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Checks Datasets and SOS endpoints for standards compliance

Project description

# IOOS Compliance Checker

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The IOOS Compliance Checker is a Python tool to check local/remote datasets against a variety of compliance standards. It is primarily a command-line tool (tested on OSX/Linux) and can also be used as a library import.

It currently supports the following sources and standards:

| Standard | .nc/OPeNDAP | SOS |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| [ACDD (1.1)]( | Complete | - |
| IOOS Asset Concept | - | GetCapabilities, DescribeSensor |
| [CF (1.6)]( | Complete | - |

## Concepts & Terminology

Each compliance standard is executed by a Check Suite, which functions similar to a Python standard Unit Test. A Check Suite runs one or more checks against a dataset, returning a list of Results which are then aggregated into a summary.

Each Result has a (# passed / # total) score, a weight (HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW), a computer-readable name, an optional list of human-readable messages, and optionally a list of child Results.

A single score is then calculated by aggregating on the names, then multiplying the score by the weight and summing them together.

The computer-readable name field controls how Results are aggregated together - in order to prevent the overall score for a Check Suite varying on the number of variables, it is possible to *group* Results together via the name property. Grouped results will only add up to a single top-level entry.

See the [Development](// wiki page for more details on implementation.

## Usage (command line)

The compliance-checker can work against local files (.nc files, .xml files of SOS GetCapabilities/DescribeSensor requests) or against remote URLs (OPeNDAP data URLs, SOS GetCapabilities/DescribeSensor URLs).

> **WARNING** The CF/ACDD checks **will access data**, so if using a remote OPenDAP URL, please be sure the size is reasonable!

$ compliance-checker --help
usage: compliance-checker [-h] [--test {acdd,cf,ioos} [{acdd,cf,ioos} ...]]
[--criteria [{lenient,normal,strict}]] [--verbose]

positional arguments:
dataset_location Defines the location of the dataset to be checked.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test {acdd,cf,ioos} [{acdd,cf,ioos} ...], -t {acdd,cf,ioos} [{acdd,cf,ioos} ...], --test= {acdd,cf,ioos} [{acdd,cf,ioos} ...], -t= {acdd,cf,ioos} [{acdd,cf,ioos} ...]
Select the Checks you want to perform. Either all
(default), cf, ioos, or acdd.
--criteria [{lenient,normal,strict}], -c [{lenient,normal,strict}]
Define the criteria for the checks. Either Strict,
Normal, or Lenient. Defaults to Normal.
--verbose, -v Increase output. May be specified up to three times.

$ compliance-checker --test=acdd compliance_checker/tests/data/
Running Compliance Checker on the dataset from: compliance_checker/tests/data/

The dataset scored 100 out of 188 points
during the acdd check
Scoring Breakdown:

High Priority
Name :Priority: Score
keywords :3: 1/1
summary :3: 1/1
title :3: 1/1
varattr :3: 69/150

Medium Priority
Name :Priority: Score
acknowledgement :2: 0/1
cdm_data_type :2: 1/2
comment :2: 1/1
creator_email :2: 1/1
creator_name :2: 1/1
creator_url :2: 1/1
date_created :2: 1/1
geospatial_lat_extents_match :2: 1/2
geospatial_lat_max :2: 1/1
geospatial_lat_min :2: 1/1
geospatial_lon_extents_match :2: 1/2
geospatial_lon_max :2: 1/1
geospatial_lon_min :2: 1/1
geospatial_vertical_extents_match :2: 0/2
geospatial_vertical_max :2: 1/1
geospatial_vertical_min :2: 1/1
history :2: 1/1
id :2: 1/1
institution :2: 1/1
keywords_vocabulary :2: 1/1
license :2: 1/1
naming_authority :2: 1/1
processing_level :2: 1/1
project :2: 1/1
standard_name_vocabulary :2: 1/1
time_coverage_duration :2: 0/1
time_coverage_end :2: 1/1
time_coverage_extents_match :2: 2/2
time_coverage_resolution :2: 1/1
time_coverage_start :2: 1/1

Reasoning for the failed tests given below:

Name Priority: Score:Reasoning
varattr :3: 69/150 :
conductivity :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var conductivity missing
attr coverage_content_type
conductivity_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var conductivity_qc
missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var conductivity_qc
missing attr units
density :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var density missing attr
density_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var density_qc missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var density_qc missing
attr units
depth :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var depth missing attr
depth_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var depth_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var depth_qc missing attr
instrument_ctd :3: 1/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var instrument_ctd missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_std_name :3: 0/ 1 : Var instrument_ctd missing
attr standard_name
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var instrument_ctd missing
attr units
lat :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lat missing attr
lat_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lat_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var lat_qc missing attr
lat_uv :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lat_uv missing attr
lon :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lon missing attr
lon_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lon_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var lon_qc missing attr
lon_uv :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var lon_uv missing attr
platform :3: 1/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var platform missing attr
var_std_name :3: 0/ 1 : Var platform missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var platform missing attr
pressure :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var pressure missing attr
pressure_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var pressure_qc missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var pressure_qc missing
attr units
profile_id :3: 1/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var profile_id missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_std_name :3: 0/ 1 : Var profile_id missing
attr standard_name
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var profile_id missing
attr units
salinity :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var salinity missing attr
salinity_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var salinity_qc missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var salinity_qc missing
attr units
segment_id :3: 1/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var segment_id missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_std_name :3: 0/ 1 : Var segment_id missing
attr standard_name
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var segment_id missing
attr units
temperature :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var temperature missing
attr coverage_content_type
temperature_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var temperature_qc missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var temperature_qc missing
attr units
time :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var time missing attr
time_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var time_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var time_qc missing attr
time_uv :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var time_uv missing attr
trajectory :3: 1/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var trajectory missing
attr coverage_content_type
var_std_name :3: 0/ 1 : Var trajectory missing
attr standard_name
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var trajectory missing
attr units
u :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var u missing attr
u_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var u_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var u_qc missing attr
v :3: 3/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var v missing attr
v_qc :3: 2/ 5 :
var_coverage_content_type :3: 0/ 2 : Var v_qc missing attr
var_units :3: 0/ 1 : Var v_qc missing attr
acknowledgement :2: 0/ 1 : Attr acknowledgement not
cdm_data_type :2: 1/ 2 : Attr cdm_data_type present
but not in expected value
list (['vector', 'grid',
'textTable', 'tin',
'stereoModel', 'video'])
geospatial_lat_extents_match :2: 1/ 2 : Data for possible latitude
variables ({u'lat':
did not match
geospatial_lat_max value
geospatial_lon_extents_match :2: 1/ 2 : Data for possible
longitude variables
did not match
geospatial_lon_max value
geospatial_vertical_extents_match :2: 0/ 2 : Data for possible vertical
variables ({u'pressure':
0.10999999999999999}) did
not match
value (1.1) Data for
possible vertical
variables ({u'pressure':
did not match
value (589.0)
time_coverage_duration :2: 0/ 1 : Attr
time_coverage_duration not
contributor_role :1: 1/ 2 : Attr contributor_role
present but not in
expected value list

$ compliance-checker --test=cf compliance_checker/tests/data/

Running Compliance Checker on the dataset from: compliance_checker/tests/data/

The dataset scored 12 out of 14 points
during the cf check
Scoring Breakdown:

High Priority
Name :Priority: Score
Variable names :3: 3/3
conventions :3: 0/1
data_types :3: 3/3
dimension_names :3: 3/3
units :3: 0/1

Medium Priority
Name :Priority: Score
all_features_are_same_type :2: 0/0
contiguous_ragged_array :2: 0/0
coordinate_type :2: 2/2
coordinates_and_metadata :2: 0/0
feature_type :2: 0/0
incomplete_multidim_array :2: 0/0
indexed_ragged_array :2: 0/0
missing_data :2: 0/0
orthogonal_multidim_array :2: 0/0
var :2: 1/1

Reasoning for the failed tests given below:

Name Priority: Score:Reasoning
conventions :3: 0/ 1 : Conventions field is not
units :3: 0/ 1 :
sss_cap :3: 0/ 1 :
known :3: 0/ 1 : unknown units type (PSU)

## Installation

To install locally, set up a virtual environment (recommend using
however, do not use `virtualenv-burrito` if you are using Anaconda python.
[Instructions for Anaconda](#anaconda) appear below):

$ mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages compliance-checker
$ workon compliance-checker

The Python dependencies require several underlying system packages that most package managers should have. See the [Installation](// wiki page for more information.

Install dependencies, numpy must be installed on its own:

$ pip install numpy
$ pip install compliance-checker

###<a name="anaconda"></a> Anaconda on linux

Assuming you have a standard Anaconda installation, run the following:

1. From the compliance-checker top-level directory create the virtual
environment (stay as far away from virtualenv's burrito as you possibly
conda create --file requirements.txt -n compliance_checker
source activate compliance_checker
conda install compliance-checker

2. Test the installation using the following commands:
compliance-checker --help
compliance-checker --test=acdd compliance_checker/tests/data/
compliance-checker --test=cf compliance_checker/tests/data/

### MS-Windows

IOOS Compliance Checker cannot be directly installed on MS-Windows systems because the required `udunitspy` and `swig` packages are either broken or unavailable for that OS (2014-08-18). However, the Compliance Checker can be successfully installed on Linux that runs as a guest OS on a virtual platform, e.g. Oracle VirtualBox with Linux Mint. If Anaconda is the Python of choice for the virtual Linux machine, the 64bit Linux has to be used because no `udunitspy` is currently available for 32bit Linux.

Before [creating the virtual environment and installing compliance-checker](, the channel locations should be updated in the Anaconda configuration file `.condarc`; without that the `conda` command fails to find the required packages. If that file does not exist it should be created in the Anaconda root directory with the following text (the comments with "#" prefix are optional):

# channel locations. These override conda defaults, i.e., conda will
# search *only* the channels listed here, in the order given. Use "defaults" to
# automatically include all default channels. Non-url channels will be
# interpreted as binstar usernames (this can be changed by modifying the
# channel_alias key; see below).
- defaults


If after that conda still cannot find the required packages, the `binstar` package should be installed:

conda install binstar

### Ubuntu

Installing on Ubuntu? Check out the [Ubuntu Install Guide](doc/

## Usage (from Python code)

from compliance_checker.runner import ComplianceCheckerCheckSuite

cs = ComplianceCheckerCheckSuite()
dataset = cs.load_dataset("/path/or/url/to/your/dataset")
groups =, 'acdd')
scores = groups['acdd']

## Usage (Command Line)

compliance-checker <data-source> -t [cf|acdd|ioos|gliderdac]

The compliance checker command line tool will print out (to STDOUT) the test
results. The command line tool will also return 0 for a successful run and
non-0 for a failure.

## Available Test Suites

- [CF 1.6](
- [ACDD](
- [IOOS](
- [GliderDAC](

## Development

The compliance-checker is designed to be simple and hackable to edit existing compliance suites or introduce new ones. See the [Development]( wiki page for more information.

## Roadmap

- Improved text output (\#12)
- UGRID compliance (\#33)

## Contributors

- Dave Foster <>
- Dan Maher <>
- Luke Campbell <>

And many more testers!

Portions of the CF checker are based on Michael Decker's work,

15 vim --version
17 python --version
23 git --version
27 wget
33 bash
67 wget
70 git clone ssh://
82 git clone ssh://
106 git config --global "Christopher Duncombe Rae"
108 git config --global ""
278 git remote add origin ssh://
344 git clone ssh://
348 git remote set-url upstream ssh://
449 git submodule add ssh://
749 git clone ssh://
750 git remote add upstream ssh://
783 git clone
784 conda config --add channels
785 conda config --add channels
791 conda create -n workshop python=2 numpy matplotlib cartopy ipython ipython-notebook netcdf4 owslib pyudl networkx basemap
836 compliance-checker --test=acdd compliance_checker/tests/data/test-data/
837 compliance-checker --test=acdd compliance_checker/tests/data/
838 compliance-checker --test=acdd compliance_checker/tests/data/ | less -S
839 compliance-checker --test=acdd test-data/


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

compliance-checker-1.1.1.tar.gz (545.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

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