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zc.buildout to configure a solr instance

Project description

The recipe configures an instance of the Solr indexing server. Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web administration interface

Git Repository and issue tracker:



  • This version of the recipe only supports Solr 3.5 and 4.0. Please use a release from the 2.x series if you are using Solr 1.4.

  • This version supports Genshi templates only. Please use a release less than 5.x if you require Cheetah templating and do not require Python 3 support. If you require Python 3 support, you must convert any custom templates to use the Genshi text templating language.

Supported options

The recipe supports the following options.

Solr Server


Path to the location of the Solr installation. This should be the top-level installation directory.


Name or IP address of the Solr server, e.g. Defaults to localhost.


Server port. Defaults to 8983.


Base path to the Solr service on the server. The final URL to the Solr service will be made of:


to which the actual commands will be appended. Defaults to /solr.


Optional override for the location of the directory where Solr stores its indexes and log files. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/solr. This option and the script option make it possible to create multiple Solr instances in a single buildout and dedicate one or more of the instances to automated functional testing.


Optional override for the location of the Solr logfiles. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/solr.


Optional override for the location of the Solr pid file. Defaults to ${buildout:directory}/var/solr.


Optional override for the jetty.xml template. Defaults to templates/jetty.xml.tmpl.


Optional override for the template. Defaults to templates/


Optional override for the template. Defaults to templates/


Optional override for the directory where the jetty.xml file will be generated. Defaults to the Solr default location.


Optional includes of custom Java libraries. The option takes a path and a regular expression per line separated by a colon. The regular expression is optional and defaults to .*\.jar (all jar-files in a directory). Example:

extralibs =

Optional override for the name of the generated Solr instance control script. Defaults to solr-instance. This option and the vardir option make it possible to create multiple Solr instances in a single buildout and dedicate one or more of the instances to automated functional testing.


Optional. Parameters to pass to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used to run Solr. Each option is specified on a separated line. For example:

java_opts =

Solr Configuration


Optional override for the directory where the solrconfig.xml file will be generated. Defaults to the Solr default location.


Optional override for the template used to generate the solrconfig.xml file. Defaults to the template contained in the recipe, i.e. templates/solrconfig.xml.tmpl.


The maximum number of results the Solr server returns. This sets the rows option for the request handlers. Defaults to 500.


Maximum number of searchers that may be warming in the background. Defaults to 4. For read-only slaves recommend to set to 1 or 2.


If a request comes in without a warm searcher available, immediately use one of the warming searchers to handle the request. Defaults to false.


Specify the index defaults merge factor. This value determines how many segments of equal size exist before being merged to a larger segment. With the default of 10, nine segments of 1000 documents will be created before they are merged into one containing 10000 documents, which in turn will be merged into one containing 100000 documents once that size is reached.


Sets the amount of RAM that may be used by Lucene indexing for buffering added documents and deletions before they are flushed to the directory. Defaults to 16mb.


If true (the recipes default), unlock any held write or commit locks on startup. This defeats the locking mechanism that allows multiple processes to safely access a Lucene index.


If set to true, the Solr instance will not start up if there are configuration errors. This is useful in development environments to debug potential issues with schema and solrconfig. Defaults to false.


Configures the field used as a source for the spellcheck search component. Defaults to default.


Lets you enable auto commit handling and force a commit after at least the number of documents were added. This is disabled by default.


Lets you enable auto commit handling after a specified time in milliseconds. This is disabled by default.


Optional <requestParsers /> parameter useful if you are submitting very large documents to Solr. May be the case if Solr is indexing binaries extracted from request.


Solr4 allows for different directoryFactories: solr.StandardDirectoryFactory, solr.MMapDirectoryFactory, solr.NIOFSDirectoryFactory, solr.SimpleFSDirectoryFactory, sorl.RAMDirectoryFactory or solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory. The default is: solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory If you are running a solr-instance for unit-testing of an application it could be useful to use solr.RAMDirectoryFactory.


Optional additional configuration to be included inside the solrconfig.xml. For instance, <requestHandler /> directives.


Optional additional configuration to be included inside the query section of solrconfig.xml. For instance, <listener /> directives.

Cache Options

Fine grained control of query caching as described at

The supported options are:

  • filterCacheSize

  • filterCacheInitialSize

  • filterCacheAutowarmCount

  • queryResultCacheSize

  • queryResultCacheInitialSize

  • queryResultCacheAutowarmCount

  • documentCacheSize

  • documentCacheInitialSize

  • documentCacheAutowarmCount (only for Solr 4)



Optional override for the directory where the schema.xml file will be generated. Defaults to the Solr default location.


Optional override for the template used to generate the schema.xml file. Defaults to the template contained in the recipe, i.e. templates/schema.xml.tmpl.


Optional override for the template used to generate the stopwords.txt file. Defaults to the template contained in the recipe, i.e. templates/stopwords.txt.tmpl.


Configure the extra field types available to be used in the index option. You can create custom field types with special analyzers and tokenizers, check Solr’s complete reference:


Configure filters for analyzers for the default field types. These accept tokens produced by a given tokenizer and process them in series to either add, change or remove tokens. After all filters have been applied, the resulting token stream is indexed into the given field.

This option applies to the default analyzer for a given field – by default, Solr considers this to apply to both query and index analyzers. If you want to configure separate analyzers, see the filter-query and filter-index options below.

Each filter is configured on a separated line and each filter will be applied to tokens (during Solr operation) in the order specified.

Each line should read like:

text solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory minGramSize="2" maxGramSize="15" side="front"

In the above example:

  • text is the type, one of the built-in field types;

  • solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory is the class for this filter; and

  • minGramSize="2" maxGramSize="15" side="front" are the parameters for the filter’s configuration. They should be formatted as XML attributes.

By default, for the default analyzer (being both query and index):

  • text fields are filtered using:

    • solr.ICUFoldingFilterFactory

    • solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory

    • solr.TrimFilterFactory

    • solr.StopFilterFactory

To suppress default behaviour, configure the filter option accordingly. If you want no filters, then set filter = (as an empty option) in your Buildout configuration. This is useful in the situation where you want no default filters and want full control over specifying filters on a per-analyzer basis.

Check the available filters in Solr’s documentation:


Configure filters for default field types for query analyzers only. This option is like filter but only applies to the query analyzer for a given field.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will be added after any that apply from usage of the main filter option.


Configure filters for default field types for index analyzers only. This option is like filter but only applies to the index analyzer for a given field.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will be added after any that apply from usage of the main filter option.


Configure character filters (CharFilterFactories) for analyzers for the default field types. These are pre-processors for input characters in Solr fields or queries (consuming and producing a character stream) that can add, change or remove characters while preserving character position information

This option applies to the default analyzer for a given field – by default, Solr considers this to apply to both query and index analyzers. If you want to configure separate analyzers, see the char-filter-query and char-filter-index options below.

Each char filter is configured on a separated line, following the same configuration syntax as the filter option above. Each char filter will be applied to tokens (during Solr operation) in the order specified.

By default, no char filters are specified for any analyzers.

Information about available character filters is available in Solr’s documentation:


Configure character filters for default field types for query analyzers only. This option is like char-filter but only applies to the query analyzer for a given field type.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will be added after any that apply from usage of the main char filter option.


Configure character filters for default field types for index analyzers only. This option is like char-filter but only applies to the index analyzer for a given field type.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will be added after any that apply from usage of the main char filter option.


Configure tokenizers for analyzers for the default field types.

This option applies to the default analyzer for a given field – by default, Solr considers this to apply to both query and index analyzers. If you want to configure separate analyzers, see the tokenizer-query and tokenizer-index options below.

Each tokenizer is configured on a separated line, following the same configuration syntax as the filter option above. Only one tokenizer may be specified per analyzer type for a given field type. If you specify multiple tokenizers for the same field type, the last one specified will take precedence.

By default, for the default analyzer (being both query and index):

  • text fields are tokenized using solr.ICUTokenizerFactory

  • text_ws fields are tokenized using solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory


Configure a tokenizer for default field types for query analyzers only. This option is like tokenizer, but only applies to the query analyzer for a given field type.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will overide any that apply from usage of the main tokenizer option. For instance, if you specified a text_ws tokenizer within the tokenizer option, and re-specify another text_ws tokenizer here, then this will take precedence. Other field types will not be affected if not overriden.


Configure a tokenizer for default field types for index analyzers only. This option is like tokenizer, but only applies to the index analyzer for a given field type.

Configuration syntax is the same as the filter option above. Options specified here will overide any that apply from usage of the main tokenizer option. For instance, if you specified a text_ws tokenizer within the tokenizer option, and re-specify another text_ws tokenizer here, then this will take precedence. Other field types will not be affected if not overriden.


Configures the different types of index fields provided by the Solr instance. Each field is configured on a separated line. Each line contains a white-space separated list of [key]:[value] pairs which define options associated with the index. Common field options are detailed at and are illustrated in following examples.

A special [key]:[value] pair is supported here for supporting Copy Fields; if you specify copyfield:dest_field, then a <copyField> declaration will be included in the schema that copies the given field into that of dest_field.


Optional override for declaring a field to be unique for all documents. See for more information Defaults to ‘uid’.


Configure a default search field, which is used when no field was explicitly given. See


The default operator to use for queries. Valid values are AND and OR. Defaults to OR.


Optional additional configuration to be included inside the schema.xml. For instance, custom <copyField /> directives and anything else that’s part of the schema configuration (see


Optional additional configuration which is placed inside the <fields>...</fields> directive in schema.xml. Use this to insert dynamic fields. For example:

additionalFieldConfig =
    <dynamicField name="..." type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Defaults to '' (empty string).


The following options only apply if collective.recipe.solrinstance:mc is specified. They are optional if the normal recipe is being used. All options defined in the solr-instance section will we inherited to cores. A core could override a previous defined option.


A list of identifiers of Buildout configuration sections that correspond to individual Solr core configurations. Each identifier specified will have the section it relates to processed according to the given options above to generate Solr configuration files for each core. See Multi-core Solr for an example.

Each identifier specified will result in a Solr instanceDir being created and entries for each core placed in Solr’s solr.xml configuration.


Optional. This option controls which core is set as the default for incoming requests that do not specify a core name. This corresponds to the defaultCoreName option described at

Zope Integration


Name of the product-config section to be generated for zope.conf. Defaults to solr.


Optional override for the configuration snippet that is generated to be included in zope.conf by other recipes. Defaults to:

<product-config ${part:section-name}>
    address ${part:host}:${part:port}
    basepath ${part:basepath}


Single Solr

A simple example how a single Solr configuration could look like this:

parts = solr-download

recipe =
strip-top-level-dir = true
url =

recipe = collective.recipe.solrinstance
solr-location = ${solr-download:location}
host =
port = 1234
max-num-results = 500
section-name = SOLR
unique-key = uniqueID
index =
    name:uniqueID type:string indexed:true stored:true required:true
    name:Foo type:text copyfield:Baz
    name:Bar type:date indexed:false stored:false required:true multivalued:true omitnorms:true copyfield:Baz
    name:Foo bar type:text
    name:Baz type:text
    name:Everything type:text
filter =
    text solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory
char-filter-index =
    text solr.HTMLStripCharFilterFactory
tokenizer-query =
    text solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
additional-schema-config =
    <copyField source="*" dest="Everything"/>

Multi-core Solr

To configure Solr for multiple cores, you must use the collective.recipe.solrinstance:mc recipe. An example of a multi-core Solr configuration could look like the following:

parts = solr-download

recipe =
strip-top-level-dir = true
url =

recipe = collective.recipe.solrinstance:mc
solr-location = ${solr-download:location}
host =
port = 1234
section-name = SOLR
directoryFactory = solr.NRTCachingDirectoryFactory
cores = core1 core2

max-num-results = 99
unique-key = uniqueID
index =
    name:uniqueID type:string indexed:true stored:true required:true
    name:Foo type:text copyfield:Baz
    name:Bar type:date indexed:false stored:false required:true multivalued:true omitnorms:true copyfield:Baz
    name:Foo bar type:text
    name:Baz type:text
    name:Everything type:text
filter =
    text solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory
char-filter-index =
    text solr.HTMLStripCharFilterFactory
tokenizer-query =
    text solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory
    text solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory
additional-schema-config =
    <copyField source="*" dest="Everything"/>

max-num-results = 66
unique-key = uid
index =
    name:uid type:string indexed:true stored:true required:true
    name:La type:text
    name:Le type:date indexed:false stored:false required:true multivalued:true omitnorms:true
    name:Lau type:text
filter =
    text solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory
char-filter-query =
    text solr.HTMLStripCharFilterFactory
tokenizer-index =
    text solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory

Change History

5.1 (2013-09-04)

  • Ensure that changing part of a core section will cause Solr configuration to be regenerated. Fixes #24. [davidjb]

  • logdir option is now available for template. [pmcnr]

  • Fix testing for Python 3 and enable Python 3.3 testing for Travis. [davidjb]

  • Enable generation of from template (Solr >= 4.3 defaults to using log4j as its SLF4J implementation). [pmcnr]

5.0.1 (2013-06-24)

  • Minor reST changes to readme and change log to fix long description. [davidjb]

5.0 (2013-06-24)

  • Recreate solr config on buildout update if the directory of the solr-instance was deleted. [mghh]

  • New option ‘additionalFieldConfig’. This option allows for additional configuration options in <fields>…</fields> section of schema.xml Use this if you have dynamicFields [mghh]

  • New option ‘directoryFactory’. Use it to define the solr directoryFactory for a Solr instance. [mghh]

  • Allow Buildout to be re-run without breaking a running Solr instance. Previously, Solr required a restart to restore removed files. [Jc2k]

  • Remove apache- prefix from artifact filenames (jar files) to handle naming changes introduced with Solr 4.1. Versions earlier than 4.1 will see this prefix included within configuration files. [davidjb]

  • Ensure Solr 4 templates do not have two autoCommit directives, mirroring how Solr 3 templates operate.

    Backwards incompatibility: if relying on a default autoCommit directive in Solr 4, you must configure the autoCommitMaxDocs and/or autoCommitMaxTime recipe options. A default is no longer provided. [davidjb]

  • Python 3 support added. Python < 2.6 support dropped. Dropped dependency on iw.recipe.template as Cheetah does not support Python 3. Replaced with Genshi, as used by collective.recipe.template.

    Backwards incompatibility: custom templates must be converted to Genshi format. [mitchellrj]

4.0.1 (unreleased)

  • Added additional-solrconfig-query allowing one to extend the solrconfig.xml query section. [naro]

  • Add ability to specify location of pid file. [CheeseTheMonkey]

4.0 (2013-02-15)

  • Add ability to control filter, char-filter and tokenizer options for different analyzers (eg query and index analyzers). These options are named like filter-query. [davidjb]

  • Add tokenizer option for controlling the tokenizers set for default field type analyzers. [davidjb]

  • Solr 4.0 support [silviot]

  • Allow comments in index directive [silviot]

  • Allow cores to be separated by newlines rather than just spaces. [domruf]

  • Add char-filter as an option for setting CharFilterFactories for default field types. [davidjb]

3.8 (2012-08-09)

  • Support default-core-name for specifying the name of a core to use for incoming Solr requests that do not specify a core. See [reinhardt]

  • Add ability to add arbitrary configuration to schema.xml using additional-schema-config option. [davidjb]

  • Add documentation and tests for copyfield option for indexes to test and clarify that this option is available. [davidjb]

3.7.1 (2012-02-28)

  • Fixed package missing files, without a we need setuptools-git. [jod]

3.7 (2012-02-28)

  • Fixed tests. [jod]

  • added option abortOnConfigurationError (makes config error diagnostics a lot easier). [gweis]

  • Add support for field options termVectors, termPositions and termOffsets. [gweis]

  • Use parts location to find additional jars. [gweis]

  • Copy dist and contrib folder for Multicore setup (just like for Singlecore). [gweis]

  • Diabled elevate.xml`, solar would fail to work if this is enabled. [gweis]

3.6 (2011-12-07)

  • Account for new schema validation in Solr 3.4 related to omitNorms field. [hannosch]

  • Update generated config files to match and require Solr 3.5. [hannosch]

  • Fix solr-instance purge to work with hosts/ports other than localhost:8983 [csenger]

  • Added new extralibs option to include custom Java libraries

3.5 (2011-07-10)

  • Removed the cacheSize option in favor of 8 specific options to configure every aspect of the query caches on their own. [hannosch]

  • Added new spellcheckField option, to configure the source field for the spellcheck search component. [hannosch]

  • Removed the example tvrh, terms and elevate request handlers. [hannosch]

  • Removed the example spell request handler and enabled spell checking based on the default field for the search request handler. [hannosch]

  • Clean up solrconfig template and remove an example firstSearcher query. [hannosch]

  • Added new mergeFactor, ramBufferSizeMB, unlockOnStartup options. [hannosch]

3.4 (2011-07-09)

  • Update generated config files to match and require Solr 3.3. [hannosch]

  • Add solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory to the standard text field, to split on intra-word delimiters such as -_:. [hannosch]

3.3 (2011-06-25)

  • Increase the requestParsers-multipartUploadLimitInKB default value from 2mb to 100mb to allow the update/extract handler to accept large files. [hannosch]

  • Increase Jetty’s maxFormContentSize from 1mb to 100mb to allow indexing large files. [hannosch]

  • Changed the field definition of the text type to avoid filters specific to the English language and instead use a default filter config that should work with most languages, based on the ICU tokenizer and folding filter. [hannosch]

  • Load the analysis-extras libraries, so we can use the ICU-based filters and tokenizers. [hannosch]

  • Removed the clustering request handlers from the default config, as they didn’t work anyways without us loading the contrib/clustering libraries. [hannosch]

  • Enable Tika data extraction and Solr Cell libraries. Data is extracted into a field called tika_content unless specified otherwise in each request via the fmap.content= argument. All extracted fields which aren’t in the schema are put into dynamic fields prefixed with tika_. [tom_gross, hannosch]

  • Removed the Velocity driven /browse request handler. The example config we generated didn’t match the schema. [hannosch]

3.2 (2011-06-23)

  • Added a new option stopwords-template which allows you to specify a custom stopwords file. [hannosch]

3.1 (2011-06-06)

  • Updated templates to match default found in Solr 3.2. [hannosch]

3.0 (2011-06-04)

  • We no longer require elementtree. [hannosch]

  • Use the standard libraries doctest module. [hannosch]

  • Increase the max-num-results default value from 10 to 500 to avoid restricting search results on this low level. The application layer should be responsible for making such restrictions. [hannosch]

3.0a2 (2011-05-26)

  • Added new logging-template option and instruct Jetty to use the file. The default logging level is set to WARNING. [hannosch]

  • Pass the host option to the Jetty config, so it can be configured to listen only on localhost or a specific IP. [hannosch]

  • Disabled Jetty request log. [hannosch]

  • Updated jetty.xml template to match new defaults found in the Solr 3.1 release. [hannosch]

  • Fixed syntax error introduced around httpCaching directive. [hannosch]

3.0a1 (2011-05-26)

  • Updated the solrconfig.xml template to match the template from Solr 3.1. [hannosch]

  • Updated the default schema.xml to the Solr 3.1 format. The schema version is now 1.3 instead of 1.2. The schema is no longer compatible with Solr 1.4. Please use a recipe version from the 2.x series for that.

    Changes to the schema include:

    • Fields no longer have a compressed option.

    • The default schema defines three new field types: point, location and geohash useful for geospatial data.

    If you have an older Solr 1.4 index, you should be able to continue using it without a full reindex. [hannosch]

2.1 (2011-04-12)

  • Fixed reStructuredText. [jod]

2.0 (2011-04-12)

  • Added default to filter attributes. [jod]

  • Multicore recipe collective.recipe.solrinstance:mc. [jod]

    • Refactured to get multicore working.

    • Pinned buildout version to get tests working.

1.1 (2011-04-04)

  • Make jetty.xml.tmpl honor the host parameter. [davidblewett]

  • Support for Windows [bluszcz]

1.0 (2010-12-12)

  • No changes.

1.0b5 (2010-09-03)

  • Actually provide the default value for the cacheSize option. [hannosch]

1.0b4 (2010-08-12)

  • Added jetty-template option. [ajung]

1.0b3 (2010-07-23)

  • Don’t kill solr after script finish when script is just used for starting solr as a daemon [do3cc]

1.0b2 (2010-06-01)

  • Actually do something in the update call. Now the configuration is updated when you run buildout again. [fschulze]

  • Handle termination signal in the wrapper script, so the solr instance is killed when the wrapper dies. [fschulze]

1.0b1 (2010-05-25)

  • Added new autoCommitMaxDocs and autoCommitMaxTime options. [hannnosch]

  • logdir option internal bugfix: buildout does not allow None options values (__setitem__). [anguenot]

1.0a7 (2010-05-17)

  • Fixed syntax error in new logdir code. [ajung]

1.0a6 (2010-05-17)

  • Added logdir option. [ajung]

1.0a5 (2010-05-11)

  • Added more options: maxWarmingSearchers, useColdSearcher and cacheSize. [hannosch]

1.0a4 (2010-05-05)

  • Added back JMX configuration. See for more details. You can enable it by adding to the java_opts option. [hannosch]

1.0a3 (2010-03-23)

  • Added back a field type called integer with the same properties as the int type. This ensures basic schemas created by collective.solr won’t need any schema changes, though they still need a full reindex. [hannosch]

1.0a2 (2010-03-22)

  • Fixed invalid reStructuredText format in the changelog. [hannosch]

1.0a1 (2010-03-22)

  • Replaced the gettableFiles option in the admin section with the new *.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler approach. By default your entire SOLR_HOME/conf except for the scripts.conf is exposed. [hannosch]

  • Updated the default schema.xml to the Solr 1.4 format. The schema version is now 1.2 instead of 1.1. The schema is no longer compatible with Solr 1.3. Please use a recipe version from the 0.x series for that.

    Changes to the schema include:

    • The integer field is now called int.

    • New field type attribute omitTermFreqAndPositions introduced. This is true by default except for text fields.

    • New binary and random field types.

    • The int, float, long, double and date fields now use the solr.Trie* classes. These are more efficient in general.

    • New tint, tfloat, tlong, tdouble and tdate fields. These are solr.Trie* fields with a precisionStep configured. You can use them for fields that see a lot of range queries.

    • The old sint, slong, sfloat and sdouble fields are no longer configured.

    • The examples fields text_greek, textTight and alphaOnlySort are no longer configured by default.

    • The text field uses the SnowballPorterFilterFactory with a language of English instead of the EnglishPorterFilterFactory.

    • The ignored field is now multiValued.

    • No dynamic fields are configured by default.

    If you have an older Solr 1.3 configuration, you might need to adjust it to match some of the new defaults. You will also have to do a full reindex of Solr, if the type of any of the fields changed, like with int or date fields. [hannosch]

  • Simplify solrconfig.xml and unconfigure example handlers that rely on a specific schema. Other changes include:

    • Indexes are now flushed when the ramBufferSizeMB is exceeded, defaulting to 32mb instead of every 1000 documents. The maxBufferedDocs is deprecated.

    • The new reopenReaders option causes IndexReaders to be reopened instead of closed and then opened.

    • The filterCache uses the solr.FastLRUCache instead of the solr.LRUCache.

    • The queryResultWindowSize defaults to 30 instead of 10.

    • The requestHandler use the new solr.SearchHandler, which supports a defType argument to turn it into a dismax handler, instead of having two separate classes for the two handlers.

    There is a number of new handlers in Solr 1.4, which aren’t enabled by default. Read the Solr documentation for the examples. [hannosch]

  • Updated jetty.xml and solrconfig.xml to Solr 1.4 defaults. The *.jetty.Request.maxFormContentSize has been set to allow post request of 1mb by default. [hannosch]

  • Made the tests pass again, by installing more packages into the test buildout environment. [hannosch]

0.4 (2010-02-18)

  • Some package metadata cleanup. [hannosch]

  • Added optional java_opts parameter to pass to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) used to run Solr. [anguenot]

  • Fixed to create the solr.log file inside the log folder. [deo]

  • Made sure to display the invalid index attribute name when raising the related error. [deo]

  • Added support for defining custom field types. [deo]

  • Added a restart command to the solr instance control script. [deo]

0.3 (2009-09-10)

  • Added requestParsers-multipartUploadLimitInKB allowing one to adjust the request parsers limit. [anguenot]

  • Added additional-solrconfig allowing one to extend the solrconfig.xml. [anguenot]

  • Support whitespace in schema index attributes values. [anguenot]

  • Added default-operator. [swampmonkey]

  • Added config-template for allowing an alternate template to be used for generating the solrconfig.xml file. [cguardia]

  • Added the vardir and script options, making it possible to install multiple Solr instances in a single buildout. [hathawsh]

0.2 (2008-08-08)

  • Improved stop command by using SIGTERM instead of SIGHUP. [guido_w]

  • Made that stdout and stderr get redirected to a log file when daemonizing the solr instance. [guido_w]

  • Added support for setting Solr filters. [deo]

0.1 (2008-07-07)

  • First public release. [dokai]


  • Andreas Zeidler

  • Carlos de la Guardia

  • Dorneles Tremea

  • Florian Schulze

  • Guido Wesdorp

  • Hanno Schlichting

  • Jan Murre

  • Joshua LaPlace

  • Julien Anguenot

  • Kai Lautaportti

  • Shane Hathaway

  • Tarek Ziade

  • Tom Gross

  • Andreas Jung

  • David Blewett

  • Josip Delic

  • Carsten Senger

  • Gerhard Weis

  • David Beitey

  • Richard Mitchell

  • Pedro Romano


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