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A djangoCMS 3 blog application

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django CMS blog application - Support for multilingual posts, placeholders, social network meta tags and configurable apphooks.

Supported Django versions:

  • Django 1.6

  • Django 1.7

  • Django 1.8

  • Django 1.9

Supported django CMS versions:

  • django CMS 3.x


  • Placeholder content editing

  • Frontend editing using django CMS 3.x frontend editor

  • Multilingual support using django-parler

  • Support for Twitter cards, Open Graph and Google+ snippets meta tags

  • Optional support for simpler TextField-based content editing

  • Multisite support (posts can be visible in one or more Django sites on the same project)

  • Per-Apphook configuration

  • Configurable permalinks

  • Configurable django CMS menu support

  • Per-Apphook templates set

  • Auto Apphook setup

  • Django sitemap framework support

  • Support for django CMS 3.2+ Wizard

  • Haystack index support


Install djangocms-blog:

pip install djangocms-blog

or -when installing in Django 1.6/1.7:

pip install djangocms-blog[admin-enhancer]

Add djangocms_blog and its dependencies to INSTALLED_APPS:


If you installed the admin-enhancer variant, add admin_enhancer to INSTALLED_APPS:


Then sync and migrate:

$ python syncdb
$ python migrate

External applications configuration

Dependency applications may need configuration to work properly.

Please, refer to each application documentation on details.

Quick hint

The following are minimal defaults to get the blog running; they may not be suited for your deployment.

  • Add the following settings to your project:

        'easy_thumbnails': 'easy_thumbnails.south_migrations',
        'taggit': 'taggit.south_migrations',
  • If you are using Django 1.7+, be aware that filer < 0.9.10, cmsplugin_filer and django-cms < 3.1 currently requires you to setup MIGRATION_MODULES in settings:

       'cms': 'cms.migrations_django', # only for django CMS 3.0
       'menus': 'menus.migrations_django',  # only for django CMS 3.0
       'filer': 'filer.migrations_django',  # only for django filer up to 0.9.9
       'cmsplugin_filer_image': 'cmsplugin_filer_image.migrations_django',

    Please check django CMS installation, cmsplugin-filer README for detailed information.

  • Configure parler according to your languages:

        1: (
            {'code': 'en',},
            {'code': 'it',},
            {'code': 'fr',},
        'default': {
            'fallbacks': ['en', 'it', 'fr'],
  • Add the following to your

    url(r'^taggit_autosuggest/', include('taggit_autosuggest.urls')),
  • To start your blog you need to use AppHooks from django CMS to add the blog to a django CMS page; this step is not required when using Auto setup:

    • Create a new django CMS page

    • Go to Advanced settings and select Blog from the Application selector and create an Application configuration;

    • Eventually customise the Application instance name;

    • Publish the page

    • Restart the project instance to properly load blog urls.

  • Add and edit blog by creating them in the admin or using the toolbar, and the use the django CMS frontend editor to edit the blog content:

    • Create a new blog entry in django admin backend or from the toolbar

    • Click on “view on site” button to view the post detail page

    • Edit the post via djangocms frontend by adding / editing plugins

    • Publish the blog post by flagging the “Publish” switch in the blog post admin

Attaching blog to the home page

If you want to attach the blog to the home page you have to adapt settings a bit otherwise the “Just slug” permalink will swallow any CMS page you create.

To avoit this add the following settings to you project:

    ('full_date', _('Full date')),
    ('short_date', _('Year /  Month')),
    ('category', _('Category')),
    'full_date': r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',
    'short_date': r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',
    'category': r'^(?P<category>\w[-\w]*)/(?P<slug>\w[-\w]*)/$',

Notice that the last permalink type is no longer present.

Then, pick any of the three remaining permalink types in the layout section of the apphooks config linked ot the home page (see’


To ease the template customisations a djangocms_blog/base.html template is used by all the blog templates; the templates itself extends a base.html template; content is pulled in the content block. If you need to define a different base template, or if your base template does not defines a content block, copy in your template directory djangocms_blog/base.html and customise it according to your needs; the other application templates will use the newly created base template and will ignore the bundled one.

Templates set

By using Apphook configuration you can define a different templates set. To use this feature provide a directory name in Template prefix field in the Apphook configuration admin (in Layout section): it will be the root of your custom templates set.

Auto setup

djangocms_blog can install and configue itself if it does not find any attached instance of itself. This feature is enable by default and will create:

  • a BlogConfig with default values

  • a Blog CMS page and will attach djangocms_blog instance to it

  • a home page if no home is found.

All the items will be created in every language configured for the website and the pages will be published. If not using aldryn-apphook-reload or django CMS 3.2 auto-reload middleware you are required to reload the project instance after this. This will only work for the current website as detected by Site.objects.get_current().

The auto setup is execute once for each server start but it will skip any action if a BlogConfig instance is found.


djangocms_blog provides a sitemap for improved SEO indexing. Sitemap returns all the published posts in all the languages each post is available.

The changefreq and priority is configurable per-apphook (see BLOG_SITEMAP_* in Global settings).

To add the blog Sitemap, add the following code to the project

from cms.sitemaps import CMSSitemap
from djangocms_blog.sitemaps import BlogSitemap

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^sitemap\.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap',
        {'sitemaps': {
            'cmspages': CMSSitemap, 'blog': BlogSitemap,


django CMS blog provides full support for multisite setups.

Each blog post can be assigned to none, one or more sites: if no site is selected, then it’s visible on all sites.

This is matched with and API that allows to restrict users to only be able to edit blog posts only for some sites.

To implement this API, you must add a get_sites method on the user model which returns a queryset of sites the user is allowed to add posts to.


class CustomUser(AbstractUser):
    sites = models.ManyToManyField('sites.Site')

    def get_sites(self):
        return self.sites

django CMS 3.2+ Wizard

django CMS 3.2+ provides a content creation wizard that allows to quickly created supported content types, such as blog posts.

For each configured Apphook, a content type is added to the wizard.

Some issues with multiple registrations raising django CMS AlreadyRegisteredException hae been reported; to handle these cases gracefully, the exception is swallowed when Django DEBUG == True avoiding breaking production websites. In these cases they wizard may not show up, but the rest will work as intended.


djangocms-blog is integrated with django-knocker to provide real time desktop notifications.

See django-knocker documentation for how to configure knocker.

Global Settings

  • BLOG_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE: Size of the main image when shown on the post lists; it’s a dictionary with size, crop and upscale keys; (default: {'size': '120x120', 'crop': True,'upscale': False})

  • BLOG_IMAGE_FULL_SIZE: Size of the main image when shown on the post detail; it’s a dictionary with size, crop and upscale keys; (default: {'size': '640x120', 'crop': True,'upscale': False})

  • BLOG_PAGINATION: Number of post per page; (default: 10)

  • BLOG_LATEST_POSTS: Default number of post in the Latest post plugin; (default: 5)

  • BLOG_POSTS_LIST_TRUNCWORDS_COUNT: Default number of words shown for abstract in the post list; (default: 100)

  • BLOG_TYPE: Generic type for the post object; (default: Article)

  • BLOG_TYPES: Choices of available blog types; (default: to META_OBJECT_TYPES defined in django-meta-mixin settings)

  • BLOG_FB_TYPE: Open Graph type for the post object; (default: Article)

  • BLOG_FB_TYPES: Choices of available blog types; (default: to META_FB_TYPES defined in django-meta-mixin settings)

  • BLOG_FB_APPID: Facebook Application ID

  • BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID: Facebook profile ID of the post author

  • BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER: Facebook URL of the blog publisher

  • BLOG_FB_AUTHOR_URL: Facebook profile URL of the post author

  • BLOG_FB_AUTHOR: Facebook profile URL of the post author

  • BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE: Twitter Card type for the post object; (default: Summary)

  • BLOG_TWITTER_TYPES: Choices of available blog types for twitter; (default: to META_TWITTER_TYPES defined in django-meta-mixin settings)

  • BLOG_TWITTER_SITE: Twitter account of the site

  • BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR: Twitter account of the post author

  • BLOG_GPLUS_TYPE: Google+ Snippet type for the post object; (default: Blog)

  • BLOG_GPLUS_TYPES: Choices of available blog types for twitter; (default: to META_GPLUS_TYPES defined in django-meta-mixin settings)

  • BLOG_GPLUS_AUTHOR: Google+ account of the post author

  • BLOG_ENABLE_COMMENTS: Whether to enable comments by default on posts; while djangocms_blog does not ship any comment system, this flag can be used to control the chosen comments framework; (default: True)

  • BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT: Use an abstract field for the post; if False no abstract field is available for every post; (default: True)

  • BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER: Post content is managed via placeholder; if False a simple HTMLField is used; (default: True)

  • BLOG_MULTISITE: Add support for multisite setup; (default: True)

  • BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT: Use a default if not specified; if set to True the current user is set as the default author, if set to False no default author is set, if set to a string the user with the provided username is used; (default: True)

  • BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED: If posts are marked as published by default; (default: False)

  • BLOG_ADMIN_POST_FIELDSET_FILTER: Callable function to change(add or filter) fields to fieldsets for admin post edit form; (default: False). Function simple example:

    def fieldset_filter_function(fsets, request, obj=None):
        if request.user.groups.filter(name='Editor').exists():
            fsets[1][1]['fields'][0].append('author')  # adding 'author' field if user is Editor
        return fsets
  • BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES: Choices of permalinks styles;


  • BLOG_DEFAULT_OBJECT_NAME: Default name for Blog item (used in django CMS Wizard);

  • BLOG_AUTO_SETUP: Enable the blog Auto setup feature; (default: True)

  • BLOG_AUTO_HOME_TITLE: Title of the home page created by Auto setup; (default: Home)

  • BLOG_AUTO_BLOG_TITLE: Title of the blog page created by Auto setup; (default: Blog)

  • BLOG_AUTO_APP_TITLE: Title of the BlogConfig instance created by Auto setup; (default: Blog)

  • BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT: Default priority for sitemap items; (default: 0.5)

  • BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ: List for available changefreqs for sitemap items; (default: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never)

  • BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT: Default changefreq for sitemap items; (default: monthly)

  • BLOG_CURRENT_POST_IDENTIFIER: Current post identifier in request (default djangocms_post_current)

  • BLOG_CURRENT_NAMESPACE: Current post config identifier in request (default: djangocms_post_current_config)

  • BLOG_ENABLE_THROUGH_TOOLBAR_MENU: Is the toolbar menu throught whole all applications (default: False)

  • BLOG_PLUGIN_MODULE_NAME: Blog plugin module name (default: Blog)

  • BLOG_LATEST_ENTRIES_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog latest entries plugin name (default: Latest Blog Articles)

  • BLOG_AUTHOR_POSTS_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog author posts plugin name (default: Author Blog Articles)

  • BLOG_TAGS_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog tags plugin name (default: Tags)

  • BLOG_CATEGORY_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog categories plugin name (default: Categories)

  • BLOG_ARCHIVE_PLUGIN_NAME: Blog archive plugin name (default: Archive)

  • BLOG_FEED_CACHE_TIMEOUT: Cache timeout for RSS feeds

  • BLOG_FEED_INSTANT_ITEMS: Number of items in Instant Article feed

  • BLOG_FEED_LATEST_ITEMS: Number of items in latest items feed

  • BLOG_FEED_TAGS_ITEMS: Number of items in per tags feed

Read-only settings

  • BLOG_MENU_TYPES: Available structures of the Blog menu; (default list Posts and Categories, Categories only, Posts only, None)

  • BLOG_MENU_TYPE: Structure of the Blog menu; (default: Posts and Categories)

Per-Apphook settings

  • application title: Free text title that can be used as title in templates;

  • object name: Free text label for Blog items in django CMS Wizard;

  • Post published by default: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_DEFAULT_PUBLISHED;

  • Permalink structure: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AVAILABLE_PERMALINK_STYLES;

  • Use placeholder and plugins for article body: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_USE_PLACEHOLDER;

  • Use abstract field: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_USE_ABSTRACT;

  • Set author: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR_DEFAULT;

  • Paginate sizePer-Apphook setting for BLOG_PAGINATION;

  • Template prefix: Alternative directory to load the blog templates from;

  • Menu structure: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_MENU_TYPE

  • Sitemap changefreq: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_SITEMAP_CHANGEFREQ_DEFAULT

  • Sitemap priority: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_SITEMAP_PRIORITY_DEFAULT

  • Object type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TYPE

  • Facebook type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_TYPE

  • Facebook application ID: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_APP_ID

  • Facebook profile ID: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_PROFILE_ID

  • Facebook page URL: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_FB_PUBLISHER

  • Facebook author URL: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR_URL

  • Facebook author: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_AUTHOR

  • Twitter type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_TYPE

  • Twitter site handle: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_SITE

  • Twitter author handle: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_TWITTER_AUTHOR

  • Google+ type: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_GPLUS_TYPE

  • Google+ author name: Per-Apphook setting for BLOG_GPLUS_AUTHOR

  • Send notifications on post publish: Send desktop notifications when a post is published

  • Send notifications on post update: Send desktop notifications when a post is updated

Import from Wordpress

If you want to import content from existing wordpress blog, check and this gist as a base.

Known djangocms-blog websites

See DjangoPackages for an updated list


0.8.3 (2016-06-21)

  • Stricter filer dependency versioning.

0.8.2 (2016-06-12)

  • Aldryn-only release. No code changes

0.8.1 (2016-06-11)

  • Aldryn-only release. No code changes

0.8.0 (2016-06-05)

  • Added django-knocker integration

  • Changed the default value of date_published to null

  • Cleared menu cache when changing menu layout in apphook config

  • Fixed error with wizard multiple registration

  • Made django CMS 3.2 the default version

  • Fixed error with on_site filter

  • Removed meta-mixin compatibility code

  • Changed slug size to 255 chars

  • Fixed pagination setting in list views

  • Added API to set default sites if user has permission only for a subset of sites

  • Added Aldryn integration

0.7.0 (2016-03-19)

  • Make categories non required

  • Fix tests with parler>=1.6

  • Use all_languages_column to admin

  • Add publish button

  • Fix issues in migrations. Thanks @skirsdeda

  • Fix selecting current menu item according to menu layout

  • Fix some issues with haystack indexes

  • Add support for moved ThumbnailOption

  • Fix Django 1.9 issues

  • Fix copy relations method in plugins

  • Mitigate issue when apphook config can’t be retrieved

  • Mitigate issue when wizard double registration is triggered

0.6.3 (2015-12-22)

  • Add BLOG_ADMIN_POST_FIELDSET_FILTER to filter admin fieldsets

  • Ensure correct creation of full URL for canonical urls

  • Move constants to settings

  • Fix error when no config is found

0.6.2 (2015-11-16)

  • Add app_config field to BlogLatestEntriesPlugin

  • Fix __str__ plugins method

  • Fix bug when selecting plugins template

0.6.1 (2015-10-31)

  • Improve toolbar: add all languages for each post

  • Improve toolbar: add per-apphook configurable changefreq, priority

0.6.0 (2015-10-30)

  • Add support for django CMS 3.2 Wizard

  • Add support for Apphook Config

  • Add Haystack support

  • Improved support for meta tags

  • Improved admin

  • LatestPostsPlugin tags field has been changed to a plain TaggableManager field. A migration is in place to move the data, but backup your data first.

0.5.0 (2015-08-09)

  • Add support for Django 1.8

  • Drop dependency on Django select2

  • Code cleanups

  • Enforce flake8 / isort checks

  • Add categories menu

  • Add option to disable the abstract

0.4.0 (2015-03-22)

  • Fix Django 1.7 issues

  • Fix dependencies on python 3 when using wheel packages

  • Drop Django 1.5 support

  • Fix various templates issues

  • UX fixes in the admin

0.3.1 (2015-01-07)

  • Fix page_name in template

  • Set cascade to set null for post image and thumbnail options

0.3.0 (2015-01-04)

  • Multisite support

  • Configurable default author support

  • Refactored settings

  • Fix multilanguage issues

  • Fix SEO fields length

  • Post absolute url is generated from the title in any language if current is not available

  • If djangocms-page-meta and djangocms-page-tags are installed, the relevant toolbar items are removed from the toolbar in the post detail view to avoid confusings page meta / tags with post ones

  • Plugin API changed to filter out posts according to the request.

  • Django 1.7 support

  • Python 3.3 and 3.4 support

0.2.0 (2014-09-24)

  • INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: view names changed!

  • Based on django parler 1.0

  • Toolbar items contextual to the current page

  • Add support for canonical URLs

  • Add transifex support

  • Add social tags via django-meta-mixin

  • Per-post or site-wide comments enabling

  • Simpler TextField-based content editing for simpler blogs

  • Add support for custom user models

0.1.0 (2014-03-06)

  • First experimental release

Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

Download files

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Source Distribution

djangocms-blog-0.8.3.tar.gz (107.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

djangocms_blog-0.8.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (197.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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