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Low code API framework based on Dectate and FastAPI

Project description

Aurelix: Low Code API Framework Based on FastAPI, Dectate and SQLAlchemy

Aurelix is a low code framework for quickly building APIs for storing data and files. It is built on top of FastAPI and SQLAlchemy, and inherit some extension capabilities from Morepath's Dectate library, and pretty much a rewrite of all core ideas from MorpFW into a new framework to address deficiency and problems of the original implementation.

Aurelix uses YAML for define composable data models in declarative manner and interprets it into RESTful API that follows a degree of JSONAPI specification.

Capabilities definable through the YAML includes:

  • Data structure - You can define fields which will be interpreted as table columns.
  • Built-in CRUD views - Save time writing RESTful CRUD views as Aurelix includes the usual GET, PUT, PATCH, DELETE operations, alongside a search URL with pagination.
  • Custom views - Extend your app and model with custom views of your own, you can either reference to a function in a module, or you can just put the code in the YAML.
  • OIDC integration - If you are using OIDC provider that provides OIDC discoverability endpoint, you can use that OIDC provider for authentication.
  • Collection-wide permission filtering - You can specify role-specific where filters which will be applied to different roles to allow or prevent them from seeing specific sections of you data
  • Field permission filtering - You can specify role specific field permissions to limit access to fields (readWrite, readOnly, restricted) by role.
  • Field transformation chain - You can specify input and output transformation chain for fields, for example, to encrypt and decrypt data before storing into database.
  • Model transformation chain - Similar as field transformation chain, but this applies against the whole record.
  • Field validation chain - Register custom functions to validate field values when create/update.
  • Object storage integration - Use string field as object storage referencing field, which integrates with S3/MinIO based object storage for upload and download through presigned URLs.
  • State machine - Define state machine workflow chain for your model for state tracking, including custom functions to trigger on state change.
  • Event hooks - Register functions to be triggered on create, update and delete related events.

Additionally, if you are a data engineer and need to have good management of your data model version and migration, Aurelix uses Alembic integration manage versioning of your data model.

Aurelix also have its own client library which helps interacting with the API server easily, which you can use for writing code-generating ETLs or whatever integration processes.


Aurelix requires Python 3.11+

Install full server

$ pip install aurelix[server]

Only install for client library use

$ pip install aurelix

Initializing application

To initialize and application, you can run

$ aurelix init myproject

And start it using

$ cd myproject/
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial model"
$ alembic upgrade head
$ export AURELIX_CONFIG=`pwd`/app.yaml
$ aurelix run 

Example app

This example shows a bit more of Aurelix capabilities. Detailed documentation is still WIP.

Project directory of this sample app looks like this:

`- app.yaml
`- models/
 `- mymodel.yaml
`- libs/

Contents of app.yaml:

spec_version: app/0.1
title: MyApp
  - name: default
    url: sqlite:///./database.sqlite

Contents of libs/ Aurelix config can load views and modules from libs/ directory:

from fastapi import Request

async def myview(request: Request):
    return {
       'hello': 'world'

Contents of models/mymodel.yaml. Automated API creation from model is where the bulk of Aurelix features are:

spec_version: model/0.1
name: mymodel
  name: sqlalchemy
  database: default
    title: Title
      type: string
      size: 128
    required: true

    title: Workflow Status
      type: string
      size: 64
    required: true
    indexed: true

    - '/+custom-view':
        method: GET
          function: myviews:myview
  - custom tag

Start up the service:

Using docker

$ docker run -v /path/to/myproject:/opt/app -p 8000:8000 -ti --rm

Using aurelix command

$ export AURELIX_CONFIG='/path/to/myproject/app.yaml'
$ aurelix run -l

Configuration Spec

Aurelix works around YAML configuration for composing your application and models. This allows decoupling between the framework and the apps and also can pave the way for further automation in YAML generation.

App Configuration

app.yaml defines metadata about the application, which includes the FastAPI's app metadata (app title, summary, toc, swagger UI init oauth config), list of databases the application will connect to, and list of view functions to be registered at the root of the app. Following example shows some of the options can be defined on app.yaml

spec_version: app/0.1
title: Application
summary: My sample app
version: 0.1.0
model_directory: models # directory to model YAML spec, relative to app.yaml
libs_directory: libs # directory to libs directory, relative to app.yaml
databases: # sqlalchemy database connections to create for the app
  - name: default 
    type: sqlalchemy
    url: sqlite:///./database.sqlite
    # url_env: DB_URL # environment variable that stores the database url
  - name: default
    type: minio # type of object storage, we only support MinIO or MinIO compatible servers for now.
    endpoint_url: http://localhost:9000 
    # endpoint_url_env: S3_ENDPOINT # environment variable that stores endpoint url
    access_key: accesskey # object storage access key
    secret_key: secretkey # object storage secret key
    # access_key_env: S3_ACCESS_KEY # environment variable that stores the access key
    # secret_key_env: S3_SECRET_KEY # environment variable that stores the secret key

swagger_ui_init_oauth: # set this if you want to enable swagger UI OIDC auth
  client_id: # oidc client ID for swagger UI
  client_secret: # oidc client secret for swagger UI
oidc_discovery_endpoint: # url to .well-known/openid-configuration of OIDC provider to use as external token provider
  extensions: # view registry on the root of the app. use this place add views on your app that is not attached to a model
      method: 'GET'
        code: |
          def function(request: Request):
              return {'message': 'boo'}

For more details about app.yaml spec, checkout AppSpec in configuration options.

Model Configuration

Model configuration is where the bulk of Aurelix capability is, as Aurelix generates API on top of data model specification.

name: mymodel # name of the model, this translates to database table name for sqlalchemy storage
  name: sqlalchemy # type of storage to use, for now we only have sqlalchemy
  database: default # name of storage
fields: # this contain the list of fields you want to have in your model. 
    title: Title 
      type: string
      size: 128
    required: true
    default: null
    indexed: false
    unique: false
    validators: # validator chain
      - code: |
          from aurelix import exc

          def function(collection, value, data):
              # collection: refers to collection object
              # value: value of the field to validate
              # data: refers to full model data to validate
              if not value.startswith('prefix'):
                 raise exc.ValidationError("Invalid title")
      - function: mypackage.mymodule:myfunction # you can also specify reference to function in python module
  encodedString: # you can transform field value before storing into db and when loading from db
    title: Encoded string 
      type: string
      size: 128
    required: false
    default: null
    indexed: false
    unique: false
    input_transformers: # input serialization transform chain before storing in database
      - code: |
          import base64
          def function(collection, value, data):
              return base64.b64encode(value.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')
    output_transformers: # output deserialization transform chain before returning to user
      - code: |
          import base64
          def function(collection, value, data):
              return base64.b64decode(value.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')
  selectionField: # you can also specify enum fields
    title: Selection field
      type: string
      size: 128
        - value: option1
          label: Option 1 Title
        - value: option2
          label: Option 2 Title
  fileUpload:  # you can create a string field for referencing to object storage data. refer to objectStore option on the model level below
    title: File Upload
      type: string
      size: 128
objectStore:  # this contains objectStore settings for each field
    type: minio # type of object storage, we only support MinIO or MinIO compatible servers for now.
    endpoint_url: http://localhost:9000 
    bucket: mybucket 
    access_key_env: S3_ACCESS_KEY # environment variable that stores the access key
    secret_key_env: S3_SECRET_KEY # environment variable that stores the secret key

validators: # validation chain on the model itself
  - code: |
      from aurelix import exc
      def function(collection, data):
          # collection: refers to collection object
          # data: refers to full model data to validate

default_field_permission: readWrite # default permission to all fields
permission_filters: # permission filtering rules. it is evaluated from top to bottom

  # row filtering by roles
  - identities:
      - 'role:mygroup'
    where_filter: title like '%postfix' # use SQL where statement here for sqlalchemy storage
  - identities: 
      - '*' # all identities
    where_filter: 0=1 

  # column filtering by roles
  - identities:
      - 'role:group1'
    default_field_permission: restricted
      - title
      - fileUpload
  - identities:
      - 'role:group2'
    default_field_permission: readWrite
      - title
  - identities:
      - '*'
    default_field_permission: restricted

views: # views registry for the model
    enabled: true
    max_page_size: 100
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
  extensions: # custom views registry. views registered here is relative to the collection
      method: 'GET'
        code: | # you can use fastapi dependency injection here
          def function(request: Request, collection: Collection):
              return {'message': 'collection view'}
    '/{identifier}/+hello': # this view is attached to model
      method: 'GET'
        code: | # you can use fastapi dependency injection here
          def function(request: Request, collection: Collection, model: Model):
              return {'message': 'model view'}
  - mytag # openapi tag to group all views as
stateMachine: # if you want statemachine on +transition view, configure it here. it uses pytransition internally.
  initial_state: new
  field: workflowStatus
    - value: new
      label: New
    - value: running
      label: Processing
    - value: completed
      label: Completed
    - value: failed
      label: Failed 
      on_enter: # you can trigger functions on state enter/exit
        code: |
          from aurelix.crud.base import StateMachine

          def function(sm: StateMachine):
              request = sm.request
              item = sm.item
              # do something here
        code: |
          from aurelix.crud.base import StateMachine

          def function(sm: StateMachine):
              request = sm.request
              item = sm.item              
              # do something here
    - value: terminated
      label: Cancelled
    - trigger: start
      label: Start
      source: new
      dest: running
    - trigger: stop
      label: Stop
      source: running
      dest: terminated
    - trigger: complete
      label: Mark as completed
      source: running
      dest: completed
    - trigger: fail
      label: Mark as failed
      source: runnning
      dest: failed

  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here
  - code: |
      def function(collection, item: Model):
          # do something here
  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here
  - code: |
      def function(collection, item: Model):
          # do something here
  - code: |
      def function(collection, item: Model):
          # do something here
  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here

  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here
          return data
  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here
          return data
  - code: |
      def function(collection, data: dict):
          # do something here
          return data

For more details about model spec for mymodel.yaml, check out ModelSpec in configuration options

Client Library

Aurelix includes client library for interacting Aurelix server

from aurelix.client import Client

aurelix = Client('http://localhost:8000')

# create object

item = aurelix['mymodel'].create({'title': 'Title 1'})

# update object
item.update({'title': 'Title 2'})

# delete object


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Changelog for Aurelix

0.1.2b8 (2023-10-20)

  • Added json field support

0.1.2b7 (2023-10-16)

  • Added non-async sqlalchemy storage type (sqlalchemy-sync).
  • MSSQL users must use the non-async storage type

0.1.2b6 (2023-09-02)

  • Added missing manifest inclusion for yaml based init templates

0.1.2b5 (2023-08-27)

  • Use snake case in configuration
  • Added simple unit tests

0.1.2b4 (2023-08-26)

  • validate & decode oidc token instead of blindly trusting it by querying userinfo endpoint
  • remove UserInfo class as a decoded token have sufficient identity information
  • added relationships object in model responses
  • added relationship traversal in client

0.1.2b3 (2023-08-24)

  • added object storage support for object uploads
  • added field editing guard for object storage fields and workflow fields

0.1.2b2 (2023-08-23)

  • Added hooks for field and model validation
  • allow specifying function name in CodeRefSpec
  • added field input/output transfomer hooks
  • added alembic support

0.1.2.beta1 (2023-08-22)

  • fixed after/before create/update/delete event hooks not triggering
  • fixed transform create/update/output transform hooks not overriding correctly
  • event hooks and transform hooks are now multi-item and chainable
  • fix that caused failure to install from pip

0.1.1 (2023-08-21)

  • added field level permission filter
  • added encrypted-string field
  • exclude null from response objects
  • fixed startup issue when swagger_ui_init_oauth not configured
  • added init cli command to initialize project

0.1 (2023-08-21)

  • initial release

Project details

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Source Distribution

aurelix-0.1.2b8.tar.gz (45.7 kB view hashes)

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