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The Plone calendar framework

Project description is the calendaring framework for Plone. It provides Dexterity behaviors and an Archetypes type, Timezone support, RFC5545 icalendar export, Recurrence support, event views and a lot more.

For a Dexterity event type using, use 1.1 or newer.


Compatibility 2.0 is only compatible with Plone 5, which does not have any stable releases at time of this writing.

For use with Plone 4.3, use a version from the 1.1 release series.

The following is a compatibility map of all current versions:







Plone 4.3+





Plone 5





Plone 5



Buildout files

  • buildout.cfg: base installation.

  • dev.cfg: development configuration, including tests.

  • tests.cfg: tests only.

  • sources.cfg: mr.developer source definitions.

  • versions.cfg: version requirements.

Installation only provides Dexterity behaviors to build own types based on them. If you want to install a Dexterity based Event type, you can simply use 1.1b1 or up.

Depend on one (or both) of these setuptools dependencies:


The zcml dependency is be loaded automatically by z3c.autoinclude.

Then install via the controlpanel or by depending on the following GenericSetup profile in metadata.xml:

Upgrading from 1.0


The “ploneintegration” setuptools extra, subpackage and GenericSetup profile have been gone. You just need to remove these dependencies from your setup and use the “” profile instead, if you plan to use the Archetypes based ATEvent type.

Use the provided upgrade steps to upgrade Dexterity behaviors: Attribute storage (Migrate fields from annotation storage to attribute storage) and New IRichText behavior (Enable the new IRichText instead of the IEventSummary behavior).

Upgrading from Products.ATContentType to

If you want to upgrade Products.ATContentTypes based ATEvents to ones, there is an upgrade step for that: “Upgrades old AT events to” (Metadata version 1 to 2). In order to use it, go to Plone Control Center -> ZMI -> portal_setup -> Upgrades. Select “” profile and click “Show old upgrades”. Select the upgrade step and run it.

You might also need to “clear and rebuild” the catalog after upgrading. You can do so at Plone Control Center -> ZMI -> portal_catalog -> Advanced (this may take a while)

Upgrading to Dexterity

Upgrade steps to migrate Products.ATContentTypes based ATEvents, based ATEvents or Dexterity example types ( to Dexterity Events can be found within This package utilizes’s Dexterity behaviors for it’s Event type.


After installation, please set your timezone in the @@event-settings controlpanel. Otherwise time calculations are based on UTC and likely wrong for your timezone. Also set the first weekday setting for correct display of the first weekday in calendar views.



Please report any bugs, issues or feature requests here:

And better yet, help out with documentation and pull-requests!


Contributors, please add you name here! By doing this, you also state, that you have signed the Contributor’s Agreement for Plone Explained. Download it from Thanks!

  • Johannes Raggam, thet (Main author and PLIP implementation)

  • Andreas Jung, zopyx

  • Andreas Zeidler, witsch

  • Andrew Mleczko, amleczko

  • Bo Simonsen, bosim

  • Cillian de Róiste, cillianderoiste

  • David Glick, davisagli

  • Eric Steele, esteele

  • Franklin Kingma, kingel

  • Gauthier Bastien, gbastien

  • Georg Bernhard, gogo

  • Giacomo Spettoli, giacomos

  • Gil Forcada, gforcada

  • Guido Stevens, gyst

  • JeanMichel FRANCOIS, toutpt

  • Jens Klein, jensens

  • Jonas Baumann, jone

  • Kees Hink, khink

  • Lennart Regebro, regebro

  • Mikel Larreategi, erral

  • Nathan Van Gheem, vangheem

  • Patrick Gerken, do3cc

  • Peter Holzer, agitator

  • Peter Mathis, petschki

  • Philip Bauer, pbauer

  • Rafael Oliveira, rafaelbco

  • Ramon Navarro Bosch, blooodbare

  • Robert Niederreiter, rnixx

  • Roel Bruggink, jaroel

  • Rok Garbas, garbas

  • Róman Joost, romanofski

  • Sean Upton, seanupton

  • Simone Orsi, simahawk

  • Thomas Desvenain, tdesvenain

  • Timo Stollenwerk, timo

  • Tom Gross, tomgross

  • Vincent Fretin, vincentfretin

  • Vitaliy Podoba, piv, vipod

  • Wolfgang Thomas, pysailor

  • jnachtigall

  • Érico Andrei, ericof

Find out who contributed:

$ git shortlog -s -e


2.0a1 (2014-04-17)

  • Make use of new z3c.form DataExtractedEvent and register the data_postprocessing_handler for this event. This adjusts the start and end date according to whole_day and open_end.

  • Use default_timezone DatetimeWidget property. All datetime objects from’ DatetimeWidget now have this timezone, if not otherwise set by the user.

  • Move controlpanel to Products.CMFPlone.controlpanel.

  • Move vocabularies to and use plone.* instead of* prefix for registry keys.

  • Use default and defaultFactory properties for behavior schema definitions to provide sane defaults for z3c.form and programmatically created Dexterity types (e.g. via plone.dextterity.utils.createContentInContainer). For that to work, remove the Behavior factory classes, use the default AttributeStorage and let IEventBasic and IEventRecurrence behaviors derive from IDXEvent resp. IDXEventRecurrence.

  • Remove data_postprocessing event subscriber.

  • Remove Timezone field from IEventBasic behavior. Instead, store timezone information directly in the tzinfo object on start and end datetime objects.

  • Remove Archetypes subpackage.

[thet, yenzenz, garbas]

1.2.3 (2014-04-17)

1.2.2 (2014-04-15)

  • Simplify buildout infrastructure: Move base-test.cfg to test.cfg, move base.cfg to buildout.cfg, remove test-43.cfg, sources-dev.cfg and jenkins.cfg. [thet]

  • Disable the edit bar on Occurrence objects. They are transient and cannot be edited. Remove the visual distinction between IEvent and IOccurrences in the event_summary view. The user is likely not interested, if a Occurrence or the original Event is shown. [thet]

  • Add a portal_type attribute to Occurrence objects and set it to ‘Occurrence’, so they can be easily identified without looking up interfaces. [thet]

  • Add an event_listing view for IEvent objects to show all of it’s occurrences. [thet]

  • Change the occurrence listing in the @@event_summary view to directly link to the occurrence objects, rename the label to ‘All dates’ and also include the first date of the original event. The event_summary’s max_occurrences attribute now also includes the starting event. [thet]

1.2.1 (2014-04-05)

  • Changes in the Dexterity IRichText behavior migration: don’t fail, if no Event type is found in the Dexterity FTI and remove the old IEventSummary behavior, if found. [thet]

  • Don’t use spamProtect script to render email address; it doesn’t do much. [davisagli]

  • Add an @@event_summary view, which provides the event summary listing in the event view for the purpose of reuse elsewhere. Allow the exclusion of information via an excludes list. The relevant methods are moved from event_view to event_summary. [thet]

  • Improve markup of in order to not break on IE 8. [rafaelbco]

  • Use z3c.form for portlet forms. [bosim, davisagli]

1.2 (2014-03-01)

  • Don’t use spamProtect script to render email address; it doesn’t do much. [davisagli]

  • Drop usage of plone.formwidget.datetime and use instead. [garbas, davisagli]

  • Fix label of ‘Dates’ fieldset. [esteele]

1.1b1 (2014-02-17)

  • Remove Plone 4.2 compatibility. For more information see installation.rst in the docs. [thet]

  • Move the example type to the profile and remove the profile. Use the Event type from instead. Fixes #99. [thet]

  • Remove the IEventSummary behavior and use the generic IRichText from instead. Fixes #140, Closes #142. [pysailor]

  • Change the event detail listing in the event_view to be a definition list instead of a table, making it semantically more correct and the code less verbose. Fixes #141. [thet]

  • For recurring events, don’t show the last recurrence in the event view but the number of occurrences, queried from the catalog. Together with the previous generator-change this looping over the whole occurrnce list. [thet]

  • Change the IRecurrenceSupport adapter’s occurrence method to return again a generator, fixing a possible performance issue. Fixes #60. [thet]

  • Replace RecurrenceField with plain Text field in the dx recurrence behavior. This reverts the change from 1.0rc2. We don’t use form schema hints but an adapter to configure the widget. Closes #137, Fixes #131. [pysailor]

  • Use attribute storage instead of annotation storage in all Dexterity behaviors. Closes #136, #95, Refs #20. [pysailor]

  • Rename the Occurrence’s ‘index_html’ view to ‘event_view’ for better consistency. This also fixes an issue with Solgema.fullcalendar. Closes #123. [tdesvenain]

  • Fix get_events recurring events sorting, where it was only sorted by the brain’s start date, which could easily be outside the queried range. [gyst]

  • Avoid failing to create an event when zope.globalrequest.getRequest returns None on the post create event handler. This happens when creating an event during test layer setup time. [rafaelbco]

  • iCalendar import: Also import objects, when the “last-modified” property was not changed. This conforms to the RFC5545: [jone]

1.1.a1 (2013-11-14)

  • Don’t fail, if first_weekday isn’t set in registry. [thet]

  • compatibility [garbas]

  • Set the first_weekday setting based on the site’s locale when the default profile is activated. [davisagli]

  • Allow query parameters for timezone vocabularies for filtering. Create the “Timezones” vocabulary from SimpleTerm objects with a value and title set for better support with AjaxSelectWidget. [thet]

  • Remove “ploneintegration” from setuptools extra section and GenericSetup profile. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR INSTALLTIONS, to use Archetypes or Dexterity instead and to use 2.5a1! This change makes it easier for Plone to integrate [thet]

1.0.5 (2014-02-11)

  • For ical exports, remove X-WR-CALNAME, X-WR-CALID and X-WR-CALDESC. X-WR-CALNAME caused Outlook to create a new calendar on every import. These properties are not neccessary and not specified by RFC5545 anyways. Fixes #109, closes #132. [tomgross, thet]

  • Add Traditional Chinese Translation. Closes #129. [l34marr]

  • Changed dates_for_display and get_location to accept IEvent, IOccurrence and IEventAccessor objects and avoid confusion on using these methods. [thet]

  • Added basque translation. [erral]

  • Completed italian translation. [giacomos]

1.0.4 (2013-11-23)

  • Register event.js Javascript as “cookable” to allow merging with other files and provide the “plone” global if it wasn’t already defined. [thet]

1.0.3 (2013-11-19)

  • Remove unnecessary data parameter on urllib2.urlopen, which caused a 404 error on some icalendar imports from external resources (E.g. Google). [thet]

  • Avoid “FileStorageError: description too long” on large icalendar imports by doing a transaction commit instead of a savepoint. [thet]

  • Protect ical imports with the newly created permission. [thet]

  • compatibility. [garbas]

  • Fix UnicodeDecodeError with special characters in body text. Fixes #108 [zwork][agitator]

1.0.2 (2013-11-07)

  • Fix the path for catalog search in ical importer. This fixes an issue, where no existing events could be found when importing a ical file again in virtual hosting environments. Also, search for any existing events, not only what the user is allowed to see. [thet]

  • Fix Plone 4.2 buildout and test environment. [thet]

1.0.1 (2013-11-07)

  • Fix ical import form import error. Translation string wasn’t properly formatted. Also be forgiving about missing LAST-MODIFIED properties from ical files. [thet]

1.0 (2013-11-06)

  • Implement synchronisation strategies for icalendar import. [thet]

  • Implement icalendar import/export synchronisation and add sync_uid index and sync_uid fields for ATEvent and IEventBasic. This follows RFC5545, chapter “ Unique Identifier”. The sync_uid index can also be used for any other synchronisation tasks, where an external universally unique identifier is used. [cillianderoiste, thet]

  • Don’t show the repeat forever button in the recurrence widget. [thet]

  • Fix icalendar export for collections and Archetype topics. Fixes #104. [thet]

  • Don’t include occurrences in icalendar exports of event_listing, but include the original event with it’s recurrence rule. Fixes #103. [thet]

  • Don’t include the recurrence definition when doing icalendar exports of individual occurrences. Fixes: #61. [thet]

  • Restore Javascript based edit-form functionality to set end dates depending on start dates with the same delta of days as initialized, as developed by vincentfretin back at’s birth. [thet]

  • Deprecate the type and profile. Please create your own type based on’s Dexterity behaviors or use the “Event” type from The profile is sufficient also for Dexterity-only based installations. [thet]

  • Remove the behaviors adn from the Dexterity example type. We don’t depend on these packages and won’t introduce an explicit dependency on it. [thet]

  • In portlet calendar and events, don’t use the search_base directly to constuct calendar urls. The search base always starts from the Plone site root, which led to wrong urls in Lineage subsites. [thet]

  • Don’t validate end dates for open ended events, so open ended events in the future can be saved via the form. Fixes #97 [gyst]

  • Ical importer: Fix default value for imported attendees and categories. Return an empty tuple instead of None so that the edit form can be rendered. [cillianderoiste]

  • Fix event_listing view on Collections to expand events. Fixes #91, Fixes #90. [thet]

  • Don’t show the event_listing_settings view in the object actions for event_listings on Collections or Topics, as it doesn’t make sense there. [thet]

  • Fix case, where the events, which started before a queried timerange and lasts into the timerange were not included in the list of event occurrences. [thet]

  • Fix wrong result set with “limit” applied in get_events. Limiting for occurrence-expanded events can just happen after all occurrences are picked up in the result set, otherwise sorting can mess it up. [petschki]

  • Indexer adapter for SearchableText: fixed encoding inconsistencies. Always return utf-8 encoded string while using unicode internally. [seanupton]

  • In test-setup, explicitly install DateRecurringIndex instead of extending it’s test layer fixture. This should finally fix #81, where other tests couldn’t be run when not extending the DRI or PAE test fixture layers. [thet]

  • Support the @@images view for IOccurrence objects by using a factory, which returns a AT or DX specific view depending on the Occurrence’s parent. [thet]

  • Switch off linkintegrity checks during upgrade from atct to [jensens]

  • Remove event and calendar portlet assignments on plone.rightcolumn. Integrators should do assignments themselfes, as they are likely different from the standard assignment. [thet]

  • Don’t fail, if timezone isn’t set. [gforcada]

1.0rc3 (2013-08-23)

  • Fix get_events with ret_mode=3, expand=True, without recurrence It was returning full object instead of IEventAccessor instances. This also fix event portlet with norecurrent events. [toutpt]

1.0rc2 (2013-07-21)

  • Introduce a BrowserLayer and register all views for it. Avoids view registration conflicts with other packages. [thet]

  • For the recurrence behavior In z3c.form based Dexterity forms, use the RecurrenceField instead of a plain Text field. This ensures that the recurrence widget is used even for plain z3c.form forms without form schema hints. This change is forward-compatible and should not break any existing installations. [thet]

  • In z3c.form based Dexterity forms, use plone.autoform form hints for widget parameters and remove the ParameterizedWidgetFactory. plone.autoform 1.4 supports widget parameter form hints. [thet]

  • Update french translations. [toutpt]

  • Fix icalendar importer to support multiple-line EXDATE/RDATE definitions. [thet]

  • Fix runtime error in icalendar importer. [gbastien]

  • For the setup’s tests extra, depend on <= 4.2.2 until the Dexterity and Archetypes tests are split up and the tests don’t have a hard dependency on Archetypes. [thet]

  • Remove dependency on “persistent” to not use that one over the ZODB bundled package. “persistent” will become available as seperate package with ZODB 4. [thet]

  • Declare mimimum dependency on plone.event 1.0rc1. [thet]

  • Buildout infrastructure update. [thet]

  • Remove deprecations. [thet]

1.0rc1 (2013-07-03)

Please note, the next release will have all deprections removed.

  • For events lasting longer than the day they start, include them in the construct_calendar data structure on each day they occur. Fixes #76. [thet]

  • Fix ATEvent’s StartEndDateValidator subscription adapter to correctly return error dicts. [thet]

  • In the ATEvent migration step, call ObjectModifiedEvent for each migrated event to call off the data_postprocessing method, which assures correct time values in respect to timezones. Please note, the timezone must be set correctly before! [thet]

  • Rename the formated_date and formated_start_date content providers to have the correct spelling of “formatted”. Doing this change now while this package’s adoption is not too wide spread. [thet]

  • Use same i18n field and error message strings for ATEvent and DX behaviors. [thet]

  • Let always do a query with a sort definition, even if we are in expand mode and do a sort afterwards again. We need this to get stable results when having a sort_limit applied. Fixes an issue where the events_portlet did show the next events with an offset of some days. [thet]

  • For the event and calendar portlets, use UberSelectionWidget to select the search base path to make this field actually usable. [thet]

  • Remove ICalendarLinkbase adapter, which provided URLs to a calendar view. Instead, for event and calendar portlet links, the searchbase setting path is used to link to it or as fallback to call event_listing on ISite root. [thet]

  • As like in event_view, use the get_location function for supporting location references in event_listing and portlet_events. Implement get_location just as a simple wrapper - handling of references must be provided by external packages, like collective.venue. [thet]

  • Fixed unicode issue in event_view with non-ascii location strings and of referenced locations via collective.venue. [thet]

  • In event_listing views in “past” or “all” modes, do a reverse sort on the results, starting with newest events. [thet]

  • Create an Python based import step to properly set up the portal catalog. This avoids clearing the index after importing a catalog.xml. This import steps obsoletes the ploneintegration catalog.xml import step also. [thet]

  • Add a event listing settings form, which allows configuration of the event listing view via annotations on the context. [thet]

  • For the event listing view, accept SearchableText and tags request parameters for filtering the result set. [thet]

  • For default_start and default_end, return a datetime with minute, second and microsecond set to 0. [thet]

  • Don’t overload ATEvent’s subject widget label and help texts but use AT and DX standard label_tags and help_tags messages. [thet]

  • Fix compact event edit form layouts and don’t float the recurrence widget. [thet]

  • Change default listing mode in event_listing and replace “All” with seperate “Future” and “Past” buttons. [thet]

1.0b8 (2013-05-27)

  • Fix OccurrenceTraverser to fallback to’s ImageTraverser, if present and thus support image fields on based types. [thet]

  • Change the AT validation code to an subsciption adapter. This allows reliable validation for types derived from ATEvent, which wasn’t the case with the post_validate method. [thet]

  • More compact layout for AT and DX edit forms. [thet]

  • Add open_end option for Dexterity behaviors and Archetypes type. [thet]

  • For whole_day events, let dates_for_display return the iso-date representation from date and not datetime instances. [thet]

  • Remove support of microseconds and default to a resolution of one second for all datetime getter/setter and conversions. Microseconds exactness is not needed and dateutil does not support microseconds which results in unexpected results in comparisons. [thet]

  • Changing the timezone in events is a corner case, so the timezone field is moved to the “dates” schemata for AT and DX. [thet]

  • Remove font-weight bold for monthdays and font-weight normal for table header in portlet calendar. Set div.portletCalendar with to auto instead of unnecessary 100% + margin. Align with plonetheme.sunburst. [thet]

  • Let the IRecurrenceSupport adapter return the event itself, when the event starts before and ends after a given range_start. Fixes a case, where get_events didn’t return a long lasting event for a given timeframe with expand set to True. [thet]

  • Let the @@event_listing view work on IATTopic and ICollection contexts. [thet]

  • In event_view, handle the case that the location field is not of type basestring but a reference to another object, for example provided by collective.venue. [thet]

  • Use’s MessageFactory for ATEvent. [thet]

  • Let EventAccessor for Archetypes based content type return it’s values from property accessors instead properties directly. This let’s return the correct value when an property get’s overridden by archetypes.schemaextender. [thet]

  • Deprecate upgrade_step_2 to beta 2, which is likely not necessary for any existing installation out there. [thet]

  • For the Archetypes based ATEvent migration step, do a transaction.commit() before each migration to commit previous changes. This avoids running out of space for large migrations. [thet]

  • Let IEventAccessor adapters set/get all basestring values in unicode. [thet]

  • Add and install in test environment, as we cannot assume that it’s installed. [thet]

  • Re-Add cmf_edit method for ATEvent to ensure better backwards compatibility. Move related cmf_edit tests from Products.CMFPlone to [thet]

  • Add Event profile definition for ATEvent completly in order to remove it from Products.CMFPlone. ATEvent is installed by ATContentTypes automatically as part of upcoming merge. [thet]

  • Optimize css by using common classes for event_listing and event_view. [thet]

  • Add and hCalendar microdata to event_view and event_listing views. Fixes #2, fixes #57. [thet]

1.0b7 (2013-04-24)

  • Don’t show and profiles when creating a Plone site with @@plone-addsite. [thet]

  • Remove render_cachekey from portlet_events, since it depends on an undocumented internal _data structure, which must contain catalog brains. [thet]

  • In tests, use AbstractSampleDataEvents as base class for tests, which depend on AT or DX event content. [thet]

  • Introduce create and edit functions in IEventAccessor objects. [thet]

  • API Refactorings. In
    • get_portal_events and get_occurrences_from_brains combined to get_events.

    • get_occurrences_by_date refactored to construct_calendar.

    • Renamings:
      • default_start_dt -> default_start,

      • default_end_dt -> default_end,

      • cal_to_strftime_wkday -> wkday_to_mon1,

      • strftime_to_cal_wkday -> wkday_to_mon0.

    • Remove:
      • default_start_DT (use DT(default_start()) instead),

      • default_end_DT (use DT(default_end()) instead),

      • first_weekday_sun0 (use wkday_to_mon1(first_weekday()) instead),

      • default_tzinfo (use default_timezone(as_tzinfo=True) instead).

    In ical:
    • Renamed construct_calendar to construct_icalendar to avoid same name as in

    BBB code will be removed with 1.0. [thet]

  • Update translations and translate event_view and event_listing. [thet]

  • Configure event_listing to be an available view on Collections, Folders, Plone Sites and Topics. [thet]

  • Depend on in ZCML, so that all DublinCore metadata behaviors are set up correctly. [thet]

  • Backport from seanupton: IObjectModifiedEvent subscriber returns early on newly created event (Commit c60c8b521c6b1ca219bfeaddb08e26605707e17 on [seanupton]

  • Calendar portlet tooltips css optimizations: max-with and z-index. [thet]

  • Add Brazilian Portuguese translation [ericof]

  • Add ical import feature, register action to enable it and add a object tab to the @@ical_import_settings form. .ics files can be uploaded or fetched from the net from other calendar servers. [thet]

  • Since more ical related code is upcoming (importer), add ical subpackage and move ical related code in here. [thet]

  • When exporting whole_day/all day events to icalendar, let them end a day after at midnight instead on the defined day one second before midnight. This behavior is the preferred method of exporting all day events to icalendar. [thet]

  • Additionally to the ‘date’ parameter, allow passing of year, month and day query string parameters to the event_listing view and automatically set the mode to ‘day’ if a date was passed. [thet]

  • Backport from Don’t fail on invalid (ambigous) date information in request (Commit a322676 on [tomgross]

  • Backport from Use str view names for getMultiAdapter calls (commit c296408 on [wichert]

1.0b6 (2013-02-14)

  • Styles for event_listing date navigation. [thet]

  • Add datepicker for day selection in event_listing view. [thet]

  • Fix event_listing to search only for events in the current context’s path. Allow “all” request parameter for no path restriction in searches. [thet]

  • Backport change from seanupton: get_portal_events() fix: navroot path index incorrectly passed as tuple, now fixed to path string. [seanupton, thet]

  • Fix get_portal_events to respect path for query if given in keywords. [thet]

1.0b5 (2013-02-11)

  • Restore Python 2.6 compatibility by avoiding total_seconds method from timedelta instances in icalendar export. [thet]

1.0b4 (2013-02-08)

  • Remove occurrences.html view because it’s replaced by event_listing view. [thet]

  • Changed Dexterity event-type title from “Event (DX)” to “Event” for consistent naming between Archetypes and Dexterity content types. [thet]

  • Updated and synced translations (.pot and German translations). [thet]

  • Use content-core fill/define metal definitions in all templates which use main_template’s master macro. [thet]

  • Calendar Portlet: Better portlet and tooltip styling. Drop usage of todayevent and todaynoevent classes. Fix Linking to calendar_listing. [thet]

  • Event listing: Optimized layout and styles, mode switch, calendar-navigation, timespan header. [thet]

  • Implement week and month mode for start_end_from_mode function. [thet]

  • Add icalendar timezone support and properly export whole day events. Fixes #22, Fixes #71. [thet]

  • Don’t set icon_expr for the Dexterity content type and use css instead. [thet]

  • Restore compatibility to Plone 4.3 by including the ploneintegration module also for Plone 4.3 but not 4.4. [thet]

  • Version fix for z3c.unconfigure==1.0.1. This fix can be removed, once Plone depends on zope.configuration>=3.8. [thet]

  • Add icon_export_ical.png from Products.ATContentTypes to [thet]

  • Configure first_day parameter for DateTime and Recurrence Widget (AT and DX). [thet]

  • Configure the default_view of’s ATEvent to be @@event_view. This prevents of referencing the old event_view from the plone_content skin layer to be used in some cases. [thet]

  • Style the calendar portlet tooltips only for the calendar portlet. [thet]

1.0b3 (2012-12-18)

  • Set the CalendarLinkbase urlpath to respect the search_base in calendar and event portlets. [thet]

  • Depend on >= 2.4.0, since portlet_calendar needs the render_portlet view for it’s ajaxification. This may break Plone 4.2 integrations, until you make a buildout version fix. [thet]

  • Remove dependency on Grok for the Dexterity behaviors. [thet]

  • Just use classes instead of id’s for the calendar portlet’s page switcher. [thet]

  • Reimplement the calendar page switcher from the calendar portlet with jQuery and remove the implicit dependency on KSS. [thet]

  • Use event_listing instead of the search view in CalendarLinkbase for calendar and event portlets. [thet]

  • Add new API functions: [thet]

    • date_speller to format a date in a readable manner,

    • start_end_from_mode to return start and end date accordin to a mode string (today, past, future, etc.),

    • dt_start_of_day and dt_end_of_day to set a date to the start of the day (00:00:00) and to the end of the day (23:59:59) for use in searches.

  • Add new event_listing view to show previous, upcoming, todays and other events in a listing. [thet]

  • Fix EventAccessor for ATEvent to correctly return the description. [thet]

  • In portlet_calendar, grey-out previous and next month dates by making them transparent. [thet]

1.0b2 (2012-10-29)

  • Fix ical export of RDATE and EXDATE recurrence definitions. Fixes #63. [thet]

  • Align ATEvent more to Archetypes standards and avoid AnnotationStorage and ATFieldProperty. We needed to remove the ATFieldProperty for the timezone field for a custom setter. By doing so, the other two ATFieldProperties were changed too. This way, the ATEvent API gets more consistent. For a convenient access to ATEvent as well as dextterity based event types, use the IEventAccessor from plone.event.interfaces. Upgrade step from pre 1.0b2 based ATEvent types is provided. [thet]

  • Treat start/end datetime input always as localized values. Changing the timezone now doesn’t convert the start/end values to the new zone (AT, DX). [thet]

  • Fix moving start/end dates when saving an unchanged DX event (issue #62). [thet]

  • Portlet assignment fix. Now both - calendar and event portlet - are installed. [thet]

1.0b1 (2012-10-12)

  • Add the calendar portlet by default when installing [thet]

  • Backport changes from “merge plip-10888-kss branch” in KSS attributes still left in place for backwards compatibility. [thet]

  • Buildout infrastructure update. [thet]

  • Icalendar export of attendees almost according to the RFC5545 standard. At the moment, we do not distinguish between CN and CAL-ADDRESS in Plone, so we just put the attendee value to the CN and CAL-ADDRESS parameter. Fixes #24. [thet]

  • Support microseconds for DateTime conversions. For recurrence rules, timezones are not supported due to a python-datetime limitation. [thet]

  • Don’t allow ambiguous timezones like ‘CET’, which also have implementation errors in DateTime. Force them to another zone. Timezones should be set explicitly anyways. [thet]

  • Let EventOccurrenceAccessor return its own URL instead of its parent. Once again fixes #58. [thet]

  • Fix calendar portlet header, which day names were shifted by one day since a incompatibility between the calendar module (0 is Monday) and the strftime function (0 is Sunday). [thet]

  • Create an formated_date content provider, which takes an occurrence or event object when called and formats the start/end date and times for display. This content provider can be overridden for other contexts. E.g. the events portlet uses just shows the start date and not the end date. [thet]

  • Let IRecurrenceSupport adapter’s occurrences method return as first occurrence the event object itself instead of an Occurrence object. Fixes #58. [thet]

  • Include plone.event’s new configure.zcml. [thet]

  • For the ATEvent type, use a more specific IATEvent interface with IEvent and P.ATCT’s IATEvent as bases. So we can provide adapters, overriding more general IEvent adapting adapters. [thet]

  • Don’t show start occurrence in “More occurrences” section in event_view. [thet]

  • Create adapter ICalendarLinkbase which returns links to calendar views and can be overridden through a more specific implementation by addon products. For example, the portlet_calendar and portlet_events links to the @@search view can be changed to URLs to a real calendar view, if one is installed. [thet]

  • For portlet_calendar and portlet_events configuration, make the workflow state selection optional. If nothing is selected, all states are searched. [thet]

  • Add search_base (select path to search for events) and state (select review state for events to search) to portlet_calendar settings and search_base to portlet_events. [thet]

  • Limit the amount of occurrences in the event view if the event yields more than 7 occurrences. Show only 6 occurrences and the last occurrence. [romanofski]

  • More minor fixes. [thet]

    • Don’t force DateTime conversion in query parameters of get_portal_events. The catalog index uses Python’s datetime anyways.

    • Only set end date in _prepare_range to next day, if it’s a date and not datetime.

    • Register the Archetypes postprocessing event subscribers also for IObjectCreatedEvent.

  • Fix #51, logical error with range_end parameter in get_portal_events. [thet]

  • Fix test startup by not depending on getSite().translate, which is a filesystem script. [thet]

  • Backport changes from davilima: Add safety check for False all_events_links. [davilima6]

  • Make get_occurrences_by_date work for events which do not have IRecurrenceSupport (e.g. Dexterity events without the recurrence behavior). [thet]

  • Don’t run event handlers for ATEvent, if it doesn’t provide IEvent. [thet]

  • Fix utf-8 encoding problem with icalendar export. [rnix]

  • Unregister ics_view for ATFolder and ATBTreeFolder as well in ploneintegration. [rnix]

  • Workaround for buggy strftime with timezone handling in DateTime. See: [seanupton]

  • Rebind portlet_calendar tooltips after ajax calendar reloads. [thet]

  • Allow the refreshCalendar kss view also on Occurrence objects. [thet]

  • Let portlet_events link to @@search for future and previous events for sites without the standard events folder. [thet]

  • Moved docs/HISTORY.rst to CHANGES.txt. [seanupton]

  • Calendar portlet search links now use @@search (from instead of (since Plone 4.2) deprecated ./search ( Requires recent changes. [seanupton]

  • Integrate the functionality for Plone versions without core integration (all current version) into this package for simplification. [thet]

  • IEventSummary behavior added for body text on Dexterity event type, as well as a SearchableText indexer adapter for the Dexterity event type. [seanupton]

  • Filter calendar portlet search URLs for each day to a whitelist of event portal_type values. Prevents non-event add-on types with start/end fields from showing up in calendar, as defense against unintended consequences (add-ons could explicitly override this template if they define additional Event types). [seanupton]

  • API refactoring: * Move all generic interfaces to plone.event, * Extend IEventAccessor adapters to also be able to set attributes. [thet]

  • Copy plonetheme.sunburst styles for the calendar portlet to event.css. This way, the calendar portlet is nicely styled, even without sunburst theme applied. [thet]

  • For Dexterity behaviors, use IEventRecurrence adapter to store attributes directly on the context. This fixes that recurrence occurrences start and end dates were not indexed, because the DateRecurringIndex had not access to the recurrence attribute. [thet]

  • IRecurrence adapter returns now acquisition-wrapped occurrence objects. [romanofski]

  • Event portlet is now showing occurrences, sorted by start date. [romanofski]

  • Moved whole_day field in directly after the end date to get a more logical group. [thet]

  • Added dedicated timezone validator with fallback zone.

  • Added traverser for occurrences. The event view is used to show individual occurrences. [romanofski]

  • Broken paging in the calendar portlet has been fixed (#11). [romanofski]

  • Make the start DateTime timezone aware and fix an issue where the start date was after the end date. Fixes: #8. [romanofski]

1.0a2 (2012-03-28)

  • Add portlet GenericSetup registration for calendar and event portlet. [thet]

  • API CHANGE: Use zope.annotation for behaviors, remove unnecessary factories, create IRecurrence adapter for access to occurrences. [thet]

1.0a1 (2012-03-12)

  • Initial alpha release. [thet]

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