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Command-line tool for Home Assistant.

Project description

Home Assistant Command-line Interface (hass-cli)

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The Home Assistant Command-line interface (hass-cli) allows one to work with a local or a remote Home Assistant instance directly from the command-line.

hass-cli screencast

Note: This is still in alpha and under heavy development. Name and structure of commands are expected to still change.


To use latest release:

$ pip install homeassistant-cli

To use latest pre-release from dev branch:

$ pip install git+

To use homebrew on Mac OSX:

$ brew install homeassistant-cli


If you do not have a Python setup you can try use hass-cli via a container using Docker.

$ docker run homeassistant/home-assistant-cli

To make auto-completion and access environment work like other scripts you’ll need to create a script file to execute.

$ curl > hass-cli
$ chmod +x hass-cli

Now put the hass-cli script into your path and you can use it like if you had installed it via command line as long as you don’t need file system access (like for hass-cli template).


To get started you’ll need to have or generate a long lasting token format on your Home Assistant profile page (i.e. https://localhost:8123/profile).

Then you can use --server and --token paremeter on each call or as is recommended setup HASS_SERVER and HASS_TOKEN environment variables.

$ export HASS_SERVER=https://hassio.local:8123
$ export HASS_TOKEN=<secret>

Once that is enabled and you are using either zsh or bash run the following to enable autocompletion for hass-cli commands.

$  source <(hass-cli completion zsh)


Note: Below is listed some of the features, make sure to use --help and autocompletion to learn more of the features as they become available.

Most commands returns a table version of what the Home Assistant API returns. For example to get basic info about your Home Assistant server you use info:

$ hass-cli  info
  https://hassio.local:8123  Fort of Solitude False                 0.86.2

If you prefer yaml you can use --output=yaml:

$ hass-cli --output yaml info
  base_url: https://hassio.local:8123
  location_name: Wayne Manor
  requires_api_password: false
  version: 0.86.2

To get list of states you use state list:

$ hass-cli state list
ENTITY                                                     DESCRIPTION                                     STATE                                                School                                          zoning
zone.home                                                  Andersens                                       zoning
sun.sun                                                    Sun                                             below_horizon
camera.babymonitor                                         babymonitor                                     idle
timer.timer_office_lights                                                                                  idle
timer.timer_small_bathroom                                                                                 idle
group.kitchen_lights                                       Kitchen Lights                                  off
binary_sensor.presence_basement_combined                   Basement Motion Anywhere                        off
sensor.yr_symbol                                           yr Symbol                                       4
group.basement_lights                                      Basement Lights                                 unknown
sensor.packages_delivered                                  Packages Delivered                              1
sensor.packages_in_transit                                 Packages In Transit                             1
sensor.ring_front_door_last_ding                           Front Door Last Ding                            14:08
sensor.ring_front_door_battery                             Front Door Battery                              52

You can use --no-headers to suppress the header.

--table-format let you select which table format you want. Default is simple but you can use any of the formats supported by plain, simple, github, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl, rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_raw, latex_booktabs or tsv

Finally, you can also via --columns control which data you want shown. Each column has a name and a jsonpath. The default setup for entities are:


If you for example just wanted the name and all attributes you could do:

$ hass-cli --columns=ENTITY="entity_id,ATTRIBUTES=attributes[*]" state list zone
ENTITY             ATTRIBUTES        {'friendly_name': 'School', 'hidden': True, 'icon': 'mdi:school', 'latitude': 7.011023, 'longitude': 16.858151, 'radius': 50.0}
zone.unnamed_zone  {'friendly_name': 'Unnamed zone', 'hidden': True, 'icon': 'mdi:home', 'latitude': 37.006476, 'longitude': 2.861699, 'radius': 50.0}
zone.home          {'friendly_name': 'Andersens', 'hidden': True, 'icon': 'mdi:home', 'latitude': 27.006476, 'longitude': 7.861699, 'radius': 100}

You can get more details about a state by using yaml or json output format. In this example we use the shorthand of output: -o:

$ hass-cli -o yaml state get light.guestroom_light                                                                                                                                                                       
  friendly_name: Guestroom Light
  supported_features: 61
  id: 84d52fe306ec4895948b546b492702a4
  user_id: null
entity_id: light.guestroom_light
last_changed: '2018-12-10T18:33:51.883238+00:00'
last_updated: '2018-12-10T18:33:51.883238+00:00'
state: 'off'

You can edit state via an editor:

$ hass-cli state edit light.guestroom_light

This will open the current state in your favorite editor and any changes you save will be used for an update.

You can also explicitly create/edit via the --json flag:

$ hass-cli state edit sensor.test --json='{ "state":"off"}'

List possible services with or without a regular expression filter:

$ hass-cli service list 'home.*toggle'
  homeassistant  toggle     Generic service to toggle devices on/off...

For more details the YAML format is useful:

$ hass-cli -o yaml service list homeassistant.toggle
      description: Generic service to toggle devices on/off under any domain. Same
        usage as the light.turn_on, switch.turn_on, etc. services.
          description: The entity_id of the device to toggle on/off.
          example: light.living_room

You can get history about one or more entities, here getting state changes for the last 50 minutes:

$ hass-cli state history --since 50m light.kitchen_light_1 binary_sensor.presence_kitchen
  ENTITY                          DESCRIPTION      STATE    CHANGED
  binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   off      2019-01-27T23:19:55.322474+00:00
  binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   on       2019-01-27T23:21:44.015071+00:00
  binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   off      2019-01-27T23:22:02.330566+00:00
  light.kitchen_light_1           Kitchen Light 1  on       2019-01-27T23:19:55.322474+00:00
  light.kitchen_light_1           Kitchen Light 1  off      2019-01-27T23:36:45.254266+00:00

The data is sorted by default as Home Assistant returns it, thus for history it is useful to sort by a property:

$ hass-cli --sort-by last_changed state history --since 50m  light.kitchen_light_1 binary_sensor.presence_kitchen
ENTITY                          DESCRIPTION      STATE    CHANGED
binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   off      2019-01-27T23:18:00.717611+00:00
light.kitchen_light_1           Kitchen Light 1  on       2019-01-27T23:18:00.717611+00:00
binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   on       2019-01-27T23:18:12.135015+00:00
binary_sensor.presence_kitchen  Kitchen Motion   off      2019-01-27T23:18:30.417064+00:00
light.kitchen_light_1           Kitchen Light 1  off      2019-01-27T23:36:45.254266+00:00

Note: the –sort-by argument is referring to the attribute in the underlying json/yaml NOT the column name. The advantage for this is that it can be used for sorting on any property even if not included in the default output.

Areas and Device Registry

Since v0.87 of Home Assistant there is a notion of Areas in the Device registry. hass-cli lets you list devices and areas and assign areas to devices.

Listing devices and areas works similar to list Entities.

$ hass-cli device list
ID                                NAME                           MODEL                            MANUFACTURER        AREA
a3852c3c3ebd47d3acac195478ca6f8b  Basement stairs motion         SML001                           Philips             c6c962b892064a218e968fcaee7950c8
880a944e74db4bb48ea3db6dd24af357  Basement Light 2               TRADFRI bulb GU10 WS 400lm       IKEA of Sweden      c6c962b892064a218e968fcaee7950c8
657c3cc908594479aab819ff80d0c710  Office                         Hue white lamp                   Philips             None
ee62c3af815f4ec89994977a730782a0  Kids room main                 Hue color lamp                   Philips             69fdd00e91614957980a8dc1a7f0f68a
4637186392b84c1a843f64c810f04bbe  Dinner table 4                 Hue ambiance candle              Philips             81c28de473dd41a7846fc97fdcd3027b
90f8944476e544348e6691bc0d3cc855  Bedroom                        Play:1                           Sonos               None
e20132e0f90942298bdae2340e61c079  Kitchen Light 6                LCT003                           Philips             e6ebd3e6f6e04b63a0e4a109b4748584
9ea61cecaf8d4de08aa20306ec6bdd07  Winter Garden Light 3          LCT012                           Philips             9e08d89203804d5db995c3d0d5dbd91b
93cc3e42be224ef6b192ce203f6bf7fe  Dinner table 3                 Hue ambiance candle              Philips             81c28de473dd41a7846fc97fdcd3027b
ae8b84e99dbf4a9e94072a1588f29298  Kitchen Motion                 SML001                           Philips             e6ebd3e6f6e04b63a0e4a109b4748584

$ hass-cli area list
ID                                NAME
295afc88012341ecb897cd12d3fbc6b4  Bathroom
9e08d89203804d5db995c3d0d5dbd91b  Winter Garden
8816ee92b7b84f54bbb30a68b877e739  Office
e6ebd3e6f6e04b63a0e4a109b4748584  Kitchen
f7f5412a9f47436da669a537e0c0c10f  Livingroom
bc98c209249f452f8d074e8384780e15  Hallway
5f8de5b8cf264c17b10d21e741573713  Small Bathroom
c6c962b892064a218e968fcaee7950c8  Basement
efaa42ae0b7645aebfa51d8303c361c5  Loft
ea63e86747104abdb26f6d6ea9d2ddef  Old Shed
16bd0505030a430b91fcf331340090f8  Entrance
81c28de473dd41a7846fc97fdcd3027b  Dinner Table
69fdd00e91614957980a8dc1a7f0f68a  Kids room

You can create and delete areas:

$ hass-cli area delete "Old Shed"
-  id: 1
   type: result
   success: true
   result: success

$ hass-cli area create "New Shed"
-  id: 1
   type: result
   success: true
       area_id: cdd09a80f03a4cc59d2943053c0414c0
       name: New Shed

You can assign area to a specific device. Here the Kitchen area gets assigned to device named “Cupboard Light”.

$ hass-cli device assign Kitchen "Cupboard Light"

Besides assigning individual devices you can assign in bulk:

$ hass-cli device assign Kitchen --match "Kitchen Light"

The above line will assign Kitchen area to all devices with substring “Kitchen Light”.

You can also combine individual and matched devices in one line:

$ hass-cli device assign Kitchen --match "Kitchen Light" eab9930f8652408882cc8cb604651c60 Cupboard

Above will assign area named “Kitchen” to all devices having substring “Kitchen Light” and to specific area with id “eab9930…” or named “Cupboard”.


You can subscribe and watch all or a specific event type using event watch.

$ hass-cli event watch

This will watch for all event types, you can limit to a specific event type by specifying it as an argument:

$ hass-cli event watch deconz_event


You can call services:

$ hass-cli service call deconz.device_refresh

With arguments:

$ hass-cli service call homeassistant.toggle --arguments entity_id=light.office_light

Open a map for your Home Assistant location:

$ hass-cli map

Render templates server side:

$ hass-cli template motionlight.yaml.j2 motiondata.yaml

Render templates client (local) side:

$ hass-cli template --local lovelace-template.yaml


As described above you can use source <(hass-cli completion zsh) to quickly and easy enable auto completion. If you do it from your .bashrc or .zshrc it’s recommend to use the form below as that does not trigger a run of hass-cli itself.

For zsh:

eval "$(_HASS_CLI_COMPLETE=source_zsh hass-cli)"

For bash:

eval "$(_HASS_CLI_COMPLETE=source hass-cli)"

Once enabled there is autocompletion for commands and for certain attributes like entities:

$ hass-cli state get light.<TAB>                                                                                                                                                                      
light.kitchen_light_5          light.office_light             light.basement_light_4         light.basement_light_9         light.dinner_table_light_4     light.winter_garden_light_2    light.kitchen_light_2
light.kitchen_table_light_1    light.hallroom_light_2         light.basement_light_5         light.basement_light_10        light.dinner_table_wall_light  light.winter_garden_light_4    light.kitchen_table_light_2
light.kitchen_light_1          light.hallroom_light_1         light.basement_light_6         light.small_bathroom_light     light.dinner_table_light_5     light.winter_garden_light_3    light.kitchen_light_4
light.kitchen_light_6          light.basement_light_1         light.basement_light_7         light.dinner_table_light_1     light.dinner_table_light_6     light.hallroom_light_4
light.guestroom_light          light.basement_light_stairs    light.basement_light_2         light.hallroom_light_5         light.dinner_table_light_3     light.winter_garden_light_5
light.hallroom_light_3         light.basement_light_3         light.basement_light_8         light.dinner_table_light_2     light.winter_garden_light_1    light.kitchen_light_3

Note: For this to work you’ll need to have setup the following environment variables if your home-assistant is secured and not running on localhost:8123:

export HASS_SERVER=https://hassio.local:8123
export HASS_TOKEN=<Bearer token from HASS_SERVER/profile>


Usage: hass-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Command line interface for Home Assistant.

  -l, --loglevel LVL              Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -s, --server TEXT               The server URL or `auto` for automatic
                                  detection  [default: auto]
  --token TEXT                    The Bearer token for Home Assistant
  --password TEXT                 The API password for Home Assistant
  --timeout INTEGER               Timeout for network operations.  [default:
  -o, --output [json|yaml|table|auto]
                                  Output format.  [default: auto]
  -v, --verbose                   Enables verbose mode.
  -x                              Print backtraces when exception occurs.
  --cert TEXT                     Path to client certificate file (.pem) to
                                  use when connecting.
  --insecure                      Ignore SSL Certificates. Allow to connect to
                                  servers with self-signed certificates. Be
  --debug                         Enables debug mode.
  --columns TEXT                  Custom columns key=value list. Example:
  --no-headers                    When printing tables don't use headers
                                  (default: print headers)
  --table-format TEXT             Which table format to use.
  --sort-by TEXT                  Sort table by the jsonpath expression.
                                  Example: last_changed
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  area        Get info and operate on areas from Home Assistant...
  completion  Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or...
  config      Get configuration from a Home Assistant instance.
  device      Get info and operate on devices from Home Assistant...
  discover    Discovery for the local network.
  state       Get info and operate on entities from Home Assistant.
  event       Interact with events.
  info        Get basic info from Home Assistant.
  map         Print the current location on a map.
  raw         Call the raw API (advanced).
  service     Call and work with services.
  system      System details and operations for Home Assistant.
  template    Render templates on server or locally.

Clone the git repository and

$ pip3 install --editable .


Developing is (re)using as much as possible from [Home Assistant development setup](

Recommended way to develop is to use virtual environment to ensure isolation from rest of your system using the following steps:

Clone the git repository and do the following:

$ python3 -m venv .
$ source bin/activate
$ script/setup

after this you should be able to edit the source code and running hass-cli directly:

$ hass-cli

Project details

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Source Distribution

homeassistant-cli-0.8.0.tar.gz (56.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

homeassistant_cli-0.8.0-py3-none-any.whl (47.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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