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Plone site setup wizard with content creation and bundle system for predefined configurations.

Project description


This packages helps predefining a Plone site setup including content creation (using generic setup), defining multiple bundles and a wizard for installing a new site with a bundle.


  • A simplified site setup wizard. The wizard can be customized and branded.

  • A bundle system for defining variants in the setup configuration.

  • A generic setup site creation import step which can be used in the bundles for creating initial content. It can be used without using the setup wizard and bundle system.


  • Add ftw.inflator to your buildout configuration:

eggs +=

Dexterity support

For beeing able to create dexterity objects (Content Creation), install the dexterity extras:

eggs +=
    ftw.inflator [dexterity]


  • Plone 4.3

  • Plone 5.1

Setup wizard

On the manage_main view of the Zope app there is an additional button for installing your product. It leads to the site setup wizard where an ID and a bundle can be selected.

The setup wizard allows to select one of a set of predefined bundles. See the bundle section for details on how to define bundles.

Wizard customizations

The product name and logo can easily be customized through ZCML:


    <include package="ftw.inflator" file="meta.zcml" />

        product="Product Name"


Bundle system

A bundle defines a list of profiles which are automatically applied when creating a new Plone site with this bundle.

It has a base-profile (defaults to the Plone default base profile without default content).

Defining bundles

The bundles are defined in ZCML:


    <include package="ftw.inflator" file="meta.zcml" />

        title="ftw.inflator example bundle one"




The (translatable) title of the bundle, shown in the setup wizard.


One or multiple Generic Setup profiles (without profile--prefix).

description (optional)

The description of the bundle, shown in the setup wizard.

base (optional)

The Generic Setup base profile for creating the plone site. This defaults to Products.CMFPlone:plone, the default plone base profile without content creation. Using Products.CMFPlone:plone-content will generate the default example content.

standard (optional)

By using the standard flag (standard="True") you can define product bundles. When registering custom bundles later without flagging them as standard, they will appear above the standard bundles in the setup wizard and top is selected.

Full ZCML example:


    <include package="ftw.inflator" file="meta.zcml" />

        title="MyProduct with sunburst"
        description="Installs MyProduct with the sunburst theme and plone default content"


Setting the language

When installing a Plone site with the default add-site view, the language is set in the Products.CMFPlone:plone-content, which also creates example content. This makes it hard to setup the language without creating the example content.

To solve this issue ftw.inflator provides a ftw.inflator:setup-language generic setup profile, meant to be used while setting up a bundle. You can add it to the list of bundle profiles. This sets the language of the Plone site to the one selected in the setup wizard. Using it as a dependency (in metadata.xml) is not recommended, since it is not meant to be used on a existing plone site.

Example usage in bundle definition:


    <include package="ftw.inflator" file="meta.zcml" />

        title="ftw.inflator example bundle one"


Content creation

The content creation allows to define a content_creation folder in any generic setup profile folder, containing JSON-files with definitions of the content to create. The content is created when the generic setup profile is applied.

Content creation features

  • JSON based definition

  • support for tree structure

  • internationalization of strings

  • construct instances of any archetypes FTIs

  • add file- and image-fields

  • create topic criterions

  • execute workflow transition on creation

  • create placeful workflow policies

  • set properties

  • set constraint types

  • set per-object provided interfaces

  • reindexing the catalog

  • define and block local roles


Add a content_creation folder to your generic setup profile. All content creation configurations are within this folder. You can add as many *.json-files as you want - they will be read and executed in order of the sorted filename (use integer prefixes for sorting them easily).

Folder creation example

For creating content create a JSON file ( e.g. profiles/default/content_creation/01-foo-folder.json) and insert a JSON syntax list of hashes (dicts). Each hash creates a new object. Example creating a folder with title “Foo” at /Plone/foo:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo"

Tree structure example

For nested structures it sometimes useful to define the JSON as tree. Using the tree structure it is not necessary to repeat the path of the parent:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_children": [

                "_id": "bar",
                "_type": "Folder",
                "title": "Bar"
                "_path": "bar/qux",
                "_type": "Folder",
                "title": "Bar"


Be sure that the root node has a _path and all nodes in a _children list have either an _id or a _path. The _path of a child node is considered to be relative to the parent node. The paths will then be automatically concatenated.


Using the key:translate(domain) syntax in keys, the respective string value is translated to the current default language of the Plone site. When creating content while installing a bundle with inflator, be sure to install the generic setup profile ftw.inflator:setup-language before creating the content. This will make sure the language is properly configured.


        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title:translate(my.domain)": "Foo",
        "_children": [

                "_id:translate(my.domain)": "bar",
                "_type": "Folder",
                "title": "Bar"


Multilingual support

When is installed translated content can be generated for each language. The translation is based on the key:translate(domain) syntax (see above) and can be translated in regular .po-files.


    {"_multilingual": [

     "_contents": [

           "_id": "foo",
           "_type": "Folder",
           "title:translate(my.domain)": "Foo"


Make sure that each language in the “_multilingual” list is configured as supported language in the portal_languages.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <default_language value="en"/>
        <element value="en"/>
        <element value="de"/>

The default setup of is used for setting up the language folders.

Creating / setting properties

Properties can easily be created. If there already is a property (because the object exists already), it is updated.


        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_properties": {
            "layout": ["string", "folder_listing_view"]

Configuring constrain types

For configuring the addable types on a folder, use the _constrain_types keyword:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_constrain_types": {
            "locally": ["Folder", "Document"],
            "immediately": ["Folder"]

Provide additional interfaces

By passing a list of dottednames as _interfaces those interfaces will automatically be provided (alsoProvides) by the created object:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_interfaces": [

By prefixing the dotted name with remove:, directly provided interfaces can be removed (noLongerProvides).

Files and images

File- and image-fields can easily be filled by using the :file postfix, providing a relative path to the file to “upload”:

        "_path": "files/example-file",
        "_type": "File",
        "title": "example file",
        "file:file": "files/examplefile.txt"

The filename can be changed (although this does not work with multiple files on the same Dexterity item):

        "_path": "files/example-file",
        "_type": "File",
        "title": "example file",
        "file:file": "files/lkdfahjkewrhiu.txt",
        "file:filename": "important.txt"

Workflow transitions

With the _transitions keyword it is possible to execute a workflow transition upon content creation:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_transitions": "publish"

Placeful workflow policies

When placeful workflow policies are installed it is possible to activate them on a folder using the _placefulworkflow keyword:

        "_path": "intranet",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Intranet",
        "_placefulworkflow": ["intranet", "intranet"]

You need to install the Generic Setup profile Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow:CMFPlacefulWorkflow for using placeful workflow policies.


With the _annotations it is possible to set simple annotations on the object. Values of type dict are converted to PersistentMapping, those of type list are converted to PersistentList recursively. Example:

        "_path": "intranet",
        "_type": "Folder",
        "title": "Intranet",
        "_annotations": {"foo": {"bar": [1, 2, 3]}}


Portlets can easily be defined by using the _portlets key, expecting a dict (portlet_manager : configuration). It is possible to define the context portlets assignments (assignments) and set the inheritance settings (blacklist_status).

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "MyType",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_portlets": {
            "plone.leftcolumn": {
                "blacklist_status": {
                    "context": "block",
                    "user": "show",
                    "group": "acquire"
                "assignments": [
                    {"id": "new_navigation",
                    "portlet_type": "portlets.Navigation",
                    "name": "New Navigation",
                    "bottomLevel": 0,
                    "includeTop": false,
                    "topLevel": 1}

UUID Lookup

Sometimes you need to have the UUID of another object. Since the UUID is generated randomly when creating the object you cannot predict it in a .json-file. The UUID lookup helps you here:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "MyType",
        "title": "Foo",
        "relations": "resolveUUID::bar"

Using the resolveUUID::path syntax the value is replaced with UUID of the object which has the path. You can prefix the value with a / for making it relative to the site root, otherwise it is relative to the item it is defined in (“Foo” in the above example).

Path Lookup

Sometimes you need to resolve an already created object by its path. The resolve-path section helps you here:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "MyType",
        "title": "Foo",
        "relations": "resolvePath::bar"

Using the resolvePath::path syntax the value is replaced with the resolved object. You can prefix the value with a / for making it relative to the site root, otherwise it is relative to the item it is defined in (“Foo” in the above example).

Local roles example

You can configure local roles and block local as following:

        "_path": "foo",
        "_type": "MyType",
        "title": "Foo",
        "_ac_local_roles": {
            "admin": [
        "_block-local-roles": true

For details, see:

Import single items

The inflator’s transmogrifier config can be used in code for importing single items by using the single_item_content_creation configuration:

item = {'_path': 'foo',
        '_type': 'Folder',
        'title': 'Foo'}

mogrifier = Transmogrifier(portal)


1.10.0 (2019-03-19)

  • Plone 5.1 compatibility [mathias.leimgruber, jone, busykoala, njohner]

  • Drop Plone 4.2 support [busykoala]

1.9.0 (2018-05-14)

  • Add portlets updater section, to allow the creation of portlets. [phgross]

1.8.1 (2016-08-12)

  • Fix multilingual import error in Plone 5. [Guido A.J. Stevens]

1.8.0 (2016-05-20)

  • Show install button even when there’s already a site installed. [raphael-s]

  • Drop Plone 4.1 support. [jone]

  • Let “:filename” key postfix change the filename. [jone]

1.7.0 (2016-03-15)

  • Content creation: log the progress. [jone]

1.6.0 (2016-03-04)

  • Fix multilingual import error. [elioschmutz]

  • Add transmogrifier config for creating single items. [jone]

1.5 (2015-04-22)

  • Use ftw.profilehook instead of custom import steps (setuphandlers). [jone]

  • Add section to resolve objects by their path. [deiferni]

1.4 (2014-06-05)

  • Add local-role definitions and blocking local roles. [phgross, deif]

1.3.2 (2014-03-10)

  • Add relative path support to initial content child nodes. [deif]

1.3.1 (2014-01-27)

  • Add support for dexterity file creation. [deif]

1.3.0 (2014-01-21)

  • Implement support for setting properties on multilingual root folders. [deif]

1.2.1 (2014-01-16)

  • Fix unresolved generic setup import step dependencies. “languagetool” is only available when is installed. [jone]

1.2 (2013-12-11)

  • Implement support for content creation. [jone]

1.1.2 (2013-05-30)

  • Make sure that the Products.CMFPlone ZMI patches are applied prior to our patches. [jone]

1.1.1 (2013-05-24)

  • Support UTF-8 encoded strings as value for :translate(). [treinhard]

1.1 (2013-02-27)

  • Implement UUID lookup. [jone]

  • Add Dexterity support to content creation. Use the ftw.inflator[dexterity] extras. [jone]

  • Run content creation after type creation. [jone]

  • Move site creation into bundle class, so that a site with a bundle can be created without using the view. This is useful for tests or automated setups. [jone]

  • Support internationalization with key:translate(domain) key syntax. [jone]

  • Add support for nested tree structures. [jone]

1.0.1 (2013-02-13)

  • Fix bad page template expression. [jone]

1.0 (2013-02-13)

  • Initial implementation. [jone]

Project details

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Source Distribution

ftw.inflator-1.10.0.tar.gz (232.8 kB view hashes)

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