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Use GeoNode client in your django projects

Project description

GeoNode MapStore Client Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

MapStore is an Open Source WebGIS framework based on ReactJS and it can be integrated inside GeoNode as maps, layers and apps viewer. GeoNode

Structure of directories

The GeoNode MapStore client is structured in 4 main groups:

|-- ...
|-- client/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- js/
|    |-- MapStore2/
|    |-- static/
|    |    +-- mapstore/
|    |         |-- ...
|    |         +-- translations/
|    |-- themes/
|    |    |-- ...
|    |    |-- default/
|    |    +-- preview/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- env.json
|    |-- package.json
|    +-- version.txt
|-- static/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- geonode/
|    |    +-- js/
|    |         +-- ms2/
|    |              +-- utils/
|    +-- mapstore/
|-- templates/
|    +-- geonode-mapstore-client/
|-- ...
|-- ...
|-- api
|    |-- ...
|    |--  # MapStore2 REST APIs
|    |-- ...
|    |--
|-- geoapps
|    |-- ...
|    |-- geostories
|    |    |-- ...
|    |    |-- api
|    |    |    |-- ...
|    |    |    |--  # MapStore2/GeoStories REST APIs
|    |    |    |-- ...
|    |    |    |--
|-- plugins
|    |-- ...
|    |--  # Converts GeoNode Maps into MapStore2 ones
|    |--  # Converts MapStore2 maps into a Model (MapStoreResource <--> Map)

Javascript files

The geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/ folder contains all the javascript and jsx files needed to build the application. This folder is targeted by babel loader so it's possible to use javascript es6 features inside .js and .jsx files.

The naming of folder is following the directories and files naming conventions used inside MapStore. The directories are subdivided by function: actions, api, components, epics, hooks, observables, plugins, reducers, routes, utils, ... while the files should be related to a specific plugin name if they are not generic:

eg. The Save plugin will have plugins/Save.jsx, components/save/*.jsx, utils/SaveUtils.jsx, actions/save.js, reducers/save.js, epics/save.js and so on.

Below the structure of the geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/ folder:

|-- ...
|-- client/
|    |-- ...
|    +-- js/
|         |-- ...
|         |-- actions/
|         |-- api/
|         |-- apps/
|         |-- components/
|         |-- epics/
|         |-- hooks/
|         |-- observables/
|         |-- plugins/
|         |-- reducers/
|         |-- routes/
|         |-- selector/
|         |-- utils/
|         |-- api.js
|         |-- plugins.js
|         +-- previewPlugins.js
|-- ...

Some directories and files have special behaviors:

  • geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/apps/: each file in this folder will be compiled as a new entry point so only .js or .jsx files are allowed. eg. geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/apps/gn-geostory.js will become a gn-geostory.js file in the dist folder.
  • geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/api.js: entry point for the custom js api of MapStore used in the GeoNode template as map viewer. This compiled name of this file is ms2-geonode-api.js
  • geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/plugins.js: list of MapStore plugins available inside the full page map viewer
  • geonode_mapstore_client/client/js/previewPlugins.js: list of MapStore plugins available inside the preview map viewer

Themes files

The geonode_mapstore_client/client/themes/ folder contains all the .less files needed to compile the MapStore theme with additional customization. Each theme should be placed inside a folder named as the final expected css file and provide a file theme.less as entry point:

eg. geonode_mapstore_client/client/themes/my-theme/theme.less will become a my-theme.css file in the dist folder.

geonode-mapstore-client provides two main style:

  • default.css used by the full page map viewer
  • preview.css used by the preview map viewer
|-- ...
|-- client/
|    |-- ...
|    +-- themes/
|         |-- ...
|         |-- default/
|         |    |-- less/
|         |    |-- theme.less
|         |    +-- variables.less
|         +-- preview/
|              |-- less/
|              |-- theme.less
|              +-- variables.less
|-- ...

The language used for the styles is less and it's compatible with the MapStore theme.

Note: there is also a new theme called geonode but it's a placeholder for the new .scss style used by the single page application homepage (experimental).

Configurations files

The MapStore application needs configurations to load the correct plugins or enable/disable/change functionality. The GeoNode/MapStore integration currently supports two approach one for the MapStore js api (map/layer viewer) and one for the new applications such as geostory and home. Future approach will follow the configuration style of the new application and it will try to align also the map/layer view application.

We need to provide two main type of configuration:

  • plugins and app configurations: this includes list of needed plugin in a page and customization of functionalities:
    • js api imports a combination of files from the directory geonode_mapstore_client/static/geonode/js/ms2/utils/ inside the templates. The files inside geonode_mapstore_client/static/geonode/js/ms2/utils/ are list of plugins grouped by purpose: view, embed or edit. There is also an additional app configuration in the _config.html template.
    • new app imports static configuration from json files of the geonode_mapstore_client/client/static/mapstore/configs/ folder or centralize the configuration in the correspondent template (see geostory.html).
  • translations: both approaches retrieve custom translations for the geonode client from the geonode_mapstore_client/client/static/translations/ folder
|-- ...
|-- client/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- static/
|    |    +-- mapstore/
|    |         |-- configs/ (new app)
|    |         |-- img/ (new app)
|    |         +-- translations/
|    |              |-- ...
|    |              |--
|    |              |-- data.en-US.json
|    |              |--
|    |              |--
|    |              +--
|    |-- ...
|-- static/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- geonode/
|    |    +-- js/
|    |         +-- ms2/
|    |              +-- utils/
|    |                   |-- ms2_base_plugins.js (js api)
|    |                   |-- ms2_composer_plugins.js (js api)
|    |                   |-- ms2_map_embed_plugins.js (js api)
|    |                   |-- ms2_map_viewer_plugins.js (js api)
|    |                   |-- ms2_viewer_plugins.js (js api)
|    |                   +-- thumbnail.js (js api)
|    +-- mapstore/ (only compiled files here from client/ folder 'npm run compile')
|-- ...

Important!: The geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore/ is the directory with all the final files generated after running the npm run compile script inside the geonode_mapstore_client/client/ folder. Every new file needed in the geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore/ must be placed inside the geonode_mapstore_client/client/static/mapstore/ directory then the npm run compile will move all the needed files in the final destination including the statics.

HTML templates files

The HTML templates represents all the pages where the MapStore client is integrated. Each template has its own configuration based on the resource type layer, map or app, and for a specific purpose view, edit or embed.

There are special templates used as base configuration for other templates: _config.html and base_ms.html.

|-- ...
|-- templates/
|    +-- geonode-mapstore-client/
|         |-- ...
|         |-- app/
|         |    |-- ...
|         |    +-- geostory.html
|         |-- _client_composer_js.html (deprecated)
|         |-- _client_viewer_js.html (deprecated)
|         |-- _config.html
|         |-- app_edit.html
|         |-- app_embed.html
|         |-- app_list.html
|         |-- app_new.html
|         |-- app_view.html
|         |-- base_ms.html
|         |-- edit_map.html
|         |-- layer_edit.html
|         |-- layer_map.html
|         |-- layer_style_edit.html
|         |-- layer_view.html
|         |-- map_detail.html
|         |-- map_embed.html
|         |-- map_new.html
|         +-- map_view.html
|-- ...

List of templates based on the resource type:

  • Layers - templates in use _config.html, base_ms.html, layer_edit.html, layer_map.html, layer_style_edit.html and layer_view.html

  • Maps - templates in use _config.html, base_ms.html, edit_map.html, map_detail.html, map_embed.html, map_new.html and map_view.html

  • Apps - app_edit.html, app_embed.html, app_list.html, app_new.html, app_view.html and app/geostory.html

Running in developer mode

Before starting

In order to develop with GeoNode MapStore client we need a running instance of GeoNode. The GeoNode instance could be local or remote. You could follow this tutorial to setup a local instance of GeoNode: (suggested).

Needed tools:

  • git
  • node >= v12.18.4
  • npm >= 6.14.6

Steps needed for the initial setup, Open a terminal in your workspace directory and follow these steps to setup the repository locally:

  • Clone the repository in your workspace:

git clone --recursive

  • A new geonode-mapstore-client/ should be available in your workspace.

Note: ensure the geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/MapStore2 is not empty. If the geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/MapStore2 is empty run the command git submodule update inside the geonode-mapstore-client/ directory.

  • Change directory to the client folder:

cd geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/

  • Install all package dependencies with the command:

npm install

Now all the client dependencies are installed. The command npm install should be used every time there is an update in the package.json or after switching to a different branch. If the package are not installed correctly you can try to run npm update before npm install.

Getting Started

The geonode-mapstore-client uses the webpack dev server to proxy requests of a remote or local instance of GeoNode and to replace only the files used by the MapStore client. Once we have a running instance of GeoNode and credentials to work on it we can add some environment variables and start the client in development mode.

These steps are based on the assumption that there is a running instance of GeoNode at the url http://localhost:8000/:

  • Edit the config property of package.json if the host or protocol are different from the default targeted instance of GeoNode:


    "geonode": {
        "devServer": {
            // if my GeoNode runs on http://localhost:8000/ use
            "host": "localhost:8080",
            "protocol": "http"
            // if my GeoNode runs on https://my-geonode/ use
            // "host": "my-geonode",
            // "protocol": "https"
  • Change directory to the client one:

cd geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/

  • Start the development application locally:

npm start

Now open the url http://localhost:8081/ to work on the client.

Note: if the protocol is set to https you need to open the url https://localhost:8081/.

Build the client

GeoNode uses directly the bundle compiled and committed in the repository so it's important to compile the client and commit it to the repository. We usually follow this approach:

  • 1 make all commits with the changes related to improvements/fixes on the client
  • 2 then an additional commit that contains the results of the npm run compile script and refer to previously committed changes (message update client bundle).

The npm run compile script perform following changes to the repository:

  • 1 it deletes all content of geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore
  • 2 it creates a version.txt file in the geonode_mapstore_client/client directory
  • 3 it creates the bundle of all js and css entries and copy them to the geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore/dist folder
  • 4 it copies all static contents of geonode_mapstore_client/client/static/mapstore to the directory geonode_mapstore_client/static/mapstore/
  • 5 it updates the root package.json

These is the summary of needed build steps:

  • Commit all previous changes on the source code
  • Change directory to the client one:

cd geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/

  • Run lint script

npm run lint

  • Run all test

npm run test

  • Compile the client

npm run compile

Customize and extends the client

There are three ways to customize the GeoNode MapStore client: changing the configuration and/or templates, with a new fork/branch or with geonode-project and @mapstore/project.

Useful links for customization of the MapStore client

Customization via configurations/templates

It's possible to remove and configure plugins by changing configuration and css directly inside templates. See the configurations files locations in the repository and the MapStore documentations about plugins for more information.

Customization via fork/branch (advanced)

Create a new fork/branch, apply changes, compile the new client then install the specific branch with pip in the requirement.txt of the geonode-project.

Expected version in requirement.txt

-e git+{commit}#egg=django_geonode_mapstore_client

Customization via @mapstore/project (advanced/experimental)

This type of customization has been introduced to be applied to geonode-project and add, replace or remove plugins for the map and layer viewer. This approach is still in development and aim to normalize the way various apps inside geonode-mapstore-client could be customized.

Given a geonode-project with this directories structure:

|-- ...
|-- project-name/
|    |-- ...
|    +-- ...
|-- ...
  • Navigate to geonode-project/project-name/

cd geonode-project/project-name/

  • Run the create script of @mapstore/project

npx @mapstore/project create geonode

The script above will create a folder called client inside geonode-project/project-name/ with the following structure:

|-- ...
|-- project-name/
|    |-- ...
|    |-- client/
|    |    |-- js/
|    |    |     |-- ...
|    |    |     |-- apps/
|    |    |     +-- jsapi/
|    |    |          |-- plugins.js
|    |    |          +-- previewPlugins.js
|    |    |-- static/
|    |    |     +-- mapstore/
|    |    |     |    |-- ...
|    |    |          +-- translations/
|    |    |-- themes/
|    |    |     |-- default/
|    |    |     |    |-- ...
|    |    |     |    +-- theme.less
|    |    |     +-- preview/
|    |    |          +-- theme.less
|    |    |-- .gitignore
|    |    |-- package.json
|    |    +-- version.txt
|    +-- ...
|-- ...

This new client/ directory has a similar structure of geonode-mapstore-client/geonode_mapstore_client/client/ with some special file and folders:

  • client/js/apps/ each .js file in this directory will became an application entry
  • client/js/jsapi/plugins.js and client/js/jsapi/previewPlugins.js this two file have a function that get current plugins imported in mapstore client and should return a plugin list
// example to add a new plugin
import MyCustomPlugin from '../plugins/MyCustomPlugin.jsx';
export const extendPluginsDefinition = ({ plugins,  requires }) =>
        plugins: {
  • client/static/mapstore/translations extend translations of the client
  • client/themes/default/theme.less extend the default theme
  • client/themes/preview/theme.less extend the preview theme

Inside this client folder it's possible to use the same scripts used in the geonode-mapstore-client npm start, npm run test, npm run compile, ... .

You can run the npm run compile to create the new client application in the static/mapstore of the geonode-project once the new customizations are applied.

Important!: the branch/commit of the geonode-mapstore-client inside the package.json must be the same of the pip package inside the requirement.txt

expected version in requirement.txt

-e git+{commit}#egg=django_geonode_mapstore_client

expected version in client/package.json

"dependencies": {
    "geonode-mapstore-client": "git+{commit}",

Integrating into GeoNode/Django


  • Deprecated django-mapstore-adapter; this library has been now merged into django-geonode-mapstore-client
  • You don't have to change anything on your but you will have to remove django-mapstore-adapter from requirements.txt and setup.cfg


  • Execute pip install django-geonode-mapstore-client --upgrade

GeoNode settings update

Update your GeoNode > as follows:

# -- START Client Hooksets Setup

# GeoNode javascript client configuration

# default map projection
# Note: If set to EPSG:4326, then only EPSG:4326 basemaps will work.
DEFAULT_MAP_CRS = os.environ.get('DEFAULT_MAP_CRS', "EPSG:3857")

DEFAULT_LAYER_FORMAT = os.environ.get('DEFAULT_LAYER_FORMAT', "image/png")

# Where should newly created maps be focused?
DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER = (os.environ.get('DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_X', 0), os.environ.get('DEFAULT_MAP_CENTER_Y', 0))

# How tightly zoomed should newly created maps be?
# 0 = entire world;
# maximum zoom is between 12 and 15 (for Google Maps, coverage varies by area)
DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM = int(os.environ.get('DEFAULT_MAP_ZOOM', 0))

BING_API_KEY = os.environ.get('BING_API_KEY', None)
GOOGLE_API_KEY = os.environ.get('GOOGLE_API_KEY', None)



To enable the MapStore2 REACT based Client:
1. pip install pip install django-geonode-mapstore-client>=2.1.0
2. enable those:
    GEONODE_CLIENT_HOOKSET = os.getenv('GEONODE_CLIENT_HOOKSET', 'geonode_mapstore_client.hooksets.MapStoreHookSet')

    if 'geonode_mapstore_client' not in INSTALLED_APPS:
        INSTALLED_APPS += (

    def get_geonode_catalogue_service():
        if PYCSW:
            pycsw_config = PYCSW["CONFIGURATION"]
            if pycsw_config:
                    pycsw_catalogue = {
                        ("%s" % pycsw_config['metadata:main']['identification_title']): {
                            "url": CATALOGUE['default']['URL'],
                            "type": "csw",
                            "title": pycsw_config['metadata:main']['identification_title'],
                            "autoload": True
                    return pycsw_catalogue
        return None

    GEONODE_CATALOGUE_SERVICE = get_geonode_catalogue_service()

        "Demo WMS Service": {
            "url": "",
            "type": "wms",
            "title": "Demo WMS Service",
            "autoload": False
        "Demo WMTS Service": {
            "url": "",
            "type": "wmts",
            "title": "Demo WMTS Service",
            "autoload": False



            "type": "osm",
            "title": "Open Street Map",
            "name": "mapnik",
            "source": "osm",
            "group": "background",
            "visibility": True
        }, {
            "type": "tileprovider",
            "title": "OpenTopoMap",
            "provider": "OpenTopoMap",
            "name": "OpenTopoMap",
            "source": "OpenTopoMap",
            "group": "background",
            "visibility": False
        }, {
            "type": "wms",
            "title": "Sentinel-2 cloudless -",
            "format": "image/jpeg",
            "id": "s2cloudless",
            "name": "s2cloudless:s2cloudless",
            "url": "",
            "group": "background",
            "thumbURL": "%sstatic/mapstorestyle/img/s2cloudless-s2cloudless.png" % SITEURL,
            "visibility": False
       }, {
            "source": "ol",
            "group": "background",
            "id": "none",
            "name": "empty",
            "title": "Empty Background",
            "type": "empty",
            "visibility": False,
            "args": ["Empty Background", {"visibility": False}]
       # Custom XYZ Tile Provider
        # {
        #     "type": "tileprovider",
        #     "title": "Title",
        #     "provider": "custom", // or undefined
        #     "name": "Name",
        #     "group": "background",
        #     "visibility": false,
        #     "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
        #     "options": {
        #         "subdomains": [ "a", "b"]
        #     }
        # }

        BASEMAP = {
            "type": "tileprovider",
            "title": "MapBox streets-v11",
            "provider": "MapBoxStyle",
            "name": "MapBox streets-v11",
            "accessToken": "%s" % MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "source": "streets-v11",
            "thumbURL": "" % MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN,
            "group": "background",
            "visibility": True

    if BING_API_KEY:
        BASEMAP = {
            "type": "bing",
            "title": "Bing Aerial",
            "name": "AerialWithLabels",
            "source": "bing",
            "group": "background",
            "apiKey": "{{apiKey}}",
            "visibility": False


# -- END Client Hooksets Setup

Update migrations and static files

  • Execute DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=<your_geonode.settings> python migrate
  • Execute DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=<your_geonode.settings> python collectstatic

Project details

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Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

django_geonode_mapstore_client-2.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (34.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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