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The Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project

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Pyramid Documentation Status

Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework. It makes real-world web application development and deployment more fun, more predictable, and more productive.

Pyramid is produced by the Pylons Project.

Support and Documentation

See the Pylons Project website to view documentation, report bugs, and obtain support.


Pyramid is offered under the BSD-derived Repoze Public License.


Pyramid is made available by Agendaless Consulting and a team of contributors.

1.5.3 (2015-02-22)

1.5.2 (2014-11-09)

Bug Fixes


  • Removed logging configuration from Quick Tutorial ini files except for scaffolding- and logging-related chapters to avoid needing to explain it too early.

  • Clarify a previously-implied detail of the ISession.invalidate API documentation.

1.5.1 (2014-05-31)

  • Update scaffold generating machinery to return the version of pyramid and pyramid docs for use in scaffolds. Updated starter, alchemy and zodb templates to have links to correctly versioned documentation and reflect which pyramid was used to generate the scaffold.

  • Fix an issue whereby predicates would be resolved as maybe_dotted in the introspectable but not when passed for registration. This would mean that add_route_predicate for example can not take a string and turn it into the actual callable function. See

  • Fix pyramid.testing.setUp to return a Configurator with a proper package. Previously it was not possible to do package-relative includes using the returned Configurator during testing. There is now a package argument that can override this behavior as well. See

  • Removed non-ascii copyright symbol from templates, as this was causing the scaffolds to fail for project generation on some systems.

  • Fix an issue where a pyramid.response.FileResponse may apply a charset where it does not belong. See

1.5 (2014-04-08)

  • Avoid crash in pserve --reload under Py3k, when iterating over possibly mutated sys.modules.

  • UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig failed if the secret contained higher order characters. See

  • Fixed a bug in UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig and SignedCookieSessionFactory where timeout=None would cause a new session to always be created. Also in SignedCookieSessionFactory a reissue_time=None would cause an exception when modifying the session. See

  • Updated docs and scaffolds to keep in step with new 2.0 release of Lingua. This included removing all setup.cfg files from scaffolds and documentation environments.

1.5b1 (2014-02-08)


  • We no longer eagerly clear request.exception and request.exc_info in the exception view tween. This makes it possible to inspect exception information within a finished callback. See

1.5a4 (2014-01-28)


  • Updated scaffolds with new theme, fixed documentation and sample project.

Bug Fixes

  • Depend on a newer version of WebOb so that we pull in some crucial bug-fixes that were showstoppers for functionality in Pyramid.

  • Add a trailing semicolon to the JSONP response. This fixes JavaScript syntax errors for old IE versions. See

  • Fix a memory leak when the configurator’s set_request_property method was used or when the configurator’s add_request_method method was used with the property=True attribute. See .

1.5a3 (2013-12-10)


  • An authorization API has been added as a method of the request: request.has_permission.

    request.has_permission is a method-based alternative to the API and works exactly the same. The older API is now deprecated.

  • Property API attributes have been added to the request for easier access to authentication data: request.authenticated_userid, request.unauthenticated_userid, and request.effective_principals.

    These are analogues, respectively, of,, and They operate exactly the same, except they are attributes of the request instead of functions accepting a request. They are properties, so they cannot be assigned to. The older function-based APIs are now deprecated.

  • Pyramid’s console scripts (pserve, pviews, etc) can now be run directly, allowing custom arguments to be sent to the python interpreter at runtime. For example:

    python -3 -m pyramid.scripts.pserve development.ini
  • Added a specific subclass of HTTPBadRequest named pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFToken which will now be raised in response to failures in check_csrf_token. See

  • Added a new SignedCookieSessionFactory which is very similar to the UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig but with a clearer focus on signing content. The custom serializer arguments to this function should only focus on serializing, unlike its predecessor which required the serializer to also perform signing. See . Note that cookies generated using SignedCookieSessionFactory are not compatible with cookies generated using UnencryptedCookieSessionFactory, so existing user session data will be destroyed if you switch to it.

  • Added a new BaseCookieSessionFactory which acts as a generic cookie factory that can be used by framework implementors to create their own session implementations. It provides a reusable API which focuses strictly on providing a dictionary-like object that properly handles renewals, timeouts, and conformance with the ISession API. See

  • The anchor argument to pyramid.request.Request.route_url and pyramid.request.Request.resource_url and their derivatives will now be escaped via URL quoting to ensure minimal conformance. See

  • Allow sending of _query and _anchor options to pyramid.request.Request.static_url when an external URL is being generated. See

  • You can now send a string as the _query argument to pyramid.request.Request.route_url and pyramid.request.Request.resource_url and their derivatives. When a string is sent instead of a list or dictionary. it is URL-quoted however it does not need to be in k=v form. This is useful if you want to be able to use a different query string format than x-www-form-urlencoded. See

  • pyramid.testing.DummyRequest now has a domain attribute to match the new WebOb 1.3 API. Its value is

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the pcreate script so that when the target directory name ends with a slash it does not produce a non-working project directory structure. Previously saying pcreate -s starter /foo/bar/ produced different output than saying pcreate -s starter /foo/bar. The former did not work properly.

  • Fix the principals_allowed_by_permission method of ACLAuthorizationPolicy so it anticipates a callable __acl__ on resources. Previously it did not try to call the __acl__ if it was callable.

  • The pviews script did not work when a url required custom request methods in order to perform traversal. Custom methods and descriptors added via pyramid.config.Configurator.add_request_method will now be present, allowing traversal to continue. See

  • Remove unused renderer argument from Configurator.add_route.

  • Allow the BasicAuthenticationPolicy to work with non-ascii usernames and passwords. The charset is not passed as part of the header and different browsers alternate between UTF-8 and Latin-1, so the policy now attempts to decode with UTF-8 first, and will fallback to Latin-1. See

  • The @view_defaults now apply to notfound and forbidden views that are defined as methods of a decorated class. See


  • Added a “Quick Tutorial” to go with the Quick Tour

  • Removed mention of pyramid_beaker from docs. Beaker is no longer maintained. Point people at pyramid_redis_sessions instead.

  • Add documentation for pyramid.interfaces.IRendererFactory and pyramid.interfaces.IRenderer.

Backwards Incompatibilities

  • The key/values in the _query parameter of request.route_url and the query parameter of request.resource_url (and their variants), used to encode a value of None as the string 'None', leaving the resulting query string to be a=b&key=None. The value is now dropped in this situation, leaving a query string of a=b&key=. See


  • Deprecate the pyramid.interfaces.ITemplateRenderer interface. It was ill-defined and became unused when Mako and Chameleon template bindings were split into their own packages.

  • The pyramid.session.UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig API has been deprecated and is superseded by the pyramid.session.SignedCookieSessionFactory. Note that while the cookies generated by the UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig are compatible with cookies generated by old releases, cookies generated by the SignedCookieSessionFactory are not. See

  • The API is now deprecated. Instead, use the newly-added has_permission method of the request object.

  • The API is now deprecated. Instead, use the newly-added effective_principals attribute of the request object.

  • The API is now deprecated. Instead, use the newly-added authenticated_userid attribute of the request object.

  • The API is now deprecated. Instead, use the newly-added unauthenticated_userid attribute of the request object.


  • Pyramid now depends on WebOb>=1.3 (it uses webob.cookies.CookieProfile from 1.3+).

1.5a2 (2013-09-22)


  • Users can now provide dotted Python names to as the factory argument the Configurator methods named add_{view,route,subscriber}_predicate (instead of passing the predicate factory directly, you can pass a dotted name which refers to the factory).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an exception in pyramid.path.package_name when resolving the package name for namespace packages that had no __file__ attribute.

Backwards Incompatibilities

  • Pyramid no longer depends on or configures the Mako and Chameleon templating system renderers by default. Disincluding these templating systems by default means that the Pyramid core has fewer dependencies and can run on future platforms without immediate concern for the compatibility of its templating add-ons. It also makes maintenance slightly more effective, as different people can maintain the templating system add-ons that they understand and care about without needing commit access to the Pyramid core, and it allows users who just don’t want to see any packages they don’t use come along for the ride when they install Pyramid.

    This means that upon upgrading to Pyramid 1.5a2+, projects that use either of these templating systems will see a traceback that ends something like this when their application attempts to render a Chameleon or Mako template:

    ValueError: No such renderer factory .pt


    ValueError: No such renderer factory .mako


    ValueError: No such renderer factory .mak

    Support for Mako templating has been moved into an add-on package named pyramid_mako, and support for Chameleon templating has been moved into an add-on package named pyramid_chameleon. These packages are drop-in replacements for the old built-in support for these templating langauges. All you have to do is install them and make them active in your configuration to register renderer factories for .pt and/or .mako (or .mak) to make your application work again.

    To re-add support for Chameleon and/or Mako template renderers into your existing projects, follow the below steps.

    If you depend on Mako templates:

    • Make sure the pyramid_mako package is installed. One way to do this is by adding pyramid_mako to the install_requires section of your package’s file and afterwards rerunning develop:

              'pyramid_mako',         # new dependency
    • Within the portion of your application which instantiates a Pyramid pyramid.config.Configurator (often the main() function in your project’s file), tell Pyramid to include the pyramid_mako includeme:

      config = Configurator(.....)

    If you depend on Chameleon templates:

    • Make sure the pyramid_chameleon package is installed. One way to do this is by adding pyramid_chameleon to the install_requires section of your package’s file and afterwards rerunning develop:

              'pyramid_chameleon',         # new dependency
    • Within the portion of your application which instantiates a Pyramid ~pyramid.config.Configurator (often the main() function in your project’s file), tell Pyramid to include the pyramid_chameleon includeme:

      config = Configurator(.....)

    Note that it’s also fine to install these packages into older Pyramids for forward compatibility purposes. Even if you don’t upgrade to Pyramid 1.5 immediately, performing the above steps in a Pyramid 1.4 installation is perfectly fine, won’t cause any difference, and will give you forward compatibility when you eventually do upgrade to Pyramid 1.5.

    With the removal of Mako and Chameleon support from the core, some unit tests that use the pyramid.renderers.render* methods may begin to fail. If any of your unit tests are invoking either pyramid.renderers.render() or pyramid.renderers.render_to_response() with either Mako or Chameleon templates then the pyramid.config.Configurator instance in effect during the unit test should be also be updated to include the addons, as shown above. For example:

    class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.config = pyramid.testing.setUp()
        def test_it(self):
            result = pyramid.renderers.render('mypkg:templates/home.mako', {})


    class ATest(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.config = pyramid.testing.setUp()
        def test_it(self):
            result = pyramid.renderers.render('mypkg:templates/', {})
  • If you’re using the Pyramid debug toolbar, when you upgrade Pyramid to 1.5a2+, you’ll also need to upgrade the pyramid_debugtoolbar package to at least version 1.0.8, as older toolbar versions are not compatible with Pyramid 1.5a2+ due to the removal of Mako support from the core. It’s fine to use this newer version of the toolbar code with older Pyramids too.

  • Removed the request.response_* varying attributes. These attributes have been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1, and as per the deprecation policy, have now been removed.

  • request.response will no longer be mutated when using the pyramid.renderers.render() API. Almost all renderers mutate the request.response response object (for example, the JSON renderer sets request.response.content_type to application/json), but this is only necessary when the renderer is generating a response; it was a bug when it was done as a side effect of calling pyramid.renderers.render().

  • Removed the bfg2pyramid fixer script.

  • The event is now sent after response callbacks are executed. It previously executed before response callbacks were executed. Rationale: it’s more useful to be able to inspect the response after response callbacks have done their jobs instead of before.

  • Removed the class named pyramid.view.static that had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Instead use pyramid.static.static_view with use_subpath=True argument.

  • Removed the pyramid.view.is_response function that had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Use the pyramid.request.Request.is_response method instead.

  • Removed the ability to pass the following arguments to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route: view, view_context. view_for, view_permission, view_renderer, and view_attr. Using these arguments had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Instead of passing view-related arguments to add_route, use a separate call to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view to associate a view with a route using its route_name argument. Note that this impacts the pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view function too, because it delegates to add_route.

  • Removed the ability to influence and query a pyramid.request.Request object as if it were a dictionary. Previously it was possible to use methods like __getitem__, get, items, and other dictlike methods to access values in the WSGI environment. This behavior had been deprecated since Pyramid 1.1. Use methods of request.environ (a real dictionary) instead.

  • Removed ancient backwards compatibily hack in pyramid.traversal.DefaultRootFactory which populated the __dict__ of the factory with the matchdict values for compatibility with BFG 0.9.

  • The renderer_globals_factory argument to the pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor and its ``setup_registry method has been removed. The set_renderer_globals_factory method of pyramid.config.Configurator has also been removed. The (internal) pyramid.interfaces.IRendererGlobals interface was also removed. These arguments, methods and interfaces had been deprecated since 1.1. Use a BeforeRender event subscriber as documented in the “Hooks” chapter of the Pyramid narrative documentation instead of providing renderer globals values to the configurator.


  • The pyramid.config.Configurator.set_request_property method now issues a deprecation warning when used. It had been docs-deprecated in 1.4 but did not issue a deprecation warning when used.

1.5a1 (2013-08-30)


  • A new http exception subclass named pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPSuccessful was added. You can use this class as the context of an exception view to catch all 200-series “exceptions” (e.g. “raise HTTPOk”). This also allows you to catch only the HTTPOk exception itself; previously this was impossible because a number of other exceptions (such as HTTPNoContent) inherited from HTTPOk, but now they do not.

  • You can now generate “hybrid” urldispatch/traversal URLs more easily by using the new route_name, route_kw and route_remainder_name arguments to request.resource_url and request.resource_path. See the new section of the “Combining Traversal and URL Dispatch” documentation chapter entitled “Hybrid URL Generation”.

  • It is now possible to escape double braces in Pyramid scaffolds (unescaped, these represent replacement values). You can use \{\{a\}\} to represent a “bare” {{a}}. See

  • Add localizer and locale_name properties (reified) to the request. See Note that the pyramid.i18n.get_localizer and pyramid.i18n.get_locale_name functions now simply look up these properties on the request.

  • Add pdistreport script, which prints the Python version in use, the Pyramid version in use, and the version number and location of all Python distributions currently installed.

  • Add the ability to invert the result of any view, route, or subscriber predicate using the not_ class. For example:

    from pyramid.config import not_
    @view_config(route_name='myroute', request_method=not_('POST'))
    def myview(request): ...

    The above example will ensure that the view is called if the request method is not POST (at least if no other view is more specific).

    The pyramid.config.not_ class can be used against any value that is a predicate value passed in any of these contexts:

    • pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view

    • pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route

    • pyramid.config.Configurator.add_subscriber

    • pyramid.view.view_config


  • scripts/ add support for submitting PUT and PATCH requests. See add support for submitting OPTIONS and PROPFIND requests, and allow users to specify basic authentication credentials in the request via a --login argument to the script. See

  • ACLAuthorizationPolicy supports __acl__ as a callable. This removes the ambiguity between the potential AttributeError that would be raised on the context when the property was not defined and the AttributeError that could be raised from any user-defined code within a dynamic property. It is recommended to define a dynamic ACL as a callable to avoid this ambiguity. See

  • Allow a protocol-relative URL (e.g. // to be passed to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view. This allows externally-hosted static URLs to be generated based on the current protocol.

  • The AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy has two new options to configure its domain usage:

    • parent_domain: if set the authentication cookie is set on the parent domain. This is useful if you have multiple sites sharing the same domain.

    • domain: if provided the cookie is always set for this domain, bypassing all usual logic.

    See, and

  • The AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy now supports IPv6 addresses when using the include_ip=True option. This is possibly incompatible with alternative auth_tkt implementations, as the specification does not define how to properly handle IPv6. See

  • Make it possible to use variable arguments via pyramid.paster.get_appsettings. This also allowed the generated initialize_db script from the alchemy scaffold to grow support for options in the form a=1 b=2 so you can fill in values in a parameterized .ini file, e.g. initialize_myapp_db etc/development.ini a=1 b=2. See

  • The request.session.check_csrf_token() method and the check_csrf view predicate now take into account the value of the HTTP header named X-CSRF-Token (as well as the csrf_token form parameter, which they always did). The header is tried when the form parameter does not exist.

  • View lookup will now search for valid views based on the inheritance hierarchy of the context. It tries to find views based on the most specific context first, and upon predicate failure, will move up the inheritance chain to test views found by the super-type of the context. In the past, only the most specific type containing views would be checked and if no matching view could be found then a PredicateMismatch would be raised. Now predicate mismatches don’t hide valid views registered on super-types. Here’s an example that now works:

    class IResource(Interface):
    def get(context, request):
    @view_config(context=IResource, request_method='POST')
    def post(context, request):
    @view_config(context=IResource, request_method='DELETE')
    def delete(context, request):
    class MyResource:
    @view_config(context=MyResource, request_method='POST')
    def override_post(context, request):

    Previously the override_post view registration would hide the get and delete views in the context of MyResource – leading to a predicate mismatch error when trying to use GET or DELETE methods. Now the views are found and no predicate mismatch is raised. See and and

  • The pserve command now takes a -v (or --verbose) flag and a -q (or --quiet) flag. Output from running pserve can be controlled using these flags. -v can be specified multiple times to increase verbosity. -q sets verbosity to 0 unconditionally. The default verbosity level is 1.

  • The alchemy scaffold tests now provide better coverage. See

  • The pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route method now supports being called with an external URL as pattern. See and the documentation section in the “URL Dispatch” chapter entitled “External Routes” for more information.

Bug Fixes

  • It was not possible to use pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPException as the context of an exception view as very general catchall for http-related exceptions when you wanted that exception view to override the default exception view. See

  • When the pyramid.reload_templates setting was true, and a Chameleon template was reloaded, and the renderer specification named a macro (e.g., renderings of the template after the template was reloaded due to a file change would produce the entire template body instead of just a rendering of the macro. See

  • Fix an obscure problem when combining a virtual root with a route with a *traverse in its pattern. Now the traversal path generated in such a configuration will be correct, instead of an element missing a leading slash.

  • Fixed a Mako renderer bug returning a tuple with a previous defname value in some circumstances. See for more information.

  • Make the pyramid.config.assets.PackageOverrides object implement the API for __loader__ objects specified in PEP 302. Proxies to the __loader__ set by the importer, if present; otherwise, raises NotImplementedError. This makes Pyramid static view overrides work properly under Python 3.3 (previously they would not). See for more information.

  • mako_templating: added defensive workaround for non-importability of mako due to upstream markupsafe dropping Python 3.2 support. Mako templating will no longer work under the combination of MarkupSafe 0.17 and Python 3.2 (although the combination of MarkupSafe 0.17 and Python 3.3 or any supported Python 2 version will work OK).

  • Spaces and dots may now be in mako renderer template paths. This was broken when support for the new makodef syntax was added in 1.4a1. See

  • pyramid.debug_authorization=true will now correctly print out Allowed for views registered with NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED instead of invoking the permits method of the authorization policy. See

  • Pyramid failed to install on some systems due to being packaged with some test files containing higher order characters in their names. These files have now been removed. See

  • pyramid.testing.DummyResource didn’t define __bool__, so code under Python 3 would use __len__ to find truthiness; this usually caused an instance of DummyResource to be “falsy” instead of “truthy”. See

  • The alchemy scaffold would break when the database was MySQL during tables creation. See

  • The current_route_url method now attaches the query string to the URL by default. See

  • Make pserve.cherrypy_server_runner Python 3 compatible. See

Backwards Incompatibilities

  • Modified the current_route_url method in pyramid.Request. The method previously returned the URL without the query string by default, it now does attach the query string unless it is overriden.

  • The route_url and route_path APIs no longer quote / to %2F when a replacement value contains a /. This was pointless, as WSGI servers always unquote the slash anyway, and Pyramid never sees the quoted value.

  • It is no longer possible to set a locale_name attribute of the request, nor is it possible to set a localizer attribute of the request. These are now “reified” properties that look up a locale name and localizer respectively using the machinery described in the “Internationalization” chapter of the documentation.

  • If you send an X-Vhm-Root header with a value that ends with a slash (or any number of slashes), the trailing slash(es) will be removed before a URL is generated when you use use request.resource_url or request.resource_path. Previously the virtual root path would not have trailing slashes stripped, which would influence URL generation.

  • The pyramid.interfaces.IResourceURL interface has now grown two new attributes: virtual_path_tuple and physical_path_tuple. These should be the tuple form of the resource’s path (physical and virtual).

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