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Flexible software building recipe.

Project description


The default recipe can be used to execute ad-hoc Python code at init/install/update phases. install must create the path pointed to by location (default is ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}) and any other file system change is not tracked by buildout. install defaults to update, in which case location is ignored.

Example that installs software:

parts =

recipe =
slapos_promise =
  dynlib:bin/foo,, rpath:${bar:location}/lib,!/lib
x86 = http://host/path/ [md5sum]
x86-64 =  http://host/path/ [md5sum]
install =
  url, md5sum = options[guessPlatform()].split()
  extract_dir = self.extract(, md5sum))
  self.copyTree(guessworkdir(extract_dir), location)
update =

Using the init option:

recipe =
init =
  import platform
  options['foo'] = platform.uname()[4]

bar = ${section-one:foo}

Pure download

Note: deprecated entry-point.

parts =

recipe =
url = https://some.url/file

Such profile will download https://some.url/file and put it in buildout:parts-directory/download/download

filename parameter can be used to change destination named filename.

destination parameter allows to put explicit destination.

md5sum parameter allows pass md5sum.

mode (octal, so for rw-r–r– use 0644) allows to set mode

Exposes target attribute which is path to downloaded file.


This recipe suffers from buildout download utility issue, which will do not try to redownload resource with wrong md5sum.

Checkout a git repository and its submodules by default. Supports slapos.libnetworkcache if present, and if boolean ‘use-cache’ option is true.


Those examples use repository as an example.

Simple clone

Only repository parameter is required. For each buildout run, the recipe will pick up the latest commit on the remote master branch:

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... use-cache = true
... """)

This will clone the git repository in parts/git-clone directory. Then let’s run the buildout:

>>> print(system(buildout))
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...

Let’s take a look at the buildout parts directory now:

>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')
d git-clone

When updating, it will do a “git fetch; git reset @{upstream}”:

>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.
Fetching origin
HEAD is now at ...

Specific branch

You can specify a specific branch using branch option. For each run it will take the latest commit on this remote branch:

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... branch = build_remove_downloaded_files
... """)

Then let’s run the buildout:

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...

Let’s take a look at the buildout parts directory now:

>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')
d git-clone

And let’s see that current branch is “build”:

>>> import subprocess
>>> cd('parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'branch'], universal_newlines=True))
* build_remove_downloaded_files

When updating, it will do a “git fetch; git reset build”:

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.
Fetching origin
HEAD is now at ...

Specific revision

You can specify a specific commit hash or tag using revision option. This option has priority over the “branch” option:

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... revision = 2566127
... """)

Then let’s run the buildout:

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...
HEAD is now at 2566127 ...

Let’s take a look at the buildout parts directory now:

>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'parts')
d git-clone

And let’s see that current revision is “2566127”:

>>> import subprocess
>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'], universal_newlines=True))

When updating, it shouldn’t do anything as revision is mentioned:

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.

Empty revision/branch

Specifying an empty revision or an empty branch will make buildout ignore those values as if it was not present at all (allowing to easily extend an existing section specifying a branch):

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone-with-branch]
... recipe =
... repository =
... revision = 2566127
... [git-clone]
... <= git-clone-with-branch
... revision =
... branch = master
... """)

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('git branch'))
* master

Revision/branch priority

If both revision and branch parameters are set, revision parameters is used and branch parameter is ignored:

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... branch = mybranch
... revision = 2566127
... """)

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Warning: "branch" parameter with value "mybranch" is ignored. Checking out to revision 2566127...
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...
HEAD is now at 2566127 ...

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('git branch'))
* master

Setup a “develop” repository

If you need to setup a repository that will be manually altered over time for development purposes, you need to make sure buildout will NOT alter it and NOT erase your local modifications by specifying the “develop” flag:

parts = git-clone

recipe =
repository =
develop = true

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... develop = true
... """)

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
Installing git-clone.
Cloning into '/sample-buildout/parts/git-clone'...

Buildout will then keep local modifications, instead of resetting the repository:

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('echo foo >'))

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('cat'))

Then, when update occurs, nothing is done:

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('echo kept > local_change'))

>>> print(system('git remote add broken'))

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> print(system(buildout))
Updating git-clone.

>>> cd(sample_buildout, 'parts', 'git-clone')
>>> print(system('cat local_change'))

In case of uninstall, buildout will keep the repository directory:

>>> cd(sample_buildout)
>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... parts = git-clone
... [git-clone]
... recipe =
... repository =
... develop = true
... # Triggers uninstall/install because of section signature change
... foo = bar
... """)

>>> print(system(buildout))
Uninstalling git-clone.
Running uninstall recipe.
You have uncommited changes in /sample-buildout/parts/git-clone. This folder will be left as is.
Installing git-clone.
destination directory already exists.

Specific git binary

The default git command is git, if for a any reason you don’t have git in your path, you can specify git binary path with git-command option.

Ignore SSL certificate

By default, when remote server use SSL protocol git checks if the SSL certificate of the remote server is valid before executing commands. You can force git to ignore this check using ignore-ssl-certificate boolean option:

parts = git-clone

recipe =
repository =
ignore-ssl-certificate = true

Ignore cloning submodules

By default, cloning the repository will clone its submodules also. You can force git to ignore cloning submodules by defining ignore-cloning-submodules boolean option to ‘true’:

parts = git-clone

recipe =
repository =
ignore-cloning-submodules = true

Other options


Clone with --shared option if true. See git-clone command.


The value of the sparse-checkout option is written to the $GITDIR/info/sparse-checkout file, which is used to populate the working directory sparsely. See the SPARSE CHECKOUT section of git-read-tree command. This feature is disabled if the value is empty or unset.

Full example

parts = git-clone

recipe = hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
url =

recipe =
repository =
git-command = ${git-binary:location}/bin/git
revision = 0123456789abcdef

Downloads and installs node.js packages using Node Package Manager (NPM).


Basic example

Here is example to install one or several modules:

parts = node-package

recipe =
modules =

# Optional argument specifying perl buildout part, if existing.
# If specified, recipe will use the perl installed by buildout.
# If not specified, will take the globally available perl executable.
node = node-0.6

Specific version

parts = node-package

recipe =
modules =
node = node-0.6*

This is a set of recipes to build Virtual Machine images and execute commands inside them. They rely on QEMU and OpenSSH: executables are found via the PATH environment variable. They do nothing on update.

Common options


Folder where the recipe stores any produced file. Default: ${buildout:parts-directory}/<section_name>


Extra environment for the spawn executables. It can either be the name of a section or a list of variables (1 per line, in the form key=value). Values are expanded with current environment using Python %-dict formatting.


Python expression evaluating to an integer that specifies the RAM size in MB for the VM.


Number of CPUs for the VM. Default: 1


PATH = ${openssh:location}/bin:${qemu:location}/bin:%(PATH)s

recipe =
environment = vm-run-environment
mem = 256 * (${:smp} + 1)
smp = 4

Install Debian from an ISO image. Additional required binaries:

  • 7z (from 7zip), to extract kernel/initrd from the ISO;

  • file, which is used to test that the VM image is bootable.

Currently, it only produces raw images, in discard mode (see -drive QEMU option): combined the use of discard mount option, this minimizes the used space on disk.



Produced files: <dist>.img (1 for each token of dists), passwd and optionally ssh.key


QEMU architecture (the recipe runs the qemu-system-<arch> executable). It is also used to select the ISO in the sections refered by dists. Default to host architecture.


List of VMs to build: each token refers to a buildout section name that describes the ISOs to use. See ISO sections below. Tokens can’t contain ‘.’ characters.


Size of the VM image. This must be an integer, optionally followed by a IEC or SI suffix.


Default: 384


Set the <preseed> value for the installation. The recipe has many default preseed values: you can see the list in the InstallDebianRecipe.preseed class attribute (file slapos/recipe/ Aliases are recognized (but the recipe includes a mapping that may be out-of-date.). Any value except passwd/* can optionally be prefixed so that they only apply for a particular VM.


List of debconf value for <owner> (usually a package name), each line with 2 whitespace-separated parts: <key> <value>. Like for preseed.* values, they can be specific to <dist>.


Shell commands to execute at the end of the installation. They are run inside the target system. This is a reliable alternative to the preseed.preseed/late_command option. The DIST shell variable is set to the VM being built.


Extra packages to install. Like for late-command, do not use preseed.pkgsel/include. If you want to install packages only for some specific <dist>, you can do it in late-command, by testing $DIST and using apt-get install -y.

Boolean value that is true by default, to configure the VM for use with the recipe:

  • make sure that the ssh and sudo packages are installed

  • an SSH key is automatically created with ssh-keygen, and it can be used to connect as root

ISO sections


Name of the section that provides the ISO image, for example by downloading it. This section must define 2 options: location is the folder containing the ISO, and filename is the file name of the ISO.


Path to kernel image inside the ISO.


Path to initrd image inside the ISO.

User setup

By default, there’s no normal user created. Another rule is that a random password is automatically generated if there is no password specified.

You have nothing to do if you only plan to use the VM with

For more information about the passwd/* preseed values, you can look at the user-setup-udeb package at and in particular the user-setup-ask and user-setup-apply scripts.


# vm-run-environment refers to the section in common options
PATH = ${file:location}/bin:${p7zip:location}/bin:${vm-run-environment:PATH}

recipe =
environment = vm-install-environment
dists = debian-jessie debian-stretch
size = 2Gi
late-command =
# rdnssd causes too much trouble with QEMU 2.7, because the latter acts as
# a DNS proxy on both IPv4 and IPv6 without translating queries to what the
# host supports.
  dpkg -P rdnssd
debconf.debconf =
  debconf/frontend noninteractive
  debconf/priority critical
# minimal size
preseed.apt-setup/enable-source-repositories = false
preseed.recommends = false
preseed.tasks =

x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-netinst.iso
x86_64.kernel = install.amd/vmlinuz
x86_64.initrd = install.amd/initrd.gz

<= debian-jessie
x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-testing-netinst.iso


Execute shell commands inside a VM, in snapshot mode (the VM image is not modified).

${buildout:directory} is always mounted as /mnt/buildout inside the VM.

Mount points use the 9p file-system. Make sure that:

  • QEMU is built with –enable-virtfs;

  • the VM runs a kernel that is recent enough (Debian Squeeze kernel 2.6.32 is known to fail, and you’d have to use the one from squeeze-backports).



Folder where to store any produce file. Inside the guest, it is pointed to by the PARTDIR environment variable. It is also used as temporary storage for changes to the VM image.


Folder containing the VM images and the ssh.key` file. See the location option of the vm.install-* recipes.


VM image to use inside the vm folder.


Extra drives. Each line is passed with -drive


List of <command> options, each one being a shell script to execute via SSH. They are processed in sequence. This is usually only required if you want to reboot the VM. Default: command


Extra mount point. The value is a host folder that is mounted as /mnt/<name>.


Tell reboot function how to stop SSH (see Helpers). Default: systemctl stop ssh


Execute commands with this user. The value can be root. By default, it is empty and it means that:

  • a slapos user is created with the same uid/gid than the user using this recipe on the host, which can help accessing mount points;

  • sudo must be installed and the created user is allowed to become root without password.

In any case, SSH connects as root.


Time to wait for (re)boot. The recipe fails if it can’t connect to the SSH server after this number of seconds. Default: 60


Before commands are executed, all mount.<name> are mounted and a few helpers are set to make scripting easier.

set -e

This is done before anything else, to make buildout abort if any untested command fails.


Function to safely reboot the guest. The next command in commands will be executed once the SSH server is back.

map <host_path>

Function to map a folder inside ${buildout:directory}.


Folder where to store any produced file. Inside the guest, it actually maps to location on the host. This is useful because you can’t write PARTDIR=`map ${:location}` if you don’t explicitly set location.


# extends above example in common options
vm = ${vm-debian:location}
dist = debian-jessie

# extends above example in vm.install-debian
packages += build-essential devscripts equivs git

recipe =
repository =
# we don't need a working directory on the host
sparse-checkout = /.gitignore

<= vm-run-base
repository = `map ${userhosts-repository:location}`
command =
  git clone -s ${:repository} userhosts
  cd userhosts
  mk-build-deps -irs sudo -t 'apt-get -y'
  dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b -jauto
  cd ..
  mv *.changes *.deb $PARTDIR

# Alternate way, which is required if [userhosts-repository] is extended
# in such way that the repository is outside ${buildout:directory}.
<= build-userhosts-map
mount.userhosts = ${userhosts-repository:location}
repository = /mnt/userhosts

<= vm-run-base
commands = hello world
hello =
  uptime -s
  echo Hello ...
world =
  uptime -s
  echo ... world!


0.45 (2020-04-20)

  • default: only set default ‘location’ option if there’s an install script

0.44 (2020-03-20)

This release contains several backward-incompatible changes.

  • default: remove useless globals & ‘self’ methods

  • default: ‘script’ renamed to ‘install’, new ‘update’, clean up globals/locals

  • default: remove ‘format’ option

  • default: check that ‘install’ script creates ‘location’

  • default: do not warn if slapos_promise is not set

  • default: update doc

0.43 (2020-02-28)

  • default: new ‘init’ option.

  • default: do not strip ‘url’, ‘md5sum’, ‘path’ automatically (these options are not used by the recipe).

  • default: drop workaround for script starting with indentation.

  • shared: don’t touch symlink targets when making read-only recursively.

  • vm: no empty floppy/cdrom drives.

  • vm: always use GPT.

  • vm: switch to XFS.

0.42 (2019-10-16)

  • vm: use virtio-rng with host’s /dev/urandom to fix boot delays with recent OS

  • use -cpu host

  • new ‘drives’ option

0.41 (2019-06-19)

  • gitclone: add support for submodules, enabled by default.

0.40 (2018-10-29)

  • shared: fix signature test under Python 3.

0.39 (2018-10-26)

  • More Py3 fixes.

0.38 (2018-09-13)

  • download: fix regression in 0.37 breaking support for Python 3

0.37 (2018-08-27)

  • Drop, use perl-CPAN-package macro instead.

  • downloadunpacked, download: add shared feature.

0.36 (2017-06-29)

  • Do not depend on slapos.libnetworkcache, which is optional.

0.35 (2017-06-21)

  • download: fix default permission of installed files.

  • download: do nothing on update if we’re sure that the source hasn’t changed.

0.34 (2017-06-05)

  • downloadunpacked: make compatible with Python 2.6, now that slapos.recipe.cmmi uses it, and we still want to bootstrap SlapOS on old OS.

  • downloadunpacked: fix clean up of temporary files

  • gitclone: assume unclean on uninstall when git-executable cannot be found.

  • Add support for Python 3, at least to bootstrap SlapOS from Python 3.

0.33 (2017-04-07)

  • download, downloadunpacked: remove downloaded files after unpacking.

0.32 (2017-03-08)

  • downloadunpacked: fix an issue in extracting hard links.

0.31 (2017-03-08)

  • downloadunpacked: support .xz and .lz archives.

  • downloadunpacked: extract symlinks in a tar archive as symlinks.

0.30 (2017-02-23)

  • script option: fix IndentationError with buildout 2, if some lines are indented.

0.28 (2016-11-08)

  • workaround for old versions of mount

  • vm.install-debian:

    • No more limit on the number of preseed parameters, by placing a preseed.cfg file inside the initrd, instead of passing them all via the command line. The kernel is usually limited to 32 parameters and it panics when there are too many.

    • Dist-specific options.

    • Recognize preseed aliases.

    • late-command is run with ‘/bin/sh -e’ and it must exit with EX_OK (0), otherwise the installer stops.

0.27 (2016-10-30)

  • vm: change how commands can be easily run with a normal user account on the guest

0.26 (2016-10-29)

  • gitclone: new ‘shared’ option.

  • vm.install-debian: workaround for spurious “No network interfaces detected”

  • vm: use a normal user account by default

0.25 (2016-10-23)

  • gitclone: new ‘sparse-checkout’ option.

  • New vm.* recipes to build VM images and execute commands inside them.

0.24 (2016-10-10)

Improvements to default recipe:

  • Remove location if script fails.

  • If location already exists at install, warn instead of failing.

  • location can be a file. Similarly, the use of self.cleanup_dir_list & self.cleanup_file_list in script is deprecated in favor of self.cleanup_list.

0.23 (2015-10-22)

  • gitclone: We don’t have to fetch, if revision is already present in local git repository

0.22 (2015-10-19)

  • Support zc.buildout 2.

0.21 (2015-04-10)

  • Restore support for build scripts

0.20 (2015-03-06)

  • rerelease because “missing release” was cached in shacache

0.19 (2015-03-06)

  • gitclone: REVERT “when update(), if repository has local changes, don’t do anything but warn user.” With this commit, test nodes would not update the repository if it has local changes (eg. from pyc files)

0.18 (2015-02-05)

  • gitclone: don’t do anything at update() if develop=true.

  • gitclone: develop is false by default.

  • gitclone: don’t raise when uninstall if location does not exist.

  • gitclone: when update(), if repository has local changes, don’t do anything but warn user.

0.17 (2015-02-02)

  • gitclone: keep local changes when there is an error during update

0.16 (2015-01-12)

  • gitclone: fix option name for git-executable

0.15 (2014-11-28)

  • build: Fixup! Remove downloaded files at the end.

0.14 (2014-10-23)

  • build: Remove downloaded files at the end.

0.13 (2014-10-08)

  • gitclone: do not delete the working copy if develop is set.

  • gitclone: revision has priority over branch.

  • gitclone: empty parameter equals no parameter.

0.12 (2013-09-05)

  • gitclone: Do not upload to cache by default. ‘use-cache’ option replaces ‘forbid-download-cache’ and must be explicitely set in order to use cache.

  • gitclone: Do not cache working copy, which just duplicate .git folder.

  • gitclone: do not force to use ‘master’ branch when not specified.

  • gitclone: add git ‘ignore-ssl-certificate’ option.

  • gitclone: if directory is no longer present, install, never update.

0.11.6 (2013-02-25)

  • Cleanup pyc and pyo files when updating git repository [Sebastien Robin]

0.11.5 (2012-10-01)

  • Use @{upstream} git magic value, allow to fix update bugs. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.11.4 (2012-09-11)

  • libnetworkcache is added back as a dependency. gitclone has no sense without it in SlapOS context. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.11.3 (2012-09-10)

  • Removed explicit dependency of slapos.libnetworkcache. If not present, it will gracefully degrade. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.11.2 (2012-09-05)

  • Add location to Buildout “options” dict, so that it is exposed to other Buildout parts. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.11.1 (2012-09-05)

  • Add forbid-download-cache parameter, forbidding to fetch git from cache. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

  • Sanitize instance attributes. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.11 (2012-09-04)

  • Add recipe. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.10.2 (2012-08-02)

  • Update manifest to include readme.rst [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.10.1 (2012-08-02)

  • Minor fix in ReST documentation formatting. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.10 (2012-07-02)

  • Add format = yes|no option. [Antoine Catton]

0.9 (2012-06-07)

  • Revert accidental release about upcoming version of

0.8 (2012-06-07)

  • Add support for “path” argument [Cedric de Saint Martin]

  • Cleanup of download entry point [Vincent Pelletier]

  • Add npm and cpan entry points [Cedric de Saint Martin]

0.7 (2011-11-8)

  • Generic: Remove directory when needed, and only if it is wanted. [Cedric de Saint Martin]

  • Add slapos.recipe.downloadunpacked script [Alain Takoudjou]

0.6 (2011-09-08)

  • Cmmi: Support more compatibility with other recipes to build, especially hexagonit.recipe.cmmi. [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Generic: A lot of small improvements (like supporting values with = in environment) [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Generic: Use shlex to parse some options. [Antoine Catton]

  • Generic: Fix patch, it was not working, as not using stdin. [Antoine Catton]

0.5 (2011-09-06)

  • Download: Expose location too for compatiblity. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.4 (2011-09-06)

  • Cmmi: Provide more features to control build process. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.3 (2011-09-05)

  • Provide utility. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.2 (2011-09-05)

  • Bugfix: Support buildout’s download cache during downlading. [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Bugfix: Honour correctly passed md5sum to download method. [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Feature: Utility methods pipeCommand and failIfPathExists. [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Bugfix: Rename promisee to promise. [Łukasz Nowak]

  • Feature: Just warn in case of lack of promise. [Łukasz Nowak]

0.1 (2011-08-26)

  • Add copyTree method to recursively copy [Cedric de Saint Martin]

  • add guessPlatform function to guess architecture in case of multi-architecture installation [Cedric de Saint Martin]

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