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A reference browser widget (Maintainer Mathias Leimgruber)

Project description


This Widget provides a Referencebrowser and a searchfield, which allows users to select references.

The basequery is all types which are not in the types_not_searched property all modification to the allowed types are relative to this query.

Traversal or Selectability can be changed for all widgets with the IReferenceSettings registry interface or per widget with the widget parameters.

The widget takes the following parameters:
  • allow_traversal: List of Types which are added as traversable. Will act as complete configuration if override is set to True.

  • block_traversal: List of Types which are added as not traversable. Will be ignored if override is set to True.

  • selectable: List of Types which are added to the as selectable. Will act as complete configuration if override is set to True

  • nonselectable: List of Types which are added as not selectable. Will be ignored if override is set to True.

  • start: The path first opened. Can either be a callable or a path. Additionaly the strings “parent”, “navroot”, “ploneroot” can be used.

  • allow_nonsearched_types: If this is set to true all the types will be traversable and selectable.

  • override: Drops all global config and the base query if a list is passed to the widget. If this is set to true, selectable & allow_traversal are not additive but act as the complete configuration instead. nonselectable & block_traversal will be ignored.

  • traversal_query: Updates the query used vor traversing by the given dict. The dict passed will be updated after everything is allready done. So make sure not to override sort_on/sort_order attributes.

  • explicit_type_filter: Makes it possible to exclude certain types from showing at all. IMPORTAN: For this the restapi needs to support NOT queries: Like portal_type.not=Image.


  • Add ftw.referencewidget to your buildout configuration or as dependency to your package:

eggs +=
  • Install the default generic import profile.

Installation / Development

$ make install
$ make run

We support both option since the makefile approach does not support yet all the features from the zope2instance recipe. For example control scripts are not yet supported But it’s faster and more convenient to setup a docker test image

Javascript development

From version 4 the widget is based upon boorstrap 5.2 and Vuejs 3. It’s not yet a pattern, but it might be possible to wrap it in a pattern.

$ npm install

Develop JS

$ npm run dev

Build for production:

$ npm run build

Javascript public API:

You can run “window.initReferenceWidget” in your code. It will scan for all referencebrowser widgets an if not yet initialized it will initialized the JS widget.

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x

There was no version number set for the ftw.referencewidget package. As a result of this upgradesteps wont be shown in ../@@manage-upgrades from ftw.upgrade. So the first upgradesetp Upgrade ftw.referencewidget:default to 20181112105705: Fix registry field frontend edit must be installed via the ZMI under ../portal_setup/manage_fullImport. This sets the version for the package and so further upgrades can be installed via ../@@manage-upgrades.

Version 4.x

Version 4.x of ftw.referencewidget is only compatible with Plone 6 and Python 3.9 (maybe 3.7 and 3.8 as well). It uses the module federation feature and boostrap 5 from Plone 6.


With a RelationeChoice or RelationList of RelationChoice a source can be configured along with the field. The ContextSourceBinder makes sure that only valid content can be selected.

By default, the source binder only checks for a valid portal_type when selecting content.

The default_filter implementation therefore looks like this:

def default_filter(source, value):
    Return ``True`` when the object is selectable, ``False``
    when it is not selectable.

    return value.portal_type in get_selectable_types_by_source(source)

Feel free to add your own filter method as source parameter in your field. Example:

from ftw.referencewidget.filter import DefaultSelectable

class CustomClass(DefaultSelectable):
    def is_selectable(self):
        return bool(..)

realtionchoice_restricted_title = RelationChoice(
    title=_(u'Related Choice Restricted Title'),

The filter takes two parameter the actual source object and a value, which is the content object.

Only ReferenceObjSourceBinder are supported. The SourceBinder takes the following parameters:

  • selectable: Adds these types as selectable. Will act as complete configuration if override is set to True

  • nonselectable: Adds these Types are not selectable. Will be ignored if override is set to True.

  • allow_nonsearched_types: If this is set to true all the types will be traversable and selectable.

  • override: Drops all global config and the base query if a list is passed to the widget. If this is set to true, selectable is not additive but acts as the complete configuration instead. nonselectable will be ignored.

  • selectable_class: Custom ISelectable Class to determine if a content is selectable or not.

The parameters are same as for the widget (Backwards compatibility with 1.x releases).

Fields combinations (Registered converter)

The following combinations are supported:

  • RelationList with value_type Relation –> Stores a List of RelationValues

  • RelationList with value_type RelationChoice –> Stores a List of RelationValues

  • Relation –> Stores a RelationValue

  • List of RelationChoice –> Stores a list of absolute paths, without the portal root part

  • TextLine –> Stores a absolute path as string, without the portal root part

Make restapi support NOT queries via @search endpoint

def parse_complex_query(self, idx_query):
    idx_query = idx_query.copy()
    parsed_query = {}
    if "query" not in idx_query and "not" not in idx_query:
        raise QueryParsingError(
            "Query for index %r is missing a 'query' or 'not' key!" % self.index
    if "query" in idx_query:
        qv = idx_query.pop("query")
        parsed_query["query"] = self.parse_simple_query(qv)
    if "not" in idx_query:
        nt = idx_query.pop("not")
        parsed_query["not"] = self.parse_simple_query(nt)

    for opt_key, opt_value in idx_query.items():
        if opt_key in self.query_options:
            opt_type = self.query_options[opt_key]
                parsed_query[opt_key] = opt_type(opt_value)
            except ValueError:
                raise QueryParsingError(
                    "Value %r for query option %r (index %r) could not be"
                    " casted to %r" % (opt_value, opt_key, self.index, opt_type)
                f"Unrecognized query option {opt_key!r} for index {self.index!r}"
            # Pass along unknown option without modification
            parsed_query[opt_key] = opt_value

    return parsed_query


4.2.2 (2024-08-09)

  • Fix aria-hidden attribute on collapsed element. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.2.1 (2024-07-08)

  • Add ignore_nav_root parameter to breadcrumbs endpoint [mathias.leimgruber]

4.2.0 (2024-05-29)

  • Make referenced items draggable. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.1.0 (2024-05-22)

  • Refactor widget to use @search endpoint for all queries. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Add new explicit_type_filter parameter. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.3 (2024-05-14)

  • Check View permission on references to avoid Unauthorized errors. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.2 (2024-05-13)

  • Test against Plone 6.0.9 [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Remove buildout based setup [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Remove FakeEditView for plone root [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.1 (2023-06-09)

  • Fix pagination querystring duplicates [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0 (2023-05-30)

  • No longer add * to search term. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0b2 (2023-05-22)

  • Load and register widget via patternslib. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Fix selected state in widget for selected items and add title to selected items. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Use switch instead of checkboxes for better readability. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Fix mimetype icons for files and images. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Support supermodel RelationChoice fields [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0b1 (2022-08-11)

  • Improve styling [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Add options to translate the js widget and add translations (german) [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Show icons and wf state titles [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a6 (2022-07-13)

  • Use vite based setup. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Make Plone 6.0.0a6 compatible. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a5 (2022-07-06)

  • Implement ref browser as collapseable element to avoid nested overlays. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • webpack module federation config fixes [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a4 (2022-06-26)

  • Make datagridfield optional. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a3 (2022-06-17)

  • Update readme. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Fix modal id. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a2 (2022-06-17)

  • Fix classifierts and make installable release. [mathias.leimgruber]

4.0.0a1 (2022-06-17)

  • Plone5.2/6 and Python3 compatibility. [gbastien]

  • Complete rewrite of widget (JS) for Plone 6 based on bootstrap 5.2 + vuejs + webpack module federation. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.6 (2022-06-02)

  • Handle edge case if the context is the plone root, not a edit view on root. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.5 (2022-06-02)

  • Add fake edit view for plone site root in order to make widget work on add views on root. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.4 (2021-07-13)

  • Fix tinymce internal link integration for portlets. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.3 (2021-03-31)

  • Fix DictRow, DataGridFieldFactory imports to be compatible with 1.x and 2.x of collective.z3cform.datagridfield. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.2 (2021-01-07)

  • Set initial request_path upon widget initialization to make searching in current are possible. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.1 (2020-12-15)

  • Fix js bundle: Merge with logged-in and no dependency, since it’s all loaded via requireJS. [mathias.leimgruber]

3.0.0 (2020-12-15)

  • Replace the plone select2 based reference widget for internal links with the ftw.reference widget version. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Prepare usage within plone 5.x tinymce. [mathias.leimgruber]

2.2.1 (2020-01-15)

  • Restrict handlebars.js to authenticated users. [tinagerber]

2.2.0 (2019-12-16)

  • Fix use of portal_url, it’s no longer globally available. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Add separate Plone 5 profile. [tinagerber]

  • Add uninstall profile for Plone 5. [tinagerber]

2.1.1 (2019-11-29)

  • Use unittest instead of unittest2. [jone]

2.1.0 (2019-03-06)

  • Disable amd check for handlbar.js [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Add Plone 5.1 support. [mathias.leimgruber]

2.0.0 (2018-11-19)

  • Fix not being able to edit portal_registry entries in frontend [Nachtalb]

    There was no version number set for the ftw.referencewidget package. As a result of this upgradesteps wont be shown in ../@@manage-upgrades from ftw.upgrade. So the first upgradesetp Upgrade ftw.referencewidget:default to 20181112105705: Fix registry field frontend edit must be installed via the ZMI under ../portal_setup/manage_fullImport. This sets the version for the package and so further upgrades can be installed via ../@@manage-upgrades.

1.5.4 (2018-01-26)

  • Fix UnicodeDecodeError. [mbaechtold]

1.5.3 (2017-11-24)

  • No longer use “plone.directives.form”. [mbaechtold]

  • Fix an issue when loading a page with GridDataField turns out in an error [Nachtalb]

1.5.2 (2017-10-23)

  • Fix display issue with search current path only in old chrome browsers. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.5.1 (2017-10-23)

  • Fix searching for current path only. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Fix UniCodeDecodeError while displaying the news date. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.5.0 (2017-10-23)

  • Add option to search in current path. [Nachtalb]

  • Show localized news date in title for all news items [Nachtalb]

1.4.2 (2017-08-29)

  • Bugfix for DataGridField support if Plone Site is inside a mount point. [mbaechtold]

1.4.1 (2017-08-08)

  • Add support for “collective.z3cform.datagridfield”. [mbaechtold]

1.4.0 (2017-07-07)

  • Implement display mode for the reference widget. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Change name of sample content buildour registry entry to avoid conflicts. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Implement path restriction option. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Render hidden input elements for given references, instead of render them only by Javascript. This way the widget behaves more like all other plone widgets. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Implement a additional traversal_query parameter for the widget. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Implement ReferenceObjPathSource for IRelationChoice fields. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.3.0 (2016-11-09)

  • Implement some sort options. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Use to follow renamed and moved content. Also do not fail if the content has been removed. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.2.3 (2016-10-18)

  • Fix edge case (mainly for tests) if the value passed to the IList/Widget converter is not a list, but a string. [raphael-s]

1.2.2 (2016-10-18)

  • Implement testbrowser widget. [raphael-s]

1.2.1 (2016-10-17)

  • Respect missing_value set by the field. [tschanzt]

  • Implement support for ITextLine only with ReferenceWidget. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.2.0 (2016-10-04)

  • Show absolute path starting at the plone root for the selected value. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Remove the list style type and the obsolete spacing for the selected elements. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Implement support for IList of IRelationChoice explicitly. Check Readme for more informations [mathias.leimgruber]

1.1.0 (2016-09-27)

  • Ignore empty value for multiple value field. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Support chameleon by not rendering handlebar templates. [jone]

1.0.4 (2016-09-19)

  • Make it possible to remove an given internal reference (radio button). [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Ignore empty value for single value field. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Fix search by pressing the “enter” button. [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Always unbind the click event before binding a new one on the ref button. [mathias.leimgruber]

1.0.3 (2016-09-14)

  • Same as 1.0.2 but uploaded to PyPI. [mbaechtold]

1.0.2 (2016-09-14)

  • Reload Items when overlay is reloaded. [tschanzt]

  • Respect Type constraints on search. [tschanzt]

1.0.1 (2016-09-09)

  • Ignore empty strings in converter. [tschanzt]

  • Improve overlay behavior (close on click outside the overlay + close on ESC). [mathias.leimgruber]

  • Get Widget name on overlay creation. [tschanzt]

1.0.0 (2016-09-07)

  • Initial release [tschanzt]

Project details

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Source Distribution

ftw.referencewidget-4.2.2.tar.gz (914.7 kB view hashes)

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