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Buildout recipe for creating a Zope 2 instance

Project description


This recipe creates and configures a Zope 2 instance in parts. It also installs a control script, which is like zopectl, in the bin/ directory. The name of the control script is the the name of the part in buildout. By default various runtime and log information will be stored inside the var/ directory.

Note: This recipe is not intended to setup a Zope 2 WSGI based instance and will not work for this use-case. There’s no special recipe required to setup WSGI any longer and you can use simple template recipes instead.

You can use it with a part like this:

recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
user = admin:admin
http-address = 8080
eggs = my.distribution
zcml = my.distribution


Common options


The list of distributions you want to make available to the instance.


Install ZCML slugs for the distributions listed, separated by whitespace. You can specify the type of slug by appending ‘-’ and the type of slug you want to create. Some examples: my.distribution my.distribution-meta.


Give a port for the HTTP server. Defaults to 8080.


The default IP address on which Zope’s various server protocol implementations will listen for requests. If this is unset, Zope will listen on all IP addresses supported by the machine. This directive can be overridden on a per-server basis in the servers section. Defaults to not setting an ip-address.


Set the ZODB cache size, i.e. the number of objects which the ZODB cache will try to hold. Defaults to 10000.


Specify the number of threads that Zope’s ZServer web server will use to service requests. The recipes default is 2.


Define arbitrary key-value pairs for use as environment variables during Zope’s run cycle. Example:

environment-vars =
  TZ US/Eastern
  zope_i18n_allowed_languages en
  zope_i18n_compile_mo_files true

Development options


Set to on to turn on verbose security (and switch to the Python security implementation). Defaults to off (and the C security implementation).

Direct storage

If you have only one application process, it can open the database files directly without running a database server process.


The filename where the ZODB data file will be stored. Defaults to var/filestorage/Data.fs.


The name of the directory where the ZODB blob data will be stored, defaults to var/blobstorage.

Basic ZEO storage

If you want multiple application processes you need to run a separate database server process and connect to it, either via ZEO or RelStorage.


Set the address of the ZEO server. Defaults to 8100.


Set to ‘on’ to make this instance a ZEO client. In this case, setting the zeo-address option is required, and the file-storage option has no effect. To set up a ZEO server, you can use the plone.recipe.zeoserver recipe. Defaults to ‘off’.


The location of the blob zeocache, defaults to var/blobcache. If shared-blob is on it defaults to var/blobstorage.


Defaults to off. Set this to on if the ZEO server and the instance have access to the same directory. Either by being on the same physical machine or by virtue of a network file system like NFS. Make sure this instances blob-storage is set to the same directory used for the ZEO servers blob-storage. In this case the instance will not stream the blob file through the ZEO connection, but just send the information of the file location to the ZEO server, resulting in faster execution and less memory overhead.

ZEO authentication

You need to activate ZEO auth on the server side as well, for this to work. Without this anyone that can connect to the database servers socket can read and write arbitrary data.


Enable ZEO authentication and use the given username when accessing the ZEO server. It is obligatory to also specify a zeo-password.


Password to use when connecting to a ZEO server with authentication enabled.


Authentication realm to use when authentication with a ZEO server. Defaults to ‘ZEO’.


Please refer to for more details and setup instructions.


Allows to set a RelStorage instead of a FileStorage.

Contains settings separated by newlines, with these values:

  • type: any database type supported (postgresql, oracle, mysql)

  • RelStorage specific keys, like cache-servers and poll-interval

  • all other keys are passed on to the database-specific RelStorage adapter.


rel-storage =
  type oracle
  user tarek
  password secret


In most cases you don’t need to adjust any of this, you might want to adjust log levels or configure mailinglogger.


The filename of the event log. Defaults to var/log/${partname}.log


Set the level of the console output for the event log. Level may be any of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or ALL. Defaults to INFO.


A custom section for the eventlog, to be able to use another event logger than logfile


A mailinglogger section added into the event log. Example snippet:

  level error
  flood-level 10
  subject [My domain error] [%(hostname)s] %(line)s

The filename for the Z2 access log. Defaults to var/log/${partname}-Z2.log.


Set the log level for the access log. Level may be any of CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or ALL. Defaults to WARN.


Like event-log-custom, a custom section for the access logger, to be able to use another event logger than logfile.

Load non-setuptools compatible Python libraries


A list of paths where Zope 2 products are installed. The first path takes precedence in case the same product is found in more than one directory. Zope 2 products are deprecated and won’t work any longer in a future version of Zope/Plone.


A list of paths where additional Python packages are installed. The paths are searched in the given order after all egg and products paths.

Advanced ZCML options


If you want a custom site.zcml file, put its content here. If this option is used the zcml and zcml-additional options are ignored.


Extra ZCML statements that should be included in the generated site.zcml file.

Advanced ZEO options


Set the size of the ZEO client cache. Defaults to ‘30MB’. The ZEO cache is a disk based cache shared between application threads. It’s stored inside the directory designated by the TMP environment variable.


Set the persistent cache name that is used to construct the cache filenames. This enabled the ZEO cache to be persisted. Persistent cache files are disabled by default.


Set the storage number of the ZEO storage. Defaults to ‘1’.


Used in the ZEO storage snippets to configure the ZEO var folder. Defaults to $INSTANCE_HOME/var.

Advanced options


Sets the clienthome for the generated instance. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/<name of the section>.


This controls what character set is used to encode unicode data that reaches ZPublisher without any other specified encoding. This defaults to ‘utf-8’. Plone requires this to be set to utf-8.


If ‘on’ it enables the demostorage. It is not compatible with blob-storage or rel-storage.


The name of the effective user for the Zope process. Defaults to not setting an effective user.


Enable the persistent product registry by setting this to on. By default the registry is turned off. Enabling the registry is deprecated.


Give a port for the FTP server. This enables the FTP server.


Set to on to enforce Zope to set Connection: close header. This is useful if for example a 304 leaves the connection open with Varnish in front and Varnish tries to reuse the connection.


Set to off to defer opening of the HTTP socket until the end of the Zope startup phase. Defaults to on.


Give a port for the ICP server. This enables the ICP server.


Used to configure the import directory for instance. Defaults to <client-home>/import.


Offset applied to the port numbers used for ZServer configurations. For example, if the http-server port is 8080 and the port-base is 1000, the HTTP server will listen on port 9080. This makes it easy to change the complete set of ports used by a Zope server process. Zope defaults to 0.


An integer telling the Python interpreter to check for asynchronous events every number of instructions. This affects how often thread switches occur. Defaults to 1000.


Set this to true to make the generated scripts use relative paths. You can also enable this in the [buildout] section.


Used to configure the base directory for all things going into var. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var.


Give a port for the WebDAV server. This enables the WebDAV server


Valid options are off and on. Defaults to off


Set the ZODB cache sizes in bytes. This feature is still experimental.


If given Zope’s default temporary storage definition will be replaced by the lines of this parameter.


A relative or absolute path to a zope.conf file. If this is given, many of the options in the recipe will be ignored.


Give additional lines to zope.conf. Make sure you indent any lines after the one with the parameter.


zope-conf-additional =
  locale fr_FR
  http-realm Slipknot

Additional control script commands

Third-party distributions may add additional commands to the control script by installing a ‘plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl’ entry point. For example, an egg called MyDist could include a module called mymodule with the following custom command:

def foo(self, *args)
    """Help message here"""
    print 'foo'

It would then install the foo method as a command for the control script using the following entry point configuration in

foo = mymodule:foo

This would allow invoking the foo method by running bin/instance foo (assuming the instance control script was installed by a buildout part called instance.) The entry point is invoked with the following parameters:


An instance of plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl.AdjustedZopeCmd.


Any additional arguments that were passed on the command line.

Reporting bugs or asking questions

We have a shared bugtracker and help desk on Launchpad:


4.1.5 - 2011-02-17

  • Respect new include-site-packages buildout option introduced in buildout 1.5. Closes [yuppie, hannosch]

  • Added option import-directory to point to custom import folder. [garbas]

4.1.4 - 2011-01-01

4.1.3 - 2010-12-20

  • Added option http-force-connection-close which was only present in comment. [tesdal]

4.1.2 - 2010-12-05

  • Fixed error introduced in 4.1.1. [hannosch]

4.1.1 - 2010-12-05

  • Disambiguate the blob-storage option if shared-blob isn’t used. In this case we use var/blobcache as a default location, so we don’t accidentally overwrite the real blob data with a blob zeocache. Refs [hannosch]

4.1 - 2010-12-04

4.0.5 - 2010-10-22

  • Added support for specifying the new RelStorage options shared-blob-dir, blob-cache-size, blob-cache-size-check, and blob-chunk-size. [hathawsh]

4.0.4 - 2010-09-09

  • Add friendly error message if non-admin tries “instance install|start|restart|stop|remove”. [kleist]

  • Exit with the return code of the executed do_* method. This closes #10906 (clicking “Restart” in ZMI control panel caused shutdown). [kleist]

  • Implemented the “restart” command for “bin/instance.exe”. [kleist]

4.0.3 - 2010-08-20

  • Setuptools / Subversion ignores empty directories and doesn’t include them into the source distribution. Added readme files to the bin and var directories inside the skeleton. This lets persistent ZEO caches work again, which want to put their files into the var directory. [hannosch]

4.0.2 - 2010-08-04

  • Rewritten major parts of commands specific for the Windows Service, inspired by “collective.buildout.cluster.base.ClusterBase” as used by the Windows installer. Closes [kleist]

4.0.1 - 2010-07-30

  • Use pid file to check for running application, instead of service status. [sidnei]

4.0.0 - 2010-07-21

  • “console” mode on Windows no longer returns immediately, thus makes it usable by the Windows Service. [kleist]

  • Made tests compatible with Windows. [hannosch]

  • Added support for specifying new RelStorage options cache-local-mb, cache-delta-size-limit, commit-lock-timeout and commit-lock-id. [hannosch]

4.0b2 - 2010-06-23

  • Added a new dependency on mailinglogger and expose it as a convenient new option. [hannosch]

  • Removed testing dependency on zope.testing and refactored test setup. [hannosch]

4.0b1 - 2010-04-04

4.0a4 - 2010-02-04

  • Removed commented out options from the http-server section. [hannosch]

  • Added new enable-product-installation option and let it default to off. [hannosch]

4.0a3 - 2010-01-24

  • Tried to restore the Windows service functionality, getting closer but not there yet all the way. [hannosch]

  • Use the same quoting approach for the console as for fg command on Windows. [hannosch]

  • Don’t call zopectl.quote_command(), since the added outer double quotes caused to fail with “WindowsError: [Error 87] The parameter is incorrect”. Instead, hand roll the quoting (save outer quotes). [kleist]

  • Un-hardcoded ‘:’ as path separator, caused “ImportError: No module named Zope2.Startup” on Windows. See [kleist]

  • Removed the import directory from the skeleton. You can place import files into the import directory in the client home in new Zope 2 versions. [hannosch, davisagli]

  • Make it possible to omit the user option, in which case buildout will ask for a user and password, when a new instance is created. [hannosch]

  • Use our own make instance script and skeletons, only providing what we really need anymore. [hannosch]

  • Merge the two ZopeCmd classes into one. We don’t rely or generate the runzope script or anything inside parts/instance/bin anymore. [hannosch]

  • By default create a blob-storage in var/blobstorage. [hannosch]

  • Removed the no-shell option and made it the default for running the process. This also removes the need for the runzope script. [hannosch]

  • This version can no longer be used to install a non-eggified Zope2. The zope2-location option was removed. [hannosch]

4.0a2 - 2009-12-02

  • Make it possible for third-party packages to add additional commands to the control script by supplying a ‘plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl’ entry point. [davisagli]

4.0a1 - 2009-11-14

  • Removed the test command support from the control script which lets us remove quite a bit of hackery. Added a note about using bin/test instead. [hannosch]

  • Added an explicit python-check-interval option and change its default to 1000 instead of Python’s own default of 100. [hannosch]

  • Changed default zserver-threads to two instead of four. [hannosch]

  • Changed client connection cache defaults. We specify a cache size of 10000 instead of 5000. Also changed ZEO client cache to 128MB instead of 30MB. [hannosch]

  • If we are used in an environment with Zope2 as an egg, we make sure to install the mkzopeinstance and runzope scripts we depend on ourselves. This is done even if they already exist, since the eggs may have changed. [hannosch, davisagli]

  • Added Zope2 egg to the list of dependencies of this recipe. This can cause trouble for Zope versions before Zope 2.12 or Plone before 4.0. [hannosch]

  • Added the cache-prefix option for RelStorage.

3.6 (2009-10-11)

  • Expanded the RelStorage options, including keep-history and replica-conf. [hathawsh]

3.5 (2009-09-05)

  • Added support for relative-paths in the script generation. [jvloothuis]

  • When zope-conf is set the config file will be directly loaded from that location (it previously created a stub zope.conf which included it). [jvloothuis]

  • Added an option to avoid using the normal shell scripts for starting Zope. This makes it possible to avoid the hard-coded paths in these scripts. [jvloothuis]

  • Allow the blob-dir parameter in RelStorage configurations. [hathawsh]

3.4 (2009-08-12)

  • Support in line with fix for LP#407916. [gotcha]

  • Changed the ‘mkzopeinstance’ call respect the ‘bin-directory’ option. [esteele]

  • Removed the zope2-egg option and the simple startup script from the recipe. We assume that we have an egg distribution if zope2-location is not set. [hannosch]

  • Merged the davisagli-eggified-zope branch into the trunk. [hannosch]

  • Add a new icp-address option. This is useful for environments where e.g. squid is used to front a Zope/ZEO cluster. See [neaj]

3.3 - 2009-07-07

  • Add handling for RelStorage options. [elro]

  • Reinstall scripts on update which appears to be good recipe practice. [stefan]

3.2 - 2009-04-02

  • Add a new zcml-additional option. This is useful for environments where non-code configuration (such as database connection details for ore.contentmirror) are managed through zcml. [wichert]

3.1 (2009-03-15)

  • The 2.9 fix for spaces caused a problem using debug (bug 337740) due to the way do_debug passed the “-i” command line argument to get_startup_cmd. [smcmahon]

3.0 (2009-02-27)

  • The 2.9 fix for the instance run command was itself broken and would fail on anything except Windows. [smcmahon]

  • Changed the zope2-egg option to omit any kind of instance creation for now. The mkzopeinstance script relies on being able to import Zope2, which is not available when buildout runs. [hannosch]

2.9 (2009-02-26)

  • The instance run command was vulnerable to spaces in pathnames, and needed some extra quoting for win32. [smcmahon]

  • Check for existence of windows scripts before patching them. Some Linux distributions of Zope2 don’t have these files. [smcmahon]

  • Delegate commands to win32serviceutil.HandleCommand() on win32, instead of starting the interpreter through os.system(). Should shave off a couple seconds from overall time taken to process those commands. [sidnei]

  • Compute serviceClassString ourselves, since we are calling this as a module and not directly as __main__, otherwise the service won’t be installed correctly. [sidnei]

2.8 (2008-12-05)

  • Add more tests for ZEO client with blob and demo storages. Still no test on ‘shared-blob-dir’ option. [encolpe]

  • Always use ‘r’-style strings for passing script and configuration filenames (eg: on ‘instance run <script>’). [sidnei]

  • Add a demo-storage option and tests. [encolpe]

  • Add a first test for blob-storage. [encolpe]

2.7 (2008-11-18)

  • Added a zope2-egg option and an accompanying simple startup script for use with an eggified Zope2. [hannosch]

  • Do not fail with a Zope2 egg checkout. [hannosch]

  • Normalize first argument to os.spawnl. It can get really upset otherwise (dll import failure on a relocatable python install). [sidnei]

  • Use same quoting as on ‘do_foreground’ for servicescript usage. Fixes problems with installing the buildout-based Plone installer for Windows on a path with spaces. [sidnei]

  • Ensure that do_foreground leaves self.options.program arguments as it found them. This makes it possible to use ‘fg’ and ‘debug’ more than once within the same control session. [klm]

2.6 (2008-10-22)

  • Normalize, absolutize and lowercase-ize (is that a word?) paths before comparing, to avoid problems with relative filenames and different drive letter case on Windows. [sidnei]

2.5 (2008-09-22)

  • Add support for zodb-cache-size-bytes from ZODB 3.9 and later. [wichert]

2.4 (2008-07-15)

  • Introduced zope.conf variables “INSTANCEHOME” and “CLIENTHOME”. Its very very helpful in cluster setups with zope-conf-additional sections (buildout lacks to reference the current section). [jensens]

  • Made test command compatible with zope.testing 3.6. [hannosch]

2.3.1 (2008-06-10)

  • No code changes. Released to fix the 2.3 release which put .egg files in the wild. [hannosch]

2.3 (2008-06-06)

  • Need to actually pass in deprecation-warnings, otherwise we get a KeyError. [sidnei]

  • Fix another place where the directory name needed to be escaped to avoid problems with spaces. [sidnei]

  • Don’t try to delete location if it does not exist. [sidnei]

2.2 (2008-06-06)

  • Added deprecation-warnings option that allows turning the option to disable deprecation warnings on or off. You can provide the value error to it, and every deprecation warning will be turned into an exception. [sidnei]

  • Fix copy and paste error that caused a failure on changing runzope.bat to call [sidnei]

  • Escape ‘executable’ argument before passing it to os.spawnl, in order to make it work on Windows when the executable name has spaces on it. [sidnei]

  • Added http-fast-listen option. Use of this option requires Zope >= 2.11. [stefan]

2.1 (2008-06-05)

  • Fixed a test problem on Windows, where explicit closing of files is required. [hannosch]

  • Call from runzope.bat instead of setting PYTHONPATH and calling Zope2/Startup/ That way we set sys.path from inside Python code and avoid exceeding the maximum environment variable limit. [sidnei]

  • Allow to use an alternative temporary storage, by specifying the new zodb-temporary-storage option. [jensens]

  • Added environment-vars option to set environment variables. Changed the zope-conf-additional example code to something that isn’t covered by the recipe. [claytron]

2.0 (2008-05-29)

  • Do not use system but exec when starting Zope. This makes it possible for process management tools to properly manage Zope processes. [wichert]

  • Added site-zcml option Added tests [mustapha]

  • Add support for ZEO authentication. Note that this does not work with any released Zope or ZODB version at this moment. See for required patches. [wichert]

  • Added FTP and WebDAV options [claytron]

  • Allow rel-storage to be an empty string, meaning ‘do not use relstorage’. This allows an extending buildout configuration to disable relstorage again. [mj]

1.9 (2008-04-15)

  • Fix rel-storage parsing for options with spaces. Note that split() or split(None) already strips the string. [mj]

1.8 (2008-04-05)

  • Fixed a Win32 problem in which the presence of Python string escapes in the path to zope.conf (e.g., d:botestpartsinstanceetczope.conf would escape the b). This showed up when using the ‘run’, ‘debug’ or ‘adduser’ commands. This fixes #211416. [smcmahon]

  • Added console command to the instance script, which is equivalent to fg but does not implicitly turn on debug mode but respects the zope.conf setting. [hannosch]

1.7 (2008-03-31)

  • Added new client-home option and let it default to a subfolder of the buildout-wide var folder with a subfolder of the name of the section. [hannosch]

  • Added limited support for running tests under Zope <= 2.8. [hannosch]

1.6 (2008-03-27)

  • Fixed runzope script generation for Zope 2.8. [hannosch]

  • Cleaned up “./bin/instance test” option handling. [stefan]

  • Removed generator expressions as these aren’t supported in < py2.4, which is used by zope 2.7/8. [duffyd]

1.5 (2008-02-29)

  • Added access-log-custom option to be able to use another event logger than the file one for the access logger. [tarek]

  • Fix instance generation to work on Windows with blanks in the path name. This closes #188023. [hannosch, gotti]

  • Added ‘zeo-client-client’ option which results in ‘client <value>’ inside <zeoclient>. [timte, hannosch]

  • Made relstorage handling more generic, so it now supports any RelStorage adapter, including Oracle (which was broken). [mj]

1.4 (2008-02-23)

  • Fix typo in event log parameter name (from “z-log” to “z2-log”), to comply with the documentation. This closes #190943. [kdeldycke]

  • Create pid and lock file folders if they don’t exist. [kdeldycke]

  • Remove hard-coded log level and use the event_log_level parameter to set it dynamically. This closes #190994. [kdeldycke]

  • Added a test environment, using zc.buildout.testing, and a doctest that tries the recipe. [tarek]

  • Added an event-log-custom option [tarek]

  • Added example for the zope-conf-additional option. This closes #185539. [klm, hannosch]

  • Added rel-storage option to be able to wire Zope to RelStorage (postgresql/oracle) instead of a FileStorage database. [tarek]


  • For each entry in recipe-specified ‘extra-paths’ line, add a ‘path’ line to the instance and Zope client zope.conf files. [klm]


  • Added the boolean shared-blob option, defaulting to no. If all of zeo-client, blob-storage and shared-blob options are set, the instance will assume the blob directory set by blob-storage is shared with the server instead of streaming ‘blob’ files through the ZEO connection. [rochael]

  • Changed ctl.do_foreground() (which is invoked by the fg command line argument) start Zope in debug mode to emulate the behavior of zopectl fg. This required a little special WIN32 code to make sure it would work in both *nix and Windows. [smcmahon]

  • Added var option, which is used to configure the base directory for all the things going into var. [hannosch]

  • Added zeo-var option, which is used in the zeo storage snippets to configure the zeo var folder. [hannosch]

  • Merged rochael-blobsupport branch. Added support for ZODB 3.8 blob storage configuration for ZEO clients. This references [rochael, hannosch]

  • Added zeo-client-name option. Defaults to the name of the ZEO client. [hannosch]


  • Small documentation update. Added link to the bugtracker. [hannosch]

  • Changed default of zope.conf option ‘default-zpublisher-encoding’ to ‘utf-8’ instead of Zope’s default value of ‘iso-8859-15’.

  • Have PID file’s location default to ‘${buildout:directory}/var/${name}.pid’. Keeping the PID file in $INSTANCE_HOME gives trouble when buildout rebuilds the part. [nouri, mustapha]


  • Increased ‘zodb_cache_size’ default value to 5000, which is more likely a better default these days. [hannosch]

  • Added support for ‘extra-paths’ as in ‘zc.recipe.egg’; this is useful when using regular python packages for which no eggs are available (yet), i.e. with ‘plone.recipe.distros’. [witsch]

  • Added zeo-storage option (merge branch ree-add-zeo-storage-option). [ree]

  • Avoid doubled entries to eggs specified in the buildout in ‘sys.path’: the working set (‘ws’) gets passed again when installing the script (‘bin/instance’), but it is not also added to ‘extra_paths’. [witsch]

  • Patching ‘PYTHONPATH’ in the Zope startup skripts should insert all additional paths (to eggs) __before__ ‘SOFTWARE_HOME’, because otherwise (newer) egg versions of components from the standard Zope distribution (i.e. stuff that lives in ‘lib/python’) cannot be used. [witsch]

  • Changed the option to suppress deprecation warnings to “–nowarn” or ‘–nowarning” to be consistent with “zopectl test”. [witsch]

  • Added option “-w” to allow the test runner to suppress deprecation warnings, so it’s easier to spot failing tests… [witsch]

  • Updated import for Zope 2.7 (and below) compatibility. [duffyd]

  • Merging -r51966:52659 claytron-zopeconfoptions branch to trunk. [claytron]

  • Made the config snippet prettier while still getting the resulting indentation right. [witsch]


  • Added support for zodb 3.8’s “<blobstorage>” directive. [witsch]

  • Added a script name arg before callint zope.testing.testrunner:1772, get_options removes the first arg from the list of arguments expecting a script name there. Was causing “bin/instance test” to behave improperly. [rossp]


  • Use bin if present falling back to utilities. This makes it possible to use a Zope version installed from a tarball and not compiled inplace. [rossp]


  • Found the problem with strange environment variables. [hannosch]

  • Fixed documentation bug, the cache size is respected by non-zeo instance as well. [hannosch]


  • J1m actually read the docs ;) [hannosch]

  • Attempt to fix the sometimes insane number of tests which are found by the test runner. [hannosch]


  • Added an option to set the effective-user. [optilude]


  • Generate a bin/repozo script to perform backups using (and set up the appropriate pythonpath for this to work). [optilude]

  • Document options properly, and add the ability to specify a zope.conf file explicitly rather than having one generated from a template. [optilude]


  • Finally found a way to provide the Zope Windows service with the right environment. We need a new wrapper script, which sets up the PYTHONPATH. [hannosch]

  • Make it possible to configure the name of the zopectl script using the control-script option in the [instance] section. [wichert]


  • Extend support for zcml slugs to include Zope 2.9. [dunny]

  • Added support for making a ZEO-client. [regebro]


  • Initial implementation. [hannosch]

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