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Locales for PloneMeeting

Project description


These are the locales for Products.PloneMeeting


4.2b11 (2021-09-28)

  • Completed french translation for transition_event_history_aware. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for users_in_suffixed_group used in MeetingConfig.listSelectableAdvisers to display number of users in advisers Plone group. [gbastien]

  • Fixed typo in french translation of PloneMeeting_label_selectableAdviserUsers. [gbastien]

  • Completed mail notifications translations item_state_changed_default_mail_subject and item_state_changed_default_mail_body to include transition infos (title, actor, comments) now that it is available in received translationMapping. [gbastien]

  • Added translation ckeditor_style_pm_anonymize. [gbastien]

4.2b10 (2021-09-09)

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.itemPreferredMeetingStates. [aduchene]

  • Added translations regarding the Ask advice to specific users functionnality. [gbastien]

  • Added translations regarding the Deadlines to validate items for a meeting functionnality. [gbastien]

  • Accurate french translations for item navigation widget Go to next/previous/… item. [gbastien]

  • Completed MeetingConfig.hideHistoryTo field description. [gbastien]

  • Adapted translation of field MeetingCategory.category_id from Category identifier to Category secondary identifier to avoid confusion with category identifier (id). [gbastien]

  • Added translations for new mail notification settings. [aduchene]

  • Completed translations of error messages returned by MeetingConfig.validate_itemWFValidationLevels. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.computeItemReferenceForItemsOutOfMeeting. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for error_some_values_are_not_integers validation error message. [gbastien]

4.2b9 (2021-07-16)

  • Added translations for Not completed votes and Completed votes. [gbastien]

  • Removed single quotes for meeting_state_changed_default_mail_body. [aduchene]

  • Added translations now that Preferred meeting date column is abbreviated. [gbastien]

  • Renamed msgid You cannot delete the default item template, but you can deactivate it if necessary! to You cannot delete or move the default item template, but you can deactivate it if necessary!. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for copy_groups_help_msg. [gbastien]

  • Adapted translations now that Meeting was moved from AT to DX. [gbastien]

  • Added translations regarding the Committees management. [gbastien]

  • Changed default translation for move_item_to_given_position. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for annexes faceted filter vocabulary. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for required_groupsInCharge_ko. [gbastien]

  • Include item_url in holidays_removed_date_in_use_error translation. [gbastien]

  • Added translation related to advice behavior that changed (delay no more reinitialized for a given advice). [gbastien]

  • Removed msgids beginning with list_type_ in the PloneMeeting domain, seem no more used. [gbastien]

  • Added translations related to Redefine attendee position on item. [gbastien]

  • Changed translation for no_shown_items from No visible item for now. to You do not have access to these items.. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for warning displayed on the meeting view when assembly/signatures are not correct. [gbastien]

  • More accurate translation for Meeting.meeting_number and Meeting.first_item_number description, explaining it is managed by the application. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for new static columns selectable in MeetingConfig.meetingColumns. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for not_confidential_annexes. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for Read more/Read less, removed useless translation This is an extract of the comment, access full comment if necessary…. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for marginal_notes_column. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for not_able_to_find_meeting_to_present_item_into. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for error_default_poll_type_must_be_among_used_poll_types, error_first_linked_vote_used_vote_values_must_be_among_used_vote_values and error_next_linked_votes_used_vote_values_must_be_among_used_vote_values. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for title_meetingmanagers_notes. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for MeetingConfig.enabledAnnexesBatchActions. [gbastien]

  • Adapted translations for MeetingConfig.includeGroupsInChargeDefinedOnProposingGroup and MeetingConfig.includeGroupsInChargeDefinedOnCategory fields description now that, when enabled, selected groupsInCharge will be stored on the item. [gbastien]

  • Completed french translation for the help message about copy groups on the item view. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.selectableRedefinedPositionTypes and directory.position_types invariant removed_redefined_position_type_in_use_error error message. [gbastien]

4.2b8 (2021-01-14)

  • Accurate french translation for Position type to use as label for the signature.. [gbastien]

4.2b7 (2021-01-06)

  • Added translations regarding being able to define a position_type while redefining a signatory on an item. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for warning message displayed when an item could not be presented using the @@present-several-items view. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for dashboard header title help messages. [gbastien]

4.2b6 (2020-12-08)

  • Reworked Return to proposing group related translations. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for DX quick edit related functionnality. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for votes functionnality. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for committeeObservations/votesObservations Meeting/MeetingItem fields. [gbastien]

  • Translate MeetingCategory in PloneMeeting domain. [gbastien]

  • Added translation for message displayed on over of redefined signatory on meeting or item. [gbastien]

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig field itemsVisibleFields, itemsNotViewableVisibleFields and itemsNotViewableVisibleFieldsTALExpr. [gbastien]

4.2b5 (2020-11-19)

  • Added translations for email notifications itemPresentedOwner, itemUnpresentedOwner, itemDelayedOwner and returnedToProposingGroupOwner. [gbastien]

4.2b4 (2020-10-26)

  • Better french translation for only_for_meeting_managers_descr.

  • Adapted translations regarding message displayed in Plone users and groups management as we greyed actions Remove user/Remove group.

  • Adapted french translation of meetingconfig_display_groups_and_users_descr.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.keepAccessToItemWhenAdvice related functionnality.

  • Added translation for Currently selected meeting config.

4.2b3 (2020-10-02)

  • Added translation for empty_annex_file_content.

  • Fixed french translations, replace translation donneur by émetteur everywhere.

  • Added translation for stored_single_item_template_as_annex.

  • Added translations for held_position.represented_organizations related functionnality.

  • Added translations for meeting attendees validation error message.

  • Added translations for waiting_advices item WF prettylink icon down/up WF.

  • Added translations for new fields MeetingItem.decisionEnd, MeetingItem.meetingManagersNotesSuite, MeetingItem.meetingManagersNotesEnd and MeetingItem.otherMeetingConfigsClonableToFieldDecisionEnd.

  • Added translations for waiting_advices complementary WFAdaptations.

4.2b2 (2020-09-10)

  • Added translation for To discuss? faceted filter.

  • Added translations for To top of the page and To bottom of the page.

4.2b1 (2020-08-24)

  • Added translation for has_required_waiting_advices.

  • Merged changes from 4.1.17

  • Removed translations for PloneMeeting_label_itemDecidedStates and PloneMeeting_label_itemDecidedStates as corresponding fields were removed from MeetingConfig.

4.2a5 (2020-06-24)

  • Merged changes from 4.1.8

  • Merged changes from 4.1.9

  • Merged changes from 4.1.10

  • Merged changes from 4.1.11

  • Merged changes from 4.1.12

  • Merged changes from 4.1.13

  • Merged changes from 4.1.14

  • Merged changes from 4.1.15

  • Merged changes from 4.1.16

4.1.17 (2020-08-21)

  • Added translation for Enabled?.

  • Added translation for warning message explaining why a MeetingConfig can not be disabled.

  • Added translation for Data that will be used on new item.

  • Renamed msgid PloneMeeting_label_categoryMappingsWhenCloningToOtherMC to PloneMeeting_label_category_mapping_when_cloning_to_other_mc.

  • Adapted MeetingItem.classifier related translations.

  • Shorter translation for Signature number in DataGridField, now default is Number.

  • Added translation for Items have been reordered.

  • Added translation for ckeditor_style_page_break.

  • Added translation for redirectToNextMeeting option.

  • Added translation for meetingconfig_display_groups_and_users_descr.

  • Removed translation for no_users_in_group that was moved to

  • Removed translation for View linked Plone groups that was moved to

  • Added translation for POD template to annex.

  • Adapted translations for MeetingConfig.meetingItemTemplatesToStoreAsAnnex.

  • Reworked email notifications subject to always have relevant information at the beginning of the subject in case item title is very long.

  • Rationalized every field descr using translation only editable/vieable by MeetingManagers and only editable by MeetingManagers but viewable by everyone.

  • Added more accurate translation for warning_adding_org_outside_own_org.

4.1.16 (2020-06-24)

  • Added translation for directory.position_types validator.

4.1.15 (2020-06-11)

  • Added translation for “wf_transition_triggered_by_application” msgid in imio.history domain.

4.1.14 (2020-05-26)

  • Added translations for “Empty item is also created from an item template” functionnality.

  • Added translations for “Avoid multiple clicks when creating new item by disabling the icon” functionnality.

4.1.13 (2020-05-08)

  • Simplified translation “Disabled (greyed) annexes will not be kept on the new duplicated item.”.

  • Added translation for “Show available items to application users” functionnality.

  • The msgid “Preview detailled advice” was renamed to “Preview detailed advice”.

  • Added translations for email notifications “itemPostponedNextMeeting” and “adviceEditedOwner”.

4.1.12 (2020-04-30)

  • Added back french translation for “Duplicate and keep link” in plone.po.

  • Completed translation “Disabled (greyed) annexes will not be kept on the new duplicated item.”.

4.1.11 (2020-04-29)

  • Simplified french translation “${number_of_annexes} annexe(s) a(ont) été stockée(s).” to “${number_of_annexes} annexes ont été stockées.”.

  • Added translations for the ‘Duplicate item with options’ functionnality.

4.1.10 (2020-04-20)

  • Added translations for copyGroups faceted filter related functionnality.

4.1.9 (2020-04-06)

  • Added translations for MeetingItem.decisionSuite field.

4.1.8 (2020-04-02)

  • Added translations for improved edition functionality.

  • Added translations for the ‘Non attendee’ functionnality.

  • Added translations for ‘MeetingConfig.removeAnnexesPreviewsOnMeetingClosure’ related functionnality.

  • Added translation for ‘wa_meetingmanager_correct_closed_meeting’ and removed translations for ‘MeetingConfig.meetingManagerMayCorrectClosedMeeting’.

4.2a4 (2020-03-13)

  • Merged changes from 4.1.7

4.2a3 (2020-02-21)

  • Merged changes from 4.1.6

4.2a2 (2020-02-21)

  • Merged changes from 4.1.5

4.2a1 (2020-02-06)

  • Adapted translations for mail notification (now that item validation roles are removed, MeetingMember does not exist anymore for example).

  • Added translations for default item WF validation levels defined in MeetingConfig.itemWFValidationLevels.

  • Added translation for MeetingItem.validate_groupsInCharge error message.

4.1.7 (2020-03-12)

  • Added translation for person.firstname_abbreviated field.

  • Added translations for MeetingItem.meetingManagersNotes field.

  • Added translation for “Item is signed?” faceted filter.

4.1.6 (2020-02-21)

  • Adapted translation of history message when item was created from item template that includes now the original item template path and title.

4.1.5 (2020-02-18)

  • Added translation for ‘Temporary QR code!’.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.annexRestrictShownAndEditableAttributes related functionnality.

  • Added translations for Meeting.convocationDate.

4.1.4 (2020-01-10)

  • Added translation for MeetingItem.validate_groupsInCharge error message.

  • Adapted translation of ‘searchallmeetings’ and added translation for ‘searchnotdecidedmeetings’.

  • Simplified french translation for MeetingItem.manuallyLinkedItems description.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.includeGroupsInChargeDefinedOnProposingGroup and MeetingConfig.includeGroupsInChargeDefinedOnCategory.

4.1.3 (2019-11-19)

  • Fixed typo in ‘manually_linked_items_descr’ french translation.

4.1.2 (2019-11-04)

  • Added translation for portal_message warning when a ftw.labels label can not be removed because used by an item.

  • Adapted translation of ‘Holidays warning’ collective.messagesviewlet message to be less panicking.

4.1.1 (2019-10-14)

  • Adapted translation of field IPMHeldPosition.secondary_position_type so it is clear that it is not an additional held_position.

4.1 (2019-10-04)

  • Added missing translation for ‘backTo_returned_to_proposing_group_from_returned_to_proposing_group_prevalidated’.

  • Replaced translations containing strings between quotes (’) by strings between double quotes (“).

  • Added translation for ‘can_not_select_optional_adviser_same_group_as_inherited’.

  • Removed empty translation file ‘’ and associated .po files.

4.1rc6 (2019-09-23)

  • Added translations for held_position.secondary_position_type field.

  • Added translations for new inserting methods ‘on_item_title’, ‘on_item_decision_first_words’ and ‘on_item_creator’.

4.1rc5 (2019-09-12)

  • Added translations for new advice types “cautious” and “positive_with_comments”.

  • Adapted translation for “Taken over by” faceted filter title.

  • Adapted translations of MeetingConfig.onMeetingTransitionItemTransitionToTrigger that was moved to MeetingConfig.onMeetingTransitionItemActionToExecute.

4.1rc4 (2019-08-13)

  • Added translations for ‘Groups in charge’ and ‘Acronym of groups in charge’ dashboard columns.

  • Moved translations from to PloneMeeting domain, only use to override existing translations.

  • Adapted translation of held_position.position_type description so link displayed to edit contacts directory works while adding/editing a held_position.

  • Added translations for “Associated groups” dashboard column and faceted filter.

  • Added translations for “items to follow” faceted search.

  • Changed translation of “Group in charge” eea faceted filter for “Groups in charge”.

4.1rc3 (2019-07-19)

  • Added an empty translation for MeetingItem.groupsInCharge field description.

4.1rc2 (2019-07-01)

  • Added translation for IPMHeldPosition.position description.

  • Added translations for new inserting method ‘on_all_associated_groups’ and related changes (MeetingConfig.orderedAssociatedOrganizations).

  • Added translations for MeetingItem.groupsInCharge and MeetingConfig.orderedGroupsInCharge fields and functionnalities.

  • Use same ${item_url} for messages can_not_delete_organization_meetingitem and can_not_delete_organization_config_meetingitem.

4.1rc1 (2019-06-11)

  • Adapted translations for MeetingConfig.defaultAdviceHiddenDuringRedaction label.

4.1b13 (2019-05-17)

  • Changed translation for header_getItemNumber from empty space to non-breaking spaces.

  • Added translation for “Edit contacts”.

  • Added translation for contact usage “asker”, removed some useless MeetingUsers translations.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.orderedItemInitiators field and completed assembly/attendees related translations.

  • Added translation for error message when mailing lists wrongly defined on POD template.

  • Added translations for ‘Reinitialize advice delay’ action.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig ‘Update items and meetings’ action.

  • Added translations for ToolPloneMeeting ‘Invalidate all cache’ action.

  • Added translations for ‘Update local roles’ batch action.

  • Added translations for ‘Unread’ ftw.labels related functionnality.

  • Added translations for action ‘Initialize personal label on existing items’.

  • Added translations for person.userid field.

  • Adapted translation for MeetingConfig.customAdvisers ‘gives_auto_advice_on’ column.

  • Added translations for ‘ToolPloneMeeting.enableScanDocs’ field.

  • Added translations regarding ‘MeetingConfig.powerObservers’ functionnality.

  • Removed translations related to ToolPloneMeeting removed fields ‘extractTextFromFiles’, ‘availableOcrLanguages’, ‘defaultOcrLanguage’ and ‘enableUserPreferences’

  • Adapted translation for POD template mailing_list description to explain use of ‘group:’ in recipients

  • Added translation for ‘can_not_delete_meetingcategory_other_category_mapping’

  • Review message used as ‘title’ on a HTML tag to always use same format (especially no ‘.’ at the end)

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.meetingPresentItemWhenNoCurrentMeetingStates related functionnality.

  • Changed translation for users who recive mail when item is delayed or an advice was given

  • Put the status before the title in the email topics

  • Added missing transaltions (restrict_access_to_secret_items_to_descr, PloneMeeting_label_restrictAccessToSecretItemsTo)

4.1b12 (2019-01-31)

  • Added translation for datagridfield column ToolPloneMeeting.configGroups.full_label.

  • Added translation for @@reorder-items action.

  • Added translations for integration of collective.quickupload to upload several annexes at the same time.

  • Override held_position.label field description.

  • Added translations for “held_position used by” viewlet.

  • Translate held_position.position_type field description.

  • Translate deactivated WF state id so it is translated in the review_state z3ctable column.

4.1b11 (2019-01-14)

  • Accurate translation when a user is adding an organization outside ‘My organization’.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.usingGroup related functionnality.

  • Added translations for MeetingItem.textCheckList related functionnality.

  • Removed translations for MeetingConfig.defaultMeetingItemMotivation as field was removed.

  • Added translations for new columns selectable in the MeetingConfig.meetingColumns.

  • Removed useless msgids eventOccurred_mail_subject and eventOccurred_mail_body

  • Added translations for ‘Ordered groups’ and ‘Ordered categories’

4.1b10 (2018-12-04)

  • Added missing contacts new fields translations.

4.1b9 (2018-11-20)

  • Added ‘Style templates’ label translation.

  • Added translations for column held_position added to organization.certified_signatures and MeetingConfig.certifiedSignatures datagrid fields.

  • Added translations regarding being able to manage excused by item.

  • Added translations about item guests.

4.1b8 (2018-08-31)

  • Added translations regarding integration.

  • Removed a lot of useless translations.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig before delete exceptions.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.groupsHiddenInDashboardFilter.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.inheritedAdviceRemoveableByAdviser and advice inheritance removal related functionnality.

  • Use shorter msgids for “advice hidden during redaction” and “advice considered not given” sentences

  • Added translation for item advice addable states displayed in “?” of advice popup

  • Added translations for new field MeetingConfig.usersHiddenInDashboardFilter

4.1b7 (2018-05-04)

  • Added translation for field index ‘getProposingGroup’. Translations of PM related indexes are now translated in the PloneMeeting domain.

  • Added translations for MeetingConfig.hideHistoryTo.

  • Added translations regarding WFAdaptations ‘accepted_out_of_meeting’.

  • Added translations for new field MeetingConfig.contentsKeptOnSentToOtherMC and related.

4.1b6 (2018-03-19)

  • Added translations for WFA ‘wa_presented_item_back_to_itemcreated’, ‘wa_presented_item_back_to_prevalidated’ and ‘wa_presented_item_back_to_itemcreated’.

4.1b5 (2018-02-23)

  • Added translation for ‘Review state (title)’ dashboard column.

  • Added translation for ‘transition_event’.

  • Added translations for ‘MeetingConfig.itemFieldsToKeepConfigSortingFor’.

  • Added translations for new CKeditor styles ‘highlight-blue’ and ‘highlight-green’.

4.1b4 (2018-01-31)

  • Added translations for ‘Labels’ faceted filter.

  • Moved ‘budget_infos_column’ and ‘item_reference_column’ msgids from ‘PloneMeeting’ domain to ‘collective.eeafaceted.z3ctable’ domain

4.1b3 (2018-01-23)

  • Added translations for ‘copyGroups’ mail notification.

  • Normalized backTo state translations.

4.1b2 (2017-12-07)

  • Added translations for ‘refused’ WFAdaptation.

  • Added translations for ‘Has annexes to sign?’ faceted filter [gbastien]

4.1b1 (2017-12-01)

  • Updated translations. [gbastien]

4.0 (2017-08-04)

  • Updated translations

3.3 (2015-02-27)

  • Added new strings for localizations and Updated Spanish translations [lcaballero, macagua]

  • Updated README files [lcaballero, macagua]

  • Added more strings classifiers and metadata items for package [lcaballero, macagua]

  • Updated regarding changes in PloneMeeting 3.3 [gbastien]

3.2.0 (2014-02-12)

  • Updated translations

3.1.0 (2013-11-04)

  • Updated translations

3.0.3 (2013-08-19)

  • Updated translations

3.0.2 (2013-06-21)

  • Updated translations

3.0.1 (2013-06-07)

  • Updated translations

0.1 2013-03-01

  • Initial release

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