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pytest plugin that let you play a json file describing some actions and assertions. Supports by default Selenium/Splinter actions

Project description


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:alt: See Build Status on Travis CI

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:alt: Documentation Status

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``pytest-play`` is a pytest_ plugin that let you **play** a json file describing some actions and assertions.
You can extend ``pytest-play`` with your own commands thanks to its pluggable architecture and by default it supports
browser interactions. For example it can be used for running previously recorded selenium splinter_ actions driving your
browser for your UI test.

See at the bottom of the page the third party plugins that extends ``pytest-play``.

``pytest-play`` is also your friend when page object approach (considered best practice) is not possible. For example:

* limited time, and/or
* lack of programming skills

Instead if you are interested in a page object pattern have a look at pypom_form_ or pypom_.

``pytest-play`` supports automatic waiting that should help to keep your tests more reliable with implicit waits before
moving on. By default it waits for node availability and visibility but it supports also some wait commands and
wait until a given Javascript expression is ok. So it is at the same time user friendly and flexible.

How it works
Given a json file (eg: ``login.json``)::

"steps": [
"type": "get",
"url": "$base_url"
"type": "setElementText",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "input[name=\"email\"]"
"text": "$root_name"
"type": "setElementText",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "input[name=\"password\"]"
"text": "$root_pwd"
"type": "clickElement",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ".label-submit"
"type": "waitForElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ".logged"
"type": "assertElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ".user-info"

you define a test ```` like this::

def test_login(play_json):
data = play_json.get_file_contents(
'/my/path/etc', 'login.json')

you get things moving on your browser!

Core commands

pytest-play_ provides some core commands that let you:

* write simple Python assertions, expressions and variables

* reuse steps including other test scenario scripts

* provide a default command template for some particular providers
(eg: add by default HTTP authentication headers for all requests)

* a generic wait until machinery. Useful for waiting for an
observable asynchronous event will complete its flow before
proceeding with the following commands that depends on the previous
step completion

You can write restricted Python expressions and assertions based on the ``RestrictedPython`` package.

``RestrictedPython`` is a tool that helps to define a subset of the Python
language which allows to provide a program input into a trusted environment.
RestrictedPython is not a sandbox system or a secured environment, but it helps
to define a trusted environment and execute untrusted code inside of it.



How to reuse steps

You can split your commands and reuse them using the ``include`` command avoiding

"steps": [
{"provider": "include", "type": "include", "path": "/some-path/included-scenario.json"},
... other commands ...

You can create a variable for the base folder where your test scripts live.

Default commands

Some commands require many verbose options you don't want to repeat (eg: authentication headers for play_requests_).

Instead of replicating all the headers information you can initialize a ``pytest-play`` with the provider name as
key and as a value the default command you want to omit::

"steps": [{
"provider": "python",
"type": "store_variable",
"name": "bearer",
"expression": "'BEARER'"
"provider": "python",
"type": "store_variable",
"name": "play_requests",
"expression": "{'play_requests': {'parameters': {'headers': {'Authorization': '$bearer'}}}}"
"provider": "play_requests",
"type": "GET",
"comment": "this is an authenticated request!",
"url": "$base_url"

Store variables

You can store a pytest-play_ variables::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'store_variable',
'expression': '1+1',
'name': 'foo'

Make a Python assertion

You can make an assertion based on a Python expression::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'assert',
'expression': 'variables["foo"] == 2'


Sleep for a given amount of seconds::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'sleep',
'seconds': 2

Exec a Python expresssion

You can execute a Python expression::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'exec',
'expression': '1+1'

Wait until condition

The ``wait_until_not`` command waits until the wait expression is False::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'wait_until_not',
'expression': 'variables["expected_id"] is not None and variables["expected_id"][0] == $id',
'timeout': 5,
'poll': 0.1,
'subcommands': [{
'provider': 'play_sql',
'type': 'sql',
'database_url': 'postgresql://$db_user:$db_pwd@$db_host/$db_name',
'query': 'SELECT id FROM table WHERE id=$id ORDER BY id DESC;',
'variable': 'expected_id',
'expression': 'results.first()'

assuming that the subcommand updates the execution results updating a ``pytest-play``
variable (eg: ``expected_id``) where tipically the ``$id`` value comes
from a previously executed command that causes an asynchrounous update on a relational
database soon or later (eg: a play_requests_ command making a ``HTTP POST`` call
or a ``MQTT`` message coming from a simulated IoT device with play_mqtt_).

The wait command will try (and retry) to execute the subcommand with a poll frequency
``poll`` (default: 0.1 seconds) until the provided ``timeout`` expressed
in seconds expires or an exception occurs.

You can use the opposite command named ``wait_until`` that waits until the wait
expression is not False.

Loop commands

You can repeat a group of subcommands using a variable as a counter. Assuming you
have defined a ``countdown`` variable with 10 value, the wait until command will
repeat the group of commands for 10 times::

'provider': 'python',
'type': 'wait_until',
'expression': 'variables["countdown"] == 0',
'timeout': 0,
'poll': 0,
'sub_commands': [{
'provider': 'python',
'type': 'store_variable',
'name': 'countdown',
'expression': 'variables["countdown"] - 1'

Conditional commands

You can skip any command evaluating a Python based skip condition
like the following::

"provider": "include",
"type": "include",
"path": "/some-path/assertions.json",
"skip_condition": "variables['cassandra_assertions'] is True"

Browser based commands

**Deprecation warning**: Browser commands will be removed
in pytest-play_ >= 2.0.0 but don't worry: they will be
implemented in a separate package.

Conditional commands

Based on a browser level expression (Javascript)::

"type": "clickElement",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"
"condition": "'$foo' === 'bar'"

Supported locators

Supported selector types:

* css
* xpath
* tag
* name
* text
* id
* value

Open a page

With parametrization::

"type": "get",
"url": "$base_url"

or with a regular url::

"type": "get",
"url": ""


This command invokes a javascript expression that will
pause the execution flow of your commands::

"type": "pause",
"waitTime": 1500

If you need a pause/sleep for non UI tests you can use the
``sleep`` command provided by the play_python_ plugin.

Click an element

"type": "clickElement",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"

Fill in a text

"type": "setElementText",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "input.title"
"text": "text value"

Interact with select input elements

Select by label::

"type": "select",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ""
"text": "Turin"

or select by value::

"type": "select",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ""
"value": "1"

Eval a Javascript expression


"type": "eval",
"script": "alert("Hello world!")"

Create a variable starting from a Javascript expression

The value of the Javascript expression will be stored in
``pytest_play.variables`` under the name ``count``::

"type": "storeEval",
"variable": "count",
"script": "document.getElementById('count')[0].textContent"

Assert if a Javascript expression matches

If the result of the expression does not match an ``AssertionError``
will be raised and the test will fail::

"type": "verifyEval",
"value": "3",
"script": "document.getElementById('count')[0].textContent"

Verify that the text of one element contains a string

If the element text does not contain the provided text an
``AssertionError`` will be raised and the test will fail::

"type": "verifyText",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ".my-item"
"text": "a text"

Send keys to an element

All ``selenium.webdriver.common.keys.Keys`` are supported::

"type": "sendKeysToElement",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": ".confirm"
"text": "ENTER"

Supported keys::

KEYS = [
'DOWN', 'END', 'ENTER', 'EQUALS', 'ESCAPE', 'F1', 'F10',
'F11', 'F12', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8',

Wait until a Javascript expression matches

Wait until the given expression matches or raise a
``selenium.common.exceptions.TimeoutException`` if takes too time.

At this time of writing there is a global timeout (20s) but in future releases
you will be able to override it on command basis::

"type": "waitUntilCondition",
"script": "document.body.getAttribute("class") === 'ready'"

Wait for element present in DOM


"type": "waitForElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"

or not present::

"type": "waitForElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"
"negated": true

Wait for element visible


"type": "waitForElementVisible",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"

or not visible::

"type": "waitForElementVisible",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "body"
"negated": true

Assert element is present in DOM

An ``AssertionError`` will be raised if assertion fails.


"type": "assertElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "div.elem"

or not present::

"type": "assertElementPresent",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "div.elem"
"negated": true

Assert element is visible

An ``AssertionError`` will be raised if assertion fails.


"type": "assertElementVisible",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "div.elem"

or not present::

"type": "assertElementVisible",
"locator": {
"type": "css",
"value": "div.elem"
"negated": true

How to install pytest-play

You can see ``pytest-play`` in action creating a pytest project
using the cookiecutter-qa_ scaffolding tool:

* play.json_
* test_play.py_

This is the easiest way, otherwise you'll need to setup a pytest
project by your own and install ``pytest-play``.

pytest-play is pluggable and extensible

``pytest-play`` has a pluggable architecture and you can extend it.

For example you might want to support your own commands, support non UI
commands like making raw POST/GET/etc calls, simulate IoT devices
activities, provide easy interaction with complex UI widgets like
calendar widgets and so on.

How to register a new command provider

Let's suppose you want to extend pytest-play with the following command::

command = {'type': 'print', 'provider': 'newprovider', 'message': 'Hello, World!'}

You just have to implement a command provider::

from pytest_play.providers import BaseProvider

class NewProvider(BaseProvider):

def this_is_not_a_command(self):
""" Commands should be command_ prefixed """

def command_print(self, command):

def command_yetAnotherCommand(self, command):

and register your new provider in your ```` adding an entrypoint::

'playcommands': [
'print = your_package.providers:NewProvider',

You can define new providers also for non UI commands. For example publish MQTT
messages simulating IoT device activities for integration tests.

If you want you can generate a new command provider thanks to:


Third party pytest-play plugins

* play_mqtt_, ``pytest-play`` plugin for MQTT support. Thanks to ``play_mqtt``
you can test the integration between a mocked IoT device that sends
commands on MQTT and a reactive web application with UI checks.

You can also build a simulator that generates messages for you.

* play_requests_, ``pytest-play`` plugin driving the famous Python ``requests``
library for making ``HTTP`` calls.

* play_sql_, ``pytest-play`` support for SQL expressions and assertions

* play_cassandra_, ``pytest-play`` support for Cassandra expressions and assertions

* **play_selenium**, the ``pytest-play`` selenium commands for UI tests
will be implemented on a brand new package named play_selenium

Feel free to add your own public plugins with a pull request!


``pytest-play`` tweets happens here:

* `@davidemoro`_

.. _`Apache Software License 2.0`:
.. _`file an issue`:
.. _`pytest`:
.. _`pypom_form`:
.. _`splinter`:
.. _`pytest-splinter`:
.. _`tox`:
.. _`pip`:
.. _`pypom`:
.. _`PyPI`:
.. _`@davidemoro`:
.. _`cookiecutter-qa`:
.. _`play.json`:
.. _``:
.. _`play_mqtt`:
.. _`play_python`:
.. _`play_requests`:
.. _`play_sql`:
.. _`play_cassandra`:
.. _`RestrictedPython`:


1.2.0 (2018-01-22)

- implement python based commands in ``pytest-play`` and
deprecates ``play_python``.
So this feature is a drop-in replacement for the
``play-python`` plugin.

You should no more install ``play_python`` since now.

- update documentation

- deprecate selenium commands (they will be implemented
on a separate plugin and dropped in
``pytest-play`` >= 2.0.0). All your previous scripts
will work fine, this warning is just for people
directly importing the provider for some reason.

- implement skip conditions. You can omit the execution of
any command evaluating a Python based skip condition

1.1.0 (2018-01-16)

- Documentation updated (add new pytest play plugins)

- Support default payloads for command providers. Useful
for HTTP authentication headers, common database settings

1.0.0 (2018-01-10)

- execute command accepts kwargs now

- execute command returns the command value now

- complete refactor of ``include`` provider (no
backwards compatibility)

- add ``play_json.get_file_contents`` and removed
``data_getter`` fixture (no backwards compatibility)

0.3.1 (2018-01-04)

- play engine now logs commands to be executed and errors

0.3.0 (2018-01-04)

- you are able to update variables when executing commands

- you can extend ``pytest-play`` with new pluggable commands coming
from third party packages thanks to setuptools entrypoints

0.2.0 (2018-01-02)

- no more open browser by default
pytest-play is a generic test engine and it could be used for non UI tests too.

So there is no need to open the browser for non UI tests (eg: API tests)

0.1.0 (2017-12-22)

- implement reusable steps (include scenario)

- minor documentation changes

0.0.1 (2017-12-20)

- First release

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pytest-play-1.2.0.tar.gz (24.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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