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Grok-like directives configuring forms

Project description

This package provides optional, Grok-like directives for configuring forms, as defined by the z3c.form library, using XML schemata as defined by plone.supermodel and/or using widget form layout as defined by plone.autoform. It depends on five.grok, which in turn depends on the various re-usable grokcore.* packages, but not Grok itself.


To use this package you must first install it, either by depending on it in your own (under the install_requires list), or by adding it directly to your buildout.

This will pull in a number of dependencies. You probably want to pin those down to known-good versions by using a known-good version set. See the installation instructions of five.grok for a starting point.

You must also load the relevant configuration from meta.zcml and configure.zcml. For example, you could use statements like the following in your configure.zcml:

<include package="plone.directives.form" file="meta.zcml" />
<include package="plone.directives.form" />

or if you declare dependencies in using install_requires:

<includeDependencies package="." />

Schemata loaded from XML

plone.directives.form used to contain a directive for loading an XML-based schema model into a Python interface. This directive has moved to plone.supermodel, as plone.supermodel.model.load.

Form widget hints

plone.directives.form used to contain a number of directives for generating a form from a schema, using hints stored in tagged values on that schema to control the form’s layout and field widgets. These directives have now moved to other packages to avoid a dependency of Dexterity on grok.

The fieldset and primary directives are now in plone.supermodel.model.

The omitted, no_omit, mode, widget, order_before, order_after, read_permission, and write_permission directives are now in plone.autoform.directives.

Value adapters

z3c.form has the concept of a “value adapter”, a component that can provide a value for an attribute (usually of widgets and buttons) at runtime. This package comes with some helpful decorators to register value adapters for computed values. For example:

from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema

class IMySchema(form.Schema):

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Title")

def default_title(data):
    return data.context.suggested_title

The decorator takes one or more discriminators. The available discriminators for default_value are:


The type of context (e.g. an interface)


The type of request (e.g. a layer marker interface). You can use ‘layer’ as an alias for ‘request’, but note that the data passed to the function will have a ‘request’ attribute only.


The type of form (e.g. a form instance or interface). You can use ‘form’ as an alias for ‘view’, but note that the data passed to the function will have ‘view’ attribute only.


The field instance (or a field interface).


The widget type (e.g. an interface).

You must specify either field or widget. The object passed to the decorated function has an attribute for each discriminator.

There are two more decorators:


Provide a dynamic label for a widget. Takes the same discriminators as the default_value decorator.

button_label – Provide a dynamic label for a button. Takes parameters

content (alias context), request (alias layer), form (alias view), manager and button.

Please note the rather unfortunate differences in naming between the button descriptors (content vs. context, form vs. view) and the widget ones. The descriptor will accept the same names, but the data object passed to the function will only contain the names as defined in z3c.form, so be careful.


By default, z3c.form uses fields’ native validation, as implemented by the IField.validate() method, as well as field constraints (functions passed as the constraint parameter to fields) and schema invariants (using the @zope.interface.invariant decorator in a schema interface). In addition, you can define your own widget validators (for an individual field of the form) and widget manager validators (which cover the entire form). This is useful if you do not want to define a validator on the schema, e.g. because the schema is also used elsewhere, or if you want to create a more generic validator that is applied to any fields that match its discriminators.

This package provides a grokked decorator which you can use to define a simple widget validator, called @form.validator():

from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema

class IMySchema(form.Schema):

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Title")

def validateTitle(value):
    if value == value.upper():
        raise schema.ValidationError(u"Please don't shout")

The validator should return nothing if the field is valid, or raise an zope.schema.ValidationError exception with an error message.

The @form.validator() decorator can take various keyword arguments that determine when the validator is invoked. These are:


The type of context (e.g. an interface)


The type of request (e.g. a layer marker interface).


The type of form (e.g. a form instance or interface).


The field instance (or a field interface).


The widget type (e.g. an interface).

Note that this validator function does not give access to the full context of the standard validator, such as the field, widget, context or request. If you need that, you can create a standard validator adapter, e.g. using grok.Adapter. See the z3c.form documentation for details.

Also note that the standard field validator will be called before the custom validator is invoked. If you need to override the validator wholesale, you can again do so with a custom adapter.

Error messages

When using custom validators, it is easy to supply a tailored error message. However, the error messages that arise from the default field validation mechanism (e.g. when a required field is omitted) are by necessity more generic. Sometimes, it may be necessary to override these messages to make them more user friendly.

To customise an error message, you can use the @form.error_message grokked decorator. For example:

from plone.directives import form
from zope import schema

from zope.schema.interfaces import TooShort

class IMySchema(form.Schema):

    title = schema.TextLine(title=u"Title", min_length=2)

@form.error_message(error=TooShort, field=IMySchema['title'])
def titleTooShort(value):
    return u"The title '%s' is too short" % value

The decorated function will be called when constructing an error message for the given field. It should return a unicode string or translatable message. The value passed is the value that failed validation.

The @form.error_message validator takes keyword arguments that determine when the message is used. It is possible to register a generic error message for a given type of error that applies to all fields, or, as shown above, a message specific to an individual field and error. The latter is more common. In general, you should be careful if you omit either or both of the error and field discriminators.


An exception class that represents the error. All errors inherit from zope.interface.Invalid, and most error also inherit from zope.schema.interfaces.ValidationError. See below for a list of common exception types.


The current request. Use this to tie the error to a specific browser layer interface.


The widget that was used. May be either a widget interface or a specific widget class.


The field that was used, normally given as a field instance obtained from an interface, as illustrated above.


The current form, either as a class or an interface. This is useful if the same interface is used in more than one form, but you only want the error to be shown in one form.


The content item that is acting as the context for the form. May be given as either an interface or a class.

None of these parameters is required, but you would normally supply at least error. In most cases, you should also supply the field, as shown above.

The most common validation error exception types are defined in zope.schema, and can be imported from zope.schema.interfaces:

  • RequiredMissing, used when a required field is submitted without a value

  • WrongType, used when a field is passed a value of an invalid type

  • TooBig and TooSmall, used when a value is outside the min and/or max range specified for ordered fields (e.g. numeric or date fields)

  • TooLong and TooShort, used when a value is outside the min_length and/or max_length range specified for length-aware fields (e.g. text or sequence fields)

  • InvalidValue, used when a value is invalid, e.g. a non-ASCII character passed to an ASCII field

  • ConstraintNotSatisfied, used when a constraint method returns False

  • WrongContainedType, used if an object of an invalid type is added to a sequence (i.e. the type does not conform to the field’s value_type)

  • NotUnique, used if a uniqueness constraint is violated

  • InvalidURI, used for URI fields if the value is not a valid URI

  • InvalidId, used for Id fields if the value is not a valid id

  • InvalidDottedName, used for DottedName fields if the value is not a valid dotted name

Form base classes

If you need to create your own forms, this package provides a number of convenient base classes that will be grokked much like a grok.View.

In Zope 2.10, the grokkers take care of wrapping the form in a plone.z3cform FormWrapper as well. In Zope 2.12 and later, there is no wrapper by default. If you want one (e.g. if you are using a custom template and you need it to work in both Zope 2.10 and 2.12), you can use the form.wrap() directive in the form class.

The base classes can all be imported from plone.directives.form, e.g:

from five import grok
from plone.directives import form, button
from z3c.form import field

class MyForm(form.Form):

    fields = field.Fields(IMyFormSchema)

    def handleApply(self, action):
        data, errors = self.extractData()

The allowed directives are:

  • grok.context(), to specify the context of form view. If not given, the grokker will look for a module-level context, much like the standard grok.View.

  • grok.require(), to specify a permission. The default is zope2.View for standard forms, cmf.ModifyPortalContent for edit forms, and cmf.AddPortalContent for add forms.

  • grok.layer() to specify a browser layer

  • to set a different name. By default your form will be available as view @@yourformclassnamelowercase, but you can use to set name explicitly.

  • form.wrap() to wrap the form in a layout wrapper view. You can pass an argument of True or False to enable or disable wrapping. If no argument is given, it defaults to True. If omitted, the global default is used, which is to wrap in Zope 2.11 or earlier, and to not wrap in Zope 2.12 or later

More complex example how to use Grok directives with a form:

from plone.directives import form
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot

class CompanyCreationForm(form.SchemaForm):
    """ A sample form how to "create companies".


    # Which plone.directives.form.Schema subclass is used to define
    # fields for this form (not shown on this example)
    schema = ICompanyCreationFormSchema

    # Permission required to view/submit the form

    # The form does not care about the context object
    # and  should not try to extract field value
    # defaults out of it
    ignoreContext = True

    # This form is available at the site root only

    # The form will be available in Plone site root only
    # Use http://yourhost/@@create_company URL to access this form"create_company")

Each of the form base classes has a “schema” equivalent, which can be initialised with a schema attribute instead of the fields attribute. These forms use plone.autoform’s AutoExtensibleForm as a base class, allowing schema hints as shown above to be processed:

from plone.directives import form
from z3c.form import button

class MyForm(form.SchemaForm):

    schema = IMySchema

    def handleApply(self, action):
        data, errors = self.extractData()

Note that the schema can be omitted if you are using SchemaForm or SchemaEditForm and you have given an interface as the argument to grok.context(). In this case, the context interface will be used as the default schema.

The available form base classes are:


A simple page form, basically a grokked version of z3c.form.form.Form.


A page form that uses plone.autoform. You must set the schema class variable (or implement it as a property) to a schema interface form which the form will be built. Form widget hints will be taken into account.


A simple add form with “Add” and “Cancel” buttons. You must implement the create() and add() methods. See the z3c.form documentation for more details.


An add form using plone.autoform. Again, you must set the schema class variable.


A simple edit form with “Save” and “Cancel” buttons. See the z3c.form documentation for more details.


An edit form using plone.autoform. Again, you must set the schema class variable.


A view with an automatically associated template (like grok.View), that is initialised with display widgets. See plone.autoform’s WidgetsView for more details.

All of the grokked form base classes above support associating a custom template with the form. This uses the same semantics as grok.View. See grokcore.view for details, but briefly:

  • If you want to completely customise rendering, you can override the render() method.

  • If you want to use a page template to render a form called MyForm in the module my.package.forms, create a directory inside my.package called forms_templates (the prefix should match the module name), and place a file there called

  • If you do neither, the default form template will be used, as is the standard behaviour in z3c.form.

Note that the automatically associated form template can use grok.View methods, such as view.url() and view.redirect(), which are defined in the grokked form base classes.

Also note that you can use the view @@ploneform-macros from if you want to use some of the standard form markup. For example, the titlelessform macro will render the <form > element and all fieldsets and fields:

<metal:block use-macro="context/@@ploneform-macros/titlelessform" />


Forms are not found

When you try to access your form on the site, you’ll get page not found (NotFound exception).

  • Make sure that you typed your form name correctly and it matches or lowercased class name

  • Make sure you have <include package=”plone.directives.form” file=”meta.zcml” /> or similar in configure.zcml of your add-on product


2.0.3 (2017-05-09)

Bug fixes:

  • Remove unused import and added a missing import on example. [bruno]

  • Update to point to github repository. [esteele]

2.0.2 (2015-11-28)


  • Changed i18n_domain to “plone”. [staeff]

  • Removed unneeded i18n-attribute. [staeff]

2.0.1 (2015-05-04)

  • pep8. [maurits]

  • Whitespaces cleanup. [gforcada]

2.0 (2012-08-30)

  • Update to work with grokcore.view >= 2.2. This generally means that this package is no longer compatible with Plone < 4.3. [davisagli]

  • Change i18n domain to plone.dexterity to reuse the translations. plone.dexterity already has all the strings needed. [gaudenz]

  • Fixes documentation mistake of documented form.wrapped() directive which is in fact form.wrap() [romanofski]

  • A number of schema directives were moved to other packages and reimplemented to not depend on grok. The Schema class and the model, fieldset, and primary directives were moved to plone.supermodel.model. The omitted, no_omit, mode, widget, order_before, order_after, read_permission, and write_permission directives were moved to plone.autoform.directives.

    For now the directives are still available under their old names in this package, but they are deprecated and may be removed at some point.

    Some minor related changes:

    • Tagged values are now stored on schemas as soon as they are defined, rather than when the schemas are grokked. Additional actions required by the directives, if any, are performed at the end of ZCML configuration.

    • Due to a bug in zope.interface, plone.supermodel.model.Schema must be the first base class of any schema to which the directives should apply. Also, unfortunately it is no longer possible to give an error if the schema directives are called on an interface that is not a Schema.


1.0 - 2011-05-20

  • No changes.

1.0b7 - 2010-04-20

  • Allow arbitrary extra parameters for the fieldset directive. This is useful for extensions that want to tweak fieldset behaviour or rendering. [wichert]

  • Add no_omit directive, so that fields that have been omitted can be re-included again on for a more specific form interface. [davisagli]

  • Accept a form interface as an optional positional argument for the mode and omitted directives, and store it in the tagged values using the new format expected by plone.autoform. [davisagli]

  • Add @form.error_message() decorator for registering custom error messages for errors and/or fields. [optilude]

  • Add @form.validator() decorator to register a simple field validator. See README.txt for details. [optilude]

  • Support unwrapped forms (in Zope 2.12). The default is to wrap in Zope < 2.12, and not to wrap in Zope >= 2.12. A new form.wrapped() directive can be used to force wrapping or non-wrapping (by passing False as an argument). [optilude]

  • Warn more forcefully when using form directives on interfaces not deriving from Schema, or using schema hints that refer to field names that cannot be found. [optilude]

1.0b6 - 2009-10-08

  • Add support for the primary() directive, which is used to set the primary field for marshalling. See the plone.rfc822 for details. [optilude]

1.0b5 - 2009-07-21

  • Updated to new five.grok release. [optilude]

1.0b3 - 2009-07-12

  • Made adjustments for changes in plone.supermodel’s API. [optilude]

1.0b2 - 2009-06-15

  • Make sure that we don’t lose the function when using the @form.default_value() decorator and the other value decorators. [optilude]

1.0b1 - 2009-04-17

  • Initial release

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plone.directives.form-2.0.3.tar.gz (36.7 kB view hashes)

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