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Tools for pulling statistics from Google Analytics.

Project description


collective.googleanalytics is a Plone product used to pull statistics from Google Analytics and display them in a Plone site. It defines Analytics reports that are used to query Google and display the results using Google Visualizations. Reports are Zope objects that can be imported and exported using GenericSetup XML and modified on a site-by-site basis. The product currently provides a portlet that can display results of reports as well as a control panel for setting credentials and configuring settings.


To install collective.googleanalytics, add it to the eggs section of your buildout. If you are using Plone 3.2 or earlier, you also need to add a ZCML slug. Then re-run buildout and restart Zope.


When you install the product from the Plone Add-ons control panel, a new control panel called Google Analytics will be added to your Plone site. In this control panel, you can set the e-mail address and password that Plone will use to access Google Analytics. You can also configure the amount of time, in minutes, that report results will be cached, reducing the need to query Google. Sixty minutes is the default caching interval.

Basic Use

After you have set your credentials in the control panel, you can begin using Analytics reports. First navigate to the page where you would like to display the report results. Where you place the portlet depends on your goals and the type of report you are displaying. For site-wide reports, your user dashboard may be the most appropriate place. For reports that monitor a specific page or section of the site, it may makes sense to place the portlet on the page that it references. Even if you place a portlet on a public page, the portlet will only be visible to users who have the “View Google Analytics Reports” permission, which, by default is assigned to Managers.

Next, place the portlet as you normally would, using the manage portlets page and selecting Google Analytics from the list of available portlets. In the portlet add form, you can set the title of the portlet, the profile the portlet will use and the reports it will display. Note that the title of the portlet is not the same as the title of the report, which is displayed inside the portlet. The profile is the Google property where the statistics that you want to access live. Which profiles you can select within the portlet depends on which profiles the Analytics account you provide to Plone can access. If you do not see any profiles in the dropdown menu, check to be sure that you have correctly set your Analytics e-mail address and password in the Google Analytics control panel.

You can select more than one report to display within a single portlet. Each report performs its own query to Google, however, so including many reports on a single page may cause a decrease in performance. To change the order of the reports within a portlet, see the section on Managing Reports below.

Once you have set the portlet title and profile and selected one or more reports, click save to add the portlet. When you navigate to the page where you assigned the portlet, you should see the results of your report.

Managing Reports

collective.googleanalytics ships with twelve default reports:

Site-Wide Reports

  • Site Visits: Line Chart

  • Top 5 Pages: Table

  • Top 5 Sources: Table

  • Site Page Views: Line Chart

  • Time on Site: Line Chart

  • Site Unique Visitors: Line Chart

Page-Specific Reports

  • Page Views: Sparkline

  • Time on Page: Sparkline

  • Top 10 Page Sources: Table

  • Top 10 Keywords: Table

  • Top 5 Previous Pages: Table

  • Top 5 Next Pages: Table

Reports live in a Plone tool called portal_analytics. To view and modify reports, navigate to the root of the site in the ZMI and click on the portal_analytics utility. Since they are standard Zope objects, reports can be copied, pasted, renamed, deleted, imported and exported using the Zope buttons beneath the list of reports. They can also be moved up and down in the list using the up, down, top and bottom buttons. The order of reports in portal_analytics controls the order that they will appear in portlets throughout the site.

Report Properties

Analytics reports are persistent Zope objects that store the arguments used to query Google and the options needed to display the query result as a Google Visualization. They store this information as properties on themselves. These properties can be set using GenericSetup XML or through the web in the ZMI.

These are the properties that the report object defines:


The title of the report in the management interface. This is the title that that the user selects when assigning a portlet.


A brief description of the report. The description is mainly for developer reference and never appears in the Plone user interface.

I18n Domain

The domain for translating the report.

Page Specific

A boolean value for whether the report results change based on the page where the report is displayed. This value is used to determine whether the report results should be cached for the entire site or on a page-by-page basis.

Query Metrics

A list of Google Analytics metrics to use in the query.

Query Dimensions

A list of Google Analytics dimensions to return in the query. This list can include the special dimension variables date_range_dimension and date_range_sort_dimension. For more information on using these dimension, see the section on Using TAL and TALES in Reports.

Query Filters

A list of filters to use in the query. Filters are defined as strings or TALES expressions that evaluate to strings in the format METRIC==VALUE, where METRIC is the name of a Google Analytics metric or dimension, VALUE is the desired value, and == is the appropriate logical operator.

Query Sort

A list of metrics or dimensions on which to sort the query results. Sort parameters are defined using strings or TALES expressions that evaluate to strings containing the name of a Google Analytics dimension or metric. In addition, the name of the dimension or metric can be preceded by a minus sign (-) to change the sort order from ascending to descending.

Query Maximum Results

The maximum number of records that the query should return. It must be a positive integer, and 1000 is the default value.

Report Column Labels

The labels for the report columns. These are defined using strings or TALES expressions that evaluate to strings. Where they appear depends on type of visualization. For the Table visualization, for example, they appear as the table column headings.

Report Column Expressions

A list of TALES expressions used to calculate the values of the report based on the data returned by Google. After the query is performed, the report iterates over the rows of data returned and calculates the value of each column. Naturally the values available in these calculations depend on the dimensions and metrics found in the query. Each dimension and metric is converted to a variable name by replacing the colon with an underscore. For example, the value of ga:uniquePageviews is stored in the variable ga_uniquePageviews.

When writing column expressions, it is important to convert value of the variable to the appropriate type before attempting to perform calculations. Google returns all data, including numbers, as strings, so expressions must use the appropriate Python functions (int(), bool(), etc.) to convert to the correct type. Similarly, the result of the expression must be returned as the type that the selected visualization expects.

Report Introduction

A block of TAL code that precedes the visualization containing the report results. TALES expressions within this code have access to the normal objects described in the section on Using TAL and TALES in Reports. They also get two special Python lists called data_rows and data_columns. data_rows contains lists of the the evaluated column expression for each row of query data. data_columns is a convenience list that reformats the data in data_rows by column instead of row.

As an example, take a report that defines these columns:


data_rows and data_columns might evaluate to the following python lists:

data_rows = [
        ['Seattle', 50],
        ['Portland', 25],
        ['San Francisco', 15]
data_columns = [
        ['Seattle', 'Portland', 'San Francisco'],
        [50, 25, 15]

If you wanted to display the total number of visits in the title, you could includes this TAL in the report introduction:

        <span tal:replace="python:sum(data_columns[0])">
                [Total visits]
Report Conclusion

A block of TAL code that follows the visualization containing the report results. See Report Introduction above for instructions on writing the TAL for this property.

Visualization Type

The type of Google Visualization to use to display the report results. This property can be set to the name of any of the default visualizations provided by Google.

Visualization Options

A list of options and values, in the format of TAL defines, that specify the options for the visualization. The available options depend on the type of visualization selected. As with the report column expressions, it is important that the option expressions evaluate to the data type that the visualization expects.

For example, the height of a visualization that accepts an integer height option could be set as follows:

height python:300

It may be helpful to think of Analytics reports as having four logical sections:

  • Metadata about the report

  • Query criteria

  • Report definition

  • Visulization settings

The first four properties–title, description, i18n domain and page specific–make up the metadata section of the report. These properties do not affect the results of the report or its presentation. Instead, they determine how it is listed and cached.

The query criteria section of the report is made up of all the properties that begin with the word query. These properties determine the query that is sent to Google to retrieve Analytics data. As a result, TALES expressions in this section of the report do not have access to the variables and objects that store the returned Analytics data.

The report definition is composed on the four properties that begin with the word report. This section of the report takes the data returned by Google and does the necessary processing and calculations. In other words, it takes the columns of data that Google provides, which correspond to dimensions and metrics, and maps them to the columns of data that the report defines. As a result, the report column expressions property has access to the metric and dimension variables, like ga_day or ga_visits, that represent the results of the query. The report introduction and conclusion have access to the data produces by evaluating the report column expressions in the form of data_rows and data_columns.

Finally the visualizaiton settings section of the report consists of the visualization type and visualization options properties. These properties are used to produce javascript that uses the Google Visualizations API to render the report data.

Dates and Reports

Analytics reports do not specify start and end dates for their queries. Instead, they accecpt date range arguments when they are evaluated. (This dynamic selection of date ranges is not currently exposed in the user interface.) These date range arguments are passed to the report’s getResults method. getResults can accept these date-related keyword arguments:

start_date and end_date

Python start and end dates.


An integer specifying the number of days prior to the current date use as the report start date. The end date is assumed to be the current date. The date_range argument can also accept a string keyword that evaluates to a particular date range depending on the current context. Current keywords include:


Last seven days.


Last 30 days.


Last 90 days.


Last 356 days.






Since the item was published.

Since dates for reports are dynamic, Analytics reports implement two special dimensions that are date sensitive. This allows the granularity of the report results to be set based on the date range selected. (For example, if you specify a date range of a year, you probably don’t want to segment your results by day. Instead, viewing results by month would be a more appropriate choice.) The two special dimensions are:


This is the dimension, selected based on the date range, that will be used to segment the results.


This is the date-related dimension that is used as a helper to ensure that results segmented by date_range_dimension can be sorted chronologically. For example, if date_range_dimension evaluates to ga:week, date_rage_sort_dimension would evalute to ga:year. Using date_range_sort_dimension (along with date_range_dimension) when sorting prevents a situation in which week 52 of 2009 gets sorted before week 1 of 2010.

For more information about using these dimensions in reports, see the section on Using TAL and TALES in Reports.

Using TAL and TALES in Reports

Many of the properties of the Analytics report object accept TALES expressions or TAL as their values. (For information about which properties accept TALES and TAL, see the section on Report Properties above.) All of the TAL code and TALES expressions have access to a standard set of Python objects and variables:


The object on which the current view is being called. In most cases, this is the content object next to which the report will be displayed.


The current request object.


An alias for the function.


An alias for the datetime.timedelta function.


The relative URL of the current request. This is most commonly used in the query filters property for creating page-specific reports.


The temporal dimension used to segment the results. In report column expressions, this variable evaluates to the value of the dimension for the selected row. In all other fields, it evaluates to the name of the dimension. See the section on Dates and Reports for more information about how this dimension is selected.


The name of the dimension used to sort the results chronologically (along with date_range_dimension). See the section on Dates and Reports for more information.


A string containing the human-readable name of the dimension specified by date_range_dimension (e.g. ‘Day’, ‘Month’, etc.)


A convenience variable that contains date_range_unit with the letter ‘s’ appended.

In addition to these objects, some properties have access to special objects and variables that represent the data returned by the query:

Report Column Expressions

These TALES expressions have access to variables that represent the values of each dimension and metric used in the query. The names of these variables are found by taking the name of the dimension or metric and replacing the colon with an underscore. For example, ga:exitPagePath becomes ga_exitPagePath. For more information about using these variables, see the section on Report Properties above.

Report Introduction and Report Conclusion

These TAL blocks have access to two special data structures–data_rows and data_columns–that contain the results of the evaluated report column expressions. For more information about using these data structures to perform calculations, see the section on Report Properties above.

Creating a New Report

Now that you are familiar with the properties that make up an Analytics report, it’s time to try creating a new report from scratch. In this example, we will first create a report that calculates and displays the site-wide bounce rate segmented by browser. After we get that working, we’ll create a second report that displays the same information for any given page on the site. Let’s get started!

  1. Navigate to the root of the site in the ZMI and click on the portal_analytics tool.

  2. Click the Add Google Analytics Report button.

  3. We’ll give our new report the ID site-bounce-rate-browser-column, following the naming convention of the default reports. This naming convention is optional, but it helps to keep things organized. Then click the add button.

  4. Click on the new report to edit it. Give it a title of Site Bounce Rate By Browser: Column Chart and this description:

    This report displays the site-wide bounce rate segmented by the user’s browser. It is useful for gauging how effective our site’s new multimedia features are in each browser.

  5. Leave the i18n domain as analytics, the default value. If we were going to translate this report, we might use the domain defined in our site’s theme product.

  6. Leave the page specific box unchecked. This report is site-wide, so we don’t need to calculate the result for each individual page.

  7. Now the difficult part: determining the arguments for our query. If we consult the common calculations page in the Google’s Dimensions and Metrics Reference (see the section on Where to Learn More for the link), we see that bounce rate is calculated as follows:


    So, set the query metrics to ga:bounces and ga:entrances.

  8. We also know that we want to segment our results by browser, so we’ll se our query dimension to ga:browser.

  9. Leave query filters blank. We don’t need to filter the query results.

  10. In the query sort box, type -ga:entrances. We want to sort by entrances so that we’ll be guaranteed to be shown the most popular browsers. The minus sign preceding the metric indicates that the sort should be in descending order.

  11. In query maximum results, enter 5. Since we set ga:entrances as the sort value, this will show us results for the top five browsers based on entrances. We could, of course, increase this number if we wanted to see results for more browsers.

  12. Now that our query arguments are complete, we can work on our report definition. We want our report to show us two things: the name of the browser and the bounce rate as a percentage. So, we’ll define two report columns. In the report column labels, enter these values on separate lines:

    string:Browser Name
    string:Bounce Rate (%)
  13. In the report column expressions field, enter these TALES expressions on separate lines:


    The first expression is fairly self-explanatory; it returns then name of the browser as a string. In the second expression, however, we have to do some calculations. Since Google returns all values as strings, our first task is converting the values to the appropriate format, in this case, floats. (Even though these values are always integers, we want to convert them to floating point numbers. Otherwise, Python will round down the result of the division.) Once we have our values in the correct format, we can divide them according to the formula provided by Google

    This division will yield a number between 0 and 1. To make the result easier to read, we’ll multiply the decimal by 100 to get a percentage and round it off to the nearest integer.

  14. Leave the report introduction property blank. We’re going to display the title of the report as part of the visualization, so we don’t have to do it here.

  15. In the report conclusion, we want to list the browsers with the lowest and highest bounce rates among the ones we are displaying. In the report conclusion field enter this TAL code:

    <div tal:define="browsers python:data_columns[0];
            bounces python:data_columns[1];">
            Highest bounce rate:
            <strong tal:define="max_bounces python:max(bounces);
                max_bounces_index python:bounces.index(max_bounces);"
            Lowest bounce rate:
            <strong tal:define="min_bounces python:min(bounces);
                    min_bounces_index python:bounces.index(min_bounces);"

    In the first tal:define, we extract the browsers and bounces columns from the data_columns list. Then in the subsequent tal:defines, we determine the highest or lowest value in the bounces column and find the index of that value. Finally we set the value of the strong element to the value in browsers column that corresponds with the index we have determined.

  16. Finally, we will set the visualization options for the report. In the visualization type dropdown, select ColumnChart.

  17. In the visualization options field, enter these options in the format of TAL defines, one per line:

    height python:250
    is3D python:True
    legend string:top
    legendFontSize python:10
    title string:Site Bounce Rate

    These options are all aesthetic. Once you become familiar with Google visualizations, you can adjust them to fit your personal preferences. For a full list of the options available for each visualization, visit the Google Visualization Gallery referenced in the section on Where to Learn More.

  18. You’re done! Click the save button in the ZMI. Then test out your new report on the site as described in the section about Basic Use.

Now that we’ve created a site-wide report for bounce rate, it’s easy to create a related report that displays the same statistics for a particular page.

  1. To begin, navigate to the portal_analytics tool in the ZMI.

  2. Check the box next to the report you just created. Then press the copy button at the bottom of the list.

  3. Press the paste button. A new copy of the report is created with the ID copy_of_site-bounce-rate-browser-column.

  4. Check next to the newly pasted report and click the rename button.

  5. Change the ID of the new report to page-bounce-rate-browser-column and press Ok.

  6. Click on the new report to edit it. In the title, replace the word Site with Page, and edit the description accordingly.

  7. Check the box next to page specific. This will tell Plone to evaluate the the report for each page instead of caching it for the entire site.

  8. In the query metrics list, deselect ga:entrances and select ga:uniquePageviews. Also, leave ga:bounces selected. If you’re not sure why we need to use ga:uniquePageviews instead of ga:entrances, consult the Google page about common calculations referenced above.

  9. In the list of query dimensions, select ga:pagePath, and leave ga:browser selected. We’ll use ga:pagePath to filter the results of the query to just the current page.

  10. In the query sort field, replace -ga:entrances with -ga:uniquePageviews to reflect the change in metrics.

  11. Similarly, in the report column expressions, replace ga_entrances with ga_uniquePageviews.

  12. In the query filters field, enter this TALES expression:


    Recall that page_url is a convenience variable that is set to the relative URL of the current request.

  13. In the visualization options property, edit the title of the visualization to read Page Bounce Rate.

  14. You’re done! Save your changes and try out your new report on your site. If you assign the report in a portlet at the root of the site and then navigate to interior pages, you should see the results change.

Defining Reports in a Filesystem Product

Any product that imports a GenericSetup profile can define Analytics reports. These reports should be defined in a file called analytics.xml in the product’s GenericSetup profile directory. The easiest way to generate the XML for a report is to create the report through the web and then export it.

For example, after following the instructions above for creating a new report, you could use the portal_setup tool in the ZMI to create a snapshot of the site. Then you could navigate to the analytics.xml file in the snapshot and copy and paste the appropriate XML into your product’s analytics.xml file.

If you find that you need to write the GenericSetup XML for a report by hand, consult the analytics.xml file in this product’s profiles/default directory for guidance. Keep in mind that any XML or XML reserved characters must be properly escaped.

Where to Learn More

Creating and managing Analytics reports requires knowledge of the Google Analytics API, the Google Visualizations API, and Zope and Plone technologies such as TAL and TALES. These are resources that you may find helpful in learning these technologies:

Google Analytics API

  • Google Analytics Data Export API Documentation

    This is the best place to start for learning the ins and outs of Google Analytics. Of particular interest are these pages:

    • Data Feed Reference

      This reference describes the arguments used to query Google.

    • Data Feed Query Explorer

      This tool allows you to try out queries interactively, which can be extremely helpful in the process of creating and debugging reports.

    • Dimensions and Metrics Reference

      This page describes each available dimension and metric. Also see the subpages on valid combinations and common calculations.

  • gdata API Reference

    gdata is the Python module that interacts with the Google API. This documentation is most useful for developers who wish to contribute to or extend collective.googleanalytics. The relevant documentation is divided into two sections:

    • gdata.analtyics.service Reference

      This documentation describes the API for the analytics service objects that gdata provides. collective.googleanalytics uses both the AccountsService and the AnalyticsDataService.

    • Reference

      This reference documents the response objects returned by a query to Google Analytics.

Google Visualizations API


  • Using Zope Page Templates

    This chapter from the Zope2 Book offers and introduction to TAL, TALES and related technologies.

  • Advanced Page Templates

    This chapter from the Zope2 Book describes some of the more advanced features of the TAL specification.

  • Zope Page Template Reference

    This appendix from the Zope2 Book provides a comprehensive overview of TAL and TALES as they are used in Zope page templates.



Code Review


  • Thanks to FamFamFam for the graph icons, which are part of the Silk set.


1.0a4 - 2010-03-24

  • Only show the portlet on the context’s view template. [2010-03-24 - yomatters]

  • Add an upgrade step from 1.0a3 to 1.0a4. [2010-03-24 - yomatters]

  • Modify tests to match asynchronous javascript. [2010-03-24 - yomatters]

  • Use asynchronous view for the site-wide analytics viewlet. [2010-03-24 - yomatters]

  • Add a view for asynchronous results, and modify the portlet to use it. [2010-03-19 - yomatters]

1.0a3 - 2010-03-05

  • Add upgrade step from 1.0a2 to 1.0a3. [2010-03-05 - yomatters]

  • Modify javascript registration and configuration javascript to be compatible with Plone 3.1. [2010-03-05 - yomatters]

  • Add more default reports. [2010-03-05 - yomatters]

  • Load external javascript through a viewlet instead of through the registry to add support for Plone < 3.3. [2010-03-05 - yomatters]

1.0a2 - 2010-02-10

  • Add security assertions for report categories. [2010-02-10 - yomatters]

  • Update documentation to reflect date range changes. [2010-02-10 - yomatters]

  • Make date range independent of report and update tests and default reports to reflect the new reality; add javascript to set the width of the visualization based on the width of the container; add categories to reports and adjust vocabularies to be category-specific; handle auth token expiration error. [2010-02-03 - yomatters]

  • Make report IDs unique so that the same page can contain multiple copies of the same report. [2010-01-19 - yomatters]

  • Fix a bug that caused an error if the query returned no results. [2010-01-19 - yomatters]

  • Fix bug in older Zopes that required the user to reenter the password every time the configlet form was saved. [2010-01-14 - yomatters]

  • Add fallback for importing InitializeClass in Zopes prior to 2.12. [2010-01-05 - yomatters]

1.0a1 - 2009-12-23

  • Initial release

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