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Network Interference detection tool.

Project description

ooniprobe: a network interference detection tool

OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation network which aims is to collect high quality data using open methodologies, using Free and Open Source Software (FL/OSS) to share observations and data about the various types, methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.

“The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.”
  • John Gilmore; TIME magazine (6 December 1993)

ooniprobe is the first program that users run to probe their network and to collect data for the OONI project. Are you interested in testing your network for signs of surveillance and censorship? Do you want to collect data to share with others, so that you and others may better understand your network? If so, please read this document and we hope ooniprobe will help you to gather network data that will assist you with your endeavors!

Read this before running ooniprobe!

Running ooniprobe is a potentially risky activity. This greatly depends on the jurisdiction in which you are in and which test you are running. It is technically possible for a person observing your internet connection to be aware of the fact that you are running ooniprobe. This means that if running network measurement tests is something considered to be illegal in your country then you could be spotted.

Futhermore, ooniprobe takes no precautions to protect the install target machine from forensics analysis. If the fact that you have installed or used ooni probe is a liability for you, please be aware of this risk.


Debian based systems

If you are running debian testing or debian unstable you can install ooniprobe simply with:

apt-get install ooniprobe

If you are running debian stable you can get it from backports via:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb wheezy-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ooniprobe

We also have our own debian repository. To install it from there run this:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb wheezy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
gpg --keyserver --recv-key 0x49B8CDF4
gpg --export 89AB86D4788F3785FE9EDA31F9E2D9B049B8CDF4 | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ooniprobe


We believe that ooniprobe runs reasonably well on Debian GNU/Linux wheezy as well as versions of Ubuntu such as natty and later releases. Running ooniprobe without installing it is supported with the following commands:

git clone
cd ooni-probe
python install

Setting up development environment

On debian based systems this can be done with:

sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv ooniprobe
python install
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Other platforms (with Vagrant)

  1. [Install Vagrant]( and [Install Virtualbox](

  2. On OSX:

If you don’t have it install homebrew

brew install git

On debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install git
  1. Open a Terminal and run:

    git clone
    cd ooni-probe/
    vagrant up
  2. Login to the box with:

    vagrant ssh

ooniprobe will be installed in /ooni.

  1. You can run tests with:

    ooniprobe blocking/http_requests -f /ooni/example_inputs/alexa-top-1k.txt

Using ooniprobe

Net test is a set of measurements to assess what kind of internet censorship is occurring.

Decks are collections of ooniprobe nettests with some associated inputs.

Collector is a service used to report the results of measurements.

Test helper is a service used by a probe for successfully performing its measurements.

Bouncer is a service used to discover the addresses of test helpers and collectors.

Configuring ooniprobe

You may edit the configuration for ooniprobe by editing the configuration file found inside of ~/.ooni/ooniprobe.conf.

By default ooniprobe will not include personal identifying information in the test result, nor create a pcap file. This behavior can be personalized.

Running decks

You will find all the installed decks inside of /usr/share/ooni/decks.

You may then run a deck by using the command line option -i:

As root:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/mlab.deck

Or as a user:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/mlab_no_root.deck


As root:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/complete.deck

Or as a user:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/complete_no_root.deck

The above tests will require around 20-30 minutes to complete depending on your network speed.

If you would prefer to run some faster tests you should run: As root:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/fast.deck

Or as a user:

ooniprobe -i /usr/share/ooni/decks/fast_no_root.deck

Running net tests

You may list all the installed stable net tests with:

ooniprobe -s

You may then run a nettest by specifying its name for example:

ooniprobe manipulation/http_header_field_manipulation

It is also possible to specify inputs to tests as URLs:

ooniprobe blocking/http_requests -f httpo://ihiderha53f36lsd.onion/input/37e60e13536f6afe47a830bfb6b371b5cf65da66d7ad65137344679b24fdccd1

You can find the result of the test in your current working directory.

By default the report result will be collected by the default ooni collector and the addresses of test helpers will be obtained from the default bouncer.

You may also specify your own collector or bouncer with the options -c and -b.

Bridges and obfsproxy bridges

ooniprobe submits reports to oonib report collectors through Tor to a hidden service endpoint. By default, ooniprobe uses the installed system Tor, but can also be configured to launch Tor (see the advanced.start_tor option in ooniprobe.conf), and ooniprobe supports bridges (and obfsproxy bridges, if obfsproxy is installed). The tor.bridges option in ooniprobe.conf sets the path to a file that should contain a set of “bridge” lines (of the same format as used in torrc, and as returned by If obfsproxy bridges are to be used, the path to the obfsproxy binary must be configured. See option advanced.obfsproxy_binary, in ooniprobe.conf.

(Optional) Install obfsproxy

Install the latest version of obfsproxy for your platform.

[Download Obfsproxy](

Setting capabilities on your virtualenv python binary

If your distributation supports capabilities you can avoid needing to run OONI as root:

setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+eip /path/to/your/virtualenv's/python

Reporting bugs

You can report bugs and issues you find with ooni-probe on The Tor Projec issue tracker [filing them under the “Ooni” component](

You can either register an account or use the group account “cypherpunks” with password “writecode”.


You can download the code for ooniprobe from the following git repository:

git clone

It is also viewable on the web via [](

You should then submit patches for review as pull requests to this github repository:

Read this article to learn how to [create a pull request on github](

If you prefer not to use github (or don’t have an account), you may also submit patches as attachments to tickets.

Be sure to format the patch (given that you are working on a feature branch that is different from master) with:

git format-patch master --stdout > my_first_ooniprobe.patch


v1.1.1 (Sun, 24 Aug 2014)

  • Update to include the manpages for ooniprobe and oonireport.

  • Raise a more specific exception when multiple test cases are in a single nettest file and the usageOptions are incoherent.

v1.1.0 (Tue, 19 Aug 2014)

In this new release of ooniprobe we have added a new command line tool for listing the reports that have not been published to a collector and that allows the probe operator to choose which ones they would like to upload.

We have also made some privacy improvements to the reports (we will sanitize all things that may look like file paths) and added metadata associated with the maxmind database being used by the probe operator.

Here is a more detailed list of what has been done:

Minor bug fixes:

v1.0.2 (Fri, 9 May 2014)

  • Add ooniprobe manpage.

  • Fix various security issues raised by the least authority audit.

  • Add a test that checks for Tor bridge reachability.

  • Record the IP address of the exit node being used in torified requests.

  • Captive portal test now uses the ooni-probe test templates.

  • Have better test naming consistency.

v1.0.1 (Fri, 14 Mar 2014)

  • Fix bugs in the traceroute test that lead to not all packets being collected.

  • All values inside of http_requests test are now initialized inside of setUp.

  • Fix a bug that lead to the input value of the report not being set in some circumstances.

  • Add bridge_reachability test

v1.0.0 (Thu, 20 Feb 2014)

  • Add bouncer support for discovering test helpers and collectors

  • Fix bug that lead to HTTP tests to stall

  • Add support for connect_error and connection_lost_error error types

  • Add support for additional Tor configuration keys

  • Add disclaimer when running ooniprobe

v0.1.0 (Mon, 17 Jun 2013)

Improvements to HTML/JS based user interface:

  • XSRF protection

  • user supplied input specification

Bugfixing and improvements to scheduler.

v0.0.12 (Sat, 8 Jun 2013)

Implement JS/HTML based user interface.


  • Starting and stopping of tests

  • Monitoring of test progress

v0.0.11 (Thu, 11 Apr 2013)

  • Parametrize task timeout and retry count

  • Set the default collector via the command line option

  • Add option to disable the default collector

  • Add continuous integration with travis

v0.0.10 (Wed, 26 Dec 2012)


  • Fix bug that made HTTP based tests stall

  • Update DNS Test example to not import the DNS Test template If you import the

    DNS Test template it will be considered a valid test case and command line argument parsing will not work as expected. see: #7795 for more details

  • Fix major bug in DNS test template that prevented PTR lookups from working

    properly I was calling the queryUDP function with the arguments in the wrong order. Twisted, why you API no consistent?

  • Add support for specifying the level of parallelism in tests (aka router

    melt mode)

  • Do not swallow failures when a test instance fails to run fixes #7714


  • Add report archival script

Fix bug in TCP connect test that made it not properly log errors

  • Refactor failure handling code in nettest Add function that traps all the

    supported failure and outputs the failure string representing it.


  • Add birdseye view of the ooniprobe architecture

  • Add details on the current implementation status of ooni*

  • Add draft ooniprobe API specification

  • Add instructions for supervisord configuration and clean up

0.0.9 (Tue, 11 Dec 2012)



  • Use twisted fdesc when writing to files

  • Add support for processing the ASN number of the probe

  • Test reports shall follow the specification detailed inside of docs/reports.rst

  • Add support for setting the tor binary path in oonib/


  • Add a very simple example on how to securely parse the ooniprobe reports


  • Add documentation for the DNSSpoof test

  • Add documentation for HTTPHeaderFieldManipulation

  • Clean up writing_tests.rst

  • Properly use the power of sphinx!


  • fixup Netalyzr third party plugin

v0.0.8-alpha (Sun, 2 Dec 2012)


  • Allow test resolver file to have comments.

  • Autostart Tor in default configuration.

  • Add support for starting Tor via txtorcon.

  • Make the sniffer not run in a separate thread, but use a non blocking fdesc.

    Do some refactoring of scapy testing, following Factory creational pattern and a pub-sub pattern for the readers and writers.

  • Extend TrueHeaders to support calculation of difference between two HTTP headers respectful of


  • Implement test deck system for automating the specification of command line

    arguments for tests

  • Implement sr1 in txscapy

  • Include socksproxy address in HTTP based tests

  • Include the resolver IP:Port in the report

  • Changes to the report format of HTTP Test template derived tests:

    Requests are now stored inside of an array to allow the storing of multiple request/response pairs.

  • Fix bug that lead to httpt based reports to not have the url attribute set


  • twisted Headers() class edited to avoid header fix in reference to:

  • Parametrize tor socksport for usage with modified HTTP Agent

  • Update URL List test to take as input also a single URL

  • Clean up filenames of reports generated by ooni-probe:

    they now follow the format $testName_report_$timestamp.yamloo

  • Add ooniprobe prefix to logs

  • Respect the includeip = false option in ooniprobe.conf for scapyt derivate

    tests: If the option to not include the IP address of the probe is set, change the source and destination ip address of the sent and received packets to


  • Implement basic keyword filtering detection test.

  • Add ICMP support to multi protocol traceroute test

  • parametrize max_ttl and timeout

  • make max_ttl and timeout be included in the report

  • Port UK Mobile Network test to new API

  • Port daphn3 test

  • Randomize source port by default in traceroute test and include source port in


  • Test and Implement HTTP Header Field Manipulation Test (rename it to what we

    had originally called it since it made most sense)

  • Implement test that detects DNS spoofing

  • Implement TCP payload sending test template:

    Example test based on this test template

  • Make report IDs include the timestamp of the report

  • Add test that detects censorship in HTTP pages based on HTTP body length

  • Add socks proxy support to HTTP Test

  • Create DNS Test template:

    Use such template for DNS Tamper test. Add example usage of DNS Test Template.

  • Refactor captive portal test to run tests in threads


  • Implement basic collector for ooniprobe reports.

    Reports can be submitted over the network via http to a remote collector. Implement the backend component of the collector that writes submitted reports to flat files, following the report_id naming convention.

  • Implement very simple HTTP Request backend that does only the part of HTTP we

    need for testing

  • Make oonib a daemon

  • Loosen up the oonib regexp to support the timestamp report format

  • Add Tor Hidden Service support

  • Make the reporting directory of the collector configurable

  • Implement TCP Echo test helper.


  • Add fabfile for automatic deployment of ooni-probe to remote sites


  • Update documentation on how to setup ooniprobe.

v0.0.7.1-alpha (Sun, 11 Nov 2012)

  • Add software version to the report

  • Implement basic oonib reporting to flat files containing the report ID.

  • Improve HTTP Host test to work with the HTTP Requests test backend

v0.0.7-alpha (Sat, 10 Nov 2012)

  • Add test_name key to ooniprobe reports

  • Port TCP connect test to the new API

v0.0.4-alpha (Sat, 10 Nov 2012)

  • Add multi protocol multi port traceroute for UDP and TCP

  • Implement basic HTTP request test that does capitalization variations on the HTTP method.

  • Bugfixing and refactoring of txscapy for sending and receiving of scapy packets.

v0.0.3-alpha (Fri, 9 Nov 2012)

  • Implement logging to PCAP file support

  • Remove dependency on trial

  • Port china trigger to new API

  • Rename keyword filtering test to HTTP keyword filtering

  • Refactor install documentation.

  • Convert header of ooniprobe script to a non docstring

  • Add Makefile to fetch Maxmind geoip database files

  • Implement GeoIP lookup support

  • From configuration options it is possible to choice what level of privacy

    the prober is willing to accept. Implement config file support You are able to specify basic and advanced options in YAML format

  • Remove raw inputs and move them to a separate repository and add Makefile to

    fetch such lists

0.0.1-alpha (Tue, 6 Nov 2012)

First release of ooni-probe. woot!

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

ooniprobe-1.1.1.tar.gz (13.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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