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The Plone Content Management System (core)

Project description

About Plone

Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python,
Zope and the CMF.

It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS integration,
Python extensions, Object Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow,
pluggable membership and authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many
many other features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP and WEBDAV
Turn it into a distributed application system by installing ZEO.

Plone shares some of the qualities of Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It
aims to be *the* open source out-of-the-box publishing system.

Installing Plone

Plone is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux, OSX and BSD platforms.

`Install Plone by downloading an installer from <>`_.

What is Plone?

Plone is a ready-to-run content management system that is built on the powerful
and free Zope application server. Plone is easy to set up, extremely flexible,
and provides you with a system for managing web content that is ideal for
project groups, communities, web sites, extranets and intranets.

- *Plone is easy to install.* You can install Plone with a a click and run
installer, and have a content management system running on your computer in
just a few minutes.

- *Plone is easy to use.* The Plone Team includes usability experts who have
made Plone easy and attractive for content managers to add, update, and
maintain content.

- *Plone is international.* The Plone interface has more than 35 translations,
and tools exist for managing multilingual content.

- *Plone is standard.* Plone carefully follows standards for usability and
accessibility. Plone pages are compliant with US Section 508, and the W3C's
AAA rating for accessibility.

- *Plone is Open Source.* Plone is licensed under the GNU General Public
License, the same license used by Linux. This gives you the right to use
Plone without a license fee, and to improve upon the product.

- *Plone is supported.* There are over three hundred developers in the Plone
Development Team around the world, and a multitude of companies that
specialize in Plone development and support.

- *Plone is extensible.* There is a multitude of add-on products for Plone to
add new features and content types. In addition, Plone can be scripted using
web standard solutions and Open Source languages.

- *Plone is technology neutral.* Plone can interoperate with most relational
database systems, open source and commercial, and runs on a vast array of
platforms, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and BSD.

Technical overview

Plone is a content management framework that works hand-in-hand and sits on top
of Zope, a widely-used Open Source web application server and development
system. To use Plone, you don't need to learn anything about Zope; to develop
new Plone content types, a small amount of Zope knowledge is helpful, and it is
covered in the `documentation <>`_.

Zope itself is written in Python, an easy-to-learn, widely-used and supported
Open Source programming language. Python can be used to add new features to
Plone, and used to understand or make changes to the way that Zope and Plone

By default, Plone stores its contents in Zope's built in transactional object
database, the ZODB. There are products and techniques, however, to share
information with other sources, such as relational databases, LDAP, filesystem
files, etc.

Plone runs on Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and many other platforms;
double-click installers are available for Windows and Mac OS X, and RPM
packages are available for Linux. For full information, see the
` product page`_.

.. product page:

.. This file should contain the changes for the last release only, which
will be included on the package's page on pypi. All older entries are
kept in HISTORY.txt


5.1rc2 (2017-11-26)

New features:

- Toolbar: Allow configuration of the toolbar and submenu width via pattern variables.

- Update npm dependencies.

Bug fixes:

- Show example for expression in actions control panel.

- Fixed add-on listed as uninstalled when the default profile is not the first alphabetically.
Fixes `issue 2166 <>`_.

- Less variables: Fix calculation of screen max sizes.
Max sizes were two pixels too high.

- Mockup update.

- Remove site path from path in show_inactive in catalog search

- Don't raise Unauthorized on show_inactive check in catalog search

- Bump metadata.xml version.

- Extract CMFDefault specific config from `meta.zcml` into `meta-bbb.zcml`
to allow AT free and AT included sites.

- Add basic tests for all main zmi management screens.

- Fixes #2105: how to get ``email_from_name`` information in sendto_form.

5.1rc1 (2017-09-10)

Breaking changes:

- Replaced cssmin with PyScss to ensure Python 3 compatibility and maintainability.
Removed dependency to cssmin, so could break dependency for third party addons that depend on it.
Introduced PyScss as a drop in replacement that could also do more things.
Discussion on that at

- Fix and migrate safe_html filter completly into Plone registry and sync settings with TinyMCE.
Also some unused options in controlpanel where removed, like stripped_combinations and class_blacklist.

New features:

- Update ``plone-legacy-compiled.js`` and ``plone-legacy-compiled.css``.

- Update mockup to latest version.

- Added ``Show Toolbar`` permission.

- Add RobotFramework screenshot tests for the Plone documentation.
[datakurre, polyester]

- Add jqtree-contextmenu to the resource registry

- Add js-shortcuts to the resource registry

Bug fixes:

- Recover missing dashboard (user actions)

- Remove the right padding on toolbar submenu entries.
That looked a bit weird.

- Fixed accidentally removing permissions when saving the ``portal_controlpanel`` settings in the ZMI.
Fixes `issue 1376 <>`_. [maurits]

- Do not open links on a new tab as this is against basic usability guidelines.

- add :focus class on toolbar for keyboard users (

- Fix empty DX add_forms if formlib is also installed thru addon dependencies

- Update TinyMCE links (tinymce-controlpanel) to https

- Fix ``utils.get_top_site_from_url`` to work with non-OFS contexts.

- remove mention of "retina" (

5.1b4 (2017-07-03)

New features:

- Integrate ``mockup-patterns-structureupdater`` for updating title and description depending on the current context on the folder contents page.

- Updated jqtree to 1.4.1 from 1.3.3

- Update mockup to latest version.

- add registry settings for thumb and icon handling in tables, lists and portlets (PLIP)
recompiled bundle plone-logged-in
requires upgrade step (reapply profile)

- Update mockup to latest version.

- new metadata catalog column mime_type

- Include TinyMCE 4.5.6

Bug fixes:

- Use explicit @@footer view for footer portlet.

- Translate image scales in patterns.

- Gruntfile generation no longer fails on introspecting resourceDirectory
configurations using a plone.browserlayer layer, by loading all layers
configured for the site used during generation.
Fixes Issue `#2080`_.

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...

- Fix current value in group details edit form.

- Fixed KeyError ``productname`` when there is a broken add-on in the add-ons control panel.
Fixes `issue 2065 <>`_.

- Fix ``test_tinymce.robot`` test to work with latest related items changes.

- Fix expiration date when displaying in registered form.

- Remove TinyMCE pattern options from the body, as these are always set on the richtext fields mimetype selector or - if not there - on the textfield itself.

- Let TinyMCE options for the related items widget be generated by ````.
This aligns the options to how the related items widget is used elsewhere.

- CMFCore ``WarningInterceptor`` test base class was gone and is not needed in Plone, so removed.

- Fix default value for ``robots.txt`` to avoid issues with content containing "search" in the id.

- Remove references to Products.CMFDefault on meta.zcml

- Adapt tests to render social metadata only if you are anonymous.

- Fix search term munging with queries that include and, or and not.

- Fix issue where catalog search with path failed when path had inaccessible
(private) levels

- Add constraint to avoid filling ``twitter_username`` field with strings starting with a "@" character.

- Fixed addons/donations links, removed dead "add your site" link

- Fix isssue where collapsed toolbar was not initialized properly on page
refresh, resulting wide blank space between collapsed toolbar and page

- Removed "change portal events" permission

- Updated dead link to the error reference docs

- Do not rely on order in test of generated body classes ``browser.txt``.

- Fix possible ``mechanize.AmbiguityError`` in controlpanel tests.

5.1b3 (2017-04-03)

New features:

- Adapt code and tests to the new indexing operations queueing.
Part of PLIP 1343:

- Make use of plone.namedfile's tag() function to generate img tags. Part of plip 1483.

- Add retina scales settings in image handling. Part of plip 1483

Bug fixes:

- Use canonical url instead of absolute url for RSS feed items.
This code is used for the social viewlet too.
So default pages are reported with their parent url.
Fixes `layout issue 118 <>`_.

- Fix social media schema field types of ``twitter_username``, ``facebook_app_id`` and ``facebook_username`` to be ``ASCIILine`` instead of ``TextLine``.

- Show version of products in Add-ons control panel configlet.
This fixes

- Resource registry legacy bundle cooking: Exit early with a warning, if preconditions to build are not given (no compilation paths).
Allow cooking CSS, even if no JS is defined.
Log all important steps of the cooking process.

- Remove unused ``plone.css`` from static repository.

- Check for ``AccessInactivePortalContent`` for each path in a catalog query.
This solves a problem, where Editors couldn't see inactive content, even though they had the required permission on a subpath of the portal (e.g. a subsite).

- Test: Wrong use of assertTrue in testResourceRegistries.

- Fix issue popped iup after fix of use of assertTrue in testResourceRegistries: insert-before in legacy resource import was broken.

5.1b2 (2017-02-20)

Bug fixes:

- Fix packaging error.

5.1b1 (2017-02-20)

Breaking changes:

- Add helper method to get all catalog entries from a given catalog: ``Products.CMFPlone.CatalogTool.catalog_get_all``.
In Products.ZCatalog before 4.0 a catalog call without a query returned all catalog brains.
This can be used as a replacement where it is needed, for exampe in tests.
[thet, gogobd]

- Remove ``query_request`` from CatalogTool's search method, as it isn't supported in Products.ZCatalog 4 anymore.

- Removed our patch that added ``secureSend`` to the ``MailHost``.
This was originally scheduled for removal in Plone 5.0. See `issue
965 <>`_.

- The related items widget has changed a lot.
See the Mockup changelog for 2.4.0 here:

- All css classes named ``enableUnloadProtection`` were changed to ``pat-formunloadalert`` to trigger that pattern.
Templates using ``enableUnloadProtection`` should change to ``pat-formunloadalert`` too.
This change shouldn't impact too much, because the form unload protection didn't work at all in Plone 5 until now.

- MimetypesRegistry icons are now a browser resource directory instead of skins folder.

- Remove unused ``plone_scripts`` (not used nor tested anywhere in coredev) [jensens, davisagli]

- ````
- ````
- ```` with tests
- ````
- ````
- ````
- ```` with tests
- ````
- ````
- ````
- ````
- ```` and metadata
- ````
- ```` with tests
- ```` with tests
- ```` with test
- ````
- ````
- ```` with occurence refactored
- ```` with test
- ````

- Move scripts ```` and ```` to Archetypes
[jensens, davisagli]

- Remove methods of the ``@@plone`` view that were marked for deprecation:
- ``showEditableBorder`` (use ``@@plone/showToolbar``)
- ``mark_view`` (use ``@@plone_layout/mark_view``)
- ``hide_columns`` (use ``@@plone_layout/hide_columns``)
- ``icons_visible`` (use ``@@plone_layout/icons_visible``)
- ``getIcon`` (use ``@@plone_layout/getIcon``)
- ``have_portlets`` (use ``@@plone_layout/have_portlets``)
- ``bodyClass`` (use ``@@plone_layout/bodyClass``)

- Move plone_content skin templates into Products.ATContentTypes as browser views.

New features:

- Added ``ok`` view. This is useful for automated checks, for example
httpok, to see if the site is still available. It returns the text
``OK`` and sets headers to avoid caching.

- Make contact form extensible. This fixes

- Don't minify CSS or JavaScript resources if they end with ``.min.css`` resp. ``.min.js``.

- Add ``safe_encode`` utility function to ``utils`` to safely encode unicode to a specified encoding.
The encoding defaults to ``utf-8``.

- The password reset templates were changed to make use of ``content-core`` macros.

- Add utility method to retrieve the top most parent request from a sub request.

- Add ``mockup-patterns-relateditems-upload`` resource, which can be used in custom bundles to add the upload feature in the related items widget.

- Move ``get_top_site_from_url`` from to ```` and make it robust against unicode paths.
This function allows in virtual hosting environments to acquire the top most visible portal object to operate on.
It is used for example to calculate the correct virtual root objects for Mockup's related items and structure pattern.

- Add sort_on field to search controlpanel.

- PLIP 1340: Deprecate portal_quickinstaller.
You should no longer use CMFQuickInstallerTool methods, but GenericSetup profiles.

- Include mockup 2.4.0.

- PasswordResetTool moved from its own package to here (includes cleanup and removal of ``getStats``).

- Prevent workflow menu overflowing in toolbar [MatthewWilkes]

- Add default icon for top-level contentview and contentmenu toolbar entries [alecm]

- Toolbar: Make menu hover background fit whole menu width. [thet]

- Toolbar: Don't force scoll buttons to be left, when toolbar is right. [thet]

- Toolbar: Make first level list items exand the whole toolbar width - also when scroll buttons are shown. [thet]

- Toolbar: Make scroll buttons exand whole toolbar width. [thet]

- Toolbar: Let the toolbar submenus be as wide as they need to be and do not break entries into multiple lines. [thet]

- Resource Registry:
In ``debug-mode`` (zope.conf, buildout) do not load cache the production bundle.

- Resource Registry:
In ``debug-mode`` (zope.conf, buildout) do not ignore development mode for anonymous users.

- Resource Registry: If file system version is newer than ``last_compilation`` date of a bundle, use this as ``last_compilation`` date.

- Simplify generated Gruntfile.js (DRY)

- Fix: Do not modify the Content-Type header on bundle combine.

Bug fixes:

- Moved getToolByName early patch to the later patches.
This fixes a circular import.
See `issue #1950 <>`_.

- Include JS Patterns when loading a page via ajax or an iframe [displacedaussie]

- Restore ability to include head when loading via ajax [displacedaussie]

- Added security checks for ``str.format``. Part of PloneHotfix20170117. [maurits]

- Fixed workflow tests for new ``comment_one_state_workflow``. [maurits]

- Fixed sometimes failing search order tests. [maurits]

- Load some Products.CMFPlone.patches earlier, instead of in our initialize method.
This is part of PloneHotfix20161129.

- Depend on CMFFormController directly, because our whole login process is based on it and its installed in the GenericSetup profile.
Before it was installed indeirectly due to a dependency in some other package which is gone.

- Fix Search RSS link condition to use search_rss_enabled option and use
rss.png instead of rss.gif that doesn't exist anymore.

- Fix potential KeyError: admin in doSearch in Users/Groups controlpanel.

- Let the ``mail_password_template`` and ``passwordreset`` views retrieve the expiry timeout from the view, in hours.

- Fix i18n of the template.

- Remove "Minimum 5 characters" in help_new_password in like
in other templates.

- Fix duplicate i18n attribute 'attributes' in controlpanel/browser/

- Use "site administration" in lower case in and like in other templates.

- Support adding or removing bundles and resources on a request when working with resource tiles in a subrequest.

- Remove jquery.cookie from plone-logged-in bundle's stub_js_modules.
The toolbar, which has a dependency on jquery.cookie,
was moved from the plone bundle to plone-logged-in in CMPlone 5.1a2.

- Fix various layout issues in toolbar [alecm]

- Style display menu headings differently from actions [alecm]

- Avoid dependency on [davisagli]

- Fix TinyMCE table styles [vangheem]

- Fix TinyMCE content CSS support to allow themes to define
external content CSS URLs (as with CDN like setup).

- Add utf8 headers to all Python source files. [jensens]

- Add default icon for top-level contentview and contentmenu toolbar entries [alecm]
- Reset and re-enable ``define`` and ``require`` for the ``plone-legacy`` bundle in development mode.
Fixes issues with legacy scripts having RequireJS integration in development mode.
In Production mode, resetting and re-enabling is done in the compiled bundle.

- Apply security hotfix 20160830 for ``z3c.form`` widgets. [maurits]

- Fixed tests in combination with newer CMFFormController which has the hotfix. [maurits]

- Apply security hotfix 20160830 for ``@@plone-root-login``. [maurits]

- Apply security hotfix 20160830 for ``isURLInPortal``. [maurits]

- Enable unload protection by using pattern class ``pat-formunloadalert`` instead ``enableUnloadProtection``.

- Provide the image scale settings in TinyMCE image dialog.

- Fix link on ``@@plone-upgrade``

- Remove LanguageTool layer.

- Use fork of grunt-sed which is compatible with newer grunt version.

- Move some tests from ZopeTestCase to
[gforcada, ivanteoh, maurits]

- wording changes for social media settings panel

- URL change for bug tracker, wording tweaks to UPGRADE.txt

- Cleanup code of resource registry.

- Fix plone-compile-resources:
Toolbar variable override only possible if prior defined.
Define ``barcelonetaPath`` if ``plonetheme.barceloneta`` is available (but not necessarily installed).

- Include inactive content in worklists. [sebasgo]

- Fix #1846 plone-compile-resources: Missing Support for Sites in Mountpoints

- Do not use unittest2 (superfluos since part of Python 2.7).

- Fix security test assertion:
TestAttackVectorsFunctional test_widget_traversal_2 assumed a 302 http return code when accessing some private API.
Meanwhile it changed to return a 404 on the URL.
Reflect this in the test and expect a 404.

- Fix atom.xml feed not paying attention for setting to show about information

- Fix imports from package Globals (removed in Zope4).

- Skip one test for zope4.

- Fix csrf-test where @@authenticator was called in the browser.

- Do not attempt to wrap types-controlpanel based on AutoExtensibleForm and
EditForm in Acquisition using __of__ since
Products.Five.browser.metaconfigure.simple no longer has
Products.Five.bbb.AcquisitionBBB as a parent-class and thus no __of__.
Anyway __of__ in AcquisitionBBB always only returned self since are always aq-wrapped
using location and __parent__. As a alternative you could use as
base-class for a controlpanel since ControlPanelFormWrapper subclasses
Products.Five.BrowserView which again has AcquisitionBBB.

- Remove eNotSupported (not available in Zope 4)

- Remove deprecated __of__ calls on BrowserViews

- Test fix (Zope 4 related): More General test if controlpanel back link URL is ok.

5.1a2 (2016-08-19)

Breaking changes:

- Move toolbar resources to plone-logged-in bundle and recompile bundles.

- Don't fail, if ``timestamp.txt`` was deleted from the resource registries production folder.

- Add ``review_state`` to ``CatalogNavigationTabs.topLevelTabs`` results.
This allows for exposing the items workflow state in portal navigation tabs.

- Remove discontinued module ``grunt-debug-task`` from ``plone-compile-resources``.

- Remove deprecated resource registrations for ``mockup-parser`` and ``mockup-registry`` from mockup-core.
Use those from patternslib instead.

- ``plone-compile-resources``: Install ``grunt-cli`` instead of depending on an installed ``grunt`` executable.
If you already have a auto-generated ``package.json`` file in buildout directory, remove it.

- Moved code around and deprecated old locations in ``Products/CMFPlone/patterns/__init__``.
This goes together with same pattern settings changes in ````.
Also moved general usable ``./patterns/utils/get_portal`` to ``./utils/.get_portal``.
Deprecated ``./patterns/utils/get_portal`` and ``./patterns/utils/get_portal``.

New features:

- Updated components directory, recompiled bundles.

- Align bower components with newest mockup + documentation updates on mockup update process.

- Ignore a bit more in ``.gitignores`` for CMPlones bower components.

- Added setting to editing controlpanel to enable limit of keywords to the current navigation root.

- Make login modal dialog follow any redirects set while processing the login request.

- Add link to

- Allow to define multiple ``tinymce-content-css`` in theme ``manifest.cfg`` files, seperated by a comma.

- Update npm package depencies.

- Supported ``remove`` keyword for configlets in controlpanel.xml. [maurits]

- Deprecated Gruntfile generation script ``plone-generate-gruntfile``.
Modified the ``plone-compile-resources`` script to support more parameters in order to take over that single task too.
Also clean up of parameters, better help and refactored parts of the code.

- Make filter control panel work with new version of safe HTML transform
- Allow to hide/show actions directly from the Actions control panel list

Bug fixes:

- Have more patience in the thememapper robot test.

- Upgrade ``less-plugin-inline-urls`` to ``1.2.0`` to properly handle VML url node values in CSS.
- Fixed adding same resource/bundle to the request multiple times.

- Fixed missing keyword in robot tests due to wrong documentation lines.

- TinyMCE default table styles were broken after install due to a wrong default value.

- Rewording of some Site control panel text [tkimnguyen]

- Fixed syntaxerror for duplicate tag in robot tests. [maurits]

- Marked two robot tests as unstable, non-critical.
Refs [maurits]

- Use ``Plone Test Setup`` and ``Plone Test Teardown`` from ```` master. [maurits]

- Let npm install work on windows for plone-compile-resources.

- Don't fail, when combining bundles and the target resource files (``BUNLDE-compiled.[min.js|css]``) do not yet exist on the filesystem.
Fixes GenericSetup failing silently on import with when a to-be-compiled bundle which exists only as registry entry is processed in the ``combine-bundle`` step.

- Workaround a test problem with outdated Firefox 34 used at
This Workaround can be removed once was solved.

- Fix select2 related robot test failures and give the test_tinymce.robot scenario a more unique name.

- Add missing ``jquery.browser`` dependency which is needed by patternslib.

- Toolbar fixes:
- Autoformat with cssbrush and js-beautify,
- Remove ``git diff`` in line 105, which broke compilation.
- Use patternslib ``pat-base`` instead of ``mockup-patterns-base``.
- Remove dependency on deprecated ``mockup-core``.

- Removed docstrings from PropertyManager methods to avoid publishing them. [maurits]

- Added publishing patch from Products.PloneHotfix20160419.
This avoids publishing some methods inherited from Zope or CMF. [maurits]


- Remove whitespaces in ``Products/CMFPlone/browser/templates/``.

- Fixed versioning for File and Image.

- Do not hide document byline viewlet by default;
it is controled by the `Allow anyone to view 'about' information` option in the `Security Settings` of `Site Setup` (closes `#1556`_).

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

- Fix issue where incorrectly configured formats would cause TinyMCE to error

- Closes #1513 'Wrong portal_url used for TinyMCE in multilingual site',
also refactors the patterns settings and cleans it up.

- Removed inconsistency in the display of `Site Setup` links under 'Users and Groups'
control panel.

- Only encode JS body if unicode in gruntfile generation script to avoid
unicode error.

- Only encode CSS body if unicode in gruntfile generation script to avoid
unicode error.

- Gruntfile failed if only css or only javascripts were registered.

- Bundle aggregation must use ++plone++static overrided versions if any.

- Fix bundle aggregation when bundle has no CSS (or no JS)

- Fix relative url in CSS in bundle aggregation

- Do not hard-code baseUrl in bundle to avoid bad URL when switching domains.

- fix typo and comma splice error in HTML filtering control panel [tkimnguyen]

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Remove advanced_search input which is in double.

5.1a1 (2016-03-31)


- Changed these ``section`` elements to ``div`` elements: ``#viewlet-above-content``, ``#viewlet-above-content-body``, ``#content-core``, ``#viewlet-below-content-body``.
And these portlets ``section`` elements to ``aside`` elements: ``#portal-colophon``, ``#portal-footer-signature``.
This might affect your custom styling or javascript.


- Upgrade to tinymce to 4.3.4

- For the controlpanel portlets, use the nearest site url as a base for the overview-controlpanel.
This gives more flexibility for sub site controlpanels.

- added invisible-grid table styles

- Control panel to mange portal actions

- new less variable to configure the width of the toolbars submenu called ``plone-toolbar-submenu-width``.

- new zcml feature "plone-51" added. Profile version set to 5101.
Version references set to 5.1.0.

- Registered post_handler instead of plone-final. The plone-final
import step now does nothing. Instead, we redefined the old handler
as a post_handler explicitly for our main profile. This is
guaranteed to really run after all other import steps, which was
never possible in the old way. The plone-final step is kept for
backwards compatibility.

- Remove Zope mention in logout form

- Do not encode reply-to email address for contact-info form


- Fixed displaying the body text of a feed item. This is when
``render_body`` is switched on in the Syndication settings.

- Make Gruntfile.js generation script a bit more verbose to show the effective
locations of the generated bundles. This helps in case of non-working setups
also as if bundle compilation was started in browser at a first run a and
next run was run using the script and files were generated at different
places than expected.

- Ensured front-page is English when creating an English site.
Previously, when creating an English site with a browser that
prefers a different language, the body text ended up being in the
browser language. For languages without a front-page text
translation the same happened: they got the other language instead
of English. [maurits]

- Fixed test error in ```` failed with random error.

- Do not break background images relative urls in CSS when concatening bundles

- Fixed html validation: element nav does not need a role attribute.

- Fixed html validation: section lacks heading.

5.0.3 (2016-03-??)


- In the ``combine-bundles`` import step, make sure the Content Type
header is not set to ``application/javascript``. This would result
in the ``plone-upgrade`` result page being shown in plain text.

5.0.3c1 (2016-03-02)


- If a bundle does not provide any resources, do not attempt to compile it

- Build resource registry JavaScript for fix in not being able to develop js/css

- Include pat-moment for public javascript

- Add custom navigation root in TinyMCE configuration.

- Add barceloneta theme path in less configuration.

- Merge JS and CSS bundles into meta-bundles to reduce the number of requests
when loading a page (PLIP #1277)


- Toolbar cleanup: more less and less css, typo corrected in less variable,
better readability with a darker background in submenu, use font fallback
chain as in barcelonetta (works also w/o the theme).

- Fix browser spell checking not working with TinyMCE

- Do not fail when viewing any page, or during migration, when Diazo
is not installed and the persistent resource directory is not
registered. Fixes

- Move hero on welcome page from theme into managed content.

- Get ``email_from_name`` from the mail settings registry.

- No longer rely on deprecated ``bobobase_modification_time`` from

- Move p.a.discussion monkey patch for reindexing conversations to as p.a.discussion is part of Plone core.
[fredvd, staeff]

- Fix custom tinymce content styles not getting included correctly

- Fix timing problem with robot framework tests.

- Upgrade TinyMCE to 4.3

- Fix use of icons in search results

- Mock MailHost on so that tests relying on mails can use it.

- Fix `aria-hidden` attribute control problem on toolbar

- Sort relateditems tree by sortable_title in tinymce.

- Return a JSON error instead of a the Plone error page when the requested
resource is not text/html (fix #637).

5.0.2 (2016-01-08)


- Fix url generation for tinymce when using virtual hosting. This fixing
images not rendering properly in tinymce.

- build resources with latest mockup that provides better path criteria
widget for the querystring pattern

- Fixed Forbidden error when using the users and groups overview as
Site Administrator. This could happen when there are users that
inherit the Manager role from the Administrators group.
Fixes issue

- Fixed Unauthorized error in folder_full_view for anonymous users.
Fixes issue

5.0.1 (2015-12-17)


- Add option to show/hide thumbs in site-controlpanel

- Add icon fallback for addons in Site Setup (fixes `#1232`_)

- Explicitly provide id on search form and not depend on diazo magic
adding the id in.

- Be able to stub JavaScript modules to prevent including the same
javascript twice.

- Set Reply-to address in contact-info emails so you can reply to them.
[tkimnguyen, maurits, davisagli]

- Added syndication for collections.

- Compress generated bundle CSS file when running ``plone-compile-resource``.

- Added new commandline argument to plone-compile-resource: ``--compile-dir``.

- Upgraded to patternslib 2.0.11.

- Allowed all TinyMCE settings to be set from control panel.

- Added missing_value parameter to controlpanel list and tuple fields.

- Split hard coded JavaScript resources into seperate method for easier


- Fix internal links and images src to not include the domain.

- Update Site Setup link in all control panels (fixes `#1255`_)

- In tests, use ``selection.any`` in querystrings. And expect this in
the default news and events collections.

- Add authenticator token to group portlet links

- Fix bbb global status message template rendering escaped html

- Avoid AttributeError if registry is not yet there for the
JSRegistryNodeAdapter while migrating from older versions

- remove deprecated icons ...

- Also remove deprecated icons for archetypes

- Fixed white space pep8 warnings.

- Prevented breaking Plone when TinyMCE JSON settings fields contain
invalid JSON.

- Fixed #1199: prevent throwing error with mis-configured bundle.

- Fixed wrong sentence in front page. There is no "Site Setup entry
in the menu in the top right corner". Replaced it by "Site Setup
entry in the user menu".

- Fixed some i18n issues.

- Used unique traverser for stable resources to set proper cache headers.

- Fixed "contains object" tinymce setting not getting passed into pattern
correctly. Fixes #1023.

- Fixed issue when csscompilation and/or jscompilation are missing in
bundle registry record.

- Fixed #1131: Allow to compile bundle with more than one resource.

- Fixed issue where clicking tabs would cause odd scroll movement.

- When migration fails, do not upgrade addons or recatalog or update

- Default values for interfaces.controlpanel.IImagingSchema.allowed_sizes
should be unicode.

- Don't depend on and install does it for

5.0 (2015-09-27)

- Update hero text. Remove "rocks" line, more descriptive link button.

- Be able to provide table styles in tinymce configuration

- Fix #1071: AttributeError when saving theme settings
- Remove unused types_link_to_folder_contents setting

- Fix #817: When saving the filter control panel show a flash message with
info on caching.

- Remove Chrome Frame from ``X-UA-Compatible`` HTTP header as it's deprecated.

- Fix mail controlpanel not keeping password field when saving

- Remove trying to install plone.protect to global site manager
as that is now handled by plone.protect

- Fix traceback style (closes `#1053`_).

- Let plone-final import step also depend on the workflow step.
Otherwise the plone-final step installs with an
extra workflow, and then our own workflow step throws it away again.
Closes `#1041`_.

- Purge profile upgrade versions from portal_setup when applying our
default CMFPlone:plone profile. This signals that nothing has been
installed yet, so depencies will get reapplied instead of possibly
upgraded. This could cause problems mostly in tests. Closes

- Fix image preview in TinyMCE editor when in modals.

5.0rc3 (2015-09-21)

- Fix i18n in

- Resolve deprecation warnings about portal_url

- Improve contrast for pending state when state menu active (closes `#913`_).

- Fix buttons positions on resource registry (closes `#886`_).

- Add missing file for ace-editor to edit XML files (closes `#895`_).

- Remove empty options for Site Settings configlet (closes `#996`_).

- Hide document byline viewlet by default.

- Move portal property email_charset to the registry.

- Fix `#950`_: Missing personal toolbar when expanding the horizontal toolbar

- Make sure portal_actions are imported before default portlets.
Fixes `#1015`_.

- Move calendar_starting_year and calendar_future_years_available to
registry and Products.Archetypes.

- Use registry lookup for types_use_view_action_in_listings

- Add view @@hero to be included by plonetheme.barceloneta with diazo.

- Fix `#991`_: improve contrast for pending state in tollbar.

- remove unused code to create NavTree probably left from Plone 3.0 times
and since a while handled by

- add navigation root registry value

- Implement new feed syndication using `NewsML 1 <>`_,
an IPTC standard that provides a media-type-independent, structural framework for multi-media news.
[frapell, jpgimenez, tcurvelo, rodfersou]

- provide positive number validator

- Move external_links_open_new_window, redirect_links to the registry.

- Remove invalid_ids portal property as it isn't used.

- Fix `#963`_: respect icon visibility setting

- Fix `#935`_: Fix group membership form rendering when group can't be found.

- Fix redirect for syndication-controlpanel.

- Add advanced-option to button "Add Plone Site" in ZMI.

- Fix `#952`_: Toolbar menu completely misplaced because of link duplication

- Fix issue where some filter settings would not get saved and provide
correct defaults

- Better default tinymce settings

- Give some padding at the bottom of the toolbar menu dropdowns

5.0rc2 (2015-09-11)

- Move login properties to the configuration registry.

- Fix changing searchable in types-controlpanel.
Fix `#926`_.

- Respect view-url in livesearch-results. Fixes `#918`_.

- Fix Livesearch for items without review_state (files and image). Fixes #915.

- Apply isURLInPortal fix from

- Do not bother additional CRSF protection for addMember since all public
users get same CSRF token and the method should be unpublished.

- Remove site properties that have been migrated to the registry.

- fix `#862`_: Profile listing on site creation has alignment issues

5.0rc1 (2015-09-08)

- Remove deprecated

- Remove no-longer-used properties from portal_properties

- Move footer and colophon out of skins

- pre-cook resources so we do not write on read for resources generation

- Turn robots.txt into a browser-view, fix link to sitemap.xml.gz, allow
editing in site-controlpanel.
Fixes `#604`_.

- Remove history_form, history_comparison templates.
Remove now-empty plone_forms skins folder.

- Remove no-longer-used images from portal_images.

- Typo in delete modal configuration caused submission redirection errors

- Upgrade known core packages at the end of the Plone migration.

- remove Products.CMFPlone.utils.isLinked function. Switch to using's variant

- Fix error to allow site navigation if TinyMCE content_css setting is None

5.0b4 (2015-08-23)

- fix `#350`_: " circular dependency on Products.CMFPlone" - this
fixes the imports only, not on zcml/genericsetup level.

- move Plone specific ``getDefaultPage`` (magic) code from
over to Products.CMFPlone. This avoids a circular dependency. Also its
not really layout only related code.

- Fix add-ons to be installed using CMFQuickInstaller (restore support
for Extensions/

- Rename showEditableBorder to showToolbar and deprecate using
disable_border and enable_border for enable_toolbar and disable_toolbar

- Not using less variables in toolbar everywhere

- Fix link to documentation

- Rework timezone selection in @@plone-addsite.

- Rework language selection in @@plone-addsite.

- Turn @@tinymce-controlpanel ``content_css`` field into a list, so we can add
several CSS URLs (useful when add-ons need to provide extra TinyMCE styles),
and fix TinyMCE config getter so it considers the ``content_css`` value.

5.0b3 (2015-07-20)

- show toolbar buttons on sitemap, accessibility and search pages

- log info after catalog rebuilt

- Renamed 'Zope Management Interface' to 'Management Interface'.
[jaroel, aclark]

- Fix adding a new Plone site with country specific language. Refs `#411`_.

- fix plone-logged-in bundle not using global jquery for requirejs dependency and in
weird cases causing select2 load errors in patterns(especially resource registry)

- Use new policy API and delegate theme cache to

- Fix issue where site root syndication was giving 404s

- update time widget interval selection to be the same as Plone 4 time selection intervals

- use ajax_load in @@search when loading results dynamically, and add missing
closing tag

- better formatting of config.js

- Upload pattern uses the baseUrl to compute the upload URL, so this should
always be the site root and not the current context

- rewrite css files when saving customized files in the resource registry

- Update links to point to '@@overview-controlpanel'.
Fixes `#573`_.

- Fix email validation of long domain names.

- fix syndication feed use of lead image as it was using wrong url

- add utility to get site logo

- fix issue where product upgrade did show an error status message

- fix casing on "First weekday" field on Date and Time control panel

- fix imaging control panel example format on description

- Add page title to resource registry

- Remove ramcache-controlpanel csrf test. Ramcache control panel has been
moved to p.a.caching since ages. We will get rid of it.

- Add undeclared zope.cachedescriptors dependency.

- Do not require "Enable LiveSearch". This fixes `#558`_.

- Fix control panel titles. This fixes `#550`_, `#553`_, `#557`_.

- remove dependency

- fix bug where bundles would not get built properly with
compile-plone-resources script when multiple resources
were defined for a bundle

- do not require css to be defined for non-compilable bundles

- fix weird issue with selecting multiple links and images on a page
while you are editing with tinymce

- updates to contact forms to make them more user friendly on submission

- include code plugin by default for TinyMCE

- Fix build reading browser cached files by appending random query
param onto url. See `commit 2d3865805efc6b72dce236eb68e502d8c57717b6`_
and `commit bd1f9ba99d1ad40bb7fe1c00eaa32b8884aae5e2`_.

- fix manage content type and group portlets link to have authenticator

- Convert manage-portlets.js into a pattern and make improvements on
using the manage portlets infrastructure

- Remove dependency on and other formlib packages

- Remove plone.skip_links from the default set of viewlets in order to follow
modern a11y methods and drop support for outdated ways [sneridagh]

- Change the name and link of 'Types' control panel to 'Content Settings' and
'@@content-controlpanel' since there was confusion with the 'Dexterity
Content Types' one [sneridagh]

5.0b2 (2015-05-13)

- Add social media settings control panel

- add ability to provide a css file for tinymce style formats

- fix plone-generate-gruntfile to compile each less resource

- provide image alignment styles for tinymce images

- Respect TinyMCE control panel settings

- enable/disable versioning behavior with settings in Types control panel

- Make ``typesToList`` read ``metaTypesNotToList`` from new p.a.registry settings.
This fixes `#454`_.

- style tweaks to toolbar

- fix search form usability

- detect when changes are made to the legacy bundle through the interface
so resources are re-built when they need to be

- fix some legacy import wonkiness. Inserting multiple times, insert-before
and remove fixed

- make live search and search form give consistent results

- only show edit bar if user logged in

- fix error sending test email in Mail control panel

- pat-modal pattern has been renamed to pat-plone-modal

- Remove Products.CMFFormController dependency.

- Fix submission of tinymce control panel.

- Monkey patch SMTPMailer init method to pick up the mail settings from the
registry instead of from the MailHost itself.

- Add `resource_blacklist` attribute to resource registry importer, to
allow filtering of known bad legacy resource imports. Filter js from

- Fix broken "Installing a third party add-on" link

- Fix folder contents button disappeared act

- Fix resource registry javascript build

- Move `plone.htmlhead.links` viewlet manager after `plone.scripts`,
because the former is sometimes used to include scripts that depend on
the latter.

- Change the order of the plonebar user menu and move the plone.personal_bar
viewlet to the last position due to accessibility issues on having it being
the first element.

- We only support `utf-8` site-encoding at the moment

5.0b1.post1 (2015-03-27)

- Packaging fix, no code changes.

5.0b1 (2015-03-26)

- Add tests for configuring encoding of user registration or
forgotten password emails.

- Pass email encoding to forgotten password email template.

- Pass mail ``Content-Type`` to mailhost when sending forgotten password

- Move security control panel to CMFPlone. Fixes `#216`_.
[jcerjak, timo]

- Remove ``create_userfolder`` from addPloneSite factory, it is not used

- Read security settings from the registry instead of portal properties.

- Fix tests for unified view names, which uses
``listing_view`` for Folder and Collection types.

- Remove ``selectable_views`` from ``properties.xml``, which isn't used
anywhere anymore.

- Remove the remaining ``Topic`` entry in ``default_page_types`` from
``propertiestool.xml``. This setting is now done in
```` respectively ``Products.ATContentTypes``.

- Add __version__ attribute to This allows us to retrieve the
current Plone version with 'Products.CMFPlone.__version__'. Even though this
is no offical standard, many packages in the Python standard library provide

- Replaced the legacy mark_special_links javascript with a
corresponding mockup pattern.

- remove plone_javascript_variables.js as necessary values
are provided on body tag and pattern options

- fix bootstrap css bleeding into global namespaces

- add recurrence pattern

- add history support for folder contents

- Merge here

- Extended ulocalized_time for target_language

- Caching for ``@@site-logo``.

- Support for portal site logos stored in the portal registry by uploading via
the site control panel. Add a ``@@site-logo`` view for downloading the logo.

- Fix the resource registry to save the automatically generated filepath to the
compiled resource on the bundle object after compilation. The filepath is
always in the '++plone++static/' namespace. This fix makes custom bundles
actually includable.

- Get icon from layout_view instead of plone_view.

- Fix contentViews (tabs) markup for Plone 5.

- Rename syndication-settings to syndication-controlpanel. Keep the old view registration for backwards compatibility.

- Added a link for the advanced 'Create a Plone site' screen to the Plone overview.

- Fixed the label for 'Example content' in the advanced 'Create a Plone site' screen.

- Move markup control panel to CMFPlone. Fixes `#220`_.
[djay, thet]

- Use jstz to set default portal_timezone in @@plone-addsite.

- Make inline validation of AT multiple selection widget work.

- Make sure compiling resources does not commit transaction prematurely.

- Adding the option to configure a bundle from the diazo manifest file.

- Move the controlpanel overview from into this package
Fixes `#290`_.

- PLIP 10359: Migrate usergroups controlpanel to ``z3c.form`` and move it from to Products.CMFPlone. Fix and extend tests and add
robot tests.

5.0a3 (2014-11-01)

- folder_position script: make position and id optional. Default
position to 'ordered' and id to None, which means: do nothing.
plone.folder 1.0.5 allows this, making it possible to simply reverse
the current sort order by using reverse=False.

- Fix JS resource viewlet HTML syntax error.

- Fix resource bundle expressions. They weren't being checked at all and
reversed the condition if they had been. Also move caching of the cooked
expressions out of the DB and into a RAM cache.

- Fix endless resource dependency loop when dependeing on a bundle that also has
a dependency.

- reduce deprecation warnings to use plone_layout and not plone_view for
certain method calls in order to make debugging of robottests easier:
w/o it shows 1000ds of extra lines in html report.

- type controlpanel: Resolved problem with workflow selection form as it
was breaking if state title had non-ascii characters. see also
[lewicki, jensens]

- Minor overhaul of - no feature changes!
Optimizations and better readable code for indexer
``allowedRolesAndUsers``: now using a set.
Change if/elif/else to oneliner boolean expression in ``is_folderish``
Usage of AccessControl 3 style decorators for security declarations.
Minor reformattings to make code-analysis happy.

- Removed some javascripts: fullscreenmode.js, dragdropreorder.js,
styleswitcher.js, select_all.js, collapsibleformfields.js

- PLIP 13260: Migration cut, copy and paste into browser views.

- Abstract the search form and livesearch action URLs making it easier to
extend the search portlet with custom views or other actions.

- Fix JavaScript to work with recent jQuery (>= 1.9) versions.

- Small scoping fix in locking js code

- PLIP 13260: Migrate author page to browser views/z3c.form (issue `#78`_)

- Integration of the new markup update and CSS for both Plone and Barceloneta
theme. This is the work done in the GSOC Barceloneta theme project.
[albertcasado, sneridagh]

- Created new viewlet manager for holding main navigation for a more semantic
use of it. Move the global sections viewlet into it.

- New toolbar markup based in ul li tags.
[albertcasado, bloodbare, sneridagh]

- Update <div id="content"> in all templates with <article id="content">

- PLIP 14261: New resource registries.
[bloodbare, vangheem, robgietema, et al]

5.0a2 (2014-04-20)

- Advertise the migration of content to dexterity after a successful
upgrade to Plone 5.

- Strip leading & trailing spaces from id and title in rename-form.

- Fix incorrect use of dict get method in, introduced
by PloneHotfix20131210 (issue 195)

- Added timezone selection to add site page
[pysailor, yenzenz]

- Added date date and time controlpanel (moved over from
[yenzenz. thet]

- Remove DL/DT/DD's from portal messages, portlet templates and others.
Fixes `#153`_, `#163`_.

- PLIP 13260 remove templates and form scripts for
``select_default_page`` and ``select_default_view`` because they got
migrated to browser views. Fix tests for that and remove legacy tests.
See `#90`_.

- PLIP 13260: Migration contact-info to ``z3c.form`` and make it highly
[timitos, saily]

5.0a1 (2014-03-02)

- remove quickinstall control panel form since a new one was moved to

- Add 'warning' and 'error' status message types to the test_rendering

- Update the front-page links.

- In plone-overview view, we can now see Plone sites which are contained into
Zope folder.

- Make Plone tool read the exposeDCMetaTags from p.a.registry instead of
of the site properties.

- Hide install profile in the add-ons control panel.

- Removed script, since it doesn't offer real protection.

- Moved the member search form to

- PLIP #13705: Remove <base> tag.

- merge hotfixes from 20131210

- handle RichTextValue objects in syndication. Should
fix syndication with

- FolderFeed adapter now takes into account the limit property when displaying
the RSS feed just like the other adapters do

- Remove the portal_calendar tool and the dependency on CMFCalendar.

- Remove the plone_deprecated skin layer.
[gforcada, davisagli]

- Moved portal_factory and portal_metadata from Products.CMFPlone to
Products.ATContentTypes (PLIP #13770)

- Remove the portal_interface tool.

- Remove the portal_actionicons tool.

- Remove ownership_form and change_ownership script, which were not used.

- Convert author_feedback_template and accessibility_info to browser views.

- Move calendar_macros and jscalendar to Products.Archetypes.

- Remove plonetheme.classic from the package dependencies and the default
extension profile, since it will not ship with Plone 5.

- Move docs/CHANGES.txt to CHANGES.rst.

- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Add a dependency on Install by default.

- Drop dependency on plonetheme.classic.

- Remove old logo.jpg. Use logo.png from Sunburst.

- Inline validation JavaScript for z3c.form only sends request when
field name can be obtained from DOM for a widget (#13741).

- Add use_uuid_as_userid site property.
Part of PLIP 13419.

- Let set_own_login_name use the update(Own)LoginName method from PAS.
Part of PLIP 13419.

- recently_modified and recently_published respects allow anonymous to view
about setting

- Return a 404 instead of "AttributeError: (dynamic view)" if a user attempts to
view a still-temporary PortalFactory item.

- Ensure that initial_login is set to True when a user first logs in.

- Merged PLIP #12198: Depend on Chameleon ( as a faster page template

- make extensionprofiles selection part of 'advanced' in plone-addsite

- enable syndication on collection

- fix syndication settings to not write on read

- fix wrong download url for podcast syndication

- Merged PLIP #12344: Use Dexterity-based core content types.

* Avoid including ATContentTypes and Archetypes as a dependency.
* Install the profile for new sites.

[davisagli et al]

- Merged PLIP #13270: Move presentation mode out of core.
If the feature is still desired, use the add-on.

- Add "plone-5" ZCML feature. Add-ons can register
ZCML for Plone 5 only using zcml:condition="have plone-5"

- Plone's javascript is now developed as part of the Plone mockup
( and is included as a compiled

- Removed portal_interface tool (PLIP #13770)

- Removed kss_field_decorator_view support
[maurits, jaroel]

.. _`commit 2d3865805efc6b72dce236eb68e502d8c57717b6`:
.. _`commit bd1f9ba99d1ad40bb7fe1c00eaa32b8884aae5e2`:
.. _`#78`:
.. _`#90`:
.. _`#153`:
.. _`#163`:
.. _`#216`:
.. _`#220`:
.. _`#290`:
.. _`#350`:
.. _`#411`:
.. _`#454`:
.. _`#550`:
.. _`#553`:
.. _`#557`:
.. _`#558`:
.. _`#573`:
.. _`#604`:
.. _`#862`:
.. _`#886`:
.. _`#895`:
.. _`#913`:
.. _`#918`:
.. _`#926`:
.. _`#935`:
.. _`#950`:
.. _`#952`:
.. _`#963`:
.. _`#991`:
.. _`#996`:
.. _`#1015`:
.. _`#1041`:
.. _`#1053`:
.. _`#1232`:
.. _`#1255`:
.. _`#1556`:

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