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Python Elastic Enterprise Search Client

Project description

Table of Contents


The package can be installed from PyPI:

$ python -m pip install elastic-enterprise-search

The version follows the Elastic Stack version so 7.10 is compatible with Enterprise Search released in Elastic Stack 7.10.

Getting Started

Here's how you can get started:

>>> from elastic_enterprise_search import EnterpriseSearch

# Connecting to an instance on Elastic Cloud w/ username and password
>>> ent = EnterpriseSearch(
    http_auth=("elastic", "<password>"),
>>> ent.get_version()
{'number': '7.10.0', 'build_hash': '9d6eb9f067b7d7090c541890c21f6a1e15f29c48', 'build_date': '2020-10-05T16:19:16Z'}

# If you're only planning on using App Search you
# can instantiate App Search namespaced client by itself:
>>> from elastic_enterprise_search import AppSearch

# Connecting to an instance on Elastic Cloud w/ an App Search private key
>>> app_search = AppSearch(
    http_auth="private-<private key>",
>>> app_search.index_documents(
        "id": "yellowstone",
        "title": "Yellowstone National Park"


Each service has its own authentication schemes. Using the http_auth property with either a string for a key / token or a tuple of (username, password) for basic authentication will set the proper Authorization HTTP header on the client instance.

Authenticating with Enterprise Search

from elastic_enterprise_search import EnterpriseSearch

ent = EnterpriseSearch(...)

# Authenticating via Basic Auth for Enterprise Search APIs
ent.http_auth = ("enterprise_search", "<password>")

# Authenticating with Workplace Search
# Custom API Content Source access token
ent.workplace_search.http_auth = "<content source access token>"

# You can also use an authentication method for a single
# request. This is useful for per-user authentication like OAuth:
    body={"query": "That one document"},

App Search Signed Search Keys

from elastic_enterprise_search import AppSearch

# Create an AppSearch client authenticated with a search key.
server_side = AppSearch(

# Creating a Signed Search Key on the server side...
signed_search_key = server_side.create_signed_search_key(
    api_key_name="<api key name>",
        "body": {}

# ...then a different client can then
# use the Signed Search key for searches:
client_side = AppSearch(
resp =

Working with Datetimes

Python datetime.datetime objects are automatically serialized according to RFC 3339 which requires a timezone to be included. We highly recommend using datetimes that are timezone-aware. When creating a datetime object, use the tzinfo or tz parameter along with python-dateutil to ensure proper timezones on serialized datetime objects.

To get the current day and time in UTC you can do the following:

import datetime
from dateutil import tz

now =

⚠️ Datetimes without timezone information will be serialized as if they were within the locally configured timezone. This is in line with HTTP and RFC 3339 specs which state that datetimes without timezone information should be assumed to be local time.

⚠️ Do not use datetime.datetime.utcnow() or utcfromtimestamp()! These APIs don't add timezone information to the resulting datetime which causes the serializer to return incorrect results.

API Reference

A list of APIs for each client along with parameters:

App Search API

Expand for all APIs

The API Log displays API request and response data at the Engine level


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • from_date: Filter date from
  • to_date: Filter date to
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • query: Use this to specify a particular endpoint, like analytics, search, curations and so on
  • http_status_filter: Filter based on a particular status code: 400, 401, 403, 429, 200
  • http_method_filter: Filter based on a particular HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
  • sort_direction: Would you like to have your results ascending, oldest to newest, or descending, newest to oldest?
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Returns the number of clicks and total number of queries over a period


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • filters: Analytics filters
  • interval: You can define an interval along with your date range. Can be either hour or day
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Create a new curation


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • queries: List of affected search queries
  • promoted_doc_ids: List of promoted document IDs
  • hidden_doc_ids: List of hidden document IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Delete a curation by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • curation_id: Curation ID
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieve a curation by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • curation_id: Curation ID
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Update an existing curation


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • curation_id: Curation ID
  • queries: List of affected search queries
  • promoted_doc_ids: List of promoted document IDs
  • hidden_doc_ids: List of hidden document IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieve available curations for the engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Delete documents by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of document IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieves one or more documents by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of document IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Create or update documents


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of document to index
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

List all available documents with optional pagination support


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Partial update of documents


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of documents to update
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Creates a new engine


  • engine_name: Engine name
  • language: Engine language (null for universal)
  • type: Engine type
  • source_engines: Sources engines list
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Delete an engine by name


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieves an engine by name


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieves all engines with optional pagination support


  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Send data about clicked results


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • query_text: Search query text
  • document_id: The ID of the document that was clicked on
  • request_id: The request ID returned in the meta tag of a search API response
  • tags: Array of strings representing additional information you wish to track with the clickthrough
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Add a source engine to an existing meta engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of engine IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Delete a source engine from a meta engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: List of engine IDs
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Run several search in the same request


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • queries: Search queries
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Provide relevant query suggestions for incomplete queries


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • query: A partial query for which to receive suggestions
  • fields: List of fields to use to generate suggestions. Defaults to all text fields
  • size: Number of query suggestions to return. Must be between 1 and 20. Defaults to 5
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieve current schema for then engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Update schema for the current engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: Schema description
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Allows you to search over, facet and filter your data


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: Search request parameters
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrive current search settings for the engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Update search settings for the engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • body: Search settings
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Reset search settings for the engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Create a new synonym set


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • synonyms: List of synonyms words
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Delete a synonym set by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • synonym_set_id: Synonym set ID
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieve a synonym set by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • synonym_set_id: Synonym set ID
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Update a synonym set by ID


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • synonym_set_id: Synonym set ID
  • synonyms: List of synonyms words
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieve available synonym sets for the engine


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Returns the number of clicks received by a document in descending order


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • query: Filter clicks over a search query
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • filters: Analytics filters
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Returns queries analytics by usage count


  • engine_name: Name of the engine
  • current_page: The page to fetch. Defaults to 1
  • page_size: The number of results per page
  • filters: Analytics filters
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Workplace Search API

Expand for all APIs

Deletes a list of documents from a custom content source


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Indexes one or more new documents into a custom content source, or updates one or more existing documents


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieves all external identities


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • current_page: Which page of results to request
  • page_size: The number of results to return in a page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Adds a new external identity


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Deletes an external identity


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Retrieves an external identity


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Updates an external identity


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Lists all permissions for all users


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • current_page: Which page of results to request
  • page_size: The number of results to return in a page
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Removes one or more permissions from an existing set of permissions


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

search across available sources with various query tuning options


  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Adds one or more new permissions atop existing permissions


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Lists all permissions for one user


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Creates a new set of permissions or over-writes all existing permissions


  • content_source_key: Unique key for a Custom API source, provided upon creation of a Custom API Source
  • user: The username in context
  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Enterprise Search API

Expand for all APIs

Get information on the health of a deployment and basic statistics around resource usage


  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Get the read-only flag's state


  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Update the read-only flag's state


  • body: HTTP request body
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Get information about the resource usage of the application, the state of different internal queues, etc.


  • include: Comma-separated list of stats to return
  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request

Get version information for this server


  • params: Additional query params to send with the request
  • headers: Additional headers to send with the request
  • http_auth: Access token or HTTP basic auth username and password to send with the request


enterprise-search-python is available under the Apache-2.0 license. For more details see LICENSE.

Project details

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Source Distribution

elastic-enterprise-search-7.10.0a1.tar.gz (31.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

elastic_enterprise_search-7.10.0a1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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