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The Pyramid web application development framework, a Pylons project

Project description


Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web application development framework. It makes real-world web application development and deployment more fun, more predictable, and more productive.

Pyramid is the newest web framework produced by the Pylons Project.

Pyramid was previously known as repoze.bfg.

Support and Documentation

See the Pylons Project website to view documentation, report bugs, and obtain support.


Pyramid is offered under the BSD-derived Repoze Public License.


Pyramid is made available by Agendaless Consulting and a team of contributors.

1.1a4 (2011-07-01)

Bug Fixes

  • pyramid.testing.DummyRequest now raises deprecation warnings when attributes deprecated for pyramid.request.Request are accessed (like response_content_type). This is for the benefit of folks running unit tests which use DummyRequest instead of a “real” request, so they know things are deprecated without necessarily needing a functional test suite.

  • The directive behaved contrary to the documentation when passed more than one interface object to its constructor. For example, when the following listener was registered:

    @subscriber(IFoo, IBar)
    def expects_ifoo_events_and_ibar_events(event):
        print event

    The Events chapter docs claimed that the listener would be registered and listening for both IFoo and IBar events. Instead, it registered an “object event” subscriber which would only be called if an IObjectEvent was emitted where the object interface was IFoo and the event interface was IBar.

    The behavior now matches the documentation. If you were relying on the buggy behavior of the 1.0 subscriber directive in order to register an object event subscriber, you must now pass a sequence to indicate you’d like to register a subscriber for an object event. e.g.:

    @subscriber([IFoo, IBar])
    def expects_object_event(object, event):
        print object, event


  • Add JSONP renderer (see “JSONP renderer” in the Renderers chapter of the documentation).


  • Deprecated the set_renderer_globals_factory method of the Configurator and the renderer_globals Configurator constructor parameter.


  • The Wiki and Wiki2 tutorial “Tests” chapters each had two bugs: neither did told the user to depend on WebTest, and 2 tests failed in each as the result of changes to Pyramid itself. These issues have been fixed.

  • Move 1.0.X CHANGES.txt entries to HISTORY.txt.

1.1a3 (2011-06-26)


Bug fixes

  • Pyramid would raise an AttributeError in the Configurator when attempting to set a __text__ attribute on a custom predicate that was actually a classmethod. See .

  • Accessing or setting deprecated response_* attrs on request (e.g. response_content_type) now issues a deprecation warning at access time rather than at rendering time.

1.1a2 (2011-06-22)

Bug Fixes

  • 1.1a1 broke Akhet by not providing a backwards compatibility import shim for pyramid.paster.PyramidTemplate. Now one has been added, although a deprecation warning is emitted when Akhet imports it.

  • If multiple specs were provided in a single call to config.add_translation_dirs, the directories were inserted into the beginning of the directory list in the wrong order: they were inserted in the reverse of the order they were provided in the *specs list (items later in the list were added before ones earlier in the list). This is now fixed.

Backwards Incompatibilities

  • The pyramid Router attempted to set a value into the key environ['repoze.bfg.message'] when it caught a view-related exception for backwards compatibility with applications written for repoze.bfg during error handling. It did this by using code that looked like so:

    # "why" is an exception object
        msg = why[0]
        msg = ''
    environ['repoze.bfg.message'] = msg

    Use of the value environ['repoze.bfg.message'] was docs-deprecated in Pyramid 1.0. Our standing policy is to not remove features after a deprecation for two full major releases, so this code was originally slated to be removed in Pyramid 1.2. However, computing the repoze.bfg.message value was the source of at least one bug found in the wild (, and there isn’t a foolproof way to both preserve backwards compatibility and to fix the bug. Therefore, the code which sets the value has been removed in this release. Code in exception views which relies on this value’s presence in the environment should now use the exception attribute of the request (e.g. request.exception[0]) to retrieve the message instead of relying on request.environ['repoze.bfg.message'].

1.1a1 (2011-06-20)


  • The term “template” used to refer to both “paster templates” and “rendered templates” (templates created by a rendering engine. i.e. Mako, Chameleon, Jinja, etc.). “Paster templates” will now be refered to as “scaffolds”, whereas the name for “rendered templates” will remain as “templates.”

  • The wiki (ZODB+Traversal) tutorial was updated slightly.

  • The wiki2 (SQLA+URL Dispatch) tutorial was updated slightly.

  • Make pyramid.interfaces.IAuthenticationPolicy and pyramid.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy public interfaces, and refer to them within the pyramid.authentication and pyramid.authorization API docs.

  • Render the function definitions for each exposed interface in pyramid.interfaces.

  • Add missing docs reference to pyramid.config.Configurator.set_view_mapper and refer to it within Hooks chapter section named “Using a View Mapper”.

  • Added section to the “Environment Variables and .ini File Settings” chapter in the narrative documentation section entitled “Adding a Custom Setting”.

  • Added documentation for a “multidict” (e.g. the API of request.POST) as interface API documentation.

  • Added a section to the “URL Dispatch” narrative chapter regarding the new “static” route feature.

  • Added “What’s New in Pyramid 1.1” to HTML rendering of documentation.

  • Added API docs for pyramid.authentication.SessionAuthenticationPolicy.

  • Added API docs for pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response.

  • Added “HTTP Exceptions” section to Views narrative chapter including a description of pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response.


  • Add support for language fallbacks: when trying to translate for a specific territory (such as en_GB) fall back to translations for the language (ie en). This brings the translation behaviour in line with GNU gettext and fixes partially translated texts when using C extensions.

  • New authentication policy: pyramid.authentication.SessionAuthenticationPolicy, which uses a session to store credentials.

  • Accessing the response attribute of a pyramid.request.Request object (e.g. request.response within a view) now produces a new pyramid.response.Response object. This feature is meant to be used mainly when a view configured with a renderer needs to set response attributes: all renderers will use the Response object implied by request.response as the response object returned to the router.

    request.response can also be used by code in a view that does not use a renderer, however the response object that is produced by request.response must be returned when a renderer is not in play (it is not a “global” response).

  • Integers and longs passed as elements to pyramid.url.resource_url or pyramid.request.Request.resource_url e.g. resource_url(context, request, 1, 2) (1 and 2 are the elements) will now be converted implicitly to strings in the result. Previously passing integers or longs as elements would cause a TypeError.

  • pyramid_alchemy paster template now uses query.get rather than query.filter_by to take better advantage of identity map caching.

  • pyramid_alchemy paster template now has unit tests.

  • Added pyramid.i18n.make_localizer API (broken out from get_localizer guts).

  • An exception raised by a NewRequest event subscriber can now be caught by an exception view.

  • It is now possible to get information about why Pyramid raised a Forbidden exception from within an exception view. The ACLDenied object returned by the permits method of each stock authorization policy (pyramid.interfaces.IAuthorizationPolicy.permits) is now attached to the Forbidden exception as its result attribute. Therefore, if you’ve created a Forbidden exception view, you can see the ACE, ACL, permission, and principals involved in the request as eg. context.result.permission, context.result.acl, etc within the logic of the Forbidden exception view.

  • Don’t explicitly prevent the timeout from being lower than the reissue_time when setting up an AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy (previously such a configuration would raise a ValueError, now it’s allowed, although typically nonsensical). Allowing the nonsensical configuration made the code more understandable and required fewer tests.

  • A new paster command named paster pviews was added. This command prints a summary of potentially matching views for a given path. See the section entitled “Displaying Matching Views for a Given URL” in the “View Configuration” chapter of the narrative documentation for more information.

  • The add_route method of the Configurator now accepts a static argument. If this argument is True, the added route will never be considered for matching when a request is handled. Instead, it will only be useful for URL generation via route_url and route_path. See the section entitled “Static Routes” in the URL Dispatch narrative chapter for more information.

  • A default exception view for the context pyramid.interfaces.IExceptionResponse is now registered by default. This means that an instance of any exception response class imported from pyramid.httpexceptions (such as HTTPFound) can now be raised from within view code; when raised, this exception view will render the exception to a response.

  • A function named pyramid.httpexceptions.exception_response is a shortcut that can be used to create HTTP exception response objects using an HTTP integer status code.

  • The Configurator now accepts an additional keyword argument named exceptionresponse_view. By default, this argument is populated with a default exception view function that will be used when a response is raised as an exception. When None is passed for this value, an exception view for responses will not be registered. Passing None returns the behavior of raising an HTTP exception to that of Pyramid 1.0 (the exception will propagate to middleware and to the WSGI server).

  • The pyramid.request.Request class now has a ResponseClass interface which points at pyramid.response.Response.

  • The pyramid.response.Response class now has a RequestClass interface which points at pyramid.request.Request.

  • It is now possible to return an arbitrary object from a Pyramid view callable even if a renderer is not used, as long as a suitable adapter to pyramid.interfaces.IResponse is registered for the type of the returned object by using the new pyramid.config.Configurator.add_response_adapter API. See the section in the Hooks chapter of the documentation entitled “Changing How Pyramid Treats View Responses”.

  • The Pyramid router will now, by default, call the __call__ method of WebOb response objects when returning a WSGI response. This means that, among other things, the conditional_response feature of WebOb response objects will now behave properly.

  • New method named pyramid.request.Request.is_response. This method should be used instead of the pyramid.view.is_response function, which has been deprecated.

Bug Fixes

  • URL pattern markers used in URL dispatch are permitted to specify a custom regex. For example, the pattern /{foo:\d+} means to match /12345 (foo==12345 in the match dictionary) but not /abc. However, custom regexes in a pattern marker which used squiggly brackets did not work. For example, /{foo:\d{4}} would fail to match /1234 and /{foo:\d{1,2}} would fail to match /1 or /11. One level of inner squiggly brackets is now recognized so that the prior two patterns given as examples now work. See also

  • Don’t send port numbers along with domain information in cookies set by AuthTktCookieHelper (see

  • pyramid.url.route_path (and the shortcut pyramid.request.Request.route_url method) now include the WSGI SCRIPT_NAME at the front of the path if it is not empty (see

  • pyramid.testing.DummyRequest now has a script_name attribute (the empty string).

  • Don’t quote :@&+$, symbols in *elements passed to pyramid.url.route_url or pyramid.url.resource_url (see

  • Include SCRIPT_NAME in redirects issued by pyramid.view.append_slash_notfound_view (see

  • Static views registered with config.add_static_view which also included a permission keyword argument would not work as expected, because add_static_view also registered a route factory internally. Because a route factory was registered internally, the context checked by the Pyramid permission machinery never had an ACL. add_static_view no longer registers a route with a factory, so the default root factory will be used.

  • config.add_static_view now passes extra keyword arguments it receives to config.add_route (calling add_static_view is mostly logically equivalent to adding a view of the type pyramid.static.static_view hooked up to a route with a subpath). This makes it possible to pass e.g., factory= to add_static_view to protect a particular static view with a custom ACL.

  • testing.DummyRequest used the wrong registry (the global registry) as self.registry if a dummy request was created before testing.setUp was executed (testing.setUp pushes a local registry onto the threadlocal stack). Fixed by implementing registry as a property for DummyRequest instead of eagerly assigning an attribute. See also

  • When visiting a URL that represented a static view which resolved to a subdirectory, the index.html of that subdirectory would not be served properly. Instead, a redirect to /subdir would be issued. This has been fixed, and now visiting a subdirectory that contains an index.html within a static view returns the index.html properly. See also

  • Redirects issued by a static view did not take into account any existing SCRIPT_NAME (such as one set by a url mapping composite). Now they do.

  • The pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2 decorator did not take into account the SCRIPT_NAME in the origin request.

  • The pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2 decorator effectively only worked when it decorated a view found via traversal; it ignored the PATH_INFO that was part of a url-dispatch-matched view.


  • Deprecated all assignments to request.response_* attributes (for example request.response_content_type = 'foo' is now deprecated). Assignments and mutations of assignable request attributes that were considered by the framework for response influence are now deprecated: response_content_type, response_headerlist, response_status, response_charset, and response_cache_for. Instead of assigning these to the request object for later detection by the rendering machinery, users should use the appropriate API of the Response object created by accessing request.response (e.g. code which does request.response_content_type = 'abc' should be changed to request.response.content_type = 'abc').

  • Passing view-related parameters to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route is now deprecated. Previously, a view was permitted to be connected to a route using a set of view* parameters passed to the add_route method of the Configurator. This was a shorthand which replaced the need to perform a subsequent call to add_view. For example, it was valid (and often recommended) to do:

    config.add_route('home', '/', view='mypackage.views.myview',

    Passing view* arguments to add_route is now deprecated in favor of connecting a view to a predefined route via Configurator.add_view using the route’s route_name parameter. As a result, the above example should now be spelled:

    config.add_route('home', '/')
    config.add_view('mypackage.views.myview', route_name='home')

    This deprecation was done to reduce confusion observed in IRC, as well as to (eventually) reduce documentation burden (see also A deprecation warning is now issued when any view-related parameter is passed to Configurator.add_route.

  • Passing an environ dictionary to the __call__ method of a “traverser” (e.g. an object that implements pyramid.interfaces.ITraverser such as an instance of pyramid.traversal.ResourceTreeTraverser) as its request argument now causes a deprecation warning to be emitted. Consumer code should pass a request object instead. The fact that passing an environ dict is permitted has been documentation-deprecated since repoze.bfg 1.1, and this capability will be removed entirely in a future version.

  • The following (undocumented, dictionary-like) methods of the pyramid.request.Request object have been deprecated: __contains__, __delitem__, __getitem__, __iter__, __setitem__, get, has_key, items, iteritems, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, and values. Usage of any of these methods will cause a deprecation warning to be emitted. These methods were added for internal compatibility in repoze.bfg 1.1 (code that currently expects a request object expected an environ object in BFG 1.0 and before). In a future version, these methods will be removed entirely.

  • Deprecated pyramid.view.is_response function in favor of (newly-added) pyramid.request.Request.is_response method. Determining if an object is truly a valid response object now requires access to the registry, which is only easily available as a request attribute. The pyramid.view.is_response function will still work until it is removed, but now may return an incorrect answer under some (very uncommon) circumstances.

Behavior Changes

  • The default Mako renderer is now configured to escape all HTML in expression tags. This is intended to help prevent XSS attacks caused by rendering unsanitized input from users. To revert this behavior in user’s templates, they need to filter the expression through the ‘n’ filter. For example, ${ myhtml | n }. See

  • A custom request factory is now required to return a request object that has a response attribute (or “reified”/lazy property) if they the request is meant to be used in a view that uses a renderer. This response attribute should be an instance of the class pyramid.response.Response.

  • The JSON and string renderer factories now assign to request.response.content_type rather than request.response_content_type.

  • Each built-in renderer factory now determines whether it should change the content type of the response by comparing the response’s content type against the response’s default content type; if the content type is the default content type (usually text/html), the renderer changes the content type (to application/json or text/plain for JSON and string renderers respectively).

  • The pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2 now uses a slightly different method of figuring out how to “fix” SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO for the downstream application. As a result, those values may differ slightly from the perspective of the downstream application (for example, SCRIPT_NAME will now never possess a trailing slash).

  • Previously, pyramid.request.Request inherited from webob.request.Request and implemented __getattr__, __setattr__ and __delattr__ itself in order to overidde “adhoc attr” WebOb behavior where attributes of the request are stored in the environ. Now, pyramid.request.Request object inherits from (the more recent) webob.request.BaseRequest instead of webob.request.Request, which provides the same behavior. pyramid.request.Request no longer implements its own __getattr__, __setattr__ or __delattr__ as a result.

  • pyramid.response.Response is now a subclass of webob.response.Response (in order to directly implement the pyramid.interfaces.IResponse interface).

  • The “exception response” objects importable from pyramid.httpexceptions (e.g. HTTPNotFound) are no longer just import aliases for classes that actually live in webob.exc. Instead, we’ve defined our own exception classes within the module that mirror and emulate the webob.exc exception response objects almost entirely. See the “Design Defense” doc section named “Pyramid Uses its Own HTTP Exception Classes” for more information.

Backwards Incompatibilities

  • Pyramid no longer supports Python 2.4. Python 2.5 or better is required to run Pyramid 1.1+.

  • The Pyramid router now, by default, expects response objects returned from view callables to implement the pyramid.interfaces.IResponse interface. Unlike the Pyramid 1.0 version of this interface, objects which implement IResponse now must define a __call__ method that accepts environ and start_response, and which returns an app_iter iterable, among other things. Previously, it was possible to return any object which had the three WebOb app_iter, headerlist, and status attributes as a response, so this is a backwards incompatibility. It is possible to get backwards compatibility back by registering an adapter to IResponse from the type of object you’re now returning from view callables. See the section in the Hooks chapter of the documentation entitled “Changing How Pyramid Treats View Responses”.

  • The pyramid.interfaces.IResponse interface is now much more extensive. Previously it defined only app_iter, status and headerlist; now it is basically intended to directly mirror the webob.Response API, which has many methods and attributes.

  • The pyramid.httpexceptions classes named HTTPFound, HTTPMultipleChoices, HTTPMovedPermanently, HTTPSeeOther, HTTPUseProxy, and HTTPTemporaryRedirect now accept location as their first positional argument rather than detail. This means that you can do, e.g. return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound('http://foo') rather than return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound(location='http//foo') (the latter will of course continue to work).


  • Pyramid now depends on WebOb >= 1.0.2 as tests depend on the bugfix in that release: “Fix handling of WSGI environs with missing SCRIPT_NAME”. (Note that in reality, everyone should probably be using 1.0.4 or better though, as WebOb 1.0.2 and 1.0.3 were effectively brownbag releases.)

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