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A library to facilitate the storage of netCDF files on ObjectStores in an efficient manner.

Project description


An extension package to netCDF4-python to enable reading and writing netCDF files and CFA-netcdf files from / to object stores and public cloud with a S3 HTTP interface, to disk or to OPeNDAP.



S3-netCDF4 requires Python 3.7 or later.

It also requires the following packages:

  • numpy==1.19.4
  • Cython==0.29.21
  • netCDF4==
  • botocore==1.19.20
  • aiobotocore==1.1.2
  • psutil==5.7.3

(These are fulfilled by a pip installation, so it is not necessary to install them if you are installing the package via pip, as below.)



S3netCDF4 is designed to be installed in user space, without the user having root or sudo privileges. System wide installation is also supported. It is recommended to install S3netCDF4 into a virtual environment, rather than using the system Python. S3netCDF4 does not rely on any external servers, besides the storage systems, it is run entirely on the host machine.

s3netCDF4 can be installed either from PyPi or directly from the GitHub repository.

From PyPi

  1. Create a Python 3 virtual environment:

python3 -m venv /path/to/venv

  1. Activate the virtual environment:

source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

  1. Installing S3netCDF4 requires a version of pip > 10.0. To install the latest version of pip into the virtual environment use the command:

pip install --upgrade pip

  1. Install from PyPi:

pip install S3netCDF4

  1. Copy the configuration template file from config/.s3nc.json.template to ~/.s3nc.json and fill in the values for the variables. See the section Configuration.

  2. Run a test to ensure the package has installed correctly:

    python test/

From GitHub

  1. Users on the STFC/NERC JASMIN system will have to activate Python 3.7 by using the command:

    module load jaspy

  2. Create a Python 3 virtual environment:

python3 -m venv /path/to/venv

  1. Activate the virtual environment:

source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

  1. Installing S3netCDF4 requires a version of pip > 10.0. To install the latest version of pip into the virtual environment use the command:

pip install --upgrade pip

  1. Install the S3netCDF4 library, directly from the github repository:

pip install -e git+

  1. Copy the configuration template file from config/.s3nc.json.template to ~/.s3nc.json and fill in the values for the variables. See the section Configuration.

  2. Run a test to ensure the package has installed correctly:

python test/

  1. Users on the STFC/NERC JASMIN system will have to repeat step 0 every time they wish to use S3netCDF4 via the virtual environment.



S3netCDF4 relies on a configuration file to resolve endpoints for the S3 services, and to control various aspects of the way the package operates. This config file is a JSON file and is located in the user's home directory:


In the git repository a templatised example of this configuration file is provided:


This can be copied to the user's home directory, and the template renamed to ~/.s3nc.json.

Alternatively, an environment variable S3_NC_CONFIG can be set to define the location and name of the configuration file. This can also be set in code, before the import of the S3netCDF4 module:

import os
os.environ["S3_NC_CONFIG"] = "/Users/neil/.s3nc_different_config.json"
from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset

Once the config file has been copied, the variables in the template should then be filled in. This file is a jinja2 template of a JSON file, and so can be used within an ansible deployment.
Each entry in the file has a key:value pair. An example of the file is given below:

    "version": "9",
    "hosts": {
        "s3://tenancy-0": {
            "alias": "tenancy-0",
                "url": "",
                "credentials": {
                    "accessKey": "blank",
                    "secretKey": "blank"
                "backend": "s3aioFileObject",
                "api": "S3v4"
    "backends": {
        "s3aioFileObject" : {
            "maximum_part_size": "50MB",
            "maximum_parts": 8,
            "enable_multipart_download": true,
            "enable_multipart_upload": true,
            "connect_timeout": 30.0,
            "read_timeout": 30.0
        "s3FileObject" : {
            "maximum_part_size": "50MB",
            "maximum_parts": 4,
            "enable_multipart_download": false,
            "enable_multipart_upload": false,
            "connect_timeout": 30.0,
            "read_timeout": 30.0
    "cache_location": "/cache_location/.cache",
    "resource_allocation" : {
        "memory": "1GB",
        "filehandles": 20
  • version indicates which version of the configuration file this is.
  • hosts contains a list of named hosts and their respective configuration details.
    • s3://tenancy-0 contains the definition of a single host called tenancy-0. For each host a number of configuration details need to be supplied:
      • alias the alias for the S3 server. See the Aliases section.
      • url the DNS resolvable URL for the S3 server, with optional port number.
      • credentials contains two keys:
        • accessKey the user's access key for the S3 endpoint.
        • secretKey the user's secret key / password for the S3 endpoint.
      • backend which backend to use to write the files to the S3 server. See the Backends section.
      • api the api version used to access the S3 endpoint.
  • backends contains localised configuration information for each of the backends which may be used (if included in a host definition) to write the files to the S3 server. See the Backends section for more details on backends.
    • enable_multipart_download allow the backend to split files fetched from S3 into multiple parts when downloading.
    • enable_multipart_upload allow the backend to split files when uploading. The advantage of splitting the files into parts is that they can be uploaded or downloaded asynchronously, when the backend supports asynchronous transfers.
    • maximum_part_size the maximum size for each part of the file can reach before it is uploaded or the size of each part when downloading a file.
    • maximum_parts the maximum number of file parts that are held in memory before they are uploaded or the number of file parts that are downloaded at once, for asynchronous backends.
    • connect_timeout the number of seconds that a connection attempt will be made for before timing out.
    • read_timeout the number of seconds that a read attempt will be made before timing out.
  • cache_location S3netCDF4 can read and write very large arrays that are split into sub-arrays. To enable very large arrays to be read, S3netCDF4 uses Numpy memory mapped arrays. cache_location contains the location of these memory mapped array files. See Caching section below.
  • resource_allocation contains localised information about how much resources each instance of S3netCDF4 should use on the host machine. See the the Resource Usage section below. It contains two keys:
    • memory the amount of RAM to dedicate to this instance of S3netCDF4.
    • file_handles the number of file handles to dedicate to this instance of S3netCDF4

Note that sizes can be expressed in units other than bytes by suffixing the size with a magnitude identifier:, kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), exabytes (EB), zettabytes (ZB) or yottabytes (YB).



To enable S3netCDF4 to write to disk, OPeNDAP and S3 object store, aliases are used to identify S3 servers. They provide an easy to remember (and type) shorthand for the user so that they don't have to use the DNS resolved URL and port number for each S3 object access. When creating a netCDF4 s3Dataset object, either to read or write, the user supplies a filename. To indicate that the file should be written to or read from a S3 server, the string must start with s3://. After this must follow the aliased server name, as defined in the config file above. After this aliased server name a bucket name will follow, for example to read a netCDF file called from the test bucket on the s3://tenancy-0 server, the user would use this code:

Example 1: open a netCDF file from a S3 storage using the alias "tenancy-0"

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
test_dataset = Dataset("s3://tenancy-0/test/", "r")

On creation of the s3Dataset object, the S3netCDF4 package reads the filename, determines that the filename starts with s3://, reads the next part of the string up to the next / (which equates to tenancy-0 in this cases) and searches through the aliases defined in the ~/.s3nc.json file to find a matching alias. If one is not found it will return an error message, if it is found then it will establish a connection to that S3 server, using the url, accessKey and secretKey defined for that server. It is over this connection that all the data transfers for this s3Dataset take place.



If the user requests to read a variable, or a slice of a variable, that is larger than either the host machines physical memory or the resource_allocation: memory setting in ~/.s3nc.json, then S3netCDF4 will use two strategies to enable reading very large arrays:

  • a Numpy memory mapped array is used as the "target array", which will contain the data requested by the user. This is stored in a locally cached file, in the cache_location root directory. These files are deleted in the destructor of S3netCDF4 - i.e. when the program exits, or the S3netCDF4 object goes out of scope. However, during processing, this directory has the potential to grow quite large so adequate provision should be made on disk for it.
  • If the file being read is a CFA-netCDF file, referencing sub-array files, then the sub-array files are streamed into memory (for files on S3 storage) or read from disk. If the amount of memory used exceeds the resource_allocation: memory config setting, or the number of open files exceeds the resource_allocation: filehandles config setting, then the last accessed sub-array file is closed. This means it will be removed from memory, or the file handle will be freed, allowing another sub-array file to be read.

See the Resource Usage section below for more information on this "memory and file shuffling" behaviour.



In S3-netCDF4, a backend refers to a set of routines that handles the interface to a storage system. The interface includes read and write, but also gathering file information and file listings. S3-netCDF4 has a pluggable backend architecture, and so can interact with new storage systems by writing a new backend plugin. The backend plugins are extensions of the io.BufferedIOBase Python class and implement Python file object methods, such as tell, seek, read and write. This enables interaction with the backend as though they are POSIX disks. These backends have to be configured on a host by host basis by setting the host: backend value in the ~/.s3nc.json config file. Currently there are two backends:

  • _s3aioFileObject: This backend enables asynchronous transfers to a S3 compatible storage system. It is the fastest backend for S3 and should be used in preference to _s3FileObject.
  • _s3FileObject: This is a simpler, synchronous inferface to S3 storage systems. It can be used if there is a problem using _s3aioFileObject


Resource Usage

S3netCDF4 has the ability to read and write very large files, much larger than the available, or allocated, memory on a machine. It also has the ability to read and write many files to and from disk, which means the number of open files may exceed the limit set by the file system, or the settings in ulimit.

Files are accessed when a Dataset is opened, and when a slice operator ([x,y,z]) is used on a CFA-netCDF file.

To enable very large and very many files to be read and written to, S3netCDF4 employs a strategy where files are "shuffled" out of memory (to free up memory) or closed (to free up disk handles). The triggers for this shuffling are configured in the "resource_allocation" section of the .s3nc.json config file:

  • resource_allocation: memory: the amount of memory that S3netCDF4 is allowed to use before a shuffle is triggered. This applies when reading or writing files from / to remote storage, such as a S3 object store. S3netCDF4 will stream the entire netCDF file, or an entire sub-array file into memory when reading. When writing, it will create an entire netCDF file or sub-array file in memory, writing the file to the remote storage upon closing the file.

  • resource_allocation: disk_handles: the number of files on disk that S3netCDF4 is allowed to have open at any one time. This applies when reading or writing files to disk. S3netCDF4 uses the underlying netCDF4 library to read and write files to disk, but it keeps a track of the number of open files.

Note that S3netCDF4 allows full flexibility over the location of the master-array and sub-array files of CFA-netCDF files. It allows both to be stored on disk or S3 storage. For example, the master-array file could be stored on disk for performance reasons, and the sub-array files stored on S3.
Or the first timestep of the sub-array files could also be stored on disk to enable users to quickly perform test analyses

The file shuffling procedure is carried out by an internal FileManager, which keeps notes about the files that are open at any time, or have been opened in the past and the last time they were accessed. The user does not see any of this interaction, they merely interact with the S3Dataset, S3Group, S3Variable and S3Dimension objects.

  1. When a file is initially opened, a note is made of the mode and whether the file is on disk or remote storage. They are marked as "OPEN_NEW" and then, "OPEN_EXISTS" when they have been opened successfully.
    • For reading from remote storage, the file is streamed into memory and then a netCDF Dataset is created from the read in data.
    • For writing to remote storage, the netCDF Dataset is created in memory.
    • For reading from disk, the file is opened using the underlying netCDF4 library, and the netCDF Dataset is returned.
    • For writing to disk, the file is created using the netCDF4 library and the Dataset is returned.
  2. If the file is accessed again (e.g. via the slicing operator), then the netCDF Dataset is returned. The FileManager knows these files are already open or present in memory as they are marked as "OPEN_EXISTS".
  3. Steps 1 and 2 continue until either the amount of memory used exceeds resource_allocation: memory or the number of open files exceeds resource_allocation: disk_handles.
  4. If the amount of memory used exceeds resource_allocation: memory:
  • The size of the next file is determined (read) or calculated (write).
    Files are closed, and the memory they occupy is freed using the Python garbage collector, until there is enough memory free to read in or create the next file.
  • Files that were opened in "write" mode are closed, marked as "KNOWN_EXISTS" and written to either the remote storage (S3) or disk.
  • Files that were open in "read" mode are simply closed and their entry is removed from the FileManager.
  • The priority for closing files is that the last accessed file is closed first. The FileManager keeps a note when each file was accessed last.
  • If a file is accessed again in "write" mode, and it is marked as "KNOWN_EXISTS" in the FileManager, then it is opened in "append" mode. In this way, a file can be created, be shuffled in and out of memory, and still be written to so that the end result is the same as if it had been in memory throughout the operation.
  1. If the number of open files exceeds resource_allocation: disk_handles:
  • The procedure for point 4 is followed, except rather than closing files until there is enough memory available, files are closed until there are free file handles.
  • Files are marked as "KNOWN_EXISTS" as in point 4.

This file shuffling procedure is fundamental to the performance of S3netCDF4, as it minimises the number of times a file has to be streamed from remote storage, or opened from disk. There are also optimisations in the File Manager, for example, if a file has been written to and then read, it will use the copy in memory for all operations, rather than holding two copies, or streaming to and from remote storage repeatably.


Writing files

S3netCDF4 has the ability to write netCDF3, netCDF4, CFA-netCDF3 and CFA-netCDF4 files to a POSIX filesystem, Amazon S3 object storage (or public cloud) or OPeNDAP. Files are created in the same way as the standard netCDF4-python package, by creating a s3Dataset object. However, the parameters to the s3Dataset constructor can vary in two ways:

  1. The filename can be an S3 endpoint, i.e. it starts with s3://
  2. The format keyword can also, in addition to the formats permitted by netCDF4-python, be CFA3, to create a CFA-netCDF3 dataset, or CFA4, to create a CFA-netCDF4 dataset.
  3. If creating a CFA3 or CFA4 dataset, then an optional keyword parameter can be set: cfa_version. This can be either "0.4" or "0.5". See the CFA-netCDF files section below.

Example 2: Create a netCDF4 file in the filesystem

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
test_dataset = Dataset("/Users/neil/", 'w',

Example 3: Create a CFA-netCDF4 file in the filesystem with CFA version 0.5 (the default)

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
cfa_dataset = Dataset("/Users/neil/", 'w',format='CFA4')

Example 4: Create a CFA-netCDF3 file on S3 storage with CFA version 0.4

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
cfa_dataset = Dataset("s3://tenancy-0/test_bucket/",
'w', format='CFA3', cfa_version="0.4")


CFA-netCDF files

Choosing format="CFA3" or format="CFA4" when creating a file creates a CFA-compliant netCDF file. This consists of a master-array file and a number of sub-array files. The version of CFA to use can also be specified, either cfa_version="0.4" or cfa_version="0.5". "0.4" follows the CFA conventions, where the sub-array metadata is written into the attributes of the netCDF variables. "0.5" refactors the sub-array metadata into extra groups and variables in the master-array file. "0.5" is the preferred format as it is more memory efficient, relying on netCDF slicing and partial reading of files, and is faster as it does not require parsing when the master-array file is first read. As it uses features of netCDF4, cfa_version="0.5" is only compatible with format="CFA4"

Note that cfa_version="0.5" and format="CFA3" are incompatible, as NETCDF3 does not enable groups to be used

The master-array file contains:

  • the dimension definitions
  • dimension variables
  • scalar variable definitions: variable definitions without reference to the domain it spans
  • variable metadata
  • global metadata
  • It does not contain any field data, but it does contain data for the dimension variables, and therefore the domain of each variable.
  • The master-array file may contain a single field variable or multiple field variables.

The sub-array files contain a subdomain of a single variable in the master-array. They contain:

  • the dimension definitions for the subdomain
  • the dimension variables for the subdomain
  • a single variable definition, complete with reference to the dimensions
  • metadata for the variable

Therefore, each sub-array file is a self-describing netCDF file. If the master-array file is lost, it can be reconstructed from the sub-array files.

In CFA v0.4, the variable metadata (netCDF attributes) in each variable in the master-array file contains a partition matrix. The partition matrix contains information on how to reconstruct the master-array variables from the associated sub-arrays and, therefore, also contains the necessary information to read or write slices of the master-array variables.

In CFA v0.5, the partition matrix is stored in a group. This group has the same name as the variable, but prefixed with cfa_. The group contains dimensions and variables to store the information for the partition matrix and the partitions. Full documentation for CFA v0.5 will be forthcoming.

The partition matrix contains:

  • The dimensions in the netCDF file that the partition matrix acts over (e.g. ["time", "latitude", "longitude")
  • The shape of the partition matrix (e.g. [4,2,2])
  • A list of partitions

Each partition in the partition matrix contains:

  • An index for the partition into the partition matrix - a list the length of the number of dimensions for the variable (e.g [3, 1, 0])
  • The location of the partition in the master-array - a list (the length of the number of dimensions) of pairs, each pair giving the range of indices in the master-array for that dimension (e.g. [[0, 10], [20, 40], [0, 45]])
  • A definition of the sub-array which contains:
    • The path or URI of the file containing the sub-array. This may be on the filesystem, an OPeNDAP file or an S3 URI.
    • The name of the netCDF variable in the sub-array file
    • The format of the file (always netCDF for S3netCDF4)
    • The shape of the variable - i.e. the length of the subdomain in each dimension

For more information see the [CFA conventions 0.4 website](http:// There is also a useful synopsis in the header of the _CFAClasses.pyx file in the S3netCDF4 source code. Documentation for the "0.5" version of CFA will follow.

Note that indices in the partition matrix are indexed from zero, but the indices are inclusive for the location of the partition in the master-array.
This is different from Python where the indices are non-inclusive. The conversion between the two indexing methods is handled in the implementation of _CFAnetCDFParser, so the user does not have to worrying about converting indices


Creating dimensions and variables

Creating dimensions and variables in the netCDF or CFA-netCDF4 dataset follows the same method as creating variables in the standard netCDF4-python library:

Example 5: creating dimensions and variables

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
cfa_dataset = Dataset("s3://minio/test_bucket/", 'w',

timed = cfa_dataset.createDimension("time", None)
times = cfa_dataset.createVariable("time", "f4", ("time",))

When creating variables, a number of different workflows for writing the files occur. Which workflow is taken depends on the combination of the filename path (S3, filesystem or OPeNDAP) and format (CFA3 and CFA4 or NETCDF4 and NETCDF3_CLASSIC). These workflows can be summarised by:

  • format=NETCDF4 or format=NETCDF3_CLASSIC. These two options will create a standard netCDF file.

    • If the filename is on a remote system, (i.e. it contains s3://) then the netCDF file will be created in memory and uploaded (PUT) to the S3 filesystem when s3Dataset.close() is called or the file is "shuffled" out of memory. (see Resource Usage for more details).
    • If the filename does not contain s3:// then the netCDF file will be written out to the filesystem or OPeNDAP, with the behaviour following the standard netCDF4-python library.
  • format=CFA3 or format=CFA4. These two options will create a CFA-netCDF file.

    • At first only the master-array file is created and written to. The sub-array files are created and written to when data is written to the master-array variable.
    • When the variable is created, the dimensions are supplied and this enables the partition matrix metadata to be generated:
      • The file splitting algorithm determines how to split the variable into the sub-arrays, or the user can supply the shape of the sub-arrays
      • From this information the partition matrix shape and partition matrix list of dimensions are created. The partition matrix is represented internally by a netCDF dataset, and this is also created.
    • Only when a variable is written to, via a slice operation on a variable, is each individual partition written into the partition matrix.
      • The sub-array file is created, either in memory for remote filesystems (S3), or to disk for local filesystems (POSIX).
      • The filename for the sub-array is determined programmatically.
      • The location in the master-array for each sub-array (and its shape) is determined by the slice and the sub-array shape determined by either the file splitting algorithm, or supplied by the user.
      • This single partition information is written into the partition- matrix
      • The field data is written into the sub-array file.
      • On subsequent slices into the same sub-array, the partition information is used, rather than rewritten.
    • When the master-array file is closed (by the user calling s3Dataset.close()):
      • The partition matrix metadata is written to the master-array
      • If the files are located on a remote filesystem (S3), then they only currently exist in memory (unless they have been "shuffled" to storage). They are now closed (in memory) and then uploaded to the remote storage.
        Any appended files are also uploaded to remote storage.
      • If the files are not on a remote filesystem, then they are closed, the sub-array files in turn, and then the master-array file last.

Filenames and file hierarchy of CFA files

As noted above, CFA files actually consist of a single master-array file and many sub-array files. These subarray-files are referred to by their filepath or URI in the partition matrix. To easily associate the sub- array files with the master-array file, a naming convention and file structure is used:

  • The CFA conventions dictate that the file extension for a CFA-netCDF file should be .nca

  • A directory is created in the same directory / same root URI as the master- array file. This directory has the same name master-array file without the .nca extension

  • In this directory all of the sub-array files are contained. These subarray files follow the naming convention:

    <master-array-file-name>.<variable-name>.[<location in the partition matrix>].nc

Example for the master-array file a7tzga.pdl4feb.nca:

├── a7tzga.pdl4feb.nca
├── a7tzga.pdl4feb
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──

On an S3 storage system, the master-array directory will form part of the prefix for the sub-array objects, as directories do not exist, in a literal sense, on S3 storage systems, only prefixes.

Note that the metadata in the master-array file informs S3netCDF4 where the sub-array files are located. The above file structure defines the default behaviour, but the specification of S3netCDF4 allows sub-array files to be located anywhere, be that on S3, POSIX disk or OpenDAP.

Writing metadata

Metadata can be written to the variables and the Dataset (global metadata) in the same way as the standard netCDF4 library, by creating a member variable on the Variable or Dataset object:

Example 6: creating variables with metadata

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
with Dataset("/Users/neil/test_dataset_cfa3.nca", mode='w', diskless=True,
format="CFA3") as s3_data:
    # create the dimensions
    latd = s3_data.createDimension("lat", 196)
    lond = s3_data.createDimension("lon", 256)
    # create the dimension variables
    latitudes = s3_data.createVariable("lat", "f4", ("lat",))
    longitudes = s3_data.createVariable("lon", "f4", ("lon",))
    # create the field variable
    temp = s3_data.createVariable("tmp", "f4", ("lat", "lon"))

    # add some attributes - variable metadata
    s3_data.source = "s3netCDF4 python module tutorial"
    s3_data.units = "degrees C"
    latitudes.units = "degrees north"
    longitudes.units = "degrees east"

    # add some global metadata = "Neil Massey"

Writing field data

For netCDF files with format=NETCDF3_CLASSIC or format=NETCDF4, the variable is created and field data is written to the file (as missing values) when createVariable is called on the s3Dataset object. Calls to the [] operator (i.e. slicing the array) will write data to the variable and to the file when the operator is called. This is the same behaviour as netCDF4- python. If a S3 URI is specified (filepath starts with s3://) then the file is first created in memory and then streamed to S3 on closing the file.

For netCDF files with format=CFA3 or format=CFA4 specified in the s3Dataset constructor, only the master-array file is written to when createDimension, createVariable etc. are called on the s3Dataset object. When createVariable is called, a scalar field variable (i.e. with no dimensions) is created, the partition-matrix is calculated (see File splitting algorithm) and written to the scalar field variable. The sub-array files are only created when the [] operator is called on the Variable object return from the s3Dataset.createVariable method. This operator is implemented in S3netCDF as the __setitem__ member function of the s3Variable class, and corresponds to slicing the array.

Writing a slice of field data to the master-array file, via __setitem__ consists of five operations:

  1. Determining which of the sub-arrays overlap with the slice. This is currently done via a hypercube overlapping method, i.e. the location of the sub-array can be determined by dividing the dimension index by the length of the dimension in the partition matrix. This assumes that the sub-arrays are uniform (per dimension) in size.

  2. If the size of the sub-array file will cause the currently used amount of memory to exceed the resource_allocation: memory setting in ~/.s3nc.json then some files may be shuffled out of memory. See the Resource Usage section above. This may result in some files being written to the remote storage, meaning they will be opened in append mode the next time they are written to. If, even after the file shuffling has occurred, the size of the sub-array cannot be contained in memory then a memory error will occur.

  3. Open or create the file for the sub-array according to the filepath or URI in the partition information. If a S3 URI is specified (filepath starts with s3://) then the file is opened or created in memory, and will be uploaded when .close() is called on the s3Dataset. The file will be will be opened in create mode (w).

  4. The dimensions and variable are created for the sub-array file, and the metadata is also written.

  5. Calculate the source and target slices. This calculates the mapping between the indices in the master-array and each sub-array. This is complicated by allowing the user to choose any slice for the master-array and so this must be correctly translated to the sub-array indices.

  6. Copy the data from the source slice to the target slice.

For those files that have an S3 URI, uploading to S3 object storage is performed when .close() is called on the s3Dataset.

Partial writing of field data

The partition information is only written into the partition-matrix when the s3Dataset is in "write" mode and the user slices into the part of the master-array that is covered by that partition. Consequently, the sub-array file is only created when the partition is written into the partition-matrix.

This leads to the situation that a large part of the partition-matrix may have undefined data, and a large number of sub-array files may not exist.
This makes s3netCDF4 excellent for sparse data, as the sub-array size can be optimised so that the sparse data occupies minimal space.

If, in "read" mode, the user specifies a slice that contains a sub-array that is not defined, then the missing value (_FillValue) is returned for the sub-domain of the master-array which the sub-array occupies.


File splitting algorithm

To split the master-array into it's constituent sub-arrays a method for splitting a large netCDF file into smaller netCDF files is used. The high-level algorithm is:

  1. Split the field variables so that there is one field variable per file.
    netCDF allows multiple field variables in a single file, so this is an obvious and easy way of partitioning the file. Note that this only splits the field variables up, the dimension variables all remain in the master-array file.

  2. For each field variable file, split along the time, level, latitude or longitude dimensions. Note that, in netCDF files, the order of the dimensions is arbitrary, e.g. the order could be [time, level, latitide, longitude] or [longitude, latitude, level, time] or even [latitude, time, longitude, level].
    S3netCDF4 uses the metadata and name for each dimension variable to determine the order of the dimensions so that it can split them correctly. Note that any other dimension (ensemble or experiment) will always have length of 1, i.e. the dimension will be split into a number of fields equal to its length.

The maximum size of an object (a sub-array file) can be given as a keyword argument to s3Dataset.createVariable or s3Group.createVariable: max_subarray_size=. If no max_subarray_size keyword is supplied, then it defaults to 50MB. To determine the most optimal number of splits for the time, latitude or longitude dimensions, while still staying under this maximum size constraint, two use cases are considered:

  1. The user wishes to read all the timesteps for a single latitude-longitude point of data.
  2. The user wishes to read all latitude-longitude points of the data for a single timestep.

For case 1, the optimal solution would be to split the master-array into sub-arrays that have length 1 for the longitude and latitude dimension and a length equal to the number of timesteps for the time dimension. For case 2, the optimal solution would be to not split the longitude and latitude dimensions but split each timestep so that the length of the time dimension is 1. However, both of these cases have the worst case scenario for the other use case.

Balancing the number of operations needed to perform both of these use cases, while still staying under the max_subarray_size leads to an optimisation problem where the following two equalities must be balanced:

  1. use case 1 = nT / dT
  2. use case 2 = nlat / dlat X nlon / dlon

where nT is the length of the time dimension and dT is the number of splits along the time dimension. nlat is the length of the latitude dimension and dlat the number of splits along the latitude dimension. nlon is the length of the longitude dimension and dlon the number of splits along the longitude dimension.

The following algorithm is used:

  • Calculate the current object size Os = nT / dT</ sub> X nlat / dlat X nlon / dlon
  • while Os > max_subarray_size, split a dimension:
    • if dlat X dlon <= dT:
      • if dlat <= dlon: split latitude dimension again: dlat += 1
      • else: split longitude dimension again: dlon += 1
    • else: split the time dimension again: dT += 1

Using this simple divide and conquer algorithm ensures the max_subarray_size constraint is met and the use cases require an equal number of operations.

Note that in v2.0 of S3netCDF4, the user can specify the sub-array shape in the s3Dataset.createVariable method. This circumvents the file-splitting algorithm and uses just the sub-array shape specified by the user.


Reading files

S3netCDF4 has the ability to read normal netCDF4 and netCDF3 files, CFA- netCDF4 and CFA-netCDF3 files from a POSIX filesystem, Amazon S3 object store and OPeNDAP.
For files on remote storage, before reading the file, S3netCDF4 will query the file size and determine whether it is greater than the resource_allocation: memory setting in the ~/.s3nc.json configuration or greater than the current available memory. If it is, then some files will be "shuffled" out of memory until there is enough allocated memory available. See Resource Usage for more details. If it is less than the resource_allocation: memory setting then it will stream the file directly into memory. Files on local disk (POSIX) are opened in the same way as the standard netCDF4 library, i.e. the header, variable and dimension information and metadata are read in, but no field data is read.

From a user perspective, files are read in the same way as the standard netCDF4-python package, by creating a s3Dataset object. As with writing files, the parameters to the s3Dataset constructor can vary in a number of ways:

  1. The filename can be an S3 endpoint, i.e. it starts with s3://, or a file on the disk, or an OpenDAP URL.
  2. The format can be CFA3 or CFA4 to read in a CFA-netCDF3 or CFA- netCDF4 dataset. However, it is not necessary to specify this keyword if the user wishes to read in a CFA file, as S3netCDF4 will determine, from the metadata, whether a netCDF file is a regular netCDF file or a CFA-netCDF file.
    S3netCDF4 will also determine, from the file header, whether a netCDF file is a netCDF4 or netCDF3 file. If the file resides on an S3 storage system, then the first 6 bytes only of the file will be first read to determine whether the file is a netCDF4 or netCDF3 file or an invalid file. As a CFA-netCDF file is just a netCDF file, determining whether the netCDF file is a CFA-netCDF file is left until the file is read in, i.e. after the interpretation of the header.
  3. Files that are on remote storage are streamed into memory. As files are read in, other files may be "shuffled" out of memory if the currently used memory exceeds the resource_allocation: memory setting in the ~/.s3nc.json config file. See Resource Usage.

Example 7: Read a netCDF file from disk

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
with Dataset("/Users/neil/", 'r') as nc_data:

Example 8: Read a CFA-netCDF file from S3 storage

from S3netCDF4._s3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
from S3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
with Dataset("s3://tenancy-0/test_bucket/", 'r') as nc_data:

Upon reading a CFA-netCDF file, the master-array file is interpreted to transform the metadata in the file (for CFA "v0.4"), or the information in the CFA group for the variable (for CFA "v0.5") into the partition matrix. See CFA- netCDF files for more information.
Part of this transformation involves creating an instance of the s3Variable class for each variable in the CFA-netCDF file. The s3Variable class contains _nc_var: the instance of the standard netCDF4.Variable object; _cfa_var: an instance of CFAVariable, containing information about the CFA sub-array associated with this variable; and _cfa: an instance of CFADataset, containing information about the CFA master-array file that contains this variable. The metadata, or CFA group, in the master-array file is parsed to generate these two objects. These two objects will be used when a user calls a slice operation on a s3Variable object.


Reading variables

In v2.0.x,the s3netCDF4 API now matches the standard netCDF4 python API in reading variable names and variables. Previously, two extra functions were used (variables(), and getVariable()). During the rework, a way was found to provide 100% compatibility with the netCDF4 python API. This is reflected in the method of handling variables:

  1. s3Dataset.variables, or s3Group.variables : returns a list of variables in the Dataset.
  2. s3Dataset.variables[<variable_name>], or s3Group.variables[<variable_name>] : return the s3netCDF4.s3Variable instance for <variable_name> if the variable is a master-array in a CFA- netCDF file, or a netCDF4.Variable instance if it is a dimension variable, or a variable in a standard netCDF file.

Example 9: Read a netCDF file from disk and get the "field8" variable

from S3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
with Dataset("/Users/neil/") as src_file:
    src_var = src_file.variables["field8"]


Reading metadata

Reading metadata from the Variables or Dataset (global metadata) is done in exactly the same way as in the standard netCDF4 python package, by querying the member variable of either a Variable or Dataset. The ncattrs and getncattr member functions of the Dataset and Variable classes are also supported.

Example 10: Read a netCDF file, a variable and its metadata

from S3netCDF4 import s3Dataset as Dataset
with Dataset("/Users/neil/") as src_file:
    src_var = src_file.getVariable["field8"]


Reading field data

Reading field data in S3netCDF follows the same principles as writing the data:

  1. If the file is determined to have format=NETCDF3_CLASSIC or format=NETCDF4 then it is read in and the field data is made available in the same manner as the standard netCDF4-python package. If the file is residing on S3 storage, then the entire file will be streamed to memory, if it is larger than the resource_allocation: memory setting in ~/ .s3nc.json, or larger than the available memory, then a memory error will be returned.
  2. If the file is determined to have format=CFA3 or format=CFA4 then just the master-array file is read in and any field data will only be read when the [] operator (__getitem__) is called on a s3Variable instance.
    Upon opening the master-array file:
  3. if the file is "v0.4" of the CFA conventions, the CFA metadata is taken from the variable metadata. The partition-matrix is constructed (see File splitting algorithm) internally as a netCDF group with dimensions and variables containing the partition information.
  4. if the files is CFA "v0.5", then the partition-matrix is read in directly from the Groups, Dimensions and Variables in the file, without any parsing having to take place.
  5. the _cfa, _cfa_grp, _cfa_dim and _cfa_var objects are created as member variables of the s3Dataset, s3Group, s3Dimension and s3Variable objects respectively. These are instances of CFADataset, CFAGroup, CFADimension and CFAVariable respectively. The partition-matrix is contained within a netCDF4.Group within the _cfa_var instance of CFAVariable

Internally, the partition-matrix consists of a netCDF group, which itself contains the dimensions of the partition-matrix, and variables containing the partition information. Within the s3Dataset, s3Variable and s3Group objects, there are objects that contain higher level CFA data, and the methods to operate on that data. This information is used when a user slices the field data to determine which sub-array files are read and which portion of the sub-array files are included in the slice:

  1. A CFADataset as the top level container:
    1. A number of CFAGroups: information about groups in the file. There is always at least one group: the root group is explicit in its representation in the CFADataset. Within the CFAGroup there are:
      1. A number of CFADims : information about the dimensions in the Dataset
      2. A number of CFAVariables : information about the variables in the Dataset, which contains:
        1. The partition-matrix which consists of a netCDF group containing:

          1. the scalar dimensions, with no units or associated dimension variable
          2. the variables containing the partition information:
            1. pmshape : the shape of the partition-matrix
            2. pmdimensions : the dimensions in the master-array file which the partition matrix acts over.
            3. index : the index in the partition-matrix. This is implied by the location in the partition-matrix but it is retained to detect erroneous lookups by the slicing algorithm.
            4. location : the location in the master-array file
            5. ncvar : the name of the variable in the sub-array file.
            6. file : the URL or path of the sub-array file.
            7. format : the format of the sub-array file.
            8. shape : the shape of the sub-array file.
        2. Methods to act upon the variable and its partition-matrix, including:

          1. __getitem__ : returns the necessary information to read and write sub-array files.
          2. getPartition : return a user-readable version of a partition (a single element in the partition-matrix) as a Python named tuple, rather than a netCDF Group or Variable.

Reading a slice of field data from a variable in the master-array file, via getitem consists of five operations:

  1. If the total size of the requested slice is greater than resource_allocation: memory (or the available memory) then a Numpy memory mapped array is created in the location indicated by the cache_location: setting in the ~/.s3nc.json config file.

  2. Determine which of the sub-arrays overlaps with the slice, by querying the partition-matrix. This is currently done by a simple arithmetic operation that relies on the partitions all being the same size.

  3. Calculate the source and target slices, the source being the sub-array and the target (the master-array) a memory-mapped Numpy array with a shape equal to the user supplied slice. The location of this sub-array in the master-array is given by the partition containing the sub-array, which gives the slice into the master-array. However, both the slice of the sub-array and master-array may need to be altered if the user supplied slice does not encapsulate the whole sub-array, for example if a range of timesteps are taken.

  4. For each of the sub-arrays the file specified by the file variable in the partition information is opened. If the file is on disk, it is simply opened in the same way as a standard netCDF4 python file. If it is on a remote file system, such as S3, then it is streamed into memory. If the size of the sub-array file will cause the currently used amount of memory to exceed the resource_allocation: memory setting in ~/.s3nc.json then some files may be shuffled out of memory. See the Resource Usage section above. If, even after the file shuffling has occurred, the size of the sub-array cannot be contained in memory then a memory error will occur.

  5. A netCDF4-python Dataset object is opened from the downloaded file or streamed memory.

  6. The values in the sub-array are copied to the master-array (the memory-mapped Numpy array) using the source (sub-array) slice and the target (master-array) slice.

Currently the reading of data is performed asynchronously, using aiobotocore. S3netCDF4 allows parallel workflows using multi-processing or Dask, by using the CFA information stored in the CFADataset, CFAGroup, CFADimension and CFAVariable classes. Examples of this will follow

List of examples


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