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Minimalistic form library.

Project description

The repoze.formapi provides a form library which integrates with HTML forms instead of abstracting them away.

It provides a small framework to take you through the entire process of rendering a form, provide default values, validate and execute form actions.

Form fields are defined using Python base types which map out nested data structures with end points that are either integers, strings, floats or tuples of these. It’s up to the application to bridge these with more complex objects.


This library helps you parse, validate and deserialize form input as well as execute form actions.

The starting point is to define the data structure that describes your data. For instance, an action string and a list of numbers (typical for a form that allows a user to select some items and apply an action):

>>> fields = {
...     'action': unicode,
...     'items': [int]
... }

Let’s apply the following input sequence:

>>> params = [
...      ('action', 'submit'),
...      ('items', 1),
...      ('items', 2),
...      ('security-token', '...')
... ]

Note that 'security-token' is an example of a parameter that is provided, but not defined in the fields. That’s not an error.

Now, to parse the parameters above into the data structure defined by our fields definition, we use the parse function (note that in the rest of this text, we assume that symbols have been imported).

>>> from repoze.formapi import parse
>>> data, errors = parse(params, fields)

In the logic that handles this call, you’ll typically want to test if the errors value is true (meaning there was an error) or false (meaning there was no error).

>>> bool(errors)

Let’s take a look at the data:

>>> data
{'action': u'submit', 'items': [1, 2]}


In the previous example, we used Python’s built-in data types: int and unicode.

However, you can use any callable as the data type. Note that if the callable raises a KeyError, then it’s simply ignored.

Let’s try an example:

>>> data, errors = parse((('foo', 'bar'), ('baz', 'boo'), ('baz', 'qux')), {
...     'foo': str.upper,
...     'baz': {'boo': 'yes'}.__getitem__,
... })

What can we expect in data?

The 'foo' parameter will be uppercased, the first 'baz' resolves to 'yes', while the other raises a KeyError and is ignored.

>>> data
{'foo': 'BAR', 'baz': 'yes'}

It’s useful to remember that if you want a parameter to be ignored, simply raise a KeyError.


The library provides an abstraction for handling forms.

To create a form you subclass the Form class and define the form field definitions in the fields attribute.

>>> class TapeForm(Form):
...     """Casette tape form."""
...     fields = {
...         'artist': unicode,
...         'title': unicode,
...         'asin': str,
...         'year': int,
...         'playtime': float
...     }

If there are no start or default values, the form can be instantiated with no arguments:

>>> form = TapeForm()

The form data is available from the data attribute. Since we didn’t pass in a request, there’s no data available.

>>>['artist'] is None

That’s not very interesting. Let’s pass an input parameter.

>>> params = (('title', u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'),)
>>> form = TapeForm(params=params)

This will set the 'title' field.

The input is a valid unicode string and there are no validation errors.

>>> form.validate()

Let’s confirm that the data is available.

u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

The library also support passing in a request argument, if this is an object that has a params attribute.

>>> request = Request(params=params)

The Request class from WebOb (a popular package that provides an object-oriented interface to the HTTP protocol) is compatible.

>>> form = TapeForm(request=request)

We’ll often want to initialize the form with default values. To this effect we pass in a dictionary object.

>>> data = {
...    'artist': u'Bachman-Turner Overdrive',
...    'title': u'Four Wheel Drive',
...    'asin': 'B000001FL8',
...    'year': 1975,
...    'playtime': 33.53
... }
>>> form = TapeForm(data)

The values are available in the form data object.

u'Four Wheel Drive'

However, if we pass in the request from the former example, we’ll see that values from the request are used before the passed dictionary object is queried.

>>> form = TapeForm(data, request=request)
u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

The provided data dictionary is unchanged at this point:

>>> data['title']
u'Four Wheel Drive'

We need to invoke the save method to commit the changes to the provided dictionary.

>>> data['title']
u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

Additional validation

It is possible to create validation methods for more complex needs. These extra validators can be hooked up using the validator decorator.

>>> class CDForm(Form):
...     fields = {
...         'artist': unicode,
...         'title': unicode,
...         'asin': str,
...         'year': int,
...         'genre': str,
...         'playtime': float}
...     @validator
...     def check_genre(self):
...         if['genre'] != 'rock':
...             yield 'Genre is invalid'

A validator can look at all the data that is available. This makes it easy to create validators that need to check multiple fields.

>>> form = CDForm()
>>> form.validate()

The errors attribute contains our error message.

>>> form.errors[0]
'Genre is invalid'

Errors can also be assigned to a specific field. To do this a validator can register itself for a specific field.

>>> class CDForm(Form):
...     fields = {
...         'artist': unicode,
...         'title': unicode,
...         'asin': str,
...         'year': int,
...         'genre': str,
...         'playtime': float}
...     @validator('genre')
...     def check_genre(self):
...         if['genre'] != 'rock':
...             yield 'Genre is invalid'

When this form is validated it will have the error available for the specific field.

>>> form = CDForm()
>>> form.validate()
>>> 'genre' in form.errors
>>> form.errors['genre'][0]
'Genre is invalid'

Form context

We can set the context of a form to some object.

>>> class Tape:
...    title = u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'
...    asin = 'B000001FL8'
...    year = 1975
>>> tape = Tape()

The form data will draw defaults from the context.

>>> form = TapeForm(context=tape)
u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

Request parameters take priority over the context. In the following example, we submit the form with trivial input.

>>> request = Request(params=(('asin', u''), ('year', u'')))
>>> form = TapeForm(context=tape, request=request)

This form input is valid; although year is an integer field, the trivial input is valid and will be assigned a value of None.

>>> form.validate()

The asin input is coerced to a string (from unicode).


The year input is trivial. It’s not a required field, so the value is None (treated as a non-input).

>>>['year'] is None

Required fields

We use the required method to mark fields required.

Let’s continue the example from above. If we make the fields required, the input no longer validates.

>>> TapeForm.fields['year'] = required(int, u"Required field" )
>>> TapeForm.fields['asin'] = required(str)

The form input is no longer valid.

>>> form = TapeForm(context=tape, request=request)
>>> form.validate()
>>>['year'] is None

The error message is available as well:

>>> form.errors['year'][0]
'Required field'

Now let’s try a valid input:

>>> request = Request(params=(('asin', u'B000001FL8'), ('year', u'1978')))
>>> form = TapeForm(context=tape, request=request)

We can expect both required fields to be converted and correctly typed.

>>> form.validate()

Form submission

If a form prefix has not been set, the request is applied by default. However, most applications will want to set a form prefix and require explicit form submission.

A form submits a “default action” if the prefix is submitted as a parameter.

>>> request = Request(params=(
...    ('tape_form', ''),
...    ('title', u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live')))
>>> form = TapeForm(request=request, prefix='tape_form')
u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

As expected, if we submit a form with a different prefix, the request is not applied.

>>> form = TapeForm(request=request, prefix='other_form')
>>>['title'] is None

We can also define form actions on the form class itself.

>>> class TapeAddForm(TapeForm):
...     """An add-form for a casette tape."""
...     @action
...     def handle_add(self, data):
...         print "add"
...     @action("add_and_edit")
...     def handle_add_and_edit(self, data):
...         print "add_and_edit"

The first action is a “default action”; if we submit the request we set up before, this action will be read to be submitted.

>>> form = TapeAddForm(request=request, prefix='tape_form')
>>> form.actions
[<Action name="" submitted="True">,
 <Action name="add_and_edit" submitted="False">]

The submitted action is available in the action parameter.

>>> form.action
<Action name="" submitted="True">

To call the form handler of the submitted action, we invoke the form’s call method.

>>> form()

To call the named form action, there must be a parameter in the request which is a concatenation of the prefix and the form action name. Accepted separation characters are ‘.’ (dot), ‘_’ (underscore) and ‘-’ (dash).

>>> request = Request(params=(
...    ('tape_form-add_and_edit', ''),
...    ('title', u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'),))
>>> form = TapeAddForm(request=request, prefix='tape_form')
>>> form.actions
[<Action name="" submitted="False">,
 <Action name="add_and_edit" submitted="True">]
>>> form()

Data proxies

We can bind a context object to a data object by using a proxy object. This technique can be used to create edit or add-forms.

To illustrate this, let’s define a content object. We’ll hardcode default values for simplicity.

>>> class Tape(object):
...    artist = u'Bachman-Turner Overdrive'
...    title = u'Four Wheel Drive'
...    asin = 'B000001FL8'
...    year = 1975
...    playtime = 33.53

We can now create a data proxy for an instance of this class.

>>> tape = Tape()
>>> proxy = Proxy(tape)

With no further intervention, this data object acts as a proxy to read and write attributes on the content object.

>>> proxy.title
u'Four Wheel Drive'
>>> proxy.title = u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'
>>> tape.title
u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

If we want to have more control over this process, we can subclass and define descriptors.

The following example defines custom behavior for the title attribute; the value is uppercased.

>>> class TapeProxy(Proxy):
...     def get_title(self):
...         return self.title
...     def set_title(self, value):
...         self.title = value.upper()
...     title = property(get_title, set_title)
>>> proxy = TapeProxy(tape)

If we read and write to the title attribute of this proxy object, the custom getter and setter functions are used.

>>> proxy.title = u'Motorcity Detroit USA Live'

As would be expected from a proxy, changes are actually made to the underlying content object.

>>> tape.title

Saving form data

When instantiating a form, you can pass in a proxy object instead of data. This binds the data object to the proxy, but it also allows us to save the form data on the proxied object.

>>> form = TapeForm(proxy, request=request)
>>>['title'] = u'Four Wheel Drive'

Assignment behaves logically.

u'Four Wheel Drive'

However, if we invoke the save action, changes take effect on the proxied object.

>>> tape.title


0.6.1 (2012-12-10)

  • Added support for the field definition callable to raise a KeyError exception such that the input is ignored.

0.6 (2012-12-10)

  • The marshalling module has been renamed to parser.

  • Fixed issue where an integer would cause an error even when not required.

0.5.4 (2012-12-04)

  • Added keys method to marshaller such that the object can be used as a mapping.

0.5.3 (2012-11-23)

  • Fixed an issue where a fields definition with a single entry would get incorrectly marshalled when the corresponding data had multiple entries.

0.5.2 (2012-11-19)

  • Fixed an issue with required where the marshaller would not correctly convert a value to the provided value type.

0.5.1 (2012-11-16)

  • Type-checking has been removed from the marshalling code:

    if not error and not isinstance(value, data_type):
        error = True

    This change was required to support “schema types” such as:

    import re
    match_email = re.compile(
    class email(unicode):
        def __new__(cls, string):
          if match_email(string):
              return string
          raise ValueError(u"Not a valid e-mail address.")

0.5.0 (2010-05-28)

  • Fixed Errors class to use the more obtuse __getattr__ override; this fixes an issue where an attribute lookup of __class__ would fail. [malthe]

  • Added required decorator for field types; when we wrap a type with this decorator, inputs that do not validate (even the trivial input of the empty string) are given the input value as-is. Compare this to an optional field (the default setting) where the empty string will be interpreted as a non-input (unless it’s a string type or another type which will accept the empty string). [malthe]

  • Add __contains__/has_key support to the Error class. [wichert]

0.4.2 (2009-09-14)

  • Added any builtin fallback. [malthe]

0.4.1 (2009-07-31)

  • Added defaultdict emulation class. [malthe]

0.4 (2009-07-29)

  • The selected action, if any, is available in the action attribute of a form instance. [malthe]

  • Even if form input does not validate, the input is available as-is in the data dictionary. [malthe, rnix]

  • Request parameters can now be provided directly as the params keyword argument. [malthe]

  • Added get method to errors dictionary. [malthe]

  • Errors can now be compared with each other to see if they are the same. This makes it easier to test without doctest.

  • Made the truth test for the errors object check just for messages in itself or it’s sub errors. This avoids having the errors object saying it is true after accessing a key for which no error exists (thus creating a new errors object). [jvloothuis]

  • Changed the base class of errors from unicode to object. This makes it behave like one would expect when printing etc. [jvloothuis]

0.3.2 (2009-03-09)

  • Shedding unused dependency on ‘zope.interface’ [jvloothuis]

0.3.1 (2008-10-27)

  • Make it possible to set prefix as class attribute. [malthe]

  • Fixed issue where action parameters would not get set. [malthe]

0.3 (2008-10-27)

  • Marshalled data is no longer applied when no parameters are available from the request. [malthe]

  • Made the errors-object subclass unicode instead of defaultdict and implemented custom string representation function which concatenates error messages. [malthe]

0.2 (2008-10-19)

  • Created/improved the abilities for custom validation. [jvloothuis]

  • Added form action support. [malthe]

  • Reworked marshalling code to handle dynamic dictionary keys. [malthe]

  • Implemented form data object which facilities the form processing flow from applying the request to committing changes to a context object. [malthe]

  • Integrated the converter into the form module. [seletz]

  • Added ValidationErrors object, which evaluates to True if validation errors occured. [seletz]

  • Added unicode converter. [seletz]

  • Added converter module to support converting and validating request parameters sent by a form. [seletz]

  • Added logic to allow registering and acquiring template API components from templates. [malthe]

  • Changed the Skin Template View to be a class, and added a minimal interface ISkinTemplate to access the template path [seletz]

  • Fixed a bug where we did not tear down the tests correctly [seletz]

  • Fixed bug where the INewRequest event handler would call templates when checking for their existence [seletz]

0.1 (2008-09-25)

  • Initial release [malthe]

  • Added support to dynamically register templates if they are added to a registered template directory [seletz]

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repoze.formapi-0.6.1.tar.gz (37.3 kB view hashes)

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