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Default content types for Plone based on Dexterity

Project description documentation

Introduction provides default content types for Plone based on Dexterity. It replaces Products.ATContentTypes and provides the default-types in Plone 5. It can be used as an add-on in Plone 4.x.

It contains the following types:

  • Collection

  • Document

  • Event

  • File

  • Folder

  • Image

  • Link

  • News Item

The main difference from a users perspective is that these types are extendable through-the-web. This means you can add or remove fields and behaviors using the control-panel “Dexterity Content Types” (/@@dexterity-types).

Warning: Using on a site with existing Archetypes-based content requires migrating the sites content. Please see the chapter “Migration”.


The versions 1.2.x (derived from the branch master) are compatible with Plone 5.

The versions 1.1.x (derived from the branch 1.1.x) are compatible with Plone 4.3.x. These versions and do not use

For support of Plone 4.1 and 4.2 please use version 1.0.x. Please note that they do not provide the full functionality.

You need to pin the version to the one, you want to use. 1.1 is officially supported and tests only pass with this version. However, you can also use 1.2.x and 2.x with Plone 4.3 and 1.1.x.


This package is included in Plone 5 and does not need installation.

To use in Plone 4.x add this line in the eggs section of your buildout.cfg

eggs =

Pin the version to the one you want to use. Officially supported: 1.1.x.

versions = versions

[versions] = <= 1.1.999

If you have a Plone site with mixed Archetypes and Dexterity content use the extra requirement atrefs.

eggs =
    ... [atrefs]

This will also install the package that allows you to reference dexterity-based content from archetypes-based content. You will have to enable the behavior for all types that need to be referenced by Archetypes-content.

What happens to existing content?

If you install in a existing site all Archetypes-based content of the default types still exists and can be viewed but can’t be edited. On installation removes the type-definitions for the old default-types like this:

<object name="Document" remove="True" />

They are then replaced by new Definitions:

<object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="Document" />

To make the existing content editable again you need to migrate it to Dexterity (please see the section on migration) or uninstall (see the section on uninstalling).

Archetypes-based content provided by add-ons (e.g. Products.PloneFormGen) will still work since only the default-types are replaced.

If you install on a fresh site (i.e. when no content has been edited or added) the usual default-content (Events, News, Members…) will be created as dexterity-content.

To install without replacing the type-definitions of existing types please read the section Migrating only certain types.


Uninstalling the default-types is not supported in Plone 5. If you really want to switch back to Archetypes-based types you have to to the following:

  • Go to the ZMI

  • In portal_types delete the default-types

  • In portal_setup navigate to the tab ‘import’, select the profile ‘Archetypes Content Types for Plone’ and install all steps including dependencies.

Any content you created based on will no longer be editable until you reinstall


  • >= 2.0.7. Dexterity is shipped with Plone 4.3.x. Version pinns for Dexterity are included in Plone 4.2.x. For Plone 4.1.x you need to pin the right version for Dexterity in your buildout. See Installing Dexterity on older versions of Plone.

  • plone.dexterity >= 2.2.1. Olders version of plone.dexterity break the rss-views because uses behaviors for the richtext-fields.

  • >= 1.1.4 and <= 1.1.999. This provides the behaviors used for the event-type.

  • >= 2.5.1. In older version the event-portlet will not work with the new event-type.

These are the version-pinns for Plone 4.3.4:

versions = versions

[versions] = 1.1.4

Plone 4.3.3 also needs = 2.5.2

Plone-versions before 4.3.3 need to pinn more packages:

versions = versions

plone.dexterity = 2.2.1 = 2.0.11
plone.schemaeditor = 1.3.5 = 1.1.4 = 2.5.2

For migrations to work you need at least Products.contentmigration = 2.1.9 and (part of Plone since Plone 4.1.0).


To migrate your existing content from Archetypes to Dexterity use the form at /@@atct_migrator.

Migrating Archetypes-based content to can migrate the following archetypes-based default types:

  • Document

  • Event

  • File

  • Folder

  • Image

  • Link

  • News Item

  • Collection

  • Topic (old Collections)

The following non-default types will also be migrated:

  • The AT-based Event-type provided by

  • The DX-based Event-type provided by

  • The Event-type provided by until version 1.0

  • News Items with blobs (provoded by

  • Files and Images without blobs

The migration tries to keep most features (including portlets, comments, contentrules, local roles and local workflows).

Warning: Versions of content are not migrated. During migration you will lose all old revisions.

Migrating only certain types

There is also a view /@@pac_installer that allows you to install without replacing those archetypes-types with the dexterity-types of which there are existing objects in the site. Afterwards it redirects to the migration-form and only the types that you chose to migrate are installed. This allows you to keep certain types as archetypes while migrating others to dexterity (for example if you did heavy customizations of these types and do not have the time to reimplement these features in dexterity.

Migrating Topics

To get migrated topics with path-criteria to work you need at least >= 1.3.1.

Topics are migrated to Collections. However, the old type Topic had support for Subtopics, a feature that does not exit in Collections. Subtopics are nested Topics that inherited search terms from their parents. Since Collections are not folderish (i.e. they cannot contain content) Subtopics cannot be migrated unless Collections are made folderish (i.e. that they can contain content). Also the feature that search terms can be inherited from parents does not exist for Collections.

The migration-form will warn you if you have subtopics in your site and your Collections are not folderish. You then have several options:

  1. You can delete all Subtopics before migrating and achieve their functionality in another way (e.g. using eea.facetednavigation).

  2. You can choose to not migrate Topics by not selecting them. This will keep your old Topics functional. You can still add new Collections.

  3. You can modify Collections to be folderish or create your own folderish content-type. That type would need a base-class that inherits from plone.dexterity.content.Container instead of plone.dexterity.content.Item:

    from import ICollection
    from plone.dexterity.content import Container
    from zope.interface import implementer
    class FolderishCollection(Container):

    You can either use a new Collection type or simply modify the default type to use this new base-class by overriding the klass-attribute of the default Collection. To override add a Collection.xml in your own package:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object name="Collection" meta_type="Dexterity FTI">
     <property name="klass">my.package.content.FolderishCollection</property>

    If you really need it you could add the functionality to inherit search terms to your own folderish Collections by extending the collection-behavior as shown here:

Migrating content that is translated with LinguaPlone

Since LinguaPlone does not support Dexterity you need to migrate from LinguaPlone to ( The migration from Products.LinguaPlone to should happen before the migration from Archetypes to For details on the migration see

Migrating from old versions of

Before version 1.0a2 the content-items did not implement marker-interfaces. They will break in newer versions since the views are now registered for these interfaces (e.g. To fix this you can call the view /@@fix_base_classes on your site-root.

Since 1.1a1, the Collection type uses the new Collection behavior and the Event type utilizes behaviors from In order to upgrade:

  1. First run the default profile ( or reinstall

  2. Then run the upgrade steps.

Migrating default-content that was extended with archetypes.schemaextender

The migration-form warns you if any of your old types were extended with aditional fields using archetypes.schemaextender. The data contained in these fields will be lost during migration (with the exception of images added with collective.contentleadimage).

To keep the data you would need to write a custom migration for your types dexterity-behaviors for the functionality provided by the schemaextenders. This is an advanced development task and beyond the scope of this documentation.

Migrating images created with collective.contentleadimage

collective.contentleadimage was a popular addon that allows you to add images to any content in your site by extending the default types. Since it only supports Archetypes it does no longer work. To make sure these images are kept during migration you have to enable the behavior “Lead Image” on all those types where you want to migrate images added using collective.contentleadimage.

The old types that use leadimages are listed in the navigation-form with the comment “extended fields: ‘leadImage’, ‘leadImage_caption’”. The migration-form informs you which new types have the behavior enabled and which do not. Depending on the way you installed you might have to first install these types by (re-)installing

Migrating custom content

Custom content-types (archetypes and dexterity) will not be touched by the migration and will continue to work as expected.

Future versions of will have with a form that allows you to migrate old custom Archetypes-content to Dexterity (you’ll still have to create the Dexterity-types before migrating).

If you want to migrate your custom types to Dexterity before this feature is completed you might want to have a look at the code of as a blueprint for a migration.

Please make sure you are aware of the many helpers and patches that allow you to migrate comments, portlets, references etc. These are partly used in the base-class of the migration ( and and partly in the migration-view


In Plone 5.x used the build-in widgets from

In Plone 4.x uses the old z3c.form-widgets by default. All widgets work as they used to with Archetypes except for the keywords-widget for which a simple linesfield is used (read How to override widgets on how to change that). You can also use to make use of the new widgets (not all functionality is guaranteed to work though).

How to use with the widgets from Plone 5

In Plone 5 the new widgets are automatically used. To use them in Plone 4 use (branch 1.x).

How to override widgets

To override the default keywords-widgets with a nicer widget you can use the package collective.z3cform.widgets.

Add collective.z3cform.widgets to your buildout and in your own package register the override in your configure.zcml:

<adapter factory=".subjects.SubjectsFieldWidget" />

Then add a file

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from collective.z3cform.widgets.token_input_widget import TokenInputFieldWidget
from import ICategorization
from import IPloneFormLayer
from z3c.form.interfaces import IFieldWidget
from z3c.form.util import getSpecification
from z3c.form.widget import FieldWidget
from zope.component import adapter
from zope.interface import implementer

@adapter(getSpecification(ICategorization['subjects']), IPloneFormLayer)
def SubjectsFieldWidget(field, request):
    widget = FieldWidget(field, TokenInputFieldWidget(field, request))
    return widget

Once you install collective.z3cform.widgets in the quickinstaller, the new widget will then be used for all types.

Information for Addon-Developers

Design decisions

The schemata for the types File, Image and Link are defined in xml-files using plone.supermodel. This allows the types to be editable trough the web. The types Document, News Item, Folder and Event have no schemata at all but only use behaviors to provide their fields.

Installation as a dependency from another product

If you want to add as a dependency from another products use the profile plone-content in your metadata.xml to have Plone populate a new site with DX-based default-content.


If you use the profile default then the default-content in new sites will still be Archetypes-based. You’ll then have to migrate that content using the migration-form @@atct_migrator or delete it by hand.

Using folderish types

At some point all default types will probably be folderish. If you want the default types to be folderish before that happens please look at

Changing the base class for existing objects

If you changed the base-class of existing types (e.g. because you changed them to be folderish) you also need to upgrade the base-class of existing objects. You can use the following form for this: @@base_class_migrator_form.

This form lets you select classes to be updated and shows the number of objects for each class. This form can be used to change the base-class of any dexterity-types instances. The migration will also transform itemish content to folderish content if the new class is folderish. You might want to use the method in your own upgrade-steps.

Extending the types

You have several options:

  1. Extend the types through-the-web by adding new fields or behaviors in the types-controlpanel /@@dexterity-types.

  2. Extend the types with a custom type-profile that extends the existing profile with behaviors, or fields.

    You will first have to add the type to your [yourpackage]/profiles/default/types.xml.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object name="portal_types" meta_type="Plone Types Tool">
      <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI" />

    Here is an example that enables the image-behavior for Folders in [yourpackage]/profiles/default/types/Folder.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI">
     <property name="behaviors" purge="False">
      <element value=""/>

    By adding a schema-definition to the profile you can add fields.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object name="Folder" meta_type="Dexterity FTI">
     <property name="model_file">your.package.content:folder.xml</property>
     <property name="behaviors" purge="False">
      <element value=""/>

    Put the schema-xml in your/package/content/folder.xml (the folder content needs a

    <model xmlns:security=""
        <field name="teaser_title" type="zope.schema.TextLine">
          <title>Teaser title</title>
        <field name="teaser_subtitle" type="zope.schema.Text">
          <title>Teaser subtitle</title>
        <field name="teaser_details" type="">
          <title>Teaser details</title>

For more complex features you should create custom behaviors and/or write your own content-types. For more information on creating custom dexterity-types or custom behaviors to extend these types with read the dexterity documentation.

Reordering fields provided by behaviors


Differences to Products.ATContentTypes

  • The image of the News Item is not a field on the contenttype but a behavior that can add a image to any contenttypes (similar to

  • All richtext-fields are also provided by a reuseable behavior.

  • The functionality to transform (rotate and flip) images has been removed.

  • There is no more field Location. If you need georeferenceable consider using collective.geo.behaviour.

  • The link on the image of the newsitem triggers an overlay.

  • The link-type now allows the of the variables ${navigation_root_url} and ${portal_url} to construct relative urls.

  • The keywords-widget is not implemented and is replaced by a simple lines-widget unless you override it or use Please see the section on widgets.


Please report issues in the bugtracker at

ValueError on installing

When you try to install < 1.1a1 in a existing site you might get the following error:

  Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 509, in _importBody
  Module Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo, line 60, in _importNode
  Module Products.GenericSetup.utils, line 730, in _initProperties
ValueError: undefined property 'schema'

Before installing you have to reinstall to update collections to the version that uses Dexterity.


The master-branch supports Plone 5 only. From this 1.2.x-releases will be cut.

The 1.1.x-branch supports Plone 4.3.x. From this 1.1.x-releases will be cut.


GNU General Public License, version 2



1.1b4 (2015-05-19)

  • Fix possible error setting fields for tabular_view for collections. Issue #209. [maurits]

  • Show the LeadImageViewlet only on default views. [thet]

  • Fix contentFilter for collections. [thet]

  • Don’t batch the already batched collection results. Fixes #221. [thet]

  • I18n fixes. [vincentfretin]

  • Update for mobile friendliness. [fulv]

  • In the listing view, don’t repeat on the article tag, which makes it impossible to override this structure. Instead, repeat on a unrendered tal tag and move the article tag within. [thet]

  • Don’t try to show IContentLeadImage images, if theree none. Use the “mini” scale as default scale for IContentLeadImage. [thet]

  • Improve handling of Link types with other URL schemes than http:// and https://. [thet]

  • When installing the default profile, restrict uninstalling of old types to old FTI based ones. [thet]

  • Reformatted all templates for 2 space indentation, 4 space for attributes. [thet]

  • Register folder and collection views under the same name. Old registrations are kept for BBB compatibility. [thet]

  • Refactor full_view and incorporate fixes from collective.fullview to 1) display the default views of it’s items, 2) be recursively callable and 3) have the same templates for folder and collections. [thet]

  • Refactor folder_listing, folder_summary_view, folder_tabular_view and folder_album_view for folders as well as standard_view (collection_view), summary_view, tabular_view and thumbnail_view for collections to use the same templates and base view class. [thet]

  • In the file view, render HTML5 <audio> or <video> tags for audio respectively video file types. Ancient browsers, which do not support that, just don’t render these tags. [thet]

  • Add event_listing to available view methods for the Folder and Collection types. [thet]

  • Add migration for images added with collective.contentleadimage. [pbauer]

  • Add migration for contentrules. [pbauer]

  • Fix folder_full_view_item and allow overriding with jbot (fix #162). [pbauer]

  • Migrate comments created with [gbastien, pbauer]

  • Allow migrating Topics and Subtopics to folderish Collections. [pbauer]

  • Add migration from Topics to Collections (fixes #131). [maurits, pbauer]

  • Add helpers and a form to update object with changed base class. Also allows migrating from itemish to folderish. [bogdangi, pbauer]

  • Keep portlets when migrating AT to DX (fixes #161) [frisi, gbastien, petschki]

  • Code modernization: sorted imports, use decorators, utf8 headers. [jensens]

  • Fix: Added missing types to CMFDiffTool configuraion. [jensens]

  • Integration of the new markup update and CSS for both Plone and Barceloneta theme. This is the work done in the GSOC Barceloneta theme project. Fix several templates. [albertcasado, sneridagh]

  • Include translated content into migration-information (see #170) [pbauer]

  • Add simple confirmation to prevent unintentional migration. [pbauer]

  • Don’t remove custom behaviors on reinstalling. [pbauer]

  • Add bbb getText view for content with IRichText-behavior [datakurre]

  • Support custom_query parameter in the result method of the Collection behavior. This allows for run time customization of the stored query, e.g. by request parameters. [thet]

  • Fix ‘AttributeError: image’ when NewsItem unused the lead image behavior. [jianaijun]

  • Restore Plone 4.3 compatibility by depending on >= 2.0a4. The previous release of p.a.c got an implicit Plone 5 dependency through a previous version of [thet]

  • Replace AT-fti with DX-fti when migrating a type. [esteele, pbauer]

  • Only show migrateable types (fixes #155) [pbauer]

  • Add logging during and after migration (fixes #156) [pbauer]

  • When replacing the default news and events collections, reverse the sort order correctly. [maurits]

  • Adapt to changes of 2.0. [thet]

  • Fix issue when mimetype can be None. [pbauer]

  • Add form to install pac and forward to dx_migration after a successful migration to Plone 5 [pbauer]

  • Rename atct_album_view to folder_album_view. [pbauer]

  • Do a better check, if LinguaPlone is installed, based on the presence of the “LinguaPlone” browser layer. Asking the quick installer tool might claim it’s installed, where it’s not. [thet]

  • Register folderish views not for’ IFolder but for plone.dexterity’s IDexterityContainer. Now, these views can be used on any folderish Dexterity content. [thet]

  • Add a ICustomMigrator interface to the migration framework, which can be used to register custom migrator adapters. This can be useful to add custom migrators to more than one or all content types. For example for schemaextenders, which are registered on a interface, which is provided by several content types. [thet]

  • In the migration framework, fix queries for Archetype objects, where only interfaces are used to skip brains with no or Dexterity meta_type. In some cases Dexterity and Archetype objects might provide the same marker interfaces. [thet]

  • Add logging messages to content migrator for more verbosity on what’s happening while running the migration. [thet]

  • Use Plone 4 based @@atct_migrator and @@atct_migrator_results template structure. [thet]

  • Fix viewlet warning about ineditable content (fixes #130) [pbauer]

  • Reintroduce the removed schema-files and add upgrade-step to migrate to behavior-driven richtext-fields (fixes #127) [pbauer]

  • Delete Archetypes Member-folder before creating new default-content (fixes #128) [pbauer]

  • Remove outdated summary-behavior from event (fixes #129) [pbauer]

1.1b3 (2014-09-07)

  • Include translated content into migration-information (see #170) [pbauer]

  • Add simple confirmation to prevent unintentional migration. [pbauer]

  • Don’t remove custom behaviors on reinstalling. [pbauer]

  • Remove enabling simple_publication_workflow from testing fixture. [timo]

  • Only show migrateable types (fixes #155) [pbauer]

  • Add logging during and after migration (fixes #156) [pbauer]

  • Remove ‘robot-test-folder’ from p.a.contenttypes test setup. It is bad to add content to test layers, especially if those test layers are used by other packages. [timo]

  • When replacing the default news and events collections, reverse the sort order correctly. [maurits]

  • For 1.1.x, depend on < 1.1.999. Closes/Fixes #149. [khink, thet]

1.1b2 (2014-02-21)

  • Fix viewlet warning about ineditable content (fixes #130) [pbauer]

  • Reintroduce the removed schema-files and add upgrade-step to migrate to behavior-driven richtext-fields (fixes #127) [pbauer]

  • Delete Archetypes Member-folder before creating new default-content (fixes #128) [pbauer]

  • Remove outdated summary-behavior from event (fixes #129) [pbauer]

1.1b1 (2014-02-19)

  • Add tests for collections and collection-migrations. [pbauer]

  • Removed Plone 4.2 compatibility. [pbauer]

  • Add migration of at-collections to the new collection-behavior. [pbauer]

  • Display richtext in collection-views. [pbauer]

  • Reorganize and improve documentation. [pbauer]

  • Add a richtext-behavior and use it in for all types. [amleczko, pysailor]

  • Improve the migration-results page (Fix #67). [pbauer]

  • For uneditable content show a warning and hide the edit-link. [pbauer]

  • Keep all modification-date during migration (Fix #62). [pbauer]

  • Only attempt transforming files if valid content type. [vangheem]

  • Make the collection behavior aware of INavigationRoot. Fixes #98 [rafaelbco]

  • Use unique URL provided by to show the large version of a news item’s lead image. This allows use of a stronger caching policy. [rafaelbco]

  • Fix URL for Link object on the navigation portlet if it contains variables (Fix #110). [rafaelbco]

1.1a1 (2013-11-22)

  • Event content migration for Products.ATContentTypes ATEvent,’s ATEvent and Dexterity example type and 1.0 Event to 1.1 Event based on’s Dexterity behaviors. [lentinj]

  • Remove DL’s from portal message templates. [khink]

  • Collection: get querybuilderresults view instead of using the QueryBuilder class directly. [maurits]

  • Fix migration restoreReferencesOrder removes references [joka]

  • Enable summary_view and all_content views for content types that have the collection behavior enabled. Define collection_view for those types so you can view the results. These simply show the results. The normal view of such a type will just show all fields in the usual dexterity way. [maurits, kaselis]

  • Add customViewFields to the Collection behavior. This was available on old collections too. [maurits, kaselis]

  • Change Collection to use a behavior. Issue #65. [maurits, kaselis]

  • Improved test coverage for test_migration [joka]

  • Add tests for vocabularies used for the migration [maethu]

  • Add migration-form /@@atct_migrate based on initial work by gborelli [pbauer, tiazma]

  • Add ATBlob tests and use migration layer for test_migration [joka]

  • Integrate [thet]

1.0 (2013-10-08)

  • Remove AT content and create DX-content when installing in a fresh site. [pbauer]

  • Remove obsolete extra ‘migrate_atct’. [pbauer]

  • Add link and popup to the image of News Items. [pbauer]

  • Use the default profile title for the example content profile. [timo]

  • Unicode is expected, but obj.title and/or obj.description can be still be None in SearchableText indexer. [saily]

1.0rc1 (2013-09-24)

  • Implement a tearDownPloneSite method in to prevent test isolation problems. [timo]

  • Its possible to upload non-image data into a newsitem. The view was broken then. Now it shows the uploaded file for download below the content. Its no longer broken. [jensens]

  • Add contributor role as default for all add permissions in order to work together with the different plone worklfows, which assume it is set this way. [jensens]

  • fix #60: File Type has no mimetype specific icon in catalog metadata. Also fixed for Image. [jensens]

  • fix #58: Migration ignores “Exclude from Navigation”. [jensens]

  • disable LinkIntegrityNotifications during migrations, closes #40. [jensens]

  • Fix Bug on SearchableText_file indexer when input stream contains characters not convertable in ASCII. Assumes now utf-8 and replaces all unknown. Even if search can not find the words with special characters in, indexer does not break completely on those items. [jensens]

  • Remove dependency on, as it depends on Products.Archetypes which installs the uid_catalog. [thet]

  • Make collection syndicatable. [vangheem]

  • Include the migration module not only when Products.ATContentTypes is installed but also archetypes.schemaextender. The schemaextender might not always be available. [thet]

  • Add fulltext search of file objects. [do3cc]

  • Fix link_redirect_view: Use index instead of template class var to let customization by ZCML of the template. [toutpt]

  • Add a permission for each content types. [toutpt]

1.0b2 (2013-05-31)

  • Fix translations to the plone domain, and some translations match existing translations in the plone domain. (ported from [bosim]

  • Fix atct_album_view and don’t use [pbauer]

  • Add constrains for content create with the Content profile. [ericof]

  • Add SearchableText indexer to Folder content type. [ericof]

  • Fix atct_album_view. [pbauer]

  • Removed dependency for collective.dexteritydiff since its features were merged into Products.CMFDiffTool. [pbauer]

  • Add test for behavior table_of_contents. [pbauer]

  • Add migration for blobnewsitems as proposed in [pbauer]

  • Require cmf.ManagePortal for migration. [pbauer]

  • Always migrate files and images to blob (fixes #26). [pbauer]

  • Add table of contents-behavior for documents. [pbauer]

  • Add versioning-behavior and it’s dependencies. [pbauer]

  • Remove image_view_fullscreen from the display-dropdown. [pbauer]

  • Enable selecting addable types on folders by default. [pbauer]

  • Fix reference-migrations if some objects were not migrated. [pbauer]

  • Keep the order references when migrating. [pabo3000]

  • Move templates into their own folder. [pbauer]

  • Moved migration related code to specific module. [gborelli]

  • Added migration Collection from app.collection to app.contenttypes. [kroman0]

  • Add missing i18n:attributes to ‘Edit’ and ‘View’ actions of File type. [saily]

  • Bind ‘View’ action to ${object_url}/view instead of ${object_url} as in ATCT for File and Image type. [saily]

  • Fixed installation of p.a.relationfield together with p.a.contenttypes. [kroman0]

  • Fixed creating aggregator of events on creating Plone site. [kroman0]

  • Added titles for menuitems. [kroman0]

  • Hide uninstall profile from @@plone-addsite. [kroman0]

  • Fix ‘ImportError: cannot import name Counter’ for Python 2.6. [timo]

  • Move XML schema definitions to schema folder. [timo]

  • Prevent the importContent step from being run over and over again. [pysailor]

  • Add build status image. [saily]

  • Merge (Tag: 2.0b5) into [timo]

  • Refactor p.a.collection robot framework tests. [timo]

1.0b1 (2013-01-27)

  • Added mime type icon for file. [loechel]

  • Lead image behavior added. [timo]

  • Make NewsItem use the lead image behavior. [timo]

  • SearchableText indexes added. [reinhardt]

  • Set the text of front-page when creating a new Plone. [pbauer]

  • Robot framework test added. [Gomez]

1.0a2 (unreleased)

  • Move all templates from skins to browser views. [timo]

  • User custom base classes for all content types. [timo]

  • Migration view (@@fix_base_classes) added to migrate content objects that were created with version 1.0a1. [timo]

  • Mime Type Icon added for File View. [loechel]

1.0a1 (unreleased)

  • Initial implementation. [pbauer, timo, pumazi, agitator]

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