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Use test cases as zope.testing layers

Project description

The support for layers provided by zope.testing helps to lessen the amount of time consumed during test driven development by sharing expensive test fixtures, such as is often requires for functional test. This package provides several well tested facilities to make writing and using layers faster and easier.

The collective.testcaselayer.common.common_layer, used in the Quick Start, also includes some commonly useful test fixtures:

  • a mock mail host

  • remove ‘Unauthorized’ and ‘NotFound’ from error_log ignored exceptions

  • puts the resources registries in debug mode (portal_css, portal_javascripts, portal_kss)

Quick Start

For a simple testing layer which installs a collective namespace package into Zope and installs it’s GenericSetup profile into the PloneTestCase Plone site you can do the following.

Specify the testing dependency on collective.testcaselayer in the egg’s

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
tests_require = ['collective.testcaselayer']
          # -*- Extra requirements: -*-
      extras_require={'tests': tests_require},

Tell your buildout to include the testing dependencies. This is only necessary for deployments where you’ll be running the tests. As such, you can leave this out of your production buildout configuration and put it only in your buildout’s development configuration:

eggs += [tests]

Define the layer. The layer can use all the same methods as a PloneTestCase class, such as:

  • self.login(user_name)

  • self.loginAsPortalOwner()

  • self.addProduct(product)

  • self.addProfile(profile)

An additional, method is provided to load a ZCML file with ZCML debug mode enabled:

  • self.loadZCML(file, package=package)

You could use a module like this:

>>> from Products.PloneTestCase import ptc
>>> from collective.testcaselayer import ptc as tcl_ptc
>>> from collective.testcaselayer import common
>>> class Layer(tcl_ptc.BasePTCLayer):
...     """Install"""
...     def afterSetUp(self):
...         ZopeTestCase.installPackage('')
...         from import tests
...         self.loadZCML('testing.zcml', package=tests)
...         self.addProfile('')
>>> layer = Layer([common.common_layer])

To use this layer in a README.txt doctest, you could use a module like this:

>>> import unittest
>>> import doctest
>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase import ptc
>>> from import testing
>>> optionflags = (doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|
...                doctest.ELLIPSIS|
...                doctest.REPORT_NDIFF)
>>> def test_suite():
...     suite = ZopeTestCase.FunctionalDocFileSuite(
...         'README.txt',
...         optionflags=optionflags,
...         test_class=ptc.FunctionalTestCase)
...     suite.layer = testing.layer
...     return suite
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')

Now write your README.txt doctest and your tests can be run with something like:

$ bin/instance test -s

Detailed Documentation

Layer authors often end up reproducing the functionality provided by their test case classes since the same functionality is needed to perform layer set up or tear down. The collective.testcaselayer.ztc, collective.testcaselayer.ctc, and collective.testcaselayer.ptc modules provide layer base classes that mix in the test case functionality from ZopeTestCase, CMFTestCase, and PloneTestCase, respectively. See the collective.testcaselayer.ztc, and collective.testcaselayer.ptc sections below (or ztc.txt and ptc.txt if reading this in the source) for more details. These layer base classes also include the layer base class support from collective.testcaselayer.layer and the sandboxed ZODB layer support from collective.testcaselayer.sandbox described below. Additionally, these modules allow for using the test case fixtures as layers themselves.

While class objects can be used as layers, as opposed to instances of classes, doing so means that it is not possible for a layer to subclass another layer just to re-use functionality without also depending on that layer being set up as well. See the collective.testcaselayer.layer section below (or layer.txt if reading this in the source) for more details.

The DemoStorage included with the ZODB provides a way to “nest” ZODB stores such that all writes will go to the DemoStorage while reads will be taken from the base storage if not available from the DemoStorage. The collective.testcaselayer.sandbox module uses this feature to associate a DemoStorage with each sandboxed layer to which set up changes are committed and restore the base storage on tear down. Thus sibling layers that write to the ZODB can be isolated from each other. See the collective.testcaselayer.sandbox section below (or sandbox.txt if reading this in the source) for more details.

Common Layer

If a testing layer uses the collective.testcaselayer.common.common_layer as a base layer then a few commonly useful things will be set up.

Before setting up the layer, the default exceptions are ignored in the error_log and the resource registries are not in debug mode.

>>> portal.error_log.getProperties()['ignored_exceptions']
('Unauthorized', 'NotFound', 'Redirect')
>>> portal.portal_css.getDebugMode()
>>> portal.portal_javascripts.getDebugMode()
>>> 'portal_kss' in portal and portal.portal_kss.getDebugMode() or False

Set up the common_layer.

>>> from zope.testing.testrunner import runner
>>> from collective.testcaselayer import common
>>> def getSetUpLayers(layer):
...     for base in layer.__bases__:
...         if base is not object:
...             for recurs in getSetUpLayers(base):
...                 yield recurs
...             yield base
>>> setup_layers = dict((layer, 1) for layer in
...                     getSetUpLayers(common.common_layer))
>>> options = runner.get_options([], [])
>>> runner.setup_layer(options, common.common_layer, setup_layers)
Set up collective.testcaselayer.common.CommonPTCLayer in ... seconds.

Now only ‘Redirect’ is ignored in error_log, and the resources registries are in debug mode.

>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase import ptc as plone_ptc
>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> portal.error_log.getProperties()['ignored_exceptions']
>>> portal.portal_css.getDebugMode()
>>> portal.portal_javascripts.getDebugMode()
>>> 'portal_kss' in portal and portal.portal_kss.getDebugMode() or True

Mock Mailhost

If a testing layer uses the collective.testcaselayer.mail.mockmailhost_layer as a base layer then messages sent with the portal.MailHost.send method will be appended to a list for checking in tests.

Start with an empty MailHost.

>>> len(portal.MailHost)

Send a message.

>>> portal.MailHost.send("""\
... From:
... To:
... Subject: Foo message subject
... Foo message body
... """)

The MailHost now contains one message.

>>> len(portal.MailHost)

The message an be removed using the pop method in which case it’s removed from the list.

>>> print portal.MailHost.pop().as_string()
Subject: Foo message subject
Date: ...
Foo message body
>>> len(portal.MailHost)

The mock mail host can handle more complicated call signatures used in the wild.

>>> portal.MailHost.send(
...     """\
... From:
... To:
... Subject: Qux message subject
... Qux message body
... """, '', '',
...     subject='Qux message subject')
>>> print portal.MailHost.pop().as_string()
Qux message body
>>> len(portal.MailHost)


The collective.testcaselayer.ptc module extends the layers and layer base classes from collective.testcaselayer.ztc to PloneTestCase. See ztc.txt for an introduction to using the layers and layer base classes. Here we will only demonstrate that the facilities specific to PloneTestCase not inherited from ZopeTestCase.


The PloneTestCase test fixture can be set up and torn down as a layer.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer import ptc
>>> ptc.ptc_layer
<collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer testMethod=layerOnly>

To test the effects of just this layer, set up the base layer separately. Because of the way PloneTestCase uses layers, we must first call the setupPloneSite() function.

>>> from zope.testing.testrunner import runner
>>> from Products.PloneTestCase import ptc as plone_ptc
>>> plonesite_layer, = ptc.ptc_layer.__bases__
>>> options = runner.get_options([], [])
>>> setup_layers = {}
>>> runner.setup_layer(options, plonesite_layer, setup_layers)
Set up...Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in ... seconds.
Set up Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in ... seconds.

The PloneTestCase test fixture has not been set up.

>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> portal.acl_users.getUserById(plone_ptc.default_user)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Set up the PloneTestCase layer.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, ptc.ptc_layer, setup_layers)
Set up collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in ... seconds.

The PloneTestCase test fixture has been set up.

>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> portal.acl_users.getUserById(plone_ptc.default_user)
<PloneUser 'test_user_1_'>
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Tear down the PloneTestCase layer.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(
...     options,
...     [layer for layer in setup_layers
...      if layer is not ptc.ptc_layer],
...     setup_layers)
Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ptc.PTCLayer in ... seconds.

The PloneTestCase test fixture is no longer set up.

>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> portal.acl_users.getUserById(plone_ptc.default_user)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Layer Base Classes

The PloneTestCase class facilities can also be used in layers that use the PloneTestCase layer base class.

>>> class FooLayer(ptc.BasePTCLayer):
...     def afterSetUp(self):
...         self.addProfile(
...             'Products.CMFDefault:sample_content')
...         self.addProduct('CollectiveTestCaseLayerTesting')
...         self.loginAsPortalOwner()

This layer depends on the profile and product added which are set up in a testing only layer.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer.testing import layer
>>> foo_layer = FooLayer([layer.product_layer, ptc.ptc_layer])

The FooLayer test fixture has not been set up.

>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> hasattr(portal, 'subfolder')
>>> hasattr(portal, 'foo')
>>> from AccessControl import SecurityManagement
>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Set up the FooLayer.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, foo_layer, setup_layers)
Set up collective.testcaselayer.testing.layer.ProductLayer
in ... seconds.
Set up FooLayer in ... seconds.

The FooLayer test fixture has been set up.

>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> portal.subfolder
<ATFolder at /plone/subfolder>
>>> from AccessControl import SecurityManagement
>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<PropertiedUser 'portal_owner'>
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Tear down the FooLayer.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(
...     options,
...     [layer for layer in setup_layers
...      if layer is not foo_layer],
...     setup_layers)
Tear down FooLayer in ... seconds.

The FooLayer test fixture is no longer set up.

>>> app =
>>> portal = getattr(app, plone_ptc.portal_name)
>>> hasattr(portal, 'subfolder')
>>> hasattr(portal, 'foo')
>>> from AccessControl import SecurityManagement
>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Finish tearing down the rest of the layers.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(options, [], setup_layers)
Tear down collective.testcaselayer.testing.layer.ProductLayer
in ... seconds.
Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.PloneSite in ... seconds.
Tear down Products.PloneTestCase.layer.ZCML in ... seconds.


The BaseZTCLayer and cousins are intended to be used as base classes for layers to allow them to use the facilities of ZopeTestCase, PortalTestCase, and their subclasses. Thus, the layer setUp and tearDown methods can use the test case methods and other support such as: self.login(), self.logout(), self.loginAsPortalOwner(), self.setRoles(), self.setPermissions(), etc..

The ZTCLayer and cousins allow using the test fixture setup by any of the test cases as a layer itself.

The collective.testcaselayer.ctc and collective.testcaselayer.ptc modules extend this support to CMFTestCase and PloneTestCase, though collective.testcaselayer does not depend on them itself. These layer base classes allow for use of those test cases’ methods such as addProfile() and addProduct() see ctc.txt and ptc.txt for more details.


The collective.testcaselayer.ztc module provides sandboxed layers that set up the test fixtures for ZopeTestCase. Note that test case based layers still act like test cases with a special no-op layerOnly() test method to that they have functional str() and repr() values.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer import ztc
>>> ztc.ztc_layer
<collective.testcaselayer.ztc.ZTCLayer testMethod=layerOnly>

Before we set up ZopeTestCase as a layer, nothing has been set up.

>>> from AccessControl import SecurityManagement
>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> hasattr(ztc.ztc_layer, 'app')
>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> app =
>>> 'test_folder_1_' in app.objectIds()
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)
>>> from Testing.ZopeTestCase import connections
>>> connections.count()

Set up ZopeTestCase as a layer.

>>> from zope.testing.testrunner import runner
>>> options = runner.get_options([], [])
>>> setup_layers = {}
>>> runner.setup_layer(options, ztc.ztc_layer, setup_layers)
Set up collective.testcaselayer.ztc.ZTCLayer in ... seconds.

The ZopeTestCase test fixture has been set up, but there is no logged in user.

>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> 'test_folder_1_' in

Also note that the app attribute of the layer represents an open connection to the ZODB.

>>> connections.count()

Tear down the ZopeTestCase layer.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(options, [], setup_layers)
Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ztc.ZTCLayer in ... seconds.

Now everything is back to its previous state.

>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> hasattr(ztc.ztc_layer, 'app')
>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> app =
>>> 'test_folder_1_' in app.objectIds()
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)
>>> connections.count()

Layer Base Classes

The collective.testcaselayer.ztc module also provides base classes for sandboxed layers that don’t actually set up the test case fixtures but allow using the facilities provided by the test cases in the layer set up and tear down code.

Since layers can be nested, these layer base classes don’t do the actual ZopeTestCase test fixture set up unless a subclass explicitly sets _setup_fixture (or _configure_portal for PortalTestCase) to True. Best practice should be to instantiate any layers depending on the ZTC test fixture with the ZTCLayer as a base layer as above.

Create a layer class that subclasses the appropriate base layer class. This layer class overrides the afterSetUp() method just as with ZopeTestCase based test cases. The afterSetUp method here excercises the factilities provided by ZopeTestCase and an additional loadZCML() method for loading ZCML files with ZCML debug mode enabled.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer import testing
>>> class FooLayer(ztc.BaseZTCLayer):
...     def afterSetUp(self):
...         self.login()
...         self.setRoles(['Manager'])
...         self.loadZCML('loadzcml.zcml', package=testing)
>>> foo_layer = FooLayer([ztc.ztc_layer])

To test the effects of just this layer, set up the base layer separately.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, ztc.ztc_layer, setup_layers)
Set up collective.testcaselayer.ztc.ZTCLayer in ... seconds.

Before setting up the new layer, only the ZopeTestCase fixture is set up.

>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> app =
>>> user = getattr(app, ZopeTestCase.folder_name
...                ).acl_users.getUserById(ZopeTestCase.user_name)
>>> user.getRoles()
('test_role_1_', 'Authenticated')
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Set up the new layer.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, foo_layer, setup_layers)
Set up FooLayer in ... seconds.

Now the changed made by afterSetUp() are reflected.

>>> authenticated = SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager(
...     ).getUser()
>>> authenticated
<User 'test_user_1_'>
>>> authenticated.getRoles()
('Manager', 'Authenticated')

Tear down just the new layer.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(
...     options, [ztc.ztc_layer], setup_layers)
Tear down FooLayer in ... seconds.

Everything is restored to its previous state.

>>> SecurityManagement.getSecurityManager().getUser()
<SpecialUser 'Anonymous User'>
>>> app =
>>> user = getattr(app, ZopeTestCase.folder_name
...                ).acl_users.getUserById(ZopeTestCase.user_name)
>>> user.getRoles()
('test_role_1_', 'Authenticated')
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Finish tearing down the rest of the layers.

>>> runner.tear_down_unneeded(options, [], setup_layers)
Tear down collective.testcaselayer.ztc.ZTCLayer in ... seconds.


In many cases, classes can be used as layers themselves where the base classes are used as the base layers. This means that the layer inheritance herirarchy, used for code factoring and re-use, becomes bound to the layer set up heirachy, used to determine which layers are set up when and for which tests. IOW, it is not possible for a layer to subclass another layer just to re-use functionality without also depending on that layer being set up as well. Additionally, when using classes as layers, all layer methods (setUp, tearDown, testSetUp, and testTearDown) must be defined on class layers with base classes to avoid accidentally running the method of a base class/layer at the wrong time.

The collective.testcaselayer.layer module provides a Layer class intended to be used as a base class for classes whoss instances will be layers. Instances of this class can also be used directly solely to group layers together into one layer.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer import layer

Layer Classes

Use the collective.testcaselayer.layer.Layer class to create your own layer classes.

>>> class FooLayer(layer.Layer):
...     def setUp(self): print 'running FooLayer.setUp'

The instances of the class will be your actual zope.testing layer.

>>> foo_layer = FooLayer()
>>> from zope.testing.testrunner import runner
>>> options = runner.get_options([], [])
>>> runner.setup_layer(options, foo_layer, {})
Set up FooLayer running FooLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.

Beware that the Layer class itself or subclasses can be used themselves as layers without error but that is not how they’re intended to be used. For example, using the FooLayer class as a layer will treat the Layer base class as a layer itself and will set it up which is meaningless. Further, it will try to call the setUp method as a class method which will raise an error.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, FooLayer, {})
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: unbound method setUp() must be called with FooLayer instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

Base Layers

Base layers are designated by passing them into the layer class on instantiation.

Create another layer class.

>>> class BarLayer(layer.Layer):
...     def setUp(self): print 'running BarLayer.setUp'

Create the new layer that uses foo_layer as a base layer.

>>> bar_layer = BarLayer([foo_layer])

Set up the layers.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, bar_layer, {})
Set up FooLayer running FooLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.
Set up BarLayer running BarLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.

Grouping Layers

If all that’s required from a layer is that it groups other layers as base layers, then the collective.testcaselayer.layer.Layer class can be used directly.

Create another layer.

>>> class BazLayer(layer.Layer):
...     def setUp(self): print 'running BazLayer.setUp'
>>> baz_layer = BazLayer()

Instantiate the Layer class with the base layers, a module, and a name.

>>> qux_layer = layer.Layer(
...     [bar_layer, baz_layer],
...     module='QuxModule', name='QuxLayer')

Set up the layers.

>>> runner.setup_layer(options, qux_layer, {})
Set up FooLayer running FooLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.
Set up BarLayer running BarLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.
Set up BazLayer running BazLayer.setUp
in ... seconds.
Set up QuxModule.QuxLayer in ... seconds.

By default, layers have the same module and name as their class. If you want the layer to have a different module or name than the class, then the both can be passed in as arguments. This is useful in this case and any time multiple instances of the same layer class will be used as layers.

Instantiating the Layer class directly without passing a name raises an error.

>>> layer.Layer([], module='QuxModule')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The "name" argument is requied when instantiating
"Layer" directly

If the Layer class is instantiated directly without passing a module, the module name from the calling frame is used.

>>> __name__ = 'BahModule'
>>> quux_layer = layer.Layer([], name='QuuxLayer')
>>> runner.setup_layer(options, quux_layer, {})
Set up BahModule.QuuxLayer in ... seconds.


Sandboxed layers commit the changes made on setup to a sandboxed DemoStorage that uses the previous ZODB storage as a base storgae. On tear down, the layer will restore the base storage. This allows the layer to use and commit changes to a fully functional ZODB while isolating the effects of the layer from any parent or sibling layers.

As one would expect, layers that use the sandboxed layer as a base layer will see the ZODB according the base layer. Additionally, sandboxed layers can use other sandboxed layers as base layers, thus allowing for nested but isolated ZODB sandboxes.

Create a sandboxed layer. Layers that subclass Sandboxed should implement an afterSetUp method to do any changes for the layer. Additionally, such layers may also provide a beforeTearDown method to tear down any changes made by the layer that won’t be cleaned up by restoring the ZODB.

>>> from collective.testcaselayer import ztc
>>> class FooLayer(ztc.BaseZTCLayer):
...     def afterSetUp(self):
... = 'foo'
>>> foo_layer = FooLayer()

Before the layer is set up, the ZODB doesn’t reflect the layer’s changes.

>>> from Testing import ZopeTestCase
>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

After the layer is set up, the changes have been committed to the ZODB.

>>> foo_layer.setUp()
>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Create a sandboxed layer that uses the first layer as a base layer.

>>> class BarLayer(ztc.BaseZTCLayer):
...     def afterSetUp(self):
... = 'bar'
>>> bar_layer = BarLayer([foo_layer])

Before the sub-layer is set up, the ZODB still reflects the base layer’s changes but not the sub-layer’s changes.

>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> getattr(app, 'bar', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

After the sub-layer is set up, the ZODB reflects the changes from both layers.

>>> bar_layer.setUp()
>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> getattr(app, 'bar', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Any test case using Testing.ZopeTestCase.sandbox.Sandboxed, such as zope.testbrowser tests run against Zope2, calls the ZopeLite.sandbox() function without any arguments. In such cases, the resulting per-test sandboxed ZODB will still be based on the layer sandboxed ZODB.

>>> app =
...     ZopeTestCase.Zope2.sandbox().open())
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> getattr(app, 'bar', None)
>>> app._p_jar.close()

After the sub-layer is torn down, the ZODB reflects only the changes from the base layer.

>>> bar_layer.tearDown()
>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> getattr(app, 'bar', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

After the base layer is torn down, the ZODB doesn’t reflect the changes from either layer.

>>> foo_layer.tearDown()
>>> app =
>>> getattr(app, 'foo', None)
>>> getattr(app, 'bar', None)
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)

Functional and testbrowser testing patches

To use these patches, include the collective.testcaselayer configure.zcml. The patches address some bugs in Testing.ZopeTestCase.

Data streamed to the response

Due to some behavior in Testing.ZopeTestCase.zopedoctest.functional, the testbrowser.contents was empty when data had been streamed directly into the response (as opposed to returning the data from the callable published). This made it difficult to do functional testing for code that needed to stream data to the response for performance, such as when the response data is very large and would consume too much memory.

Stream iterators

A patch taken from is also included so that HTTP responses in the test environment support stream iterators. This allows functional testing of code that makes use of stream iterators.


Due to bug #98437, “TestBrowser Referer: header set to ‘localhost’”, some testbrowser requests would raise NotFound. Two examples would be visiting the Plone login_form directly rather than following a link, or using the Plone content_status_history form.

Test the Patches

Add a document which renders the referer.

>>> folder.addDTMLDocument(
...     'index_html', file='''\
... <html><body>
... <dtml-var "REQUEST['HTTP_REFERER']">
... <form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
... <form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
... <a href=".">link</a>
... </html></body>
... ''')

Open a browser.

>>> from Products.Five.testbrowser import Browser
>>> browser = Browser()
>>> browser.handleErrors = False

Before patching, fresh requests have an invalid referer.

>>> print browser.contents
<form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
<form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
<a href=".">link</a>

Add a script that streams content to the response.

>>> from Products.PythonScripts import PythonScript
>>> PythonScript.manage_addPythonScript(folder, 'foo.txt')
>>> folder['foo.txt'].ZPythonScript_edit(params='', body='''\
... context.REQUEST.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
... context.REQUEST.response.setHeader(
...     'Content-Disposition',
...     'attachment;filename=foo.txt')
... context.REQUEST.response.write('foo')''')

Before patching, data streamed to the response is not in the browser contents.

>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents

Add a script that returns a stream iterator.

>>> from Products.PythonScripts import PythonScript
>>> PythonScript.manage_addPythonScript(folder, 'bar.txt')
>>> folder['bar.txt'].ZPythonScript_edit(params='', body='''\
... from collective.testcaselayer.testing.iterator import (
...     StreamIterator)
... context.REQUEST.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
... context.REQUEST.response.setHeader(
...     'Content-Disposition',
...     'attachment;filename=bar.txt')
... return StreamIterator(['bar', 'qux'])''')
>>> from AccessControl import allow_module
>>> allow_module('collective.testcaselayer.testing.iterator')

Stream iterators are not supported.

>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents
['bar', 'qux']

Apply the patches.

>>> from Products.Five import zcml
>>> from Products.Five import fiveconfigure
>>> from collective import testcaselayer
>>> fiveconfigure.debug_mode = True
>>> zcml.load_config('testing.zcml', package=testcaselayer)
>>> fiveconfigure.debug_mode = False

A fresh request should have no referer.

>>> print browser.contents
<form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
<form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
<a href=".">link</a>

Submitting a form via post should have no referer.

>>> browser.getForm('post').submit()
>>> print browser.contents
<form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
<form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
<a href=".">link</a>

Submitting a form via get should have no referer.

>>> browser.getForm('get').submit()
>>> print browser.contents
<form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
<form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
<a href=".">link</a>

Clicking a link should set the referer.

>>> browser.getLink('link').click()
>>> print browser.contents
<form action="." method="post" id="post"></form>
<form action="." method="get" id="get"></form>
<a href=".">link</a>

Data streamed to the response is now in the browser contents.

>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents
Status: 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Zope (, Python (
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=foo.txt

Stream iterators are now in the browser contents.

>>> browser.isHtml
>>> print browser.contents


1.6.1 (2015-08-14)

  • Minor cleanup: whitespace, git ignores, [gforcada, rnix, maurits]

1.6 (2012-10-17)

  • Don’t break if the portal has no portal_kss tool. [davisagli]

1.5 - 2012-05-18

  • Plone 4.1 compatibility. [rossp]

  • Let layer tear down do cleanup. Allows post_mortem debugging to see the state in the TB before DB connections are closed or other cleanup is done. [rossp]

1.4 - 2011-07-15

  • Move the mock mail host to an actual GS profile so it won’t be replaced when dependent layers run their own profiles. Also makes the mock mail host usable outside of tests. [rossp]

  • Add some utility methods for setting testbrowser AT calendar widgets without end/beginning-of-month intermittent failures. [rossp]

  • Avoid a version conflict between PloneTestCase and zope.testing/testrunner. [rossp]

1.3 - 2010-02-09

  • Add a loadZCML convenience method [rossp]

  • Add a common layer with some useful test setup [rossp]

  • Add a mock mail host layer [rossp]

1.2.2 - 2009-11-14

  • Add functional testing support for stream iterator responses. Taken from witsch’s testing patches. [rossp]

  • Zope 2.10-2.12 compatibility [rossp, witsch]

  • Fix Sandboxed replacement for Zope 2.12 / Plone 4. [witsch]

1.2.1 - 2009-10-11

  • Move the ZTC functional doctest monkey patches to testing.zcml so that they don’t get picked up under auto-include. optilude reported this was breaking debug-mode.

1.2 - 2009-08-21

  • Add a patch so that data streamed to the response is available in testbrowser.contents. [rossp]

  • Add a patch for the HTTP_REFERER testbrowser bug. [rossp]

1.1 - 2009-07-29

  • Fix release. Files were missing due to the setuptools interaction with SVN 1.6.

1.0 - 2009-07-29

  • Tested against Plone 3.3rc4

  • Add sample code for basic Plone test case layers

  • Deprecate zope.testing<3.6 support

  • The collective.testcaselayer.ptc module needs to call ptc.setupPloneSite() in order to make sure the plone site exists

0.2 - 2008-01-08

  • Make the self.folder attribute available in PortalTestCase sub-layers

  • Make tests compatible with zope.testing.testrunner refactoring

0.1 - 2008-05-23

  • Initial release


  • Add convenience method for loading ZCML. (witsch)

  • Factor out collective.testclasslayer.layer

The collective.testclasslayer.layer module doesn’t actually have anything to do with test cases, but I didn’t want to create a separate package just for this one bit. If someone wants to put this in zope.testing or some other common testing dependency, that would be great.

  • Factor unittest.TestCase out of Testing.ZopeTestCase.base.TestCase

It might be appropriate to refactor out the ZTC specific pieces of the test cases in the Testing.ZopeTestCase package such that there is a common base class that doesn’t subclass unittest.TestCase. With this in place we could do away with collective.testcaselayer.testcase and have common base classes that could be used either as layers or as test cases.

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collective.testcaselayer-1.6.1.tar.gz (37.2 kB view hashes)

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