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A vehicle simulator predicting CO2 emissions for NEDC using WLTP time-series

Project description

CO2MPAS: Vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP

:Release: 1.0.4
:pypi-repo: (will move to standard Python-repo in the future)
:Keywords: CO2, fuel-consumption, WLTP, NEDC, vehicle, automotive,
EU, JRC, IET, STU, back-translation, policy,
simulator, engineering, scientific
:Developers: .. include:: ../AUTHORS.rst
:Copyright: 2015 European Commission (`JRC-IET
:License: `EUPL 1.1+ <>`_

**CO2MPAS** is backward-looking longitudinal-dynamics CO\ sub(`2`) and
fuel-consumption simulator for light-duty vehicles (cars and vans),
specially crafted to back-translate consumption figures from WLTP cycles
into NEDC ones.

It is an open-source project developed with Python-3.4,
using Anaconda & WinPython under Windows 7, Anaconda under MacOS, and
Linux's standard python environment.
The program runs as a *console command*.

The *European Commission* is supporting the introduction of the *WLTP cycle*
for Light-duty vehicles developed at the *United Nations (UNECE)*
level, in the shortest possible time-frame. Its introduction requires
the adaptation of CO\ sub(`2`) certification and monitoring procedures set
by European regulations. European Commission's *Joint Research Centre* has been
assigned the development of this vehicle simulator to facilitate this

.. Tip::
**About console-commands:**

- Console-commands beginning with ``$`` symbol are for the ``bash`` shell
You can install it on *Windows* with **cygwin**:
along with these useful utilities::

* git, git-completion
* make, zip, unzip, bzip2, 7z, dos2unix
* openssh, curl, wget

- Console-commands beginning with ``>`` symbol are for *Windows* ``cmd.exe``
You can augment it with bash-like capabilities using **Clink**:

- You can adapt commands between the two shells with minor modifications
(i.e. ``ls <--> dir``, ``rm -r <--> deltree``).

- You may download and install the *all-in-one* archive which contains
both shells configured in a console supporting decent copy-paste and
resizing capabilities (see ref:`all-in-one`_).

IF you have familiarity with v1 release AND IF you already have a full-blown
*python-3 environment* (i.e. *Linux* or the *all-in-one* archive) you can
immediately start working with the following *bash* commands; otherwise
follow the detailed instructions under sections ref:`install`_ and

.. code-block:: console

## Install co2mpas.
## NOTE: If behind proxy, specify additionally this option:
## --proxy http://user:password@yourProxyUrl:yourProxyPort
$ pip install co2mpas --extra-index --trusted-host

## Where to store input and output files.
## In *Windows* cmd-prompt use `md` command instead.
$ mkdir input output

## Create a template excel-file for inputs.
$ co2mpas template input/vehicle_1.xlsx

## Edit generated `./input/vehicle_1.xlsx` file. ##

## Run simulator.
$ co2mpas -I input -O output

## Inspect generated results inside `./output/`. ##

.. _end-opening:
.. contents:: Table of Contents
:backlinks: top
:depth: 4

.. _install:

The installation procedure has 2-stages:

1. Install (or Upgrade) Python (2 choices under *Windows*).
2. Install CO2MPAS:
a. Install (or Upgrade) executable.
b. (optional) Install documents.
c. (optional) Install sources.

On *Windows* you may alternatively install the *all-In-One* archive
instead of performing the above 2 steps separately.

.. _all-in-one:

*All-In-One* Installation under Windows
- Download **all-in-one archive** from
Ensure that you download the correct 32/64 architecture for your PC
(the 64bit archive CANNOT run on 32bit PCs, but the opposite is possible).

- Use the original `"7z" extraxtor <>`_,
since "plain-zip" produces out-of-memory errors when expanding long
Prefer to **extract it in a folder without any spaces in its path.**

- If you have already downloaded a previous version of the *all-in-one*
archive, you may prefer to just upgrade CO2MPAS contained within.
Follow the instructions in the "Upgrade" section, below.

- After installation, check that the version of CO2MPAS contained in the
archive corresponds to the latest/the one described in these instructions.
If not, follow the instructions in the "Upgrade" section, below.

- Visit the guidelines for its usage: doc(`allinone`)
(also contained within the archive).

Python Installation
If you already have a suitable python-3 installation with all scientific
packages updated to their latest versions, you may skip this 1st stage.

.. Note::
**Installing Python under Windows:**

The program requires CPython-3, and depends on *numpy*, *scipy*, *pandas*,
*sklearn* and *matplotlib* packages, which depend on C-native backends
and need a C-compiler to install from sources.

In *Windows* it is strongly suggested **NOT to install the standard CPython
distribution that comes up first(!) when you google for "python windows"**,
unless you are an experienced python-developer, and you know how to
hunt down pre-compiled dependencies from the *PyPi* repository and/or
from the `Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages

Therefore we suggest that you download one of the following two
*scientific-python* distributions:

#. `WinPython <>`_ **python-3** (prefer 64 bit)
#. `Anaconda <>`_ **python-3** (prefer 64 bit)

Install WinPython
The *WinPython* distribution is just a collection of the standard pre-compiled
binaries for *Windows* containing all the scientific packages, and much more.
It is not update-able, and has a quasi-regular release-cycle of 3 months.

1. Install the latest python-3 (preferably 64 bit) from
Prefer an **installation-folder without any spaces leading to it**.

2. Open the WinPython's command-prompt console, by locating the folder where
you just installed it and run (double-click) the following file::

<winpython-folder>\"WinPython Command Prompt.exe"

3. In the console-window check that you have the correct version of
WinPython installed, and expect a similar response:

.. code-block:: console

> python --version
Python 3.4.3

REM Check your python is indeed where you installed it.
> where python

4. Use this console and follow ref:`co2mpas-install`_ instructions, below.

Install Anaconda
The *Anaconda* distribution is a non-standard Python environment that
for *Windows* containing all the scientific packages we need, and much more.
It is not update-able, and has a semi-regular release-cycle of 3 months.

1. Install Anaconda python 3.4 (preferably 64 bit) from
Prefer an **installation-folder without any spaces leading to it**.

.. Note::
When asked by the installation wizard, ensure that *Anaconda* gets to be
registered as the default python-environment for the user's account.

2. Open a *Windows* command-prompt console::

"windows start button" --> `cmd.exe`

3. In the console-window check that you have the correct version of
Anaconda-python installed, by typing:

.. code-block:: console

> python --version
Python 3.4.3 :: Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit)

REM Check your python is indeed where you installed it.
> where python

4. Use this console and follow ref:`co2mpas-install`_ instructions, below.

.. _co2mpas-install:

CO2MPAS installation
1. Install CO2MPAS executable internally into your python-environment with
the following console-command:

.. code-block:: console

> pip install co2mpas --extra-index --trusted-host
Collecting co2mpas
Installing collected packages: co2mpas
Successfully installed co2mpas-1.0.4

.. Note::
**Installing Behind Firewall:**

This previous step requires http-connectivity to Python's "standard"
repository ( and to co2mpas-site
In case you are behind a **corporate proxy**, you may either:

a) Append the following option to all ``pip`` commands, appropriately
adapted: ``--proxy http://user:password@yourProxyUrl:yourProxyPort``.

To avert any security deliberations for this http-proxy "tunnel",
JRC *cryptographically signs* all *final releases*, so that you or
your IT staff may `validate their authenticity
and detect *man-in-the-middle* attacks, however impossible.

b) Download all *wheel* packages from `co2mpas-site
<>`_ for the specific version you are
interested in , and install them one by one (see next section).

.. code-block:: console

REM Download MANUALLY all `*.whl` files contained in release folder
REM from co2mpas-site in some folder.
> cd <folder-where-wheels_downloaded>
> pip install *.whl

.. Warning::
If you cannot install CO2MPAS, re-run the ``pip`` command adding
2 *verbose* flags ``-vv``, copy-paste the console-output, and send it
to JRC.

2. Check that when you run ``co2mpas``, the version executed is indeed the one
installed above (check both version-identifiers and paths):

.. code-block:: console

> python -v --version
co2mpas_version: 1.0.4
co2mpas_path: d:\co2mpas_ALLINONE-XXbit-v1.0.4\Apps\WinPython\python-3.4.3\lib\site-packages\co2mpas
python_path: D:\co2mpas_ALLINONE-XXbit-v1.0.4\WinPython\python-3.4.3
python_version: 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) [MSC v.1600 XXX]
PATH: D:\co2mpas_ALLINONE-XXbit-v1.0.4\WinPython...

.. Note::
The above procedure installs the *latest* CO2MPAS, which
**might be more up-to-date than the version described here!**

In that case you can either:

a) Visit the documents for the newer version actually installed.
b) "Pin" the exact version you wish to install with a ``pip`` command
(see section below).

Install extras
Internally CO2MPAS uses an algorithmic scheduler to execute model functions.
In order to visualize the *design-time models* and *run-time workflows*
you need to install the **Graphviz** visualization library from:

If you skip this step, the ``graphplot`` sub-command and the ``--plot-workflow``
option would both fail to run (see ref:`debug`_).

Upgrade CO2MPAS
1. Uninstall (see below) and re-install it.

Uninstall CO2MPAS
To uninstall CO2MPAS type the following command, and confirm it with ``y``:

.. code-block:: console

> pip uninstall co2mpas
Uninstalling co2mpas-<installed-version>
Proceed (y/n)?

Re-run the command *again*, to make sure that no dangling installations are left
over; disregard any errors this time.

Installing different version of CO2MPAS
You may get multiple versions of CO2MPAS, from various places, but all
require the use of ``pip`` command to install:

- **Latest STABLE:**
use the default ``pip`` described command above.

- **Latest PRE-RELEASE:**
append the ``--pre`` option in the ``pip`` command.

- **Specific version:**
modify the ``pip`` command like that, with optionally appending ``--pre``:

.. code-block:: console

pip install co2mpas==1.0.1 ... # Other options, like above.

- **Specific branch** from the sources (github):
use a command like that (e.g. ``dev``):

.. code-block:: console

pip install git+

- **Specific commit** from the sources (github):
use a command like that (e.g. ``dev``):

.. code-block:: console

pip install git+

- All of the above, but with internet through **http-proxy**:
append an appropriately adapted option: ``--proxy http://user:password@yourProxyUrl:yourProxyPort``.

- All of the above, **without internet connectivity**: download locally
all ``.whl`` files present in the desired version on `CO2MPAS site <>`_
and install them with a command like that:

.. code-block:: console

pip install *.whl

.. Warning::
If you have already a CO2MPAS version install, don't foget to uninstall it

Install multiple versions of CO2MPAS in parallel
In order to run and compare results from different CO2MPAS versions,
you may use `virtualenv <>`_

The `virtualenv` command creates isolated python-environments ("children-venvs")
where in each one you can install a different versions of CO2MPAS.

.. Note::
The `virtualenv` command does NOT run under the "conda" python-environment.
Use the `conda command <>`_
in similar manner to create children-envs instead.

1. Ensure `virtualenv` command installed in your "parent" python-environment,
i.e the "WinPython" you use:

.. code-block:: console

> pip install virtualenv

.. Note::
The `pip` command above has to run only once for each parent python-env.
If `virtualenv` is already installed, `pip` will exit gracefully.

2. Ensure co2mpas uninstalled in your parent-env:

.. code-block:: console

> pip uninstall co2mpas

.. Warning::
It is important for the "parent" python-env NOT to have CO2MPAS installed!
The reasone is that you must set "children venvs" to inherit all packages
installed on their "parent" (i.e. `numpy` and `pandas`), and you cannot
update any inherited package from within a child-env.

3. Move to the folder where you want your "venvs" to reside and create
the "venv" with this command:

.. code-block:: console

> virtualenv --system-site-packages co2mpas_v1.0.1.venv.venv

The ``--system-site-packages`` option instructs the child-venv to inherit
all "parent" packages (numpy, pandas).

Select a venv's name to signify the version it will contains,
e.g. ``co2mpas_v1.0.1.venv``. The ``.venv`` at the end is not required,
it is just for tagging the *venv* folders.

4. Workaround a `virtualenv bug <>`_
with `TCL/TK` on *Windows*!

This is technically the most "difficult" step, and it is required so that
CO2MPAS can open GUI dialog-boxes, such as those for selecting
the *input/output* dialogs.

a. Open with an editor the ``co2mpas_v1.0.1.venv.venv\Scripts\activate.bat`` script,
b. locate the `set PATH=...` line towards the bottom of the file, and
append the following 2 lines::

set "TCL_LIBRARY=d:\WinPython-XX4bit-\python-3.4.3.amd64\tcl\tcl8.6"
set "TK_LIBRARY=d:\WinPython-XXit-Y.Y.Y.Y\python-3.4.3.amd64\tcl\tk8.6"

.. Tip::
You have to **adapt the paths above** to match the `TCL` & `TK`
folder in your parent python-env.

If not, you will receive the following message while running CO2MPAS::

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

5. "Activate" the new "venv" by running the following command
(notice the dot(``.``) at the begining of the command):

.. code-block:: console

> .\co2mpas_v1.0.1.venv.venv\Scripts\activate.bat

You must now see that your prompt has been prefixed with the venv's name.

6. Install the co2mpas version you want inside the activated venv.
See the ref:`co2mpas-install`_ section, above.

Don't forget to check that what you get when running co2mpas is what you

7. To "deactivate" the active venv, type:

.. code-block:: console

> deactivate

The prompt-prefix with the venv-name should now dissappear. And if you
try to invoke ``co2mpas``, it should fail.

.. Tip::
- Repeat steps 2-->5 to create venvs for different versions of co2mpas.
- Use steps (6: Activate) and (9: Deactivate) to switch between different

.. _usage:

.. Note::
The following commands are for the **bash console**, specifically tailored
for the **all-in-one** archive.

First ensure that the latest version of CO2MPAS is properly installed, and that
its version match the version declared on this file.

The main entry for the simulator is the ``co2mpas`` console-command,
which **is not visible, but it is installed in your PATH.**
To get the syntax of the ``co2mpas`` console-command, open a console where
you have installed CO2MPAS (see ref:`install`_ above) and type:

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas --help
Predict NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP cycles.

co2mpas [simulate] [-v] [--predict-wltp] [--report-stages] [--no-warn-gui]
[--plot-workflow] [--only-summary]
[-I <fpath>] [-O <fpath>]
co2mpas demo [-v] [-f] <folder>
co2mpas template [-v] [-f] <excel-file-path> ...
co2mpas ipynb [-v] [-f] <folder>
co2mpas modelgraph [-v] --list
co2mpas modelgraph [-v] [--depth=INTEGER] [<models> ...]
co2mpas [-v] --version
co2mpas --help

-I <fpath> Input folder or file, prompted with GUI if missing [default: ./input]
-O <fpath> Input folder or file, prompted with GUI if missing [default: ./output]
-l, --list List available models.
--only-summary Does not save vehicle outputs just the summary file.
--predict-wltp Whether to predict also WLTP values.
--report-stages Add report-sheets with stage-scores into summary file.
--no-warn-gui Does not pause batch-run to report inconsistencies.
--plot-workflow Open workflow-plot in browser, after run finished.
--depth=INTEGER Limit the number of sub-dispatchers plotted (no limit by default).
-f, --force Overwrite template/sample excel-file(s).
-v, --verbose Print more verbosely messages.

* Items enclosed in `[]` are optional.

simulate [default] Run simulation for all excel-files in input-folder (-I).
demo Generate demo input-files inside <folder>.
template Generate "empty" input-file at <excel-file-path>.
ipynb Generate IPython notebooks inside <folder>; view them with cmd:
ipython --notebook-dir=<folder>
modelgraph List all or plot available models. If no model(s) specified, all assumed.


# Create sample-vehicles inside the `input` folder.
# (the `input` folder must exist)
co2mpas demo input

# Run the sample-vehicles just created.
# (the `output` folder must exist)
co2mpas -I input -O output

# Create an empty vehicle-file inside `input` folder.
co2mpas template input/vehicle_1.xlsx

# View a specific submodel on your browser.
co2mpas modelgraph gear_box_calibration

The default sub-command (``simulate``) accepts either a single **input-excel-file**
or a folder with multiple input-files for each vehicle, and generates a
**summary-excel-file** aggregating the major result-values from these vehicles,
and (optionally) multiple **output-excel-files** for each vehicle run.

Running Samples
The simulator contains input-files for demo-vehicles that are a nice
starting point to try out.

1. Choose a folder where you will store the *input* and *output* files:

.. code-block:: console

## Skip this if ``tutorial`` folder already exists.
$ mkdir tutorial
$ cd tutorial

## Skip also this if folders exist.
$ mkdir input output

.. Note::
The input & output folders do not have to reside in the same parent,
neither to have these names.
It is only for demonstration purposes that we decided to group them both
under a hypothetical ``some-folder``.

3. Create the demo vehicles inside the *input-folder* with the ``demo``

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas demo input
Creating DEMO INPUT file 'input\co2mpas_demo_1_full_data.xlsx'...
Creating DEMO INPUT file 'input\co2mpas_demo_2_wltp_high_only.xlsx'...
Creating DEMO INPUT file 'input\co2mpas_demo_3_wltp_low_only.xlsx'...
Creating DEMO INPUT file 'input\co2mpas_demo_4_baseline_no_battery_currents - Copy.xlsx'...
Creating DEMO INPUT file 'input\co2mpas_demo_5_baseline_no_gears.xlsx'...
You may run DEMOS with:
co2mpas simulate -I input

4. Run the simulator:

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas -I input -O output
Processing 'input' --> 'output'...
Processing: co2mpas_demo_1_full_data
Done! [90.765501 sec]

6. Inspect the results:

.. code-block:: console

$ start output/*summary.xlsx ## More summaries might exist in the folder from previous runs.
$ start output ## View the folder with all files generated.

Output files
Below is the structure of the output-files produced for each vehicle::

## Input and calibrated values for electrics.

## Input and calibrated values.

## Input and calibrated values.

## Input and predicted values.

## Major CO2 values from all vehicles in the batch-run.

Entering new vehicles
You may modify the samples vehicles and run again the model.
But to be sure that your vehicle does not contain by accident any of
the sample-data, use the ``template`` sub-command to make an *empty* input

1. Decide the *input/output* folders. Assuming we are still in the ``tutorial``
folder and we wish to re-use the ``input/output`` folders from the example
above, we may clear all their contents with this:

.. code-block:: console

$ rm -r ./input/* ./output/* Replace `rm` with `del` in *Windows* (`cmd.exe`)

2. Create an empty vehicle template-file (eg. ``vehicle_1.xlsx``) inside
the *input-folder* with the ``template`` sub-command:

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas template input/vehicle_1.xlsx ## Note that here we specify the filename, not the folder!
Creating TEMPLATE INPUT file 'input/vehicle_1.xlsx'...

3. Open the template excel-file to fill-in your vehicle data
(and save it afterwards):

.. code-block:: console

$ start input/vehicle_1.xlsx ## Opens the excel-file. Use `start` in *cmd.exe*.

.. Tip::
The generated file contains help descriptions to help you populate it
with vehicle data. For items where an array of values is required
(i.e. gear-box ratios) you may reference different parts of
the spreadsheet following the syntax of the `"xlref" mini-language

You may repeat these last 2 steps if you want to add more vehicles in
the *batch-run*.

4. Run the simulator. Specify the single excel-file as input:

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas -I ./input/vehicle_1.xlsx -O output
Processing './input/vehicle_1.xlsx' --> 'output'...
Processing: vehicle_1
Done! [12.938986 sec]

5. Assuming you do receive any error, you may now inspect the results:

.. code-block:: console

$ start output/*summary.xlsx ## More summaries might open from previous runs.
$ start output ## View all files generated (see below).

6. In the case of errors, or if the results are not satisfactory, repeat the
above procedure from step 3 to modify the vehicle and re-run the model.
See also ref:`debug`_, below.

Using IPython
You may enter the data for a single vehicle and run its simulation, plot its
results and experiment in your browser using `IPython <>`_.

The usage pattern is similar to "demos" but requires to have **ipython**

1. Ensure *ipython* with *notebook* "extra" is installed:

.. Warning::
This step requires too many libraries to provide as standalone files,
so unless you have it already installed, you will need a proper
*http-connectivity* to the standard python-repo.

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install ipython[notebook]
Installing collected packages: ipython[notebook]
Successfully installed ipython-x.x.x notebook-x.x.x

2. Then create the demo ipython-notebook(s) into some folder
(i.e. assuming the same setup from above, ``tutorial/input``):

.. code-block:: console

$ pwd ## Check our current folder (``cd`` alone for Windows).

$ co2mpas ipynb ./input

3. Start-up the server and open a browser page to run the vehicle-simulation:

.. code-block:: console

$ ipython notebook ./input

4. A new window should open to your default browser (AVOID IEXPLORER) listing
the ``simVehicle.ipynb`` notebook (and all the demo xls-files).
Click on the ``*.ippynb`` file to "load" the notebook in a new tab.

The results are of a simulation run already pre-generated for this notebook
but you may run it yourself again, by clicking the menu::

"menu" --> `Cell` --> `Run All`

And watch it as it re-calculates *cell* by cell.

5. You may edit the python code on the cells by selecting them and clicking
``Enter`` (the frame should become green), and then re-run them,
with ``Ctrl + Enter``.

Navigate your self around by taking the tutorial at::

"menu" --> `Help` --> `User Interface Tour`

And study the example code and diagrams.

6. When you have finished, return to the console and issue twice ``Ctrl + C``
to shutdown the *ipython-server*.

.. _debug:

Debugging and investigating results

- Make sure that you have installed `graphviz`, and when running the simulation,
append also the ``--plot-workflow`` option.

- Use the ``modelgraph`` sub-command to plot the offending model (or just
out of curiosity). For instance:

.. code-block:: console

$ co2mpas modelgraph gear_box_calibration

.. _static/GearModel.png
:alt: Flow-diagram of the Gear-calibration model.
:height: 240
:width: 320

- Inspect the functions mentioned in the workflow and models and search them
in `CO2MPAS documentation <>`_ ensuring you are
visiting the documents for the actual version you are using.

Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution (2.1 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

co2mpas-1.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (2.1 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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