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zc.buildout recipes for RelStorage and ZEO

Project description

Opinionated recipes for creating RelStorage and ZEO configurations, especially tailored for multi-databases.


A single buildout can use either one RelStorage recipe or one ZEO recipe. It can never have both, or more than one of each. This is because both recipes write to the same configuration files


The recipes defined here use collective.recipe.template to output configuration files, and z3c.recipe.mkdir to create implicitly defined directories. zc.zodbrecipes is used to create the ZEO server. You shouldn’t need to install these manually as buildout will take care of making them available when needed.

Directories and Files

The recipes defined here use the directory structure and variables defined by zc.recipe.deployment. There should be a buildout part called deployment that uses this recipe. Alternatively (and especially useful when composing a buildout from multiple configurations), you can define a deployment part that lists these directories manually. You’ll also need to include the username that should own created files and directories:

bin-directory = ${buildout:bin-directory}
cache-directory = ${:run-directory}/caches
crontab-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc/cron.d
data-directory = ${:root-directory}/data
etc-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc
log-directory = ${:root-directory}/var/log
logrotate-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc/logrotate.d
rc-directory = ${:root-directory}/bin/rc
root-directory = ${buildout:root-directory}
run-directory = ${:root-directory}/var

The deployment recipe takes care of creating the needed directories, but here we’ll just do so manually. We’ll define a common configuration snippet that we’ll include in future examples:

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'deployment.cfg',
... """
... [deployment]
... root-directory = ${buildout:directory}
... data-directory = ${:root-directory}/data
... etc-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc
... log-directory = ${:root-directory}/var/log
... run-directory = ${:root-directory}/var
... rc-directory = ${:root-directory}/bin/rc
... cache-directory = ${:run-directory}/caches
... logrotate-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc/logrotate.d
... crontab-directory = ${:root-directory}/etc/cron.d
... user = user
... [directories]
... recipe = z3c.recipe.mkdir
... create-intermediate = true
... mode = 0700
... paths =
...    ${deployment:etc-directory}
...    ${deployment:run-directory}
...    ${deployment:cache-directory}
...    ${deployment:data-directory}
...    ${deployment:log-directory}
...    ${deployment:rc-directory}
...    ${deployment:logrotate-directory}
...    ${deployment:crontab-directory}
... """)

Both recipes create two files in the etc-directory.


This file is meant to be read with ZODB.config.databaseFromFile or databaseFromURL. If you specify more than one storage, they will be listed in the order provided, creating a multi-database, with the first listed storage as the “root” database.


This file provides the same database configuration as zodb_conf.xml (indeed, it references that file), but in a form of a single URL string that can be read using zodburi. This can be convient for passing in the form of a string.

Recipe Options

Both recipes defined here accept some common options.


Required. A whitespace delimited list of storage names. Each of these will be added to the generated configuration files for a client to use (and for ZEO, for the server to serve).

This can only be defined directly in the recipe part.


If “decompress” (the default) each storage will be wrapped in a zc.zlibstorage that only compress existing records. If set to “compress” new records will also be compressed.

Set to “none” to disable the wrapper entirely.

This can be set in the recipe part. If it’s not defined there, a value defined in the environment part will be used before falling back to the default.

Storage and Database Options

Some options are available to configure the ZODB database. These are used by both recipes and may be defined at a per-database level (see each recipe for an explanation of how). The defaults are built-in, but setting a value in the recipe part will provide a new default for all storages. Additionally, for backwards compatibility and composing buildout configurations, if there is a part named <part>_opts, where <part> is the name of the recipe part, options defined there will override options defined in the recipe part, but will bee overridden by options defined for an individual storage.

These configuration options have to do with the ZODB connection pool and its caching.

recipe =
storages = users
cache_size = 50
recipe =
storages = users

cache_size = 50

Controls the ZODB per-connection object cache. Setting this to a large-enough value to contain your application’s working set can be very important, especially in read-heavy workloads. Setting it too large can waste memory.


Controls the number of ZODB connections kept in the ZODB pool. It is very important to set this large enough to accomodate the number of concurrent activities (requests) your application will handle. Each connection in the pool holds resources like its cache and in the case of RelStorage RDBMS sockets and possibly memcache sockets. Setting it too large can waste memory and file-descriptors.

Normally, opening a DB and closing the connection will create a connection (if needed), then return it to the pool (if the pool is not full). However, in the case of multi-databases, when an object from a secondary database needs to be loaded, the active connection will request a connection to that database, and when the active connection is closed, that secondary connection is also closed but not returned to the pool. Instead, the active (primary) connection keeps a reference to it that it will use in the future. This has the effect of driving all secondary pools based on the efficiency of the primary pool. Thus, the pool-size for everything except the primary database is essentially meaningless (if the application always begins by opening that primary database), but that pool size controls everything.

Calling DB.connectionDebugInfo() can show improperly sized pools: connections in the pool have ‘opened’ of None, while those in use have a timestamp and the length of time it’s been open.


A time interval value (which accepts either a bare number of integral seconds or an integer suffixed with one of the characters ‘s’, ‘m’, ‘h’, ‘d’ for seconds, minutes, hours or days, respectively) that specifies how long idle connections are allowed to remain in the pool before being closed. Effectively, there is no default meaning connections never time out.


The relstorage recipe creates configurations to connect to a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite3 RelStorage database in history-free mode. (Oracle is not supported.)

There are a number of different ways to configure storages. If you have multiple storages residing on a common database server, and you also have other databases on that server (SQLAlchemy, etc), you might be interested in using a shared environment section to contain the server location and account credentials.

By default, the name of the database is the same as the storage name. The storage name’s case is preserved (this matters for cross-database references.)

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... extends = deployment.cfg
... parts = directories relstorage
... [environment]
... sql_user = the_user
... sql_host = the_server
... sql_passwd = the_passwd
... [relstorage]
... recipe =
... storages = Users Sessions
... compress = none
... """)
>>> print_(system(buildout), end='')
Installing relstorage.
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
d  cron.d
d  logrotate.d
-  zeo_uris.ini
-  zodb_conf.xml
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zodb_conf.xml')
%import relstorage
<zodb Users>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name Users
  pool-size 60
  <relstorage Users>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          db Users
          host the_server
          passwd the_passwd
          user the_user
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Users.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/Users.cache
  cache-local-mb 300
  cache-prefix Users
  commit-lock-timeout 60
  keep-history false
  name Users
  pack-gc false
  shared-blob-dir false
<zodb Sessions>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name Sessions
  pool-size 60
  <relstorage Sessions>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          db Sessions
          host the_server
          passwd the_passwd
          user the_user
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Sessions.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/Sessions.cache
  cache-local-mb 300
  cache-prefix Sessions
  commit-lock-timeout 60
  keep-history false
  name Sessions
  pack-gc false
  shared-blob-dir false
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zeo_uris.ini')
uris = /sample-buildout/etc/zodb_conf.xml#users /sample-buildout/etc/zodb_conf.xml#sessions

Much can be configured at both the recipe level and in a section named for the storage (prefixed with the name of the recipe, unlike in the zeo recipe, and suffixed with ‘_storage_opts’), but a few settings can only be configured on the recipe or environment part.


Defaults to true.


Deprecated. A list of memcache servers to use. Can be configured at the recipe or environment level.


Defaults to no size cap.

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... extends = deployment.cfg
... parts = directories relstorage
... [environment]
... sql_user = the_user
... sql_host = the_server
... sql_passwd = the_passwd
... [relstorage]
... recipe =
... storages = users sessions
... compress = none
... pack_gc = true
... commit_lock_timeout = 10
... pool_timeout = 42s
... [relstorage_users_storage_opts]
... cache_size = 42
... cache_local_mb = 2
... sql_user = custom_user
... """)
>>> print_(system(buildout), end='')
Uninstalling relstorage...
Installing relstorage.
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
d  cron.d
d  logrotate.d
-  zeo_uris.ini
-  zodb_conf.xml
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zodb_conf.xml')
%import relstorage
<zodb users>
  cache-size 42
  database-name users
  pool-size 60
  pool-timeout 42s
  <relstorage users>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          db users
          host the_server
          passwd the_passwd
          user custom_user
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/users.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/users.cache
  cache-local-mb 2
  cache-prefix users
  commit-lock-timeout 10
  keep-history false
  name users
  pack-gc true
  shared-blob-dir false
<zodb sessions>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name sessions
  pool-size 60
  pool-timeout 42s
  <relstorage sessions>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          db sessions
          host the_server
          passwd the_passwd
          user the_user
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/sessions.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/sessions.cache
  cache-local-mb 300
  cache-prefix sessions
  commit-lock-timeout 10
  keep-history false
  name sessions
  pack-gc true
  shared-blob-dir false

Configuring The Adapter

By default, a MySQL adapter is assumed. Use the sql_adapter setting (at the recipe or storage level) to change this.

The sql_adapter_extra_args may be used to add additional configuration to the <adapter> section. This is frequently used to select a driver.

If you change it to postgresql a DSN will be constructed based on the sql_* settings. You can set sql_adapter_args to completely specify the contents of the <adapter> section (this disables sql_adapter_extra_args).

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... extends = deployment.cfg
... parts = directories relstorage
... [environment]
... sql_user = the_user
... sql_host = the_server
... sql_passwd = the_passwd
... [relstorage]
... recipe =
... storages = users sessions
... compress = none
... sql_adapter = postgresql
... sql_adapter_extra_args =
...     driver gevent psycopg2
... [relstorage_users_storage_opts]
... sql_adapter = sqlite3
... sql_adapter_extra_args =
...     driver gevent sqlite3
... """)
>>> print_(system(buildout), end='')
Uninstalling relstorage...
Installing relstorage.
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
d  cron.d
d  logrotate.d
-  zeo_uris.ini
-  zodb_conf.xml
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zodb_conf.xml')
%import relstorage
<zodb users>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name users
  pool-size 60
  <relstorage users>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          data-dir /sample-buildout/data/relstorage_users_storage
          driver gevent sqlite3
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/users.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/users.cache
  cache-local-mb 300
  cache-prefix users
  commit-lock-timeout 60
  keep-history false
  name users
  pack-gc false
  shared-blob-dir true
<zodb sessions>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name sessions
  pool-size 60
  <relstorage sessions>
      # This comment preserves whitespace
          driver gevent psycopg2
          dsn dbname='sessions' user='the_user' password='the_passwd' host='the_server'
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/sessions.blobs
  cache-local-dir /sample-buildout/var/caches/data_cache/sessions.cache
  cache-local-mb 300
  cache-prefix sessions
  commit-lock-timeout 60
  keep-history false
  name sessions
  pack-gc false
  shared-blob-dir false

Other Files

If the recipe was write-zodbconvert set to true, then a set of configuration files for converting to and from RelStorage and FileStorage using zodbconvert will be generated.

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... extends = deployment.cfg
... parts = directories relstorage
... [environment]
... sql_user = the_user
... sql_host = the_server
... sql_passwd = the_passwd
... [relstorage]
... recipe =
... storages = users
... compress = none
... write-zodbconvert = true
... """)
>>> print_(system(buildout), end='')
Uninstalling relstorage...
Installing relstorage.
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
d  cron.d
d  logrotate.d
d  relstorage
-  zeo_uris.ini
-  zodb_conf.xml
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'relstorage')
-  users_from_relstorage_conf.xml
-  users_to_relstorage_conf.xml


The zeo recipe can be used to create configurations for a ZEO client and ZEO server. It is only intended for personal or test environments.


Just like the relstorage recipe, it requires one or more storages. Options can be set in the zeo part to apply to all storages, in a part named for the storage to configure the server, or in a part named for the client to configure the client. Note that the client also inherits configuration options from the server.


Defaults to false. This can only be set on the recipe part.

>>> write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
... """
... [buildout]
... extends = deployment.cfg
... parts = directories zeo
... [zeo]
... recipe =
... storages = Users Sessions
... compress = none
... pack-gc = true
... [users_storage_opts]
... pack-gc = true
... pool_size = 25
... [sessions_client_opts]
... cache-size = 42
... """)

And it creates several configuration files:

>>> print_(system(buildout), end='')
Uninstalling relstorage...
Installing zeo.
>>> ls(sample_buildout, 'etc')
d  cron.d
d  logrotate.d
-  zeo-zdaemon.conf
-  zeo-zeo.conf
-  zeo_uris.ini
-  zodb_conf.xml
-  zodb_file_uris.ini

Standard Files

The zodb_conf.xml and zeo_uris.ini are created as for RelStorage (the zconfig:// prefixes are missing from the URIs because of a quirk in testing):

>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zodb_conf.xml')
<zodb Users>
  cache-size 100000
  database-name Users
  pool-size 25
    blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Users.blobs
    name Users
    server /sample-buildout/var/zeosocket
    shared-blob-dir true
    storage 1
<zodb Sessions>
  cache-size 42
  database-name Sessions
  pool-size 60
    blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Sessions.blobs
    name Sessions
    server /sample-buildout/var/zeosocket
    shared-blob-dir true
    storage 2
>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zeo_uris.ini')
uris = /sample-buildout/etc/zodb_conf.xml#users /sample-buildout/etc/zodb_conf.xml#sessions


This file, prefixed with the name of the buildout part, is the configuration to use with the zdaemon command’s -C option in order to run the ZEO server.

>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zeo-zdaemon.conf')
  daemon on
  directory /sample-buildout/var
  program /sample-buildout/bin/runzeo -C /sample-buildout/etc/zeo-zeo.conf
  socket-name /sample-buildout/var/zeo-zdaemon.sock
  transcript /sample-buildout/var/log/zeo-zeo.log
  user user
    path /sample-buildout/var/log/zeo-zeo.log


This is the actual ZEO server configuration, again prefixed with the part name.

>>> cat(sample_buildout, 'etc', 'zeo-zeo.conf')
  address /sample-buildout/var/zeosocket
<filestorage 1>
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Users.blobs
  pack-gc true
  path /sample-buildout/data/Users.fs
<filestorage 2>
  blob-dir /sample-buildout/data/Sessions.blobs
  pack-gc true
  path /sample-buildout/data/Sessions.fs
    format %(asctime)s %(message)s
    level DEBUG
    path /sample-buildout/var/log/zeo.log


Intentionally undocumented. Expert use only.

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