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test layers for use with zope.testrunner: apacheds, cassandra, memcached, mongodb, mysql, nginx, openldap, postgresql

Project description

Lovely Testing Layers for use with zope.testrunner

This package includes various server test layers and
a generic server layer for use with any network based
server implementation.

It currently provides server layers for these fine
database and web servers (in alphabetical order):

- ApacheDS
- Cassandra
- Memcached
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- OpenLDAP
- PostgreSQL

While there are buildout targets based on ``hexagonit.recipe.cmmi`` and
``zc.recipe.cmmi`` included for building PostgreSQL and Memcached inline,
it is perfectly fine to use the native system installments of the
respective services.

``lovely.testlayers`` ships with a bunch of built-in self-tests
for verifying the functionality of the respective test layers.

To get started on that, please follow up reading `<TESTS.rst>`__.

Test layers with working directories

There is a mixin class that provides usefull methods to generate a
working directory and make snapshots thereof.

>>> from lovely.testlayers.layer import WorkDirectoryLayer

Let us create a sample layer.

>>> class MyLayer(WorkDirectoryLayer):
... def __init__(self, name):
... self.__name__ = name

>>> myLayer = MyLayer('mylayer')

To initialize the directories we need to create the directory structure.

>>> myLayer.setUpWD()

We can get relative paths by using the os.path join syntax.

>>> myLayer.wdPath('a', 'b')

Let us create a directory.

>>> import os
>>> os.mkdir(myLayer.wdPath('firstDirectory'))

And make a snapshot.

>>> myLayer.makeSnapshot('first')

We can check if we have a snapshot.

>>> myLayer.hasSnapshot('first')

And get the info for the snapshot.

>>> exists, path = myLayer.snapshotInfo('first')
>>> exists
>>> path

And now we make a second directory and another snapshot.

>>> os.mkdir(myLayer.wdPath('secondDirectory'))
>>> myLayer.makeSnapshot('second')

We now have 2 directories.

>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer.wdPath()))
['firstDirectory', 'secondDirectory']

We now restore the "first" snapshot

>>> myLayer.restoreSnapshot('first')
>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer.wdPath()))

We can also restore the "second" snapshot.

>>> myLayer.restoreSnapshot('second')
>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer.wdPath()))
['firstDirectory', 'secondDirectory']

We can also override snapshots.

>>> os.mkdir(myLayer.wdPath('thirdDirectory'))
>>> myLayer.makeSnapshot('first')
>>> myLayer.restoreSnapshot('first')
>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer.wdPath()))
['firstDirectory', 'secondDirectory', 'thirdDirectory']

The snapshot directory can be specified, this is usefull if snapshots
need to be persistet to the project directory for example.

>>> myLayer2 = MyLayer('mylayer2')
>>> import tempfile
>>> myLayer2.setUpWD()

>>> myLayer2.snapDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> os.mkdir(myLayer2.wdPath('adir'))

>>> myLayer2.makeSnapshot('first')
>>> os.listdir(myLayer2.snapDir)

>>> os.mkdir(myLayer2.wdPath('bdir'))
>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer2.wdPath()))
['adir', 'bdir']

>>> myLayer2.restoreSnapshot('first')

>>> sorted(os.listdir(myLayer2.wdPath()))

Basic Servier Layer

The server layer allows to start servers which are listening to a
specific port, by providing the startup command.

>>> from lovely.testlayers import server
>>> sl = server.ServerLayer('sl1', servers=['localhost:33333'],
... start_cmd='nc -k -l 33333')

Setting up the layer starts the server.

>>> sl.setUp()

Now we can acces the server port.

>>> from lovely.testlayers import util
>>> util.isUp('localhost', 33333)

No more after teardown.

>>> sl.tearDown()
>>> util.isUp('localhost', 33333)

If the command startup fails an error gets raised.

>>> sl = server.ServerLayer('sl1', servers=['localhost:33333'],
... start_cmd='false')
>>> sl.setUp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemError: Failed to start server rc=1 cmd=false


It's possible to specify a logfile for stdout and stderr::

>>> import os
>>> logPath = project_path('var', 'log', 'stdout.log')
>>> sl = server.ServerLayer('sl2', servers=['localhost:33333'],
... start_cmd='nc -k -l 33333',
... stdout=logPath)

Setup the layer starts the server::

>>> sl.setUp()

Get the current position of stdout::

>>> pos = sl.stdout.tell()

Send a message to the server::

>>> _ = run('echo "GET / HTTP/1.0" | nc localhost 33333')

The message gets logged to stdout::

>>> _ =
>>> print(
GET / HTTP/1.0

After teardown the file gets closed::

>>> sl.tearDown()
>>> sl.stdout.closed

After calling setUp again, the file gets repoened::

>>> sl.setUp()
>>> pos = sl.stdout.tell()
>>> _ = run('echo "Hi" | nc localhost 33333')
>>> _ =
>>> print(
>>> sl.tearDown()

It's also possible to initialize a ServerLayer with a file object::

>>> path = project_path('var', 'log', 'stdout_2.log')
>>> f = open(path, 'w+')
>>> sl = server.ServerLayer('sl2', servers=['localhost:33333'],
... start_cmd='nc -k -l 33333',
... stdout=f)
>>> sl.setUp()

>>> pos = sl.stdout.tell()
>>> _ = run('echo "Test" | nc localhost 33333')
>>> _ =
>>> print(

>>> sl.tearDown()

After teardown the file gets closed::

>>> sl.stdout.closed

The file gets reopened after setUp::

>>> sl.setUp()
>>> pos = sl.stdout.tell()
>>> _ = run('echo "File gets reopened" | nc localhost 33333')
>>> _ =
>>> print(
File gets reopened
>>> sl.tearDown()

If a directory gets specified, a logfile within the directory gets created::

>>> path = project_path('var', 'log')
>>> sl = server.ServerLayer('myLayer', servers=['localhost:33333'],
... start_cmd='nc -k -l 33333',
... stdout=path,
... stderr=path)
>>> sl.setUp()


>>> sl.tearDown()

memcached test layer

This layer starts and stops a memcached daemon on given port (default
is 11222)

>>> import os
>>> here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
>>> project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here)))
>>> path = os.path.join(project_root, 'parts', 'memcached', 'bin', 'memcached')
>>> from lovely.testlayers import memcached
>>> ml = memcached.MemcachedLayer('ml', path=path)

So let us setup the server.

>>> ml.setUp()

Now we can acces memcached on port 11222.

>>> import telnetlib
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', 11222)
>>> tn.close()

No more after teardown.

>>> ml.tearDown()
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', 11222)
Traceback (most recent call last):
error:...Connection refused...

Nginx test layer

This test layer starts and stops an nginx server.

The layer is constructed with the optional path to the nginx command
and a prefix directory for nginx to run. To demonstrate this, we
create a temporary nginx home, where nginx should run.

>>> import tempfile, shutil, os
>>> tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> nginx_prefix = os.path.join(tmp, 'nginx_home')
>>> os.mkdir(nginx_prefix)

We have to add a config file at the default location. Let us define a
minimal configuration file.

>>> os.mkdir(os.path.join(nginx_prefix, 'conf'))
>>> cfg = file(os.path.join(nginx_prefix, 'conf', 'nginx.conf'), 'w')
>>> cfg.write("""
... events {
... worker_connections 10;
... }
... http {
... server {
... listen;
... }
... }""")
>>> cfg.close()

And the log directory.

>>> os.mkdir(os.path.join(nginx_prefix, 'logs'))

Let us also define the nginx executable. There is already one
installed via buildout in the root directory of this package, so we
get the path to this executable. Using a special nginx that is built
via buildout is the common way to use this layer. This way the same
nginx might be used for local development with the configuration
defined by the buildout.

>>> nginx_cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
... os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))),
... 'parts', 'openresty', 'nginx', 'sbin', 'nginx')

Now we can instantiate the layer.

>>> from lovely.testlayers import nginx
>>> nl = nginx.NginxLayer('nl', nginx_prefix, nginx_cmd=nginx_cmd)

Upon layer setup the server gets started.

>>> nl.setUp()

We can now issue requests, we will get a 404 because we didn't setup
any urls, but for testing this is ok.

>>> import urllib2
>>> urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:12345/', None, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Upon layer tearDown the server gets stopped.

>>> nl.tearDown()

We cannot connect to the server anymore now.

>>> urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost:12345/', None, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 61] Connection refused>

The configuration can be located at a different location than nginx' default
location (<prefix>/conf/nginx.conf):

>>> shutil.copytree(nginx_prefix, nginx_prefix + "2")

>>> cfg_file = tempfile.mktemp()
>>> cfg = file(cfg_file, 'w')
>>> cfg.write("""
... events {
... worker_connections 10;
... }
... http {
... server {
... listen;
... }
... }""")
>>> cfg.close()

>>> nginx.NginxLayer('nl', nginx_prefix+"2", nginx_cmd, cfg_file)
<lovely.testlayers.nginx.NginxLayer object at 0x...>


Startup and shutdown failures are also catched. For example if we try
to tear down the layer twice.

>>> nl.tearDown()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Nginx stop failed" failed
(2: No such file or directory)

Or if we try to start the server twice.

>>> nl.setUp()
>>> nl.setUp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Nginx start failed nginx: [emerg] bind() ...
nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (48: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] still could not bind()

>>> nl.tearDown()

Cleanup the temporary directory, we don't need it for testing from
this point.

>>> shutil.rmtree(tmp)

Nearly all failures should be catched upon initialization, because the
layer does a config check then.

Let us provide a non existing prefix path.

>>> nginx.NginxLayer('nl', 'something')
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: prefix not a directory '.../something/'

Or a not existing nginx_cmd.

>>> nginx.NginxLayer('nl', '.', 'not-an-nginx')
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Nginx check failed /bin/sh: not-an-nginx: command not found

Or some missing aka broken configuration. We just provide our working
directory as the prefix, which actually does not contain any configs.

>>> nginx.NginxLayer('nl', '.', nginx_cmd)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Nginx check failed nginx version: ngx_openresty/...
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file...
... [emerg] ...
nginx: configuration file .../conf/nginx.conf test failed

Email/SMTP Test Layer

This layer starts and stops a smtp daemon on given port (default 1025)::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import mail
>>> layer = mail.SMTPServerLayer(port=1025)

To setup the layer call ``setUp()``::

>>> layer.setUp()

Now the Server can receive emails::

>>> from email.mime.text import MIMEText
>>> from email.utils import formatdate
>>> from smtplib import SMTP
>>> msg = MIMEText('testmessage', _charset='utf-8')
>>> msg['Subject'] = 'first email'
>>> msg['From'] = ''
>>> msg['To'] = ''
>>> msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)

>>> s = SMTP()
>>> _ = s.connect('localhost:1025')
>>> _ = s.sendmail('', '', msg.as_string())
>>> msg['Subject'] = 'second email'
>>> _ = s.sendmail('', '', msg.as_string())

>>> s.quit()
(221, 'Bye')

The testlayer exposes a ``server`` property which can be used to access the
received emails.

Use the ``mbox(recipient)`` method to get the correct Mailbox::

>>> mailbox = layer.server.mbox('')

Use ``is_empty()`` to verify that the mailbox isn't empty::

>>> mailbox.is_empty()

If the recipient didn't receive an email, an empty Mailbox is returned::

>>> emptybox = layer.server.mbox('')
>>> emptybox.is_empty()

And ``popleft()`` to get the email that was received at first::

>>> print(mailbox.popleft())
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Subject: first email

The layer can be shutdown using the tearDown method::

>>> layer.tearDown()

After tearDown() the server can't receive any more emails::

>>> s = SMTP()
>>> _ = s.connect('localhost:1025')
Traceback (most recent call last):
error: [Errno ...] Connection refused

Verification that setUp() and tearDown() work for subsequent calls::

>>> layer.setUp()

>>> _ = s.connect('localhost:1025')
>>> _ = s.sendmail('', '', msg.as_string())
>>> print(mailbox.popleft())
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Subject: first email

>>> _ = s.quit()
>>> layer.tearDown()
>>> _ = s.connect('localhost:1025')
Traceback (most recent call last):
error: [Errno ...] Connection refused

Before setUp() is called the ``server`` property is None::

>>> layer = mail.SMTPServerLayer(port=1025)
>>> layer.server is None

Cassandra test layer

This layer starts and stops a cassandra instance with a given storage
configuration template. For information about cassandra see:

>>> from lovely.testlayers import cass

An example template exists in this directory which we now use for this

>>> import os
>>> storage_conf_tmpl = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
... '')

The following keys are provided when the template gets evaluated. Let
us look them up in the example file.

>>> import re
>>> tmpl_pat = re.compile(r'.*\%\(([^ \)]+)\)s.*')
>>> conf_keys = set()
>>> for l in file(storage_conf_tmpl).readlines():
... m = tmpl_pat.match(l)
... if m:
... conf_keys.add(

>>> sorted(conf_keys)
['control_port', 'storage_port', 'thrift_port', 'var']

With the storage configuration path we can instantiate a new cassandra
layer. The thrift_port, storage_port, and control_port are optional
keyword arguments for the constructor and default to the standard port

>>> l = cass.CassandraLayer('l', storage_conf=storage_conf_tmpl)
>>> l.thrift_port

So let us setup the server.

>>> l.setUp()

Now the cassandra server is up and running. We test this by connecting
to the thrift port via telnet.

>>> import telnetlib
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', l.thrift_port)
>>> tn.close()

The connection is refused after teardown.

>>> l.tearDown()

>>> telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', l.thrift_port)
Traceback (most recent call last):
error:...Connection refused

myserver control

>>> from lovely.testlayers import mysql
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> dbDir = os.path.join(tmp, 'db')
>>> dbDirFake = os.path.join(tmp, 'dbfake')

>>> dbName = 'testing'

Let us create a mysql server.

>>> srv = mysql.Server(dbDir, port=17777)

And init the db.

>>> srv.initDB()
>>> srv.start()

>>> import time
>>> time.sleep(3)

>>> srv.createDB(dbName)

Now we can get a list of databases.

>>> sorted(srv.listDatabases())
['mysql', 'test', 'testing']

If no mysql server is installed on the system we will get an exception::

>>> srv.orig_method = srv.mysqld_path
>>> srv.mysqld_path = lambda: None

>>> srv.start()
Traceback (most recent call last):
IOError: mysqld was not found. Is a MySQL server installed?

>>> srv.mysqld_path = srv.orig_method

Run SQL scripts

We can run scripts from the filesystem.

>>> script = os.path.join(tmp, 'ascript.sql')
>>> f = file(script, 'w')
>>> f.write("""drop table if exists a; create table a (title varchar(64));""")
>>> f.close()
>>> srv.runScripts(dbName, [script])

Dump and Restore

Let us make a dump of our database

>>> dumpA = os.path.join(tmp, 'a.sql')
>>> srv.dump(dbName, dumpA)

And now some changes

>>> import _mysql
>>> conn = _mysql.connect(host='', port=17777, user='root', db=dbName)

>>> for i in range(5):
... conn.query('insert into a values(%i)' % i)
>>> conn.commit()

>>> conn.close()

Another dump.

>>> dumpB = os.path.join(tmp, 'b.sql')
>>> srv.dump(dbName, dumpB)

We restore dumpA and the table is emtpy.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, dumpA)

>>> conn = _mysql.connect(host='', port=17777, user='root', db=dbName)
>>> conn.query('select count(*) from a')
>>> conn.store_result().fetch_row()

>>> conn.close()

Now restore dumpB and we have our 5 rows back.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, dumpB)

>>> conn = _mysql.connect(host='', port=17777, user='root', db=dbName)
>>> conn.query('select count(*) from a')
>>> conn.store_result().fetch_row()

>>> conn.close()

If we try to restore a none existing file we gat a ValueError.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, 'asdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No such file '.../asdf'

>>> srv.stop()

MySQLDB Scripts

We can generate a control script for use as commandline script.

The simplest script is just to define a server.

>>> dbDir2 = os.path.join(tmp, 'db2')
>>> main = mysql.MySQLDBScript(dbDir2, port=17777)
>>> main.start()
>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['mysql', 'test']
>>> main.stop()

We can also define a database to be created upon startup.

>>> main = mysql.MySQLDBScript(dbDir2, dbName='hoschi', port=17777)
>>> main.start()
>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['hoschi', 'mysql', 'test']
>>> main.stop()

The database is created only one time.

>>> main.start()
>>> main.stop()

And also scripts to be executed.

>>> main = mysql.MySQLDBScript(dbDir2, dbName='hoschi2',
... scripts=[script], port=17777)
>>> main.start()

Note that we used the same directory here so the other db is still there.

>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['hoschi', 'hoschi2', 'mysql', 'test']

We can run the scripts again. Note that scripts should always be
none-destructive. So if a schema update is due one just needs
to run all scripts again.

>>> main.runscripts()
>>> main.stop()


Let's create a layer::

>>> layer = mysql.MySQLDatabaseLayer('testing')

We can get the store uri.

>>> layer.storeURI()

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

The second time the server ist started it takes the snapshot.

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

If we try to run setup twice or the port is occupied, we get an error.

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.setUp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Port already listening: 16543

>>> layer.tearDown()

We can have appsetup definitions and sql scripts. There is also a
convinience class that let's us execute sql statements as setup.

>>> setup = mysql.ExecuteSQL('create table testing (title varchar(32))')
>>> layer = mysql.MySQLDatabaseLayer('testing', setup=setup)
>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()
>>> layer = mysql.MySQLDatabaseLayer('testing', setup=setup)
>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

Also if the database name is different, the same snapshots can be used.

>>> layer2 = mysql.MySQLDatabaseLayer('testing2', setup=setup)
>>> layer2.setUp()
>>> layer2.tearDown()

If we do not provide the snapsotIdent the ident is built by using the
dotted name of the setup callable and the hash of the arguments.

>>> layer.snapshotIdent

Let us provide an ident and scripts.

>>> layer = mysql.MySQLDatabaseLayer('testing3', setup=setup,
... snapshotIdent='blah',
... scripts=[script])
>>> layer.snapshotIdent
>>> layer.scripts

On setup the snapshot with the setup is created, therefore setup is
called with the server as argument.

>>> layer.setUp()

Upon testSetUp this snapshot is now restored.

>>> layer.testSetUp()

So now we should have the table there.

>>> conn = _mysql.connect(host='', port=16543, user='root', db=dbName)
>>> conn.query('select * from testing')
>>> conn.store_result().fetch_row()

>>> conn.close()

Let us add some data (we are now in a test):

>>> conn = _mysql.connect(host='', port=16543, user='root', db=dbName)

>>> conn.query("insert into testing values('hoschi')")
>>> conn.commit()

>>> conn.query('select * from testing')
>>> conn.store_result().fetch_row()

>>> conn.close()

>>> layer.testTearDown()
>>> layer.tearDown()

Finally do some cleanup::

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(tmp)

pgserver control

>>> from lovely.testlayers import pgsql
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> dbDir = os.path.join(tmp, 'db')
>>> dbDirFake = os.path.join(tmp, 'dbfake')

>>> dbName = 'testing'

Let us create a postgres server. Note that we give the absolute path
to the pg_config executable in order to use the postgresql
installation from this project.

>>> pgConfig = project_path('parts', 'postgres', 'bin', 'pg_config')
>>> srv = pgsql.Server(dbDir, port=16666, pgConfig=pgConfig, verbose=True)

Optional we could also define a path to a special postgresql.conf file
to use, otherwise defaults are used.

>>> srv.postgresqlConf

>>> srvFake = pgsql.Server(dbDirFake, postgresqlConf=srv.postgresqlConf)
>>> srvFake.postgresqlConf == srv.postgresqlConf

The path needs to exist.

>>> pgsql.Server(dbDirFake, postgresqlConf='/not/existing/path')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: postgresqlConf not found '/not/existing/path'

We can also specify the pg_config executable which defaults to
'pg_config' and therefore needs to be in the path.

>>> srv.pgConfig

>>> pgsql.Server(dbDirFake, pgConfig='notexistingcommand')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: pgConfig not found 'notexistingcommand'

The server is aware of its version, which is represented as a tuple of ints.

>>> srv.pgVersion
(8, ..., ...)

And init the db.

>>> srv.initDB()
>>> srv.start()

>>> srv.createDB(dbName)

Now we can get a list of databases.

>>> sorted(srv.listDatabases())
['postgres', 'template0', 'template1', 'testing']

Run SQL scripts

We can run scripts from the filesystem.

>>> script = os.path.join(tmp, 'ascript.sql')
>>> f = file(script, 'w')
>>> f.write("""create table a (title varchar);""")
>>> f.close()
>>> srv.runScripts(dbName, [script])

Or from the shared directories by prefixing it with pg_config. So let
us install tsearch2.

>>> script = 'pg_config:share:system_views.sql'
>>> srv.runScripts(dbName, [script])

Dump and Restore

Let us make a dump of our database

>>> dumpA = os.path.join(tmp, 'a.sql')
>>> srv.dump(dbName, dumpA)

And now some changes

>>> import psycopg2
>>> cs = "dbname='%s' host='' port='16666'" % dbName
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> for i in range(5):
... cur.execute('insert into a values(%i)' % i)
>>> conn.commit()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

Another dump.

>>> dumpB = os.path.join(tmp, 'b.sql')
>>> srv.dump(dbName, dumpB)

We restore dumpA and the table is emtpy.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, dumpA)

>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> cur.execute('select count(*) from a')
>>> cur.fetchone()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

Now restore dumpB and we have our 5 rows back.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, dumpB)

>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> cur.execute('select count(*) from a')
>>> cur.fetchone()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

If we try to restore a none existing file we gat a ValueError.

>>> srv.restore(dbName, 'asdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: No such file '.../asdf'

>>> srv.stop()

PGDB Scripts

We can generate a control script for use as commandline script.

The simplest script is just to define a server.

>>> dbDir2 = os.path.join(tmp, 'db2')
>>> main = pgsql.PGDBScript(dbDir2, port=16666, pgConfig=pgConfig)
>>> main.start()
>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['postgres', 'template0', 'template1']
>>> main.stop()

We can also define a database to be created upon startup.

>>> main = pgsql.PGDBScript(dbDir2,
... pgConfig=pgConfig,
... dbName='hoschi', port=16666)
>>> main.start()
>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['hoschi', 'postgres', 'template0', 'template1']
>>> main.stop()

The database is created only one time.

>>> main.start()
>>> main.stop()

And also scripts to be executed.

>>> main = pgsql.PGDBScript(dbDir2, dbName='hoschi2',
... pgConfig=pgConfig,
... scripts=[script], port=16666)
>>> main.start()

Note that we used the same directory here so the other db is still there.

>>> sorted(main.srv.listDatabases())
['hoschi', 'hoschi2', 'postgres', 'template0', 'template1']

We can run the scripts again. Note that scripts should always be
none-destructive. So if a schema update is due one just needs
to run all scripts again.

>>> main.runscripts()

>>> main.stop()

Finally do some cleanup::

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(tmp)


Let's create a layer::

>>> layer = pgsql.PGDatabaseLayer('testing', pgConfig=pgConfig)

We can get the store uri.

>>> layer.storeURI()

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

The second time the server ist started it takes the snapshot.

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

If we try to run setup twice or the port is occupied, we get an error.

>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.setUp()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Port already listening: 15432
>>> layer.tearDown()

We can have appsetup definitions and sql scripts. There is also a
convinience class that let's us execute sql statements as setup.

>>> setup = pgsql.ExecuteSQL('create table testing (title varchar)')
>>> layer = pgsql.PGDatabaseLayer('testing', setup=setup, pgConfig=pgConfig)
>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()
>>> layer = pgsql.PGDatabaseLayer('testing', setup=setup, pgConfig=pgConfig)
>>> layer.setUp()
>>> layer.tearDown()

Also if the database name is different, the same snapshots can be used.

>>> layer2 = pgsql.PGDatabaseLayer('testing2', setup=setup, pgConfig=pgConfig)
>>> layer2.setUp()
>>> layer2.tearDown()

If we do not provide the snapsotIdent the ident is built by using the
dotted name of the setup callable and the hash of the arguments.

>>> layer.snapshotIdent

Let us provide an ident and scripts.

>>> layer = pgsql.PGDatabaseLayer('testing3', setup=setup,
... pgConfig=pgConfig,
... snapshotIdent='blah',
... scripts=['pg_config:share:system_views.sql'])
>>> layer.snapshotIdent
>>> layer.scripts

On setup the snapshot with the setup is created, therefore setup is
called with the server as argument.

>>> layer.setUp()

Upon testSetUp this snapshot is now restored.

>>> layer.testSetUp()

So now we should have the table there.

>>> cs = "dbname='testing3' host='' port='15432'"
>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> cur.execute('select * from testing')
>>> cur.fetchall()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

Let us add some data (we are now in a test):

>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> cur.execute("insert into testing values('hoschi')")
>>> conn.commit()

>>> cur.execute('select * from testing')
>>> cur.fetchall()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

>>> layer.testTearDown()

Now the next test comes.

>>> layer.testSetUp()

Make sure we can abort a transaction. The storm synch needs to be
removed at this time.

>>> import transaction
>>> transaction.abort()

And the data is gone but the table is still there.

>>> conn = psycopg2.connect(cs)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()

>>> cur.execute('select * from testing')
>>> cur.fetchall()

>>> cur.close()
>>> conn.close()

>>> layer.tearDown()

MongoDB test layer - single server setup

.. note::

To run this test::

bin/buildout install mongodb mongodb-test
bin/test-mongodb --test=mongodb_single


| For information about MongoDB see:

The ``MongoLayer`` starts and stops a single MongoDB instance.

Single server

Warming up
We create a new MongoDB layer::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import mongodb
>>> mongo = mongodb.MongoLayer('mongodb.single', mongod_bin = project_path('bin', 'mongod'))
>>> mongo.storage_port

So let's bootstrap the server::

>>> mongo.setUp()

Pre flight checks
Now the MongoDB server is up and running. We test this by connecting
to the storage port via telnet::

>>> import telnetlib
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', mongo.storage_port)
>>> tn.close()

Getting real

Connect to it using a real MongoDB client::

>>> from pymongo import Connection
>>> mongo_conn = Connection('localhost:37017', safe=True)
>>> mongo_db = mongo_conn['foo-db']

Insert some data::

>>> document_id = mongo_db.foobar.insert({'hello': 'world'})
>>> document_id

And query it::

>>> document = mongo_db.foobar.find_one(document_id)
>>> document
{u'_id': ObjectId('...'), u'hello': u'world'}

Another query::

>>> mongo_db.foobar.find({'hello': 'world'})[0] == document

Clean up


>>> mongo_conn.drop_database('foo-db')
>>> mongo_conn.disconnect()
>>> del mongo_conn
>>> del mongo_db


The connection is refused after teardown::

>>> mongo.tearDown()

>>> telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', mongo.storage_port)
Traceback (most recent call last):
error:...Connection refused

MongoDB test layer - master/slave setup

.. note::

To run this test::

bin/buildout install mongodb mongodb-test
bin/test-mongodb --test=mongodb_masterslave


| For information about MongoDB see:

The ``MongoMasterSlaveLayer`` starts and stops multiple MongoDB
instances and configures a master-slave connection between them.


Warming up

We create a new MongoDB layer::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import mongodb
>>> masterslave = mongodb.MongoMasterSlaveLayer('mongodb.masterslave', mongod_bin = project_path('bin', 'mongod'))
>>> masterslave.storage_ports
[37020, 37021, 37022]

So let's bootstrap the servers::

>>> from zope.testrunner.runner import gather_layers
>>> layers = []
>>> gather_layers(masterslave, layers)
>>> for layer in layers:
... layer.setUp()

Getting real

Connect to it using a real MongoDB client::

>>> from pymongo import Connection, ReadPreference
>>> from pymongo.master_slave_connection import MasterSlaveConnection
>>> mongo_conn = MasterSlaveConnection(
... Connection('localhost:37020', safe=True, w=3),
... [
... Connection('localhost:37021', read_preference = ReadPreference.SECONDARY),
... Connection('localhost:37022', read_preference = ReadPreference.SECONDARY),
... ]
... )
>>> mongo_db = mongo_conn['bar-db']

Query operation counters upfront to compare them later::

>>> opcounters_before = masterslave.get_opcounters()['custom']

Insert some data::

>>> document_id = mongo_db.foobar.insert({'hello': 'world'})
>>> document_id

And query it::

>>> document = mongo_db.foobar.find_one(document_id)
>>> document
{u'_id': ObjectId('...'), u'hello': u'world'}

Prove that the ``write`` operation was dispatched to the ``PRIMARY``,
while the ``read`` operation was dispatched to any ``SECONDARY``::

>>> opcounters_after = masterslave.get_opcounters()['custom']

>>> opcounters_after['primary.insert'] == opcounters_before['primary.insert'] + 1

>>> assert \
... opcounters_after['secondary.query'] == opcounters_before['secondary.query'] + 1, \
... "ERROR: expected 'after == before + 1', but got 'after=%s, before=%s'" % \
... (opcounters_after['secondary.query'], opcounters_before['secondary.query'])

Clean up


>>> mongo_conn.drop_database('bar-db')
>>> mongo_conn.disconnect()
>>> del mongo_conn
>>> del mongo_db


Connections are refused after teardown::

>>> for layer in layers:
... layer.tearDown()

>>> def check_down(*ports):
... for port in ports:
... try:
... tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', port)
... tn.close()
... except:
... yield True

>>> all(check_down(masterslave.storage_ports))

MongoDB test layer - replica set setup

.. note::

To run this test::

bin/buildout install mongodb mongodb-test
bin/test-mongodb --test=mongodb_replicaset


| For information about MongoDB see:

The ``MongoReplicaSetLayer`` starts and stops multiple
MongoDB instances and configures a replica set on top of them.

Replica Set

.. ifconfig:: False
>>> from time import sleep

Warming up

We create a new MongoDB layer::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import mongodb
>>> replicaset = mongodb.MongoReplicaSetLayer('mongodb.replicaset', mongod_bin = project_path('bin', 'mongod'))
>>> #replicaset = mongodb.MongoReplicaSetLayer('mongodb.replicaset', mongod_bin = project_path('bin', 'mongod'), cleanup = False)
>>> replicaset.storage_ports
[37030, 37031, 37032]

So let's bootstrap the servers::

>>> from zope.testrunner.runner import gather_layers
>>> layers = []
>>> gather_layers(replicaset, layers)
>>> for layer in layers:
... layer.setUp()

And check if the replica set got initiated properly::

>>> from pymongo import Connection
>>> mongo_conn = Connection('localhost:37030', safe=True)

>>> mongo_conn.admin.command('replSetGetStatus').get('set')


>>> mongo_conn.disconnect()
>>> del mongo_conn

Getting real

Connect to it using a real MongoDB client::

>>> from pymongo import ReplicaSetConnection, ReadPreference
>>> mongo_uri = 'mongodb://localhost:37030,localhost:37031,localhost:37032/?replicaSet=mongodb.replicaset'
>>> mongo_conn = ReplicaSetConnection(mongo_uri, read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY, safe=True, w="majority")
>>> mongo_db = mongo_conn['foobar-db']

Query operation counters upfront to compare them later::

>>> sleep(1)
>>> opcounters_before = replicaset.get_opcounters()['custom']

Insert some data::

>>> document_id = mongo_db.foobar.insert({'hello': 'world'})
>>> document_id

And query it::

>>> document = mongo_db.foobar.find_one(document_id)
>>> document
{u'_id': ObjectId('...'), u'hello': u'world'}

Prove that the ``write`` operation was dispatched to the ``PRIMARY``,
while the ``read`` operation was dispatched to any ``SECONDARY``::

>>> sleep(1)
>>> opcounters_after = replicaset.get_opcounters()['custom']

>>> opcounters_after['primary.insert'] == opcounters_before['primary.insert'] + 1

>>> assert \
... opcounters_after['secondary.query'] == opcounters_before['secondary.query'] + 1, \
... "ERROR: expected 'after == before + 1', but got 'after=%s, before=%s'" % \
... (opcounters_after['secondary.query'], opcounters_before['secondary.query'])

Clean up


>>> mongo_conn.drop_database('foobar-db')
>>> mongo_conn.disconnect()
>>> del mongo_conn
>>> del mongo_db


Connections are refused after teardown::

>>> for layer in layers:
... layer.tearDown()

>>> def check_down(*ports):
... for port in ports:
... try:
... tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', port)
... tn.close()
... except:
... yield True

>>> all(check_down(replicaset.storage_ports))

ApacheDS test layer

.. note::

To run this test::

bin/buildout install apacheds-test
bin/test-apacheds --test=apacheds


| For information about ApacheDS see:

The ``ApacheDSLayer`` starts and stops a single ApacheDS instance.

Go to

Single server

Warming up
We create a new ApacheDS layer::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import apacheds

# Initialize layer object
>>> server = apacheds.ApacheDSLayer('apacheds', port=10389)

>>> server.port

So let's bootstrap the server::

>>> server.setUp()

Pre flight checks
Now the OpenLDAP server is up and running. We test this by connecting
to the storage port via telnet::

>>> import telnetlib
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', server.port)
>>> tn.close()

Getting real

Connect to it using a real OpenLDAP client::

>>> import ldap
>>> client = ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:10389')
>>> client.simple_bind_s('uid=admin,ou=system', 'secret')
(97, [], 1, [])

An empty DIT is - empty::

>>> client.search_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(cn=Hotzenplotz*)', ['cn','mail'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NO_SUCH_OBJECT: {'info': "NO_SUCH_OBJECT: failed for MessageType : SEARCH_REQUEST...

Insert some data::

Create DIT context for suffix
>>> record = [('objectclass', ['dcObject', 'organization']), ('o', 'Test Organization'), ('dc', 'test')]
>>> client.add_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

Create container for users
>>> record = [('objectclass', ['top', 'organizationalUnit']), ('ou', 'users')]
>>> client.add_s('ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

Create single user
>>> record = [
... ('objectclass', ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson']),
... ('cn', 'User 1'), ('sn', 'User 1'), ('uid', ''),
... ('userPassword', '{SSHA}DnIz/2LWS6okrGYamkg3/R4smMu+h2gM')
... ]
>>> client.add_s('cn=User 1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

And query it::

>>> response = client.search_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(', ['cn', 'uid'])
>>> response[0][0]
'cn=User 1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com'

>>> response[0][1]['uid']

>>> response[0][1]['cn']
['User 1']

Clean up


The connection is refused after teardown::

>>> server.tearDown()

>>> telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', server.port)
Traceback (most recent call last):
error:...Connection refused

OpenLDAP test layer

.. note::

To run this test::

bin/buildout install openldap-test
bin/test-openldap --test=openldap


| For information about OpenLDAP see:

The ``OpenLDAPLayer`` starts and stops a single OpenLDAP instance.

Debian Linux::

aptitude install slapd

CentOS Linux::

yum install openldap-servers

Mac OS X, Macports::

sudo port install openldap

Single server

Warming up
We create a new OpenLDAP layer::

>>> from lovely.testlayers import openldap

# Initialize layer object
>>> server = openldap.OpenLDAPLayer('openldap', port=3389)

# Add essential schemas
>>> server.add_schema('core.schema')
>>> server.add_schema('cosine.schema')
>>> server.add_schema('inetorgperson.schema')

>>> server.port

So let's bootstrap the server::

>>> server.setUp()

Pre flight checks
Now the OpenLDAP server is up and running. We test this by connecting
to the storage port via telnet::

>>> import telnetlib
>>> tn = telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', server.port)
>>> tn.close()

Getting real

Connect to it using a real OpenLDAP client::

>>> import ldap
>>> client = ldap.initialize('ldap://localhost:3389')
>>> client.simple_bind_s('cn=admin,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
(97, [], 1, [])

An empty DIT is - empty::

>>> client.search_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(cn=Hotzenplotz*)', ['cn','mail'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NO_SUCH_OBJECT: {'desc': 'No such object'}

Insert some data::

Create DIT context for suffix
>>> record = [('objectclass', ['dcObject', 'organization']), ('o', 'Test Organization'), ('dc', 'test')]
>>> client.add_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

Create container for users
>>> record = [('objectclass', ['top', 'organizationalUnit']), ('ou', 'users')]
>>> client.add_s('ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

Create single user
>>> record = [
... ('objectclass', ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson']),
... ('cn', 'User 1'), ('sn', 'User 1'), ('uid', ''),
... ('userPassword', '{SSHA}DnIz/2LWS6okrGYamkg3/R4smMu+h2gM')
... ]
>>> client.add_s('cn=User 1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', record)
(105, [])

And query it::

>>> client.search_s('dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(', ['cn', 'uid'])
[('cn=User 1,ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com', {'cn': ['User 1'], 'uid': ['']})]

Clean up


The connection is refused after teardown::

>>> server.tearDown()

>>> telnetlib.Telnet('localhost', server.port)
Traceback (most recent call last):
error:...Connection refused

Change History


2016/09/12 0.7.1

- Rename DEVELOP.txt into TESTS.rst to improve rendering on GitHub
- Update README.rst
- Python 2.6 / Java 1.8 compatibility for LDAP tests

2016/09/07 0.7.0

- Refactor generic functionality from MongoLayer into WorkspaceLayer
- Add server layers for OpenLDAP and ApacheDS LDAP servers

2015/06/02 0.6.3

- call isUp with host localhost on setUp method of basesql layer

2015/03/13 0.6.2

- fix: on SIGINT try to stop nginx silently

- use only ascii characters in mongodb_* documents

2015/03/12 0.6.1

- added SIGINT handling to nginx layer (KeyboardInterrupt)

2013/09/06 0.6.0

- ServerLayer: is now compatible with python 3.3

2013/07/01 0.5.3

- ServerLayer: reopen logfile in start instead of setUp

2013/07/01 0.5.2

- ServerLayer: generate logfiles with correct file extension

2013/07/01 0.5.1

- It's possible to specify logging of the ServerLayer

- included memcached in buildout

- use openresty instead of nginx

- nailed versions of dependencies

2013/06/19 0.5.0

- Add MongoLayer

2013/04/03 0.4.3

- SMTPServerLayer's is now None before calling setUp()

- add additional tests for SMTPServerLayer

2013/04/03 0.4.2

- add missing __name__ to SMTPServerLayer

2013/04/03 0.4.1

- add missing __bases__ to SMTPServerLayer

2013/04/03 0.4.0

- added SMTPServerLayer

- updated and nginx/psql download location

2012/11/23 0.3.5

- ServerLayer: add args for subprocess open

2012/11/12 0.3.4

- set to zip_safe = False

2012/11/12 0.3.3

- release without changes due to wrong distribution of previous version

2011/12/06 0.3.2

- fixed #1 an endless loop in server layer

2011/11/29 0.3.1

- added missing README to distro

2011/11/29 0.3.0

- allow to set a snapshot directory in workdirectory-layer - this
allows for generating non-temporary snapshots.

- moved wait implementation for server start in server-layer into
start, this is usefull when calling start and stop in tests, but
might introduce incompatibilities when subclassed.

- moved to github

- postgresql 8.4 compat

2011/05/18 0.2.3

- also dump routines for mysql

2011/05/11 0.2.2

- try to run commands from the scripts dir (mysql 5.5)

2011/05/10 0.2.1

- fixed the mysqld_path to work with newer mysql version

2011/01/07 0.2.0

- fixed an UnboundLocalError in server layer

- do not use shell option in server layer command and sanitize the
command options.

- reduced start/stop wait times in mysql layer

- use modification times in layer sql script change checking
additionally to the paths. this way the test dump is only used if
the sql scripts have not been modified since the last test run.

- stop sql servers when runscripts fails in layer setup because
otherwise the server still runs after the testrunner exited.

- allow to define a defaults file in mysql layer

- fixed cassandra layer download url

- removed dependency to ``zc.buildout`` which is now in an extra
called ``cassandra`` because it is only needed for downloading

- removed dependency to ``zope.testing``

- removed dependency to ``transaction``

- do not pipe stderr in base server layer to prevent overflow because
it never gets read

2010/10/22 0.1.2

- look form mysqld in relative libexec dir in mysql layer

2010/10/22 0.1.1

- allow setting the mysql_bin_dir in layer and server

2010/07/14 0.1.0

- fix wait interval in isUp check in server layer

- use hashlib instead of sha, to avoid deprecation warnings. Only
works with python >= 2.5

2010/03/08 0.1.0a7

- made mysql layer aware to handle multiple instances of mysqld in parallel

2010/02/03 0.1.0a6

- added additional argument to set nginx configuration file. usefull if
desired config is not located under given prefix

2009/12/09 0.1.0a5

- factored out the server part of the memcached layer, this could now
be used for any server implementations, see ```` as an
example how to use it.

2009/11/02 0.1.0a4

- raising a proper exception if mysqld was not found (fixes #3)

- moved dependency for 'transaction' to extras[pgsql] (fixes #2)

- fixed wrong path for dump databases in layer. (fixes #1)

2009/10/30 0.1.0a3

- the postgres and mysql client libs are now only defined as extra
dependencies, so installation of this package is also possible
without having those libs available

- added nginx layer see nginx.txt

2009/10/29 0.1.0a2

- added coverage

- added MySQLDatabaseLayer

- added mysql server

- added PGDatabaseLayer

- added pgsql server

2009/10/14 0.1.0a1

- initial release

Project details

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Source Distribution

lovely.testlayers-0.7.1.tar.gz (63.8 kB view hashes)

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