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Chameleon page template support for Grok

Project description


grokcore.chameleon makes it possible to use Chameleon page templates in Grok. For more information on Grok and Chameleon page templates see:


Note that future versions of grok will depend itself on grokcore.chameleon and configure it. In other words, chameleon-based templates will be available by default from that version on!

To use Chameleon page templates with Grok all you need is to install grokcore.chameleon as an egg and include its ZCML. The best place to do this is to make grokcore.chameleon a dependency of your application by adding it to your install_requires list in setup.cfg. If you used grokproject to create your application is located in the project root. It should look something like this:

                  # Add extra requirements here

Note that if you use the allow-picked-versions = false directive in your project’s buildout.cfg, you will have to add version number specifications for several packages to your [versions] section.

Then include grokcore.chameleon in your configure.zcml. If you used grokproject to create your application it’s at src/<projectname>/configure.zcml. Add the include line after the include line for grok, but before the grokking of the current package. It should look something like this:

<include package="grok" />
<include package="grokcore.chameleon" />
<grok:grok package="." />

If you use autoInclude in your configure.zcml, you should not have to do this latter step.

Then run bin/buildout again. You should now see buildout saying something like (where version numbers can vary):

Getting distribution for 'grokcore.chameleon'.
Got grokcore.chameleon 0.5.

That’s all. You can now start using Chameleon page templates in your Grok application.


grokcore.chameleon supports the Grok standard of placing templates in a templates directory, for example app_templates, so you can use Chameleon page templates by simply placing the Chameleon page templates in the templates directory, just as you would with regular ZPT templates.

Although chameleon templates themselves do not have a standard for the file extensions for templates, Grok needs to have an association between an filename extension and a template language implementation so it knows which implementation to use.

grokcore.chameleon declares to use the extension *.cpt (Chameleon page template) for Chameleon page templates.

You can also use Chameleon page templates inline. The syntax for this is:

from grokcore.chameleon.components import ChameleonPageTemplate
index = ChameleonPageTemplate('<html>the html code</html>')

Or if you use files:

from grokcore.chameleon.components import ChameleonPageTemplateFile
index = ChameleonPageTemplateFile(filename='thefilename.html')

Detailed Description

Grok-support for using chameleon driven templates.

With grokcore.chameleon you can use templates parsed and rendered by Chameleon using the Zope Page Template templating language.

Chameleon Zope page templates

Chameleon provides support for Zope page templates which can be used from grok writing templates with the .cpt (=Chameleon Page Template) filename extension.

Chameleon page templates differ from standard Zope page templates in a few aspects, most notably:

  • Expressions are parsed in Python-mode by default. This means, instead of tal:content="view/value" you must use tal:content="view.value". Every occurence of TAL-expressions starting with python: now can be shortened by skipping this marker.

  • Also Genshi-like variable substitutions are supported. For example you can write ${myvar} instead of tal:content="myvar".

Beside this, most rules for regular Zope page templates apply also to chameleon page templates.

See the Chameleon page for more information.


Before we can see the templates in action, we care for correct registration and set some used variables:

>>> import os
>>> testdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests')
>>> cpt_fixture = os.path.join(testdir, 'cpt_fixture')
>>> template_dir = os.path.join(cpt_fixture, 'app_templates')

We register everything. Before we can grok our fixture, we have to grok the grokcore.chameleon package. This way the new template types are registered with the framework:

>>> import grokcore.view
>>> grokcore.view.testing.grok('grokcore.chameleon')
>>> grokcore.view.testing.grok('grokcore.chameleon.tests.cpt_fixture')

We create a mammoth, which should provide us a bunch of chameleon page template driven views and put it in the database to setup location info:

>>> from import Mammoth
>>> manfred = Mammoth()
>>> getRootFolder()['manfred'] = manfred

Furthermore we prepare for getting the different views on manfred:

>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> request = TestRequest()

Simple templates

We prepared a plain cavepainting view. The template looks like this:

>>> cavepainting_cpt = os.path.join(template_dir, 'cavepainting.cpt')
>>> with open(cavepainting_cpt, 'r') as f:
...     print(
    A cave painting.

The rendered view looks like this:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request),
...                         name='cavepainting')
>>> print(view())
    A cave painting.

Substituting variables

A template can access variables like view, context, static and its methods and attributes. The food view does exactly this. The template looks like this:

>>> food_cpt = os.path.join(template_dir, 'food.cpt')
>>> with open(food_cpt, 'r') as f:
...     print(
<span tal:define="foo 'a FOO'">
<span tal:replace="structure view.me_do()" />
CSS-URL: ${path:static/test.css}
My context is: ${view.url(context)}
<span tal:replace="foo" />

The rendered view looks like this:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='food')
>>> print(view())
CSS-URL: dummy:/test.css
My context is:

As we can see, there is a difference between Genshi-like substitution and TAL-like substitution: while both expressions:



<span tal:replace="view.me_do()" />

actually render the same string <ME GROK EAT MAMMOTH!>, the former does this straight and plain, while the latter performs additionally HTML-encoding of the string. Therefore the output of both expressions differ. It’s:


for the former expression and:


for the latter.

Supported variables

Each template provides at least the following vars:

  • template

    the template instance

  • view

    the associated view

  • context

    the context of the view

  • request

    the current request

as we can see, when we look at the vars.cpt from our fixture:

>>> cpt_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'vars.cpt')
>>> with open(cpt_file, 'r') as f:
...     print(
This template knows about the following vars:
  template (the template instance):
  view (the associated view):
  context (the context of the view):
  request (the current request):

and render it:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='vars')
>>> print(view())
This template knows about the following vars:
  template (the template instance):
   &lt;PageTemplateFile ...vars.cpt&gt;
  view (the associated view):
   &lt; object at 0x...&gt;
  context (the context of the view):
   &lt; object at 0x...&gt;
  request (the current request):
GATEWAY_INTERFACE:  TestFooInterface/1.0

Custom template namespace names are supported:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='namespace')
>>> print(view())
This template knows about the following custom namespace name:

Inline Templates

We can also define inline templates. In our we defined an inline template like this:

from grokcore.chameleon import components


class Inline(grokcore.view.View):
  sometext = 'Some Text'

inline = components.ChameleonPageTemplate(
    "<html><body>ME GROK HAS INLINES! ${view.sometext}</body></html>")

If we render this view we get:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='inline')
>>> print(view())
<html><body>ME GROK HAS INLINES! Some Text</body></html>

TAL expressions

Starting with grokcore.chameleon 0.5 we deploy the all-in-one Chameleon package.

What TAL/TALES expressions in templates are supported depends mainly from the installed version of Chameleon, while we support some additional, Zope-related TALES expressions.

A list of all supported expressions and statements can be found at the chameleon.zpt documentation. The additional TALES expressions provided by grokcore.chameleon are:

  • exists

    Tell whether a name exists in the templates’ namespace.

  • not

    Evaluate the expression to a boolean value and invert it.

  • path

    Handle the expression as a path and not as a Python expression.

  • provider

    Support for viewlet providers.

In our we defined a special view for showing some special expressions. This also includes a viewlet:

import grok
from grokcore.chameleon import components

class Mammoth(grok.Application, grok.Container):


class Expressions(grok.View):

class MainArea(grok.ViewletManager):'main')

class MainContent(grok.Viewlet):
    def render(self):
        return 'Hello from viewlet'

Now we can make use of the TALES expressions not:, path:, exists: and provider: in the expressions.cpt template of our fixture:

>>> cpt_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'expressions.cpt')
>>> with open(cpt_file, 'r') as f:
...     print(
  <div tal:define="food 'Yummy Dinoburger'"
    <!-- We support `exists` -->
    <div tal:condition="exists: food">
    <!-- We support `not` -->
    <div tal:content="not: food" />
    <div tal:content="not('food')" />
    <div tal:content="not: 1 in [2,3]" />
    <div tal:content="not: not: food" />
    <!-- We support `path` -->
    <div tal:content="path: food/upper" />
    <!-- We support `provider` -->
    <tal:main content="structure provider:main" />

and render it:

>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='expressions')
>>> print(view())
    <!-- We support `exists` -->
      Yummy Dinoburger
    <!-- We support `not` -->
    <!-- We support `path` -->
    <div>YUMMY DINOBURGER</div>
    <!-- We support `provider` -->
    Hello from viewlet


>>> # Monkeypatch zope.i18n.negotiate
>>> import zope.i18n
>>> import zope.i18n.config
>>> print(getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='menu')())
    <li>Deepfried breaded veal cutlets</li>
>>> # What's for food today in Germany?
>>> # We need to monkey patch the language settings for this test.
>>> old_1, old_2 = zope.i18n.negotiate, zope.i18n.config.ALLOWED_LANGUAGES
>>> zope.i18n.negotiate = lambda context: 'de'
>>> zope.i18n.config.ALLOWED_LANGUAGES = ['de']
>>> print(getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='menu')())
>>> # Restore the monkey patch.
>>> zope.i18n.negotiate, zope.i18n.config.ALLOWED_LANGUAGES = old_1, old_2


With grokcore.chameleon we can also use macros, although it is a bit different from regular Zope page templates.

We can define macros like this:

>>> cpt_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'macromaster.cpt')
>>> with open(cpt_file, 'r') as f:
...     print(
<p xmlns:metal=""
  Hello from <b metal:define-slot="name">macro master</b>

The defined macro hello can be rendered in another Chameleon template with the METAL attribute use-macro.

To refer to a local macro, i.e. a macros defined in the same template, you can use something like:

<div metal:use-macro="template.macros['<macro-name>']">
  Replaced by macro

where <macro-name> must be an existing macro name.

To refer to macros in external templates, you must use the path: expression like this:

<div metal:use-macro="path:
   Replaced by external macro

where <viewname> refers to an existing view on context and macro- name again refers to an existing macro in the specified template.

Note, that this is different from how you refer to macros in standard Zope page templates. The short notation view/macros/<macro-name> works only with regular Zope page templates.

The following template makes use of both methods:

>>> cpt_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'macrouser.cpt')
>>> with open(cpt_file, 'r') as f:
...     print(
<html xmlns:metal="">
  <p metal:define-macro="hello">
    Hi there from macro user!
  <div metal:use-macro="template.macros['hello']">
    Fill this
  <div metal:use-macro="path: context/@@macromaster/template/macros/hello">
    <b metal:fill-slot="name">user slot</b>
    Fill this too

When rendered also the slot defined in the master template is filled by macro user content:

>>> cpt_file = os.path.join(template_dir, 'macrouser.cpt')
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((manfred, request), name='macrouser')
>>> print(view())
    Hi there from macro user!
    Hi there from macro user!
  Hello from <b>user slot</b>

Clean up:

>>> del getRootFolder()['manfred']

Differences from regular Zope page templates

  • Macros are referenced differently. See appropriate section above.

  • Expressions are parsed in Python-mode by default. This means, instead of tal:content="view/value" you must use tal:content="view.value". Every occurence of TAL-expressions starting with python: now can be shortened by skipping this marker.


4.0 (2023-02-09)

  • Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.

  • Add support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.

3.0.1 (2018-01-12)

  • Rearrange tests such that Travis CI can pick up all functional tests too.

3.0.0 (2018-01-11)

  • Python 3 compatibility.

1.0.4 (2014-07-29)

  • Improve the performances of the translate mechanism with Chameleon 2.10 or more recent.

1.0.3 (2012-10-12)

  • Fix broken translations when using Chameleon 2.9 or more recent.

1.0.2 (2012-05-07)

  • With not using the PageTemplateFile baseclass, the behaviour of finding the template file relative to the module was lost. This has been fixed.

1.0.1 (2012-05-03)

  • Make sure the minimal version requirements are defined.

1.0 (2012-05-01)

  • The target_language mangling was lost in version 1.0rc4. Copied from

1.0rc4 (2012-01-03)

  • Update to newes Chameleon 2.7.1

  • Using some Components/Expressions directly from Chameleon instead of

1.0rc3 (2011-07-14)

  • Rename megrok.chameleon into grokcore.chameleon to make it an official part of Grok.

Earlier versions

  • Earlier versions of grokcore.chameleon came by the name megrok.chameleon.

Project details

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Source Distribution

grokcore.chameleon-4.0.tar.gz (25.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

grokcore.chameleon-4.0-py3-none-any.whl (24.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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