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This is a library for creating multi-page wizards using z3c.form. Values are stored in a session until the wizard is finished.

Project description


This library implements a simple z3c.form-based wizard. The wizard is composed of multiple steps. Each step is a form. Data is stored in a session until the user clicks the Finish button on the last step.

In order to make good use of this library you’ll need to be reasonably familiar with z3c.form first. Here are some places to start:

Wizard Step

A wizard step is a normal z3c.form form with a few additional features.

By default, the content accessed by this form will be a dictionary within the wizard’s session, with a key equal to the step’s prefix.

Additional attributes:


The wizard this step is being used in.


Boolean indicating whether the current step can be accessed via the wizard navigation links. By default, only steps for which there is already data stored in the session can be accessed. (The next and previous steps can always be accessed via the respective buttons regardless of the value of this property.)


Boolean indicating whether the user should be allowed to move on to the next step. Defaults to True. If False, the Continue button will be disabled.


String. A user-supplied CSS id for the form tag.

Additional methods:


Saves changes from this step to its content (typically a PersistentDict in the wizard’s session.)


Loads the session data for this step based on a context.


Updates a context based on the session data for this step.

Wizard Group Step

Same as a Wizard Step; it just handles a list of groups just like a z3c.form GroupForm.

Additional attributes:


The list of groups you’d like to show up in the form as separate fieldsets


The wizard is also a form, with a list of steps and built-in logic for moving between those steps.

Class attributes. Override these to affect how the wizard behaves:


A sequence of step classes that will be instantiated when the wizard’s update method is called.


Returns the unique session key used by this wizard instance. By default, this is a tuple of ‘collective.z3cform.wizard’ and the URL path to the wizard.

Attributes set during the update method:


A sequence of wizard step instances.


The wizard step instance currently being displayed.


The (0-based) index of the current step within the activeSteps sequence.


The session where data for this wizard is persisted.


Boolean. True if the first step of the wizard is being displayed.


Boolean. True if the last step of the wizard is being displayed.

allSteSir Radityainished

Boolean. True if the ‘available’ attribute of each wizard step is True.


Boolean. True if the wizard has been completed.


The URL of the wizard.


Boolean. True if you want the Wizard to validate the input if a user uses the Back button on a Step. False if you don’t and abandon all user input (data). Default behavior is True. [Spanky]



Called the first time a wizard is viewed in a given session.

This method may be used to populate the session with data from some source.

The default implementation calls the loadSteps method.


Loads the wizard session data from a context.

The default implementation calls the ‘load’ method of each wizard step.


Called when a wizard is successfully completed, after validation of the final step.

Use this method to carry out some actions based on the values that have been filled out during completion of the wizard.

The default implementation calls the applySteps method.


Updates a context based on the wizard session data.

The default implementation calls the ‘apply’ method of each wizard step.


Mark the session as having changed, to ensure that changes get persisted. This is required since we aren’t using a persistence-aware dictionary class for our session variables.


This package has been tested in Zope 2.10 with Plone 3.3, and in Zope 2.12 with Plone 4.

It should be pretty easy to get it to work in other environments supported by z3c.form, such as Zope 3, but I’ll need someone familiar with those environments to tell me how sessions work there, for example.


This package is inspired by and based on the non-session-based z3c.form wizard included in the collective.singing package, which was implemented by Daniel Nouri.

Session support, miscellaneous improvements, and repackaging by David Glick.

Thanks also to Nathan van Gheem, Laurence Rowe, and Tom “Spanky” Kapanka.


1.4.8 (2013-04-18)

  • Fix pagetemplate import for Plone 4.3 compatibility. [jone]

  • Add Chinese translation. [jianaijun]

  • Clear action now updates active steps (needed to cover dynamic wizards) [gotcha, schminitz]

  • Fix step data initial load in case of dynamic wizards (ie when steps are depending on user data) [gotcha, schminitz]

  • Enabling overriding button conditions in descendant classes [gotcha]

  • In wizard.Wizard, the absolute_url property will throw a TypeError if self.__name__ is None. Not any more! The problem now is this means that absolute_url will inaccurate in that circumstance. TODO [spanky]

  • Add French translation. [mpeeters]

1.4.7 (2012-01-05)

  • Add ability to skip validation of current input if the user uses the Back button. Default remains unchanged. [spanky]

  • Add “id” as an attribute of the form tag [spanky]

1.4.6 (2011-10-19)

  • Add Spanish translation. [davisagli]

1.4.5 (2011-10-19)

  • Make sure wizard step labels are translated. [davisagli]

1.4.4 (2011-10-17)

  • Avoid using any() to restore compatibility with Python 2.4. [davisagli]

1.4.3 (2011-07-13)

  • Don’t count browser views when determining if the user has left the wizard. [davisagli]

1.4.2 (2011-05-04)

  • Fix AutoWizard widget traverser registration. [elro]

1.4.1 (2011-05-04)

  • Add an AutoWizard for use with plone.autoform. [elro]

  • Add a Clear button that clears the session and goes back to step 1. [elro]

  • Reorder buttons so Finish and Continue both appear before Back. [elro]

1.4 (2011-05-04)

  • Remove <hr /> [elro]

  • Use Products.statusmessages. [elro]

  • Tweak wizard-buttons to conform to standard plone formControls. [elro]

  • Remove div.row from [elro]

1.3.3 (2011-03-22)

  • Normalize @@ view prefix when comparing URLs. [davisagli]

1.3.2 (2010-07-27)

  • Remove stray debugging statement. [khink]

1.3.1 (2010-06-28)

  • Avoid clobbering the session during’s inline validation. [davisagli]

1.3 (2010-06-23)

  • Avoid errors when’s inline validation is installed. [davisagli]

1.2 (2010-04-08)

  • Added a GroupStep for GroupForm-like integration. [vangheem]

1.1 (2010-03-01)

  • Make sure that the Next button is the default if a step is submitted by pressing enter.

1.0 (2010-01-19)

  • Include the form’s enctype in the form tag.

  • Don’t clear the session when traversing over the form to other things (such as a widget).

1.0b2 (2009-06-25)

  • Moved the default wizard CSS to a browser resource which is available but not pulled in by anything by default.

  • Adjusted the criteria for visibility of the Finish button so that it shows up on any step as long as data is stored in the session for all steps. Previously it was only shown on the final step.

  • Added wizard navigation which lists the wizard’s steps and links to ones that are available.

  • Added support in the Wizard class for jumping to a particular step based on an index passed in the request (but only if that step is available).

  • Adjusted the URL check that triggers session invalidation to not pay attention to the query string or fragment.

  • Changed the updateCurrentStep method of the Wizard class (not part of the public API) to take a single parameter, the target step index.

  • Added ‘allSteSir Radityainished’ property to the Wizard class.

  • Added ‘available’ property to the Step class.

  • Added ‘absolute_url’ property to the Wizard class.

  • Reset the wizard session if you leave it before finishing.

1.0b1 (2009-05-12)

  • Initial release

Example and tests

Define a wizard with three steps

To define a form that uses the wizard, we’ll need to define steps. These steps represent individual forms that are processed sequentially. Only when the last step is completed will the data be submitted through a user-defined method.

>>> from zope import schema
>>> from z3c.form import field, form
>>> from collective.z3cform.wizard import wizard
>>> from plone.z3cform.fieldsets import group
>>> from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
>>> from Products.statusmessages.adapter import _decodeCookieValue
>>> class StepOne(wizard.Step):
...     prefix = 'one'
...     fields = field.Fields(
...         schema.Int(__name__='age', title=u"Age"))

By default, the steps will get/set values in the session. If we want to initialize these values or do something with them once the wizard is completed, we need to implement the load and apply methods for our step.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> class StepTwo(wizard.Step):
...     prefix = 'two'
...     fields = field.Fields(
...         schema.TextLine(__name__='name', title=u"Name", required=True),
...         schema.TextLine(__name__='beer', title=u'Favorite Beer', required=True))
...     def load(self, context):
...         data = self.getContent()
...         data['name'] = 'David'
...     def apply(self, context):
...         data = self.getContent()
...         pprint('Name from step 2: %s' % data['name'])

We can also do group steps

>>> class AddressGroup(group.Group):
...   fields = field.Fields(
...     schema.TextLine(__name__='address', title=u'Address', required=False),
...     schema.TextLine(__name__='city', title=u'City', required=False),
...     schema.TextLine(__name__='state', title=u'State', required=False))
...   label = u"Address Information"
...   prefix = 'address'
>>> class StepThree(wizard.GroupStep):
...   prefix = 'three'
...   fields = field.Fields()
...   groups = [AddressGroup]

We can now define our minimal wizard:

>>> class Wizard(wizard.Wizard):
...     label = u"My silly wizard"
...     steps = StepOne, StepTwo, StepThree

Render the form

Let’s render the form for the first time now:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> print wizard()
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-one">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="one" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
      <div class="field">
        <label for="one-widgets-age">
        <span class="fieldRequired"
        <div class="widget">
          <input id="one-widgets-age" name="one.widgets.age"
                 class="text-widget required int-field" value=""
                 type="text" />
  <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
      <input id="form-buttons-continue"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
             type="submit" />
      <input id="form-buttons-clear"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
             type="submit" />

Submit with an error

Remember that our first step requires the age.

>>> request.form = {
...     'form.buttons.continue': u'Continue',
... }
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> print wizard()
...Required input is missing...
>>> messages = _decodeCookieValue(request.__annotations__.pop('statusmessages'))
>>> [(m.message, m.type) for m in messages]
[(u'There were errors.', u'error')]

Submit the first step successfully

>>> request.form['one.widgets.age'] = u'27'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> print wizard()
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-two">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="two" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
      <div class="field">
        <label for="two-widgets-name">
        <span class="fieldRequired"
        <div class="widget">
          <input id="two-widgets-name" name=""
                 class="text-widget required textline-field"
                 value="David" type="text" />
      <div class="field">
        <label for="two-widgets-beer">
          <span>Favorite Beer</span>
        <span class="fieldRequired"
        <div class="widget">
          <input id="two-widgets-beer" name=""
                 class="text-widget required textline-field"
                 value="" type="text" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
      <input id="form-buttons-continue" name="form.buttons.continue"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
             type="submit" />
      <input id="form-buttons-back" name="form.buttons.back"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Back"
             type="submit" />
      <input id="form-buttons-clear"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
             type="submit" />

Going backwards

When we go back, we should get validation errors, because we left a field blank:

>>> del request.form['form.buttons.continue']
>>> request.form['form.buttons.back'] = u'Back'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> print wizard()
...Required input is missing...
>>> messages = _decodeCookieValue(request.__annotations__.pop('statusmessages'))
>>> [(m.message, m.type) for m in messages]
[(u'There were errors.', u'error')]

Now if we set validate_back to False it should be possible to go back with no errors:

>>> request.form['form.buttons.back'] = u'Back'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.validate_back = False
>>> html = wizard()
>>> 'wizard-step-one' in html

Make sure we get back to step two (again):

>>> del request.form['form.buttons.back']
>>> request.form['form.buttons.continue'] = u'Continue'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> html = wizard()
>>> 'wizard-step-two' in html

Submitting step two

Fill in the missing value:

>>> request.form[''] = u'Boont Amber'

Step two works similarly:

>>> request.form[''] = u'David'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> html = wizard()
>>> 'three' in html, 'Address' in html, 'City' in html, 'State' in html, 'Finish' in html
(True, True, True, True, True)

Step Three: Slaying the dragon

Now let’s press the Finish button. We expect this to print out the value from step 2, thanks to the ‘apply’ method we implemented for that step.

Remembering that in our wizard, we implemented finish to print out the data that it receives. Here’s the finishing move:

>>> request.form['form.buttons.finish'] = u'Finish'
>>> wizard = Wizard(None, request)
>>> html = wizard()
'Name from step 2: David'
>>> messages = _decodeCookieValue(request.__annotations__.pop('statusmessages'))
>>> [(m.message, m.type) for m in messages]
[(u'Information submitted successfully.', u'info')]


See the collective.megaphone package for an example of this library in use.


An AutoWizard creates steps out of plone.autoform fieldsets (including those in a plone.supermodel xml schema).

First we define our schema:

>>> from plone.supermodel.interfaces import FIELDSETS_KEY
>>> from plone.supermodel.model import Fieldset
>>> from zope.interface import Interface, taggedValue
>>> class IMySchema(Interface):
...     age = schema.Int(title=u"Age")
...     name = schema.Int(title=u"Name")
...     taggedValue(FIELDSETS_KEY, [
...         Fieldset('one', label=u"One from fieldset", fields=['age']),
...         Fieldset('two', fields=['name']),
...         ])

Then create the AutoWizard class:

>>> from collective.z3cform.wizard import autowizard
>>> class AutoWizard(autowizard.AutoWizard):
...     label = u"Automatically silly wizard."
...     schema = IMySchema

We can now render the form:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> wizard = AutoWizard(None, request)
>>> print wizard()
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-form-one">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="form-one" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <h2>One from fieldset</h2>
      <p class="discreet"></p>
      <div class="field">
        <label for="form-one-widgets-age">
        <span class="fieldRequired"
        <div class="widget">
          <input id="form-one-widgets-age" name=""
                 class="text-widget required int-field" value=""
                 type="text" />
  <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
      <input id="form-buttons-continue"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
             type="submit" />

Otherwise it works in exactly the same way as the standard Wizard.

Dynamic wizard support

In some cases, depending on the user’s answers to earlier steps of a wizard, later steps are shown or not to the user

>>> from zope import schema
>>> from z3c.form import field, form
>>> from collective.z3cform.wizard import wizard
>>> from plone.z3cform.fieldsets import group
>>> from Products.statusmessages.interfaces import IStatusMessage
>>> from Products.statusmessages.adapter import _decodeCookieValue

We define fields.

>>> choiceField = schema.Choice(
...   __name__ = 'choice',
...   title=u'Choice',
...   values=(u'first', u'second'),
...   default=u'first'
...   )
>>> firstField = schema.TextLine(
...   __name__ = 'first',
...   title=u'First',
...   required=False,
...   missing_value=u'',
...   )
>>> secondField = schema.Bool(
...   __name__ = 'second',
...   title=u'Second',
...   required=False,
...   )

And wizard steps.

>>> class FirstStep(wizard.Step):
...     label = u'First'
...     prefix = 'one'
...     fields = field.Fields(firstField)
...     def load(self, context):
...         data = self.getContent()
...         data.setdefault('first', u'initial first')
>>> class SecondStep(wizard.Step):
...     label = u'Second'
...     prefix = 'two'
...     fields = field.Fields(secondField)
...     def load(self, context):
...         data = self.getContent()
...         data['second'] = True
>>> class ChoiceStep(wizard.Step):
...     label = u'Choice'
...     prefix = 'choice'
...     fields = field.Fields(choiceField)
>>> class SecondChoiceStep(wizard.Step):
...     label = u'Second Choice'
...     prefix = 'second_choice'
...     fields = field.Fields(choiceField)

We can now define our dynamic wizard. The wizard later steps depend on values submitted in the initial ChoiceStep and SecondChoiceStep.

steps is a computed property instead of a hardcoded sequence.

The class also implements showFinish method that controls showing (or not) the Finish button.

>>> class DynamicWizard(wizard.Wizard):
...     label = u"My dynamic wizard"
...     @property
...     def choice(self):
...         choice_data = self.session.get('choice', {})
...         choice = choice_data.get('choice', None)
...         if 'choice.widgets.choice' in self.request.form:
...             choice = unicode(self.request.form['choice.widgets.choice'][0])
...         return choice
...     @property
...     def second_choice(self):
...         choice_data = self.session.get('second_choice', {})
...         choice = choice_data.get('choice', None)
...         if 'second_choice.widgets.choice' in self.request.form:
...             choice = unicode(self.request.form['second_choice.widgets.choice'][0])
...         return choice
...     @property
...     def steps(self):
...         if self.choice == u'second':
...             if not self.second_choice:
...                 return [ChoiceStep, SecondChoiceStep, FirstStep]
...             elif self.second_choice == u'second':
...                 return [ChoiceStep, SecondChoiceStep, SecondStep]
...             else:
...                 return [ChoiceStep, SecondChoiceStep, FirstStep]
...         else:
...             return [ChoiceStep, FirstStep]
...     def showFinish(self):
...         return (self.choice == u'first' or self.second_choice) and self.allSteSir Radityainished

Render the form

Let’s render the form for the first time now:

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex
>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=1">
            2. First
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-choice">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="choice" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
      <div class="field">
        <label for="choice-widgets-choice">
        <span class="fieldRequired"
        <div class="widget">
          <select id="choice-widgets-choice"
            class="select-widget required choice-field" size="1">
            <option id="choice-widgets-choice-0" value="first"
            <option id="choice-widgets-choice-1" value="second">second</option>
          <input name="choice.widgets.choice-empty-marker"
                 type="hidden" value="1" />
  <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
      <input id="form-buttons-continue"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
             type="submit" />
      <input id="form-buttons-clear"
             class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
             type="submit" />

Submit the first choice successfully

>>> request.form = {
...     'form.buttons.continue': u'Continue',
...     'choice.widgets.choice': [u'first']
... }
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex
>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=0">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            2. First
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-one">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="one" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="one-widgets-first">
                        <div class="widget">
    <input id="one-widgets-first" name="one.widgets.first"
           class="text-widget textline-field"
           value="initial first" type="text" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
<input id="form-buttons-finish" name="form.buttons.finish"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Finish"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-back" name="form.buttons.back"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Back"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-clear" name="form.buttons.clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />

Going backwards

>>> del request.form['form.buttons.continue']
>>> request.form['form.buttons.back'] = u'Back'
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex
>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=1">
            2. First
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-choice">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="choice" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="choice-widgets-choice">
                        <span class="fieldRequired"
                        <div class="widget">
<select id="choice-widgets-choice"
        class="select-widget required choice-field" size="1">
<option id="choice-widgets-choice-0" value="first"
<option id="choice-widgets-choice-1" value="second">second</option>
<input name="choice.widgets.choice-empty-marker"
       type="hidden" value="1" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
<input id="form-buttons-continue"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-finish" name="form.buttons.finish"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Finish"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-clear" name="form.buttons.clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />

Choose the other branch of the wizard

>>> request.form = {
...     'form.buttons.continue': u'Continue',
...     'choice.widgets.choice': [u'second']
... }
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex
>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=0">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            2. Second Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=2">
            3. First
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-second_choice">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="second_choice" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <h2>Second Choice</h2>
      <p class="discreet"></p>
                      <div class="field">
                        <span class="fieldRequired"
                        <div class="widget">
<select id="second_choice-widgets-choice"
        class="select-widget required choice-field" size="1">
<option id="second_choice-widgets-choice-0" value="first"
<option id="second_choice-widgets-choice-1" value="second">second</option>
<input name="second_choice.widgets.choice-empty-marker"
       type="hidden" value="1" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
<input id="form-buttons-continue"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-back" name="form.buttons.back"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Back"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-clear" name="form.buttons.clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />

Choose again

>>> request.form = {
...     'form.buttons.continue': u'Continue',
...     'second_choice.widgets.choice': [u'second']
... }
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex

The initial value is actually shown.

>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=0">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
        <a href=".?step:int=1">
            2. Second Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            3. Second
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-two">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="two" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="two-widgets-second">
                        <div class="widget">
<span class="option">
  <label for="two-widgets-second-0">
    <input id="two-widgets-second-0"
           class="radio-widget bool-field" value="true"
           checked="checked" type="radio" />
    <span class="label">yes</span>
<span class="option">
  <label for="two-widgets-second-1">
    <input id="two-widgets-second-1"
           class="radio-widget bool-field" value="false"
           type="radio" />
    <span class="label">no</span>
<input name="two.widgets.second-empty-marker" type="hidden"
       value="1" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
<input id="form-buttons-finish" name="form.buttons.finish"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Finish"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-back" name="form.buttons.back"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Back"
       type="submit" />
<input id="form-buttons-clear" name="form.buttons.clear"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Clear"
       type="submit" />

Clear wizard

>>> request.form = {
...     'form.buttons.clear': u'Clear',
...     'second_choice.widgets.choice': [u'second']
... }
>>> wizard = DynamicWizard(None, request)
>>> wizard.update()
>>> wizard.currentIndex
>>> print wizard.render()
<ul class="wizard-steps">
    <li class="wizard-step-link selected">
            1. Choice
    <li class="wizard-step-link">
            2. First
<div class="form" id="wizard-step-choice">
  <form action="" method="post"
        class="rowlike enableUnloadProtection kssattr-formname-"
        id="choice" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <p class="discreet"></p>
                      <div class="field">
                        <label for="choice-widgets-choice">
                        <span class="fieldRequired"
                        <div class="widget">
<select id="choice-widgets-choice"
        class="select-widget required choice-field" size="1">
<option id="choice-widgets-choice-0" value="first"
<option id="choice-widgets-choice-1" value="second">second</option>
<input name="choice.widgets.choice-empty-marker"
       type="hidden" value="1" />
    <div class="formControls wizard-buttons">
<input id="form-buttons-continue"
       class="submit-widget button-field" value="Continue"
       type="submit" />

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