha parameters.

1.5.3 - 2016-06-04

  • set_font no longer crashes when loading a file without the implied font size in its name

1.5.2 - 2016-03-11

  • Fixed non-square Map instances

1.5.1 - 2015-12-20

  • Fixed errors with Unicode and non-Unicode literals on Python 2

  • Fixed attribute error in compute_fov

1.5.0 - 2015-07-13

  • python-tdl distributions are now universal builds

  • New Map class

  • map.bresenham now returns a list

  • This release will require libtcod-cffi v0.2.3 or later

1.4.0 - 2015-06-22

  • The DLL’s have been moved into another library which you can find at You can use this library to have some raw access to libtcod if you want. Plus it can be used alongside TDL.

  • The libtocd console objects in Console instances have been made public.

  • Added tdl.event.wait function. This function can called with a timeout and can automatically call tdl.flush.

1.3.1 - 2015-06-19

  • Fixed pathfinding regressions.

1.3.0 - 2015-06-19

  • Updated backend to use python-cffi instead of ctypes. This gives decent boost to speed in CPython and a drastic to boost in speed in PyPy.

1.2.0 - 2015-06-06

  • The set_colors method now changes the default colors used by the draw_* methods. You can use Python’s Ellipsis to explicitly select default colors this way.

  • Functions and Methods renamed to match Python’s style-guide PEP 8, the old function names still exist and are depreciated.

  • The fgcolor and bgcolor parameters have been shortened to fg and bg.

1.1.7 - 2015-03-19

  • Noise generator now seeds properly.

  • The OS event queue will now be handled during a call to tdl.flush. This prevents a common newbie programmer hang where events are handled infrequently during long animations, simulations, or early development.

  • Fixed a major bug that would cause a crash in later versions of Python 3

1.1.6 - 2014-06-27

  • Fixed a race condition when importing on some platforms.

  • Fixed a type issue with quickFOV on Linux.

  • Added a bresenham function to the module.

1.1.5 - 2013-11-10

  • A for loop can iterate over all coordinates of a Console.

  • drawStr can be configured to scroll or raise an error.

  • You can now configure or disable key repeating with tdl.event.setKeyRepeat

  • Typewriter class removed, use a Window instance for the same functionality.

  • setColors method fixed.

1.1.4 - 2013-03-06

  • Merged the Typewriter and MetaConsole classes, You now have a virtual cursor with Console and Window objects.

  • Fixed the clear method on the Window class.

  • Fixed screenshot function.

  • Fixed some drawing operations with unchanging backgrounds.

  • Instances of Console and Noise can be pickled and copied.

  • Added KeyEvent.keychar

  • Fixed event.keyWait, and now converts window closed events into Alt+F4.

1.1.3 - 2012-12-17

  • Some of the setFont parameters were incorrectly labeled and documented.

  • setFont can auto-detect tilesets if the font sizes are in the filenames.

  • Added some X11 unicode tilesets, including unifont.

1.1.2 - 2012-12-13

  • Window title now defaults to the running scripts filename.

  • Fixed incorrect deltaTime for App.update

  • App will no longer call tdl.flush on its own, you’ll need to call this yourself.

  • tdl.noise module added.

  • clear method now defaults to black on black.

1.1.1 - 2012-12-05

  • Map submodule added with AStar class and quickFOV function.

  • New Typewriter class.

  • Most console functions can use Python-style negative indexes now.

  • New App.runOnce method.

  • Rectangle geometry is less strict.

1.1.0 - 2012-10-04

  • KeyEvent.keyname is now KeyEvent.key

  • MouseButtonEvent.button now behaves like KeyEvent.keyname does.

  • event.App class added.

  • Drawing methods no longer have a default for the character parameter.

  • KeyEvent.ctrl is now KeyEvent.control

1.0.8 - 2010-04-07

  • No longer works in Python 2.5 but now works in 3.x and has been partly tested.

  • Many bug fixes.

1.0.5 - 2010-04-06

  • Got rid of setuptools dependency, this will make it much more compatible with Python 3.x

  • Fixed a typo with the MacOS library import.

1.0.4 - 2010-04-06

  • All constant colors (C_*) have been removed, they may be put back in later.

  • Made some type assertion failures show the value they received to help in general debugging. Still working on it.

  • Added MacOS and 64-bit Linux support.

1.0.0 - 2009-01-31

  • First public release.

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