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Deep learning classification with clinica

Project description

Clinica Deep Learning (clinicadl)

for Alzheimer's Disease

Build Status

See also: AD-ML, Clinica

About the project

This repository hosts the code source for reproducible experiments on automatic classification of Alzheimer's disease (AD) using anatomical MRI data. It allows to train convolutional neural networks (CNN) models. The journal version of the paper describing this work is available here.

Automatic classification of AD using a classical machine learning approach can be performed using the software available here:

Disclaimer: this software is in going-on development. Some features can change between different commits. A stable version is planned to be released soon. The release v.0.0.1 corresponds to the date of submission of the publication but in the meanwhile important changes are being done to facilitate the use of the package.

If you find a problem when use it or if you want to provide us feedback, please open an issue.

Table of Contents


Main dependencies

  • Python >= 3.6
  • Clinica >= 0.3.4 and ANTs (needs only to perform preprocessing)
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn
  • Pytorch => 1.1
  • Nilearn >= 0.5.3
  • Nipy
  • TensorBoardX

Create a conda environment with the corresponding dependencies:

Keep the following order of the installation instructions. It guaranties the right management of libraries depending on common packages:

conda create --name clinicadl_env python=3.6 pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

conda activate clinicadl_env
git clone
cd AD-DL
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the package clinicadl as developer in the active conda environment:

cd clinicadl
pip install -e .


How to use clinicadl ?

clinicadl is an utility to be used with the command line.

There are six kind of tasks that can be performed using the command line:

  • Process tsv files. tsvtool includes many functions to get labels from BIDS, perform k-fold or single splits, produce demographic analysis of extracted labels and reproduce the restrictions made on AIBL and OASIS in the original paper.

  • Generate a synthetic dataset. Useful to obtain synthetic datasets frequently used in functional tests.

  • T1 MRI preprocessing. The preprocessing task processes a dataset of T1 images stored in BIDS format and prepares to extract the tensors (see paper for details on the preprocessing). Output is stored using the CAPS hierarchy.

  • T1 MRI tensor extraction. The extract option allows to create files in Pytorch format (.pt) with different options: the complete MRI, 2D slices and/or 3D patches. This files are also stored in the CAPS hierarchy.

  • Train neural networks. The train task is designed to perform training of CNN models using different kind of inputs, e.g., a full MRI (3D-image), patches from a MRI (3D-patch), specific regions of a MRI (ROI-based) or slices extracted from the MRI (2D-slices). Parameters used during the training are configurable. This task allow also to train autoencoders.

  • MRI classification. The classify task uses previously trained models to perform the inference of a particular or a set of MRI.

For detailed instructions and options of each task type clinica 'task' -h.


Labels extraction in tsv files

Typical use for tsvtool getlabels:

clinicadl tsvtool getlabels <merged_tsv> <missing_mods> <results_path> --restriction_path <restriction_path>


  • <merged_tsv> is the output file of clinica iotools merge-tsv command.
  • <missing_mods> is the folder containing the outputs of clinica iotools missing-mods command.
  • <results_path> is the path to the folder where tsv files are written.
  • --restriction_path <restriction_path> is a path to a tsv file containing the list of sessions that should be used. This argument is for example the result of a quality check procedure.

By default the extracted labels are only AD and CN, as OASIS database do not include MCI patients. To include them add --diagnoses AD CN MCI sMCI pMCI at the end of the command.

The full list of options available to obtain labels from tsv files.
usage: clinicadl tsvtool getlabels [-h] [--modality MODALITY]
                                   [--diagnoses {AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} [{AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} ...]]
                                   [--time_horizon TIME_HORIZON]
                                   [--restriction_path RESTRICTION_PATH]
                                   merged_tsv missing_mods results_path

positional arguments:
  merged_tsv            Path to the file obtained by the command clinica
                        iotools merge-tsv.
  missing_mods          Path to the folder where the outputs of clinica
                        iotools missing-mods are.
  results_path          Path to the folder where tsv files are extracted.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --modality MODALITY, -mod MODALITY
                        Modality to select sessions. Sessions which do not
                        include the modality will be excluded.
  --diagnoses {AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} [{AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} ...]
                        Labels that must be extracted from merged_tsv.
  --time_horizon TIME_HORIZON
                        Time horizon to analyse stability of MCI subjects.
  --restriction_path RESTRICTION_PATH
                        Path to a tsv containing the sessions that can be


Typical use for preprocessing (ANTs software needs to be installed):

clinicadl preprocessing <bids_dir> <caps_dir> <working_dir> --np 32


  • <bids_dir> is the input folder containing the dataset in a BIDS hierarchy.
  • <caps_dir> is the output folder containing the results in a CAPS hierarchy.
  • <working_dir> is the temporary directory to store pipelines intermediate results.
  • --np <N> (optional) is the number of cores used to run in parallel (in the example, 32 cores are used).

If you want to run the pipeline on a subset of your BIDS dataset, you can use the -tsv flag to specify in a TSV file the participants belonging to your subset.

Here is a description of the arguments present for the preprocessing task.
usage: clinicadl preprocessing [-h] [-np NPROC]
                             bids_dir caps_dir tsv_file working_dir

positional arguments:
bids_dir              Data using BIDS structure.
caps_dir              Data using CAPS structure.
tsv_file              TSV file with subjects/sessions to process.
working_dir           Working directory to save temporary file.

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-np NPROC, --nproc NPROC
                      Number of cores used for processing (2 by default)

Tensor extraction

Once the images are preprocessed they must be converted in tensors. Tensors consists of .pt files that can be loaded with PyTorch. Using clinicadl these files are stored in a specific folder structure, keeping relevant information about the original image. This step can be also run using the Clinica DeepLearning-prepare-data pipeline. Results are equivalent.

The full list of options available for tensor extraction.
usage: clinicadl extract [-h] [-ps PATCH_SIZE] [-ss STRIDE_SIZE]
                         [-sd SLICE_DIRECTION] [-sm {original,rgb}]
                         [-np NPROC]
                         caps_dir tsv_file working_dir {slice,patch,whole}

positional arguments:
  caps_dir              Data using CAPS structure.
  tsv_file              TSV file with subjects/sessions to process.
  working_dir           Working directory to save temporary file.
  {slice,patch,whole}   Method used to extract features. Three options:
                        'slice' to get 2D slices from the MRI, 'patch' to get
                        3D volumetric patches or 'whole' to get the complete

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ps PATCH_SIZE, --patch_size PATCH_SIZE
                        Patch size (only for 'patch' extraction) e.g:
                        --patch_size 50
  -ss STRIDE_SIZE, --stride_size STRIDE_SIZE
                        Stride size (only for 'patch' extraction) e.g.:
                        --stride_size 50
  -sd SLICE_DIRECTION, --slice_direction SLICE_DIRECTION
                        Slice direction (only for 'slice' extraction). Three
                        options: '0' -> Sagittal plane, '1' -> Coronal plane
                        or '2' -> Axial plane
  -sm {original,rgb}, --slice_mode {original,rgb}
                        Slice mode (only for 'slice' extraction). Two options:
                        'original' to save one single channel (intensity),
                        'rgb' to saves three channel (with same intensity).
  -np NPROC, --nproc NPROC
                        Number of cores used for processing

Training a new model

Different kind of networks are trained using clinicadl train:

  • image: uses the full 3D MRIs to train a network.
  • patch: uses 3D patches (from specific patch size) extracted from the 3D image.
  • roi: extract a specific 3D region from the MRI.
  • slice: uses 2D slices to train a CNN.

For each mode, different options are presented, in order to control different parameters used during the training phase.

E.g., this is the list of options available when training a CNN network using 3D patches:
usage: clinicadl train patch cnn [-h] [-cpu] [-np NPROC]
                                 [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                                 [--diagnoses {AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} [{AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} ...]]
                                 [--baseline] [--n_splits N_SPLITS]
                                 [--split SPLIT [SPLIT ...]] [--epochs EPOCHS]
                                 [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                                 [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
                                 [--dropout DROPOUT] [--patience PATIENCE]
                                 [--tolerance TOLERANCE] [-ps PATCH_SIZE]
                                 [-ss STRIDE_SIZE] [--use_extracted_patches]
                                 [--transfer_learning_path TRANSFER_LEARNING_PATH]
                                 [--transfer_learning_selection {best_loss,best_acc}]
                                 [--selection_threshold SELECTION_THRESHOLD]
                                 caps_dir {t1-linear,t1-extensive} tsv_path
                                 output_dir network

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Positional arguments:
  caps_dir              Data using CAPS structure.
                        Defines the type of preprocessing of CAPS data.
  tsv_path              TSV path with subjects/sessions to process.
  output_dir            Folder containing results of the training.
  network               CNN Model to be used during the training.

Computational resources:
  -cpu, --use_cpu       Uses CPU instead of GPU.
  -np NPROC, --nproc NPROC
                        Number of cores used during the training.
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for training. (default=2)

Data management:
  --diagnoses {AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} [{AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} ...], -d {AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} [{AD,CN,MCI,sMCI,pMCI} ...]
                        Diagnoses that will be selected for training.
  --baseline            if True only the baseline is used.

Cross-validation arguments:
  --n_splits N_SPLITS   If a value is given will load data of a k-fold CV.
  --split SPLIT [SPLIT ...]
                        Train the list of given folds. By default train all

Optimization parameters:
  --epochs EPOCHS       Epochs through the data. (default=20)
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE, -lr LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate of the optimization. (default=0.01)
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY, -wd WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Weight decay value used in optimization.
  --dropout DROPOUT     rate of dropout that will be applied to dropout
  --patience PATIENCE   Waiting time for early stopping.
  --tolerance TOLERANCE
                        Tolerance value for the early stopping.

Patch-level parameters:
  -ps PATCH_SIZE, --patch_size PATCH_SIZE
                        Patch size
  -ss STRIDE_SIZE, --stride_size STRIDE_SIZE
                        Stride size
                        If True the outputs of extract preprocessing are used,
                        else the whole MRI is loaded.

Transfer learning:
  --transfer_learning_path TRANSFER_LEARNING_PATH
                        If an existing path is given, a pretrained model is
                        If specified, do transfer learning using an
                        autoencoder else will look for a CNN model.
  --transfer_learning_selection {best_loss,best_acc}
                        If transfer_learning from CNN, chooses which best
                        transfer model is selected.

Patch-level CNN parameters:
  --selection_threshold SELECTION_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold on the balanced accuracies to compute the
                        subject-level performance. Patches are selected if
                        their balanced accuracy > threshold. Default
                        corresponds to no selection.

Using a pretrained model

The tool clinicadl classify is used to perform the inference step using a previously trained model on simple/multiple image.

These are the options available for this taskL
usage: clinicadl classify [-h] [-cpu] caps_dir tsv_file model_path output_dir

positional arguments:
  caps_dir         Data using CAPS structure.
  tsv_file         TSV file with subjects/sessions to process.
  model_path       Path to the folder where the model and the json file are
  output_dir       Folder containing results of the training.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -cpu, --use_cpu  Uses CPU instead of GPU.


Be sure to have the pytest library in order to run the test suite. This test suite includes unit testing to be launched using the command line.

Unit testing (WIP)

The CLI (command line interface) part is tested using pytest. We are planning to provide unit tests for the other tasks in the future. If you want to run successfully the tests maybe you can use a command like this one:

pytest clinicadl/tests/

Functional testing

Training task are tested using synthetic data created from MRI extracted of the OASIS dataset. To run them, go to the test folder and type the following command in the terminal:

pytest ./

Please, be sure to previously create the right dataset.

Model prediction tests

For sanity check trivial datasets can be generated to train or test/validate the predictive models.

The follow command allow you to generate two kinds of synthetic datasets: fully separable (trivial) or intractable data (IRM with random noise added).

clinicadl generate {random,trivial} caps_directory tsv_path output_directory
--n_subjects N_SUBJECTS

The intractable dataset will be made of noisy versions of the first image of the tsv file given at tsv_path associated to random labels.

The trivial dataset includes two labels:

  • AD corresponding to images with the left half of the brain with lower intensities,
  • CN corresponding to images with the right half of the brain with lower intensities.

Pretrained models

Some of the pretained model for the CNN networks can be obtained here:

These models were obtained durnig the experiments for publication. Updated versions of the models will be published soon.


All the papers described in the State of the art section of the manuscript may be found at this URL address:

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Source Distribution

clinicadl-0.0.2b0.tar.gz (20.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

clinicadl-0.0.2b0-py3-none-any.whl (15.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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