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PJRmi, RMI between Python and Java

Project description



PJRmi is an API for performing Remote Method Invocation (RMI, aka RPC) in a Java process from a Python one. The principle it works by is to create shim objects in Python which the user will transparently treat as they would most Python objects, but which actually cause things to happen inside the Java process.

PJRmi does everything by reflection so all you need to implement, as a service-provider, is the getObjectInstance() method for it (see below).

As well as the examples below, you can try out the Jupyter notebook for live versions.


Some headline features of PJRmi are:

  • Seamless interoperation between Java and Python types.
  • Bidirectional calling; Python to Java, or Java to Python.
  • Support for lambdas and duck-typed Python implementations of Java interfaces.
  • Versatile and extensible connectivity options, ranging from in-process to network-based.
  • Thread-safe execution, with built-in locking support and asynchronous execution via futures.
  • Realtime code injection.
  • A numpy-like math library for Java, which is also directly interoperable with Python.

Use-case examples:

  • Scriptification of Java applications.
  • Exposing Java service interfaces to Python clients.
  • Command and control.
  • On-the-fly debugging and/or dev-ops.

Other work

PJRmi isn't alone in implementing a bridge between Python and Java; some other implementations are:

  • JEP embeds CPython in Java through JNI allowing Java to call down into Python. It's purely in-process.
  • py4j allows Python to call into Java. It also supports Java calling back into Python so that Python clients can implement Java interfaces. It works by communicating over a socket. It is probably the most feature-rich of the these implementations.
  • jpy is another in-process implementation. One of its key features is support for fast pass-by-value operations with arrays by use of pointer hand-off.
  • jpype is another in-process implementation. Since it uses internal C-based handoff it's highly performant.

As well as the feature sets of the above, PJRmi supports complex Java constructs, has smooth integration of the two languages' type systems, and can be used in different modes of operation transparently to the user.

A Simple Example

The framework can be brought up in a number of different ways for clients to connect to:

  • A PJRmi thread is added to an existing Java process, and Python clients may connect over the network
  • A Java JVM is instantiated inside the Python process, with the Python process being the only connection
  • A Java child process is launched from within the Python process, with the parent process being the only connection
  • A Java JVM spawned within the Python process.

Here is an example of the last of these.

$ python
>>> import pjrmi
>>> c = pjrmi.connect_to_child_jvm()

Now c is a PJRmi instance and can be used to request information from the server. There are basically two ways to get information: you can get a reference to a Java object, or a reference to a Java class. See also the various other connect_to_blah() methods in the Python interface.

With that connection we can get a class definition, create an instance of it and call methods on that instance:

>>> ArrayList =
>>> a = ArrayList([1,2,3])
>>> a.size()
>>> a.toString()
'[1, 2, 3]'
>>> a.get(1)
>>> a.hashCode()
>>> a.contains(1)

And you can treat the Java objects much like Python ones:

>>> str(a)
'[1, 2, 3]'
>>> hash(a)
>>> sum(a)
>>> 1 in a

The hypercube package supports ndarray-like Java classes, as well as providing a subset of numpy math library operations. Hypercubes also duck-type as ndarrays in Python:

>>> DoubleArrayHypercube = c.class_for_name('com.deshaw.hypercube.DoubleArrayHypercube')
>>> Dimension            = c.class_for_name('com.deshaw.hypercube.Dimension')
>>> CubeMath             = c.class_for_name('com.deshaw.hypercube.CubeMath')
>>> dac = DoubleArrayHypercube(Dimension.of((3,3,3)))
>>> dac.reshape((27,))[:] = tuple(range(27))
>>> dac[0]
DoubleSlicedHypercube([ [0.0, 1.0, 2.0] ,
                        [3.0, 4.0, 5.0] ,
                        [6.0, 7.0, 8.0] ])
>>> numpy.sum(dac)
>>> CubeMath.sum(dac)

These are covered in more detail in the Jupyter notebook.

Accessing Existing Object Instances

>>> foo = c.object_for_name('Foo')

You can get a reference to a java object with the command c.object_for_name(<string>). This calls into a Java method on the server, and that method will see the string and decide what object to pass back. In this example it will simply return None (or null, from Java's perspective). The method is left unimplemented in the PJRmi class -- each server will have to implement it and decide which objects you want to expose to Python. The stand-alone test server example in com.deshaw.PJRmi.main simply does this:

// Create a simple instance which just echoes back the name it's given
final PJRmi pjrmi =
    new PJRmi("PJRmi", provider) {
        @Override protected Object getObjectInstance(CharSequence name) {
            return name.toString().intern();

Most of the time Java objects are returned as they are but, in this example, foo will be a special subclass of a Python string; so if we want the Java String we need to pull it out. Java Objects are generally returned as objects, only Strings and primitive types (int, double, boolean, ...) have special boxed handling.

>>> foo = c.object_for_name('Foo')
>>> foo
>>> foo = foo.java_object
>>> foo
< at 0x39e7c10>
>>> foo.<tab>
foo.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER  foo.endsWith                foo.lastIndexOf             foo.startsWith
foo.charAt                  foo.equals                  foo.length                  foo.subSequence
foo.codePointAt             foo.equalsIgnoreCase        foo.matches                 foo.substring
foo.codePointBefore         foo.format                  foo.notify                  foo.toCharArray
foo.codePointCount          foo.getBytes                foo.notifyAll               foo.toLowerCase
foo.compareTo               foo.getChars                foo.offsetByCodePoints      foo.toString
foo.compareToIgnoreCase     foo.getClass                foo.regionMatches           foo.toUpperCase
foo.concat                  foo.hashCode                foo.replace                 foo.trim
foo.contains                foo.indexOf                 foo.replaceAll              foo.valueOf
foo.contentEquals           foo.intern                  foo.replaceFirst            foo.wait
foo.copyValueOf             foo.isEmpty                 foo.split
>>> foo.getBytes?
Type:       function
String Form:<function getBytes at 0x5fdeb90>
File:       .../
Definition: foo.getBytes(*args, **kwargs)
A wrapper for the Java method:
taking the following forms:
    [B getBytes()
    [B getBytes(java.lang.String)
    [B getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset)
    void getBytes(int, int, [B, int)

When the Python client gets the reply, it gets an id, which is a handle to the object, and the object's type. If it hasn't seen that type before, it will ask the Java server to get type information, including the class hierarchy and all available methods. It will use this to provide ipython tab completion and documentation.

>>> foo._<tab>
foo.__add__           foo.__doc__           foo.__len__           foo.__repr__          foo._bases            foo._is_immutable
foo.__class__         foo.__eq__            foo.__module__        foo.__setattr__       foo._classname        foo._is_primitive
foo.__cmp__           foo.__format__        foo.__ne__            foo.__sizeof__        foo._handle           foo._pjrmi
foo.__del__           foo.__getattribute__  foo.__new__           foo.__str__           foo._hash_code        foo._type_id
foo.__delattr__       foo.__hash__          foo.__reduce__        foo.__subclasshook__  foo._instance_of
foo.__dict__          foo.__init__          foo.__reduce_ex__     foo.__weakref__       foo._is_array
>>> foo._is_immutable
>>> str(foo)
>>> foo._str

Using Classes To Create New Object Instances

Two different ways to get a handle on a Java class as a Python one:

>>> byte_array = c.class_for_name('[B')
>>> String     =

c.class_for_name(<string>), and its syntactic-sugar equivalent, return a handle to a Java class object, which can be used to call static methods. This will return any class it knows about without any special handling (unlike object_for_name, for which the server has to have a way of mapping from each input string to an object).

You can then use the result to create new instances:

>>> ArrayList =
>>> ArrayList([1,2,3])
< at 0x378a650>
>>> str(_)
'[1, 2, 3]'

Note that these classes are fully populated with methods and so forth, as such tab-completion works on them and reflection-generated docstrings exist also:

>>> ArrayList.<tab>
ArrayList.add             ArrayList.containsAll     ArrayList.hashCode        ArrayList.listIterator    ArrayList.removeAll       ArrayList.toArray
ArrayList.addAll          ArrayList.ensureCapacity  ArrayList.indexOf         ArrayList.mro             ArrayList.retainAll       ArrayList.toString
ArrayList.clear           ArrayList.equals          ArrayList.isEmpty         ArrayList.notify          ArrayList.set             ArrayList.trimToSize
ArrayList.clone           ArrayList.get             ArrayList.iterator        ArrayList.notifyAll       ArrayList.size            ArrayList.wait
ArrayList.contains        ArrayList.getClass        ArrayList.lastIndexOf     ArrayList.remove          ArrayList.subList

>>> ArrayList.add?
Type:       function
String Form:<function add at 0x37f6de8>
File:       .../pjrmi/
Definition: ArrayList.add(*args, **kwargs)
A wrapper for the Java method:
taking the following forms:
    boolean add(java.lang.Object)
    void add(int, java.lang.Object)

Automatic Conversion of Python and Java Values

In the above example you'll notice that we pass a Python tuple to the ArrayList constructor. Since one of the constructor's forms is:

ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> c)

the PJRmi code knows to try to marshall the tuple as a Collection. Similarly, since the ArrayList is an Iterable the PJRmi code also knows that it can iterate over it in for loops:

>>> a = ArrayList([1,2,3])
>>> for i in a:
...     print(i)

Attempts are made to convert other similar types on the fly also.

Asynchronous Method Calls

It's possible to call a Java method from Python asynchronously, so as to collect its result at a later point in time. The method will be invoked in a worker thread and the asynchronous call with return a Java Future to eventually reap the result:

>>> Thread = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Thread')
>>> l = tuple(Thread.sleep(10000, __pjrmi_sync_mode__=c.SYNC_MODE_JAVA_THREAD) for i in range(10))
>>> c.collect(l)
# You wait, time passes...
(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)

The worker threads used by these calls have the following properties:

  • They are different from the call-back ones.
  • They are long-lived.
  • Each one has a unique ID, from the perspective of locking semantics.

Note that the Java server will hold on to the result stored in the Future until collect() is called. As such the heap may be exhausted if too many calls are made before having their results reaped.

By-value Operations

Since operations on Java objects involve a round-trip to the server it can sometimes be more efficient to take a copy of a Java value as its equivalent Python one. This is done using the PythonPickle Java code, read by pickle on the Python side.

For example, Java arrays may be converted to Python ones:

>>> double_a = c.class_for_name('[D')
>>> array = double_a(100)
>>> for i in range(len(array)):
...     array[i] = i

>>> type(array)

>>> array[10]

>>> python_array = c.value_of(array)
>>> type(python_array)

>>> python_array[10]

But remember that this is only a copy of the Java value; changes to the Java one won't be reflected in the Python one.

>>> for i in range(len(array)):
...    array[i] = 10 * i
>>> array[10]
>>> python_array[10]

You can also get hybrid versions of containers and their elements using the best_effort conversion:

>>> Object = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Object')
>>> lst = ArrayList([Object() for _ in range(3)])
>>> lst.toString()
'[java.lang.Object@1534bbf7, java.lang.Object@47c234d1, java.lang.Object@657cd6d0]'
>>> c.value_of(lst, best_effort=True)
[< at 0x7f3a7bedb940>,
 < at 0x7f3a7bedb3a0>,
 < at 0x7f3a68698130>]

This can be useful, for example, since it means that the Python client doesn't need to create, and invoke methods on, a Java iterator in order to traverse the list.

Type Inference

Sometimes we may have to infer a Java type from a Python one. This can happen when a method takes a Java Object or a generic's type information is lost owing to type erasure.

For example, imagine that we have a Java method which takes a Set<Long>:

import java.util.Set;

public class Foo
    public static String toString(Set<Long> set)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (Long l : set) {
            if (result.length() > 0) {
        return result.toString();

One might imagine that doing this would work, but it does not:

>>> s = set(range(10))
>>> Foo.toString(s)
    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Byte cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
        at Foo.toString(

The reason is that Python only knows that it's got a set of integers, it doesn't know anything about them so it simply makes the best guess it can; here, since the values all fit into a byte, it's using bytes to represent them.

We can fix this by supplying type information from within Python:

>>> s = set(numpy.arange(10, dtype='int64'))
>>> Foo.toString(s)


>>> ArrayList = c.class_for_name('java.util.ArrayList')
>>> a = ArrayList([1,2,3])

There is some amount of automatic casting between Python and Java. For example, here PJRmi sees that the Python list is automatically converted into a Java Collection to create an ArrayList.

>>> a0 = a[0]
>>> a0
>>> a0.java_object
< at 0x378a5d0>

At run time, Generic objects like ArrayLists carry no type information about the objects they contain. As such, objects returned by methods with the generic type are cast to their actual value. Here it happens to be a Byte which is wrapped up as a Python int but it might also be something like this:

>>> a = ArrayList([ArrayList(), ArrayList(), ArrayList()])
>>> a[0]
< at 0x378a6d0>

If, however, you need to perform an actual cast from one type into another you can use the cast_to() method:

>>> ArrayList =
>>> List =
>>> a = ArrayList([1,2,3])
>>> c.cast_to(a, List)
< at 0x378ac90>

Extending support to other types

Sometimes users might want to have PJRmi understand how to convert from user-defined types in Python and Java.

Let's imagine and ints and Strings are special types for an (edited) example:

>>> Integer = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Integer')
>>> Integer.parseInt(1)
TypeError: Could not find a method matching java.lang.Integer#parseInt(<class 'int'>): Don't know how to turn '1' <class 'int'> into a <java.lang.String>

PJRmi can be extended to understand how to convert from a particular Python type to a particular Java one by overriding the PJRmi._format_by_class method. We create a lamdba which can be invoked on the Java side to turn the given value into the desired Java object. Note that no type checking is done to ensure that the object returned by the Java method is what is desired.

>>> class MyPJRmi(pjrmi.PJRmi):
...     def connect(self):
...         super().connect()
...         # Remember these classes so we can use them later. We capture
...         # these after we have connected the the Java process.
...         self._my_java_lang_String = self.class_for_name('java.lang.String')
...         self._my_java_lang_Object = self.class_for_name('java.lang.Object')
...     def _format_by_class(self, klass, value,
...                          strict_types=True, allow_format_shmdata=True):
...         try:
...             return super()._format_by_class(klass, value,
...                                             strict_types=strict_types,
...                                             allow_format_shmdata=allow_format_shmdata)
...         except Exception:
...             # See if we are trying to marshall the value as a String
...             if klass._type_id == self._my_java_lang_String._type_id:
...                 # Turn the value into a String on the Java side by invoking
...                 # the String.valueOf(Object) method on it
...                 method = self._my_java_lang_String.valueOf[self._my_java_lang_Object]
...                 return super()._format_as_lambda(method, value,
...                                                  strict_types=strict_types,
...                                                  allow_format_shmdata=allow_format_shmdata)
...             else:
...                 raise
>>> c = pjrmi.connect_to_child_jvm(stdout=None, stderr=None, impl=MyPJRmi)
>>> Integer = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Integer')
>>> Integer.parseInt(1)

Lambdas and Duck-typed Classes

PJRmi also supports the use of Python functions as Java lambdas, as well as Python classes implementing Java interfaces. In order to do this the Java side has to be able to call into the Python side (the reverse or what normally happens); this means that we need to be using a multi-threaded, worker-based pair. You can start a Java child with two workers from within Python like this:

>>> c = pjrmi.connect_to_child_jvm(
>>>                stdout=None,
>>>                stderr=None,
>>>                application_args=('num_workers=2',)
>>>            )

Now, we'll create a Map and call the computeIfAbsent() method on it, using a Python lambda as the provider function:

>>> HashMap = c.class_for_name('java.util.HashMap')
>>> m = HashMap()
>>> m.computeIfAbsent(1, lambda x: x + 1)

Similarly, we can implement a Java interface using a Python class and pass that into a function. Provided that all the required methods are present in a Python class you can use that as an implementation of an interface. The JavaProxyBase class in PJRmi provides the standard required methods (like equals() and hashCode()) leaving the actual interface methods for you to create yourself. Here we'll implement a Java Runnable and give that to a Java Thread to invoke:

>>> Thread = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Thread')
>>> class PythonRunnable(pjrmi.JavaProxyBase):
...    def run(self):
...        print("I ran!")
>>> runnable = PythonRunnable()
I ran!
>>> thread = Thread(runnable)
>>> thread.start()
I ran!

The protected int PJRmi.numWorkers() method can be overridden in Java servers to provide callback support for PJRmi server processes.

Native/CPython Array Handling

It is possible for PJRmi to handle pass-by-reference arrays using C++ mechanisms that are relatively fast, specifically memcpy() and mmap(). This leads to a significant increase in the speed of data transfer both from Java to Python and Python to Java. Currently, this functionality only works for sub-processes since it tunnels the data via /dev/shm. From the Python side, it is enabled setting the kwarg_use_shm_arg_passing to True when establishing the connection:

>>> _pjrmi_connection = pjrmi.connect_to_child_jvm(use_shm_arg_passing=True, ...)

In Java, set the useShmArgPassing flag to true when spawning the PythonMinion.

   1 private static final PythonMinion PYTHON = PythonMinionProvider.spawn(true)
   2 // or
   3 private static final PythonMinion PYTHON = PythonMinionProvider.spawn(myStdinFilename,
   4                                                                       myStdoutFilename,
   5                                                                       myStderrFilename,
   6                                                                       true)

Dynamic Java Source Injection

PJRmi supports dynamic compilation of Java source code from a str in Python. This can eliminate the need to conduct particularly "chatty" communication through PJRmi; for example, when iterating through a Java ArrayList<HashMap<Integer,Integer>> object from Python. The compilation uses the JavaCompiler and can be used as follows:

>>> class_name = "TestInjectSource"
>>> source     = """
    public class TestInjectSource {
        public static int foo(int i) {
            return i+1;
>>> Foo = c.inject_source(class_name, source)
>>> foo = Foo()

Java Method Capture

PJRmi supports Java method capture, allowing them to be passed in as FunctionalInterface (i.e. lambda) arguments. They can also be used standalone, like a captured method in Python.

The sugar syntax is as follows. A slice or Ellipsis is a wildcard match, but these will only work when there is no overloading (i.e. no disambiguation is required).

Syntax Description
Class.method[None] Method with no arguments
Class.method[:] Method with some, but any, arguments
Class.method[...] Method with some, but any, arguments
Class.method[t0, t1, . . .] Method with explicitly defined arguments

For example, the Java Map has a method which takes a lambda:

public V computeIfAbsent(K key, Function<? super K,? extends V> mappingFunction)

And can be used accordingly:

>>> HashMap    = c.class_for_name('java.util.HashMap')
>>> Integer    = c.class_for_name('java.lang.Integer')
>>> jint       = c.class_for_name('int')

>>> m = HashMap()
>>> m.computeIfAbsent(12345678, Integer.toString[jint])
>>> m

As with Python, a method captured from an instance will be associated with that instance. When used as lambdas, methods captured from a class will either need to be static, or invoked by passing in a this pointer.

>>> m = HashMap()
>>> m.put(1,2)
>>> m
>>> p = m.put[:]
>>> p(2,3)
>>> m
{1=2, 2=3}
>>> m.computeIfAbsent('hello', String.hashCode[None])
>>> m
{1=2, 2=3, hello=99162322}

With a Java captured method you can potentially avoid call overhead incurred by repeatedly calling into Java from the Python side. For example, when we employ a mapping operation on the Java side instead, we only need to make one call to do so, instead of many.

# Get a list of Integers, accounting for the fact that they are a boxed type
# on the Python side
>>> l = list(Integer.valueOf(i).java_object for i in range(100000))

# Apply the instance method toString() on each of them, from the Python side
>>> %time _ = list(map(Integer.toString[None], l))
CPU times: user 2.74 s, sys: 383 ms, total: 3.13 s
Wall time: 3.03 s

# Apply the same method, but all on the Java side. We assume that we have a
# function like this in a special utility class:
#     public static <T,U> List<U> map(final Collection<T> c,
#                                     final Function<T,U> f)
# which we will use.
>>> %time _ =, Integer.toString[None])
CPU times: user 130 ms, sys: 2.94 ms, total: 133 ms
Wall time: 153 ms

Methods and constructors can be captured explicitly via the get_bound_method() method, or via syntactic sugar using []s. Passing in the Java types of the arguments can be used to disambiguate overloaded methods. Both the explicit capture and the sugar accept either class instances or Java's type names as arguments.

>>> str(c.get_bound_method(Integer.toString, arg_types=(jint,)))
>>> str(c.get_bound_method(Integer.toString, arg_types=('int',)))
>>> str(Integer.toString[jint])
>>> str(Integer.toString['int'])

Captured methods can also be used to handle overloading ambiguities:

>>> l = list(range(10))
>>> Arrays.binarySearch(l, 5)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [14], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 Arrays.binarySearch(l, 5)
TypeError: Call to binarySearch(<class 'list'>, <class 'int'>) is ambiguous; multiple matches: binarySearch([B, byte), binarySearch([J, long), binarySearch([I, int), binarySearch([S, short), binarySearch([Ljava.lang.Object;, java.lang.Object), binarySearch([D, double), binarySearch([F, float)
>>> Arrays.binarySearch['[I', 'int'](l, 5)

Technical notes

C Extensions

Extended functionality is provided via C extensions, in both the Java and Python code:

  • In-process JVM: This launches a Java VM within the Python process itself. While this currently works it is highly dependent on the Python and Java VMs playing nicely with one-another, so it could break tomorrow. Not recommended.
  • SHM arg passing: This is an optimization whereby /dev/shm is used to pass array arguments using memcpy(); it therefore only works when the Java and Python processes are on the same host. It is not required for general use.

The build of PJRmi which is available in PyPI only contains the platform-independent Python code and Java JARs; it does not come with the C extensions.

Security Model

Access from a remote Python client to a Java server may be controlled using SSL keys. This is recommended for any deployment environment since, once connected, a client is effectively inside the server process and can execute abitrary code.

The caveat to the above is that a server may choose to have a class allow list which restricts the set of Java classes which a Python client may access. This limits the capabilities of a client since they may not access classes which, for example, allow sub-processes to be spawned. This can be controlled in the server processes by overriding the isClassBlockingOn() and isClassPermitted() methods in the PJRmi subclass.

Threading Model

The PJRmi service runs as a separate thread inside the Java process. As such you have to figure out any thread-safety issues. The framework provides support for a ReentrantLock which will be held for the duration of calls which can help in this.


PJRmi uses features in Java11 and later, and Python 3.6 and later.


PJRmi was contributed back to the community by the D. E. Shaw group.

D. E. Shaw Logo


This project is released under a BSD-3-Clause license.

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pjrmi-1.13.8-py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB view hashes)

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