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Zope support for zope.intid

Project description


Make it possible to use zope.intid in a Zope environment. This includes other packages that rely on it such as zope.keyreference

Source Code

Contributors please read the document Process for Plone core’s development

Sources are at the Plone code repository hosted at Github.


First, let make sure the ofs utility provides the interface:

>>> from Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent import (
...   manage_addSimpleContent)

>>> from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
>>> from five.intid import site
>>> import five.intid.tests as tests
>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
>>> from zope.component import getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor
>>> from zope.component.hooks import setSite
>>> tests.setUp(

Content added before the utility won’t be registered (until explicitly called to). We’ll set some up now for later

>>> manage_addSimpleContent(self.folder, 'mycont1', "My Content")
>>> content1 = self.folder.mycont1 has convenience functions for adding, get and removing an IntId utility: add_intid, get_intid, del_intid.

You can install the utility in a specific location:

>>> site.add_intids(self.folder)
>>> folder_intids = site.get_intids(self.folder)
>>> verifyObject(IIntIds, folder_intids)

You can tell add_intids to find the site root, and install there. It will be available everywhere:

>>> site.add_intids(self.folder, findroot=True)
>>> root_intids = site.get_intids(
>>> root_intids
<...IntIds ...>
>>> folder_intids is root_intids

And finally, do a remove:

>>> site.del_intids(self.folder, findroot=True)
>>> site.get_intids(
Traceback (most recent call last):
ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass ....IIntIds>, '')

Before we look at intid events, we need to set the traversal hook. Once we have done this, when we ask for all registered Intids, we will get the utility from test folder:

>>> setSite(self.folder)
>>> tuple(getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IIntIds))
(<...IntIds ...>,)

When we add content, event will be fired to add keyreference for said objects the utilities (currently, our content and the utility are registered):

>>> manage_addSimpleContent(self.folder, 'mycont2', "My Content")
>>> content2 = self.folder.mycont2
>>> intid = site.get_intids(self.folder)
>>> len(intid.items()) == 1

Pre-existing content will raise a keyerror if passed to the intid utility:

>>> intid.getId(content1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
IntIdMissingError: <SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont1>

We can call the keyreferences, and get the objects back:

>>> intid.items()[0][1]()
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont2>

we can get an object’s intid from the utility like so:

>>> ob_id = intid.getId(content2)

and get an object back like this:

>>> intid.getObject(ob_id)
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont2>

these objects are acquisition wrapped on retrieval:

>>> from Acquisition import IAcquirer
>>> IAcquirer.providedBy(intid.getObject(ob_id))

We can even turn an unwrapped object into a wrapped object by resolving it from it’s intid, also the intid utility should work even if it is unwrapped:

>>> from Acquisition import aq_base
>>> resolved = intid.getObject(intid.getId(aq_base(content2)))
>>> IAcquirer.providedBy(resolved)
>>> unwrapped = aq_base(intid)
>>> unwrapped.getObject(ob_id) == resolved
>>> unwrapped.getId(content2) == ob_id

When an object is added or removed, subscribers add it to the intid utility, and fire an event is fired (zope.intid.interfaces.IIntIdAddedEvent, zope.intid.interfaces.IIntIdRemovedEvent respectively).

five.intid hooks up these events to redispatch as object events. The tests hook up a simple subscriber to verify that the intid object events are fired (these events are useful for catalogish tasks).

>>> tests.NOTIFIED[0]
'<SimpleContent at mycont2> <...IntIdAddedEvent object at ...'

Registering and unregistering objects does not fire these events:

>>> tests.NOTIFIED[0] = "No change"
>>> uid = intid.register(content1)
>>> intid.getObject(uid)
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont1>

>>> tests.NOTIFIED[0]
'No change'

>>> intid.unregister(content1)
>>> intid.getObject(uid)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ObjectMissingError: ...

>>> tests.NOTIFIED[0]
'No change'

Renaming an object should not break the rewrapping of the object:

>>> self.setRoles(['Manager'])
>>> folder.mycont2.meta_type = 'Folder' # We need a metatype to move
>>> folder.manage_renameObject('mycont2','mycont_new')
>>> moved = intid.getObject(ob_id)
>>> moved
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont_new>
>>> [x.path for x in intid.ids]

Nor should moving it:

>>> from OFS.Folder import manage_addFolder
>>> manage_addFolder(self.folder, 'folder2', "folder 2")
>>> cut = folder.manage_cutObjects(['mycont_new'])
>>> ignore = folder.folder2.manage_pasteObjects(cut)
>>> moved = intid.getObject(ob_id)
>>> moved
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/folder2/mycont_new>
>>> moved.aq_parent
<Folder at /test_folder_1_/folder2>

Let’s move it back:

>>> cut = folder.folder2.manage_cutObjects(['mycont_new'])
>>> ignore = folder.manage_pasteObjects(cut)
>>> folder.manage_renameObject('mycont_new','mycont2')

We can create an object without acquisition so we can be able to add intid to it :

>>> from five.intid.tests import DemoPersistent
>>> demo1 = DemoPersistent()
>>> demo1.__parent__ =
>>> from zope.event import notify
>>> from zope.lifecycleevent import ObjectAddedEvent
>>> notify(ObjectAddedEvent(demo1))
>>> nowrappid = intid.getId(demo1)
>>> demo1 == intid.getObject(nowrappid)

This is a good time to take a look at keyreferences, the core part of this system.

Key References in Zope2

Key references are hashable objects returned by IKeyReference. The hash produced is a unique identifier for whatever the object is referencing(another zodb object, a hook for sqlobject, etc).

object retrieval in intid occurs by calling a key reference. This implementation is slightly different than the zope.intid one due to acquisition.

The factories returned by IKeyReference must persist and this dictates being especially careful about references to acquisition wrapped objects as well as return acq wrapped objects as usually expected in zope2.

>>> ref = intid.refs[ob_id]
>>> ref
<five.intid.keyreference.KeyReferenceToPersistent object at ...>

The reference object holds a reference to the unwrapped target object and a property to fetch the app(also, not wrapped ie <type ‘ImplicitAcquirerWrapper’>):

>>> ref.object
<SimpleContent at mycont2>

>>> type(ref.object)
<class 'Products.Five.tests.testing.simplecontent.SimpleContent'>

>>> ref.root
<Application at >

Calling the reference object (or the property wrapped_object) will return an acquisition object wrapped object (wrapped as it was created):

>>> ref.wrapped_object == ref()

>>> ref()
<SimpleContent at /test_folder_1_/mycont2>

>>> IAcquirer.providedBy(ref())

The resolution mechanism tries its best to end up with the current request at the end of the acquisition chain, just as it would be under normal circumstances:

>>> ref.wrapped_object.aq_chain[-1]
<ZPublisher.BaseRequest.RequestContainer object at ...>

The hash calculation is a combination of the database name and the object’s persistent object id(oid):

>>> ref.dbname

>>> hash((ref.dbname, ref.object._p_oid)) == hash(ref)

>>> tests.tearDown()

Acquisition Loops

five.intid detects loops in acquisition chains in both aq_parent and __parent__.

Setup a loop:

>>> import Acquisition
>>> class Acq(Acquisition.Acquirer): pass
>>> foo = Acq()
>>> = Acq()
>>> foo.__parent__ =

Looking for the root on an object with an acquisition loop will raise an error:

>>> from five.intid import site
>>> site.get_root(
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: __parent__ loop found

Looking for the connection on an object with an acquisition loop will simply return None:

>>> from five.intid import keyreference
>>> keyreference.connectionOfPersistent(


Some objects implement IPersistent but are never actually persisted, or contain references to such objects. Specifically, CMFCore directory views contain FSObjects that are never persisted, and DirectoryViewSurrogates that contain references to such objects. Because FSObjects are never actually persisted, five.intid’s assumption that it can add a

For such objects, the unreferenceable module provides no-op subcribers and adapters to omit such objects from five.intid handling.

>>> from zope import interface, component
>>> from five.intid import unreferenceable
>>> from Products.CMFCore import FSPythonScript
>>> foo = FSPythonScript.FSPythonScript('foo', __file__)
>>>'foo', foo)
>>> keyref = unreferenceable.KeyReferenceNever(
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> foo in

Objects with no id

It is possible to attempt to get a key reference for an object that has not yet been properly added to a container, but would otherwise have a path. In this case, we raise the NotYet exception to let the calling code defer as necessary, since the key reference would otherwise resolve the wrong object (the parent, to be precise) from an incorrect path.

>>> from zope.keyreference.interfaces import IKeyReference
>>> from five.intid.keyreference import KeyReferenceToPersistent
>>> from zope.component import provideAdapter
>>> provideAdapter(KeyReferenceToPersistent)
>>> from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem
>>> item = SimpleItem('').__of__(self.folder)
>>> '/'.join(item.getPhysicalPath())
>>> IKeyReference(item)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotYet: <SimpleItem at >

If the object is placed in a circular containment, IKeyReference(object) should not be able to adapt, letting the calling code defer as necessary. Also any object access is defeated and raises a RuntimeError.

This case happened when having a Plone4 site five.intid enabled ( and trying to add a portlet via @@manage-portlets. plone.portlet.static.static.Assignment seems to have a circular path at some time.

Creating items with a circular containment
>>> item_b = SimpleItem().__of__(self.folder)
>>> = "b"
>>> item_c = SimpleItem().__of__(item_b)
>>> = "c"
>>> item_b.__parent__ = item_c
>>> assert item_b.__parent__.__parent__ == item_b
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Recursion detected in acquisition wrapper
>>> try:
...     IKeyReference(item_c)
... except RuntimeError as exc:
...     # expected with zope.interface 5.1+:
...     # Recursion detected in acquisition wrapper
...     print("Error")
... except TypeError as exc:
...     # before zope.interface 5.1 it was not able to lets non-AttributeErrors
...     # propagate from descriptors which resultet in a Could Not Adapt TypeError
...     print("Error")


2.0.0 (2023-10-07)

Breaking changes:

  • Drop support for python 2.7. [gforcada] (#1)


  • Update configuration files. [plone devs] (cfffba8c)

1.2.7 (2023-02-22)

Bug fixes:

  • Add configuration with plone/meta. [gforcada] (#1)

1.2.6 (2020-05-06)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix deprecation warnings. Update to depend on Zope2 or Zope, depending on Python version. [jensens] (#1)

  • Fix test to work correctly with zope.interface >= 5.1. [jensens] (#17)

1.2.5 (2020-03-13)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘App.class_init’ on Zope 5. [maurits] (#15)

1.2.4 (2019-10-12)

Bug fixes:

  • Also catch KeyError when traversing to fix creating relations during Copy&Paste in Zope 4. Fixes [pbauer] (#12)

  • When looking up back-references the lookup using unrestrictedTraverse was way to slow. A simplified traverse speeds up the lookup by up 80x. [jensens, 2silver] (#14)

1.2.3 (2019-06-19)

Bug fixes:

1.2.2 (2019-05-01)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix oid and root_oid that might have been accidentally converted to text when a DB was migrated from py2. [pbauer] (#7)

1.2.1 (2019-02-13)

Bug fixes:

  • Avoid a deprecation warning. [gforcada] (#6)

1.2.0 (2018-11-07)

Bug fixes:

  • Fix doctests in Python 3. [ale-rt]

  • Adapt raised errors to changes in zope.intid. (This makes the tests incompatible with Zope 2.13.) [pbauer]

1.1.2 (2016-09-09)

Bug fixes:

  • Prevent errors on removeIntIdSubscriber when the IKeyReference adapter raises a NotYet, e.g. because the object does not have a proper path. [ale-rt]

1.1.1 (2016-08-19)


  • Acquisition-unwrap each item in the aq_iter chain, as getSite().__parent__ might return an object acquired from the original context which breaks the parent loop detection. [thet]

  • Prevent errors on moveIntIdSubscriber when the IKeyReference adapter raises a NotYet, e.g. because the object does not have a proper path. [ale-rt]

1.1.0 (2016-02-14)


  • Enhancement: follow PEP8 and Plone code conventions [jensens]


  • Fix: Make it work with Acquisition>=4.0.1 (and require the version). Circular acquisitions were - prior to the above version - not detected. Now they are and adaption just fails with a “Could not adapt” for circulars. Any attribute access fails with a verbose RuntimeError. Cleanup also circular containment workarounds. [jensens]

1.0.3 - 2012-10-05

  • Make sure the IConnection adapter works for unwrapped persistent objects. [davisagli]

1.0.2 - 2011-12-02

  • Only ignore ‘temporary’ objects in the ObjectAddedEvent event handler. [mj]

1.0.1 - 2011-11-30

  • Ignore ‘temporary’ objects (in the Plone portal_factory tool). [mj]

1.0 - 2011-10-10

  • Remove last dependency. [hannosch]

  • Remove intid browser views. [hannosch]

  • Modernize code, adept to Zope 2.13. [hannosch]

0.5.2 - January 22, 2011

  • Import getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor directly from zope.component and remove dependency on [Arfrever]

  • Fix chameleon template error. [robgietema]

0.5.1 - August 4, 2010

  • Fix tests to pass with the corrected tp_name of ImplicitAcquisitionWrapper in Acquisition 2.13.1. [davisagli]

0.5.0 - February 6, 2010

  • Use only non-deprecated zope imports, five.intid now only supports Zope 2.12+. [alecm]

0.4.4 - February 6, 2010

  • Fix POSKeyError when the root object is not in the same database than the object you are trying to resolve to. [thefunny42]

  • Fixed all deprecated imports and updated [thet, wichert]

  • Fixed tests to reflect changed Zope API [thet]

0.4.3 - July 19, 2009

  • When looking for an object by path, treat an AttributeError the same as a NotFound error. unrestrictedTraverse() raises an AttributeError in certain cases when it can’t traverse. [optilude]

0.4.2 - Apr 26, 2009

  • Install utility in a more permanent manner. [alecm]

  • Drop five:traversable statement. It was deprecated since Zope 2.10. [hannosch]

  • Use objectEventNotify from zope.component.event instead of The later was deprecated since Zope 2.10. [hannosch]

  • Specify package dependencies. [hannosch]

0.4.1 - Mar 17, 2009

  • Fix missing zcml file in prior release

0.4.0 - Mar 17, 2009

  • Raise NotYet exception in the default keyreference constructor when the object does not yet have a proper path. This avoids problems of premature key references being created and pointing to the parent of the object or a non-existent object. [optilude]

0.3.0 - Nov 07, 2008

  • Add unreferenceable implementations of intid event handlers and IKeyReference to deal with IPersistent objects that are never actually persisted, such as the CMFCore directory view objects. [mj]

  • Remove the explicit exceptions for CMFCore directory view objects and use subscriber and adapter registrations against unreferenceable instead. [mj]

0.2.1 - Nov 05, 2008

  • Avoid unnecessary adapter lookups in __cmp__ as __cmp__ is called rather often and is performance sensitive. Cumulative time now 0.080 vs previous 1.820 for 6000 compares when profiling. [tesdal]

  • Avoid redundant __cmp__ calls in BTree traversal. [tesdal]

0.2.0 - May 20, 2008

  • Cleanup documentation a little bit so it can be used for the pypi page. [wichert]

  • Many changes by many people. [alecm, hannosch, maurits, mborch, reinout, rockt, witsch]

0.1.4 - November 11, 2006

  • First public release. [brcwhit]

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Source Distribution

five.intid-2.0.0.tar.gz (27.8 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

five.intid-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (22.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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