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Creates and drops temporary databases for testing purposes.

Project description

Creates and drops temporary databases for testing purposes.

This package has been tested with Python 2.6 and 2.7.

gocept.testdb provides small helper classes that create and drop temporary databases.

>>> import os.path
>>> import sqlalchemy
>>> import gocept.testdb
>>> schema = os.path.join(sql_dir, 'sample.sql')
>>> write(schema, 'CREATE TABLE foo (dummy int);')


First, instantiate a test database object and have it create the database on the server:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.MySQL(schema_path=schema)
>>> db.create()

This will use the appropriate command-line tools to create a database with a random name (you can specify a prefix if desired). Login information can be specified via environment variables (MYSQL_HOST default localhost, MYSQL_USER default None, MYSQL_PASS default None)

The dbapi DSN can then be used to connect to the database:

>>> print db.dsn
>>> engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db.dsn)

The database is marked as a testing database by creating a table called ‘tmp_functest’ in it:

>>> conn = engine.connect()
>>> ignore = conn.execute('SELECT * from tmp_functest')

The database also offers conveniences method for determining the status of the database:

>>> db.exists
>>> db.is_testing

If you passed a schema_path to the constructor, the SQL code in this file is executed, e. g. to set up tables:

>>> ignore = conn.execute('SELECT * from foo')

When done, simply drop the database:

>>> conn.close()
>>> db.drop()
>>> import sqlalchemy.exc
>>> with engine.connect() as conn:
...     try:
...         conn.execute('SELECT * from tmp_functest')
...     except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError:
...         pass
...     else:
...         raise AssertionError()

You can specify the name of the database:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.MySQL(schema_path=schema, db_name='mytestdb')
>>> print db.dsn

There’s a method to drop all test databases that may have been left on the server by previous test runs by removing all (but only those) databases whose name matches the test database naming scheme of gocept.testdb and using the same name prefix as the Database instance used for dropping them all:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.MySQL()
>>> db.drop_all()  # create a well-defined server state wrt the default prefix
>>> db_count_0 = len(db.list_db_names())
>>> gocept.testdb.MySQL().create()
>>> gocept.testdb.MySQL().create()
>>> db.create_db('gocept.testdb.tests-foo')
>>> db.create_db('gocept.testdb.tests-bar')
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0
>>> db.drop_all()
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0
>>> db.drop_db('gocept.testdb.tests-foo')
>>> db.drop_db('gocept.testdb.tests-bar')
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0



The same procedure also works for PostgreSQL:

Note: Instead of using POSTGRES_PASS, use the ~/.pgpass mechanism provided by postgres itself.

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(schema_path=schema)
>>> db.create()
>>> engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db.dsn)
>>> conn = engine.connect()
>>> ignore = conn.execute('SELECT * from tmp_functest')
>>> ignore = conn.execute('SELECT * from foo')
>>> conn.invalidate()
>>> db.drop()
>>> engine.connect().execute('SELECT * from tmp_functest')
Traceback (most recent call last):


For Postgres an optional encoding parameter can be specified in the constructor. It is used when creating the database.

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(schema_path=schema, encoding='UTF8')
>>> db.create()
>>> engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(db.dsn)
>>> conn = engine.connect()
>>> encoding = conn.execute(
...     '''SELECT pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding
...        FROM pg_catalog.pg_database
...        WHERE datname = %s''', db.dsn.split('/')[-1]).fetchall()
>>> encoding in ([(u'UTF8',)], [('UTF8',)],)
>>> conn.invalidate()
>>> db.drop()

DB name

You can specify the name of the database:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(schema_path=schema, db_name='mytestdb')
>>> db.dsn


For Postgres, an optional template parameter can be passed to the constructor. It specifies the name of a template db which is used for the creation of the database. If the template db does not exist, it is created with the specified schema.

The first time you create the database with the db_template argument, the template db is created (if it does not exist already) along with the requested db:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(
...     schema_path=schema, db_template='templatetest')
>>> db.create()
>>> table_names(db.get_dsn('templatetest'))
[u'foo', u'tmp_functest']
>>> table_names(db.dsn)
[u'foo', u'tmp_functest']

Now with the template available, the schema is not used anymore to create the database (it’s re-created from the template). Let’s modify the template db before the next db creation run to demonstrate this:

>>> _ = execute(db.get_dsn('templatetest'), 'DROP TABLE foo;')
>>> db2 = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(
...     schema_path=schema, db_template='templatetest')
>>> db2.create()
>>> table_names(db2.get_dsn('templatetest'))
>>> table_names(db2.dsn)

When creating the database, we can, however, force the template db to be created afresh from the schema. Doing so now will leave us with both a test db and a template db according to the modified schema:

>>> db3 = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(
...     schema_path=schema, db_template='templatetest', force_template=True)
>>> db3.create()
>>> table_names(db3.get_dsn('templatetest'))
[u'foo', u'tmp_functest']
>>> table_names(db3.dsn)
[u'foo', u'tmp_functest']

The template db (and with it, the test db) ist also created anew if the schema file is newer than the existing template db:

>>> write(schema, 'CREATE TABLE bar (dummy int);')
>>> db4 = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(
...     schema_path=schema, db_template='templatetest', force_template=True)
>>> db4.create()
>>> table_names(db4.get_dsn('templatetest'))
[u'bar', u'tmp_functest']
>>> table_names(db4.dsn)
[u'bar', u'tmp_functest']

If, however, the template db cannot be set up properly, it is removed altogether to avoid a broken template db interfering with subsequent tests:

>>> write(schema+'-broken', 'foobar')
>>> db_broken = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(
...     schema_path=schema+'-broken', db_template='templatetest')
>>> db_broken.create()
Traceback (most recent call last):
SystemExit: Could not initialize schema in database 'templatetest'.
>>> 'templatetest' in db_broken.list_db_names()

Clean up:

>>> db.drop()
>>> db2.drop()
>>> db3.drop()
>>> db4.drop()

Database prefix

By default the created database is prefixed with testdb but this can be changed by using the prefix attribute of the constructor: (This works for MySQL the same way.)

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(schema_path=schema)
>>> db.dsn
>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(schema_path=schema, prefix='my-tests')
>>> db.dsn

Cleaning up the server

There’s a method to drop all test databases that may have been left on the server by previous test runs by removing all (but only those) databases whose name matches the test database naming scheme of gocept.testdb and using the same name prefix as the Database instance used for dropping them all. For PostgreSQL, this clean-up method doesn’t by default drop the template database if one was created:

>>> db = gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL(db_template='templatetest')
>>> db.drop_all()  # create a well-defined server state wrt the default prefix
>>> db_count_0 = len(db.list_db_names())
>>> db.create()
>>> gocept.testdb.PostgreSQL().create()
>>> db.create_db('gocept.testdb.tests-foo')
>>> db.create_db('gocept.testdb.tests-bar')
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0
>>> db.drop_all()
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0
>>> db.drop_db('gocept.testdb.tests-foo')
>>> db.drop_db('gocept.testdb.tests-bar')
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0

However, the clean-up method can be instructed to drop the template database as well:

>>> db.db_template in db.list_db_names()
>>> db.drop_all(drop_template=True)
>>> db.db_template in db.list_db_names()
>>> len(db.list_db_names()) - db_count_0

The drop-all command-line script

The Database classes’ drop_all functionality is available independently through a command-line script named drop-all. The script drops any test databases from both the PostgreSQL and MySQL servers that match the test-database naming convention with any of the prefixes passed as command-line arguments (clean up first):

>>> import gocept.testdb.cmdline
>>> gocept.testdb.cmdline.drop_all(
...     ['gocept.testdb.tests-foo', 'gocept.testdb.tests-bar'])
>>> count_mysql = len(gocept.testdb.db.MySQL().list_db_names())
>>> count_psql = len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names())
>>> gocept.testdb.db.MySQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-foo').create()
>>> gocept.testdb.db.MySQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-bar').create()
>>> gocept.testdb.db.MySQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-bar').create()
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.MySQL().list_db_names()) - count_mysql
>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-foo').create()
>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-bar').create()
>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-bar').create()
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql
>>> system('drop-all gocept.testdb.tests-foo gocept.testdb.tests-bar')
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.MySQL().list_db_names()) - count_mysql
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql

On the PostgreSQL server, databases named exactly after any of the names passed will also be dropped. This is how template databases can be dropped without having to call dropdb on each of them:

>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(
...     prefix='gocept.testdb.tests-foo',
...     db_template='gocept.testdb.tests-bar').create()
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql
>>> gocept.testdb.cmdline.drop_all(
...     ['gocept.testdb.tests-foo', 'gocept.testdb.tests-bar'])
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql

If the script is called without arguments, test databases matching the default prefix will be dropped, but no attempt will be made to drop a database named exactly after the default prefix since in this case, there’s no reason to assume that a template database by that name should have been created:

>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(db_template='testdb').create()
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql
>>> gocept.testdb.cmdline.drop_all([])
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql
>>> gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL(db_template='testdb').drop_db('testdb')
>>> len(gocept.testdb.db.PostgreSQL().list_db_names()) - count_psql

(We considered an explicit command-line switch for dropping template databases but felt that it would be too annoying and test databases shouldn’t use a prefix that is itself used by a real or template database.)


To run the buildout of this package copy local.cfg.example to local.cfg and edit it to match your needs.

The source code is available in the subversion repository at

Please report any bugs you find to <>.


1.0 (2013-03-12)

  • Allow a postfix for mysql-commands.

1.0b5 (2011-12-22)

  • Use timestamp for randomizing database names to avoid collisions.

1.0b4 (2011-09-23)

  • drop-all entry point now also works, if PostgreSQL or MySQL is not installed/running.

1.0b3 (2011-05-13)

  • Added connect convenience method.

1.0b2 (2011-05-04)

  • Added is_testing property as a convenience API.

  • Added exists property as a convenience API.

1.0b1 (2011-04-12)

  • Changed the protocol for using test databases: separated instantiating a Database instance from creating the database on the server. Creating Database instances is cheap now so they can be interacted with and passed around, deferring the expensive database creation on the server to the moment db.create() is called explicitly. This is also more symmetric with respect to db.drop().

  • Added functionality for dropping all databases matching the testdb naming scheme which may have been left on the server by earlier test runs. Optionally also drops the template db.

  • Added option to specify the name of the database for MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • Added an option to specify a template database for PostgreSQL. If it does not exist, it is created from the specified schema. It is also possible to force the creation of the template even if it exists (dropping the current template database). Whenever the schema has changed since the template db was last created, the template db is updated automatically.

0.4 (2010-12-15)

  • Added option to specify the encoding for the PostgreSQL database.

  • Updated PostgreSQL protocol from postgres: to postgresql: as the former one is deprecated in SQLAlchemy 0.6, thus requiring atleast version 0.5.6 of SQLAlchemy.

  • Added documentation how to develop this package further.

  • Added doumentation about usage of Database prefix

0.3 (2010-10-15)

  • PostgreSQL: Don’t call createdb/dropdb with --quite but only psql.

0.2 (2009-02-26)

  • implemented authentication with password for mysql. Passwords for postgres are still not supported, though.

0.1 (2008-09-26)

  • first release

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